path: root/biology/gaussian98
diff options
authorFUJISHIMA Satsuki <sf@FreeBSD.org>2001-02-10 19:38:20 +0000
committerFUJISHIMA Satsuki <sf@FreeBSD.org>2001-02-10 19:38:20 +0000
commitd705c4a51d9ab942431830eca54870b5e8ee1e41 (patch)
tree4691e9c06845415ae3d148d9381eadecebe7e03f /biology/gaussian98
parentd6aed984524d8175ec8dd4c2883467df5acf626a (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'biology/gaussian98')
11 files changed, 821 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/biology/gaussian98/Makefile b/biology/gaussian98/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8f53b7def95f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/biology/gaussian98/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# New ports collection makefile for: gaussian98
+# Date created: Feb 10 2001
+# Whom: NAKATA, Maho <chat95@mbox.kyoto-inet.or.jp>
+# $FreeBSD$
+PORTNAME= gaussian98
+CATEGORIES= biology
+MAINTAINER= chat95@mbox.kyoto-inet.or.jp
+LIB_DEPENDS= blas:${PORTSDIR}/math/blas
+NO_CDROM= "You must purchase a licensed copy from Gaussian inc."
+NO_PACKAGE= "You must purchase a licensed copy from Gaussian inc."
+RESTRICTED= "You must purchase a licensed copy from Gaussian inc."
+.include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
+.if ${OSVERSION} < 400013
+F77?= g77
+F77?= f77
+ @${SED} -e s+@PREFIX@+${PREFIX}+ ${FILESDIR}/gaussian98 > ${WRKSRC}/gaussian98
+ @${ECHO} "You can override and FFLAGS on the command line."
+ @${ECHO} "Following is an recommended one."
+ @${ECHO} "make FFLAGS=\"-malign-double -fexpensive-optimizations -O4 -ffast-math -funroll-loops\""
+ (cd ${WRKSRC}; ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} csh ./bsd/bldg98)
+ @${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/bin/g98/bsd \
+ ${PREFIX}/share/gaussian98/explore/examples \
+ ${PREFIX}/share/gaussian98/explore/exercise \
+ ${PREFIX}/share/gaussian98/explore/quick
+ @(cd ${WRKSRC}/bsd; \
+ ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} gau-unlimit set-mflags g98.login \
+ ${PREFIX}/bin/g98/bsd; \
+ cd ${WRKSRC}; \
+ ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} gauopt ghelp newzmat testrt cubegen cubman \
+ c8698 ham506 cktoig rwfdump chkmove freqchk freqmem formchk \
+ demofc chkchk pluck unfchk g98 *.exe gau-machine \
+ ${PREFIX}/bin/g98; \
+ ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} gaussian98 ${PREFIX}/bin; \
+ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/libgauutil.so.1 ${PREFIX}/lib; \
+ cd ${PREFIX}/lib; ${LN} -sf libgauutil.so.1 libgauutil.so; \
+ cd ${WRKSRC}/explore/examples; \
+ ${INSTALL_DATA} * ${PREFIX}/share/gaussian98/explore/examples; \
+ cd ${WRKSRC}/explore/exercise; \
+ ${INSTALL_DATA} * ${PREFIX}/share/gaussian98/explore/exercise; \
+ cd ${WRKSRC}/explore/quick; \
+ ${INSTALL_DATA} * ${PREFIX}/share/gaussian98/explore/quick)
+.include <bsd.port.post.mk>
diff --git a/biology/gaussian98/distinfo b/biology/gaussian98/distinfo
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..53b284f4fb13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/biology/gaussian98/distinfo
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+MD5 (WKSSRC.TAR) = a02fb7694140912c2e45905c3bbc26fa
diff --git a/biology/gaussian98/files/gaussian98 b/biology/gaussian98/files/gaussian98
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6252371d6ba7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/biology/gaussian98/files/gaussian98
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#!/bin/csh -f
+# usage: gaussian98 InputFile
+setenv g98root @PREFIX@/bin/
+setenv GAUSS_SCRDIR $cwd
+source @PREFIX@/bin/g98/bsd/g98.login
+setenv GAUSS_EXEDIR @PREFIX@/bin/g98
+if ($#argv == 0 ) then
+ echo "Usage: gaussian98 <input file>"
+ echo " or gaussian98 <input file> <output file>"
+else if ($#argv == 1 ) then
+ cat $1 | @PREFIX@/bin/g98/g98
+ cat $1 | @PREFIX@/bin/g98/g98 >& $2
diff --git a/biology/gaussian98/files/patch-aa b/biology/gaussian98/files/patch-aa
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a766ac06ce81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/biology/gaussian98/files/patch-aa
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- bsd/bldg98.orig Thu Jun 10 01:50:31 1999
++++ bsd/bldg98 Sun Dec 10 20:01:51 2000
+@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
+ #
+ uname -a
+ set makeflag = ""
+-set makename = "make"
++set makename = "${GMAKE}"
+ setenv TMPDIR .
