path: root/Mk/bsd.licenses.mk
diff options
authorAlejandro Pulver <alepulver@FreeBSD.org>2010-05-25 00:25:02 +0000
committerAlejandro Pulver <alepulver@FreeBSD.org>2010-05-25 00:25:02 +0000
commitaf3ccd0db3b59ab49f97cecf20273bfcd3d3cc15 (patch)
tree283b3c790b061312fab9915dab9cb23c6ceec417 /Mk/bsd.licenses.mk
parent3c72f3083ebc140e6e56cf7f13af8fc17776518f (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'Mk/bsd.licenses.mk')
1 files changed, 768 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Mk/bsd.licenses.mk b/Mk/bsd.licenses.mk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..03af74932c58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mk/bsd.licenses.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,768 @@
+#-*- mode: makefile; tab-width: 4; -*-
+# ex:ts=4
+# $FreeBSD$
+# bsd.licenses.mk - License auditing framework.
+# Created by: Alejandro Pulver <alepulver@FreeBSD.org>
+# Please view me with 4 column tabs!
+# TODO:
+# - Bring back save and checksum with new dialog interface (only offers to do
+# so if ran by root, otherwise silently remove the options). Also only allow
+# saving per-port options (known or unknown), and only when accepted.
+# - Add custom restriction targets for better integration (now some files are
+# removed from FTP if restricted for CDROM for example, as the old
+# behavior).
+# The following cases are not considered:
+# - Redistribution of modified distfiles, because is never done.
+# - Creating binaries from modified sources, because packages almost always
+# contain modifications to the source, can not be autodetected (i.e.
+# patch-* in ${FILESDIR}, post-* targets, etc), and these licenses tend to
+# have more restrictions anyways.
+# Integration with target sequences
+# _SANITY_SEQ+= check-license (after check-vulnerable)
+# _PATCH_SEQ+= ask-license (before any other targets)
+# _INSTALL_SUSEQ+= install-license (after install-desktop-entries)
+# The 'check-license' target will determine if the license was accepted,
+# rejected or has to be asked later to the user in 'ask-license' (by then
+# licenses should be extracted). The 'install-license' target installs the
+# applications' licenses, a general package license mentioning them, and a
+# restriction report (to be used by ports, scripts and similar tools).
+# Variables provided to the ports system and users in general, to modify the
+# behavior of the framework
+# NO_LICENSES_INSTALL - Do not install catalog, report and licenses.
+# NO_LICENSES_DIALOGS - Disable interactive menus for asking licenses.
+# Variables provided to users (can be passed to make or set in /etc/make.conf)
+# LICENSES_ACCEPTED - Accepted licenses.
+# LICENSES_REJECTED - Rejected licenses.
+# LICENSES_GROUPS_ACCEPTED - Accepted license groups.
+# LICENSES_GROUPS_REJECTED - Rejected license groups.
+# LICENSES_ASK - Require explicit user approval for all licenses not
+# present in previous variables (for example, stock
+# accepted licenses will ask confirmation).
+# Variables provided to ports
+# LICENSE - Code of license (short name).
+# LICENSE_PERMS - Permissions; use "none" if empty.
+# LICENSE_GROUPS - Groups the license belongs.
+# LICENSE_NAME - Full license name (for the reports).
+# LICENSE_FILE - Full path to license (or use LICENSE_TEXT).
+# LICENSE_TEXT - Text to use as a license, useful when referencing to
+# another place if it's not in the distfile.
+# LICENSE_DISTFILES - Name of licensed files (defaults to ${_DISTFILES}).
+# LICENSE_COMB - Set to "dual" or "multi", for OR/AND behavior
+# (defaults to "single" if undefined, the common case)
+# The following cases are supported after defining LICENSE:
+# Case 1: license defined in the framework (aka "known").
+# In this case the only allowed variables to set are LICENSE_FILE and
+# LICENSE_DISTFILES. The rest are managed by the framework and are not allowed
+# to change.
+# Case 2: license only known by the port (aka "unknown").
