diff options
authorSheldon Hearn <sheldonh@FreeBSD.org>2001-06-11 07:49:53 +0000
committerSheldon Hearn <sheldonh@FreeBSD.org>2001-06-11 07:49:53 +0000
commit20b7a5c052435b86bd4d68d77c7be5fc40b62fb4 (patch)
parent304c2a73cec3ac962da8a0ff5060fe785f9de222 (diff)
9 files changed, 321 insertions, 1761 deletions
diff --git a/mail/exim-devel/Makefile b/mail/exim-devel/Makefile
index 42a8fff32b6c..a59a12392b31 100644
--- a/mail/exim-devel/Makefile
+++ b/mail/exim-devel/Makefile
@@ -70,10 +70,7 @@ SEDLIST+= -e 's,^EXIM_MONITOR,\#EXIM_MONITOR,'
.if !defined(WITHOUT_TLS)
-SEDLIST+= -e 's,XX_TLS_LIBS_XX,-lssl -lcrypto,' \
.if !defined(WITHOUT_PERL)
@@ -150,7 +147,7 @@ SEDLIST+= -e 's,^\# SUPPORT_MBX=,SUPPORT_MBX=,'
${MKDIR} ${WRKSRC}/Local
- ${SED} ${SEDLIST} < ${FILESDIR}/Makefile > ${WRKSRC}/Local/Makefile
+ ${SED} ${SEDLIST} < ${WRKSRC}/src/EDITME > ${WRKSRC}/Local/Makefile
${SED} ${SEDLIST} < ${FILESDIR}/configure.default \
> ${WRKSRC}/src/configure.default
${CP} ${FILESDIR}/eximon.conf ${WRKSRC}/Local
diff --git a/mail/exim-devel/files/Makefile b/mail/exim-devel/files/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 0639047027f1..000000000000
--- a/mail/exim-devel/files/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,582 +0,0 @@
-# The Exim mail transport agent #
-# $FreeBSD$
-# This is the template for Exim's main build-time configuration file. It
-# contains settings that are independent of any operating system. It should
-# be edited and then saved to a file called Local/Makefile before first running
-# the make command.
-# Things that depend on the operating system have default settings in
-# OS/Makefile-Default, but these are overridden for some OS by files called
-# called OS/Makefile-<osname>. You can further override these by creating files
-# called Local/Makefile-<osname>, where "<osname>" stands for the name of your
-# operating system - look at the names in the OS directory to see which names
-# are recognized.
-# However, if you are building Exim for a single OS only, you can place all the
-# configuration settings in the one file called Local/Makefile; only if you are
-# building for several OS from the same source files do you need to worry
-# about splitting off the OS-dependent settings into separate files.
-# One OS-specific thing is the C compiler; the overall default is gcc, but
-# some OS Makefiles specify cc. You can override anything that is set by
-# putting CC=whatever in your Local/Makefile.
-# NOTE: You should never need to edit any of the distributed Makefiles; all
-# overriding can be done in your Local/Makefile(s). This will make it easier
-# for you when the next release comes along.
-# The location of the X11 libraries is something else that is quite variable
-# even between different versions of the same operation system (and indeed
-# there are different versions of X11 as well, of course). The four settings
-# concerned here are X11, XINCLUDE, XLFLAGS (linking flags) and X11_LD_LIB
-# (dynamic run-time library).
-# Another area of variability between systems is the type and location of the
-# dbm library package. Exim has support for ndbm, gdbm, and Berkeley DB. By
-# default it assumes ndbm; this often works with gdbm or DB, provided they
-# are correctly installed, via their compatibility interfaces. However, Exim
-# can also be configured to use the native calls for Berkeley DB 1.85 or
-# Berkeley DB version 2.x, and this is defaulted for some operating systems.
-# The defaults are set in OS/Makefile-Default, and can be changed by putting
-# things into an OS-specific Makefile, or indeed into the main Local/Makefile
-# if Exim is being compiled for a single OS only.
-# See also the file doc/dbm.discuss.txt for discussion about different dbm
-# libraries.
-# In Local/Makefiles blank lines and lines starting with # are ignored. It is
-# also permitted to use the # character to add a comment to a setting, for
-# example
-# EXIM_GID=42 # the "mail" group
-# However, with some versions of "make" this works only if there is no white
-# space between the end of the setting and the #, so it is probably best
-# avoided. However, a consequence of this facility is that it is not possible
-# to have the # character present in any setting, but I can't think of any
-# cases where this would be wanted.
-# /bin/sh is normally used as the shell in which to run commands that are
-# defined in the makefiles. This can be changed if necessary, but note that
-# a Bourne-compatible shell is expected.
-# MAKE_SHELL=/bin/sh
-# The following commands live in different places in some OS. The OS-specific
-# files should normally point to the right place, but they can be overridden
-# here if necessary. Perl is not necessary for running Exim unless you set
-# EXIM_PERL (see below) to get it embedded, but there are some Perl utilities
-# for processing log files. If you haven't got Perl, Exim will still build and
-# run; you just won't be able to run those utilities.
-# CHOWN_COMMAND=/usr/bin/chown
-# CHGRP_COMMAND=/usr/bin/chgrp
-# MV_COMMAND=/bin/mv
-# RM_COMMAND=/bin/rm
-# PERL_COMMAND=/usr/bin/perl
-# The following macro can be used to change the command for building a library
-# of functions. By default the "ar" command is used, with options "cq".
-# AR=ar cq
-# Exim has some support for the AUTH extension of SMTP (RFC 2554). If you want
-# to use this you must uncomment at least one of the following macros so that
-# appropriate code is included in the binary. You then need to set up the
-# runtime configuration to make use of the mechanism(s) selected.
-# AUTH_CRAM_MD5=yes
-# The binary directory: This variable defines where the exim binary will be
-# installed by "make install" or "exim_install". It is also used internally
-# by exim when it needs to re-invoke itself, either to send an error message,
-# or to recover root privilege. Exim's utility binaries and scripts are also
-# installed in this directory. There is no default for this variable built into
-# the source files; it must be set in one of the local configuration files.
-# The default distribution of Exim contains only the plain text form of the
-# documentation. Other forms are available separately. If you want to install
-# the documentation in "info" format, first fetch the Texinfo documentation
-# sources from the ftp directory and unpack them, which should create files
-# with the extension "texinfo" in the doc directory. Then set INFO_DIRECTORY to
-# your info directory; "make install" will then build the info files and
-# install them there.
-# The compress command is used by the exicyclog script to compress old log
-# files. Both the name of the command and the suffix that it adds to files
-# need to be defined here. See also the EXICYCLOG_MAX configuration.
-# If the exigrep utility is fed compressed log files, it tries to uncompress
-# them using this command.
-# The runtime configuration file: This variable defines where Exim's runtime
-# configuration file is. There is no default built into the source files, so
-# there must be a setting in one of the local configuration files. The
-# location of all other runtime files and directories can be changed in the
-# runtime configuration file.
-# In some installations there may be multiple machines sharing file systems,
-# where a different configuration file is required for Exim on the different
-# machines. If CONFIGURE_FILE_USE_NODE is defined, then Exim will first look
-# for a configuration file whose name is that defined by CONFIGURE_FILE,
-# with the node name obtained by uname() tacked on the end, separated by a
-# period (for example, /usr/exim/configure.host.in.some.domain. If this file
-# does not exist, then the bare configuration file name is tried.
-# In some esoteric configurations two different versions of Exim are run,
-# with different setuid values, and different configuration files are required
-# to handle the different cases. If CONFIGURE_FILE_USE_EUID is defined, then
-# Exim will first look for a configuration file whose name is that defined
-# by CONFIGURE_FILE, with the effective uid tacked on the end, separated by
-# a period (for eximple, /usr/exim/configure.0). If this file does not exist,
-# then the bare configuration file name is tried. In the case when both
-# are tried: <name>.<euid>.<node>, <name>.<node>, <name>.<euid>, and <name>.
-# The size of the delivery buffer: This specifies the size of buffer which is
-# used when copying a message from the spool to a destination. The default
-# value built into the source is 8192.
-# Included directors: These variables determine which individual director
-# drivers are included in the Exim binary. There are no defaults; those that
-# are wanted must be defined here by setting the appropriate variables to the
-# value "yes". The actions of each director are described in a separate chapter
-# in the manual. Including a director in the binary does not cause it to
-# be used automatically. It has also to be specified in the runtime
-# configuration file.
-# The mode of the database directory: Exim creates a directory called "db"
-# in its spool directory, to hold its databases of hints. This variable
-# determines the mode of the created directory. The default value in the
-# source is 0750.
-# Database file mode: The mode of files created in the "db" directory defaults
-# to 0640 in the source, and can be changed here.
-# DB_MODE=0640
-# Database lock file mode: The mode of zero-length files created in the "db"
-# directory to use for locking purposes defaults to 0640 in the source, and
-# can be changed here.
-# Cycling log files: this variable specifies the maximum number of old
-# log files that are kept by the exicyclog log-cycling script.
