path: root/Tools
diff options
authorKris Kennaway <kris@FreeBSD.org>2006-09-14 05:43:23 +0000
committerKris Kennaway <kris@FreeBSD.org>2006-09-14 05:43:23 +0000
commit81aca5b15777699cb34519f279f483f5ba80c7b6 (patch)
tree74dc80b7babcad0d327e98b54ae9a61c3cc82225 /Tools
parentb7cf9de7e566f226d5339b2b756d1c0b5dc30b39 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'Tools')
1 files changed, 81 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/Tools/portbuild/scripts/dopackages b/Tools/portbuild/scripts/dopackages
index bfb2478ddc5d..e44680a817c0 100755
--- a/Tools/portbuild/scripts/dopackages
+++ b/Tools/portbuild/scripts/dopackages
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ makeduds () {
echo "generating duds"
echo "================================================"
echo "duds generation started at $(date)"
+ cp -p ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/duds ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/duds.old
if ! ${scripts}/makeduds ${arch} ${branch}; then
echo "error(s) detected, exiting script at $(date). Failed duds list was:"
cat ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/duds
@@ -79,7 +80,6 @@ makeduds () {
echo $(wc -l < ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/duds) "items in duds"
echo "duds diff:"
diff ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/duds.old ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/duds
- cp -p ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/duds ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/duds.old
cp -p ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/duds ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/duds.orig
@@ -132,6 +132,8 @@ archiveports () {
echo "ended archive of ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/ports at $(date)"
+# XXX Should use SHA256 instead, but I'm not sure what consumes this file (if anything)
+# XXX Should generate these as the packages are copied in, instead of all at once at the end
# usage: generatemd5 pb branch
generatemd5 () {
@@ -293,8 +295,8 @@ if [ "$skipstart" = 0 ]; then
cvs -qR update -PAd
# XXX Check for conflicts
+ date > ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/cvsdone
- date > ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/cvsdone
if [ "$nocvs" = 0 ]; then
echo "================================================"
@@ -312,15 +314,18 @@ if [ "$skipstart" = 0 ]; then
make checksubdirs
# this one not run in background to check return status
+ # XXX Return status not checked!
if [ "$noduds" = 0 ]; then
makeduds ${pb} ${arch} ${scripts} ${branch}
- echo "================================================"
- echo "pruning stale entries from the failed ports list"
- echo "================================================"
- # Adding BROKEN ports to duds causes this to remove everything from failure list
- #lockf -k ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/failure.lock ${scripts}/prunefailure ${arch} ${branch}
+ if [ "$trybroken" = 1 ]; then
+ echo "================================================"
+ echo "pruning stale entries from the failed ports list"
+ echo "================================================"
+ cp ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/failure ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/newfailure ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/bak
+ lockf -k ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/failure.lock ${scripts}/prunefailure ${arch} ${branch}
+ fi
if [ "$noindex" = 0 ]; then
makeindex ${pb} ${arch} ${scripts} ${branch}
@@ -346,27 +351,58 @@ if [ "$skipstart" = 0 ]; then
cdromlist ${pb} ${arch} ${scripts} ${branch} &
- ${scripts}/makeparallel ${arch} ${branch}
- cd ${pb}/${arch}
- mkdir -p ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/bak
- cd ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/bak
- rm -rf errors logs packages old-errors
- cd ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}
- mv make.* tarballs/ports.tar.gz bak
+ ${scripts}/makeparallel ${arch} ${branch} &
cd ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}
- cp -rp errors logs old-errors bak
- shortdate=$(echo ${date} | sed -e 's/..$//')
+ mkdir -p bak
+ rm -rf bak/packages bak/old-errors
+ mv make.* bak
+ olderrors=$(readlink ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/errors)
+ oldlogs=$(readlink ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/logs)
+ newerrors=${pb}/${arch}/archive/errorlogs/e.${branch}.${date}
+ newlogs=${pb}/${arch}/archive/errorlogs/a.${branch}.${date}
+ # Cycle out the previous symlinks
+ # For now the bak/errors may be a directory, so fall back to removing it if we fail to
+ # remove it as a symlink
+ rm -f bak/errors || rm -rf bak/errors
+ rm -f bak/logs || rm -rf bak/logs
+ mv errors logs bak
+ # Create new log directories for archival
+ rm -rf ${newerrors}
+ mkdir -p ${newerrors}/old-errors
+ ln -sf ${newerrors} ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/errors
+ rm -rf ${newlogs}
+ mkdir -p ${newlogs}
+ ln -sf ${newlogs} ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/logs
+ echo "error logs in ${newerrors}"
+ cp -p ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/cvsdone ${newerrors}/cvsdone
+ cp -p ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/cvsdone ${newlogs}/cvsdone
+ cp -p ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/ports/${INDEXFILE} ${newerrors}/INDEX
+ cp -p ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/ports/${INDEXFILE} ${newlogs}/INDEX
if [ "$incremental" = 1 ]; then
- # need to preserve symlinks for packages
+ # XXX Don't do this for space reasons
+ # XXX Could be replaced by hardlinks?
