diff options
authorRong-En Fan <rafan@FreeBSD.org>2007-08-30 01:42:35 +0000
committerRong-En Fan <rafan@FreeBSD.org>2007-08-30 01:42:35 +0000
commit87a72c6ab18d2fb96aa7a235cdc1da8618647c06 (patch)
parent6669aa577df9154ddbcdf713946a7dc0150ad1a7 (diff)
5 files changed, 54 insertions, 4360 deletions
diff --git a/sysutils/dtc/Makefile b/sysutils/dtc/Makefile
index 46752a0bc133..32908b1096c2 100644
--- a/sysutils/dtc/Makefile
+++ b/sysutils/dtc/Makefile
@@ -6,8 +6,7 @@
CATEGORIES= sysutils
MASTER_SITES= ftp://ftp.gplhost.com/pub/dtc/bsd/
@@ -18,18 +17,14 @@ RUN_DEPENDS= ${LOCALBASE}/share/pear/Crypt/CBC.php:${PORTSDIR}/security/pear-Cry
${LOCALBASE}/libexec/apache22/mod_log_sql.so:${PORTSDIR}/www/mod_log_sql2-dtc \
${LOCALBASE}/www/cgi-bin/sbox:${PORTSDIR}/www/sbox-dtc \
${LOCALBASE}/bin/sudo:${PORTSDIR}/security/sudo \
- ${LOCALBASE}/bin/run-mailcap:${PORTSDIR}/misc/mime-support \
${LOCALBASE}/lib/nss_mysql.so:${PORTSDIR}/net/libnss-mysql \
${LOCALBASE}/sbin/chrootuid:${PORTSDIR}/security/chrootuid \
${LOCALBASE}/bin/rrdtool:${PORTSDIR}/databases/rrdtool \
+ ${LOCALBASE}/bin/wget:${PORTSDIR}/ftp/wget \
${X11BASE}/lib/X11/fonts/bitstream-vera/Vera.ttf:${PORTSDIR}/x11-fonts/bitstream-vera \
${X11BASE}/lib/X11/fonts/webfonts/verdana.ttf:${PORTSDIR}/x11-fonts/webfonts \
-BROKEN= Broken dependency
USE_PHP= mysql pcre session
@@ -82,7 +77,7 @@ DTCDIR= ${PREFIX}/${DTCROOT}
SUB_FILES= dtc-install dtc-deinstall
@${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKDIR}/dtc-install ${PREFIX}/sbin/dtc-install
diff --git a/sysutils/dtc/distinfo b/sysutils/dtc/distinfo
index 94b43728220e..eb76086df668 100644
--- a/sysutils/dtc/distinfo
+++ b/sysutils/dtc/distinfo
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-MD5 (dtc- = 91017a593355e955d522806acea83c37
-SHA256 (dtc- = 168044efc074f7e425416e3d975fca584798becbd419338167084abb3db73936
-SIZE (dtc- = 32600446
+MD5 (dtc- = ac34778cd24e8adef9d441ca18035707
+SHA256 (dtc- = e29634290097ff6a10991ca3bcc03efb78ed4838d48f34c2c54c56a84a956ad3
+SIZE (dtc- = 4610772
diff --git a/sysutils/dtc/files/dtc-deinstall.in b/sysutils/dtc/files/dtc-deinstall.in
index 650737b9420b..40fe1b0f91ec 100644
--- a/sysutils/dtc/files/dtc-deinstall.in
+++ b/sysutils/dtc/files/dtc-deinstall.in
@@ -9,447 +9,10 @@ UNIX_TYPE=freebsd
+. ${LOCALBASE}/${DTCROOT}/admin/install/bsd_config
+. ${LOCALBASE}/${DTCROOT}/admin/install/functions
-# Multi OS (Unix system) uninstall sh script for DTC
-# Written by Thomas GOIRAND <thomas [ at ] goirand.fr>
-# under LGPL Licence
-# The configuration for all thoses variables must be written BEFORE this
-# script. Do the start of the script for your operating system.
-# I did mine for debian in debian/postinst
-# Please note this script
-# doeas not start with a :
-# because it's up to you to write it ! :)
-# Do a "cat uninstall_deamons.sh >> your_OS_vars_setup_script.sh"
-# uninstall named.conf
-if [ -z "$MKTEMP" ] ; then
- MKTEMP="mktemp -t"
-if grep "Configured by DTC" $PATH_CRONTAB_CONF >/dev/null
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "===> Uninstalling inclusion from crontab"
- fi
- TMP_FILE=`${MKTEMP} DTC_uninstall.crontab.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- TMP_FILE2=`${MKTEMP} DTC_uninstall.crontab.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- grep -v "Configured by DTC" $PATH_CRONTAB_CONF > $TMP_FILE
- grep -v "cd /usr/share/dtc/admin; " $TMP_FILE > $TMP_FILE2
- # don't rm the original file, just empty it so we keep permissions
- echo -n > $PATH_CRONTAB_CONF
- rm -f $TMP_FILE $TMP_FILE2
-if grep "Configured by DTC" $PATH_NAMED_CONF >/dev/null
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "===> Uninstalling inclusion from named.conf"
- fi
- TMP_FILE=`${MKTEMP} DTC_uninstall.named.conf.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- TMP_FILE2=`${MKTEMP} DTC_uninstall.named.conf.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- grep -v "Configured by DTC" $PATH_NAMED_CONF > $TMP_FILE
- grep -v "include \"$PATH_DTC_ETC/named.conf\"" $TMP_FILE > $TMP_FILE2
- # don't rm the original file, just empty it
- echo -n > $PATH_NAMED_CONF
- rm -f $TMP_FILE $TMP_FILE2
-# uninstall httpd.conf
-if grep "Configured by DTC" $PATH_HTTPD_CONF >/dev/null
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "===> Uninstalling inclusion from httpd.conf"
- fi
- if grep "Configured by DTC v0.10" $PATH_HTTPD_CONF >/dev/null 2>&1
- then
- TMP_FILE=`$MKTEMP DTC_uninstall.httpd.conf.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- grep -v "Configured by DTC" $PATH_HTTPD_CONF | grep -v "Include $PATH_DTC_ETC/vhosts.conf" > $TMP_FILE
- echo -n > $PATH_HTTPD_CONF
- rm $TMP_FILE
- else
- TMP_FILE=`$MKTEMP DTC_uninstall.httpd.conf.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- start_line=`grep -n "Configured by DTC" $PATH_HTTPD_CONF | cut -d":" -f1`
- end_line=`grep -n "End of DTC configuration" $PATH_HTTPD_CONF| cut -d":" -f1`
- nbr_line=`cat $PATH_HTTPD_CONF | wc -l`
- cat $PATH_HTTPD_CONF | head -n $(($start_line - 1 )) > $TMP_FILE
- cat $PATH_HTTPD_CONF | tail -n $(($nbr_line - $end_line )) >> $TMP_FILE
- rm $TMP_FILE
- fi
-if [ -e /etc/apache2/ports.conf ] ; then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "===> Uninstalling ports.conf"
- fi
- if [ -e /etc/apache2/ports.conf.DTC_backup ] ;then
- cat </etc/apache2/ports.conf.DTC_backup /etc/apache2/ports.conf
- fi
-# uninstall courier config details
-if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "===> Uninstalling inclusion from courier authdaemonrc"
-if grep "Configured by DTC" $PATH_COURIER_CONF_PATH/authdaemonrc >/dev/null 2>&1
- start_line=`grep -n "Configured by DTC" $PATH_COURIER_CONF_PATH/authdaemonrc | cut -d":" -f1`
- end_line=`grep -n "End of DTC configuration" $PATH_COURIER_CONF_PATH/authdaemonrc| cut -d":" -f1`
- nbr_line=`cat $PATH_COURIER_CONF_PATH/authdaemonrc | wc -l`
- TMP_FILE=`${MKTEMP} DTC_uninstall.courier.conf.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- cat $PATH_COURIER_CONF_PATH/authdaemonrc | head -n $(($start_line - 1 )) > $TMP_FILE
- cat $PATH_COURIER_CONF_PATH/authdaemonrc | tail -n $(($nbr_line - $end_line )) >> $TMP_FILE
- cp -f $PATH_COURIER_CONF_PATH/authdaemonrc $PATH_COURIER_CONF_PATH/authdaemonrc.DTC.removed
- echo -n > $PATH_COURIER_CONF_PATH/authdaemonrc
- cat < $TMP_FILE >> $PATH_COURIER_CONF_PATH/authdaemonrc
- rm $TMP_FILE
-# uninstall dovecot.conf
-if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "===> Uninstalling inclusion from dovecot.conf"
-if grep "Configured by DTC" $PATH_DOVECOT_CONF >/dev/null 2>&1
- start_line=`grep -n "Configured by DTC" $PATH_DOVECOT_CONF | cut -d":" -f1`
- end_line=`grep -n "End of DTC configuration" $PATH_DOVECOT_CONF| cut -d":" -f1`
- nbr_line=`cat $PATH_DOVECOT_CONF | wc -l`
- TMP_FILE=`${MKTEMP} DTC_uninstall.dovecot.conf.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- cat $PATH_DOVECOT_CONF | head -n $(($start_line - 1 )) > $TMP_FILE
- cat $PATH_DOVECOT_CONF | tail -n $(($nbr_line - $end_line )) >> $TMP_FILE
- echo -n > $PATH_DOVECOT_CONF
- rm $TMP_FILE
-# uninstall proftpd.conf
-if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "===> Uninstalling inclusion from proftpd.conf"
-if grep "Configured by DTC" $PATH_PROFTPD_CONF >/dev/null 2>&1
- start_line=`grep -n "Configured by DTC" $PATH_PROFTPD_CONF | cut -d":" -f1`
- end_line=`grep -n "End of DTC configuration" $PATH_PROFTPD_CONF| cut -d":" -f1`
- nbr_line=`cat $PATH_PROFTPD_CONF | wc -l`
- TMP_FILE=`${MKTEMP} DTC_uninstall.proftpd.conf.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- cat $PATH_PROFTPD_CONF | head -n $(($start_line - 1 )) > $TMP_FILE
- cat $PATH_PROFTPD_CONF | tail -n $(($nbr_line - $end_line )) >> $TMP_FILE
- echo -n > $PATH_PROFTPD_CONF
- rm $TMP_FILE
-# uninstall postfix/main.cf
-if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "===> Uninstalling inclusion from postfix/main.cf"
-if grep "Configured by DTC" $PATH_POSTFIX_CONF >/dev/null 2>&1
- start_line=`grep -n "Configured by DTC" $PATH_POSTFIX_CONF | cut -d":" -f1`
- end_line=`grep -n "End of DTC configuration" $PATH_POSTFIX_CONF| cut -d":" -f1`
- nbr_line=`cat $PATH_POSTFIX_CONF | wc -l`
- TMP_FILE=`${MKTEMP} DTC_uninstall.postfix.conf.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- cat $PATH_POSTFIX_CONF | head -n $(($start_line - 1 )) > $TMP_FILE
- cat $PATH_POSTFIX_CONF | tail -n $(($nbr_line - $end_line )) >> $TMP_FILE
- echo -n > $PATH_POSTFIX_CONF
- rm $TMP_FILE
-# uninstall postfix/master.cf
-if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "===> Uninstalling inclusion from postfix/master.cf"
-if grep "Configured by DTC" ${PATH_POSTFIX_ETC}/master.cf >/dev/null 2>&1
- start_line=`grep -n "Configured by DTC" ${PATH_POSTFIX_ETC}/master.cf | cut -d":" -f1`
- end_line=`grep -n "End of DTC configuration" ${PATH_POSTFIX_ETC}/master.cf | cut -d":" -f1`
- nbr_line=`cat ${PATH_POSTFIX_ETC}/master.cf | wc -l`
- TMP_FILE=`${MKTEMP} DTC_uninstall.postfix.conf.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- cat ${PATH_POSTFIX_ETC}/master.cf | head -n $(($start_line - 1 )) > $TMP_FILE
- cat ${PATH_POSTFIX_ETC}/master.cf | tail -n $(($nbr_line - $end_line )) >> $TMP_FILE
- cp -f ${PATH_POSTFIX_ETC}/master.cf ${PATH_POSTFIX_ETC}/master.cf.DTC.removed
- echo -n > ${PATH_POSTFIX_ETC}/master.cf
- cat < $TMP_FILE >> ${PATH_POSTFIX_ETC}/master.cf
- rm $TMP_FILE
-# uninstall amavis/amavisd.conf
-# if there is no amavisd conf, but there is a conf.d, delete a 99-dtc file
-if [ ! -f "$PATH_AMAVISD_CONF" -a -e $PATH_AMAVISD_ETC/conf.d/99-dtc ]; then
- rm $PATH_AMAVISD_ETC/conf.d/99-dtc
-if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "===> Uninstalling inclusion from amavis/amavisd.conf"
-if grep "Configured by DTC" $PATH_AMAVISD_CONF >/dev/null 2>&1
- start_line=`grep -n "Configured by DTC" $PATH_AMAVISD_CONF | cut -d":" -f1`
- end_line=`grep -n "End of DTC configuration" $PATH_AMAVISD_CONF| cut -d":" -f1`
- nbr_line=`cat $PATH_AMAVISD_CONF | wc -l`
- TMP_FILE=`${MKTEMP} DTC_uninstall.amavisd.conf.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- cat $PATH_AMAVISD_CONF | head -n $(($start_line - 1 )) > $TMP_FILE
- cat $PATH_AMAVISD_CONF | tail -n $(($nbr_line - $end_line )) >> $TMP_FILE
- echo -n > $PATH_AMAVISD_CONF
- rm $TMP_FILE
-# uninstall postfix/sasl/smtpd.conf
-if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "===> Uninstalling inclusion from postfix/sasl/smtpd.conf"
-if grep "Configured by DTC" $PATH_POSTFIX_ETC/sasl/smtpd.conf >/dev/null 2>&1
- start_line=`grep -n "Configured by DTC" $PATH_POSTFIX_ETC/sasl/smtpd.conf | cut -d":" -f1`
- end_line=`grep -n "End of DTC configuration" $PATH_POSTFIX_ETC/sasl/smtpd.conf | cut -d":" -f1`
- nbr_line=`cat $PATH_POSTFIX_ETC/sasl/smtpd.conf | wc -l`
- TMP_FILE=`${MKTEMP} DTC_uninstall.postfix.sasl.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- cat $PATH_POSTFIX_ETC/sasl/smtpd.conf | head -n $(($start_line - 1 )) > $TMP_FILE
- cat $PATH_POSTFIX_ETC/sasl/smtpd.conf | tail -n $(($nbr_line - $end_line )) >> $TMP_FILE
- cp -f $PATH_POSTFIX_ETC/sasl/smtpd.conf $PATH_POSTFIX_CONF.DTC.removed
- echo -n > $PATH_POSTFIX_ETC/sasl/smtpd.conf
- cat < $TMP_FILE >> $PATH_POSTFIX_ETC/sasl/smtpd.conf
- rm $TMP_FILE
-# Uninstall qmail
-if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "===> Uninstalling from qmail"
-if [ -e /var/qmail ]
- if [ -e /var/qmail/control/rcpthosts.DTC.backup ] ; then
- cp -f /var/qmail/control/rcpthosts.DTC.backup /var/qmail/control/rcpthosts
- fi
- if [ -e /var/qmail/control/virtualdomains.DTC.backup ] ; then
- cp -f /var/qmail/control/virtualdomains.DTC.backup /var/qmail/control/virtualdomains
- fi
- if [ -e /var/qmail/control/users/assign.DTC.backup ] ; then
- cp -f /var/qmail/control/users/assign.DTC.backup /var/qmail/control/users/assign
- fi
- if [ -e /etc/poppasswd.DTC.backup ] ; then
- cp -f /etc/poppasswd.DTC.backup /etc/poppasswd
- fi
-# Uninstall sudoers and shell
-# check for some path defaults...
-if [ -z "$PATH_SUDO" ]; then
- PATH_SUDO=`which sudo`
-if [ -z "$PATH_CHROOT" ]; then
- PATH_CHROOT=`which chroot`
-if [ -z "$PATH_SHELLS_CONF" ]; then
- PATH_SHELLS_CONF=/etc/shells
-if [ -z "$PATH_SUDOERS_CONF" ]; then
- PATH_SUDOERS_CONF=/etc/sudoers
-if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "===> Uninstalling inclusion from $PATH_SUDOERS_CONF"
-if grep "Configured by DTC" $PATH_SUDOERS_CONF >/dev/null 2>&1
- start_line=`grep -n "Configured by DTC" $PATH_SUDOERS_CONF | cut -d":" -f1`
- end_line=`grep -n "End of DTC configuration" $PATH_SUDOERS_CONF | cut -d":" -f1`
- nbr_line=`cat $PATH_SUDOERS_CONF | wc -l`
- TMP_FILE=`${MKTEMP} DTC_uninstall.sudoers.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- cat $PATH_SUDOERS_CONF | head -n $(($start_line - 1 )) > $TMP_FILE
- cat $PATH_SUDOERS_CONF | tail -n $(($nbr_line - $end_line )) >> $TMP_FILE
- echo -n > $PATH_SUDOERS_CONF
- rm $TMP_FILE
-if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "===> Uninstalling inclusion from $PATH_SHELLS_CONF"
-if grep "Configured by DTC" $PATH_SHELLS_CONF >/dev/null 2>&1
- start_line=`grep -n "Configured by DTC" $PATH_SHELLS_CONF | cut -d":" -f1`
- end_line=`grep -n "End of DTC configuration" $PATH_SHELLS_CONF | cut -d":" -f1`
- nbr_line=`cat $PATH_SHELLS_CONF | wc -l`
- TMP_FILE=`${MKTEMP} DTC_uninstall.shells.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- cat $PATH_SHELLS_CONF | head -n $(($start_line - 1 )) > $TMP_FILE
- cat $PATH_SHELLS_CONF | tail -n $(($nbr_line - $end_line )) >> $TMP_FILE
- echo -n > $PATH_SHELLS_CONF
- rm $TMP_FILE
-if [ -z "$PATH_SSH_CONF" ]; then
- PATH_SSH_CONF=/etc/ssh/sshd_config
-if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "===> Uninstalling inclusion from $PATH_SSH_CONF"
-if grep "Configured by DTC" $PATH_SSH_CONF >/dev/null 2>&1
- start_line=`grep -n "Configured by DTC" $PATH_SSH_CONF | cut -d":" -f1`
- end_line=`grep -n "End of DTC configuration" $PATH_SSH_CONF | cut -d":" -f1`
- nbr_line=`cat $PATH_SSH_CONF | wc -l`
- TMP_FILE=`${MKTEMP} DTC_uninstall.ssh.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- cat $PATH_SSH_CONF | head -n $(($start_line - 1 )) > $TMP_FILE
- cat $PATH_SSH_CONF | tail -n $(($nbr_line - $end_line )) >> $TMP_FILE
- echo -n > $PATH_SSH_CONF
- rm $TMP_FILE
-# stuff to remove from NSS mysql config / password
-if [ -z "$PATH_NSS_CONF" ]; then
- PATH_NSS_CONF=/etc/nss-mysql.conf
-if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "===> Uninstalling inclusion from $PATH_NSS_CONF"
-if grep "Configured by DTC" $PATH_NSS_CONF >/dev/null 2>&1
- start_line=`grep -n "Configured by DTC" $PATH_NSS_CONF | cut -d":" -f1`
- end_line=`grep -n "End of DTC configuration" $PATH_NSS_CONF | cut -d":" -f1`
- nbr_line=`cat $PATH_NSS_CONF | wc -l`
- TMP_FILE=`${MKTEMP} DTC_uninstall.nss-mysql.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- cat $PATH_NSS_CONF | head -n $(($start_line - 1 )) > $TMP_FILE
- cat $PATH_NSS_CONF | tail -n $(($nbr_line - $end_line )) >> $TMP_FILE
- echo -n > $PATH_NSS_CONF
- rm $TMP_FILE
-# stuff to remove from NSS mysql root config / shadow
-if [ -z "$PATH_NSS_ROOT_CONF" ]; then
- PATH_NSS_ROOT_CONF=/etc/nss-mysql-root.conf
-if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "===> Uninstalling inclusion from $PATH_NSS_ROOT_CONF"
-if grep "Configured by DTC" $PATH_NSS_ROOT_CONF >/dev/null 2>&1
- start_line=`grep -n "Configured by DTC" $PATH_NSS_ROOT_CONF | cut -d":" -f1`
- end_line=`grep -n "End of DTC configuration" $PATH_NSS_ROOT_CONF | cut -d":" -f1`
- nbr_line=`cat $PATH_NSS_ROOT_CONF | wc -l`
- TMP_FILE=`${MKTEMP} DTC_uninstall.nss-mysql-root.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- cat $PATH_NSS_ROOT_CONF | head -n $(($start_line - 1 )) > $TMP_FILE
- cat $PATH_NSS_ROOT_CONF | tail -n $(($nbr_line - $end_line )) >> $TMP_FILE
- echo -n > $PATH_NSS_ROOT_CONF
- rm $TMP_FILE
-if [ -z "$PATH_NSSWITCH_CONF" ]; then
- PATH_NSSWITCH_CONF=/etc/nsswitch.conf
-# remove the stuff from nsswitch.conf
-if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "===> Uninstalling inclusion from $PATH_NSSWITCH_CONF"
-if grep "Configured by DTC" $PATH_NSSWITCH_CONF >/dev/null 2>&1
- start_line=`grep -n "Configured by DTC" $PATH_NSSWITCH_CONF | cut -d":" -f1`
- end_line=`grep -n "End of DTC configuration" $PATH_NSSWITCH_CONF | cut -d":" -f1`
- nbr_line=`cat $PATH_NSSWITCH_CONF | wc -l`
- TMP_FILE=`${MKTEMP} DTC_uninstall.nsswitch.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- cat $PATH_NSSWITCH_CONF | head -n $(($start_line - 1 )) > $TMP_FILE
- cat $PATH_NSSWITCH_CONF | tail -n $(($nbr_line - $end_line )) >> $TMP_FILE
- rm $TMP_FILE
-if [ -e ${APACHE2_CONFD} ]; then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "===> Uninstalling inclusion from $APACHE2_CONFD"
- fi
- if grep "Configured by DTC" $APACHE2_CONFD >/dev/null 2>&1
- then
- start_line=`grep -n "Configured by DTC" $APACHE2_CONFD | cut -d":" -f1`
- end_line=`grep -n "End of DTC configuration" $APACHE2_CONFD | cut -d":" -f1`
- nbr_line=`cat $APACHE2_CONFD | wc -l`
- TMP_FILE=`${MKTEMP} DTC_uninstall.conf.d_apache2.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- cat $APACHE2_CONFD | head -n $(($start_line - 1 )) > $TMP_FILE
- cat $APACHE2_CONFD | tail -n $(($nbr_line - $end_line )) >> $TMP_FILE
- echo -n > $APACHE2_CONFD
- rm $TMP_FILE
- fi
-rm -f ${PATH_DTC_ADMIN}/.htaccess
-rm -f ${PATH_DTC_SHARED}/shared/cyrus.php
-rm -f ${PATH_DTC_SHARED}/shared/securepay/paiement_config.php
-rm -f ${PATH_DTC_SHARED}/shared/mysql_config.php
diff --git a/sysutils/dtc/files/dtc-install.in b/sysutils/dtc/files/dtc-install.in
index 3315552d2dba..e83f36dd026c 100644
--- a/sysutils/dtc/files/dtc-install.in
+++ b/sysutils/dtc/files/dtc-install.in
@@ -8,3849 +8,22 @@
-# Create our group and user
-if getent group ${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_GROUPNAME} >/dev/null ; then
- echo "Group ${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_GROUPNAME} already exists: skiping creation!"
-CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_GID=`getent group ${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_GROUPNAME} | cut -d':' -f3`
-if getent passwd ${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_USERNAME} >/dev/null ; then
- echo "User ${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_USERNAME} already exists: skiping creation!"
- pw useradd ${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_USERNAME} -m -s /bin/false -g ${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_GROUPNAME}
-CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_UID=`getent passwd ${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_USERNAME} | cut -d':' -f3`
echo ""
echo "WARNING: Your MySQL Server MUST be running."
echo "If not, please issue the following cmd:"
-echo "/usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server.sh start"
-echo ""
-# Deamon path configuration
-if [ -f "${LOCALBASE}/sbin/apxs" ]; then
- PATH_HTTPD_CONF="`/usr/local/sbin/apxs -q SYSCONFDIR`/httpd.conf"
- echo "Could not found your httpd.conf: exiting."
- exit 1
-# Copy default conf if no conf exists (BSD specific)
-if [ ! -f ${LOCALBASE}/etc/proftpd.conf ];
- cp ${LOCALBASE}/etc/proftpd.conf.default ${LOCALBASE}/etc/proftpd.conf
-if [ ! -f $PATH_COURIER_AUTHD_CONF_PATH/authdaemonrc ]; then
- if [ -f ${LOCALBASE}/etc/authlib/authdaemonrc ]; then
- fi
-echo "===> Checking BSD type"
-kernel=`uname -a | awk '{print $1}'`;
-echo "Kernel: $kernel"
-if [ $kernel = "FreeBSD" ] || [ $kernel = "NetBSD" ];
- named=`grep named_enable /etc/rc.conf`
- nonamed=`cat /etc/rc.conf | grep named | awk '{print $1}' | grep NO`
- if [ "$named" = "" ] || [ "$nonamed" != "" ];
- then
- echo "===> FreeBSD or NetBSD: Backing up /etc/rc.conf and insterting named_enamble=YES"
- cp /etc/rc.conf /etc/rc.conf.old
- echo "/etc/rc.conf /etc/rc.conf.old saved"
- cat /etc/rc.conf | grep -v "named" >> /etc/rc.tmp
- echo 'named_enable="YES" # Run named, the DNS server (or NO).' >> /etc/rc.tmp
- echo 'named_program="/usr/sbin/named" # path to named, if you want a different one.' >> /etc/rc.tmp
- echo '#named_flags="-u bind -g bind" # Flags for named' >> /etc/rc.tmp
- mv /etc/rc.tmp /etc/rc.conf
- echo "named /etc/rc.conf injected"
- else
- echo "===> /etc/rc.conf is already configured: leaving..."
- fi
-if [ $kernel = "OpenBSD" ];
- flag=`grep named_flags=\"-c /etc/rc.conf`
- echo "conf $flag"
- if [ "$flag" = "" ];
- then
- echo "===> OpenBSD: Backing up /etc/rc.conf and insterting named_flags=\"-c /etc/named.conf\""
- echo "/etc/rc.conf no named"
- cp /etc/rc.conf /etc/rc.conf.old
- echo "/etc/rc.conf /etc/rc.conf.old saved"
- cat /etc/rc.conf | grep -v "named_flags=NO" >> /etc/rc.tmp
- echo 'named_flags="-c /etc/named.conf"' >> /etc/rc.tmp
- mv /etc/rc.tmp /etc/rc.conf
- echo "named /etc/rc.conf injected"
- if [ ! -f /etc/named.conf ];
- then
- echo "no /etc/named.conf"
- if ! [ ! -f /var/named/etc/named.conf ];
- then
- cp /var/named/etc/named.conf /etc/named.conf
- echo "/var/named/etc/named.conf /etc/named.conf copied"
- else
- mv /etc/rc.conf.old /etc/rc.conf
- echo "/etc/rc.conf.old /etc/rc.conf replaced"
- echo "set named at your own configuration in /etc/rc.conf and in your named.conf"
- fi
- echo "conf named.conf done"
- fi
- echo "conf /etc/rc.conf done"
- fi
- echo "conf done"
-# Copy dist file if no php.ini is there yet...
-if [ -e /usr/local/etc/php.ini-dist ] ; then
- if ! [ -e /usr/local/etc/php.ini ] ; then
- cp /usr/local/etc/php.ini-dist /usr/local/etc/php.ini
- fi
-# Check for pear in include path
-if [ -f /usr/local/share/pear/PEAR.php ] ;then
- if [ -e /usr/local/etc/php.ini ] ; then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "Checking include_path=/usr/local/share/pear in php.ini"
- fi
- if grep include_path /usr/local/etc/php.ini | grep /usr/local/share/pear > /dev/null
- then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "Seems ok: skiping include_path insertion in php.ini"
- fi
- else
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "Your php.ini doesn't has pear in it's inc path: changin!"
- fi
- echo "include_path = \".:/usr/local/share/pear\"" >>/usr/local/etc/php.ini
- fi
- fi
-# Here starts the interactive_installer.sh script
-# This is the interactive installer that will asks questions
-# for all of these OS that don't have ncurse (or similar)
-# automated system.
-# Authors: Thomas Goirand <thomas at goirand.fr>
-# and Damien Mascord <tusker at tusker.org> with the help
-# of some contributors
-echo "###############################################################"
-echo "### Welcome to DTC config script for automatic installation ###"
-echo "###############################################################"
-if [ -f "/root/.dtc_install" ]; then
- . /root/.dtc_install
- touch /root/.dtc_install
-echo ""
-echo "DTC needs to access to your mysql database"
-echo "Please give your mysql account information"
-if [ -z $conf_mysql_host ] ; then
- conf_mysql_host="localhost"
-echo -n "MySQL hostname [${conf_mysql_host}]: "
-read answer
-if [ ! -z $answer ]; then
- conf_mysql_host=${answer}
-sed -i.bak '/conf_mysql_host/d' /root/.dtc_install
-echo "conf_mysql_host=${conf_mysql_host}" >> /root/.dtc_install
-if [ -z $conf_mysql_login ] ; then
- conf_mysql_login="root"
-echo -n "MySQL root login [${conf_mysql_login}]: "
-read answer
-if [ ! -z $answer ]; then
- conf_mysql_login=${answer}
-sed -i.bak '/conf_mysql_login/d' /root/.dtc_install
-echo "conf_mysql_login=${conf_mysql_login}" >> /root/.dtc_install
-if [ -z $conf_mysql_pass ] ; then
- conf_mysql_pass=""
-echo -n "MySQL root password [${conf_mysql_pass}]: "
-read answer
-if [ ! -z $answer ]; then
- conf_mysql_pass=${answer}
-sed -i.bak '/conf_mysql_pass/d' /root/.dtc_install
-echo "conf_mysql_pass=${conf_mysql_pass}" >> /root/.dtc_install
-echo ""
-echo "Do you want that DTC setup this password"
-echo "for you ? (eg: UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWORD('XXX')...)"
-echo -n 'Setup the mysql password [Ny]: '
-read conf_mysql_change_root
-if [ ""$conf_mysql_change_root = "y" -o ""$conf_mysql_change_root = "Y" ]; then
- echo "===> Changing MySQL Root password"
- echo "MySQL will now prompt your for the password to connect to"
- echo "the database. This is the OLD password that was there before"
- echo "you launched this script. If you didn't setup a root pass for"
- echo "mysqld, just hit ENTER to use empty pass."
- mysql -u$conf_mysql_login -p -h$conf_mysql_host -Dmysql --execute="UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWORD('"$conf_mysql_pas"') WHERE User='root'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;";
- echo "Skinping MySQL password root change!"
-echo -n 'Choose a DB name for DTC [dtc]: '
-read conf_mysql_db
-if [ ""$conf_mysql_db = "" ] ; then
- conf_mysql_db="dtc"
-echo ""
-echo "What MTA (Mail Tranport Agent, the one that"
-echo "will route and deliver your incoming mail) do"
-echo "you wish to use with DTC ? Type q for qmail"
-echo "or type p for postfix."
-echo -n 'MTA type (Qmail or Postfix) [Q/p]: '
-read conf_mta_type
-if [ ""$conf_mta_type = "p" -o ""$conf_mta_type = "P" ]; then
- conf_mta_type=postfix
- echo "Postfix will be used"
- conf_mta_type=qmail
- echo "Qmail will be used"
-# Host configuration
-echo ""
-echo "Please enter the main domain name you will use."
-echo "DTC will install the root admin panel on that host."
-echo -n "Domain name (example: toto.com): "
-read main_domain_name
-echo ""
-echo "DTC will install a root admin panel on a subdomain"
-echo "of the domain you just provided. The default subdomain"
-echo "is dtc, which leads you to http://dtc."$main_domain_name"/"
-echo "You can enter another subdomain name if you want."
-echo -n 'Subdomain for DTC admin panel [dtc]: '
-read dtc_admin_subdomain
-if [ ""$dtc_admin_subdomain = "" ] ; then
- dtc_admin_subdomain="dtc"
-if [ ""$UNIX_TYPE = "freebsd" -o ""$UNIX_TYPE = "osx" ]; then
- echo "***FIX ME*** Installer in OS X and BSD version don't have IP addr detection yet!"
- guessed_ip_addr=""
- echo "Trying to guess your current IP..."
- guessed_ip_addr=`ifconfig | head -n 2 | tail -n 1 | cut -f2 -d":" | cut -f1 -d" "`
-echo ""
-echo " Do you want that DTC generates apache file to use"
-echo "a LAN IP address that your server is using?"
-echo "If your server is in the LAN behind a firewall"
-echo "that does NAT and port redirections of the public IP(s)"
-echo "address(es) to your server, then you must say YES"
-echo "here, otherwise (if your server is connected directly"
-echo "to the internet with a public static IP) leave it to NO."
-echo -n "Use NATed vhosts ? [N/y]: "
-read conf_use_nated_vhosts
-if [ ""$conf_use_nated_vhosts = "y" -o ""$conf_use_nated_vhosts = "Y" -o ""$conf_use_nated_vhosts = "yes" ]; then
- conf_use_nated_vhosts="yes";
- echo ""
- echo " Please enter the LAN IP of your server."
- echo -n "IP address of your server if in the LAN [${guessed_ip_addr}]: "
- read conf_nated_vhost_ip
- if [ ""$conf_nated_vhosts_ip = "" ]; then
- conf_nated_vhosts_ip=$guessed_ip_addr
- fi
- conf_use_nated_vhosts="no";
- conf_nated_vhosts_ip=""
-echo ""
-echo "I need now you host information to configure the daemons."
-if [ ""$conf_use_nated_vhosts = "yes" ] ; then
- echo -n "What is your external (public) IP addresse ?: "
- read conf_ip_addr
- echo -n "What is your IP addresse ? [${guessed_ip_addr}]: "
- read conf_ip_addr
- if [ ""$conf_ip_addr = "" ]; then
- conf_ip_addr=$guessed_ip_addr
- fi
-echo ""
-echo "Where will you keep your files for hosting ?"
-echo -n "Hosting path [/var/www/sites]: "
-read conf_hosting_path
-if [ ""$conf_hosting_path = "" ] ; then
- conf_hosting_path="/var/www/sites"
-echo ""
-echo "Path where to build the chroot environment."
-echo "Where do you want DTC to build the cgi-bin chroot"
-echo "environment? Please note that DTC will do hardlinks"
-echo "to that directory, so the chroot path should be in"
-echo "the same logical device as the path for hosted"
-echo "domains files."
-echo -n "Chroot path [/var/www/chroot]: "
-read conf_chroot_path
-if [ ""$conf_chroot_path = "" ] ; then
- conf_chroot_path="/var/www/chroot"
-echo ""
-echo "What admin login/pass you want for the administration of "$main_domain_name "?"
-echo -n "Login [dtc]: "
-read conf_adm_login
-if [ ""$conf_adm_login = "" ] ; then
- conf_adm_login="dtc"
-echo -n "Password: "
-read conf_adm_pass
-if [ -z "$conf_eth2monitor" ] ; then
- if [ ""$UNIX_TYPE = "freebsd" -o ""$UNIX_TYPE = "osx" ]; then
- echo "***FIX ME*** OS X and FreeBSD don't have interface detection yet!"
- else
- NBRLINES=`grep -v "lo:" /proc/net/dev | wc -l`
- NBRIFACE=$((${NBRLINES} - 2 ))
- while [ ${CNT} -gt 0 ] ; do
- ALL_IFACES=${ALL_IFACES}' '`grep -v "lo:" /proc/net/dev | tail -n ${CNT} | cut -f 1 -d':' | gawk -F ' ' '{print $1}' | head -n 1`
- CNT=$((${CNT} - 1 ))
- done
- fi
- echo ""
- echo "DTC will setup an RRDTools graphing system for you, please"
- echo "enter all the interfaces you wish to see in the total traffic."
- echo -n 'Enter the iface you wish to monitor ['$ALL_IFACES']: '
- read conf_eth2monitor
- if [ -z "$conf_eth2monitor" ]; then
- conf_eth2monitor=$ALL_IFACES
- fi
-echo ""
-echo "In order to know how many DTC setup has been done, the"
-echo "installer can report to GPLHost web site. No data is collected"
-echo "exept the operating system (Debian in your case), IP address"
-echo "of the setup (we use the IP as an identifier so we don't account"
-echo "upgrades and/or reinstallations, we wont ever use it for commercial"
-echo "purpose)."
-echo "You need an internet connection and wget installed to report. Do you"
-echo "wish to allow DTC installer to report the setup of the control panel?"
-echo -n 'Allow installer to report setup? [Yn]:'
-read report_setup
-if [ ""$report_setup = "y" -o ""$report_setup = "Y" -o ""$report_setup = "" ] ; then
- conf_report_setup="true";
- conf_report_setup="false";
-echo ""
-echo "In some environment, like FreeBSD Jail or Linux vServer,"
-echo "mknod is not allowed to be executed. For that reason, it's possible"
-echo "to skip the creation of the dev null, random and urandom devices"
-echo "durring the chroot template creation."
-echo -n "Allow installer to create the devices template? [Yn]:"
-read omit_dev_mknod
-if [ ""$omit_dev_mknod = "y" -o ""$omit_dev_mknod = "Y" -o ""$omit_dev_mknod = "" ] ; then
- conf_omit_dev_mknod="no"
- conf_omit_dev_mknod="yes"
-# Deamon path configuration
-echo ""
-echo ""
+echo "${LOCALBASE}/etc/rc.d/mysql-server.sh start"
echo ""
-echo ""
-echo ""
-echo "### Last confirmation before installation !!! ###"
-echo ""
-echo "Here are the given informations:"
-echo ""
-echo "MySQL host: "$conf_mysql_host
-echo "MySQL login: "$conf_mysql_login
-echo "MySQL pass: "$conf_mysql_pass
-echo "MySQL db: "$conf_mysql_db
-echo "Addresse of dtc panel: http://"$dtc_admin_subdomain"."$main_domain_name"/"
-echo "IP addr: "$conf_ip_addr
-echo "Hosting path: "$conf_hosting_path
-echo "DTC login: "$conf_adm_login
-echo "DTC pass: "$conf_adm_pass
-echo "httpd.conf: "$PATH_HTTPD_CONF
-echo "named.conf: "$PATH_NAMED_CONF
-echo "proftpd.conf: "$PATH_PROFTPD_CONF
-echo "dovecot.conf: "$PATH_DOVECOT_CONF
-echo "Courier config path: "$PATH_COURIER_CONF_PATH
-echo "postfix/main.cf: "$PATH_POSTFIX_CONF
-echo "qmail control: "$PATH_QMAIL_CTRL
-echo "php cgi: "$PATH_PHP_CGI
-echo "generated files: "$PATH_DTC_ETC
-echo ""
-echo -n 'Confirm and install DTC ? [Ny]:'
-read valid_infos
-if [ ""$valid_infos = "y" -o ""$valid_infos = "Y" ] ; then
- echo "Installation has started..."
- echo "Configuration not validated : exiting !"
- exit
-# Multi OS (Unix system) DATABASE setup sh script for DTC
-# Written by Thomas GOIRAND <thomas [ at ] goirand.fr>
-# under LGPL Licence
-# The configuration for all thoses variables must be written BEFORE this
-# script. Do the start of the script for your operating system.
-# I did mine for debian in debian/postinst
-# Please note this script
-# doeas not start with a :
-# because it's up to you to write it ! :)
-# Do a "cat setup_mysql_db.sh >>your_os_setup_script"
-# Uses the following variables :
-# "MySQL host: "$conf_mysql_host
-# "MySQL login: "$conf_mysql_login
-# "MySQL pass: "$conf_mysql_pass
-# "MySQL db: "$conf_mysql_db
-# "vhost: http://"$dtc_admin_subdomain"."$main_domain_name"/"
-# "IP addr: "$conf_ip_addr
-# "DTC login: "$conf_adm_login
-# "DTC pass: "$conf_adm_pass
-# "Hosting path: "$conf_hosting_path
-if [ -z "$MKTEMP" ] ; then
- MKTEMP="mktemp -t"
-# Params:
-# $1 - File where to search
-# $2 - String to search
-# $3 - String to replace
-# $4 - MKTEMP binary and params
-searchAndReplace () {
- if ! grep ${2} ${1} >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- sed "s/${2}/${3}/" ${1} >${TMP_FILE}
- cat ${TMP_FILE} >${1}
- rm ${TMP_FILE}
- fi
-if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "DTC is configuring your services: please wait..."
- echo "DTC installer is in VERBOSE mode"
- echo -n "DTC is configuring your services: please wait..."
-# Create hosting directories for main site
-if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "===> Creating directory for hosting "$main_domain_name
-mkdir -p $conf_hosting_path"/"$conf_adm_login"/"$main_domain_name"/subdomains/"$dtc_admin_subdomain"/html"
-mkdir -p $conf_hosting_path"/"$conf_adm_login"/"$main_domain_name"/subdomains/"$dtc_admin_subdomain"/logs"
-mkdir -p $conf_hosting_path"/"$conf_adm_login"/"$main_domain_name"/subdomains/"$dtc_admin_subdomain"/cgi-bin"
-mkdir -p $conf_hosting_path"/"$conf_adm_login"/"$main_domain_name"/subdomains/www/html"
-mkdir -p $conf_hosting_path"/"$conf_adm_login"/"$main_domain_name"/subdomains/www/logs"
-mkdir -p $conf_hosting_path"/"$conf_adm_login"/"$main_domain_name"/subdomains/www/cgi-bin"
-mkdir -p $conf_hosting_path"/"$conf_adm_login"/"$main_domain_name"/subdomains/404/html"
-mkdir -p $conf_hosting_path"/"$conf_adm_login"/"$main_domain_name"/subdomains/404/logs"
-mkdir -p $conf_hosting_path"/"$conf_adm_login"/"$main_domain_name"/subdomains/404/cgi-bin"
-mkdir -p $conf_hosting_path"/"$conf_adm_login"/"$main_domain_name"/Mailboxs"
-mkdir -p $conf_hosting_path"/"$conf_adm_login"/"$main_domain_name"/mysql"
-if ! [ -e $ADMIN_HOME/index.* ] ;then
- cp $PATH_DTC_SHARED"/shared/default_admin_site.php" $ADMIN_HOME"/index.php"
- if ! [ -e $ADMIN_HOME"/dtc_logo.gif" ] ;then
- cp $PATH_DTC_SHARED"/shared/template/dtc_logo.gif" $ADMIN_HOME
- fi
- if ! [ -e $ADMIN_HOME"/favicon.ico" ] ;then
- cp $PATH_DTC_SHARED"/shared/template/favicon.ico" $ADMIN_HOME
- fi
-# Copy a template site to the new main site
-if ! [ -e $MAINSITE_HOME/index.* ] ;then
- cp $PATH_DTC_SHARED"/shared/template/index.php" $MAINSITE_HOME
- if ! [ -e $MAINSITE_HOME"/dtc_logo.gif" ] ;then
- cp $PATH_DTC_SHARED"/shared/template/dtc_logo.gif" $MAINSITE_HOME
- fi
-set +e
-nobodygroup=`cat /etc/group | cut -f 1 -d: | grep ^nobody`
-# if we can't find the nobody group, try nogroup
-if [ -z ""$nobodygroup ]; then
- nobodygroup=`cat /etc/group | cut -f 1 -d: | grep ^nogroup`
-# if we can't find nogroup, then set to 65534
-if [ -z ""$nobodygroup ]; then
- nobodygroup=65534
-# if we can't find the nobody group, try nogroup
-nobodygid=`cat /etc/group | grep ^nobody | cut -f 3 -d:`
-if [ -z ""$nobodygid ]; then
- nobodygid=`cat /etc/group | grep ^nogroup | cut -f 3 -d:`
-# if we can't find nogroup, then set to 65534
-if [ -z ""$nobodygid ]; then
- nobodygid=65534
-if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo chown -R ${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_USERNAME}:${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_GROUPNAME} $conf_hosting_path
-set -e
-if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "===> DTC is now creating it's database:"
-# Added for MacOS X support with mysql not in the path...
-if [ ""$conf_mysql_cli_path = "" ] ;then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "mysql_cli_path is not set"
- fi
- conf_mysql_cli_path="mysql";
-if [ ""$conf_mysqlshow_cli_path = "" ] ;then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "mysqlshow_cli_path is not set"
- fi
- conf_mysqlshow_cli_path="mysqlshow";
-if [ "$conf_mysql_pass" = "" ];
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "Setting up mysql cli "$conf_mysql_cli_path" without password"
- fi
- MYSQL=""$conf_mysql_cli_path
- MYSQLSHOW=$conf_mysqlshow_cli_path
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "Setting up mysql cli with password"
- fi
-# MYSQL=""$conf_mysql_cli_path "-p"$conf_mysql_pass
- MYSQL=$conf_mysql_cli_path" -p${conf_mysql_pass}"
- MYSQLSHOW=$conf_mysqlshow_cli_path" -p${conf_mysql_pass}"
-# fix the group id for nobody group
-perl -i -p -e "s/65534/$nobodygid/g" $create_tables/*.sql
-if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo -n "===> Installing or upgrading DTC database: dtc "
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host --execute="CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS "$conf_mysql_db
-if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo -n "===> Checking version of mysql installed..."
-# mysql Ver 14.7 Distrib 4.1.20, for pc-linux-gnu (i386) using readline 5.1
- *Distrib\ 3.*)
- echo "Found version 3.x ..."
- ;;
- *Distrib\ 4.0*)
- echo "Found version 4.0.x ..."