+ setenv LC_COLLATE C
+ setenv LANG C
diff --git a/biology/gaussian98/files/patch-ab b/biology/gaussian98/files/patch-ab
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..49847f87bfa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/biology/gaussian98/files/patch-ab
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+--- bsd/i386.make.orig Sun May 16 09:08:58 1999
++++ bsd/i386.make Thu Feb 8 12:13:25 2001
+@@ -48,12 +48,12 @@
+ #
+ # switch the following two lines if the optimized blas library is not available. This
+ # library is highly recommended
+-# BLAS = blas.a
+-BLAS = /usr/local/lib/blas-opt.a /usr/local/lib/blas-f2c.a
++BLAS = -lblas
++# BLAS = /usr/local/lib/blas-opt.a /usr/local/lib/blas-f2c.a
+ # switch the following two lines if compilation for the pentium is desired instead
+ # of for the P6/Pentium-II
+-MACH = -tp p6
++MACH = #-tp p6
+ # MACH = -tp p5
+ #
+ BSDDIR = bsd
+@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@
+ BSDDIR1 = ../bsd
+ MAKELOC1 = -f $(BSDDIR1)/g98.make
+ UTILDIR = ..
+ HLIBDIR = $(g98root)/hermes/lib
+ HSRC = $(g98root)/hermes/gxinterface
+ HINC = $(g98root)/hermes/include
+@@ -72,7 +73,7 @@
+ #
+ GAULIBA = util.a
+-GAULIB = util.so
++GAULIB = libgauutil.so.1 $(BLAS)
+ #
+ # Directory pointers only used for linking the profiling version:
+ #
+@@ -96,35 +97,36 @@
+ # control compilation.
+ #
+ RUNF2C = f2c -kr -T. -R -Nx400 -Nn1604 -NL800
+-RUNCC = cc -g
++RUNCC = $(CC) -g
+ RUNAR = ar
+ RUNRAN = ranlib
+ RUNCPP = gau-cpp
+ RUNFSP = gau-fsplit
+-RUNMAKE = make#
+-OPTFLAGO = -malign-double -m486 -fexpensive-optimizations -O3 -ffast-math -funroll-loops
+-# Flags for portland compiler.
++# Flags for G77(GNU fortran compiler)
+ #
+-RUNF77 = pgf77
++RUNF77 = ${F77}
+ F2CLIB =
+ LIBS =
+-UNROLL = -Munroll
+-VECTOR = -Mvect=cachesize:524288
++UNROLL = #-Munroll
++VECTOR = #-Mvect=cachesize:524288
+ TWOH =
+-PC64 = -pc 64 -Kieee
++PC64 = #-pc 64 -Kieee
+ #
+ # Standard compilation flags:
+ #
+-FNOOPT64 = $(FNOOPT) $(PC64)
++# g77+FreeBSD box is stable enough
+ #
+@@ -136,7 +138,11 @@
+ #
+ # Rules for Fortran and C compilation, possible including "on machine"
+ #
++%.o : %.F
++ $(RUNCPP) $(DIMENS) $*.F $*.f
++ $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) -c $*.f
++ rm -f $*.f $*.c
+ %.o : %.F
+ $(RUNCPP) $(DIMENS) $*.F $*.f
+ $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) -c $*.f
+@@ -241,7 +247,7 @@
+ - (cd extras ; make -f extras.make delexe)
+ clean: delexe
+- rm -f util.so cubegen *.a *.o *.lo local/*.a local/*.o local/rpac/*.a \
++ rm -f libgauutil.so.1 cubegen *.a *.o *.lo local/*.a local/*.o local/rpac/*.a \
+ local/rpac/*.o bsd/g98.make local/rpac/rpac.make
+ - (cd extras ; make -f extras.make clean)
+ #
+@@ -257,18 +263,31 @@
+ #
+ # The generic command line for making a link from its library:
+ #
++ $(RUNFSP) -e m$* $(BSDDIR)/main.F
++ $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $*.exe m$*.o $(EXTOBJ) $*.a $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
++ rm -f m$*.*
+ %.exe : %.F
+ $(RUNFSP) -e m$* $(BSDDIR)/main.F
+- $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) -o $*.exe m$*.o $(EXTOBJ) $*.a $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
++ $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $*.exe m$*.o $(EXTOBJ) $*.a $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
+ rm -f m$*.*
+ #
+ #
+ # The generic command for making a link library from source:
+ #
++ rm -f -r temp-$*
++ mkdir temp-$*
++ (cd temp-$* ; $(RUNFSP) ../$*.F ; \
++ $(BSDDIR1)/updatelink1 $(BSDDIR1)/g98.make OPTFLAG='$(OPTFLAG)' DO-LIB [a-l]*.F ; \
++ ($(RUNAR) rlv ../$*.a [a-l]*.o; exit 0); \
++ $(BSDDIR1)/updatelink1 $(BSDDIR1)/g98.make OPTFLAG='$(OPTFLAG)' DO-LIB [m-z]*.F ; \
++ ($(RUNAR) rlv ../$*.a [m-z]*.o; exit 0))
++ rm -f -r temp-$*
++ $(RUNRAN) $*.a
+ %.a : %.F
+ rm -f -r temp-$*
+ mkdir temp-$*
+@@ -335,78 +354,78 @@
+ g98: $(GAULIB) $(EXTRAS)
+ $(RUNFSP) -e ml0 $(BSDDIR)/main.F