+# In this case LICENSE_{PERMS,NAME} are mandatory, in addition to
+# either LICENSE_FILE or LICENSE_TEXT. Optional variables are
+# Available components for LICENSE_PERMS:
+# dist-mirror - No free redistribution of distfile (like FTP mirroring; RESTRICTED).
+# dist-sell - No selling of distfile (like in CD-ROM; NO_CDROM).
+# pkg-mirror - No free redistribution of package (like FTP upload; NO_PACKAGE).
+# pkg-sell - No selling of package (like in CD-ROM; NO_CDROM).
+# auto-accept - If license is accepted by default, without presented
+# agreement, at least the user defines LICENSES_ASK.
+# Notes about permissions:
+# - Permissions use a default-deny policy.
+# - Components can be negated by prefixing them with "no-" (like
+# "no-pkg-sell").
+# - In case a component is present and also excluded (i.e. no-dist-sell and
+# dist-sell together in LICENSE_PERMS), it will be excluded.
+# - XXX Currently there is no point in "no-" prefixes, as permissions are not
+# inherited from groups. Maybe it looks more clear that way than leaving the
+# variable empty?
+# Dual/multiple licenses:
+# If LICENSE_COMB is set to "dual", then LICENSE can (must, actually) have
+# more than one component. After that each license "lic" in LICENSE falls in
+# previous cases (known or unknown), but their variables are prefixed by
+# _LICENSE_ and suffixed by _lic. The main license name, perms and groups will
+# be set automatically (following appropiate logic). The idea is that any
+# license from LICENSE can be chosen to use the package.
+# The case when LICENSE_COMB is set to "multi" is similar. But the idea is
+# that all of the licenses in LICENSE must be agreed to use the package.
+.if defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED) && !defined(BEFOREPORTMK)
+.if defined(LICENSE)
+# Include known licenses from database
+.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/bsd.licenses.db.mk"
+# Lists of variables and valid components
+# _LICENSE_LIST_PERMS - Valid permission components
+# _LICENSE_LIST_PORT_VARS - License variables defined by the port
+_LICENSE_LIST_PERMS= dist-mirror dist-sell pkg-mirror pkg-sell auto-accept none
+# Path variables
+# _LICENSE_DIR - Directory to install licenses
+# _LICENSE_DIR_REL - Same as above, without ${PREFIX}
+# _LICENSE_CATALOG - License catalog (make include file) to be created (dst)
+# _LICENSE_CATALOG_TMP - Same as above, but in WRKDIR (src)
+# _LICENSE_REPORT - License summary, shows licenses and how they are combined (dst)
+# _LICENSE_REPORT_TMP - Same as above, but in WRKDIR (src)
+# _LICENSE_COOKIE - Set when license is accepted, it is not present in
+# bsd.port.mk to avoid creating LICENSE_{REQ,SEQ} for a
+# few more targets only.
+_LICENSE_DIR?= ${PREFIX}/share/licenses/${PKGNAME}
+_LICENSE_DIR_REL?= share/licenses/${PKGNAME}
+_LICENSE_CATALOG_TMP?= ${WRKDIR}/.license-catalog.mk
+_LICENSE_REPORT_TMP?= ${WRKDIR}/.license-report
+_LICENSE_COOKIE?= ${WRKDIR}/.license_done.${PORTNAME}.${PREFIX:S/\//_/g}
+# Defaults (never overriden for now)
+# _LICENSE - Copy of LICENSE (for now)
+# _LICENSE_COMB - Copy of LICENSE_COMB (but "single" instead of empty)
+.if !defined(LICENSE_COMB)
+_LICENSE_COMB= single
+# Check if single or dual/multiple license
+# Make sure LICENSE_COMB is only used with more than one license.