- ;;
- *Distrib\ 4.1*)
- echo "Found version 4.1.x ..."
- ;;
- *Distrib\ 5.*)
- echo "Found version 5.x ..."
- ;;
-if [ ""$MYSQL_VER -gt 40 ]; then
- echo "Modifying character set to latin1..."
- $MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host --execute="ALTER DATABASE \`$conf_mysql_db\` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_bin;"
-if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo -n " apachelogs"
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host --execute="CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS apachelogs"
-if [ ""$MYSQL_VER -gt 40 ]; then
- $MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host --execute="ALTER DATABASE apachelogs DEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_bin;"
-cd $create_tables
-for i in $( ls *.sql );
- table_name=`echo $i | cut -f1 -d"."`
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo -n $table_name" "
- fi
- table_create=`cat $i`
- $MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db <$i
-if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "done."
-# fix some tables for 4.1
-if [ ""$MYSQL_VER -gt 40 ]; then
- $MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="ALTER TABLE fetchmail DEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_bin;"
-#echo $PATH_PHP_CGI $PATH_DTC_ADMIN/restor_db.php -u $conf_mysql_login -h $conf_mysql_host -d $conf_mysql_db $conf_mysql_pass
-if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- cd $PATH_DTC_ADMIN; $PATH_PHP_CGI $PATH_DTC_ADMIN/restor_db.php -u $conf_mysql_login -h $conf_mysql_host -d $conf_mysql_db "$conf_mysql_pass"
- cd $PATH_DTC_ADMIN; $PATH_PHP_CGI $PATH_DTC_ADMIN/restor_db.php -u $conf_mysql_login -h $conf_mysql_host -d $conf_mysql_db "$conf_mysql_pass" >/dev/null
-if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "===> Inserting values in mysql for hosting "$main_domain_name
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="INSERT IGNORE INTO groups (members) VALUES ('zigo')"
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="INSERT IGNORE INTO admin (adm_login,adm_pass,path) VALUES ('"$conf_adm_login"','"$conf_adm_pass"','"$conf_hosting_path"/"$conf_adm_login"')"
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="INSERT IGNORE INTO domain (name,owner,default_subdomain,generate_flag,ip_addr) VALUES ('"$main_domain_name"','"$conf_adm_login"','www','yes','"$conf_ip_addr"')"
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="INSERT IGNORE INTO subdomain (domain_name,subdomain_name,path) VALUES ('"$main_domain_name"','www','www')"
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="INSERT IGNORE INTO subdomain (domain_name,subdomain_name,path) VALUES ('"$main_domain_name"','404','404')"
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="INSERT IGNORE INTO subdomain(domain_name,subdomain_name,ip) VALUES ('"$main_domain_name"','ns1','$conf_ip_addr')"
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="INSERT IGNORE INTO subdomain(domain_name,subdomain_name,ip) VALUES ('"$main_domain_name"','mx','$conf_ip_addr')"
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="INSERT IGNORE INTO subdomain (domain_name,subdomain_name,path) VALUES ('"$main_domain_name"','"$dtc_admin_subdomain"','www')"
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="INSERT IGNORE INTO config (unicrow,demo_version,main_site_ip,site_addrs,addr_mail_server,webmaster_email_addr,addr_primary_dns,administrative_site,site_root_host_path,generated_file_path,dtcshared_path,dtcadmin_path,dtcclient_path,mta_type,main_domain,404_subdomain) VALUES('1','no','"$conf_ip_addr"','"$conf_ip_addr"','mx."$main_domain_name"','webmaster@"$main_domain_name"','ns1."$main_domain_name"','"$dtc_admin_subdomain"."$main_domain_name"','"$conf_hosting_path"','"$PATH_DTC_ETC"','"$PATH_DTC_SHARED"','"$PATH_DTC_ADMIN"','"$PATH_DTC_CLIENT"','"$conf_mta_type"','"$main_domain_name"','404')"
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="INSERT IGNORE INTO cron_job (unicrow,reload_named,restart_apache,gen_vhosts,gen_named) VALUES ('1','yes','yes','yes','yes')"
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="INSERT IGNORE INTO secpayconf (unicrow,use_paypal,paypal_rate,paypal_flat,paypal_autovalidate,paypal_email) VALUES ('1','yes','3.21','0.50','no','webmaster@"$main_domain_name"')"
-# Regenerate the "main" domain on each installs...
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="UPDATE domain SET generate_flag='yes' WHERE name='"$main_domain_name"'"
-# This one is in case of reinstalltion, so the installer has prority to old values
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="UPDATE config SET main_site_ip='"$conf_ip_addr"',administrative_site='"$dtc_admin_subdomain"."$main_domain_name"',site_root_host_path='"$conf_hosting_path"',generated_file_path='"$PATH_DTC_ETC"',mta_type='"$conf_mta_type"',main_domain='"$main_domain_name"',404_subdomain='404',apache_version='"$conf_apache_version"' WHERE 1"
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="UPDATE cron_job SET qmail_newu='yes',restart_qmail='yes',gen_qmail='yes',reload_named='yes',restart_apache='yes',gen_vhosts='yes',gen_named='yes' WHERE 1"
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="UPDATE config SET php_library_path='/usr/lib/php:/tmp:/usr/share/pear:$PATH_DTC_ETC/dtc404:/usr/share/php', dtc_system_uid='$CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_UID', dtc_system_username='$CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_USERNAME', dtc_system_gid='$CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_GID',dtc_system_groupname='$CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_GROUPNAME' WHERE 1"
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="UPDATE domain SET ip_addr='"$conf_ip_addr"', generate_flag='yes' WHERE name='"$main_domain_name"'"
-# Fix the rights for the UIDs in tables
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="UPDATE ftp_access SET uid='$CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_UID',gid='$CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_GID' WHERE 1"
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="UPDATE pop_access SET uid='$CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_UID',gid='$CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_GID' WHERE 1"
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="UPDATE ssh_access SET uid='$CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_UID',gid='$CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_GID' WHERE 1"
-# Here are some DB maintainance for old DTC versions
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="ALTER TABLE subdomain CHANGE ip ip VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT 'default' NOT NULL"
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="ALTER TABLE ftp_access CHANGE homedir homedir VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL"
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="ALTER TABLE pop_access CHANGE crypt crypt VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL"
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="ALTER TABLE pop_access CHANGE passwd passwd VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL"
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="ALTER TABLE paiement CHANGE secpay_site secpay_site enum('none', 'paypal', 'worldpay','enets') DEFAULT 'none' NOT NULL"
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="UPDATE pop_access SET crypt=ENCRYPT(passwd,CONCAT(\"\$1\$\",SUBSTRING(crypt,4,8)))"
-# fix size of accounting variables to store more info
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="ALTER TABLE http_accounting CHANGE bytes_receive bytes_receive BIGINT(14) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'"
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="ALTER TABLE http_accounting CHANGE bytes_sent bytes_sent BIGINT(14) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'"
-# Add dtc userspace info to mysql db if it's not there
-TMP_FILE=`${MKTEMP} dtc_downer_grep.XXXXXXXX` || exit 1
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -Dmysql --execute="DESCRIBE user dtcowner" >${TMP_FILE}
-if ! grep dtcowner ${TMP_FILE} 2>&1 >/dev/null ;then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "Adding dtcowner column to mysql.user"
- fi
- $MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="ALTER IGNORE TABLE mysql.user ADD dtcowner varchar (255) DEFAULT 'none' NOT NULL"
-if [ -e ${TMP_FILE} ] ;then
- rm ${TMP_FILE}
-# 2005/05/05 Remove bad keys preventing good accounting set in old dtc versions
-# This needs to be fixed with no error. Any idea???
-#$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="ALTER IGNORE TABLE smtp_logs DROP INDEX sender_domain"
-#$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="ALTER IGNORE TABLE smtp_logs DROP INDEX delivery_domain"
-#$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="ALTER IGNORE TABLE smtp_logs DROP INDEX delivery_id_text"
-#$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="ALTER IGNORE TABLE smtp_logs DROP INDEX delivery_id_text_2"
-#$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="ALTER IGNORE TABLE http_accounting DROP INDEX month"
-#$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="ALTER IGNORE TABLE email_accounting DROP INDEX sender_domain"
-#$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="ALTER IGNORE TABLE email_accounting DROP INDEX delivery_domain"
-# Add a fullemail field to the pop table if not exists.
-TMP_FILE=`${MKTEMP} dtc_pop_access_grep.XXXXXXXX` || exit 1
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="DESCRIBE pop_access fullemail" >${TMP_FILE}
-if ! grep fullemail ${TMP_FILE} 2>&1 >/dev/null ;then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "Adding fullemail column to dtc.pop_access and updating id@mbox_host field."
- fi
- if $MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="ALTER IGNORE TABLE pop_access ADD fullemail varchar (255) DEFAULT 'none' NOT NULL" ; then
- echo "plop !"
- fi
- $MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="UPDATE pop_access SET fullemail = concat( \`id\`, '@', \`mbox_host\` )"
-if [ -e ${TMP_FILE} ] ;then
- rm ${TMP_FILE}
-# Add a dtc user to the mysql db, generate a password randomly if no password is there already
-# Using a file to remember password...
-if ! [ -e ""${PATH_DB_PWD_FILE} ] ;then
-if [ -z "${MYSQL_DTCDAEMONS_PASS}" ] ;then
-chmod 600 ${PATH_DB_PWD_FILE}
-# Inserting the user
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="INSERT IGNORE INTO mysql.user (Host, User, Password, Select_priv, Insert_priv, Update_priv, Delete_priv, Create_priv, Drop_priv, Reload_priv, Shutdown_priv, Process_priv, File_priv, Grant_priv, References_priv, Index_priv, Alter_priv) VALUES ('localhost', 'dtcdaemons', PASSWORD('"${MYSQL_DTCDAEMONS_PASS}"'), 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N')"
-# Update the password in case of (bad) reinstallation case
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('"${MYSQL_DTCDAEMONS_PASS}"') WHERE User='dtcdaemons'"
-# grant Select,Insert,Update,Delete,References,Index to ftp_access
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="INSERT IGNORE INTO mysql.tables_priv (Host, Db, User, Table_name, Grantor, Timestamp, Table_priv, Column_priv) VALUES ('localhost', '"$conf_mysql_db"', 'dtcdaemons', 'ftp_access', '', NOW(NULL), 'Select,Insert,Update,Delete,References,Index', 'Select')"
-# grant Select,Insert,Update,Delete,References,Index to ftp_access
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="INSERT IGNORE INTO mysql.tables_priv (Host, Db, User, Table_name, Grantor, Timestamp, Table_priv, Column_priv) VALUES ('localhost', '"$conf_mysql_db"', 'dtcdaemons', 'groups', '', NOW(NULL), 'Select,Insert,Update,Delete,References,Index', 'Select')"
-# grant Select,Insert,Update,Delete,References,Index to ftp_logs
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="INSERT IGNORE INTO mysql.tables_priv (Host, Db, User, Table_name, Grantor, Timestamp, Table_priv, Column_priv) VALUES ('localhost', '"$conf_mysql_db"', 'dtcdaemons', 'ftp_logs', '', NOW(NULL), 'Select,Insert,Update,Delete,References,Index', '')"
-# grant Select,Insert,Update,Delete,References,Index to ftp_accounting
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="INSERT IGNORE INTO mysql.tables_priv (Host, Db, User, Table_name, Grantor, Timestamp, Table_priv, Column_priv) VALUES ('localhost', '"$conf_mysql_db"', 'dtcdaemons', 'ftp_accounting', '', NOW(NULL), 'Select,Insert,Update,Delete,References,Index', '')"
-# grant Select,Insert,Update,Delete,References,Index to http_accounting
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="INSERT IGNORE INTO mysql.tables_priv (Host, Db, User, Table_name, Grantor, Timestamp, Table_priv, Column_priv) VALUES ('localhost', '"$conf_mysql_db"', 'dtcdaemons', 'http_accounting', '', NOW(NULL), 'Select,Insert,Update,Delete,References,Index', '')"
-# grant all to apachelogs
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="INSERT IGNORE INTO mysql.db (Host, Db, User, Select_priv, Insert_priv, Update_priv, Delete_priv, Create_priv, Drop_priv, Grant_priv, References_priv, Index_priv, Alter_priv) VALUES ('localhost', 'apachelogs', 'dtcdaemons', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'N', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y')"
-# grant select to pop_access
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="INSERT IGNORE INTO mysql.tables_priv (Host, Db, User, Table_name, Grantor, Timestamp, Table_priv, Column_priv) VALUES ('localhost', '"$conf_mysql_db"', 'dtcdaemons', 'pop_access', '', NOW(NULL), 'Select,Update', 'Select,Update')"
-# update in case of old installations
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="UPDATE IGNORE mysql.tables_priv SET Timestamp = NOW(NULL) , Table_priv = 'Select,Update', Column_priv = 'Select,Update' WHERE Host = 'localhost' AND Db = '"$conf_mysql_db"' AND User = 'dtcdaemons' AND Table_name = 'pop_access' LIMIT 1 "
-#$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="GRANT SELECT , UPDATE ( crypt , passwd ) ON dtc.pop_access TO 'dtcdaemons'@'localhost'"
-# grant select to ssh_access
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="INSERT IGNORE INTO mysql.tables_priv (Host, Db, User, Table_name, Grantor, Timestamp, Table_priv, Column_priv) VALUES ('localhost', '"$conf_mysql_db"', 'dtcdaemons', 'ssh_access', '', NOW(NULL), 'Select,Update', 'Select,Update')"
-# grant select to ssh_groups
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="INSERT IGNORE INTO mysql.tables_priv (Host, Db, User, Table_name, Grantor, Timestamp, Table_priv, Column_priv) VALUES ('localhost', '"$conf_mysql_db"', 'dtcdaemons', 'ssh_groups', '', NOW(NULL), 'Select,Update', 'Select,Update')"
-# grant select to ssh_user_group
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="INSERT IGNORE INTO mysql.tables_priv (Host, Db, User, Table_name, Grantor, Timestamp, Table_priv, Column_priv) VALUES ('localhost', '"$conf_mysql_db"', 'dtcdaemons', 'ssh_user_group', '', NOW(NULL), 'Select,Update', 'Select,Update')"
-# populate some data into the ssh_groups table, so that it works correctly
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="INSERT IGNORE INTO ssh_groups (group_id, group_name, status, group_password, gid) VALUES (NULL, 'root', 'A', 'x', 0), (NULL, 'nobody', 'A', 'x', 99), (NULL, 'nobody', 'A', 'x', 65534);"
-# grant Select,Insert,Update,Delete,References,Index to smtp_logs
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="INSERT IGNORE INTO mysql.tables_priv (Host, Db, User, Table_name, Grantor, Timestamp, Table_priv, Column_priv) VALUES ('localhost', '"$conf_mysql_db"', 'dtcdaemons', 'smtp_logs', '', NOW(NULL), 'Select,Insert,Update,Delete,References,Index', '')"
-# grant select to whitelist
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="INSERT IGNORE INTO mysql.tables_priv (Host, Db, User, Table_name, Grantor, Timestamp, Table_priv, Column_priv) VALUES ('localhost', '"$conf_mysql_db"', 'dtcdaemons', 'whitelist', '', NOW(NULL), 'Select', 'Select')"
-# grant select to fetchmail
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="INSERT IGNORE INTO mysql.tables_priv (Host, Db, User, Table_name, Grantor, Timestamp, Table_priv, Column_priv) VALUES ('localhost', '"$conf_mysql_db"', 'dtcdaemons', 'fetchmail', '', NOW(NULL), 'Select', 'Select')"
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="FLUSH PRIVILEGES"
-# Setup good values depending on Unix distribution
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="UPDATE config SET dtcadmin_path='${PATH_DTC_ADMIN}', dtcclient_path='${PATH_DTC_CLIENT}', dtcdoc_path='${PATH_DTC_SHARED}/doc', dtcemail_path='${PATH_DTC_SHARED}/email' WHERE 1"
-# Add the config for nated vhosts if needed
-if [ ""$conf_use_nated_vhosts = "yes" ] ;then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "Setting-up values in MySQL for using NAT"
- fi
- $MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="UPDATE config SET use_nated_vhost='yes'"
- $MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="UPDATE config SET nated_vhost_ip='"${conf_nated_vhosts_ip}"'"
- $MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="UPDATE config SET use_multiple_ip='no'"
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "Setting-up values in MySQL NOT using NAT"
- fi
- $MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="UPDATE config SET use_nated_vhost='no'"
-# Set the value to use SSL directly...
-if [ ""$conf_gen_ssl_cert = "true" ]; then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "Adding the use of SSL directly!"
- fi
- $MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="UPDATE config SET use_ssl='yes'"
-# Insert the cyrus user so we can use cyradm
-$MYSQL -u$conf_mysql_login -h$conf_mysql_host -D$conf_mysql_db --execute="INSERT IGNORE INTO pop_access (id,fullemail,passwd,crypt) VALUES('cyrus','cyrus','"${MYSQL_DTCDAEMONS_PASS}"',ENCRYPT('"${MYSQL_DTCDAEMONS_PASS}"'))"
-# The panel needs root access (it does database management)
-echo "<?php" > $PATH_DTC_SHARED"/shared/mysql_config.php"
-echo "\$conf_mysql_host=\""$conf_mysql_host"\";" >> $PATH_DTC_SHARED"/shared/mysql_config.php"
-echo "\$conf_mysql_login=\""$conf_mysql_login"\";" >> $PATH_DTC_SHARED"/shared/mysql_config.php"
-echo "\$conf_mysql_pass=\""$conf_mysql_pass"\";" >> $PATH_DTC_SHARED"/shared/mysql_config.php"
-echo "\$conf_mysql_db=\""$conf_mysql_db"\";" >> $PATH_DTC_SHARED"/shared/mysql_config.php"
-echo "\$conf_mysql_conf_ok=\"yes\";" >> $PATH_DTC_SHARED"/shared/mysql_config.php"
-echo "?>" >> $PATH_DTC_SHARED"/shared/mysql_config.php"
-cd $curdir
-if [ $CHROOT_DIR"" = "" ] ; then
- CHROOT_DIR=/var/www/chroot
-if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "===> Creating chroot tree in "$CHROOT_DIR
-# set our umask so things are created with the correct group perms
-umask 022
-# now onto the creation
-mkdir -p $CHROOT_DIR
-# create directory structure
-mkdir -p etc dev bin lib tmp var/tmp var/run sbin libexec
-mkdir -p usr/bin usr/lib usr/libexec usr/share usr/lib/zoneinfo
-# make devices - adjust MAJOR/MINOR as appropriate ( see ls -l /dev/* )
-if ! [ ""$conf_omit_dev_mknod = "yes" ] ; then
- if ! [ -e dev/null ] ; then
- if [ $UNIX_TYPE"" = "freebsd" -o $UNIX_TYPE"" = "osx" ] ; then
- mknod dev/null c 2 2 # FreeBSD?
- else
- mknod dev/null c 1 3 # Linux
- fi
- fi
- if [ $UNIX_TYPE"" = "freebsd" -o $UNIX_TYPE"" = "osx" ] ; then
- if [ $kernel"" = "OpenBSD" ] ; then
- if ! [ -e dev/urandom ] ; then
- mknod dev/urandom c 45 2 # OpenBSD ?