-# Running Exim without it being root all the time: A uid and gid for Exim can
-# be specified here, and this is strongly recommended. These values are
-# compiled into the binary. It is possible to change them by settings in the
-# runtime configuration file, but setting them here is preferred. If EXIM_UID
-# is not defined, the default in the code is to run as root (unless specified
-# otherwise at run time) except when doing local deliveries, when it always
-# runs as the appropriate local user. Specifying 0 at run time has the effect
-# of unsetting the values build into the binary.
-# The settings here must be numeric; the run time file allows names to
-# be used. When this uid and gid are set, the Exim binary still has to be
-# setuid root if local deliveries are to be performed or a listener on port
-# 25 is to be run, but it gives up its privilege when possible. There is a
-# trade-off between security and efficiency, controlled by the runtime
-# "security" setting, which controls how privilege is released (setuid vs
-# seteuid).
-# Compiling the Exim monitor: If you want to compile the Exim monitor,
-# a program that requires an X11 display, then EXIM_MONITOR should be
-# set to the value "eximon.bin". Comment out this setting to disable
-# compilation of the binary file that is run by the eximon script. The
-# locations of various X11 directories for libraries and include files
-# are defaulted in the OS/Makefile-Default file, and can be overridden
-# in local OS-specific make files.
-# Compiling in support for embedded Perl: If you want to be able to
-# use Perl code in Exim's string manipulation language and you have Perl
-# (version 5.004 or later) installed, set EXIM_PERL to perl.o.
-# EXIM_PERL=perl.o
-# There are also three options which are used when compiling the Perl interface
-# and when linking with Perl. The default values for these are placed
-# automatically at the head of the Makefile by the script which builds it.
-# However, if you want to override them, you can do so here.
-# This parameter sets the maximum length of the header portion of a message
-# that Exim is prepared to process. The default setting is one megabyte. There
-# is a limit in order to catch rogue mailers that might connect to your SMTP
-# port, start off a header line, and then just pump junk at it for ever. The
-# message_size_limit option would also catch this, but it may not be set.
-# HEADER_MAXSIZE="(1024*1024)"
-# The mode of the input directory: The input directory is where messages are
-# kept while awaiting delivery. Exim creates it if necessary, using a mode
-# which can be defined here (default 0750).
-# Exim log directory and files: Exim creates several log files inside a
-# single log directory. You can define the directory and the form of the
-# log file name here, by setting LOG_FILE_PATH to a path name containing one
-# occurrence of %s. This will be replaced by one of the strings "main",
-# "panic", or "reject" to form the final file name. For example, some
-# installations may want something like this:
-# which results in files with names /var/log/exim_mainlog, etc. The directory
-# in which the log files are placed must exist; Exim does not try to create
-# it for itself. It is also your responsibility to ensure that Exim is capable
-# of writing files using this path name. If you have defined EXIM_UID and
-# EXIM_GID above, then that uid and gid must be able to create files in the
-# directory you have specified.
-# You can also configure Exim to use syslog, instead of or as well as log
-# files, by settings such as these
-# LOG_FILE_PATH=syslog
-# LOG_FILE_PATH=syslog:/var/log/exim_%slog
-# Do not include white space in such a setting as it messes up the building
-# process.
-# You do not have to define the log file path here; an option in the runtime
-# configuration file can also set it, and that overrides any setting here.
-# However, it is recommended that you set it here if it is a fixed path, so
-# that it is available right from the start of Exim's execution. Otherwise,
-# errors detected early on, for example errors in the configuration file,
-# cannot be logged.
-# If you do not set LOG_FILE_PATH here or in the runtime configuration, Exim
-# creates a directory called "log" inside its spool directory (see
-# SPOOL_DIRECTORY below) and uses that with filenames "mainlog", "paniclog",
-# etc. Its mode defaults to 0750 but that can be changed here.
-# This value is used only when Exim creates the directory for itself.
-# The log files themselves are created as required, with a mode that defaults
-# to 0640, but which can be changed here.
-# LOG_MODE=0640
-# Included file and database lookup methods. See the manual chapter entitled
-# "File and database lookups" for discussion. DBM and lsearch (linear search)
-# are included by default. LOOKUP_DNSDB does *not* refer to general mail
-# routing using the DNS. It is for the specialist case of using the DNS as
-# a general database facility (not common). For details of cdb files and the
-# tools to build them, see http://www.pobox.com/~djb/cdb.html.
-# Additional libraries and include directories may be required for some
-# lookup styles, e.g. LDAP, MYSQL or PGSQL. LOOKUP_LIBS is included only on
-# the command for linking Exim itself, not on any auxiliary programs. You
-# don't need to set LOOKUP_INCLUDE if the relevant directories are already
-# specified in INCLUDE.
-# LOOKUP_INCLUDE=-I /usr/local/ldap/include -I /usr/local/mysql/include -I /usr/local/pgsql/include
-# LOOKUP_LIBS=-L/usr/local/lib -lldap -llber -lmysqlclient -lpq
-# If you have set LDAP=yes, you should set LDAP_LIB_TYPE to indicate which LDAP
-# library you have. Unfortunately, though most of their functions are the
-# same, there are minor differences. Currently Exim knows about four LDAP
-# libraries: the one from the University of Michigan (also known as OpenLDAP 1),
-# OpenLDAP 2, the Netscape SDK library, and the library that comes with Solaris
-# 7 onwards. Uncomment whichever of these you are using.
-# If you don't set any of these, Exim assumes the original University of
-# Michigan (OpenLDAP 1) library.
-# The TESTDB lookup is for performing tests on the handling of lookup
-# results, and is not useful for general running. It should be included
-# only when debugging the code of Exim.
-# Network interfaces: Unless you set the local_interfaces option in the runtime
-# configuration file to restrict Exim to certain interfaces only, it will run
-# code to find all the interfaces there are on your host. Unfortunately,
-# the call to the OS that does this requires a buffer large enough to hold
-# data for all the interfaces - it was designed of course in the days when a
-# host rarely had more than three or four at most. Nowadays hosts can have
-# very many virtual interfaces running on the same hardware. If you have more
-# than 250 virtual interfaces, you will need to uncomment this setting and
-# increase the value.
-# Per-message logs: While a message is in the process of being delivered,
-# comments on its progress are written to a message log, for the benefit of
-# human administrators. These logs are held in a directory called "msglog"
-# in the spool directory. Its mode defaults to 0750, but can be changed here.
-# The message log directory is also used for storing files that are used by
-# transports for returning data to a message's sender (see the "return_output"
-# option for transports).
-# Identifying the daemon: When an Exim daemon starts up, it writes its pid to
-# a file so that it can easily be identified. The path of the file can be
-# specified here. It must contain precisely one occurrence of "%s". When
-# a daemon is run on the default SMTP port, this is replaced with the null
-# string, but when it is run with some explicit port specified, "%s" is
-# replaced with the port number preceded by a dot. If a daemon is run with
-# only one of -bd and -q<time>, then that option is added on to the end of
-# the file name, allowing sites that run two separate daemons to distinguish
-# them. Some installations may want something like this
-# PID_FILE_PATH=/var/run/exim%s.pid
-# If PID_FILE_PATH is not defined, Exim writes a file in its spool directory
-# (see SPOOL_DIRECTORY below) with the name "exim-daemon.pid" for the standard
-# daemon, or "exim-daemon.<port>.pid" for a daemon listening on a non-standard
-# port. If you run a daemon that does not have both the -bd and -q options,
-# then whichever of the two options it does have is added to the file name,
-# whether obtained from PID_FILE_PATH or by default.
-# The pid file path does not have to be set here; it can be also be set by an
-# option in the runtime configuration file, which takes precedence over any
-# setting here.
-# Included routers: These variables determine which individual router drivers
-# are included in the Exim binary. There are no defaults; those that are
-# wanted must be defined here by setting the appropriate variables to the value
-# "yes". The actions of each router are described in a separate chapter
-# in the manual. Including a router in the binary does not cause it to
-# be used automatically. It has also to be specified in the runtime
-# configuration file. Those routers that are *not* wanted must not be defined
-# here at all - comment them out.
-# This one is very special-purpose, so is not included by default.
-# The spool directory: This directory is where all the data for messages in
-# transit is kept. There is no default in the source, so its location must be
-# defined in a local compile-time configuration file, or in the runtime
-# configuration. It is recommended (but not mandatory) that you define it here
-# if it is a fixed path, especially if you have not defined LOG_FILE_PATH. Log
-# files are then written in a sub-directory of the spool directory, and it is
-# helpful to have this defined right from the start of execution so that, for
-# example, errors in reading the runtime configuration file can be logged.
-# Exim creates the spool directory if it does not exist. If a non-root uid and
-# gid have been defined for Exim (either in this configuration file, or by the
-# runtime configuration options), then this directory and all sub-directories
-# and their files will be created with their owners and groups set to Exim's
-# uid and gid.
-# Many installations will want something like this:
-# Others may prefer to keep all Exim things under one directory:
-# SPOOL_DIRECTORY=/usr/exim/spool
-# If Exim creates the spool directory, it is given this mode, defaulting in the
-# source to 0750.