+.if ${_LICENSE_COMB} != "single" && ${_LICENSE_COMB} != "dual" && ${_LICENSE_COMB} != "multi"
+_LICENSE_ERROR?= invalid value for LICENSE_COMB: "${_LICENSE_COMB}" (should be "single", "dual" or "multi")
+.for lic in ${_LICENSE}
+. if defined(_LICENSE_DEFINED)
+. if ${_LICENSE_COMB} == "single"
+_LICENSE_ERROR?= multiple licenses in LICENSE, but LICENSE_COMB is set to "single" (or undefined)
+. else
+. endif
+. else
+. endif
+.if ${_LICENSE_COMB} != "single" && !defined(_LICENSE_MULTI)
+_LICENSE_ERROR?= single license in LICENSE, but LICENSE_COMB is set to "${_LICENSE_COMB}" (requires more than one)
+.if !defined(_LICENSE_DEFINED)
+_LICENSE_ERROR?= no licenses present in LICENSE (empty string)
+# Evaluate port license groups and permissions
+# Available values for _LICENSE_TYPE:
+# Case 1: "known" (license info taken from internal database)
+# Case 2: "unknown" (LICENSE is not known, and info taken from port)
+# Make sure required variables are defined, and remove conflicting (positive
+# and negative) duplicated components.
+.if ${_LICENSE_COMB} == "single"
+# Defaults to empty
+# Start
+. for lic in ${_LICENSE}
+. if ${_LICENSE_LIST:M${lic}} != ""
+# Case 1: license defined in the framework.
+. for var in ${_LICENSE_LIST_PORT_VARS}
+. if defined(LICENSE_${var})
+_LICENSE_ERROR?= redefining LICENSE_${var} is not allowed for known licenses, to define a custom license try another LICENSE name like ${_LICENSE}-variant
+. endif
+. if !defined(_LICENSE_${var}_${lic})
+_LICENGE_ERROR?= ERROR: missing _LICENSE_${var}_${lic} in bsd.licenses.db.mk
+. else
+_LICENSE_${var}= ${_LICENSE_${var}_${lic}}
+. endif
+. endfor
+# Check for LICENSE_FILE or at least LICENSE_TEXT (which simulates it)
+. if !defined(LICENSE_FILE)
+. if !defined(LICENSE_TEXT)
+# XXX Until we have a license pool under /usr/ports/Licenses use this
+_LICENSE_TEXT= The license: ${_LICENSE} (${_LICENSE_NAME}) is standard, please read from the web.
+. else
+_LICENSE_ERROR?= defining LICENSE_TEXT is not allowed for known licenses
+. endif
+. else
+. endif
+. else
+# Case 2: license only known by the port.
+_LICENSE_TYPE= unknown
+. for var in ${_LICENSE_LIST_PORT_VARS}
+. if defined(LICENSE_${var})
+_LICENSE_${var}= ${LICENSE_${var}}
+. elif !defined(_LICENSE_${var})
+_LICENSE_ERROR?= for unknown licenses, defining LICENSE_${var} is mandatory (otherwise use a known LICENSE)
+. endif
+. endfor
+# Check LICENSE_PERMS for invalid, ambiguous and duplicate components
+. for comp in ${_LICENSE_PERMS}
+. if ${_LICENSE_LIST_PERMS:M${comp:C/^no-//}} == ""
+_LICENSE_ERROR?= invalid LICENSE_PERMS component "${comp}"
+. elif ${__LICENSE_PERMS:M${comp}} == "" && \
+ ${_LICENSE_PERMS:Mno-${comp:C/^no-//}} == ""
+__LICENSE_PERMS+= ${comp}
+. endif
+. endfor
+. undef __LICENSE_PERMS
+# Check for LICENSE_FILE or at least LICENSE_TEXT (which simulates it)
+. if !defined(LICENSE_FILE)
+. if !defined(LICENSE_TEXT)
+_LICENSE_ERROR?= either LICENSE_FILE or LICENSE_TEXT must be defined
+. else
+. endif
+. else
+. endif
+. endif
+# Only one is allowed
+. if defined(LICENSE_FILE) && defined(LICENSE_TEXT)
+_LICENSE_ERROR?= defining both LICENSE_FILE and LICENSE_TEXT is not allowed
+. endif
+# Distfiles
+. if !defined(LICENSE_DISTFILES)
+. else
+. endif
+. endfor
+. for lic in ${_LICENSE}
+# Defaults to empty
+. if ${_LICENSE_LIST:M${lic}} != ""
+# Case 1: license defined in the framework.
