path: root/Tools
diff options
authorOliver Eikemeier <eik@FreeBSD.org>2004-05-19 14:30:25 +0000
committerOliver Eikemeier <eik@FreeBSD.org>2004-05-19 14:30:25 +0000
commit8e5aea1bea068e1eca70cc97a754ad9b07f3c352 (patch)
tree289841b75c1792d823949d7f95350dcbe81f1d42 /Tools
parent95db31b9e468c546ffa4a0d85e924af7d4b35144 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'Tools')
1 files changed, 138 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/Tools/scripts/chkversion.pl b/Tools/scripts/chkversion.pl
index 63f48e90ad74..917cc3a85860 100755
--- a/Tools/scripts/chkversion.pl
+++ b/Tools/scripts/chkversion.pl
@@ -45,12 +45,20 @@
# To use the script as intended, do the following (assuming you want to
# run the script as user `ports'):
# install port sysutils/pkg_install-devel (optional)
# mkdir -p /var/db/chkversion
# touch /var/db/chkversion/VERSIONS
# chown -R ports /var/db/chkversion
-# and enter chkversions.pl into the crontab of ports, or run it by hand
-# if you can spare the time.
+# and enter something like
+# RCPT_ORIGIN=you@domain.example
+# RCPT_VERSION=you@domain.example
+# 0 */2 * * * /usr/ports/Tools/scripts/chkversion.pl
+# into `crontab -u ports -e', or run the script by hand if you can spare the time.
# If the environment variable CVSBLAME is set and the ports tree is checked
# out by CVS, every entry is listed with a record of the last CVS commit.
@@ -61,10 +69,18 @@ use strict;
use File::Find;
use Cwd 'abs_path';
-my $portsdir = $ENV{PORTSDIR} ? $ENV{PORTSDIR} : '/usr/ports';
-my $versiondir = $ENV{VERSIONDIR} ? $ENV{VERSIONDIR} : '/var/db/chkversion';
-my $cvsblame = $ENV{CVSBLAME} ? 1 : 0;
-my $allports = $ENV{ALLPORTS} ? 1 : 0;
+my $portsdir = $ENV{PORTSDIR} ? $ENV{PORTSDIR} : '/usr/ports';
+my $versiondir = $ENV{VERSIONDIR} ? $ENV{VERSIONDIR} : '/var/db/chkversion';
+my $cvsblame = $ENV{CVSBLAME} ? 1 : 0;
+my $allports = $ENV{ALLPORTS} ? 1 : 0;
+my $watchre = $ENV{WATCH_REGEX} ? $ENV{WATCH_REGEX} : '';
+my $returnpath = $ENV{RETURNPATH} ? $ENV{RETURNPATH} : '';
+my $h_replyto = $ENV{HEADER_REPLYTO} ? $ENV{HEADER_REPLYTO} : $h_from;
+my $rcpt_watch = $ENV{RCPT_WATCH} ? $ENV{RCPT_WATCH} : '';
+my $rcpt_orig = $ENV{RCPT_ORIGIN} ? $ENV{RCPT_ORIGIN} : '';
+my $rcpt_vers = $ENV{RCPT_VERSION} ? $ENV{RCPT_VERSION} : '';
my $make = '/usr/bin/make';
my $cvs = '/usr/bin/cvs';
@@ -72,6 +88,9 @@ my $pkg_version =
: -x '/usr/local/sbin/pkg_version' ? '/usr/local/sbin/pkg_version'
: '/usr/sbin/pkg_version';
+my $sendmail = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';
+my $watch_re = join "|", split " ", $watchre;
-d $portsdir or die "Can't find ports tree at $portsdir.\n";
$portsdir = abs_path($portsdir);
@@ -104,6 +123,7 @@ $ENV{WITH_OPENSSL_BASE} = 'yes';
my %pkgname;
my %pkgorigin;
+my %maintainer;
sub wanted {
@@ -117,6 +137,7 @@ sub wanted {
$File::Find::prune = 1;
elsif ($File::Find::name =~ m"^$portsdir/([^/]+/[^/]+)$"os) {
+ $File::Find::prune = 1;
my @makevar = readfrom $File::Find::name,
@@ -124,8 +145,8 @@ sub wanted {
if $makevar[0] && $1 ne $makevar[0];
$pkgname{$1} = $makevar[1]
if $makevar[1];
- $File::Find::prune = 1;
+ $maintainer{$_} = $makevar[2]
+ if $makevar[2];
@@ -142,16 +163,20 @@ else {
foreach (map "$category/$_", @ports) {
-f "$portsdir/$_/Makefile" || next;
my @makevar = readfrom "$portsdir/$_",
- $make, '-VPKGORIGIN', '-VPKGNAME';
$pkgorigin{$_} = $makevar[0]
if $makevar[0] && $_ ne $makevar[0];
$pkgname{$_} = $makevar[1]
if $makevar[1];
+ $maintainer{$_} = $makevar[2]
+ if $makevar[2];
my %backwards;
+my %watched;
if ($useindex) {
my $indexname = readfrom $portsdir, $make, '-VINDEXFILE';
@@ -180,6 +205,10 @@ while (<VERSIONS>) {
my $result = $newversion eq $oldversion ? '=' : readfrom '',
$pkg_version, '-t', $newversion, $oldversion;
+ $watched{$origin} = "$version -> $pkgname{$origin}"
+ if ($result ne '=' && $watch_re && $pkgname{$origin} =~ /^(?:$watch_re)$/o);
if ($result eq '<') {
$backwards{$origin} = "$pkgname{$origin} < $version";
$pkgname{$origin} = $version;
@@ -195,43 +224,117 @@ if (!$useindex) {