-# The mode of files on the input spool which hold the contents of message can
-# be changed here. The default is 0600. If you have defined a uid and gid for
-# Exim and want information from the spool to be available to anyone who is a
-# member of the Exim group, change the value to 0640. This is particularly
-# relevant if you are going to run the Exim monitor.
-# SPOOL_MODE=0600
-# If STDERR_FILE is defined then the -df command line option causes Exim to
-# redirect stderr to the named file. This is useful for catching debugging
-# output when starting Exim via inetd.
-# The appendfile transport can write messages as individual files in a number
-# of formats. The code for three specialist formats, maildir, mailstore, and
-# MBX, is included only when requested by the following settings:
-# Moving frozen messages: If the following is uncommented, Exim is compiled
-# with support for automatically moving frozen messages out of the main spool
-# directory, a facility that is found useful by some large installations. A
-# runtime option is required to cause the moving actually to occur. Such
-# messages become "invisible" to the normal management tools.
-# Support for PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules), a facility
-# which is available in the latest releases of Solaris and in some GNU/Linux
-# distributions (see http://ftp.at.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/pam/). The Exim
-# support, which is intended for use in conjunction with the SMTP AUTH
-# facilities, is included only when requested by the following setting:
-# You probably need to add -lpam to EXTRALIBS, and in some releases of
-# GNU/Linux -ldl is also needed.
-# Exim can be built to support the SMTP STARTTLS command, which implements
-# Transport Layer Security using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). To do this, you
-# must install the OpenSSL library package. Exim contains no cryptographic
-# code of its own. Uncomment the following lines if you want to build Exim
-# with TLS support.
-# If you are running Exim as a server, note that just building it with TLS
-# support is not usually all you need to do. You normally need to set up a
-# suitable certificate, and tell Exim about it by means of the tls_certificate
-# and tls_privatekey runtime options. You also need to set tls_advertise_hosts
-# to specify which hosts TLS support is advertised to. On the other hand,
-# if you are running Exim only as a client, building it with TLS support
-# is all you need to do.
-# Additional libraries and include files are required for OpenSSL. The TLS_LIBS
-# setting above assumes that the libraries are installed with all your other
-# libraries. If they are in a special directory, you may need something like
-# TLS_LIBS=-L/usr/local/openssl/lib -lssl -lcrypto
-# TLS_LIBS is included only on the command for linking Exim itself, not on any
-# auxiliary programs. If the include files are not in a standard place, you can
-# set TLS_INCLUDE to specify where they are:
-# TLS_INCLUDE=-I/usr/local/openssl/include/
-# You don't need to set TLS_INCLUDE if the relevant directories are already
-# specified in INCLUDE.
-# Included transports: These variables determine which individual transport
-# drivers are included in the Exim binary. There are no defaults; those that
-# are wanted must be defined here by setting the appropriate variables to the
-# value "yes". The actions of each transport are described in a separate chapter
-# in the manual. Including a transport in the binary does not cause it to
-# be used automatically. It has also to be specified in the runtime
-# configuration file.
-# This one is special-purpose, and commonly not required, so do not include
-# it by default.
-# TCP wrappers: If you want to use tcpwrappers from within Exim, uncomment
-# this setting. See the manual section entitled "Use of tcpwrappers" in the
-# chapter on building and installing Exim.
-# End of EDITME
diff --git a/mail/exim-devel/files/patch-src::EDITME b/mail/exim-devel/files/patch-src::EDITME
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..34dd37491198
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/exim-devel/files/patch-src::EDITME
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+--- src/EDITME.orig Fri Jan 19 11:32:06 2001
++++ src/EDITME Mon Jun 11 09:45:26 2001
+@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
+ # installed in this directory. There is no default for this variable built into
+ # the source files; it must be set in one of the local configuration files.
+ # The default distribution of Exim contains only the plain text form of the
+@@ -114,21 +114,21 @@
+ # your info directory; "make install" will then build the info files and
+ # install them there.
+-# INFO_DIRECTORY=/usr/local/info
+ # The compress command is used by the exicyclog script to compress old log
+ # files. Both the name of the command and the suffix that it adds to files
+ # need to be defined here. See also the EXICYCLOG_MAX configuration.
+ # If the exigrep utility is fed compressed log files, it tries to uncompress
+ # them using this command.
+ # The runtime configuration file: This variable defines where Exim's runtime
+@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
+ # location of all other runtime files and directories can be changed in the
+ # runtime configuration file.
+ # In some installations there may be multiple machines sharing file systems,
+@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@
+ # "panic", or "reject" to form the final file name. For example, some
+ # installations may want something like this:
+-# LOG_FILE_PATH=/var/log/exim_%slog
+ # which results in files with names /var/log/exim_mainlog, etc. The directory
+ # in which the log files are placed must exist; Exim does not try to create
+@@ -350,6 +350,8 @@
+ # LOOKUP_INCLUDE=-I /usr/local/ldap/include -I /usr/local/mysql/include -I /usr/local/pgsql/include
+ # LOOKUP_LIBS=-L/usr/local/lib -lldap -llber -lmysqlclient -lpq
+ # If you have set LDAP=yes, you should set LDAP_LIB_TYPE to indicate which LDAP
+ # library you have. Unfortunately, though most of their functions are the
+@@ -363,6 +365,7 @@
+ # If you don't set any of these, Exim assumes the original University of
+ # Michigan (OpenLDAP 1) library.
+@@ -409,7 +412,7 @@
+ # the file name, allowing sites that run two separate daemons to distinguish
+ # them. Some installations may want something like this
+-# PID_FILE_PATH=/var/lock/exim%s.pid
++# PID_FILE_PATH=/var/run/exim%s.pid
+ # If PID_FILE_PATH is not defined, Exim writes a file in its spool directory
+ # (see SPOOL_DIRECTORY below) with the name "exim-daemon.pid" for the standard
+@@ -458,7 +461,7 @@
+ # uid and gid.
+ # Many installations will want something like this:
+-# SPOOL_DIRECTORY=/var/spool/exim
+ # Others may prefer to keep all Exim things under one directory:
+ # SPOOL_DIRECTORY=/usr/exim/spool
+@@ -523,7 +526,7 @@
+ # with TLS support.
+-# TLS_LIBS=-lssl -lcrypto
++TLS_LIBS=-lssl -lcrypto
+ # If you are running Exim as a server, note that just building it with TLS
+ # support is not usually all you need to do. You normally need to set up a
+@@ -573,5 +576,6 @@
+ # chapter on building and installing Exim.
+ # End of EDITME
diff --git a/mail/exim-old/Makefile b/mail/exim-old/Makefile
index 42a8fff32b6c..a59a12392b31 100644
--- a/mail/exim-old/Makefile
+++ b/mail/exim-old/Makefile
@@ -70,10 +70,7 @@ SEDLIST+= -e 's,^EXIM_MONITOR,\#EXIM_MONITOR,'
.if !defined(WITHOUT_TLS)
-SEDLIST+= -e 's,XX_TLS_LIBS_XX,-lssl -lcrypto,' \
.if !defined(WITHOUT_PERL)
@@ -150,7 +147,7 @@ SEDLIST+= -e 's,^\# SUPPORT_MBX=,SUPPORT_MBX=,'
${MKDIR} ${WRKSRC}/Local
- ${SED} ${SEDLIST} < ${FILESDIR}/Makefile > ${WRKSRC}/Local/Makefile
+ ${SED} ${SEDLIST} < ${WRKSRC}/src/EDITME > ${WRKSRC}/Local/Makefile
${SED} ${SEDLIST} < ${FILESDIR}/configure.default \
> ${WRKSRC}/src/configure.default
${CP} ${FILESDIR}/eximon.conf ${WRKSRC}/Local
diff --git a/mail/exim-old/files/Makefile b/mail/exim-old/files/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 0639047027f1..000000000000
--- a/mail/exim-old/files/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,582 +0,0 @@
-# The Exim mail transport agent #
-# $FreeBSD$
-# This is the template for Exim's main build-time configuration file. It
-# contains settings that are independent of any operating system. It should
-# be edited and then saved to a file called Local/Makefile before first running
-# the make command.
-# Things that depend on the operating system have default settings in
-# OS/Makefile-Default, but these are overridden for some OS by files called
-# called OS/Makefile-<osname>. You can further override these by creating files
-# called Local/Makefile-<osname>, where "<osname>" stands for the name of your
-# operating system - look at the names in the OS directory to see which names
-# are recognized.
-# However, if you are building Exim for a single OS only, you can place all the
-# configuration settings in the one file called Local/Makefile; only if you are
-# building for several OS from the same source files do you need to worry
-# about splitting off the OS-dependent settings into separate files.
-# One OS-specific thing is the C compiler; the overall default is gcc, but
-# some OS Makefiles specify cc. You can override anything that is set by
-# putting CC=whatever in your Local/Makefile.
-# NOTE: You should never need to edit any of the distributed Makefiles; all
-# overriding can be done in your Local/Makefile(s). This will make it easier
-# for you when the next release comes along.
-# The location of the X11 libraries is something else that is quite variable
-# even between different versions of the same operation system (and indeed
-# there are different versions of X11 as well, of course). The four settings
-# concerned here are X11, XINCLUDE, XLFLAGS (linking flags) and X11_LD_LIB
-# (dynamic run-time library).
-# Another area of variability between systems is the type and location of the
-# dbm library package. Exim has support for ndbm, gdbm, and Berkeley DB. By
-# default it assumes ndbm; this often works with gdbm or DB, provided they
-# are correctly installed, via their compatibility interfaces. However, Exim
-# can also be configured to use the native calls for Berkeley DB 1.85 or
-# Berkeley DB version 2.x, and this is defaulted for some operating systems.
-# The defaults are set in OS/Makefile-Default, and can be changed by putting
-# things into an OS-specific Makefile, or indeed into the main Local/Makefile
-# if Exim is being compiled for a single OS only.
-# See also the file doc/dbm.discuss.txt for discussion about different dbm
-# libraries.
-# In Local/Makefiles blank lines and lines starting with # are ignored. It is
-# also permitted to use the # character to add a comment to a setting, for
-# example
-# EXIM_GID=42 # the "mail" group
-# However, with some versions of "make" this works only if there is no white
-# space between the end of the setting and the #, so it is probably best
-# avoided. However, a consequence of this facility is that it is not possible
-# to have the # character present in any setting, but I can't think of any
-# cases where this would be wanted.
-# /bin/sh is normally used as the shell in which to run commands that are
-# defined in the makefiles. This can be changed if necessary, but note that
-# a Bourne-compatible shell is expected.
-# MAKE_SHELL=/bin/sh
-# The following commands live in different places in some OS. The OS-specific
-# files should normally point to the right place, but they can be overridden
-# here if necessary. Perl is not necessary for running Exim unless you set
-# EXIM_PERL (see below) to get it embedded, but there are some Perl utilities
-# for processing log files. If you haven't got Perl, Exim will still build and
-# run; you just won't be able to run those utilities.
-# CHOWN_COMMAND=/usr/bin/chown
-# CHGRP_COMMAND=/usr/bin/chgrp
-# MV_COMMAND=/bin/mv
-# RM_COMMAND=/bin/rm
-# PERL_COMMAND=/usr/bin/perl
-# The following macro can be used to change the command for building a library
-# of functions. By default the "ar" command is used, with options "cq".
-# AR=ar cq
-# Exim has some support for the AUTH extension of SMTP (RFC 2554). If you want
-# to use this you must uncomment at least one of the following macros so that
-# appropriate code is included in the binary. You then need to set up the
-# runtime configuration to make use of the mechanism(s) selected.
-# AUTH_CRAM_MD5=yes
-# The binary directory: This variable defines where the exim binary will be
-# installed by "make install" or "exim_install". It is also used internally
-# by exim when it needs to re-invoke itself, either to send an error message,
-# or to recover root privilege. Exim's utility binaries and scripts are also
-# installed in this directory. There is no default for this variable built into
-# the source files; it must be set in one of the local configuration files.
-# The default distribution of Exim contains only the plain text form of the
-# documentation. Other forms are available separately. If you want to install
-# the documentation in "info" format, first fetch the Texinfo documentation
-# sources from the ftp directory and unpack them, which should create files
-# with the extension "texinfo" in the doc directory. Then set INFO_DIRECTORY to
-# your info directory; "make install" will then build the info files and
-# install them there.
-# The compress command is used by the exicyclog script to compress old log
-# files. Both the name of the command and the suffix that it adds to files
-# need to be defined here. See also the EXICYCLOG_MAX configuration.
-# If the exigrep utility is fed compressed log files, it tries to uncompress
-# them using this command.
-# The runtime configuration file: This variable defines where Exim's runtime
-# configuration file is. There is no default built into the source files, so
-# there must be a setting in one of the local configuration files. The
-# location of all other runtime files and directories can be changed in the
-# runtime configuration file.
-# In some installations there may be multiple machines sharing file systems,
-# where a different configuration file is required for Exim on the different
-# machines. If CONFIGURE_FILE_USE_NODE is defined, then Exim will first look
-# for a configuration file whose name is that defined by CONFIGURE_FILE,
-# with the node name obtained by uname() tacked on the end, separated by a
-# period (for example, /usr/exim/configure.host.in.some.domain. If this file
-# does not exist, then the bare configuration file name is tried.
-# In some esoteric configurations two different versions of Exim are run,
-# with different setuid values, and different configuration files are required
-# to handle the different cases. If CONFIGURE_FILE_USE_EUID is defined, then
-# Exim will first look for a configuration file whose name is that defined
-# by CONFIGURE_FILE, with the effective uid tacked on the end, separated by
-# a period (for eximple, /usr/exim/configure.0). If this file does not exist,
-# then the bare configuration file name is tried. In the case when both
-# are tried: <name>.<euid>.<node>, <name>.<node>, <name>.<euid>, and <name>.
-# The size of the delivery buffer: This specifies the size of buffer which is
-# used when copying a message from the spool to a destination. The default
-# value built into the source is 8192.
-# Included directors: These variables determine which individual director
-# drivers are included in the Exim binary. There are no defaults; those that
-# are wanted must be defined here by setting the appropriate variables to the
-# value "yes". The actions of each director are described in a separate chapter
-# in the manual. Including a director in the binary does not cause it to
-# be used automatically. It has also to be specified in the runtime
-# configuration file.
-# The mode of the database directory: Exim creates a directory called "db"
-# in its spool directory, to hold its databases of hints. This variable
-# determines the mode of the created directory. The default value in the
-# source is 0750.
-# Database file mode: The mode of files created in the "db" directory defaults
-# to 0640 in the source, and can be changed here.
-# DB_MODE=0640
-# Database lock file mode: The mode of zero-length files created in the "db"
-# directory to use for locking purposes defaults to 0640 in the source, and
-# can be changed here.
-# Cycling log files: this variable specifies the maximum number of old
-# log files that are kept by the exicyclog log-cycling script.
-# Running Exim without it being root all the time: A uid and gid for Exim can
-# be specified here, and this is strongly recommended. These values are
-# compiled into the binary. It is possible to change them by settings in the
-# runtime configuration file, but setting them here is preferred. If EXIM_UID
-# is not defined, the default in the code is to run as root (unless specified
-# otherwise at run time) except when doing local deliveries, when it always
-# runs as the appropriate local user. Specifying 0 at run time has the effect
-# of unsetting the values build into the binary.
-# The settings here must be numeric; the run time file allows names to
-# be used. When this uid and gid are set, the Exim binary still has to be
-# setuid root if local deliveries are to be performed or a listener on port
-# 25 is to be run, but it gives up its privilege when possible. There is a
-# trade-off between security and efficiency, controlled by the runtime
-# "security" setting, which controls how privilege is released (setuid vs
-# seteuid).
-# Compiling the Exim monitor: If you want to compile the Exim monitor,
-# a program that requires an X11 display, then EXIM_MONITOR should be
-# set to the value "eximon.bin". Comment out this setting to disable
-# compilation of the binary file that is run by the eximon script. The
-# locations of various X11 directories for libraries and include files
-# are defaulted in the OS/Makefile-Default file, and can be overridden
-# in local OS-specific make files.
-# Compiling in support for embedded Perl: If you want to be able to
-# use Perl code in Exim's string manipulation language and you have Perl
-# (version 5.004 or later) installed, set EXIM_PERL to perl.o.
-# EXIM_PERL=perl.o
-# There are also three options which are used when compiling the Perl interface
-# and when linking with Perl. The default values for these are placed
-# automatically at the head of the Makefile by the script which builds it.
-# However, if you want to override them, you can do so here.
-# This parameter sets the maximum length of the header portion of a message
-# that Exim is prepared to process. The default setting is one megabyte. There
-# is a limit in order to catch rogue mailers that might connect to your SMTP
-# port, start off a header line, and then just pump junk at it for ever. The
-# message_size_limit option would also catch this, but it may not be set.
-# HEADER_MAXSIZE="(1024*1024)"
-# The mode of the input directory: The input directory is where messages are
-# kept while awaiting delivery. Exim creates it if necessary, using a mode
-# which can be defined here (default 0750).
-# Exim log directory and files: Exim creates several log files inside a
-# single log directory. You can define the directory and the form of the
-# log file name here, by setting LOG_FILE_PATH to a path name containing one
-# occurrence of %s. This will be replaced by one of the strings "main",
-# "panic", or "reject" to form the final file name. For example, some
-# installations may want something like this:
-# which results in files with names /var/log/exim_mainlog, etc. The directory
-# in which the log files are placed must exist; Exim does not try to create
-# it for itself. It is also your responsibility to ensure that Exim is capable
-# of writing files using this path name. If you have defined EXIM_UID and
-# EXIM_GID above, then that uid and gid must be able to create files in the
-# directory you have specified.
-# You can also configure Exim to use syslog, instead of or as well as log
-# files, by settings such as these
-# LOG_FILE_PATH=syslog
-# LOG_FILE_PATH=syslog:/var/log/exim_%slog
-# Do not include white space in such a setting as it messes up the building
-# process.
-# You do not have to define the log file path here; an option in the runtime
-# configuration file can also set it, and that overrides any setting here.