+_LICENSE_TYPE_${lic}= known
+. for var in ${_LICENSE_LIST_PORT_VARS}
+. if defined(LICENSE_${var}_${lic})
+_LICENSE_ERROR?= redefining LICENSE_${var}_${lic} is not allowed for known licenses, to define a custom license try another LICENSE name for ${lic} like ${lic}-variant
+. endif
+. if !defined(_LICENSE_${var}_${lic})
+_LICENGE_ERROR?= ERROR: missing _LICENSE_${var}_${lic} in bsd.licenses.db.mk
+. endif
+. endfor
+# Check for LICENSE_FILE or at least LICENSE_TEXT (which simulates it)
+. if !defined(LICENSE_FILE_${lic})
+. if !defined(LICENSE_TEXT_${lic})
+# XXX Until we have a license pool under /usr/ports/Licenses use this
+_LICENSE_TEXT_${lic}= The license: ${lic} (${_LICENSE_NAME_${lic}}) is standard, please read from the web.
+_LICENSE_FILE_${lic}= ${WRKDIR}/${lic}
+. else
+_LICENSE_ERROR?= defining LICENSE_TEXT_${lic} is not allowed for known licenses
+. endif
+. else
+_LICENSE_FILE_${lic}= ${LICENSE_FILE_${lic}}
+. endif
+. else
+# Case 2: license only known by the port.
+_LICENSE_TYPE_${lic}= unknown
+. for var in ${_LICENSE_LIST_PORT_VARS}
+. if defined(LICENSE_${var}_${lic})
+_LICENSE_${var}_${lic}= ${LICENSE_${var}_${lic}}
+. elif !defined(_LICENSE_${var}_${lic})
+_LICENSE_ERROR?= for unknown licenses, defining LICENSE_${var}_${lic} is mandatory (otherwise use a known LICENSE)
+. endif
+. endfor
+# Check LICENSE_PERMS for invalid, ambiguous and duplicate components
+. for comp in ${_LICENSE_PERMS_${lic}}
+. if ${_LICENSE_LIST_PERMS:M${comp:C/^no-//}} == ""
+_LICENSE_ERROR?= invalid LICENSE_PERMS_${var} component "${comp}"
+. elif ${__LICENSE_PERMS:M${comp}} == "" && \
+ ${_LICENSE_PERMS_${lic}:Mno-${comp:C/^no-//}} == ""
+__LICENSE_PERMS+= ${comp}
+. endif
+. endfor
+. undef __LICENSE_PERMS
+# Check for LICENSE_FILE or at least LICENSE_TEXT (which simulates it)
+. if !defined(LICENSE_FILE_${lic})
+. if !defined(LICENSE_TEXT_${lic})
+_LICENSE_ERROR?= either LICENSE_FILE_${lic} or LICENSE_TEXT_${lic} must be defined
+. else
+_LICENSE_TEXT_${lic}= ${LICENSE_TEXT_${lic}}
+_LICENSE_FILE_${lic}= ${WRKDIR}/${lic}
+. endif
+. else
+_LICENSE_FILE_${lic}= ${LICENSE_FILE_${lic}}
+. endif
+. endif
+# Only one is allowed
+. if defined(LICENSE_FILE_${lic}) && defined(LICENSE_TEXT_${lic})
+_LICENSE_ERROR?= defining both LICENSE_FILE_${lic} and LICENSE_TEXT_${lic}is not allowed
+. endif
+# Distfiles
+. if !defined(LICENSE_DISTFILES_${lic})
+. else
+. endif
+. endfor
+# Check if the user agrees with the license
+# Make sure these are defined
+# Evaluate per-license status
+.if ${_LICENSE_COMB} == "single"
+. for lic in ${_LICENSE}
+. if ${LICENSES_REJECTED:M${lic}} != ""
+_LICENSE_STATUS?= rejected
+. endif
+. for group in ${_LICENSE_GROUPS}
+. if ${LICENSES_GROUPS_REJECTED:M${group}} != ""
+_LICENSE_STATUS?= rejected
+. endif
+. if ${LICENSES_GROUPS_ACCEPTED:M${group}} != ""