+- $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) -o g98 ml0.o $(EXTOBJ) $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
++ $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o g98 ml0.o $(EXTOBJ) $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
+ rm -f ml0.*
+ l302.exe l307.exe l314.exe l701.exe l703.exe l1101.exe l1110.exe: $(EXTRAS)
+ ar x $(GAULIBA) bdrys.o
+ $(RUNFSP) -e m$* $(BSDDIR)/main.F
+- $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) -o $*.exe m$*.o $(EXTOBJ) $*.a bdrys.o $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
++ $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $*.exe m$*.o $(EXTOBJ) $*.a bdrys.o $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
+ rm -f m$*.* bdrys.o
+ l402.exe: $(EXTRAS) l402.a
+ $(RUNFSP) -e m$* $(BSDDIR)/main.F
+ ar x l402.a bd0402.o
+- $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) -o $*.exe m$*.o $(EXTOBJ) $*.a bd0402.o $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
++ $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $*.exe m$*.o $(EXTOBJ) $*.a $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
+ rm -f m$*.* bd0402.o
+ l609.exe: $(EXTRAS) l609.a
+ $(RUNFSP) -e m$* $(BSDDIR)/main.F
+ ar x l609.a bd0609.o
+- $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) -o $*.exe m$*.o $(EXTOBJ) $*.a bd0609.o $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
++ $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $*.exe m$*.o $(EXTOBJ) $*.a $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
+ rm -f m$*.* bd0609.o
+ l705.exe: $(EXTRAS) l306.a l705.a
+ $(RUNFSP) -e ml705 $(BSDDIR)/main.F
+- $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) -o l705.exe ml705.o $(EXTOBJ) l705.a l306.a $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
++ $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o l705.exe ml705.o $(EXTOBJ) l705.a l306.a $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
+ rm -f ml705.*
+ l709.exe: $(EXTRAS) l309.a l709.a
+ $(RUNFSP) -e ml709 $(BSDDIR)/main.F
+- $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) -o l709.exe ml709.o $(EXTOBJ) l709.a l309.a $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
++ $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o l709.exe ml709.o $(EXTOBJ) l709.a l309.a $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
+ rm -f ml709.*
+ l806.exe: $(EXTRAS) l806.a
+ $(RUNFSP) -e m$* $(BSDDIR)/main.F
+ ar x l806.a bd0806.o
+- $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) -o $*.exe m$*.o $(EXTOBJ) $*.a bd0806.o $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
++ $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $*.exe m$*.o $(EXTOBJ) $*.a bd0806.o $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
+ rm -f m$*.* bd0806.o
+ l1003.exe: $(EXTRAS) l510.a l1003.a
+ $(RUNFSP) -e ml1003 $(BSDDIR)/main.F
+- $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) -o l1003.exe ml1003.o $(EXTOBJ) l1003.a l510.a $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
++ $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o l1003.exe ml1003.o $(EXTOBJ) l1003.a l510.a $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
+ rm -f ml1003.*
+ l1004.exe: $(EXTRAS) l1112.a l1004.a
+ $(RUNFSP) -e ml1004 $(BSDDIR)/main.F
+- $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) -o l1004.exe ml1004.o $(EXTOBJ) l1004.a l1112.a $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
++ $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o l1004.exe ml1004.o $(EXTOBJ) l1004.a l1112.a $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
+ rm -f ml1004.*
+ l1014.exe: $(EXTRAS) l1112.a l1014.a l914.a
+ $(RUNFSP) -e ml1014 $(BSDDIR)/main.F
+- $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) -o l1014.exe ml1014.o $(EXTOBJ) l1014.a l1112.a l914.a $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
++ $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o l1014.exe ml1014.o $(EXTOBJ) l1014.a l1112.a l914.a $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