-# However, it is recommended that you set it here if it is a fixed path, so
-# that it is available right from the start of Exim's execution. Otherwise,
-# errors detected early on, for example errors in the configuration file,
-# cannot be logged.
-# If you do not set LOG_FILE_PATH here or in the runtime configuration, Exim
-# creates a directory called "log" inside its spool directory (see
-# SPOOL_DIRECTORY below) and uses that with filenames "mainlog", "paniclog",
-# etc. Its mode defaults to 0750 but that can be changed here.
-# This value is used only when Exim creates the directory for itself.
-# The log files themselves are created as required, with a mode that defaults
-# to 0640, but which can be changed here.
-# LOG_MODE=0640
-# Included file and database lookup methods. See the manual chapter entitled
-# "File and database lookups" for discussion. DBM and lsearch (linear search)
-# are included by default. LOOKUP_DNSDB does *not* refer to general mail
-# routing using the DNS. It is for the specialist case of using the DNS as
-# a general database facility (not common). For details of cdb files and the
-# tools to build them, see http://www.pobox.com/~djb/cdb.html.
-# Additional libraries and include directories may be required for some
-# lookup styles, e.g. LDAP, MYSQL or PGSQL. LOOKUP_LIBS is included only on
-# the command for linking Exim itself, not on any auxiliary programs. You
-# don't need to set LOOKUP_INCLUDE if the relevant directories are already
-# specified in INCLUDE.
-# LOOKUP_INCLUDE=-I /usr/local/ldap/include -I /usr/local/mysql/include -I /usr/local/pgsql/include
-# LOOKUP_LIBS=-L/usr/local/lib -lldap -llber -lmysqlclient -lpq
-# If you have set LDAP=yes, you should set LDAP_LIB_TYPE to indicate which LDAP
-# library you have. Unfortunately, though most of their functions are the
-# same, there are minor differences. Currently Exim knows about four LDAP
-# libraries: the one from the University of Michigan (also known as OpenLDAP 1),
-# OpenLDAP 2, the Netscape SDK library, and the library that comes with Solaris
-# 7 onwards. Uncomment whichever of these you are using.
-# If you don't set any of these, Exim assumes the original University of
-# Michigan (OpenLDAP 1) library.
-# The TESTDB lookup is for performing tests on the handling of lookup
-# results, and is not useful for general running. It should be included
-# only when debugging the code of Exim.
-# Network interfaces: Unless you set the local_interfaces option in the runtime
-# configuration file to restrict Exim to certain interfaces only, it will run
-# code to find all the interfaces there are on your host. Unfortunately,
-# the call to the OS that does this requires a buffer large enough to hold
-# data for all the interfaces - it was designed of course in the days when a
-# host rarely had more than three or four at most. Nowadays hosts can have
-# very many virtual interfaces running on the same hardware. If you have more
-# than 250 virtual interfaces, you will need to uncomment this setting and
-# increase the value.
-# Per-message logs: While a message is in the process of being delivered,
-# comments on its progress are written to a message log, for the benefit of
-# human administrators. These logs are held in a directory called "msglog"
-# in the spool directory. Its mode defaults to 0750, but can be changed here.
-# The message log directory is also used for storing files that are used by
-# transports for returning data to a message's sender (see the "return_output"
-# option for transports).
-# Identifying the daemon: When an Exim daemon starts up, it writes its pid to
-# a file so that it can easily be identified. The path of the file can be
-# specified here. It must contain precisely one occurrence of "%s". When
-# a daemon is run on the default SMTP port, this is replaced with the null
-# string, but when it is run with some explicit port specified, "%s" is
-# replaced with the port number preceded by a dot. If a daemon is run with
-# only one of -bd and -q<time>, then that option is added on to the end of
-# the file name, allowing sites that run two separate daemons to distinguish
-# them. Some installations may want something like this
-# PID_FILE_PATH=/var/run/exim%s.pid
-# If PID_FILE_PATH is not defined, Exim writes a file in its spool directory
-# (see SPOOL_DIRECTORY below) with the name "exim-daemon.pid" for the standard
-# daemon, or "exim-daemon.<port>.pid" for a daemon listening on a non-standard
-# port. If you run a daemon that does not have both the -bd and -q options,
-# then whichever of the two options it does have is added to the file name,
-# whether obtained from PID_FILE_PATH or by default.
-# The pid file path does not have to be set here; it can be also be set by an
-# option in the runtime configuration file, which takes precedence over any
-# setting here.
-# Included routers: These variables determine which individual router drivers
-# are included in the Exim binary. There are no defaults; those that are
-# wanted must be defined here by setting the appropriate variables to the value
-# "yes". The actions of each router are described in a separate chapter
-# in the manual. Including a router in the binary does not cause it to
-# be used automatically. It has also to be specified in the runtime
-# configuration file. Those routers that are *not* wanted must not be defined
-# here at all - comment them out.
-# This one is very special-purpose, so is not included by default.
-# The spool directory: This directory is where all the data for messages in
-# transit is kept. There is no default in the source, so its location must be
-# defined in a local compile-time configuration file, or in the runtime
-# configuration. It is recommended (but not mandatory) that you define it here
-# if it is a fixed path, especially if you have not defined LOG_FILE_PATH. Log
-# files are then written in a sub-directory of the spool directory, and it is
-# helpful to have this defined right from the start of execution so that, for
-# example, errors in reading the runtime configuration file can be logged.
-# Exim creates the spool directory if it does not exist. If a non-root uid and
-# gid have been defined for Exim (either in this configuration file, or by the
-# runtime configuration options), then this directory and all sub-directories
-# and their files will be created with their owners and groups set to Exim's
-# uid and gid.
-# Many installations will want something like this:
-# Others may prefer to keep all Exim things under one directory:
-# SPOOL_DIRECTORY=/usr/exim/spool
-# If Exim creates the spool directory, it is given this mode, defaulting in the
-# source to 0750.
-# The mode of files on the input spool which hold the contents of message can
-# be changed here. The default is 0600. If you have defined a uid and gid for
-# Exim and want information from the spool to be available to anyone who is a
-# member of the Exim group, change the value to 0640. This is particularly
-# relevant if you are going to run the Exim monitor.
-# SPOOL_MODE=0600
-# If STDERR_FILE is defined then the -df command line option causes Exim to
-# redirect stderr to the named file. This is useful for catching debugging
-# output when starting Exim via inetd.
-# The appendfile transport can write messages as individual files in a number
-# of formats. The code for three specialist formats, maildir, mailstore, and
-# MBX, is included only when requested by the following settings:
-# Moving frozen messages: If the following is uncommented, Exim is compiled
-# with support for automatically moving frozen messages out of the main spool
-# directory, a facility that is found useful by some large installations. A
-# runtime option is required to cause the moving actually to occur. Such
-# messages become "invisible" to the normal management tools.
-# Support for PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules), a facility
-# which is available in the latest releases of Solaris and in some GNU/Linux
-# distributions (see http://ftp.at.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/pam/). The Exim
-# support, which is intended for use in conjunction with the SMTP AUTH
-# facilities, is included only when requested by the following setting:
-# You probably need to add -lpam to EXTRALIBS, and in some releases of
-# GNU/Linux -ldl is also needed.
-# Exim can be built to support the SMTP STARTTLS command, which implements
-# Transport Layer Security using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). To do this, you
-# must install the OpenSSL library package. Exim contains no cryptographic
-# code of its own. Uncomment the following lines if you want to build Exim
-# with TLS support.
-# If you are running Exim as a server, note that just building it with TLS
-# support is not usually all you need to do. You normally need to set up a
-# suitable certificate, and tell Exim about it by means of the tls_certificate
-# and tls_privatekey runtime options. You also need to set tls_advertise_hosts
-# to specify which hosts TLS support is advertised to. On the other hand,
-# if you are running Exim only as a client, building it with TLS support
-# is all you need to do.
-# Additional libraries and include files are required for OpenSSL. The TLS_LIBS
-# setting above assumes that the libraries are installed with all your other
-# libraries. If they are in a special directory, you may need something like
-# TLS_LIBS=-L/usr/local/openssl/lib -lssl -lcrypto
-# TLS_LIBS is included only on the command for linking Exim itself, not on any
-# auxiliary programs. If the include files are not in a standard place, you can
-# set TLS_INCLUDE to specify where they are:
-# TLS_INCLUDE=-I/usr/local/openssl/include/
-# You don't need to set TLS_INCLUDE if the relevant directories are already
-# specified in INCLUDE.
-# Included transports: These variables determine which individual transport
-# drivers are included in the Exim binary. There are no defaults; those that
-# are wanted must be defined here by setting the appropriate variables to the
-# value "yes". The actions of each transport are described in a separate chapter
-# in the manual. Including a transport in the binary does not cause it to
-# be used automatically. It has also to be specified in the runtime
-# configuration file.
-# This one is special-purpose, and commonly not required, so do not include
-# it by default.
-# TCP wrappers: If you want to use tcpwrappers from within Exim, uncomment
-# this setting. See the manual section entitled "Use of tcpwrappers" in the
-# chapter on building and installing Exim.