+_LICENSE_STATUS?= accepted
+. endif
+. endfor
+. if ${LICENSES_ACCEPTED:M${lic}} != ""
+_LICENSE_STATUS?= accepted
+. endif
+. if ${_LICENSE_PERMS:Mauto-accept} != "" && !defined(LICENSES_ASK)
+_LICENSE_STATUS?= accepted
+. endif
+. endfor
+. for lic in ${_LICENSE}
+. if ${LICENSES_REJECTED:M${lic}} != ""
+_LICENSE_STATUS_${lic}?= rejected
+. endif
+. for group in ${_LICENSE_GROUPS_${lic}}
+. if ${LICENSES_GROUPS_REJECTED:M${group}} != ""
+_LICENSE_STATUS_${lic}?= rejected
+. endif
+. if ${LICENSES_GROUPS_ACCEPTED:M${group}} != ""
+_LICENSE_STATUS_${lic}?= accepted
+. endif
+. endfor
+. if ${LICENSES_ACCEPTED:M${lic}} != ""
+_LICENSE_STATUS_${lic}?= accepted
+. endif
+. if ${_LICENSE_PERMS_${lic}:Mauto-accept} != "" && !defined(LICENSES_ASK)
+_LICENSE_STATUS_${lic}?= accepted
+. endif
+_LICENSE_STATUS_${lic}?= ask
+. endfor
+# Evaluate general status
+.if ${_LICENSE_COMB} == "dual"
+. for lic in ${_LICENSE}
+. if ${_LICENSE_STATUS_${lic}} == "accepted"
+_LICENSE_STATUS= accepted
+. elif ${_LICENSE_STATUS_${lic}} == "ask"
+_LICENSE_TO_ASK+= ${lic}
+. endif
+_LICENSE_STATUS?= rejected
+. endfor
+.elif ${_LICENSE_COMB} == "multi"
+. for lic in ${_LICENSE}
+. if ${_LICENSE_STATUS_${lic}} == "rejected"
+_LICENSE_STATUS= rejected
+. elif ${_LICENSE_STATUS_${lic}} == "ask"
+_LICENSE_TO_ASK+= ${lic}
+. endif
+. endfor
+_LICENSE_STATUS?= accepted
+# For dual/multi licenses, after processing all sub-licenses, the following
+# must be determined: _LICENSE_NAME, _LICENSE_PERMS and _LICENSE_GROUPS.
+.if ${_LICENSE_COMB} == "dual"
+_LICENSE_NAME= Dual (any of): ${_LICENSE}
+# Calculate least restrictive permissions (union)
+. for lic in ${_LICENSE}
+. for comp in ${_LICENSE_LIST_PERMS}
+. if ${_LICENSE_PERMS_${lic}:M${comp}} != "" && \
+ ${_LICENSE_PERMS:M${comp}} == ""
+_LICENSE_PERMS+= ${comp}
+. endif
+. endfor
+. endfor
+# Calculate least restrictive groups (union)
+. for lic in ${_LICENSE}
+. for comp in ${_LICENSE_LIST_GROUPS}
+. if ${_LICENSE_GROUPS_${lic}:M${comp}} != "" && \
+ ${_LICENSE_GROUPS:M${comp}} == ""
+_LICENSE_GROUPS+= ${comp}
+. endif
+. endfor
+. endfor
+.elif ${_LICENSE_COMB} == "multi"
+_LICENSE_NAME= Multiple (all of): ${_LICENSE}
+# Calculate most restrictive permissions (intersection)
+. for lic in ${_LICENSE}
+. for comp in ${_LICENSE_LIST_PERMS}
+. if ${_LICENSE_PERMS_${lic}:M${comp}} == ""
+. endif
+. endfor
+. endfor
+# Calculate most restrictive groups (intersection)
+. for lic in ${_LICENSE}
+. for comp in ${_LICENSE_LIST_GROUPS}
+. if ${_LICENSE_GROUPS_${lic}:M${comp}} == ""
+. endif
+. endfor
+. endfor
+# Prepare information for asking license to the user
+.if ${_LICENSE_STATUS} == "ask" && ${_LICENSE_COMB} != "single"
+_LICENSE_ASK_DATA!= mktemp -t portslicense
+# Calculate restrictions and set RESTRICTED_FILES when
+# appropiate, together with cleaning targets.
+# XXX For multiple licenses restricted distfiles are always removed from both
+# CDROM and FTP, but the current framework supports separating them (would
+# require better/new delete-package and delete-distfiles targets)
+.if ${_LICENSE_PERMS:Mpkg-mirror} == ""
+_LICENSE_RESTRICTED+= delete-package
+.elif ${_LICENSE_PERMS:Mpkg-sell} == ""
+_LICENSE_CDROM+= delete-package
+.if ${_LICENSE_COMB} == "multi"
+. for lic in ${_LICENSE}
+. if ${_LICENSE_PERMS_${lic}:Mdist-mirror} == "" || ${_LICENSE_PERMS_${lic}:Mdist-sell} == ""
+. endif
+. endfor
+. if defined(RESTRICTED_FILES)
+_LICENSE_RESTRICTED+= delete-distfiles
+_LICENSE_CDROM+= delete-distfiles
+. endif
+. if ${_LICENSE_PERMS:Mdist-mirror} == ""
+_LICENSE_RESTRICTED+= delete-distfiles
+. elif ${_LICENSE_PERMS:Mdist-sell} == ""
+_LICENSE_CDROM+= delete-distfiles
+. endif
+clean-restricted: ${_LICENSE_RESTRICTED}
+clean-restricted-list: ${_LICENSE_RESTRICTED:C/$/-list/}
+.if defined(_LICENSE_CDROM)
+clean-for-cdrom: ${_LICENSE_CDROM}
+clean-for-cdrom-list: ${_LICENSE_CDROM:C/$/-list/}
+# Check variables are correctly defined and print status up to here
+.if defined(_LICENSE_ERROR)
+ @${ECHO_MSG} "===> License not correctly defined: ${_LICENSE_ERROR}"
+ @exit 1
+. if ${_LICENSE_STATUS} == "rejected"
+ @${ECHO_MSG} "===> License rejected by the user"
+ @${ECHO_MSG}
+ @${ECHO_MSG} "If you want to install this port make sure the following license(s) are not present in LICENSES_REJECTED, either in make arguments or /etc/make.conf: ${_LICENSE}. Also check LICENSES_GROUPS_REJECTED in case they contain a group this license(s) belong to." | ${FMT}
+ @${ECHO_MSG}
+ @exit 1
+. elif ${_LICENSE_STATUS} == "accepted"
+ @${ECHO_MSG} "===> License accepted by the user"
+. elif ${_LICENSE_STATUS} == "ask"
+. if defined(BATCH)
+ @${ECHO_MSG} "===> License needs confirmation, but BATCH is defined"
+ @exit 1
+. else
+ @${ECHO_MSG} "===> License needs confirmation, will ask later"
+. endif
+. endif
+# Display, ask and save preference if requested
+ask-license: ${_LICENSE_COOKIE}
+# Make sure all required license files exist
+.if ${_LICENSE_COMB} == "single"
+. if !defined(LICENSE_FILE) && defined(_LICENSE_TEXT)
+ @test -f ${_LICENSE_FILE} || ${ECHO_CMD} "${_LICENSE_TEXT}" | ${FMT} > ${_LICENSE_FILE}
+. endif
+ @test -f ${_LICENSE_FILE} || \
+ (${ECHO_MSG} "===> Missing license file for ${_LICENSE} in ${_LICENSE_FILE}"; exit 1)
+. for lic in ${_LICENSE}
+. if !defined(LICENSE_FILE_${lic}) && defined(_LICENSE_TEXT_${lic})
+ @test -f ${_LICENSE_FILE_${lic}} || ${ECHO_CMD} "${_LICENSE_TEXT_${lic}}" | ${FMT} > ${_LICENSE_FILE_${lic}}
+. endif
+ @test -f ${_LICENSE_FILE_${lic}} || \
+ (${ECHO_MSG} "===> Missing license file for ${lic} in ${_LICENSE_FILE_${lic}}"; exit 1)
+. endfor
+.if ${_LICENSE_STATUS} == "ask"