- fi
- else
- if ! [ -e dev/random ] ; then
- mknod dev/random c 2 3 # FreeBSD
- fi
- if ! [ -e dev/urandom ] ; then
- mknod dev/urandom c 2 3
- fi
- fi
- else
- if ! [ -e dev/random ] ; then
- mknod dev/random c 1 8 # Linux
- fi
- if ! [ -e dev/urandom ] ; then
- mknod dev/urandom c 1 9 # Linux
- fi
- fi
- # some external programs may need these:
- if [ $UNIX_TYPE"" = "freebsd" -o $UNIX_TYPE"" = "osx" ] ; then
- if ! [ -e dev/stdin ] ; then
- mknod dev/stdin c 22 0 # FreeBSD, OpenBSD
- fi
- if ! [ -e dev/stdout ] ; then
- mknod dev/stdout c 22 1 # FreeBSD, OpenBSD
- fi
- if ! [ -e dev/stderr ] ; then
- mknod dev/stderr c 22 2 # FreeBSD, OpenBSD
- fi
- fi
-# copy required binaries to $CHROOT_DIR/usr/bin and $CHROOT_DIR/bin
-if [ -e /bin/bzip2 ] ; then
- cp -pf /bin/bzip2 usr/bin/
-if [ -e /usr/bin/bzip2 ] ; then
- cp -pf /usr/bin/bzip2 usr/bin/
-if [ -e /usr/bin/file ] ; then
- cp -pf /usr/bin/file usr/bin/
-if [ $UNIX_TYPE"" = "freebsd" ] ; then
- cp -pf /usr/bin/cpio usr/bin
- cp -pf /libexec/ld-elf.so.1 libexec
- cp -pf /bin/rm /bin/mv /usr/bin/gunzip /usr/bin/tar /usr/bin/false bin/
-elif [ $UNIX_TYPE"" = "osx" ] ; then
- cp -pf /usr/bin/cpio usr/bin
- cp -pf /usr/bin/rm /usr/bin/mv /usr/bin/gunzip /usr/bin/tar /usr/bin/false bin/
- cp -pf /bin/rm /bin/mv /bin/gunzip bin/
- cp -pf /bin/cpio usr/bin
-# copy zip and unzip if they are present
-if [ -e /usr/bin/zip ] ; then
- cp -pf /usr/bin/zip bin/
-if [ -e /usr/bin/unzip ] ; then
- cp -pf /usr/bin/unzip bin/
-if [ -e /bin/bash ] ; then
- cp -pf /bin/bash bin
-if [ -e /usr/bin/bash ] ; then
- cp -pf /usr/bin/bash bin
-if [ -e /usr/bin/tar ]; then
- cp -pf /usr/bin/tar bin
-if [ -e /bin/tar ]; then
- cp -pf /bin/tar bin
-if [ -e /usr/bin/false ]; then
- cp -pf /usr/bin/false bin
-if [ -e /bin/false ]; then
- cp -pf /bin/false bin
-if [ -e /usr/bin/sftp ]; then
- cp -pf /usr/bin/sftp bin/
-# the sftp-server binary can be in /usr/lib or /lib, so check both places
-if [ -e /usr/lib/sftp-server ]; then
- cp -pf /usr/lib/sftp-server usr/lib/
-if [ -e /lib/sftp-server ]; then
- cp -pf /lib/sftp-server lib/
-if [ -e /usr/bin/scp ]; then
- cp -pf /usr/bin/scp bin/
-# copy more required binaries to $CHROOT_DIR/bin
-cp -pf /bin/sh /bin/echo /bin/ls /bin/pwd /bin/cat bin/
-# copy ldconfig from sbin to $CHROOT_DIR/sbin
-if ! [ $UNIX_TYPE"" = "osx" ] ; then
- cp -pf /sbin/ldconfig sbin/
-# copy needed /etc files to $CHROOT_DIR/etc
-cp -pf /etc/protocols /etc/services /etc/hosts \
- /etc/resolv.conf etc/
-# generate /etc/passwd and /etc/group
-# ignore errors
-set +e
-grep daemon /etc/passwd > etc/passwd
-grep bin /etc/passwd >> etc/passwd
-grep sys /etc/passwd >> etc/passwd
-grep man /etc/passwd >> etc/passwd
-grep lp /etc/passwd >> etc/passwd
-grep mail /etc/passwd >> etc/passwd
-grep news /etc/passwd >> etc/passwd
-grep uucp /etc/passwd >> etc/passwd
-grep www-data /etc/passwd >> etc/passwd
-# generate this one manually: grep nobody /etc/passwd >> etc/passwd
-grep daemon /etc/group > etc/group
-grep bin /etc/group >> etc/group
-grep sys /etc/group >> etc/group
-grep man /etc/group >> etc/group
-grep lp /etc/group >> etc/group
-grep mail /etc/group >> etc/group
-grep news /etc/group >> etc/group
-grep uucp /etc/group >> etc/group
-grep www-data /etc/group >> etc/group
-grep ${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_GROUPNAME} /etc/group >> etc/group
-grep ${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_USERNAME} /etc/group >> etc/group
-set -e
-# fix entry for nobody in /etc/passwd
-# create shadow account line for nobody
-echo "${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_USERNAME}::12719:0:99999:7:::" > etc/shadow
-if [ -e /etc/host.conf ] ; then
- cp -pf /etc/host.conf etc/
-if [ -e /etc/ld.conf ] ; then
- cp -pf /etc/ld.conf etc/
-if [ -e /etc/nsswitch.conf ] ; then
- cp -pf /etc/nsswitch.conf etc/
-if [ -e /etc/localtime ] ; then
- cp -pf /etc/localtime etc/
-# copy shared libraries to $CHROOT_DIR/lib
-# (check: ldd /usr/bin/perl (or other binary) to see which ones are needed)
-#for j in \
-if [ $UNIX_TYPE"" = "freebsd" ] ; then
- cp -pf /usr/lib/libc.so* /usr/lib/libm.so* \
- /usr/lib/libstdc\+\+.so* usr/lib/
- if [ -e /usr/compat/linux/usr/lib/libz.so.1 ] ; then
- cp /usr/compat/linux/usr/lib/libz.so.1 usr/lib
- fi
- if [ $UNIX_TYPE"" = "osx" ] ; then
- cp -pf /usr/lib/dyld /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib \
- /usr/lib/libc.dylib /usr/lib/libdl.dylib \
- /usr/lib/libncurses.5.dylib /usr/lib/libpam.dylib \
- /usr/lib/libpthread.dylib usr/lib/
- cp -pf /usr/lib/dylib1.o /usr/lib/libSystem.dylib \
- /usr/lib/libcrypto.dylib /usr/lib/libm.dylib \
- /usr/lib/libncurses.dylib /usr/lib/libpam_misc.dylib \
- /usr/lib/libz.dylib usr/lib
- mkdir usr/lib/system
- cp -pf /usr/lib/system/libmathCommon.A.dylib usr/lib/system
- else
- FOUNDED_ARCH=`uname -m`
- if [ ""$FOUNDED_ARCH = "x86_64" ] ; then
- if [ ! -e lib64 ]; then
- ln -s lib lib64
- fi
- fi
- if [ -e /lib/ld-linux.so.2 ] ; then
- cp -pf /lib/ld-linux.so.2 lib/
- fi
- if [ -e /lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 ] ; then
- cp -pf /lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 lib/
- fi
- cp -pf /lib/libdl.so.2 /lib/libm.so.6 /lib/libpthread.so.0 \
- /lib/libc.so.6 /lib/libcrypt.so.1 \
- /lib/librt.so.1 \
- /lib/libnss_compat.so.2 /lib/libnsl.so.1 /lib/libnss_files.so.2 \
- /lib/libpam.so.0 /lib/libpam_misc.so.0 lib/
- if [ -e /lib/libncurses.so.5 ]; then
- cp /lib/libncurses.so.5 lib/
- fi
- if [ -e /usr/lib/libncurses.so.5 ]; then
- cp /usr/lib/libncurses.so.5 lib/
- fi
- if [ -e /lib/libacl.so.1 ]; then
- cp /lib/libacl.so.1 lib/
- fi
- if [ -e /lib/libattr.so.1 ]; then
- cp /lib/libattr.so.1 lib/
- fi
- if [ -e /lib/libcap.so.1 ]; then
- cp /lib/libcap.so.1 lib/
- fi
- if [ -e /lib/libbz2.so.1.0 ]; then
- cp /lib/libbz2.so.1.0 lib/
- fi
- if [ -e /usr/lib/libbz2.so.1.0 ]; then
- cp /usr/lib/libbz2.so.1.0 lib/
- fi
- if [ -e /usr/lib/libmagic.so.1 ]
- then
- cp -pf /usr/lib/libmagic.so.1 lib/
- fi
- if [ $UNIX_TYPE"" = "gentoo" ] ; then
- cp -pf /lib/libz.so.1 lib/
- else
- cp -pf /usr/lib/libz.so.1 lib/
- fi
- # libs for sftp and scp
- if [ -e /lib/libresolv.so.2 ]; then
- cp -pf /lib/libresolv.so.2 lib/
- fi
- if [ -e /usr/lib/libcrypto.so.0.9.7 ]; then
- cp -pf /usr/lib/libcrypto.so.0.9.7 lib/
- fi
- if [ -e /usr/lib/libcrypto.so.0.9.8 ]; then
- cp -pf /usr/lib/libcrypto.so.0.9.8 lib/
- fi
- if [ -e /lib/libutil.so.1 ]; then
- cp -pf /lib/libutil.so.1 lib/
- fi
- fi
-# magic files needed by file(1). Different versions and installations
-# expect magic files in different locations. Check the documentation.
-# Some usual locations are:
-if [ -e /usr/share/misc/file ]
- #cp -pf /usr/local/share/file/* usr/local/share/file/
- mkdir -p usr/share/misc/file
- cp -pf /usr/share/misc/file/magic* usr/share/misc/file
- #cp -pf /usr/share/magic usr/share/
-# No need anymore - fix up pam.d into jail
-# if [ -e /etc/pam.d ]; then
-# mkdir -p ./etc/pam.d/
-# cp /etc/pam.d/* ./etc/pam.d/
-# fi
-# No need anymore - copy PAM-Modules to jail
-#if [ -e /lib/security ]; then
- #cp -r /lib/security ./lib/
-#if [ -e /etc/security ]; then
-# cp -r /etc/security ./etc/
-if [ -e /etc/login.defs ]; then
- cp /etc/login.defs ./etc/
-# now we have come this far, make sure our chroot includes enough libs for this environment
-LDD=`which ldd`
-if [ -n "$LDD" ]; then
-for i in bin/*;
- for j in `$LDD $i | cut -f 1 -d' '`;
- do
- if [ -e $j ]; then
- cp -pf $j lib/
- fi
- if [ -e /lib/$j ]; then
- cp -pf /lib/$j lib/
- fi
- if [ -e /usr/lib/$j ]; then
- cp -pf /usr/lib/$j lib/
- fi
- if [ -e /usr/local/lib/$j ]; then
- cp -pf /usr/local/lib/$j lib/
- fi
- done
-# if we have a sudo binary around, then use it to create our chroot shell
-SUDO=`which sudo`
-if [ -n "$SUDO" ] ; then
- # create a chroot shell script
- echo "Creating chroot shell script..."
- SHELL=/bin/dtc-chroot-shell
- echo '#!/bin/sh' > $SHELL
- echo "`which sudo` -H `which chroot` \$HOME /bin/su - \$USER" \"\$@\" >> $SHELL
- chmod 755 $SHELL
- # fix sudoers
- # fix /etc/shells
-# set protections
-chmod 1770 tmp
-chmod 1770 var/tmp
-if ! [ ""$conf_omit_dev_mknod = "yes" ] ; then
- chmod 666 dev/null
- chmod 644 dev/*random
-#now need to copy over the perl binary and some modules
-cp -pf /usr/bin/perl usr/bin/
-if [ $UNIX_TYPE"" = "freebsd" ] ;then
- # now create our ld.so cache
- cp /libexec/ld-elf.so.1 $CHROOT_DIR/libexec
- chroot $CHROOT_DIR ./sbin/ldconfig
- # just in case we have wiped our /etc/ld.so.cache (run locally)
- /sbin/ldconfig
- if ! [ $UNIX_TYPE"" = "osx" ] ;then
- # now create our ld.so cache
- mkdir -p $CHROOT_DIR/etc
- touch $CHROOT_DIR/etc/ld.so.cache
- touch $CHROOT_DIR/etc/ld.so.conf
- chroot $CHROOT_DIR ./sbin/ldconfig
- # just in case we have wiped our /etc/ld.so.cache (run locally)
- /sbin/ldconfig
- fi
-# Multi OS (Unix system) install sh script for DTC
-# Written by Thomas GOIRAND <thomas@goirand.fr>
-# Cyrus modifications by Cristian Livadaru <cristian@livadaru.net>
-# under LGPL Licence
-# The configuration for all thoses variables must be written BEFORE this
-# script. Do the start of the script for your operating system.
-# I did mine for debian in debian/postinst
-# Please note this script
-# doeas not start with a :
-# because it's up to you to write it ! :)
-# Do a "cat configure_deamons.sh >>your_os_setup_script"
-# This script modify all your daemons configuration
-# files so that it uses the DTC genated files.
-# First, copy our RENAME_ME_paiement_config.php to paiement_config.php
-# so it works automaticaly even without Tucows API
-# We are just after the creation of the chroot tree, so it's time to copy it over
-# our newly created vhosts dirs (in update mode)
-if [ -z ""$MYSQL_DB_SOCKET_PATH ] ;then
- MYSQL_DB_SOCKET_PATH="/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock"
-# Copy newly created chroot tree to the 3 vhosts created with this installer (mx and ns don't have apache vhosts generated)
-if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo -n "===> Installing chroot file environment for www."$main_domain_name
-cp -fpR $conf_chroot_path/* $conf_hosting_path"/"$conf_adm_login"/"$main_domain_name"/subdomains/www/"
-if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo -n " "$dtc_admin_subdomain"."$main_domain_name
-cp -fpR $conf_chroot_path/* $conf_hosting_path"/"$conf_adm_login"/"$main_domain_name"/subdomains/404"
-if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo -n " 404."$main_domain_name
-cp -fpR $conf_chroot_path/* $conf_hosting_path"/"$conf_adm_login"/"$main_domain_name"/subdomains/"$dtc_admin_subdomain
-# symlink directories so that users can login with ssh to the admin account directory
-if [ ! -e $conf_hosting_path/$conf_adm_login/bin ]; then ln -s $main_domain_name/subdomains/www/bin $conf_hosting_path/$conf_adm_login/bin; fi
-if [ ! -e $conf_hosting_path/$conf_adm_login/var ]; then ln -s $main_domain_name/subdomains/www/var $conf_hosting_path/$conf_adm_login/var; fi
-if [ ! -e $conf_hosting_path/$conf_adm_login/lib ]; then ln -s $main_domain_name/subdomains/www/lib $conf_hosting_path/$conf_adm_login/lib; fi
-if [ ! -e $conf_hosting_path/$conf_adm_login/sbin ]; then ln -s $main_domain_name/subdomains/www/sbin $conf_hosting_path/$conf_adm_login/sbin; fi
-if [ ! -e $conf_hosting_path/$conf_adm_login/tmp ]; then ln -s $main_domain_name/subdomains/www/tmp $conf_hosting_path/$conf_adm_login/tmp; fi
-if [ ! -e $conf_hosting_path/$conf_adm_login/usr ]; then ln -s $main_domain_name/subdomains/www/usr $conf_hosting_path/$conf_adm_login/usr; fi
-if [ ! -e $conf_hosting_path/$conf_adm_login/dev ]; then ln -s $main_domain_name/subdomains/www/dev $conf_hosting_path/$conf_adm_login/dev; fi
-if [ ! -e $conf_hosting_path/$conf_adm_login/etc ]; then ln -s $main_domain_name/subdomains/www/etc $conf_hosting_path/$conf_adm_login/etc; fi
-chown ${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_USERNAME}:${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_GROUPNAME} $conf_hosting_path/$conf_adm_login/bin
-chown ${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_USERNAME}:${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_GROUPNAME} $conf_hosting_path/$conf_adm_login/var
-chown ${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_USERNAME}:${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_GROUPNAME} $conf_hosting_path/$conf_adm_login/lib
-chown ${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_USERNAME}:${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_GROUPNAME} $conf_hosting_path/$conf_adm_login/sbin
-chown ${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_USERNAME}:${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_GROUPNAME} $conf_hosting_path/$conf_adm_login/tmp
-chown ${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_USERNAME}:${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_GROUPNAME} $conf_hosting_path/$conf_adm_login/usr
-chown ${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_USERNAME}:${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_GROUPNAME} $conf_hosting_path/$conf_adm_login/dev
-chown ${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_USERNAME}:${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_GROUPNAME} $conf_hosting_path/$conf_adm_login/etc
-# also, so the user can login to the main domain names base directory
-if [ ! -e $conf_hosting_path/$conf_adm_login/$main_domain_name/bin ]; then ln -s subdomains/www/bin $conf_hosting_path/$conf_adm_login/$main_domain_name/bin; fi
-if [ ! -e $conf_hosting_path/$conf_adm_login/$main_domain_name/var ]; then ln -s subdomains/www/var $conf_hosting_path/$conf_adm_login/$main_domain_name/var; fi
-if [ ! -e $conf_hosting_path/$conf_adm_login/$main_domain_name/lib ]; then ln -s subdomains/www/lib $conf_hosting_path/$conf_adm_login/$main_domain_name/lib; fi
-if [ ! -e $conf_hosting_path/$conf_adm_login/$main_domain_name/sbin ]; then ln -s subdomains/www/sbin $conf_hosting_path/$conf_adm_login/$main_domain_name/sbin; fi
-if [ ! -e $conf_hosting_path/$conf_adm_login/$main_domain_name/tmp ]; then ln -s subdomains/www/tmp $conf_hosting_path/$conf_adm_login/$main_domain_name/tmp; fi
-if [ ! -e $conf_hosting_path/$conf_adm_login/$main_domain_name/usr ]; then ln -s subdomains/www/usr $conf_hosting_path/$conf_adm_login/$main_domain_name/usr; fi
-if [ ! -e $conf_hosting_path/$conf_adm_login/$main_domain_name/dev ]; then ln -s subdomains/www/dev $conf_hosting_path/$conf_adm_login/$main_domain_name/dev; fi
-if [ ! -e $conf_hosting_path/$conf_adm_login/$main_domain_name/etc ]; then ln -s subdomains/www/etc $conf_hosting_path/$conf_adm_login/$main_domain_name/etc; fi
-set +e
-nobodygroup=`cat /etc/group | cut -f 1 -d: | grep ^nobody`
-# if we can't find the nobody group, try nogroup
-if [ -z ""$nobodygroup ]; then
- nobodygroup=`cat /etc/group | cut -f 1 -d: | grep ^nogroup`
-# if we can't find nogroup, then set to 65534
-if [ -z ""$nobodygroup ]; then
- nobodygroup=65534
-nobodygid=`cat /etc/group | grep ^nobody | cut -f 3 -d:`
-# if we can't find the nobody group, try nogroup
-if [ -z ""$nobodygid ]; then
- nobodygid=`cat /etc/group | grep ^nogroup | cut -f 3 -d:`
-# if we can't find nogroup, then set to 65534
-if [ -z ""$nobodygid ]; then
- nobodygid=65534
-set -e
-if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "chown -R ${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_USERNAME}:${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_GROUPNAME} $conf_hosting_path/$conf_adm_login/$main_domain_name/subdomains"
-chown -R ${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_USERNAME}:${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_GROUPNAME} $conf_hosting_path/$conf_adm_login/$main_domain_name/subdomains
-# if we have a sudo binary around, then use it to create our chroot shell
-# check for some path defaults...
-if [ -z "$PATH_SUDO" ]; then
- PATH_SUDO=`which sudo`
-if [ -z "$PATH_CHROOT" ]; then
- PATH_CHROOT=`which chrootuid`
-if [ -z "$PATH_SHELLS_CONF" ]; then
- PATH_SHELLS_CONF=/etc/shells
-if [ -z "$PATH_SUDOERS_CONF" ]; then
- PATH_SUDOERS_CONF=/etc/sudoers
-if [ -n "$PATH_SUDO" ] ; then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ]; then
- echo "Creating chroot shell..."
- fi
- # create a chroot shell script
- CHROOT_SHELL=/bin/dtc-chroot-shell
- echo '#!/bin/sh' > $CHROOT_SHELL
- echo "# This shell script is used by DTC, please do not remove" >> $CHROOT_SHELL
- echo "$PATH_SUDO -H $PATH_CHROOT \$HOME \$USER" /bin/bash \"\$@\" >> $CHROOT_SHELL
- chmod 755 $CHROOT_SHELL
- # fix sudoers
- if grep "Configured by DTC" $PATH_SUDOERS_CONF >/dev/null
- then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "$PATH_SUDOERS_CONF has been configured before..."
- fi
- else
- if ! [ -f $PATH_SUDOERS_CONF.DTC.backup ]
- then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "===> Backuping "$PATH_SUDOERS_CONF
- fi
- fi
- TMP_FILE=`${MKTEMP} DTC_install.sudoers.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- echo "# Configured by DTC 0.21 : please do not touch this line !" >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "Defaults:${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_USERNAME} !set_logname" >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "# End of DTC configuration : please don't touch this line !" >> $TMP_FILE
- fi
- # fix /etc/shells
- if grep "Configured by DTC" $PATH_SHELLS_CONF >/dev/null
- then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "$PATH_SHELLS_CONF has been configured before..."
- fi
- else
- if ! [ -f $PATH_SHELLS_CONF.DTC.backup ]
- then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "===> Backuping "$PATH_SHELLS_CONF
- fi
- fi
- TMP_FILE=`${MKTEMP} DTC_install.shells.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- echo "# Configured by DTC 0.21 : please do not touch this line !" >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "/bin/dtc-chroot-shell" >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "# End of DTC configuration : please don't touch this line !" >> $TMP_FILE
- rm $TMP_FILE
- fi
-if ! [ -f $PATH_DTC_SHARED/shared/securepay/paiement_config.php ] ; then
- cp -v $PATH_DTC_SHARED/shared/securepay/RENAME_ME_paiement_config.php $PATH_DTC_SHARED/shared/securepay/paiement_config.php
-# Modify the php.ini to increase memory limits
-if ! [ -z ""$PATH_PHP_INI_APACHE ] ; then
- searchAndReplace $PATH_PHP_INI_APACHE memory_limit\ =\ 8M memory_limit\ =\ 64M
- searchAndReplace $PATH_PHP_INI_APACHE memory_limit\ =\ 16M memory_limit\ =\ 64M
-if ! [ -z ""$PATH_PHP_INI_APACHE2 ] ; then
- searchAndReplace $PATH_PHP_INI_APACHE2 memory_limit\ =\ 8M memory_limit\ =\ 64M
- searchAndReplace $PATH_PHP_INI_APACHE2 memory_limit\ =\ 16M memory_limit\ =\ 64M
-if ! [ -z ""$PATH_PHP_INI_CLI ] ; then
- searchAndReplace $PATH_PHP_INI_CLI max_execution_time\ =\ 30 max_execution_time\ =\ 1200
- searchAndReplace $PATH_PHP_INI_CLI memory_limit\ =\ 8M memory_limit\ =\ 64M
- searchAndReplace $PATH_PHP_INI_CLI memory_limit\ =\ 16M memory_limit\ =\ 64M
-if [ -e /etc/php5/apache/php.ini ] ; then
- searchAndReplace /etc/php5/apache/php.ini max_execution_time\ =\ 30 max_execution_time\ =\ 1200
- searchAndReplace /etc/php5/apache/php.ini memory_limit\ =\ 8M memory_limit\ =\ 64M
- searchAndReplace /etc/php5/apache/php.ini memory_limit\ =\ 16M memory_limit\ =\ 64M
-if [ -e /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini ] ; then
- searchAndReplace /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini max_execution_time\ =\ 30 max_execution_time\ =\ 1200
- searchAndReplace /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini memory_limit\ =\ 8M memory_limit\ =\ 64M
- searchAndReplace /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini memory_limit\ =\ 16M memory_limit\ =\ 64M
-if [ -e /etc/php4/apache/php.ini ] ; then
- searchAndReplace /etc/php4/apache/php.ini max_execution_time\ =\ 30 max_execution_time\ =\ 1200
- searchAndReplace /etc/php4/apache/php.ini memory_limit\ =\ 8M memory_limit\ =\ 64M
- searchAndReplace /etc/php4/apache/php.ini memory_limit\ =\ 16M memory_limit\ =\ 64M
-if [ -e /etc/php4/apache2/php.ini ] ; then
- searchAndReplace /etc/php4/apache2/php.ini max_execution_time\ =\ 30 max_execution_time\ =\ 1200
- searchAndReplace /etc/php4/apache2/php.ini memory_limit\ =\ 8M memory_limit\ =\ 64M
- searchAndReplace /etc/php4/apache2/php.ini memory_limit\ =\ 16M memory_limit\ =\ 64M
-# Include $PATH_DTC_ETC/vhosts.conf in $PATH_HTTPD_CONF
-TMP_FILE=`${MKTEMP} DTC_install.httpd.conf.XXXXXX` || exit 1
-if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "===> Modifying httpd.conf"
-# need to see if we can use the modules-config or apacheconfig tools
-# if apacheconfig is a symlink (deprecated), then use modules-config
- if [ ""$conf_apache_version = "2" ] ; then
- else
- fi
-# check to see if our apacheconfig has been obseleted
-if [ "$HTTPD_MODULES_CONFIG" = "" ]
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "Not using modules-config tool"
- fi
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "Using $HTTPD_MODULES_CONFIG to configure apache modules"
- fi
-if grep "Configured by DTC" $PATH_HTTPD_CONF >/dev/null
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "httpd.conf has been configured before : skiping include inssertion !"
- fi
- if ! [ -f $PATH_HTTPD_CONF.DTC.backup ]
- then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "===> Backuping "$PATH_HTTPD_CONF
- fi
- fi
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "=> Verifying User and Group directive"
- fi
- # This is from upgrades from older versions using nobody
- if grep "User nobody" $PATH_HTTPD_CONF >/dev/null 2>&1
- then
- echo "User nobody -> User ${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_USERNAME}"
- fi
- if grep "Group nogroup" $PATH_HTTPD_CONF >/dev/null 2>&1
- then
- echo "Group nobody -> User ${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_GROUPNAME}"
- fi
- # Those 2 are for debian
- if grep "User www-data" $PATH_HTTPD_CONF >/dev/null 2>&1
- then
- echo "User www-data -> User ${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_USERNAME}"
- fi
- if grep "Group www-data" $PATH_HTTPD_CONF >/dev/null 2>&1
- then
- echo "Group www-data -> Group ${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_GROUPNAME}"
- sed "s/Group www-data/Group ${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_GROUPNAME}/" $PATH_HTTPD_CONF >$TMP_FILE
- fi
- # Those 2 are for BSD
- if grep "User www" $PATH_HTTPD_CONF >/dev/null 2>&1
- then
- echo "User www -> User ${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_USERNAME}"
- fi
- if grep "Group www" $PATH_HTTPD_CONF >/dev/null 2>&1
- then
- echo "Group www -> Group ${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_GROUPNAME}"
- fi
- # Those 2 are for RedHat
- if grep "User apache" $PATH_HTTPD_CONF >/dev/null 2>&1
- then
- echo "User apache -> User ${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_USERNAME}"
- fi
- if grep "Group apache" $PATH_HTTPD_CONF >/dev/null 2>&1
- then
- echo "Group apache -> Group ${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_GROUPNAME}"
- fi
-# if [ "$UNIX_TYPE" = "debian" -o "$UNIX_TYPE" = "osx" ]
-# then
-# if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
-# echo "=> Checking apache modules"
-# echo -n "Checking for php4..."
-# fi
-# # first of all, may as well try to use the provided modules-config or apacheconfig provided by debian...
-# # else use the normal method to be cross platform compatible
-# if [ "$HTTPD_MODULES_CONFIG" = "" ]
-# then
-# # need to support modules.conf version of apache debian package
-# # default to normal HTTPD_CONF
-# then
-# fi
-# if grep -i "# LoadModule php4_module" $PATH_HTTPD_CONF_TEMP >/dev/null 2>&1
-# then
-# if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
-# echo "found commented: activating php4 module!"
-# fi
-# sed "s/# LoadModule php4_module/LoadModule php4_module/" $PATH_HTTPD_CONF_TEMP >$TMP_FILE
-# else
-# if grep -i "LoadModule php4_module" $PATH_HTTPD_CONF_TEMP >/dev/null 2>&1
-# then
-# if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
-# echo " ok!"
-# fi
-# else
-# if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
-# echo "php4 missing! please install it or run apacheconfig!!!"
-# fi
-# exit 1
-# fi
-# fi
-# else
-# if [ ""$conf_apache_version = "2" ] ; then
-# echo "Apache2 don't need module checkings..."
-# else
-# if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
-# echo $HTTPD_MODULES_CONFIG enable php4_module
-# fi
-# $HTTPD_MODULES_CONFIG enable php4_module
-# if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
-# echo $HTTPD_MODULES_CONFIG enable mod_php4
-# fi
-# $HTTPD_MODULES_CONFIG enable mod_php4
-# if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
-# echo " enabled by $HTTPD_MODULES_CONFIG"
-# fi
-# fi
-# fi
-# if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
-# echo -n "Checking for ssl..."
-# fi
-# if [ "$HTTPD_MODULES_CONFIG" = "" ]
-# then
-# if grep -i "# LoadModule ssl_module" $PATH_HTTPD_CONF_TEMP >/dev/null 2>&1
-# then
-# if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
-# echo "found commented: activating ssl module!"
-# fi
-# sed "s/# LoadModule ssl_module/LoadModule ssl_module/" $PATH_HTTPD_CONF_TEMP >$TMP_FILE
-# else
-# if grep -i "LoadModule ssl_module" $PATH_HTTPD_CONF_TEMP >/dev/null 2>&1
-# then
-# if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
-# echo " ok!"
-# fi
-# else
-# if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
-# echo "!!! Warning: ssl_module for apache not present !!!"
-# fi
-# fi
-# fi
-# else
-# if [ ""$conf_apache_version = "2" ] ; then
-# echo "Apache 2 don't need module checkings..."
-# else
-# if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
-# echo $HTTPD_MODULES_CONFIG enable ssl_module
-# fi
-# $HTTPD_MODULES_CONFIG enable ssl_module
-# if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
-# echo " enabled by $HTTPD_MODULES_CONFIG"
-# fi
-# fi
-# fi
-# if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
-# echo -n "Checking for sql_log..."
-# fi
-# if [ "$HTTPD_MODULES_CONFIG" = "" ]
-# then
-# if grep -i "# LoadModule sql_log_module" $PATH_HTTPD_CONF_TEMP >/dev/null 2>&1
-# then
-# if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
-# echo "found commented: ativating sql_log module!"
-# fi
-# sed "s/# LoadModule sql_log_module/LoadModule sql_log_module/" $PATH_HTTPD_CONF_TEMP >$TMP_FILE
-# else
-# if grep -i "LoadModule log_sql_module" $PATH_HTTPD_CONF_TEMP >/dev/null 2>&1
-# then
-# if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
-# echo " ok!"
-# fi
-# else
-# if grep -i "# LoadModule log_sql_module" $PATH_HTTPD_CONF_TEMP >/dev/null 2>&1
-# then
-# if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
-# echo "found commented: ativating sql_log module!"
-# fi
-# sed "s/# LoadModule log_sql_module/LoadModule log_sql_module/" $PATH_HTTPD_CONF_TEMP >$TMP_FILE
-# else
-# if grep -i "LoadModule sql_log_module" $PATH_HTTPD_CONF_TEMP >/dev/null 2>&1
-# then
-# if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
-# echo " ok!"
-# fi
-# else
-# echo "!!! sql_log_module for apache not present !!!"
-# echo "please install it or run apacheconfig"
-# echo "or add the following type directive"
-# echo "(matching your path) to httpd.conf:"
-# echo "LoadModule sql_log_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/mod_log_sql.so (debian)"
-# echo "LoadModule log_sql_module /usr/local/libexec/apache/mod_log_sql.so (bsd)"
-# exit 1
-# fi
-# fi
-# fi
-# fi
-# else
-# if [ ""$conf_apache_version = "2" ] ; then
-# echo "Apache 2 don't need module checkings..."
-# else
-# if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
-# echo $HTTPD_MODULES_CONFIG enable log_sql_module
-# echo $HTTPD_MODULES_CONFIG enable log_sql_mysql_module
-# fi
-# $HTTPD_MODULES_CONFIG enable log_sql_module
-# $HTTPD_MODULES_CONFIG enable log_sql_mysql_module
-# $HTTPD_MODULES_CONFIG enable mod_log_sql # just in case
-# if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
-# echo " enabled by $HTTPD_MODULES_CONFIG"
-# fi
-# fi
-# fi
-# else
-# echo ""
-# echo "!!! WARNING !!! Tests for the folling apache modules"
-# echo "has NOT been executed because this could crash"
-# echo "the installer. Please verify you have the following"
-# echo "apache modules configured and working:"
-# echo "php4, ssl, rewrite, and sql_log"
-# echo "Note also that current DTC wroks with SBOX and that it"
-# echo "should be compiled and installed on your server to"
-# echo "enable cgi-bin protected and chrooted environment."
-# echo ""
-# fi
- if [ ""$conf_apache_version = "2" ] ; then
- # Activate mod_rewrite
- if [ -f /etc/apache2/mods-available/rewrite.load ] ; then
- if [ -d /etc/apache2/mods-enabled ] ; then
- if ! [ -e /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/rewrite.load ] ; then
- ln -s /etc/apache2/mods-available/rewrite.load /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/rewrite.load
- fi
- fi
- fi
- # Activate mod_ssl
- if [ -f /etc/apache2/mods-available/ssl.load ] ; then
- if [ -d /etc/apache2/mods-enabled ] ; then
- if ! [ -e /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/ssl.load ] ; then
- ln -s ../mods-available/ssl.load /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/ssl.load
- fi
- fi
- fi
- fi
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo -n "Checking for AllowOverride..."
- fi
- if grep "AllowOverride None" $PATH_HTTPD_CONF
- then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "AllowOverride None -> AllowOverride AuthConfig FileInfo Limit Indexes"
- fi
- sed "s/AllowOverride None/AllowOverride AuthConfig FileInfo Limit Indexes/" $PATH_HTTPD_CONF >$TMP_FILE
- else
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "ok!"
- fi
- fi
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo -n "Checking for Options None..."
- fi
- if grep "Options None" $PATH_HTTPD_CONF
- then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "Options None -> Options FollowSymLinks"
- fi
- sed "s/Options None/Options FollowSymLinks/" $PATH_HTTPD_CONF >$TMP_FILE
- else
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "ok!"
- fi
- fi
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "=> Adding DTC's directives to httpd.conf end"
- fi
- # It seems redhat has already the Listen directives...
- # detect whether we already have Listen directives, and comment them out # and replace with Listen and
- # the other IPs will be created in vhosts.conf
- if grep "^Listen" $PATH_HTTPD_CONF >/dev/null
- then
- perl -i -p -e 's/^Listen/#Listen/' $PATH_HTTPD_CONF
- fi
- if grep "^BindAddress" $PATH_HTTPD_CONF >/dev/null
- then
- perl -i -p -e 's/^BindAddress/#BindAddress/' $PATH_HTTPD_CONF
- fi
- # if we have a modules.d folder, we need to check to see if there are any Listen or BindAddress there too
- if [ -e /etc/apache*/modules.d/ ]; then
- # first Listen
- for i in `grep -l ^Listen /etc/apache*/modules.d/*`; do
- perl -i -p -e 's/^Listen/#Listen/' $i
- done
- # then BindAddress
- for i in `grep -l ^BindAddress /etc/apache*/modules.d/*`; do
- perl -i -p -e 's/^BindAddress/#BindAddress/' $i
- done
- fi
- # If the variable is not set prior to calling this sript, then search for it!
- if [ -z "$PATH_APACHE_PID_FILE" ] ; then
- # symlink the PidFile to our dtc location, so we can check it in our scripts
- PATH_APACHE_PID_FILE=`grep ^PidFile $PATH_HTTPD_CONF | cut -f2 -d' '`
- ## strip the pid of " characters if they exist
- echo "Symlinking $PATH_APACHE_PID_FILE to $PATH_DTC_ETC/apache.pid ..."
- # in case the specified pid file doesn't exist, try and find it
- if [ ! -e $PATH_APACHE_PID_FILE ]; then
- if [ -e /etc/httpd/$PATH_APACHE_PID_FILE ]; then
- fi
- if [ -e /var/$PATH_APACHE_PID_FILE ]; then
- fi
- if [ -e /var/run/$PATH_APACHE_PID_FILE ]; then
- fi
- fi
- fi
- rm -f $PATH_DTC_ETC/apache.pid
- ln -s $PATH_APACHE_PID_FILE $PATH_DTC_ETC/apache.pid
- if [ ! -f $PATH_APACHE_PID_FILE ]; then
- echo "PidFile $PATH_APACHE_PID_FILE didn't exist..."
- if ps -e | grep apache$ > /dev/null; then
- ps -e | grep apache$ | head -n 1 | cut -f1 -d' ' >> $PATH_APACHE_PID_FILE
- fi
- fi
- # annoyingly redhat has a different Listen for the ssl.conf
- # comment that out too
- if [ ""$UNIX_TYPE = "redhat" ] ;then
- perl -i -p -e 's/^Listen/#Listen/' /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf
- fi
- echo "# Configured by DTC v0.12 : please do not touch this line !
-Include $PATH_DTC_ETC/vhosts.conf" >>$PATH_HTTPD_CONF
- if ! [ ""$conf_omit_dev_mknod = "yes" ] ; then
- echo "Listen
- fi
- echo "LogSQLLoginInfo localhost dtcdaemons "${MYSQL_DTCDAEMONS_PASS} >>$PATH_HTTPD_CONF
- if [ ""$UNIX_TYPE = "freebsd" ] ;then
- echo "LogSQLSocketFile /tmp/mysqld.sock" >>$PATH_HTTPD_CONF
- else
- fi
- echo "LogSQLDatabase apachelogs
-LogSQLCreateTables On
-LogSQLTransferLogFormat IAbhRrSsU
-Alias /dtc404/ $PATH_DTC_ETC/dtc404/
-ErrorDocument 404 /dtc404/404.php
-# End of DTC configuration v0.12 : please don't touch this line !" >>$PATH_HTTPD_CONF
- if [ -f $TMP_FILE ]
- then
- rm -f $TMP_FILE
- fi
-if [ -e /etc/apache2/ports.conf ] ; then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "Founded ports.conf: will remove it's directive"
- fi
- if [ -e /etc/apache2/ports.conf.DTC_backup ] ; then
- echo -n "";
- else
- cp /etc/apache2/ports.conf /etc/apache2/ports.conf.DTC_backup
- fi
- echo "" >/etc/apache2/ports.conf
-# Remove all the directives for mod_log_sql that we setup already in the main httpd.conf
-# Removes: "LogSQLLoginInfo", "LogSQLMassVirtualHosting" and "LogSQLTransferLogFormat"
-if [ -e ${MOD_SQL_CONF} ] ; then
- TMP_FILE=`${MKTEMP} DTC_configure_mod_log_sql.conf.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- grep -v "LogSQLLoginInfo" ${MOD_SQL_CONF} >${TMP_FILE}
- TMP_FILE2=`${MKTEMP} DTC_configure2_mod_log_sql.conf.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- grep -v "LogSQLMassVirtualHosting" ${TMP_FILE} >${TMP_FILE2}
- grep -v "LogSQLTransferLogFormat" ${TMP_FILE2} >${MOD_SQL_CONF}
- rm -f ${TMP_FILE} ${TMP_FILE2}
-# need to make sure we are loading LOG_SQL in the /etc/conf.d/apache2 if that file exists
-# this is especially true for gentoo
-if [ -e ${APACHE2_CONFD} ] ; then
- if grep "Configured by DTC" $APACHE2_CONFD >/dev/null
- then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "$APACHE2_CONFD has been configured before : skiping include inssertion !"
- fi
- else
- if ! [ -f $APACHE2_CONFD.DTC.backup ]
- then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "===> Backing up "$APACHE2_CONFD
- fi
- cp -f "$APACHE2_CONFD" "$APACHE2_CONFD.DTC.backup"
- fi
- TMP_FILE=`${MKTEMP} DTC_install_conf.d_apache2.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- echo "# Configured by DTC $VERSION" >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "# This overrides all APACHE2_OPTS, if you wish to modify these options," >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "# please add the following line to the end of the file" >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "# and replace <your defines> with the obvious" >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "# APACHE2_OPTS=\"\$APACHE2_OPTS <your defines>\"" >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "# End of DTC configuration $VERSION" >> $TMP_FILE
- # now to insert it at the end of the actual $APACHE2_CONFD
- rm ${TMP_FILE}
- fi
-# Create the ssl certificate if it does not exists (for distribs with /etc/apache only for the moment)
-# Obsolet code: removed!
-#if [ -e "/etc/apache" ]; then
-# if [ -e "/etc/apache/ssl" ]; then
-# mkdir -p /etc/apache/ssl
-# fi
-# copy the template directory from shared to etc, so we can edit it without worry of being purged on each install
-# only copy the directory, if it doesn't already exist in the etc path
-if [ -e "$PATH_DTC_SHARED/shared/template" ]; then
- if [ ! -e "$PATH_DTC_ETC/template" ]; then
- cp -r $PATH_DTC_SHARED/shared/template $PATH_DTC_ETC
- fi
- chmod -R 775 $PATH_DTC_ETC/template
-# fix the perms for the gfx and imgcache
-# copy the 404 index.php file if none is found.
-if ! [ -e $conf_hosting_path/$conf_adm_login/$main_domain_name/subdomains/404/html/index.* ]; then
- if [ -e $PATH_DTC_SHARED/shared/404_template/index.php ]; then
- cp $PATH_DTC_SHARED/shared/404_template/index.php $conf_hosting_path"/"$conf_adm_login"/"$main_domain_name"/subdomains/404/html/"
- fi
-# copy the Error 404 document
-if ! [ -e $conf_hosting_path/$conf_adm_login/$main_domain_name/subdomains/www/html/404.* ]; then
- if [ -e $PATH_DTC_SHARED/shared/404_template/404.php ]; then
- cp $PATH_DTC_SHARED/shared/404_template/404.php $conf_hosting_path"/"$conf_adm_login"/"$main_domain_name"/subdomains/www/html/"
- fi
-# copy the expired.php to the destination folder
-if ! [ -e $PATH_DTC_ETC/expired_site ] ; then
- mkdir -p $PATH_DTC_ETC/expired_site
-if ! [ -e $PATH_DTC_ETC/expired_site/index.* ] ; then
- cp $PATH_DTC_SHARED/shared/404_template/expired.php $PATH_DTC_ETC/expired_site/index.php
-# also copy it to the dtc404 directory
-if ! [ -e $PATH_DTC_ETC/dtc404/404.php ]; then
- mkdir -p $PATH_DTC_ETC/dtc404/
- cp $PATH_DTC_SHARED/shared/404_template/404.php $PATH_DTC_ETC/dtc404/
-if [ -e /usr/pkg/cyrus/bin/imapd -o -e /usr/lib/cyrus/bin/imapd -o -e /usr/local/cyrus/bin/imapd -o -e /usr/cyrus/bin/imapd ]; then
- echo "<?
-\$CYRUS = array(
-'HOST' => 'localhost',
-'PORT' => 143,
-'ADMIN' => 'cyrus',
-?>" > $cyrus_auth_php;
- echo "<?
-?>" > $cyrus_auth_php;
-if [ ""$UNIX_TYPE = "freebsd" -a -f /usr/local/lib/sasl2/sql.so ] ;then
- PATH_AUTH_SMTPD=/usr/local/lib/sasl2/smtpd.conf
- PATH_AUTH_SASLPASSWD=/usr/local/lib/sasl2/saslpasswd.conf
- PATH_AUTH_CYRUS=/usr/local/etc/imapd.conf
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "===> Adding configuration inside /usr/local/lib/sasl2"
- fi
- if [ -f $PATH_AUTH_SMTP ]; then
- if ! [ -f $PATH_AUTH_SMTP.DTC.backup ]; then
- fi
- fi
- echo "pwcheck_method: auxprop
-auxprop_plugin: sql
-sql_engine: mysql
-sql_hostnames: localhost
-sql_user: root
-sql_database: ${conf_mysql_db}
-password_format: crypt
-sql_select: SELECT crypt FROM pop_access WHERE fullemail = '%u@%r'
-sql_update: UPDATE pop_access SET crypt = '%v' WHERE fullemail = '%u@%r'
-sql_verbose: yes" >${PATH_AUTH_SMTPD}
- if [ -f $PATH_AUTH_SASLPASSWD ]; then
- if ! [ -f $PATH_AUTH_SASLPASSWD.DTC.backup ]; then
- fi
- fi
- if [ -f $PATH_AUTH_CYRUS ]; then
- if ! [ -f $PATH_AUTH_CYRUS.DTC.backup ]; then
- fi
- fi
- echo "pwcheck_method: auxprop
-auxprop_plugin: sql
-sasl_sql_engine: mysql
-sasl_sql_hostnames: localhost
-sasl_sql_user: root
-sasl_sql_pass: ${MYSQL_DTCDAEMONS_PASS}
-sasl_sql_database: ${conf_mysql_db}
-sasl_password_format: crypt
-sasl_sql_select: SELECT crypt FROM pop_access WHERE fullemail = '%u@%r'
-sasl_sql_update: UPDATE pop_access SET crypt = '%v' WHERE fullemail = '%u@%r'
-sasl_sql_verbose: yes" >>$PATH_AUTH_CYRUS
- PATH_PAMD_SMTP=/etc/pam.d/smtp
- PATH_PAMD_IMAP=/etc/pam.d/imap
- PATH_PAMD_SIEVE=/etc/pam.d/sieve
- PATH_PAMD_POP=/etc/pam.d/pop
- if [ -e /etc/pam.d/ ]; then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "===> Adding configuration inside "$PATH_PAMD_SMTP
- fi
- if [ -f $PATH_PAMD_SMTP ]; then
- if ! [ -f $PATH_PAMD_SMTP.DTC.backup ]; then
- fi
- fi
- echo "auth required pam_mysql.so user=dtcdaemons passwd="${MYSQL_DTCDAEMONS_PASS}" db="$conf_mysql_db" table=pop_access usercolumn=id passwdcolumn=password crypt=0" >$PATH_PAMD_SMTP
- if [ ""$conf_use_cyrus = "true" ]; then
- echo "account sufficient pam_mysql.so user=dtcdaemons passwd="${MYSQL_DTCDAEMONS_PASS}" host=localhost db="$conf_mysql_db" table=pop_access usercolumn=fullemail passwdcolumn=crypt crypt=1
-auth required pam_mysql.so user=dtcdaemons passwd="${MYSQL_DTCDAEMONS_PASS}" host=localhost db="$conf_mysql_db" table=pop_access usercolumn=fullemail passwdcolumn=crypt crypt=1" >$PATH_PAMD_SMTP
- if [ -f $PATH_PAMD_IMAP ]; then
- if ! [ -f $PATH_PAMD_IMAP.DTC.backup ]; then
- fi
- fi
- if [ -f $PATH_PAMD_SIEVE ]; then
- if ! [ -f $PATH_PAMD_SIEVE.DTC.backup ]; then
- fi
- fi
- if [ -f $PATH_PAMD_POP ]; then
- if ! [ -f $PATH_PAMD_POP.DTC.backup ]; then
- fi
- fi
- fi
-# if grep "Configured by DTC" $PATH_PAMD_SMTP
-# echo $PATH_PAMD_SMTP" has been configured before: skiping include insertion!"
-# else
-# echo "Including configuration in "$PATH_PAMD_SMTP
-# fi
- fi
-# include $PATH_DTC_ETC/named.zones in $PATH_NAMED_CONF
-if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "===> Adding inclusion to named.conf"
-# need to detect named chroot for gentoo
-if [ -e /etc/conf.d/named ]; then
- NAMED_CHROOT=`. /etc/conf.d/named; echo -n $CHROOT`
- echo "named is configured for chroot at $NAMED_CHROOT"
-# check to see if NAMED_CHROOT is /
-# if so, then we need not do all this hooha below
-if [ ""$NAMED_CHROOT = "/" ]; then
-if [ -n ""$NAMED_CHROOT ]; then
- if [ -e ""$NAMED_CHROOT ]; then
- mkdir -p $NAMED_CHROOT/$PATH_DTC_ETC/zones
- mkdir -p $NAMED_CHROOT/$PATH_DTC_ETC/slave_zones
- touch $NAMED_CHROOT/$PATH_DTC_ETC/named.conf
- if [ -e $PATH_DTC_ETC/named.conf ]; then
- if [ ! -L $PATH_DTC_ETC/named.conf -a ! -e $PATH_DTC_ETC/named.conf.moved ] ; then
- mv $PATH_DTC_ETC/named.conf $PATH_DTC_ETC/named.conf.moved
- fi
- fi
- if [ -e $PATH_DTC_ETC/zones ]; then
- if [ ! -L $PATH_DTC_ETC/zones -a ! -e $PATH_DTC_ETC/zones.moved ]; then
- mv $PATH_DTC_ETC/zones $PATH_DTC_ETC/zones.moved
- fi
- fi
- if [ -e $PATH_DTC_ETC/slave_zones ]; then
- if [ ! -L $PATH_DTC_ETC/slave_zones -a ! -e $PATH_DTC_ETC/slave_zones.moved ]; then
- mv $PATH_DTC_ETC/slave_zones $PATH_DTC_ETC/slave_zones.moved
- fi
- fi
- if [ ! -L $PATH_DTC_ETC/named.conf ]; then
- ln -s $NAMED_CHROOT/$PATH_DTC_ETC/named.conf $PATH_DTC_ETC/named.conf
- fi
- if [ ! -L $PATH_DTC_ETC/zones ]; then
- fi
- if [ ! -L $PATH_DTC_ETC/slave_zones ]; then
- ln -s $NAMED_CHROOT/$PATH_DTC_ETC/slave_zones $PATH_DTC_ETC/slave_zones
- fi
- fi
-if grep "Configured by DTC" $PATH_NAMED_CONF >/dev/null
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "named.conf has been configured before : skiping include insertion !"