-# End of EDITME
diff --git a/mail/exim-old/files/patch-src::EDITME b/mail/exim-old/files/patch-src::EDITME
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..34dd37491198
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/exim-old/files/patch-src::EDITME
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+--- src/EDITME.orig Fri Jan 19 11:32:06 2001
++++ src/EDITME Mon Jun 11 09:45:26 2001
+@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
+ # installed in this directory. There is no default for this variable built into
+ # the source files; it must be set in one of the local configuration files.
+ # The default distribution of Exim contains only the plain text form of the
+@@ -114,21 +114,21 @@
+ # your info directory; "make install" will then build the info files and
+ # install them there.
+-# INFO_DIRECTORY=/usr/local/info
+ # The compress command is used by the exicyclog script to compress old log
+ # files. Both the name of the command and the suffix that it adds to files
+ # need to be defined here. See also the EXICYCLOG_MAX configuration.
+ # If the exigrep utility is fed compressed log files, it tries to uncompress
+ # them using this command.
+ # The runtime configuration file: This variable defines where Exim's runtime
+@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
+ # location of all other runtime files and directories can be changed in the
+ # runtime configuration file.
+ # In some installations there may be multiple machines sharing file systems,
+@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@
+ # "panic", or "reject" to form the final file name. For example, some
+ # installations may want something like this:
+-# LOG_FILE_PATH=/var/log/exim_%slog
+ # which results in files with names /var/log/exim_mainlog, etc. The directory
+ # in which the log files are placed must exist; Exim does not try to create
+@@ -350,6 +350,8 @@
+ # LOOKUP_INCLUDE=-I /usr/local/ldap/include -I /usr/local/mysql/include -I /usr/local/pgsql/include
+ # LOOKUP_LIBS=-L/usr/local/lib -lldap -llber -lmysqlclient -lpq
+ # If you have set LDAP=yes, you should set LDAP_LIB_TYPE to indicate which LDAP
+ # library you have. Unfortunately, though most of their functions are the
+@@ -363,6 +365,7 @@
+ # If you don't set any of these, Exim assumes the original University of
+ # Michigan (OpenLDAP 1) library.
+@@ -409,7 +412,7 @@
+ # the file name, allowing sites that run two separate daemons to distinguish
+ # them. Some installations may want something like this
+-# PID_FILE_PATH=/var/lock/exim%s.pid
++# PID_FILE_PATH=/var/run/exim%s.pid
+ # If PID_FILE_PATH is not defined, Exim writes a file in its spool directory
+ # (see SPOOL_DIRECTORY below) with the name "exim-daemon.pid" for the standard
+@@ -458,7 +461,7 @@
+ # uid and gid.
+ # Many installations will want something like this:
+-# SPOOL_DIRECTORY=/var/spool/exim
+ # Others may prefer to keep all Exim things under one directory:
+ # SPOOL_DIRECTORY=/usr/exim/spool
+@@ -523,7 +526,7 @@
+ # with TLS support.
+-# TLS_LIBS=-lssl -lcrypto
++TLS_LIBS=-lssl -lcrypto
+ # If you are running Exim as a server, note that just building it with TLS
+ # support is not usually all you need to do. You normally need to set up a
+@@ -573,5 +576,6 @@
+ # chapter on building and installing Exim.
+ # End of EDITME
diff --git a/mail/exim/Makefile b/mail/exim/Makefile
index 42a8fff32b6c..a59a12392b31 100644
--- a/mail/exim/Makefile
+++ b/mail/exim/Makefile
@@ -70,10 +70,7 @@ SEDLIST+= -e 's,^EXIM_MONITOR,\#EXIM_MONITOR,'
.if !defined(WITHOUT_TLS)
-SEDLIST+= -e 's,XX_TLS_LIBS_XX,-lssl -lcrypto,' \
.if !defined(WITHOUT_PERL)
@@ -150,7 +147,7 @@ SEDLIST+= -e 's,^\# SUPPORT_MBX=,SUPPORT_MBX=,'
${MKDIR} ${WRKSRC}/Local
- ${SED} ${SEDLIST} < ${FILESDIR}/Makefile > ${WRKSRC}/Local/Makefile
+ ${SED} ${SEDLIST} < ${WRKSRC}/src/EDITME > ${WRKSRC}/Local/Makefile
${SED} ${SEDLIST} < ${FILESDIR}/configure.default \
> ${WRKSRC}/src/configure.default
${CP} ${FILESDIR}/eximon.conf ${WRKSRC}/Local
diff --git a/mail/exim/files/Makefile b/mail/exim/files/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 0639047027f1..000000000000
--- a/mail/exim/files/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,582 +0,0 @@
-# The Exim mail transport agent #
-# $FreeBSD$
-# This is the template for Exim's main build-time configuration file. It
-# contains settings that are independent of any operating system. It should
-# be edited and then saved to a file called Local/Makefile before first running
-# the make command.
-# Things that depend on the operating system have default settings in
-# OS/Makefile-Default, but these are overridden for some OS by files called
-# called OS/Makefile-<osname>. You can further override these by creating files
-# called Local/Makefile-<osname>, where "<osname>" stands for the name of your
-# operating system - look at the names in the OS directory to see which names
-# are recognized.
-# However, if you are building Exim for a single OS only, you can place all the
-# configuration settings in the one file called Local/Makefile; only if you are
-# building for several OS from the same source files do you need to worry
-# about splitting off the OS-dependent settings into separate files.
-# One OS-specific thing is the C compiler; the overall default is gcc, but
-# some OS Makefiles specify cc. You can override anything that is set by
-# putting CC=whatever in your Local/Makefile.
-# NOTE: You should never need to edit any of the distributed Makefiles; all
-# overriding can be done in your Local/Makefile(s). This will make it easier
-# for you when the next release comes along.
-# The location of the X11 libraries is something else that is quite variable
-# even between different versions of the same operation system (and indeed
-# there are different versions of X11 as well, of course). The four settings
-# concerned here are X11, XINCLUDE, XLFLAGS (linking flags) and X11_LD_LIB
-# (dynamic run-time library).
-# Another area of variability between systems is the type and location of the
-# dbm library package. Exim has support for ndbm, gdbm, and Berkeley DB. By
-# default it assumes ndbm; this often works with gdbm or DB, provided they
-# are correctly installed, via their compatibility interfaces. However, Exim
-# can also be configured to use the native calls for Berkeley DB 1.85 or
-# Berkeley DB version 2.x, and this is defaulted for some operating systems.
-# The defaults are set in OS/Makefile-Default, and can be changed by putting
-# things into an OS-specific Makefile, or indeed into the main Local/Makefile
-# if Exim is being compiled for a single OS only.
-# See also the file doc/dbm.discuss.txt for discussion about different dbm
-# libraries.
-# In Local/Makefiles blank lines and lines starting with # are ignored. It is
-# also permitted to use the # character to add a comment to a setting, for
-# example
-# EXIM_GID=42 # the "mail" group
-# However, with some versions of "make" this works only if there is no white
-# space between the end of the setting and the #, so it is probably best
-# avoided. However, a consequence of this facility is that it is not possible
-# to have the # character present in any setting, but I can't think of any
-# cases where this would be wanted.
-# /bin/sh is normally used as the shell in which to run commands that are
-# defined in the makefiles. This can be changed if necessary, but note that
-# a Bourne-compatible shell is expected.
-# MAKE_SHELL=/bin/sh
-# The following commands live in different places in some OS. The OS-specific
-# files should normally point to the right place, but they can be overridden
-# here if necessary. Perl is not necessary for running Exim unless you set
-# EXIM_PERL (see below) to get it embedded, but there are some Perl utilities
-# for processing log files. If you haven't got Perl, Exim will still build and
-# run; you just won't be able to run those utilities.
-# CHOWN_COMMAND=/usr/bin/chown
-# CHGRP_COMMAND=/usr/bin/chgrp
-# MV_COMMAND=/bin/mv
-# RM_COMMAND=/bin/rm
-# PERL_COMMAND=/usr/bin/perl
-# The following macro can be used to change the command for building a library
-# of functions. By default the "ar" command is used, with options "cq".
-# AR=ar cq
-# Exim has some support for the AUTH extension of SMTP (RFC 2554). If you want
-# to use this you must uncomment at least one of the following macros so that
-# appropriate code is included in the binary. You then need to set up the
-# runtime configuration to make use of the mechanism(s) selected.
-# AUTH_CRAM_MD5=yes
-# The binary directory: This variable defines where the exim binary will be
-# installed by "make install" or "exim_install". It is also used internally
-# by exim when it needs to re-invoke itself, either to send an error message,
-# or to recover root privilege. Exim's utility binaries and scripts are also
-# installed in this directory. There is no default for this variable built into
-# the source files; it must be set in one of the local configuration files.
-# The default distribution of Exim contains only the plain text form of the
-# documentation. Other forms are available separately. If you want to install
-# the documentation in "info" format, first fetch the Texinfo documentation
-# sources from the ftp directory and unpack them, which should create files
-# with the extension "texinfo" in the doc directory. Then set INFO_DIRECTORY to
-# your info directory; "make install" will then build the info files and
-# install them there.