+ rm -f ml1014.*
+ l9999.exe: $(EXTRAS) l9999.a dummy.o dummy-narch.o
+ $(RUNFSP) -e ml9999 $(BSDDIR)/main.F
+- $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) -o l9999.exe ml9999.o $(EXTOBJ) $(EXTRAS) l9999.a \
++ $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o l9999.exe ml9999.o $(EXTOBJ) $(EXTRAS) l9999.a \
+ dummy.o $(GAULIB) dummy-narch.o $(LIBS)
+ rm -f ml9999.*
+ l9999-hermes: $(EXTRAS) l9999.a archlib.a mdarch.a $(HLIBS) gxxlnk.o
+ $(RUNFSP) -e ml9999 $(BSDDIR)/main.F
+- $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) -o l9999.exe ml9999.o $(EXTOBJ) $(EXTRAS) \
++ $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o l9999.exe ml9999.o $(EXTOBJ) $(EXTRAS) \
+ gxxlnk.o l9999.a archlib.a mdarch.a $(GAULIB) dummy-narch.o \
+ $(HLIBS) $(LIBS)
+ rm -f ml9999.*
+@@ -430,13 +449,13 @@
+ c8698: $(EXTRAS) c8698.o
+- $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) -o c8698 c8698.o $(EXTOBJ) $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
++ $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o c8698 c8698.o $(EXTOBJ) $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
+ chkchk: $(EXTRAS) chkchk.o
+- $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) -o chkchk chkchk.o $(EXTOBJ) $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
++ $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o chkchk chkchk.o $(EXTOBJ) $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
+ cktoig: $(EXTRAS) cktoig.o
+- $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) -o cktoig cktoig.o $(EXTOBJ) $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
++ $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o cktoig cktoig.o $(EXTOBJ) $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
+ crendx: crendx.o crendxmfl.o $(GAULIB) $(EXTRAS) archlib.a mdarch.a
+ $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) -o crendx crendx.o crendxmfl.o $(EXTOBJ) $(EXTRAS) \
+@@ -445,62 +464,62 @@
+ chkmove: chkmove.o
+ $(RUNFSP) -e mchkmov $(BSDDIR)/main.F
+- $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) -o chkmove mchkmov.o chkmove.o \
++ $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o chkmove mchkmov.o chkmove.o \
+ rm mchkmov.*
+ cubman: cubman.o
+- $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) -o cubman cubman.o $(EXTOBJ) $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
++ $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o cubman cubman.o $(EXTOBJ) $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
+ cubegen: cubegen.o
+- $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) -o cubegen cubegen.o $(EXTOBJ) $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
++ $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o cubegen cubegen.o $(EXTOBJ) $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
+ freqchk: freqchk.o l716.a newzmat.a
+- $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) -o freqchk freqchk.o l716.a newzmat.a $(EXTOBJ) $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
++ $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o freqchk freqchk.o l716.a newzmat.a $(EXTOBJ) $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
+ freqmem: freqmem.o
+- $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) -o freqmem freqmem.o $(EXTOBJ) $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
++ $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o freqmem freqmem.o $(EXTOBJ) $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
+ formchk: formchk.o
+- $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) -o formchk formchk.o $(EXTOBJ) $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
++ $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o formchk formchk.o $(EXTOBJ) $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
+ demofc: demofc.o
+- $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) -o demofc demofc.o $(EXTOBJ) $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