- fi
- if ! [ -f $PATH_NAMED_CONF.DTC.backup ]
- then
- fi
- TMP_FILE=`${MKTEMP} DTC_install.named.conf.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- echo "// Configured by DTC v0.10 : please don't touch this line !" > $TMP_FILE
- echo "include \"$PATH_DTC_ETC/named.conf\";" >> $TMP_FILE
- touch $PATH_DTC_ETC/named.conf
- if [ -e $TMP_FILE ]; then
- rm -f $TMP_FILE
- fi
-# only try and do qmail stuff if we have qmail installed! (check the control directory)
-if [ -e "$PATH_QMAIL_CTRL" ] ;then
- #
- # Install the qmail links in the /etc/qmail
- #
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "===> Linking qmail control files to DTC generated files"
- fi
- if ! [ -e $PATH_QMAIL_CTRL/rcpthosts.DTC.backup ]
- then
- cp -f $PATH_QMAIL_CTRL/rcpthosts $PATH_QMAIL_CTRL/rcpthosts.DTC.backup
- fi
- rm -f $PATH_QMAIL_CTRL/rcpthosts
- touch $PATH_DTC_ETC/rcpthosts
- ln -s $PATH_DTC_ETC/rcpthosts $PATH_QMAIL_CTRL/rcpthosts
- touch $PATH_QMAIL_CTRL/virtualdomains
- if ! [ -e $PATH_QMAIL_CTRL/virtualdomains.DTC.backup ]
- then
- cp -f $PATH_QMAIL_CTRL/virtualdomains $PATH_QMAIL_CTRL/virtualdomains.DTC.backup
- fi
- rm -f $PATH_QMAIL_CTRL/virtualdomains
- touch $PATH_DTC_ETC/virtualdomains
- ln -s $PATH_DTC_ETC/virtualdomains $PATH_QMAIL_CTRL/virtualdomains
- if ! [ -e /var/qmail/users/assign.DTC.backup ]
- then
- if [ -e /var/qmail/users/assign ]; then
- cp -f /var/qmail/users/assign /var/qmail/users/assign.DTC.backup
- fi
- fi
- rm -f /var/qmail/users/assign
- touch $PATH_DTC_ETC/assign
- if ! [ -e /var/qmail/users ]; then
- mkdir -p /var/qmail/users
- fi
- ln -s $PATH_DTC_ETC/assign /var/qmail/users/assign
- # Complete mistake ! Please forgive me !
- #
- #if ! [ -f $PATH_QMAIL_CTRL/locals.DTC.backup ]
- #then
- # touch $PATH_QMAIL_CTRL/locals
- # cp -f $PATH_QMAIL_CTRL/locals $PATH_QMAIL_CTRL/locals.DTC.backup
- #fi
- #rm -f $PATH_QMAIL_CTRL/locals
- #touch $PATH_DTC_ETC/rcpthosts
- #ln -s $PATH_DTC_ETC/rcpthosts $PATH_QMAIL_CTRL/locals
- touch /etc/poppasswd
- if ! [ -e /etc/poppasswd.DTC.backup ]
- then
- cp -f /etc/poppasswd /etc/poppasswd.DTC.backup
- fi
- rm -f /etc/poppasswd
- touch $PATH_DTC_ETC/poppasswd
- ln -s $PATH_DTC_ETC/poppasswd /etc/poppasswd
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "Could not found qmail directory: skipping"
- fi
-# Make some changes to the amavisd-new configuration to allow clamav to work with it cleanly
-# make sure the amavisd configuration has 'amavis' user and group
-if [ -n ""$PATH_AMAVISD_CONF ]; then
-# CLAMD_CONF is the file we modify that has the clamd.ctl
-# if there is no amavisd conf, but there is a conf.d, create a 99-dtc file
-if [ ! -f "$PATH_AMAVISD_CONF" -a -e $PATH_AMAVISD_ETC/conf.d ]; then
- touch $PATH_AMAVISD_ETC/conf.d/99-dtc
- AMAVIS_CLAMD_CONF=`grep -l clamd.ctl $PATH_AMAVISD_ETC/conf.d/*`
-if [ -f "$PATH_AMAVISD_CONF" ]; then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ]; then
- echo "===> Checking user and group configuration for amavisd..."
- fi
- # make sure our users exist for amavis
- set +e
- # turn back on error handling, these users probably exist already
- $GROUP_ADD_CMD amavis > /dev/null 2>&1
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ]; then
- echo "Group amavis already exists..."
- fi
- fi
- $USER_ADD_CMD -g amavis amavis > /dev/null 2>&1
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ]; then
- echo "User amavis already exists..."
- fi
- fi
- $PASSWD_CMD -l amavis > /dev/null 2>&1
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ]; then
- echo "Change password failed for amavis user"
- fi
- fi
- set -e
- if grep "Configured by DTC" "$PATH_AMAVISD_CONF" >/dev/null; then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ]; then
- echo "$PATH_AMAVISD_CONF already configured..."
- fi
- else
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "Inserting configuration into $PATH_AMAVISD_CONF"
- fi
- # strip the 1; from the end of the config file
- perl -i -p -e 's/^1;[^\n]*\n//' $PATH_AMAVISD_CONF
- # fix the clamd ctl file to point to /var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl
- perl -i -p -e 's/\"i\/.*?\/clamd.ctl\"/\"\/var\/run\/clamav\/clamd.ctl\"/' $AMAVIS_CLAMD_CONF
- mkdir -p /var/run/clamav/
- chown -R clamav:clamav /var/run/clamav
- TMP_FILE=`${MKTEMP} dtc_install.amavisd.conf.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- echo "# Configured by DTC $VERSION" >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "\$daemon_user = 'amavis';" >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "\$daemon_group = 'amavis';" >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "\$final_virus_destiny = D_DISCARD;" >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "\$final_spam_destiny = D_PASS;" >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "\$final_banned_destiny = D_PASS;" >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "\$final_bad_header_destiny = D_PASS;" >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "\$warnvirussender = 0;" >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "\$warnspamsender = 0;" >> $TMP_FILE
- echo " # kill level defaults " >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "\$sa_tag_level_deflt = 2.0;" >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "\$sa_tag2_level_deflt = 6.3;" >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "\$sa_kill_level_deflt = \$sa_tag2_level_deflt;" >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "\$sa_dsn_cutoff_level = 50;" >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "\$sa_mail_body_size_limit = 150*1024;" >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "# The following line will read the local domains as generated by DTC, amavisd will need to be restarted for new domains..." >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "read_hash(\\%local_domains, '$PATH_DTC_ETC/local_domains');" >> $TMP_FILE
- # if we have a list of postfix relay domains, we may as well check them to virii etc...
- # If you enable this, it will tag ***SPAM*** twice... not very good looking :)
- # if [ -e "$PATH_DTC_ETC/postfix_relay_domains" ]; then
- # echo "my %tmp_relay_domains;" >> $TMP_FILE
- # echo "read_hash(\\%tmp_relay_domains, '$PATH_DTC_ETC/postfix_relay_domains');" >> $TMP_FILE
- # echo "# now merge the two hashes" >> $TMP_FILE
- # echo "@local_domains{keys %tmp_relay_domains} = values %tmp_relay_domains;" >> $TMP_FILE
- # fi
- echo "# Make sure anti-virus and spam are enabled
-@bypass_virus_checks_acl = [ 1 ];
-@bypass_spam_checks_acl = [ 1 ];
-# need to check to see if the variables exist, and set them properly if they do
-no strict 'refs';
-my \$ref=\"bypass_virus_checks_maps\";
-if (defined @\$ref)
-@\$ref = (
- \\%bypass_virus_checks, \\@bypass_virus_checks_acl, \\\$bypass_virus_checks_re);
-if (defined @\$ref)
-@\$ref = (
- \\%bypass_spam_checks, \\@bypass_spam_checks_acl, \\\$bypass_spam_checks_re);
-" >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "# End of DTC configuration $VERSION" >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "1; # insure a defined return" >> $TMP_FILE
- # now to insert it at the end of the actual amavisd.conf
- rm ${TMP_FILE}
- fi
-if [ -f "$PATH_CLAMAV_CONF" ]; then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ]; then
- echo "===> Checking user and group configuration for clamav..."
- fi
- # make sure our users exist for amavis
- set +e
- # turn back on error handling, these users probably exist already
- $GROUP_ADD_CMD clamav > /dev/null 2>&1
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ]; then
- echo "Group clamav already exists..."
- fi
- fi
- $USER_ADD_CMD -g clamav clamav > /dev/null 2>&1
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ]; then
- echo "User clamav already exists..."
- fi
- fi
- $PASSWD_CMD -l clamav > /dev/null 2>&1
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ]; then
- echo "Change password failed for clamav user"
- fi
- fi
- # now add amavisd to the clamav group and vice versa
- $USER_MOD_CMD -G clamav,amavis clamav > /dev/null 2>&1
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ]; then
- echo "Change group failed for clamav user"
- fi
- fi
- $USER_MOD_CMD -G amavis,clamav amavis > /dev/null 2>&1
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ]; then
- echo "Change group failed for amavis user"
- fi
- fi
- # need to add the following to the config file:
- # AllowSupplementaryGroups
- # LocalSocket /var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl
- # need to fix a problem with a previous version
- if grep "^1;" "$PATH_CLAMAV_CONF" > /dev/null; then
- perl -i -p -e 's/^1;[^\n]*\n//' $PATH_CLAMAV_CONF
- fi
- if grep "Configured by DTC" "$PATH_CLAMAV_CONF" >/dev/null; then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ]; then
- echo "$PATH_CLAMAV_CONF already configured..."
- fi
- else
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "Inserting configuration into $PATH_CLAMAV_CONF"
- fi
- TMP_FILE=`${MKTEMP} dtc_install.clamav.conf.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- echo "# Configured by DTC $VERSION" >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "AllowSupplementaryGroups" >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "LocalSocket /var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl" >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "# End of DTC configuration $VERSION" >> $TMP_FILE
- # now to insert it at the end of the actual clamav.conf
- fi
-# Modify the cyrus imapd.conf
-if [ -f "$PATH_CYRUS_CONF" ]
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "===> modifying cyrus config"
- fi
- if grep "Configured by DTC" "$PATH_CYRUS_CONF" >/dev/null
- then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "Cyrus imapd.conf has been configured before"
- fi
- else
- if grep "unixhierarchysep: no" "$PATH_CYRUS_CONF" >/dev/null; then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "Changing unixhierarchysep from no to yes"
- fi
- TMP_FILE=`${MKTEMP} DTC_install.imapd.conf.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- sed "s/unixhierarchysep: no/unixhierarchysep: yes/" "$PATH_CYRUS_CONF" >$TMP_FILE
- rm $TMP_FILE
- fi
- if grep "sasl_pwcheck_method: auxprop" "$PATH_CYRUS_CONF" >/dev/null; then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "Changing sasl_pwcheck_method from auxprop to saslauthd"
- fi
- TMP_FILE=`${MKTEMP} DTC_install.imapd.conf.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- sed "s/sasl_pwcheck_method: auxprop/sasl_pwcheck_method: saslauthd/" "$PATH_CYRUS_CONF" >$TMP_FILE
- rm $TMP_FILE
- fi
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "Inserting DTC configuration inside $PATH_CYRUS_CONF"
- fi
- TMP_FILE=`${MKTEMP} DTC_install.imapd.conf.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- echo "# Configured by DTC v0.20 : Please don't touch this line !" > $TMP_FILE
- echo "virtdomains: yes
-quotawarn: 90
-admins: cyrus
-sasl_mech_list: PLAIN LOGIN" >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "# End of DTC configuration v0.20 : Please don't touch this line !" >> $TMP_FILE
- # now to insert it at the end of the actual imapd.conf
- rm $TMP_FILE
- fi
- else
-if [ -f "$PATH_SASL_START_CONF" ]
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "===> modifying saslauthd startup parameters"
- fi
- if grep "Configured by DTC" $PATH_SASL_START_CONF >/dev/null
- then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "$PATH_SASL_START_CONF has been configured before..."
- fi
- else
- TMP_FILE=`${MKTEMP} DTC_install.saslauthd.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- echo "# Configured by DTC v0.20 : Please don't touch this line !" > $TMP_FILE
- echo "START=yes
-PARAMS=\"-r -c \"" >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "# End of DTC configuration v0.20 : Please don't touch this line !" >> $TMP_FILE
- # now to insert it at the end of the actual saslauthd startup file
- rm $TMP_FILE
- fi
- if [ -f $PATH_SASL_STARTUP ]
- then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "modifying saslatuhd startup file"
- fi
- # create the direcotry for postfix to access SASL socket
- mkdir -p $PATH_SASL_SOCKET
- # get the md5sum of the file, if it's original do the change
- # else we have a problem and report it to do the change manualy
- sasl_start_md5sum=`md5sum $PATH_SASL_STARTUP|cut -d " " -f1`
- # ### CL find a better place for this !
- sasl_orginal_m5="6307086733ad29bbd57f81b6c38334a1";
- if [ ""$sasl_orginal_m5 = "$sasl_start_md5sum" ]
- then
- # ok file is original so we can "patch" it.
- patch $PATH_SASL_STARTUP <$PATH_DTC_ADMIN/patch_saslatuhd_startup
- else
- echo "Can not modify the saslauthd startupfile"
- echo "Please edit $PATH_SASL_STARTUP by hand and add folowing after startup:"
- echo "rm -f /var/spool/postfix/var/run/saslauthd/mux
-ln /var/run/saslauthd/mux /var/spool/postfix/var/run/saslauthd/mux"
- echo "for more informations contact DTC development and DTC forums"
- fi
- fi
- if [ ""$conf_use_cyrus = "true" ]; then
- echo "Big Problem: Cyrus install selected bo no saslauthd startup file";
- echo "Workaround: make saslauth start with -r -c -a pam";
- fi
-# Modify the postfix main.cf to include virtual delivery options
-# Declare this makes the test when appenning the configuration for SASL
-# works if you don't have SASL
-if [ -f "$PATH_POSTFIX_CONF" ]
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "===> Linking postfix control files to DTC generated files"
- fi
- touch $PATH_DTC_ETC/postfix_virtual.db
- touch $PATH_DTC_ETC/postfix_aliases.db
- # fix default /etc/aliases
- touch /etc/aliases
- newaliases
- touch $PATH_DTC_ETC/postfix_relay_recipients.db
- touch $PATH_DTC_ETC/postfix_vmailbox.db
- touch $PATH_DTC_ETC/postfix_virtual_uid_mapping.db
- if grep "Configured by DTC" "$PATH_POSTFIX_CONF" >/dev/null
- then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "Postfix main.cf has been configured before, not adding virtual mailbox options"
- fi
- else
- if grep "recipient_delimiter = +" "$PATH_POSTFIX_ETC/main.cf" >/dev/null; then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "Changing recipient delimiter from + to -"
- fi
- TMP_FILE=`${MKTEMP} DTC_install.main.cf.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- sed "s/recipient_delimiter = +/recipient_delimiter = -/" "$PATH_POSTFIX_ETC/main.cf" >$TMP_FILE
- cat <$TMP_FILE >"$PATH_POSTFIX_ETC/main.cf"
- rm $TMP_FILE
- fi
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "Inserting DTC configuration inside $PATH_POSTFIX_CONF"
- fi
- TMP_FILE=`${MKTEMP} DTC_install.postfix_main.cf.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- echo "# Configured by DTC v0.12 : Please don't touch this line !" > $TMP_FILE
- # CL: this is general config, for courier and cyrus
- # for mailname to be mx.$main_domain_name
- echo "mx.$main_domain_name" > /etc/mailname
- echo "# DTC virtual configuration
-myhostname = mx.$main_domain_name
-# disable the following functionality by default (otherwise can't match subdomains correctly)
-# disable mailbox size limit by default (user can add to postfix_config_snippets)
-mailbox_size_limit = 0
-# stuff for amavis
-virtual_mailbox_domains = hash:$PATH_DTC_ETC/postfix_virtual_mailbox_domains
-" >> $TMP_FILE
-if [ ""$conf_use_cyrus = "true" ]; then
- echo "virtual_transport = cyrus
-mailbox_transport = cyrus
-# local_recipient_maps = $alias_maps, ... ### CL ToDo! " >> $TMP_FILE
- # courier/postfix only!
- echo "virtual_mailbox_base = /
-virtual_mailbox_maps = hash:$PATH_DTC_ETC/postfix_vmailbox
-virtual_minimum_uid = 98
-virtual_uid_maps = static:$nobodygid
-virtual_gid_maps = static:$nobodygid
-virtual_uid_maps = hash:$PATH_DTC_ETC/postfix_virtual_uid_mapping" >> $TMP_FILE
-# CL continue with global part
-echo "virtual_alias_maps = hash:$PATH_DTC_ETC/postfix_virtual
-alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases, hash:$PATH_DTC_ETC/postfix_aliases
-relay_domains = $PATH_DTC_ETC/postfix_relay_domains
-relay_recipient_maps = hash:$PATH_DTC_ETC/postfix_relay_recipients " >> $TMP_FILE
- if [ -n $conf_dnsbl_list ]; then
- IFS=,
- for i in $conf_dnsbl_list; do
- dnsbl_list="$dnsbl_list reject_rbl_client $i,"
- done
- unset IFS
- fi
- if [ "$PATH_SASL_PASSWD2" = "" ]; then
- echo -n ""
- elif [ -f $PATH_SASL_PASSWD2 ]; then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "Found sasl2passwd at $PATH_SASL_PASSWD2"
- fi
- mkdir -p $PATH_POSTFIX_ETC/sasl
- if [ -e $PATH_POSTFIX_ETC/sasl/smtpd.conf ]; then
- if ! [ -e $PATH_POSTFIX_ETC/sasl/smtpd.conf.dtcbackup ]; then
- cp $PATH_POSTFIX_ETC/sasl/smtpd.conf $PATH_POSTFIX_ETC/sasl/smtpd.conf.dtcbackup
- fi
- fi
- # prepare some sasldb2 files, so that our script latter can fix them
- if [ -e /var/spool/postfix/etc ]; then
- touch /var/spool/postfix/etc/sasldb2
- chown postfix:${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_GROUPNAME} /var/spool/postfix/etc/sasldb2
- chmod 664 /var/spool/postfix/etc/sasldb2
- if [ ! -e $PATH_DTC_ETC/sasldb2 ]; then
- cp /var/spool/postfix/etc/sasldb2 $PATH_DTC_ETC/sasldb2
- fi
- else
- if [ -d /etc/sasl2 ]; then
- touch /etc/sasl2/sasldb2
- chown postfix:${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_GROUPNAME} /etc/sasl2/sasldb2
- chmod 664 /etc/sasl2/sasldb2
- else
- touch /etc/sasldb2
- chown postfix:${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_GROUPNAME} /etc/sasldb2
- chmod 664 /etc/sasldb2
- fi
- if [ ! -e $PATH_DTC_ETC/sasldb2 ]; then
- if [ -d /etc/sasl2 ]; then
- cp /etc/sasl2/sasldb2 $PATH_DTC_ETC/sasldb2
- else
- cp /etc/sasldb2 $PATH_DTC_ETC/sasldb2
- fi
- fi
- fi
- SASLTMP_FILE=`${MKTEMP} DTC_install.postfix_sasl.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- echo "# Configured by DTC v0.15 : Please don't touch this line !" > ""$SASLTMP_FILE
- # CL: for cyrus use saslauthd instead of auxprop!
- if [ ""$conf_use_cyrus = "true" ]; then
- echo "pwcheck_method: saslauthd
-mech_list: login plain" >> $SASLTMP_FILE
- else
- echo "pwcheck_method: auxprop
-mech_list: plain login digest-md5 cram-md5" >> $SASLTMP_FILE
- fi
- echo "# End of DTC configuration v0.15 : please don't touch this line !" >> $SASLTMP_FILE
- echo "smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks,
- permit_sasl_authenticated,
- $dnsbl_list
- reject_unauth_destination" >> $TMP_FILE
-echo "smtp_sasl_auth_enable = no
-smtpd_sasl_security_options = noanonymous
-smtpd_sasl_local_domain = /etc/mailname
-smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = yes
-smtpd_tls_auth_only = no
-" >> $TMP_FILE
- else
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "No saslpasswd2 found"
- fi
- echo "smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks,
- $dnsbl_list
- reject_unauth_destination" >> $TMP_FILE
- fi
- # this adds supports for "config" snippets to append to main.cf
- if [ -f $PATH_DTC_ETC/postfix_config_snippets ]; then
- cat $PATH_DTC_ETC/postfix_config_snippets >> $TMP_FILE
- else
- echo "# /usr/share/dtc/etc/postfix_config_snippets
-# this file is appended to the postfix configure, in case you need to override some configure parameters in the postfix main.cf" > $PATH_DTC_ETC/postfix_config_snippets
- fi
- if grep "Configured by DTC 0.21" "$PATH_POSTFIX_ETC/master.cf" >/dev/null; then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "Postfix master.cf has been configured before, not adding maildrop options"
- fi
- else
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "Inserting DTC configuration inside $PATH_POSTFIX_ETC/master.cf"
- fi
- TMP_FILE2=`${MKTEMP} DTC_install.postfix_master.cf.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- echo "# Configured by DTC v0.17 : Please don't touch this line !" > $TMP_FILE2
- # if we have maildrop, we should use it!
- if [ -n ""$PATH_USERDB_BIN -a -f "$PATH_USERDB_BIN" -a -n ""$PATH_MAILDROP_BIN -a -f "$PATH_MAILDROP_BIN" ]; then
- echo "maildrop unix - n n - - pipe
- flags=DRhu user=${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_USERNAME} argv=$PATH_MAILDROP_BIN -d \${user}@\${nexthop} \${extension} \${recipient} \${user} \${nexthop}
-" >> $TMP_FILE2
- fi
- # CL do we use cyrus?