#tar cf - packages | tar xfC - bak
- cd ${PORTSDIR}
+ # Copy back in the restricted ports that were saved after the previous build
+ cd ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}
+ if [ -d bak/restricted/ ]; then
+ tar cfC - bak/restricted/ packages/ | tar xfpP -
+ fi
+ # Create hardlinks to previous set of logs
+ cd ${oldlogs} && find . | cpio -dumpl ${newlogs}
+ cd ${olderrors} && find . | cpio -dumpl ${newerrors}
# Identify the ports that have changed and need to be removed before rebuilding
+ # XXX Need to also remove stale distfiles
+ cd ${PORTSDIR}
cut -f 1,2,3,8,9,11,12,13 -d \| ${INDEXFILE}.old | sort > ${INDEXFILE}.old1
cut -f 1,2,3,8,9,11,12,13 -d \| ${INDEXFILE} | sort > ${INDEXFILE}.1
comm -2 -3 ${INDEXFILE}.old1 ${INDEXFILE}.1 | cut -f 1 -d \| > ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/.oldports
@@ -381,42 +417,20 @@ if [ "$skipstart" = 0 ]; then
cd ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/errors/
sed "s,\$,.log," ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/.oldports | xargs rm -f
sed "s,\$,.log.bz2," ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/.oldports | xargs rm -f
- find . -name \*.log.bz2 | xargs bunzip2 -f
cd ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/logs/
sed 's,$,.log,' ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/.oldports | xargs rm -f
sed 's,$,.log.bz2,' ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/.oldports | xargs rm -f
- find . -name \*.log.bz2 | xargs bunzip2 -f
- # need to preserve symlinks for packages
- #mv -f packages bak
- # Already copied the logs above
- rm -rf errors logs old-errors
cd ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}
+ # XXX Don't do this for space reasons
+ #mv -f packages bak
+ rm -rf packages
mkdir -p packages/All
rm -rf distfiles/
mkdir -p distfiles/
- mkdir -p ${pb}/${arch}/archive/errorlogs
- rm -rf ${pb}/${arch}/archive/errorlogs/e.${branch}.${date} ${pb}/${arch}/archive/errorlogs/e.${branch}.${shortdate}
- mkdir -p ${pb}/${arch}/archive/errorlogs/e.${branch}.${date}
- ln -sf ${pb}/${arch}/archive/errorlogs/e.${branch}.${date} ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/errors
- ln -sf e.${branch}.${date} ${pb}/${arch}/archive/errorlogs/e.${branch}.${shortdate}
- mkdir -p ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/errors/old-errors
- rm -rf ${pb}/${arch}/archive/errorlogs/a.${branch}.${date} ${pb}/${arch}/archive/errorlogs/a.${branch}.${shortdate}
- mkdir -p ${pb}/${arch}/archive/errorlogs/a.${branch}.${date}
- ln -sf ${pb}/${arch}/archive/errorlogs/a.${branch}.${date} ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/logs
- ln -sf a.${branch}.${date} ${pb}/${arch}/archive/errorlogs/a.${branch}.${shortdate}
- echo "error logs in ${pb}/${arch}/archive/errorlogs/e.${branch}.${date}"
- cp -p ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/cvsdone ${pb}/${arch}/archive/errorlogs/e.${branch}.${date}/cvsdone
- cp -p ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/cvsdone ${pb}/${arch}/archive/errorlogs/a.${branch}.${date}/cvsdone
- cp -p ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/ports/${INDEXFILE} ${pb}/${arch}/archive/errorlogs/e.${branch}.${date}/INDEX
- cp -p ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/ports/${INDEXFILE} ${pb}/${arch}/archive/errorlogs/a.${branch}.${date}/INDEX
@@ -461,10 +475,15 @@ if [ "$nobuild" = 0 ]; then
grep -E '(ptimeout|pnohang): killing' make.0 | sed -e 's/^.*ptimeout:/ptimeout:/' -e 's/^.*pnohang:/pnohang:/'
- ls -asFlrt ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/packages/All > ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/logs/ls-lrt-1
- cp -rp errors old-errors
- cd ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/old-errors
- ${scripts}/processlogs
+ ls -asFlrt ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/packages/All > ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/logs/ls-lrt
+ # XXX Is there any point in keeping a second copy of the phase 1 errors?
+ cd ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/errors/
+ find . -name '*.log' | cpio -dumpl ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/errors/old-errors
+# XXX What is the point of the old-errors/ directory (not errors/old-errors/)?
+# cd ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/old-errors
+# ${scripts}/processlogs
echo "================================================"
echo "setting up nodes"
@@ -516,6 +535,13 @@ cd ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/packages/All
if [ "$nofinish" = 0 ]; then
rm -f Makefile
+ if [ "$norestr" = 0 ]; then
+ # Before deleting restricted packages, save a copy so we don't have to rebuild them next time
+ ${pb}/scripts/keeprestr ${arch} ${branch}
+ else
+ rm -rf ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/bak/restricted/
+ fi
# Always delete restricted packages/distfiles since they're published on the
# website
echo "deleting restricted ports"
@@ -530,6 +556,7 @@ if [ "$nofinish" = 0 ]; then
${scripts}/prunepkgs ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/ports/${INDEXFILE} ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/packages
+# XXX Checking for bad packages should be done after the package is uploaded
#rm -rf ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/bad
#mkdir -p ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/bad
#echo "checking packages"
@@ -543,18 +570,11 @@ fi
if [ "$nofinish" = 0 ]; then
+ generatemd5 ${pb} ${arch} ${branch} &
# Remove INDEX entries for packages that do not exist
${scripts}/chopindex ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/ports/${INDEXFILE} ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/packages > ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/packages/INDEX
- cd ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/old-errors
- for i in *.log; do
- cp -p ${i} ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/errors/old-errors;
- done
- #archiveports ${pb} ${arch} ${branch} &
- generatemd5 ${pb} ${arch} ${branch} &
- wait
ls -asFlrt ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/packages/All > ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/logs/ls-lrt
cp -p ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/make.[01] ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/logs
@@ -576,6 +596,8 @@ if [ "$nofinish" = 0 ]; then
sh ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/cdrom.sh
+ wait
if [ "$branch" != "4-exp" ]; then
# Currently broken - kk
#su ${user} -c "${scripts}/cpdistfiles ${branch} > ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/cpdistfiles.log 2>&1 </dev/null" &