++ $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o demofc demofc.o $(EXTOBJ) $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
+ gauopt: $(EXTRAS) gauopt.o
+- $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) -o gauopt gauopt.o $(EXTOBJ) $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
++ $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o gauopt gauopt.o $(EXTOBJ) $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
+ ghelp: $(EXTRAS) ghelp.o
+ $(RUNFSP) -e mghelp $(BSDDIR)/main.F
+ $(RUNMAKE) $(MAKELOC) OPTFLAG='$(OPTFLAG)' $(EXTRAS) ghelp.o mghelp.o
+- $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) -o ghelp mghelp.o ghelp.o l9999.a $(EXTOBJ) $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
++ $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o ghelp mghelp.o ghelp.o l9999.a $(EXTOBJ) $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
+ rm -f mghelp.*
+ ham506: ham506.o
+- $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) -o ham506 ham506.o $(EXTOBJ) $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
++ $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o ham506 ham506.o $(EXTOBJ) $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
+ newzmat: $(EXTRAS) newzmat.a newzmat-bsd.o l101.a l716.a
+ $(RUNMAKE) $(MAKELOC) OPTFLAG='$(OPTFLAG)' $(EXTRAS) newzmat.a newzmat-bsd.o
+- $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) -o newzmat newzmat-bsd.o newzmat.a $(EXTOBJ) \
++ $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o newzmat newzmat-bsd.o newzmat.a $(EXTOBJ) \
+ l101.a l401.a l716.a $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
+ pluck: pluck.o
+- $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) -o pluck pluck.o $(EXTOBJ) $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
++ $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o pluck pluck.o $(EXTOBJ) $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
+ unfchk: unfchk.o
+- $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) -o unfchk unfchk.o $(EXTOBJ) $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
++ $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o unfchk unfchk.o $(EXTOBJ) $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
+ reform: reform.o $(GAULIB) $(EXTRAS) archlib.a mdarch.a
+ $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) -o reform reform.o $(EXTOBJ) $(EXTRAS) archlib.a \
+ mdarch.a $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
+ rwfdump: rwfdump.o
+- $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) -o rwfdump rwfdump.o $(EXTOBJ) $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
++ $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o rwfdump rwfdump.o $(EXTOBJ) $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
+ testrt: $(EXTRAS) testrt.o l1.a $(TESTRTO)
+- $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) -o testrt testrt.o $(TESTRTO) $(EXTOBJ) l1.a l9999.a $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
++ $(RUNF77) $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o testrt testrt.o $(TESTRTO) $(EXTOBJ) l1.a l9999.a $(EXTRAS) $(GAULIB) $(LIBS)
+ gau-cpp: $(BSDDIR)/cpp.c $(BSDDIR)/cpp.h
+ $(RUNCC) -o gau-cpp -DHOST=SYS_UNIX -Dstrchr=index -Dstrrchr=rindex \
+@@ -784,9 +803,9 @@
+ rm -f $(@:o=f) $(@:o=c)
+ MARCHOBJ = dummy.o
+-util.so: $(GAULIBA) dummy.o $(BLAS)
+- ld -shared -o util.so dummy.o --whole-archive util.a \
+- --no-whole-archive $(BLAS)
++libgauutil.so.1: $(GAULIBA) dummy.o $(BLAS)
++ ld -shared -o libgauutil.so.1 \
++ dummy.o --whole-archive util.a
+ #
+ # Here are rules specific to the Gaussian/Linda parallel version:
diff --git a/biology/gaussian98/files/patch-ac b/biology/gaussian98/files/patch-ac
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0acd22a08429
--- /dev/null
+++ b/biology/gaussian98/files/patch-ac
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+--- bsd/mdutil.c.orig Fri Jun 11 01:44:58 1999