- if [ ""$conf_use_cyrus = "true" ]; then
- echo "cyrus unix - n n - - pipe
- flags=R user=cyrus argv=/usr/sbin/cyrdeliver -e -m \${extension} \${recipient}" >> $TMP_FILE2
- fi
- # Insert our amavis stuff inside the master.cf
- echo "# amavisd-new
-smtp-amavis unix - - - - 2 smtp
- -o smtp_data_done_timeout=1200
- -o smtp_send_xforward_command=yes
- -o disable_dns_lookups=yes
- -o max_use=20
- inet n - - - - smtpd
- -o content_filter=
- -o local_recipient_maps=
- -o relay_recipient_maps=
- -o smtpd_restriction_classes=
- -o smtpd_client_restrictions=
- -o smtpd_helo_restrictions=
- -o smtpd_sender_restrictions=
- -o smtpd_recipient_restrictions=permit_mynetworks,reject
- -o mynetworks=
- -o strict_rfc821_envelopes=yes
- -o smtpd_error_sleep_time=0
- -o smtpd_soft_error_limit=1001
- -o smtpd_hard_error_limit=1000
- -o smtpd_client_connection_count_limit=0
- -o smtpd_client_connection_rate_limit=0
- -o receive_override_options=no_header_body_checks,no_unknown_recipient_checks
-" >> $TMP_FILE2
- echo "# End of DTC configuration v0.17 : please don't touch this line !" >> $TMP_FILE2
- cat < $TMP_FILE2 >>"$PATH_POSTFIX_ETC/master.cf"
- rm $TMP_FILE2
- fi
- # if we have maildrop, we should use it!
- if [ -n ""$PATH_USERDB_BIN -a -f "$PATH_USERDB_BIN" -a -n ""$PATH_MAILDROP_BIN -a -f "$PATH_MAILDROP_BIN" ]; then
- echo "virtual_transport = maildrop" >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "## Set to 1 because Maildrop only delivers one message at a time.
-maildrop_destination_recipient_limit = 1" >> $TMP_FILE
- fi
- echo "# End of DTC configuration v0.12 : please don't touch this line !" >> $TMP_FILE
- # now to insert it at the end of the actual main.cf
- rm $TMP_FILE
- # over-write the configuration for SASL
- if [ -e $SASLTMP_FILE ]; then
- cat $SASLTMP_FILE > $PATH_POSTFIX_ETC/sasl/smtpd.conf
- fi
- fi
-# prepare mlmmj environment to work with dtc
-if [ -f "/usr/bin/mlmmj-make-ml" -o -f "/usr/bin/mlmmj-make-ml.sh" ] ; then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "Detected presence of mlmmj... prepping environment..."
- fi
- # symlink the .sh to the non .sh, for the genfiles
- if [ ! -e "/usr/bin/mlmmj-make-ml" ] ; then
- ln -s "/usr/bin/mlmmj-make-ml.sh" "/usr/bin/mlmmj-make-ml"
- fi
- mkdir -p /etc/mlmmj/lists
- chown -R root:${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_GROUPNAME} /etc/mlmmj/lists
- chmod -R g+w /etc/mlmmj/lists
-# create mlmmj spool directory if it doesn't exist yet
-if [ ! -e /var/spool/mlmmj/ ]; then
- mkdir -p /var/spool/mlmmj
-if [ -e /var/spool/mlmmj/ ] ;then
-# This avoid hanging when (re)starting daemons under debian
-if [ "$UNIX_TYPE" = "debian" ]
- db_stop
-# check to see if we have a userdb FILE, rather than a directory
-# move it out of the way, if so
-if [ -f "$PATH_COURIER_AUTHD_CONF_PATH/userdb" ]; then
-# Install courier mysql authenticaion
-if [ -f "$PATH_COURIER_AUTHD_CONF_PATH/authdaemonrc" ]
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "===> Adding directives to Courier authdaemonrc"
- fi
- if grep "Configured by DTC" $PATH_COURIER_AUTHD_CONF_PATH/authdaemonrc >/dev/null
- then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "authdaemonrc has been configure before: skipping include insertion !"
- fi
- else
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "Inserting DTC configuration inside "$PATH_COURIER_AUTHD_CONF_PATH/authdaemonrc
- fi
- if ! [ -f $PATH_COURIER_AUTHD_CONF_PATH.DTC.backup ]
- then
- fi
- TMP_FILE=`${MKTEMP} DTC_install.courier.conf.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- echo "# Configured by DTC v0.12 : Please don't touch this line !" > $TMP_FILE
- echo "authmodulelist=\"authmysql authpam\"" >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "# End of DTC configuration v0.12 : please don't touch this line !" >> $TMP_FILE
- # now append this to the existing configuration file
- cat < $TMP_FILE >> $PATH_COURIER_AUTHD_CONF_PATH/authdaemonrc
- rm $TMP_FILE
- echo "
-# DB details for dtc mysql DB
-MYSQL_SERVER $conf_mysql_host
-MYSQL_DATABASE $conf_mysql_db
-MYSQL_USERNAME dtcdaemons
-MYSQL_USER_TABLE pop_access
-MYSQL_DEFAULT_DOMAIN $main_domain_name
-# use the experimental query
-MYSQL_SELECT_CLAUSE SELECT concat(id, '@', mbox_host), crypt, passwd, uid, gid, home, '', quota_size, '' FROM pop_access WHERE (id = '\$(local_part)' AND mbox_host = '\$(domain)') OR (id = SUBSTRING_INDEX('\$(local_part)', '%', 1) AND mbox_host = SUBSTRING_INDEX('\$(local_part)', '%', -1))
-MYSQL_CHPASS_CLAUSE UPDATE pop_access SET passwd='\$(newpass)', crypt='\$(newpass_crypt)' WHERE (id = '\$(local_part)' AND mbox_host = '\$(domain)') OR (id = SUBSTRING_INDEX('\$(local_part)', '%', 1) AND mbox_host = SUBSTRING_INDEX('\$(local_part)', '%', -1))
- if [ -x "/etc/init.d/courier-authdaemon" ] ; then
- if [ -x /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d ]; then
- /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d courier-authdaemon restart
- else
- if [ -x /etc/init.d/courier-authdaemon ]; then
- /etc/init.d/courier-authdaemon restart
- fi
- fi
- fi
- if [ -x "/etc/init.d/courier-authlib" ] ; then
- if [ -x /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d ]; then
- /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d courier-authlib restart
- else
- if [ -x /etc/init.d/courier-authlib ]; then
- /etc/init.d/courier-authlib restart
- fi
- fi
- fi
- if [ -x "/etc/init.d/courier-imap" ] ; then
- if [ -x /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d ]; then
- /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d courier-imap restart
- else
- /etc/init.d/courier-imap restart
- fi
- fi
- if [ -x "/etc/init.d/courier-pop" ] ; then
- if [ -x /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d ]; then
- /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d courier-pop restart
- else
- /etc/init.d/courier-pop restart
- fi
- fi
- if [ -x "/etc/init.d/courier" ]; then
- if [ -x /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d ]; then
- /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d courier stop
- else
- /etc/init.d/courier stop
- fi
- fi
- # try to disable courierd using chkconfig
- if [ -x /sbin/chkconfig ]; then
- /sbin/chkconfig courier off
- fi
- fi
-# need to remove the paths for courier in /etc/profile.d/
-# since the MTA really breaks postfix paths and handling
-if [ -e /etc/profile.d/courier.sh ]; then
- mv /etc/profile.d/courier.sh /etc/profile.d/courier.sh.DTC.disabled
-if [ -e /etc/profile.d/courier.csh ]; then
- mv /etc/profile.d/courier.csh /etc/profile.d/courier.csh.DTC.disabled
-# Generate the OpenSSL test certificate if it does not exists
-if [ ""$conf_gen_ssl_cert = "true" ]; then
- if [ ! -e $PATH_DTC_ETC"/ssl" ]; then
- mkdir -p $PATH_DTC_ETC"/ssl"
- fi
- cwd=`pwd`
- cd $PATH_DTC_ETC"/ssl"
- if [ ! -e "./"new.cert.csr ]; then
- if [ ! -e "./"new.cert.cert ]; then
- if [ ! -e "./"new.cert.key ]; then
- CERTPASS_TMP_FILE=`${MKTEMP} certfilepass.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- echo $conf_gen_ssl_cert"" >$CERTPASS_TMP_FILE
- ( echo $conf_cert_countrycode;
- echo "the state";
- echo $conf_cert_locality;
- echo $conf_cert_organization;
- echo $conf_cert_unit;
- echo $dtc_admin_subdomain"."$main_domain_name;
- echo $conf_cert_email;
- echo $conf_cert_challenge_pass;
- echo $conf_cert_organization; ) | openssl req -passout file:$CERTPASS_TMP_FILE -new > new.cert.csr
- openssl rsa -passin file:$CERTPASS_TMP_FILE -in privkey.pem -out new.cert.key
- openssl x509 -in new.cert.csr -out new.cert.cert -req -signkey new.cert.key -days 3650
- # Copy the certificates to make them available for qmail
- if [ -d /var/qmail/control ] ; then
- if ! [ -e /var/qmail/control/servercert.pem ] ; then
- cat $PATH_DTC_ETC/ssl/new.cert.key $PATH_DTC_ETC/ssl/new.cert.cert >/var/qmail/control/servercert.pem
- chown qmaild:qmail /var/qmail/control/servercert.pem
- chmod 400 /var/qmail/control/servercert.pem
- fi
- fi
- fi
- fi
- fi
- cd $cwd
-# Install dovecot mysql authenticaion
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "Detecting dovecot version..."
- fi
- DOVECOT_VERSION=`dovecot --version`
- 1.*)
- echo "Found version 1.0 or greater"
- ;;
- 0.*)
- echo "Found pre 1.0 version"
- ;;
- esac
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "===> Adding directives to dovecot.conf"
- fi
- if grep "Configured by DTC" $PATH_DOVECOT_CONF >/dev/null
- then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "dovecot.conf has been configure before: skipping include insertion !"
- fi
- else
- if [ ""$DOVECOT_POSTONE ]; then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "Version 1.x needs a new config file... replacing existing"
- fi
- if ! [ -f $PATH_DOVECOT_CONF.DTC.backup ]; then
- fi
- echo "
-# Configured by DTC v0.x : Please don't touch this line !
-protocols = imap imaps pop3 pop3s
-default_mail_env = maildir:%h/Maildir
-maildir_copy_with_hardlinks = yes
-protocol imap {
-protocol pop3 {
-auth default {
- mechanisms = plain
- passdb pam {
- args = \"*\"
- }
- userdb passwd {
- }
- user = root
- userdb sql {
- args = $PATH_DTC_ETC/dovecot-mysql.conf
- }
- passdb sql {
- args = $PATH_DTC_ETC/dovecot-mysql.conf
- }
-plugin {
-# End of DTC configuration v0.x : please don't touch this line !
- else
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "Inserting DTC configuration inside "$PATH_DOVECOT_CONF
- fi
- if ! [ -f $PATH_DOVECOT_CONF.DTC.backup ]
- then
- fi
- TMP_FILE=`${MKTEMP} DTC_install.dovecot.conf.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- echo "# Configured by DTC v0.12 : Please don't touch this line !" > $TMP_FILE
- echo "auth_userdb = mysql $PATH_DTC_ETC/dovecot-mysql.conf" >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "auth_passdb = mysql $PATH_DTC_ETC/dovecot-mysql.conf" >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "# End of DTC configuration v0.12 : please don't touch this line !" >> $TMP_FILE
- # now append this to the existing configuration file
- rm $TMP_FILE
- fi
- if [ ""$DOVECOT_POSTONE ]; then
- # there is a new configuration for 1.0.x
- echo "
-connect = host=$MYSQL_DB_SOCKET_PATH port=3306 dbname=$conf_mysql_db user=dtcdaemons password=${MYSQL_DTCDAEMONS_PASS} client_flags=0
-driver = mysql
-default_pass_scheme = PLAIN
-password_query = SELECT passwd AS password FROM pop_access WHERE id = '%n' AND mbox_host = '%d'
-user_query = SELECT home, uid, gid FROM pop_access WHERE id = '%n' AND mbox_host = '%d'
-" > $PATH_DTC_ETC/dovecot-mysql.conf
- else
- echo "
-# DB details for dtc mysql DB
-db_host = $conf_mysql_host
-db_port = 3306
-db_unix_socket = $MYSQL_DB_SOCKET_PATH
-db = $conf_mysql_db
-db_user = dtcdaemons
-db_client_flags = 0
-default_pass_scheme = PLAIN
-password_query = SELECT passwd AS password FROM pop_access WHERE id = '%n' AND mbox_host = '%d'
-user_query = SELECT home, uid, gid FROM pop_access WHERE id = '%n' AND mbox_host = '%d'
-" > $PATH_DTC_ETC/dovecot-mysql.conf
- fi
- # need to restart dovecot too
- if [ -x "/etc/init.d/dovecot" ] ; then
- /etc/init.d/dovecot restart
- else
- if [ -x /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d ]; then
- /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d dovecot restart
- fi
- fi
- fi
-# Install pure-ftpd-mysql
-if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "===> Adding directives to pure-ftpd-mysql"
-if [ -e $PURE_FTPD_ETC ] ;then
- if [ -e /etc/pure-ftpd/conf/ ] ;then
- echo "yes" >/etc/pure-ftpd/conf/ChrootEveryone
- fi
- if [ -e $PURE_FTPD_ETC/db/ ] ;then
- echo "# Configured by DTC v0.10 : Please don't touch this line !
-MYSQLSocket /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
-MYSQLUser dtcdaemons
-MYSQLDatabase dtc
-MYSQLCrypt cleartext
-MYSQLGetPW SELECT password FROM ftp_access WHERE login=\"\L\"
-MYSQLGetUID SELECT uid FROM ftp_access WHERE login=\"\L\"
-MYSQLGetGID SELECT gid FROM ftp_access WHERE login=\"\L\"
-MYSQLGetDir SELECT homedir FROM ftp_access WHERE login=\"\L\"
-" >$PURE_FTPD_ETC/db/mysql.conf;
- if [ -x /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d ]; then
- /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d pure-ftpd-mysql restart
- else
- if [ -x /etc/init.d/pure-ftpd-mysql ] ;then
- /etc/init.d/pure-ftpd-mysql restart
- fi
- fi
- fi
-# Install proftpd.conf to access to the database
-if [ -f $PATH_PROFTPD_CONF ]; then
-if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "===> Adding directives to proftpd.conf"
-if grep "Configured by DTC" $PATH_PROFTPD_CONF >/dev/null
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "proftpd.conf has been configured before : skiping include inssertion !"
- fi
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "Inserting DTC configuration inside "$PATH_PROFTPD_CONF
- fi
- if ! [ -f $PATH_PROFTPD_CONF.DTC.backup ]
- then
- fi
- # Generate the OpenSSL test certificate if it does not exists
- if [ ""$conf_gen_ssl_cert = "true" ]; then
- if [ ! -e $PATH_DTC_ETC"/ssl" ]; then
- mkdir -p $PATH_DTC_ETC"/ssl"
- fi
- if [ ! -e $PATH_DTC_ETC"/ssl/proftpd" ] ; then
- mkdir -p $PATH_DTC_ETC"/ssl/proftpd"
- fi
- cwd=`pwd`
- cd $PATH_DTC_ETC"/ssl/proftpd"
- if [ ! -e "./"new.cert.csr ]; then
- if [ ! -e "./"new.cert.cert ]; then
- if [ ! -e "./"new.cert.key ]; then
- CERTPASS_TMP_FILE=`${MKTEMP} certfilepass.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- echo $conf_gen_ssl_cert"" >$CERTPASS_TMP_FILE
- ( echo $conf_cert_countrycode;
- echo "the state";
- echo $conf_cert_locality;
- echo $conf_cert_organization;
- echo $conf_cert_unit;
- echo $dtc_admin_subdomain"."$main_domain_name;
- echo $conf_cert_email;
- echo $conf_cert_challenge_pass;
- echo $conf_cert_organization; ) | openssl req -passout file:$CERTPASS_TMP_FILE -new > new.cert.csr
- openssl rsa -passin file:$CERTPASS_TMP_FILE -in privkey.pem -out new.cert.key
- openssl x509 -in new.cert.csr -out new.cert.cert -req -signkey new.cert.key -days 3650
- fi
- fi
- fi
- cd $cwd
- fi
- # need to comment out any existing AuthOrder, since we are changing it
- perl -i -p -e 's/AuthOrder/#AuthOrder/' $PATH_PROFTPD_CONF
- TMP_FILE=`${MKTEMP} DTC_install.proftp.conf.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- echo "# Configured by DTC v0.10 : Please don't touch this line !" > $TMP_FILE
-# This directive is not used anymore in newer version of proftpd
-# echo "#UserReverseDNS off" >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "AuthOrder mod_sql.c mod_auth_pam.c* mod_auth_unix.c" >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "IdentLookups off" >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "DefaultRoot ~" >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "SQLAuthenticate on" >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "SQLConnectInfo "$conf_mysql_db"@"$conf_mysql_host" dtcdaemons "${MYSQL_DTCDAEMONS_PASS} >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "SQLAuthTypes Plaintext" >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "SQLUserInfo ftp_access login password uid gid homedir shell" >> $TMP_FILE
- if [ -e $PATH_DTC_ETC"/ssl/proftpd/new.cert.cert" ] ; then
- if [ -e $PATH_DTC_ETC"/ssl/proftpd/new.cert.key" ] ; then
- if [ ""$conf_gen_ssl_cert = "true" ]; then
- echo "# This is the TLS auth support. Thanks to Erwan Gurcuff (gort) for the tip!
-<IfModule mod_tls.c>
- TLSEngine on
- TLSLog /var/log/proftpd-tls.log
- TLSProtocol TLSv1
- TLSRequired off
- TLSRSACertificateFile "$PATH_DTC_ETC"/ssl/proftpd/new.cert.cert
- TLSRSACertificateKeyFile "$PATH_DTC_ETC"/ssl/proftpd/new.cert.key
- TLSVerifyClient on
-</IfModule>" >> $TMP_FILE
- fi
- fi
- fi
- echo "# // Transfer Log to Proftpd
-SQLLog RETR,STOR transfer1
-SQLNamedQuery transfer1 INSERT \"'%u', '%f', '%b', '%h', '%a', '%m', '%T',now(), 'c', NULL\" ftp_logs
-# // Count Logins per User
-SQLLog PASS logincount
-SQLNamedQuery logincount UPDATE \"count=count+1 WHERE login='%u'\" ftp_access
-# // Remember the last login time
-SQLLog PASS lastlogin
-SQLNamedQuery lastlogin UPDATE \"last_login=now() WHERE login='%u'\" ftp_access
-# // Count the downloaded bytes
-SQLLog RETR dlbytescount
-SQLNamedQuery dlbytescount UPDATE \"dl_bytes=dl_bytes+%b WHERE login='%u'\" ftp_access
-# // Count the downloaded files
-SQLLog RETR dlcount
-SQLNamedQuery dlcount UPDATE \"dl_count=dl_count+1 WHERE login='%u'\" ftp_access
-# // Count the uploaded bytes
-SQLLog STOR ulbytescount
-SQLNamedQuery ulbytescount UPDATE \"ul_bytes=ul_bytes+%b WHERE login='%u'\" ftp_access
-# // Count the uploaded files
-SQLLog STOR ulcount
-SQLNamedQuery ulcount UPDATE \"ul_count=ul_count+1 WHERE login='%u'\" ftp_access
-# End of DTC configuration v0.10 : please don't touch this line !" >> $TMP_FILE
- rm $TMP_FILE
- # This restarts proftpd if under debian like system
- # work has to be done under other OS to restart the ftp daemon
- if [ -x "/etc/init.d/proftpd" ] ; then
- if [ -x "`which /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d 2>/dev/null`" ]; then
- invoke-rc.d proftpd restart
- else
- /etc/init.d/proftpd restart
- fi
- fi
-# Install and configuration of FreeRadius 1.0
-if [ -e ""$FREERADIUS_ETC ] ;then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "DTC has found you are using Freeradius and it's now configuring it"
- fi
- # Backup of freeradius config files
- if [ -e $FREERADIUS_CONF ] ;then
- if ! [ -e $FREERADIUS_CONF".DTCbackup" ] ;then
- fi
- fi
- if [ -e $FREERADIUS_SQL_DOT_CONF ] ;then
- if ! [ -e $FREERADIUS_SQL_DOT_CONF".DTCbackup" ] ;then
- fi
- fi
- TMP_FILE=`${MKTEMP} DTC_install.radius.conf.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- TMP_FILE2=`${MKTEMP} DTC_install.radius.conf.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- TMP_FILE3=`${MKTEMP} DTC_install.radius.conf.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- TMP_FILE4=`${MKTEMP} DTC_install.radius.conf.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- TMP_FILE5=`${MKTEMP} DTC_install.radius.conf.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- TMP_FILE6=`${MKTEMP} DTC_install.radius.conf.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- if [ -e /var/log/radacct ] ;then
- chown -R ${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_USERNAME} /var/log/radacct
- fi
- sed "s/#user = nobody/user = nobody/" $FREERADIUS_CONF >$TMP_FILE
- if grep "group = nobody" $TMP_FILE >/dev/null ;then
- sed "s/#group = nobody/group = nobody/" $TMP_FILE >$TMP_FILE2
- else
- sed "s/#group = nogroup/group = nogroup/" $TMP_FILE >$TMP_FILE2
- fi
- sed "s/log_auth = no/log_auth = yes/" $TMP_FILE2 >$TMP_FILE3
- sed "s/log_auth_badpass = no/log_auth_badpass = yes/" $TMP_FILE3 >$TMP_FILE4
- sed "s/log_auth_goodpass = no/log_auth_goodpass = yes/" $TMP_FILE4 >$TMP_FILE5
- sed "s/# sql/ sql/" $TMP_FILE5 >$TMP_FILE6
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "===> Adding directives to sql.conf"
- fi
- if grep "Configured by DTC" $FREERADIUS_SQL_DOT_CONF >/dev/null
- then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "sql.conf has been configured before : skiping include inssertion !"
- fi
- else
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "Inserting DTC configuration inside "$FREERADIUS_SQL_DOT_CONF
- fi
- TMP_FILE1=`${MKTEMP} DTC_install.sql.conf.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- TMP_FILE2=`${MKTEMP} DTC_install.sql.conf.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- TMP_FILE3=`${MKTEMP} DTC_install.sql.conf.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- TMP_FILE4=`${MKTEMP} DTC_install.sql.conf.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- TMP_FILE5=`${MKTEMP} DTC_install.sql.conf.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- # Remove the default config
- grep -v "server =" $FREERADIUS_SQL_DOT_CONF >$TMP_FILE1
- grep -v "login =" $TMP_FILE1 >$TMP_FILE2
- grep -v "password =" $TMP_FILE2 >$TMP_FILE3
- grep -v "radius_db = " $TMP_FILE3 >$TMP_FILE4
- grep -v "}" $TMP_FILE4 >$TMP_FILE5
- # Install the DTC db config
- TMP_FILE=`${MKTEMP} DTC_install.sql.conf.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- echo "# Configured by DTC v0.10 : Please don't touch this line !
- # Connect info
- server = "$conf_mysql_host"
- login = "$conf_mysql_login"
- password = "$conf_mysql_pass"" >> $TMP_FILE5
-# echo "SQLConnectInfo "$conf_mysql_db"@"$conf_mysql_host" "$conf_mysql_login" "$conf_mysql_pass >> $TMP_FILE4
- echo " # Database table configuration
- radius_db = "$conf_mysql_db"
-# End of DTC configuration v0.10 : please don't touch this line !