-# The compress command is used by the exicyclog script to compress old log
-# files. Both the name of the command and the suffix that it adds to files
-# need to be defined here. See also the EXICYCLOG_MAX configuration.
-# If the exigrep utility is fed compressed log files, it tries to uncompress
-# them using this command.
-# The runtime configuration file: This variable defines where Exim's runtime
-# configuration file is. There is no default built into the source files, so
-# there must be a setting in one of the local configuration files. The
-# location of all other runtime files and directories can be changed in the
-# runtime configuration file.
-# In some installations there may be multiple machines sharing file systems,
-# where a different configuration file is required for Exim on the different
-# machines. If CONFIGURE_FILE_USE_NODE is defined, then Exim will first look
-# for a configuration file whose name is that defined by CONFIGURE_FILE,
-# with the node name obtained by uname() tacked on the end, separated by a
-# period (for example, /usr/exim/configure.host.in.some.domain. If this file
-# does not exist, then the bare configuration file name is tried.
-# In some esoteric configurations two different versions of Exim are run,
-# with different setuid values, and different configuration files are required
-# to handle the different cases. If CONFIGURE_FILE_USE_EUID is defined, then
-# Exim will first look for a configuration file whose name is that defined
-# by CONFIGURE_FILE, with the effective uid tacked on the end, separated by
-# a period (for eximple, /usr/exim/configure.0). If this file does not exist,
-# then the bare configuration file name is tried. In the case when both
-# are tried: <name>.<euid>.<node>, <name>.<node>, <name>.<euid>, and <name>.
-# The size of the delivery buffer: This specifies the size of buffer which is
-# used when copying a message from the spool to a destination. The default
-# value built into the source is 8192.
-# Included directors: These variables determine which individual director
-# drivers are included in the Exim binary. There are no defaults; those that
-# are wanted must be defined here by setting the appropriate variables to the
-# value "yes". The actions of each director are described in a separate chapter
-# in the manual. Including a director in the binary does not cause it to
-# be used automatically. It has also to be specified in the runtime
-# configuration file.
-# The mode of the database directory: Exim creates a directory called "db"
-# in its spool directory, to hold its databases of hints. This variable
-# determines the mode of the created directory. The default value in the
-# source is 0750.
-# Database file mode: The mode of files created in the "db" directory defaults
-# to 0640 in the source, and can be changed here.
-# DB_MODE=0640
-# Database lock file mode: The mode of zero-length files created in the "db"
-# directory to use for locking purposes defaults to 0640 in the source, and
-# can be changed here.
-# Cycling log files: this variable specifies the maximum number of old
-# log files that are kept by the exicyclog log-cycling script.
-# Running Exim without it being root all the time: A uid and gid for Exim can
-# be specified here, and this is strongly recommended. These values are
-# compiled into the binary. It is possible to change them by settings in the
-# runtime configuration file, but setting them here is preferred. If EXIM_UID
-# is not defined, the default in the code is to run as root (unless specified
-# otherwise at run time) except when doing local deliveries, when it always
-# runs as the appropriate local user. Specifying 0 at run time has the effect
-# of unsetting the values build into the binary.
-# The settings here must be numeric; the run time file allows names to
-# be used. When this uid and gid are set, the Exim binary still has to be
-# setuid root if local deliveries are to be performed or a listener on port
-# 25 is to be run, but it gives up its privilege when possible. There is a
-# trade-off between security and efficiency, controlled by the runtime
-# "security" setting, which controls how privilege is released (setuid vs
-# seteuid).
-# Compiling the Exim monitor: If you want to compile the Exim monitor,
-# a program that requires an X11 display, then EXIM_MONITOR should be
-# set to the value "eximon.bin". Comment out this setting to disable
-# compilation of the binary file that is run by the eximon script. The
-# locations of various X11 directories for libraries and include files
-# are defaulted in the OS/Makefile-Default file, and can be overridden
-# in local OS-specific make files.
-# Compiling in support for embedded Perl: If you want to be able to
-# use Perl code in Exim's string manipulation language and you have Perl
-# (version 5.004 or later) installed, set EXIM_PERL to perl.o.
-# EXIM_PERL=perl.o
-# There are also three options which are used when compiling the Perl interface
-# and when linking with Perl. The default values for these are placed
-# automatically at the head of the Makefile by the script which builds it.
-# However, if you want to override them, you can do so here.
-# This parameter sets the maximum length of the header portion of a message
-# that Exim is prepared to process. The default setting is one megabyte. There
-# is a limit in order to catch rogue mailers that might connect to your SMTP
-# port, start off a header line, and then just pump junk at it for ever. The
-# message_size_limit option would also catch this, but it may not be set.
-# HEADER_MAXSIZE="(1024*1024)"
-# The mode of the input directory: The input directory is where messages are
-# kept while awaiting delivery. Exim creates it if necessary, using a mode
-# which can be defined here (default 0750).
-# Exim log directory and files: Exim creates several log files inside a
-# single log directory. You can define the directory and the form of the
-# log file name here, by setting LOG_FILE_PATH to a path name containing one
-# occurrence of %s. This will be replaced by one of the strings "main",
-# "panic", or "reject" to form the final file name. For example, some
-# installations may want something like this:
-# which results in files with names /var/log/exim_mainlog, etc. The directory
-# in which the log files are placed must exist; Exim does not try to create
-# it for itself. It is also your responsibility to ensure that Exim is capable
-# of writing files using this path name. If you have defined EXIM_UID and
-# EXIM_GID above, then that uid and gid must be able to create files in the
-# directory you have specified.
-# You can also configure Exim to use syslog, instead of or as well as log
-# files, by settings such as these
-# LOG_FILE_PATH=syslog
-# LOG_FILE_PATH=syslog:/var/log/exim_%slog
-# Do not include white space in such a setting as it messes up the building
-# process.
-# You do not have to define the log file path here; an option in the runtime
-# configuration file can also set it, and that overrides any setting here.
-# However, it is recommended that you set it here if it is a fixed path, so
-# that it is available right from the start of Exim's execution. Otherwise,
-# errors detected early on, for example errors in the configuration file,
-# cannot be logged.
-# If you do not set LOG_FILE_PATH here or in the runtime configuration, Exim
-# creates a directory called "log" inside its spool directory (see
-# SPOOL_DIRECTORY below) and uses that with filenames "mainlog", "paniclog",
-# etc. Its mode defaults to 0750 but that can be changed here.
-# This value is used only when Exim creates the directory for itself.
-# The log files themselves are created as required, with a mode that defaults
-# to 0640, but which can be changed here.
-# LOG_MODE=0640
-# Included file and database lookup methods. See the manual chapter entitled
-# "File and database lookups" for discussion. DBM and lsearch (linear search)
-# are included by default. LOOKUP_DNSDB does *not* refer to general mail
-# routing using the DNS. It is for the specialist case of using the DNS as
-# a general database facility (not common). For details of cdb files and the
-# tools to build them, see http://www.pobox.com/~djb/cdb.html.
-# Additional libraries and include directories may be required for some
-# lookup styles, e.g. LDAP, MYSQL or PGSQL. LOOKUP_LIBS is included only on
-# the command for linking Exim itself, not on any auxiliary programs. You
-# don't need to set LOOKUP_INCLUDE if the relevant directories are already
-# specified in INCLUDE.
-# LOOKUP_INCLUDE=-I /usr/local/ldap/include -I /usr/local/mysql/include -I /usr/local/pgsql/include
-# LOOKUP_LIBS=-L/usr/local/lib -lldap -llber -lmysqlclient -lpq
-# If you have set LDAP=yes, you should set LDAP_LIB_TYPE to indicate which LDAP
-# library you have. Unfortunately, though most of their functions are the
-# same, there are minor differences. Currently Exim knows about four LDAP
-# libraries: the one from the University of Michigan (also known as OpenLDAP 1),
-# OpenLDAP 2, the Netscape SDK library, and the library that comes with Solaris
-# 7 onwards. Uncomment whichever of these you are using.
-# If you don't set any of these, Exim assumes the original University of
-# Michigan (OpenLDAP 1) library.
-# The TESTDB lookup is for performing tests on the handling of lookup
-# results, and is not useful for general running. It should be included
-# only when debugging the code of Exim.
-# Network interfaces: Unless you set the local_interfaces option in the runtime
-# configuration file to restrict Exim to certain interfaces only, it will run
-# code to find all the interfaces there are on your host. Unfortunately,
-# the call to the OS that does this requires a buffer large enough to hold
-# data for all the interfaces - it was designed of course in the days when a
-# host rarely had more than three or four at most. Nowadays hosts can have
-# very many virtual interfaces running on the same hardware. If you have more
-# than 250 virtual interfaces, you will need to uncomment this setting and
-# increase the value.
-# Per-message logs: While a message is in the process of being delivered,
-# comments on its progress are written to a message log, for the benefit of
-# human administrators. These logs are held in a directory called "msglog"
-# in the spool directory. Its mode defaults to 0750, but can be changed here.
-# The message log directory is also used for storing files that are used by
-# transports for returning data to a message's sender (see the "return_output"
-# option for transports).