+. if !defined(NO_LICENSES_DIALOGS)
+# Dialog interface
+. if ${_LICENSE_COMB} == "single"
+ @while true; do \
+ tmpfile=$$(mktemp -t portlicenses); \
+ ${DIALOG} --menu "License for ${PKGNAME} (${_LICENSE})" 21 70 15 accept "Accept license" reject "Reject license" view "View license" 2>"$${tmpfile}"; \
+ result=`${CAT} $${tmpfile}`; \
+ case $${result} in \
+ accept) break ;; \
+ reject) exit 1;; \
+ view) ${DIALOG} --textbox "${_LICENSE_FILE}" 21 75 ;; \
+ esac; \
+ done
+. elif ${_LICENSE_COMB} == "dual"
+ @${RM} -f ${_LICENSE_ASK_DATA}
+. for lic in ${_LICENSE_TO_ASK}
+ @${ECHO_CMD} "${lic}:${_LICENSE_FILE_${lic}}" >> ${_LICENSE_ASK_DATA}
+. endfor
+ @menu_cmd="${DIALOG} --hline \"This port requires you to accept at least one license\" --menu \"License for ${PKGNAME} (dual)\" 21 70 15"; \
+ tmpfile=$$(mktemp -t portlicenses); \
+ for lic in ${_LICENSE_TO_ASK}; do \
+ menu_cmd="$${menu_cmd} VIEW_$${lic} \"View the license $${lic}\" USE_$${lic} \"Accept the license $${lic}\""; \
+ done; \
+ menu_cmd="$${menu_cmd} REJECT \"Reject the licenses (all)\""; \
+ while true; do \
+ ${SH} -c "$${menu_cmd} 2>\"$${tmpfile}\""; \
+ result=$$(${CAT} "$${tmpfile}"); \
+ case $${result} in \
+ REJECT) exit 1;; \
+ VIEW_*) name=$$(${ECHO_CMD} $${result} | ${SED} -e 's/^VIEW_//'); \
+ file=$$(${GREP} "^$${name}:" ${_LICENSE_ASK_DATA} | ${CUT} -d : -f 2); \
+ ${DIALOG} --textbox "$${file}" 21 75 ;; \
+ USE_*) name=$$(${ECHO_CMD} $${result} | ${SED} -e 's/^USE_//'); \
+ ${ECHO_CMD} $${name} > ${_LICENSE_COOKIE}; \
+ break ;; \
+ esac; \
+ done
+. elif ${_LICENSE_COMB} == "multi"
+ @${RM} -f ${_LICENSE_ASK_DATA}
+. for lic in ${_LICENSE_TO_ASK}
+ @${ECHO_CMD} "${lic}:${_LICENSE_FILE_${lic}}" >> ${_LICENSE_ASK_DATA}
+. endfor
+ @menu_cmd="${DIALOG} --hline \"This port requires you to accept all mentioned licenses\" --menu \"License for ${PKGNAME} (multi)\" 21 70 15"; \
+ tmpfile=$$(mktemp -t portlicenses); \
+ for lic in ${_LICENSE_TO_ASK}; do \
+ menu_cmd="$${menu_cmd} VIEW_$${lic} \"View the license $${lic}\""; \
+ done; \
+ menu_cmd="$${menu_cmd} ACCEPT \"Accept the licenses (all)\" REJECT \"Reject the licenses (all)\""; \
+ while true; do \
+ ${SH} -c "$${menu_cmd} 2>\"$${tmpfile}\""; \
+ result=$$(${CAT} "$${tmpfile}"); \
+ case $${result} in \
+ ACCEPT) break ;; \
+ REJECT) exit 1 ;; \
+ VIEW_*) name=$$(${ECHO_CMD} $${result} | ${SED} -e 's/^VIEW_//'); \
+ file=$$(${GREP} "^$${name}:" ${_LICENSE_ASK_DATA} | ${CUT} -d : -f 2); \
+ ${DIALOG} --textbox "$${file}" 21 75 ;; \
+ esac; \
+ done
+. endif
+. else
+# Text interface
+ @${ECHO_MSG}
+. if ${_LICENSE_COMB} == "single"
+ @${ECHO_MSG} "To install the port you must agree to the license: ${_LICENSE} (${_LICENSE_NAME})." | ${FMT}
+ @${ECHO_MSG}
+ @${ECHO_MSG} "You can view the license at ${_LICENSE_FILE:S/${WRKDIR}\//${WRKDIR:T}\//}."
