path: root/Mk/bsd.xorg.mk
diff options
authorFlorent Thoumie <flz@FreeBSD.org>2008-10-23 11:21:30 +0000
committerFlorent Thoumie <flz@FreeBSD.org>2008-10-23 11:21:30 +0000
commitaf38e1c31b04fa88138439c767e9e48f9db54765 (patch)
treea9fd0ff0b1b9eab103668050e8d6492acb214ce5 /Mk/bsd.xorg.mk
parentacc2f58dc3ef0019b19b706724d9ddef3fde5a40 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'Mk/bsd.xorg.mk')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/Mk/bsd.xorg.mk b/Mk/bsd.xorg.mk
index 973ae8e1c37a..ff1b9db4211b 100644
--- a/Mk/bsd.xorg.mk
+++ b/Mk/bsd.xorg.mk
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ Xorg_Post_Include= bsd.xorg.mk
# Register all xorg .pc files here.
# foo_LIB_PC_DEPENDS means it should go to BUILD_DEPENDS *and* RUN_DEPENDS.
-XORG_MODULES= bigreqsproto compositeproto damageproto dmx dmxproto evieproto fixesproto fontcacheproto fontenc fontsproto fontutil glproto ice inputproto kbproto libfs oldx pixman printproto randrproto recordproto renderproto resourceproto scrnsaverproto sm trapproto videoproto x11 xau xaw xaw6 xaw7 xaw8 xbitmaps xcmiscproto xcomposite xcursor xdamage xdmcp xevie xext xextproto xf86bigfontproto xf86dgaproto xf86driproto xf86miscproto xf86rushproto xf86vidmodeproto xfixes xfont xfontcache xft xi xinerama xineramaproto xkbfile xkbui xmu xmuu xorg-server xp xpm xprintapputil xprintutil xproto xproxymngproto xrandr xrender xres xscrnsaver xt xtrans xtrap xtst xv xvmc xxf86dga xxf86misc xxf86vm
+XORG_MODULES= bigreqsproto compositeproto damageproto dmx dmxproto evieproto fixesproto fontcacheproto fontenc fontsproto fontutil glproto ice inputproto kbproto libfs oldx pixman printproto randrproto recordproto renderproto resourceproto scrnsaverproto sm trapproto videoproto x11 xau xaw xaw6 xaw7 xaw8 xbitmaps xcmiscproto xcomposite xcursor xdamage xdmcp xevie xext xextproto xf86bigfontproto xf86dgaproto xf86driproto xf86miscproto xf86rushproto xf86vidmodeproto xfixes xfont xfontcache xft xi xinerama xineramaproto xkbfile xkbui xmu xmuu xorg-server xp xpm xprintapputil xprintutil xproto xproxymngproto xrandr xrender xres xscrnsaver xt xtrans xtrap xtst xv xvmc xxf86dga xxf86misc xxf86vm
bigreqsproto_BUILD_DEPENDS= ${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/bigreqsproto.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/bigreqsproto
compositeproto_BUILD_DEPENDS= ${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/compositeproto.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/compositeproto