-" >> $TMP_FILE5
- fi
-# Generate default config file for awstats (if we have it installed)
-if [ -f $PATH_AWSTATS_ETC/awstats.conf ]; then
- # now if we don't already have a dtc awstats config, create one based on the installed package config
- if ! [ -f $PATH_AWSTATS_ETC/awstats.dtc.conf ]; then
- # we will use the environment variables while calling awstats...
- # Parameter="__ENVNAME__"
- cp $PATH_AWSTATS_ETC/awstats.conf $PATH_AWSTATS_ETC/awstats.dtc.conf
- perl -i -p -e 's/^LogFile=\"[^\"]*\"/LogFile=\"__AWSTATS_LOG_FILE__\"/' $PATH_AWSTATS_ETC/awstats.dtc.conf
- perl -i -p -e 's/^SiteDomain=\"[^\"]*\"/SiteDomain=\"__AWSTATS_FULL_DOMAIN__\"/' $PATH_AWSTATS_ETC/awstats.dtc.conf
- perl -i -p -e 's/^DirData=\"[^\"]*\"/DirData=\"__AWSTATS_DIR_DATA__\"/' $PATH_AWSTATS_ETC/awstats.dtc.conf
- perl -i -p -e 's/^CreateDirDataIfNotExists=0/CreateDirDataIfNotExists=1/' $PATH_AWSTATS_ETC/awstats.dtc.conf
- fi
-# create the rrd file for queuegraph.cgi
-if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "===> Setting up rrdtools and graphs"
-if [ ! -e $PATH_DTC_ETC/mailqueues.rrd ]; then
- $PATH_DTC_ADMIN/queuegraph/createrrd.sh $PATH_DTC_ETC
-if [ ! -e $PATH_CGIBIN/queuegraph.cgi ]; then
- ln -s $PATH_DTC_ADMIN/queuegraph.cgi $PATH_CGIBIN/queuegraph.cgi
-if [ -e $PATH_CGIBIN/queuegraph.cgi ]; then
-# fix path for mailqueues.rrd
-perl -i -p -e "s|/etc/postfix|$PATH_DTC_ETC|" $PATH_DTC_ADMIN/queuegraph.cgi
-if [ -z "$conf_eth2monitor" ] ; then
- echo "No interface selected: skiping the netusage.rrd setup!!!"
- #
- # create the rrd file for netusegraph.cgi
- #
- if [ ! -e $PATH_DTC_ETC/netusage.rrd ]; then
- $PATH_DTC_ADMIN/netusegraph/createrrd.sh $PATH_DTC_ETC
- fi
- if [ ! -e $PATH_CGIBIN/netusegraph.cgi ]; then
- ln -s $PATH_DTC_ADMIN/netusegraph.cgi $PATH_CGIBIN/netusegraph.cgi
- fi
- if [ -e $PATH_CGIBIN/netusegraph.cgi ]; then
- # fix path for netusage.rrd
- perl -i -p -e "s|/etc/postfix|$PATH_DTC_ETC|" $PATH_DTC_ADMIN/netusegraph.cgi
- fi
-# create the rrd file for cpugraph.cgi
-if [ ! -e $PATH_DTC_ETC/cpu.rrd ]; then
- $PATH_DTC_ADMIN/cpugraph/createrrd.sh $PATH_DTC_ETC
-if [ ! -e $PATH_CGIBIN/cpugraph.cgi ]; then
- ln -s $PATH_DTC_ADMIN/cpugraph.cgi $PATH_CGIBIN/cpugraph.cgi
-if [ -e $PATH_DTC_ADMIN/cpugraph.cgi ]; then
- # fix path for cpugraph.cgi
- perl -i -p -e "s|/etc/postfix|$PATH_DTC_ETC|" $PATH_DTC_ADMIN/cpugraph.cgi
-# Create the rrd file for memgraph.cgi
-if [ ! -e $PATH_DTC_ETC/memusage.rrd ]; then
- $PATH_DTC_ADMIN/memgraph/createrrd.sh $PATH_DTC_ETC
-if [ ! -e $PATH_CGIBIN/memgraph.cgi ]; then
- ln -s $PATH_DTC_ADMIN/memgraph.cgi $PATH_CGIBIN/memgraph.cgi
-if [ -e $PATH_DTC_ADMIN/memgraph.cgi ]; then
- # fix path for memgraph.cgi
- perl -i -p -e "s|/etc/postfix|$PATH_DTC_ETC|" $PATH_DTC_ADMIN/memgraph.cgi
-# Modify the SSH default option to make sure the UsePAM and turn on Password auth
-# default to /etc/ssh/sshd_config if it's not set by the installer
-if [ -z ""$PATH_SSH_CONF ]; then
- PATH_SSH_CONF=/etc/ssh/sshd_config
-if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "===> Modifying SSH config to allow chroot logins... "$PATH_SSH_CONF
-# first we want to comment out any previously set variables
-# PasswordAuthentication
-# UsePAM
-TMP_FILE=`${MKTEMP} DTC_install.sshd_conf.XXXXXX` || exit 1
-if grep "^PasswordAuthentication" $PATH_SSH_CONF >/dev/null 2>&1
- sed -e "s/^PasswordAuthentication/#PasswordAuthentication/" $PATH_SSH_CONF > $TMP_FILE
-if grep "^UsePAM" $PATH_SSH_CONF >/dev/null 2>&1
- sed -e "s/^UsePAM/#UsePAM/" $PATH_SSH_CONF > $TMP_FILE
-# now that we have removed the conflicting entries, add it back with the DTC required switches
-if grep "Configured by DTC" $PATH_SSH_CONF >/dev/null
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "$PATH_SSH_CONF has been configured before..."
- fi
- if ! [ -f $PATH_SSH_CONF.DTC.backup ]
- then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "===> Backuping "$PATH_SSH_CONF
- fi
- cp -f "$PATH_SSH_CONF" "$PATH_SSH_CONF.DTC.backup"
- fi
- echo "# Configured by DTC 0.21 : please do not touch this line !" > $TMP_FILE
- echo "UsePAM yes" >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "PasswordAuthentication yes" >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "# End of DTC configuration : please don't touch this line !" >> $TMP_FILE
-# Modify /etc/nsswitch.conf
-TMP_FILE=`${MKTEMP} DTC_install.nsswitch.conf.XXXXXX` || exit 1
-if [ -z "$PATH_NSSWITCH_CONF" ]; then
- PATH_NSSWITCH_CONF=/etc/nsswitch.conf
-if grep "Configured by DTC" $PATH_NSSWITCH_CONF >/dev/null
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "$PATH_NSSWITCH_CONF has been configured before..."
- fi
- if ! [ -f $PATH_NSSWITCH_CONF.DTC.backup ]
- then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "===> Backuping "$PATH_NSSWITCH_CONF
- fi
- fi
- echo "# Configured by DTC 0.21 : please do not touch this line !" > $TMP_FILE
- echo "
-passwd: compat mysql
-group: compat mysql
-shadow: compat mysql
-" >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "# End of DTC configuration : please don't touch this line !" >> $TMP_FILE
-# Modify /etc/nss-mysql.conf and /etc/nss-mysql-root.conf
-TMP_FILE=`${MKTEMP} DTC_install.nss-mysql.conf.XXXXXX` || exit 1
-if [ -z "$PATH_NSS_CONF" ]; then
- PATH_NSS_CONF=/etc/nss-mysql.conf
-if [ -z "$PATH_NSS_ROOT_CONF" ]; then
- PATH_NSS_ROOT_CONF=/etc/nss-mysql-root.conf
-if [ ! -e $PATH_NSS_CONF ]; then
- if [ -e /etc/libnss-mysql.cfg ]; then
- PATH_NSS_CONF=/etc/libnss-mysql.cfg
- NSSMYSQL_VERSION=libnss-mysql
- # mv the existing config out of the way
- mv $PATH_NSS_CONF $PATH_NSS_CONF.before.dtc
- fi
-if [ ! -e $PATH_NSS_ROOT_CONF ]; then
- if [ -e /etc/libnss-mysql-root.cfg ]; then
- PATH_NSS_ROOT_CONF=/etc/libnss-mysql-root.cfg
- NSSMYSQL_VERSION=libnss-mysql
- fi
-if grep "Configured by DTC" $PATH_NSS_CONF >/dev/null
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "$PATH_NSS_CONF has been configured before..."
- fi
- if ! [ -f $PATH_NSS_CONF.DTC.backup ]
- then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "===> Backuping "$PATH_NSS_CONF
- fi
- cp -f "$PATH_NSS_CONF" "$PATH_NSS_CONF.DTC.backup"
- fi
- echo "# Configured by DTC 0.21 : please do not touch this line !" > $TMP_FILE
- if [ ""$NSSMYSQL_VERSION = "nss-mysql" ]; then
- echo "
-users.host = inet:localhost:3306;
-users.database = ${conf_mysql_db};
-users.db_user = dtcdaemons;
-users.db_password = ${MYSQL_DTCDAEMONS_PASS};
-users.backup_host =;
-users.backup_database =;
-users.table = ssh_access;
-users.where_clause =;
-users.user_column = ssh_access.login;
-users.password_column = ssh_access.crypt;
-users.userid_column = ssh_access.uid;
-users.uid_column = ssh_access.uid;
-users.gid_column = ssh_access.gid;
-users.realname_column = \"DTC User\";
-users.homedir_column = ssh_access.homedir;
-users.shell_column = ssh_access.shell;
-groups.group_info_table = ssh_groups;
-groups.where_clause =;
-groups.group_name_column = ssh_groups.group_name;
-groups.groupid_column = ssh_groups.group_id;
-groups.gid_column = ssh_groups.gid;
-groups.password_column = ssh_groups.group_password;
-groups.members_table = ssh_user_group;
-groups.member_userid_column = ssh_user_group.user_id;
-groups.member_groupid_column = ssh_user_group.group_id;
-" >> $TMP_FILE
- else
- # this is the libnss version
- echo "
-getpwnam SELECT login,'*',uid,gid,'DTC User',homedir,shell FROM ssh_access WHERE login='%1$s' LIMIT 1
-getpwuid SELECT login,'*',uid,gid,'DTC User',homedir,shell FROM ssh_access WHERE uid='%1$u' LIMIT 1
-getpwent SELECT login,'*',uid,gid,'DTC User',homedir,shell FROM ssh_access
-getgrnam SELECT group_name,group_password,group_id FROM ssh_groups WHERE group_name='%1$s' LIMIT 1
-getgrgid SELECT group_name,group_password,group_id FROM ssh_groups WHERE group_id='%1$u' LIMIT 1
-getgrent SELECT group_name,group_password,group_id FROM ssh_groups
-memsbygid SELECT login FROM ssh_access WHERE gid='%1$u'
-gidsbymem SELECT gid FROM ssh_access WHERE login='%1$s'
-getspnam SELECT login,crypt,UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - 10,1,2,7,-1,-1,0 FROM ssh_access WHERE ssh_access.login='%1$s' LIMIT 1
-getspent SELECT login,crypt,UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - 10,1,2,7,-1,-1,0 FROM ssh_access
-host localhost
-port 3306
-database ${conf_mysql_db}
-username dtcdaemons
-" >> $TMP_FILE
- fi
- echo "# End of DTC configuration : please don't touch this line !" >> $TMP_FILE
-# fix perm for the nss root configuration
-chmod 400 $PATH_NSS_CONF
-if grep "Configured by DTC" $PATH_NSS_ROOT_CONF >/dev/null
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "$PATH_NSS_ROOT_CONF has been configured before..."
- fi
- if ! [ -f $PATH_NSS_ROOT_CONF.DTC.backup ]
- then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "===> Backuping "$PATH_NSS_ROOT_CONF
- fi
- fi
- echo "# Configured by DTC 0.21 : please do not touch this line !" > $TMP_FILE
- if [ ""$NSSMYSQL_VERSION = "nss-mysql" ]; then
- echo "
-shadow.host = inet:localhost:3306;
-shadow.database = ${conf_mysql_db};
-shadow.db_user = dtcdaemons;
-shadow.db_password = ${MYSQL_DTCDAEMONS_PASS};
-shadow.backup_host =;
-shadow.backup_database =;
-shadow.table = ssh_access;
-shadow.where_clause =;
-shadow.userid_column = ssh_access.uid;
-shadow.user_column = ssh_access.login;
-shadow.password_column = ssh_access.crypt;
-shadow.lastchange_column = UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-10;
-shadow.min_column = 1;
-shadow.max_column = 2;
-shadow.warn_column = 7;
-shadow.inact_column = -1;
-shadow.expire_column = -1;
-" >> $TMP_FILE
- else
- # libnss version
- echo "[server]
-host localhost
-port 3306
-database ${conf_mysql_db}
-username dtcdaemons
-" >> $TMP_FILE
- fi
- echo "# End of DTC configuration : please don't touch this line !" >> $TMP_FILE
-# fix perm for the nss root configuration
-chmod 400 $PATH_NSS_ROOT_CONF
-# Install the cron php4 scripts in the $PATH_CRONTAB_CONF
-# just in case we haven't specified PATH_CRONTAB_CONF, default to /etc/crontab
-if [ -z ""$PATH_CRONTAB_CONF ]; then
- PATH_CRONTAB_CONF=/etc/crontab
-if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "===> Installing cron script in "$PATH_CRONTAB_CONF
-if grep "Configured by DTC " $PATH_CRONTAB_CONF >/dev/null
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "/etc/crontab has been configured before : skinping include inssertion"
- fi
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "Inserting DTC cronjob in "$PATH_CRONTAB_CONF
- fi
- if ! [ -f $PATH_CRONTAB_CONF.DTC.backup ]
- then
- fi
- TMP_FILE=`${MKTEMP} DTC_install.crontab.XXXXXX` || exit 1
- echo "# Configured by DTC v0.10 : Please don't touch this line !" > $TMP_FILE
- # Under Debian, we use cron.d in the rules file as much as possible
- # (unfortunatly, I don't know if it's possible to make it dynamic)
- if [ ! ""$UNIX_TYPE = "debian" ] ; then
- echo "00,10,20,30,40,50 * * * * root cd $PATH_DTC_ADMIN; $PATH_PHP_CGI $PATH_DTC_ADMIN/cron.php >>/var/log/dtc.log" >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "9 4 * * * ${CONF_DTC_SYSTEM_USERNAME} cd $PATH_DTC_ADMIN; nice -n+20 $PATH_PHP_CGI $PATH_DTC_ADMIN/accesslog.php" >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "* * * * * root cd $PATH_DTC_ADMIN; nice -n+20 $PATH_DTC_ADMIN/cpugraph/get_cpu_load.sh $PATH_DTC_ETC >>/var/log/dtc.log" >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "* * * * * root cd $PATH_DTC_ADMIN; nice -n+20 $PATH_DTC_ADMIN/netusegraph/get_net_usage.sh $PATH_DTC_ETC \"$conf_eth2monitor\" >>/var/log/dtc.log" >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "* * * * * root cd $PATH_DTC_ADMIN; nice -n+20 $PATH_DTC_ADMIN/memgraph/get_meminfo.sh $PATH_DTC_ETC >>/var/log/dtc.log" >> $TMP_FILE
- echo "9 3 * * * root cd $PATH_DTC_ADMIN; $PATH_PHP_CGI $PATH_DTC_ADMIN/reminders.php" >> $TMP_FILE
- fi
- if [ ""$conf_mta_type = "postfix" -o ""$conf_mta_type = "p" ]; then
- echo "* * * * * root cd $PATH_DTC_ADMIN; $PATH_DTC_ADMIN/queuegraph/count_postfix.sh $PATH_DTC_ETC >>/var/log/dtc.log" >> $TMP_FILE
- fi
- if [ ""$conf_mta_type = "qmail" -o ""$conf_mta_type = "q" ]; then
- echo "* * * * * root cd $PATH_DTC_ADMIN; nice -n+20 $PATH_DTC_ADMIN/queuegraph/count_qmail.sh $PATH_DTC_ETC >>/var/log/dtc.log" >> $TMP_FILE
- fi
- cat < $TMP_FILE >>/etc/crontab
- rm $TMP_FILE
-# add the default password to .htpasswd if it doesn't exist already
-if [ -e $conf_hosting_path/.htpasswd ]; then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "OK, you have your "$conf_hosting_path"/.htpasswd setup already!"
- fi
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "Creating "$conf_hosting_path"/.htpasswd with username '$conf_adm_login' and password '$conf_adm_pass'"
- fi
- if [ -e "/usr/local/bin/htpasswd" ] ;then
- HTPASSWD="/usr/local/bin/htpasswd"
- else
- if [ -e "/usr/bin/htpasswd" ] ;then
- HTPASSWD="/usr/bin/htpasswd"
- else
- if [ -e "/usr/sbin/htpasswd" ] ;then
- HTPASSWD="/usr/sbin/htpasswd"
- else
- if [ -e "/usr/sbin/htpasswd2" ] ;then
- HTPASSWD="/usr/sbin/htpasswd2"
- else
- HTPASSWD="htpasswd"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- fi
- $HTPASSWD -cb "$conf_hosting_path"/.htpasswd "$conf_adm_login" $conf_adm_pass
-if [ -e $PATH_DTC_ADMIN/.htaccess ]; then
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "OK, you have your "$PATH_DTC_ADMIN"/.htaccess setup already!"
- fi
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "Creating "$PATH_DTC_ADMIN"/.htaccess file."
- fi
- echo "AuthName \"DTC root control panel login!\"
-AuthType Basic
-AuthUserFile "$conf_hosting_path"/.htpasswd
-require valid-user" >$PATH_DTC_ADMIN/.htaccess
-# Alias the ncftp login file in etc to the path of the DTC /etc
-if [ ! -e /etc/ncftpput_login.cfg ] ; then
- ln -s $PATH_DTC_ETC/ncftpput_login.cfg /etc/ncftpput_login.cfg
-# Chown the imgcache folder so the script can write in it
-if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "***********************************************************"
- echo "*** Please wait while DTC configures all the daemons... ***"
- echo "***********************************************************"
- echo "--- --- --- INSTALLATION FINISHED --- --- ---"
- cd $PATH_DTC_ADMIN; $PATH_PHP_CGI $PATH_DTC_ADMIN/cron.php 2>&1 >/var/log/dtc.log
- echo "done!"
-if [ ""$conf_report_setup = "true" ]; then
- if [ -e /usr/bin/wget ] ; then
- WGET="/usr/bin/wget"
- else
- WGET=`which wget`
- fi
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "Reporting install using $WGET -b -q --output-document=/dev/null http://www.gplhost.com/dtc-install-stats.php?ostype=${UNIX_TYPE}"
- fi
- $WGET -b -q --output-document=/dev/null "http://www.gplhost.com/dtc-install-stats.php?ostype=${UNIX_TYPE}" -o /dev/null >/dev/null
- if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo "Not reporting install this time..."
- fi
-echo ""
-echo "Browse to: \"http://"$dtc_admin_subdomain"."$main_domain_name"/dtcadmin/\""
-echo " or to: \"https://"$dtc_admin_subdomain"."$main_domain_name"/dtcadmin/\""
-echo "with login/pass of the main domain admin."
-echo "Remember to relaunch this installer if you"
-echo "install some other mail servers, whatever"
-echo "it is (qmail, postfix, courier, etc...)."
-echo "NOTE: please check sshd_config and then restart ssh"
-if [ ""$VERBOSE_INSTALL = "yes" ] ;then
- echo ""
- echo "Visit DTC Home page"
-echo "http://www.gplhost.com/software-dtc.html"
+. ${LOCALBASE}/${DTCROOT}/admin/install/bsd_config
+. ${LOCALBASE}/${DTCROOT}/admin/install/interactive_installer
+. ${LOCALBASE}/${DTCROOT}/admin/install/functions
-exit 0
diff --git a/sysutils/dtc/pkg-plist b/sysutils/dtc/pkg-plist
index 6617b5554045..a62c20f37516 100644
--- a/sysutils/dtc/pkg-plist
+++ b/sysutils/dtc/pkg-plist
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
@@ -25,6 +26,7 @@
@@ -39,7 +41,6 @@
@@ -71,6 +72,16 @@
@@ -78,6 +89,11 @@
@@ -94,6 +110,7 @@
@@ -113,11 +130,13 @@
@@ -127,8 +146,6 @@
@@ -183,20 +200,14 @@
@@ -250,10 +261,10 @@
@@ -273,6 +284,7 @@
@@ -329,6 +341,7 @@
@@ -498,6 +511,7 @@
@@ -544,47 +558,11 @@
@@ -602,24 +580,10 @@
@dirrm %%DTCROOT%%/shared/vars
@dirrm %%DTCROOT%%/shared/template
@dirrm %%DTCROOT%%/shared/securepay/gateways
@dirrm %%DTCROOT%%/shared/securepay
-@dirrm %%DTCROOT%%/shared/package-installer/wanewsletter
-@dirrm %%DTCROOT%%/shared/package-installer/vtiger
-@dirrm %%DTCROOT%%/shared/package-installer/smf
-@dirrm %%DTCROOT%%/shared/package-installer/phpsurveyor
-@dirrm %%DTCROOT%%/shared/package-installer/phpnuke
-@dirrm %%DTCROOT%%/shared/package-installer/phpbb
-@dirrm %%DTCROOT%%/shared/package-installer/oscommerce-creloaded
-@dirrm %%DTCROOT%%/shared/package-installer/oscommerce
-@dirrm %%DTCROOT%%/shared/package-installer/joomla_pl
-@dirrm %%DTCROOT%%/shared/package-installer/joomla
-@dirrm %%DTCROOT%%/shared/package-installer/horde
-@dirrm %%DTCROOT%%/shared/package-installer/drupal
-@dirrm %%DTCROOT%%/shared/package-installer
@dirrm %%DTCROOT%%/shared/inc/sql
@dirrm %%DTCROOT%%/shared/inc/forms
@dirrm %%DTCROOT%%/shared/inc
@@ -665,9 +629,6 @@ sbin/dtc-deinstall
@dirrm %%DTCROOT%%/doc/dtc_storefront/dtc_storefront
@dirrm %%DTCROOT%%/doc/dtc_storefront
@dirrm %%DTCROOT%%/doc/daemonconf_howto
-@dirrm %%DTCROOT%%/doc/bind_conf/etc/bind
-@dirrm %%DTCROOT%%/doc/bind_conf/etc
-@dirrm %%DTCROOT%%/doc/bind_conf
@dirrm %%DTCROOT%%/doc
@dirrm %%DTCROOT%%/client/inc
@dirrm %%DTCROOT%%/client
@@ -676,10 +637,12 @@ sbin/dtc-deinstall
@dirrm %%DTCROOT%%/admin/queuegraph
@dirrm %%DTCROOT%%/admin/netusegraph
@dirrm %%DTCROOT%%/admin/memgraph
+@dirrm %%DTCROOT%%/admin/install
@dirrm %%DTCROOT%%/admin/inc
@dirrm %%DTCROOT%%/admin/genfiles
@dirrm %%DTCROOT%%/admin/dtcrm
@dirrm %%DTCROOT%%/admin/cpugraph
+@dirrm %%DTCROOT%%/admin
@dirrm %%DTCROOT%%/etc/zones
@dirrm %%DTCROOT%%/etc
@dirrm %%DTCROOT%%