+. elif ${_LICENSE_COMB} == "dual"
+ @${ECHO_MSG} "To install the port you must agree to any of the following licenses:"
+. elif ${_LICENSE_COMB} == "multi"
+ @${ECHO_MSG} "To install the port you must agree to all of the following licenses:"
+. endif
+ @${ECHO_MSG}
+. if ${_LICENSE_COMB} != "single"
+. for lic in ${_LICENSE_TO_ASK}
+ @${ECHO_MSG} "- ${lic} (${_LICENSE_NAME_${lic}}), available at ${_LICENSE_FILE_${lic}:S/${WRKDIR}\//${WRKDIR:T}\//}"
+. endfor
+ @${ECHO_MSG}
+. endif
+ @${ECHO_MSG} "If you agree with the corresponding license(s), add them to LICENSES_ACCEPTED either in make arguments or /etc/make.conf." | ${FMT}
+ @${ECHO_MSG}
+ @exit 1
+. endif
+# Create report and catalog
+.if !defined(NO_LICENSES_INSTALL)
+. if ${_LICENSE_COMB} == "single"
+# Catalog
+ @${ECHO_CMD} "${var}=${${var}:C/^[[:blank:]]*//}" >> ${_LICENSE_CATALOG_TMP}
+. endfor
+# Report
+ @${ECHO_CMD} "This package has a single license: ${_LICENSE} (${_LICENSE_NAME})." > ${_LICENSE_REPORT_TMP}
+. else
+# Catalog
+ @${ECHO_CMD} "${var}=${${var}:C/^[[:blank:]]*//}" >> ${_LICENSE_CATALOG_TMP}
+. endfor
+. if ${_LICENSE_COMB} == "dual" && ${_LICENSE_STATUS} == "ask"
+. endif
+. for lic in ${_LICENSE}
+ @${ECHO_CMD} "_LICENSE_${var}_${lic}=${_LICENSE_${var}_${lic}:C/^[[:blank:]]*//}" >> ${_LICENSE_CATALOG_TMP}
+. endfor
+. endfor
+# Report
+. if ${_LICENSE_COMB} == "dual"
+ @${ECHO_CMD} "This package has dual licenses (any of):" >> ${_LICENSE_REPORT_TMP}
+. elif ${_LICENSE_COMB} == "multi"
+ @${ECHO_CMD} "This package has multiple licenses (all of):" >> ${_LICENSE_REPORT_TMP}
+. endif
+. for lic in ${_LICENSE}
+ @${ECHO_CMD} "- ${lic} (${_LICENSE_NAME_${lic}})" >> ${_LICENSE_REPORT_TMP}
+. endfor
+. endif
+# Cookie (done here)
+# Package list entries, and installation
+.if !defined(NO_LICENSES_INSTALL)
+.if ${_LICENSE_COMB} == "single"
+. for lic in ${_LICENSE}
+. if defined(_LICENSE_FILE_${lic})
+. endif
+. endfor
+.if ${_LICENSE_COMB} == "single"
+. for lic in ${_LICENSE}
+. endfor
+# XXX @dirrmtry entry must be here (no way to do with PLIST_* vars)
+ @${ECHO_CMD} "@unexec rmdir %D/share/licenses 2>/dev/null || true" >> ${TMPPLIST}
+ @${DO_NADA}
+.else # !LICENSE
+ @${ECHO_MSG} "===> License check disabled, port has not defined LICENSE"
+ @${DO_NADA}
+ @${DO_NADA}
+.endif # LICENSE