-# Identifying the daemon: When an Exim daemon starts up, it writes its pid to
-# a file so that it can easily be identified. The path of the file can be
-# specified here. It must contain precisely one occurrence of "%s". When
-# a daemon is run on the default SMTP port, this is replaced with the null
-# string, but when it is run with some explicit port specified, "%s" is
-# replaced with the port number preceded by a dot. If a daemon is run with
-# only one of -bd and -q<time>, then that option is added on to the end of
-# the file name, allowing sites that run two separate daemons to distinguish
-# them. Some installations may want something like this
-# PID_FILE_PATH=/var/run/exim%s.pid
-# If PID_FILE_PATH is not defined, Exim writes a file in its spool directory
-# (see SPOOL_DIRECTORY below) with the name "exim-daemon.pid" for the standard
-# daemon, or "exim-daemon.<port>.pid" for a daemon listening on a non-standard
-# port. If you run a daemon that does not have both the -bd and -q options,
-# then whichever of the two options it does have is added to the file name,
-# whether obtained from PID_FILE_PATH or by default.
-# The pid file path does not have to be set here; it can be also be set by an
-# option in the runtime configuration file, which takes precedence over any
-# setting here.
-# Included routers: These variables determine which individual router drivers
-# are included in the Exim binary. There are no defaults; those that are
-# wanted must be defined here by setting the appropriate variables to the value
-# "yes". The actions of each router are described in a separate chapter
-# in the manual. Including a router in the binary does not cause it to
-# be used automatically. It has also to be specified in the runtime
-# configuration file. Those routers that are *not* wanted must not be defined
-# here at all - comment them out.
-# This one is very special-purpose, so is not included by default.
-# The spool directory: This directory is where all the data for messages in
-# transit is kept. There is no default in the source, so its location must be
-# defined in a local compile-time configuration file, or in the runtime
-# configuration. It is recommended (but not mandatory) that you define it here
-# if it is a fixed path, especially if you have not defined LOG_FILE_PATH. Log
-# files are then written in a sub-directory of the spool directory, and it is
-# helpful to have this defined right from the start of execution so that, for
-# example, errors in reading the runtime configuration file can be logged.
-# Exim creates the spool directory if it does not exist. If a non-root uid and
-# gid have been defined for Exim (either in this configuration file, or by the
-# runtime configuration options), then this directory and all sub-directories
-# and their files will be created with their owners and groups set to Exim's
-# uid and gid.
-# Many installations will want something like this:
-# Others may prefer to keep all Exim things under one directory:
-# SPOOL_DIRECTORY=/usr/exim/spool
-# If Exim creates the spool directory, it is given this mode, defaulting in the
-# source to 0750.
-# The mode of files on the input spool which hold the contents of message can
-# be changed here. The default is 0600. If you have defined a uid and gid for
-# Exim and want information from the spool to be available to anyone who is a
-# member of the Exim group, change the value to 0640. This is particularly
-# relevant if you are going to run the Exim monitor.
-# SPOOL_MODE=0600
-# If STDERR_FILE is defined then the -df command line option causes Exim to
-# redirect stderr to the named file. This is useful for catching debugging
-# output when starting Exim via inetd.
-# The appendfile transport can write messages as individual files in a number
-# of formats. The code for three specialist formats, maildir, mailstore, and
-# MBX, is included only when requested by the following settings:
-# Moving frozen messages: If the following is uncommented, Exim is compiled
-# with support for automatically moving frozen messages out of the main spool
-# directory, a facility that is found useful by some large installations. A
-# runtime option is required to cause the moving actually to occur. Such
-# messages become "invisible" to the normal management tools.
-# Support for PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules), a facility
-# which is available in the latest releases of Solaris and in some GNU/Linux
-# distributions (see http://ftp.at.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/pam/). The Exim
-# support, which is intended for use in conjunction with the SMTP AUTH
-# facilities, is included only when requested by the following setting:
-# You probably need to add -lpam to EXTRALIBS, and in some releases of
-# GNU/Linux -ldl is also needed.
-# Exim can be built to support the SMTP STARTTLS command, which implements
-# Transport Layer Security using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). To do this, you
-# must install the OpenSSL library package. Exim contains no cryptographic
-# code of its own. Uncomment the following lines if you want to build Exim
-# with TLS support.
-# If you are running Exim as a server, note that just building it with TLS
-# support is not usually all you need to do. You normally need to set up a
-# suitable certificate, and tell Exim about it by means of the tls_certificate
-# and tls_privatekey runtime options. You also need to set tls_advertise_hosts
-# to specify which hosts TLS support is advertised to. On the other hand,
-# if you are running Exim only as a client, building it with TLS support
-# is all you need to do.
-# Additional libraries and include files are required for OpenSSL. The TLS_LIBS
-# setting above assumes that the libraries are installed with all your other
-# libraries. If they are in a special directory, you may need something like
-# TLS_LIBS=-L/usr/local/openssl/lib -lssl -lcrypto
-# TLS_LIBS is included only on the command for linking Exim itself, not on any
-# auxiliary programs. If the include files are not in a standard place, you can
-# set TLS_INCLUDE to specify where they are:
-# TLS_INCLUDE=-I/usr/local/openssl/include/
-# You don't need to set TLS_INCLUDE if the relevant directories are already
-# specified in INCLUDE.
-# Included transports: These variables determine which individual transport
-# drivers are included in the Exim binary. There are no defaults; those that
-# are wanted must be defined here by setting the appropriate variables to the
-# value "yes". The actions of each transport are described in a separate chapter
-# in the manual. Including a transport in the binary does not cause it to
-# be used automatically. It has also to be specified in the runtime
-# configuration file.
-# This one is special-purpose, and commonly not required, so do not include
-# it by default.
-# TCP wrappers: If you want to use tcpwrappers from within Exim, uncomment
-# this setting. See the manual section entitled "Use of tcpwrappers" in the
-# chapter on building and installing Exim.
-# End of EDITME
diff --git a/mail/exim/files/patch-src::EDITME b/mail/exim/files/patch-src::EDITME
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..34dd37491198
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/exim/files/patch-src::EDITME
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+--- src/EDITME.orig Fri Jan 19 11:32:06 2001
++++ src/EDITME Mon Jun 11 09:45:26 2001
+@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
+ # installed in this directory. There is no default for this variable built into
+ # the source files; it must be set in one of the local configuration files.
+ # The default distribution of Exim contains only the plain text form of the
+@@ -114,21 +114,21 @@
+ # your info directory; "make install" will then build the info files and
+ # install them there.
+-# INFO_DIRECTORY=/usr/local/info
+ # The compress command is used by the exicyclog script to compress old log
+ # files. Both the name of the command and the suffix that it adds to files
+ # need to be defined here. See also the EXICYCLOG_MAX configuration.
+ # If the exigrep utility is fed compressed log files, it tries to uncompress
+ # them using this command.
+ # The runtime configuration file: This variable defines where Exim's runtime
+@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
+ # location of all other runtime files and directories can be changed in the
+ # runtime configuration file.
+ # In some installations there may be multiple machines sharing file systems,
+@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@
+ # "panic", or "reject" to form the final file name. For example, some
+ # installations may want something like this:
+-# LOG_FILE_PATH=/var/log/exim_%slog
+ # which results in files with names /var/log/exim_mainlog, etc. The directory
+ # in which the log files are placed must exist; Exim does not try to create
+@@ -350,6 +350,8 @@
+ # LOOKUP_INCLUDE=-I /usr/local/ldap/include -I /usr/local/mysql/include -I /usr/local/pgsql/include
+ # LOOKUP_LIBS=-L/usr/local/lib -lldap -llber -lmysqlclient -lpq
+ # If you have set LDAP=yes, you should set LDAP_LIB_TYPE to indicate which LDAP
+ # library you have. Unfortunately, though most of their functions are the
+@@ -363,6 +365,7 @@
+ # If you don't set any of these, Exim assumes the original University of
+ # Michigan (OpenLDAP 1) library.
+@@ -409,7 +412,7 @@
+ # the file name, allowing sites that run two separate daemons to distinguish
+ # them. Some installations may want something like this
+-# PID_FILE_PATH=/var/lock/exim%s.pid
++# PID_FILE_PATH=/var/run/exim%s.pid
+ # If PID_FILE_PATH is not defined, Exim writes a file in its spool directory
+ # (see SPOOL_DIRECTORY below) with the name "exim-daemon.pid" for the standard
+@@ -458,7 +461,7 @@
+ # uid and gid.
+ # Many installations will want something like this:
+-# SPOOL_DIRECTORY=/var/spool/exim
+ # Others may prefer to keep all Exim things under one directory:
+ # SPOOL_DIRECTORY=/usr/exim/spool
+@@ -523,7 +526,7 @@
+ # with TLS support.
+-# TLS_LIBS=-lssl -lcrypto
++TLS_LIBS=-lssl -lcrypto
+ # If you are running Exim as a server, note that just building it with TLS
+ # support is not usually all you need to do. You normally need to set up a
+@@ -573,5 +576,6 @@
+ # chapter on building and installing Exim.
+ # End of EDITME