++++ bsd/mdutil.c Sun Dec 10 20:01:51 2000
+@@ -1362,6 +1362,11 @@
+ #ifndef i386
+ char *sbrk();
+ #endif
++#ifdef __FreeBSD__
++ char *sbrk();
+ lenbuf = (char *) sbrk(0) - end;
+ #endif
+ ifd = (int) *fd;
+@@ -2610,6 +2615,8 @@
+ #endif
+ #ifdef i386
++f77_int wait_() { return(wait()); }
++f77_int fork_() { return(fork()); }
+ f77_int loc_ (r) f77_wp *r; {return (f77_int) r; }
+ f77_int time_ () { return((f77_int) time((time_t *) NULL)); }
+@@ -2637,7 +2644,12 @@
+ offset_type n;
+ #ifdef DO_SHM
+ int shmflags = 0;
++#ifndef __FreeBSD__
+ void *brkadr, *sbrk();
++ void *brkadr;
++ char *sbrk();
+ key_t shmkey;
+ #ifndef IBM_RS6K
+ #ifndef sgi
diff --git a/biology/gaussian98/files/patch-ad b/biology/gaussian98/files/patch-ad
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..080d8ccdd390
--- /dev/null
+++ b/biology/gaussian98/files/patch-ad
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+--- bsd/setup-make.orig Tue Jun 1 10:13:16 1999
++++ bsd/setup-make Sun Dec 10 20:01:51 2000
+@@ -31,17 +31,18 @@
+ set mstr = "make"
+ set pstr = "-p"
+ else if ("$mach" == "i386") then
+- if (-e $PGI/linux86/bin/pgf77) then
+- set fcflag = "FC='pgf77'"
+- set fcflagp = ""
+- set blas = "BLAS='' UTIL_NAME='{util,archlib,mdarch,lapack}.a'"
+- set fc2flag = "FC2='/usr/local/lib/blas-{opt,f2c}.a'"
+- else
++# comment out for non-pgf but g77 compiler environment
++# if (-e $PGI/linux86/bin/pgf77) then
++# set fcflag = "FC='pgf77'"
++# set fcflagp = ""
++# set blas = "BLAS='' UTIL_NAME='{util,archlib,mdarch,lapack}.a'"
++# set fc2flag = "FC2='/usr/local/lib/blas-{opt,f2c}.a'"
++# else
+ set fcflag = "FC='cc -g'"
+ set fc2flag = "FC2='-lf2c -lm'"
+ set blas = "UTIL_NAME='{util,archlib,mdarch,util,lapack,blas}.a'"
+ set fc2flag = "FC2=''"
+- endif
++# endif
+ set blasp = "$blas"
+ set mstr = "make"
+ set pstr = "-p"
diff --git a/biology/gaussian98/pkg-comment b/biology/gaussian98/pkg-comment
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3c5973183b42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/biology/gaussian98/pkg-comment
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+An ab-initio molecular orbital calculation program
diff --git a/biology/gaussian98/pkg-descr b/biology/gaussian98/pkg-descr
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..63fca4560ebf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/biology/gaussian98/pkg-descr
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Gaussian is ab-initio molecular orbital calculation program
+calculates energy, molecular structure, vibrational frequencies
+from the basic principle of quantum mechanics.
+We also included simple launcher called `gaussian98'
+for your convenience. You don't need to set any environment variable
+to run gaussian.
+WWW: http://www.gaussian.com
+- NAKATA, Maho
+ E-mail: chat95@mbox.kyoto-inet.or.jp
diff --git a/biology/gaussian98/pkg-plist b/biology/gaussian98/pkg-plist
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4ff4104dae29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/biology/gaussian98/pkg-plist
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+@dirrm bin/g98/bsd
+@dirrm bin/g98
+@dirrm share/gaussian98/explore/examples
+@dirrm share/gaussian98/explore/exercise
+@dirrm share/gaussian98/explore/quick
+@dirrm share/gaussian98/explore
+@dirrm share/gaussian98
diff --git a/biology/gaussian98/scripts/pre-fetch b/biology/gaussian98/scripts/pre-fetch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..cfdfc8bfbf3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/biology/gaussian98/scripts/pre-fetch
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+[ -f ${CD_MOUNTPT}/TAR/WKSSRC.TAR ] && exit 0
+cat <<_E_O_F
+To Install Gaussian, make sure your purchased CD-ROM is
+mounted on at ${CD_MOUNTPT} or an arbitrary mount point that can be
+specified by setting CD_MOUNTPT variable in a make command line.
+ mount /dev/cd0c /mnt/cdrom
+ make CD_MOUNTPT=/mnt/cdrom install
+exit 1