system 'mv', '-f', $versionfile, "$versionfile.bak";
open VERSIONS, ">$versionfile";
- print VERSIONS join("\n", map("$_\t$pkgname{$_}", sort keys %pkgname)),
- "\n";
+ foreach (sort keys %pkgname) {
+ print VERSIONS "$_\t$pkgname{$_}\n";
+ }
sub blame {
- my ($msg, $ports) = @_;
+ my ($fh, $ports) = @_;
if (%{$ports}) {
- print "$msg\n";
- foreach (sort keys %{$ports}) {
- print "- $_: $ports->{$_}\n";
- if ($cvsblame && -d "$portsdir/$_/CVS") {
- my @cvslog = readfrom "$portsdir/$_",
+ foreach my $origin (sort keys %{$ports}) {
+ my $maint = $maintainer{$origin} ? " <$maintainer{$origin}>" : '';
+ print $fh "- *$origin*$maint: $ports->{$origin}\n";
+ if ($cvsblame && -d "$portsdir/$origin/CVS") {
+ my @cvslog = readfrom "$portsdir/$origin",
$cvs, '-R', 'log', '-N', '-r.', 'Makefile';
- print " ", join("\n " , grep(/^-/ .. /^=/, @cvslog)), "\n\n";
+ foreach (@cvslog) {
+ my $in_log = /^-/ ... /^=/;
+ print $fh " | $_\n"
+ if ($in_log && $in_log != 1 && $in_log !~ /E0$/);
+ }
+ print $fh "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ print $fh "\n";
+ }
+sub template {
+ my ($from, $rcpt, $replyto) = @_;
+ my $header = '';
+ while (<main::DATA>) {
+ last if /^\.\n?$/;
+ $_ =~ s/%%FROM%%/$from/og;
+ $_ =~ s/%%RCPT%%/$rcpt/og;
+ $_ =~ s/%%REPLYTO%%/$replyto/og;
+ $header .= $_;
+ }
+ return $header;
+sub mail {
+ my ($template, $rcpt, $ports) = @_;
+ if (%{$ports}) {
+ if ($rcpt) {
+ if (!open MAIL, '|-') {
+ exec $sendmail, '-oi', '-t', '-f', $returnpath;
+ die;
+ print MAIL $template;
+ blame *MAIL, $ports;
+ close MAIL;
+ } else {
+ $template =~ s/^.*?\n\n//os;
+ print $template;
+ blame *STDOUT, $ports;
- print "\n";
- "** The following ports have a wrong PKGORIGIN **\n\n"
- . " PKGORIGIN connects packaged or installed ports to the directory they\n"
- . " originated from. This is essential for tools like pkg_version or\n"
- . " portupgrade to work correctly. Wrong PKGORIGINs are often caused by a\n"
- . " wrong order of CATEGORIES after a repocopy.\n",
- \%pkgorigin;
- "** The following ports have a version number that sorts before a previous one **\n\n"
- . " For many package tools to work correctly, it is of utmost importance that\n"
- . " version numbers of a port form a monotonic increasing sequence over time.\n"
- . " Refer to the FreeBSD Porter's Handbook, 'Package Naming Conventions' for\n"
- . " more information. Tools that won't work include pkg_version, portupgrade\n"
- . " and portaudit. A common problem is an accidental deletion of PORTEPOCH.\n",
- \%backwards;
+my $tmpl;
+$tmpl = template $h_from, $rcpt_orig, $h_replyto;
+mail $tmpl, $rcpt_orig, \%pkgorigin;
+$tmpl = template $h_from, $rcpt_vers, $h_replyto;
+mail $tmpl, $rcpt_vers, \%backwards;
+$tmpl = template $h_from, $rcpt_watch, $h_replyto;
+mail $tmpl, $rcpt_watch, \%watched;
exit((%pkgorigin || %backwards) ? 1 : 0);
+From: %%FROM%%
+To: %%RCPT%%
+Reply-To: %%REPLYTO%%
+Subject: Ports with a wrong PKGORIGIN
+** The following ports have a wrong PKGORIGIN **
+ PKGORIGIN connects packaged or installed ports to the directory they
+ originated from. This is essential for tools like pkg_version or
+ portupgrade to work correctly. Wrong PKGORIGINs are often caused by a
+ wrong order of CATEGORIES after a repocopy.
+From: %%FROM%%
+To: %%RCPT%%
+Reply-To: %%REPLYTO%%
+Subject: Ports with version numbers going backwards
+** The following ports have a version number that sorts before a previous one **
+ For many package tools to work correctly, it is of utmost importance that
+ version numbers of a port form a monotonic increasing sequence over time.
+ Refer to the FreeBSD Porter's Handbook, 'Package Naming Conventions' for
+ more information. Tools that won't work include pkg_version, portupgrade
+ and portaudit. A common problem is an accidental deletion of PORTEPOCH.
+From: %%FROM%%
+To: %%RCPT%%
+Reply-To: %%REPLYTO%%
+Subject: Version changes in watched ports
+** The following ports have changed version numbers **
+ You have requested to be notified of version changes in the following
+ ports: