path: root/biology/njplot
diff options
authorRene Ladan <rene@FreeBSD.org>2015-11-28 23:08:03 +0000
committerRene Ladan <rene@FreeBSD.org>2015-11-28 23:08:03 +0000
commit691f434f549a42a69ac50ff23a1543397490f5c5 (patch)
tree918183cc54e747acc95c0517ca51c4874a7ee860 /biology/njplot
parentde9fd54831b4e86ba3482e9bc7479a1ddcc1c364 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'biology/njplot')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 143 deletions
diff --git a/biology/njplot/Makefile b/biology/njplot/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 30030370cea0..000000000000
--- a/biology/njplot/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-# Created by: Motomichi Matsuzaki <mzaki@biol.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp>
-# $FreeBSD$
-PORTNAME= njplot
-CATEGORIES= biology
-MASTER_SITES= ftp://pbil.univ-lyon1.fr/pub/mol_phylogeny/njplot/archive/
-MAINTAINER= mzaki@m.u-tokyo.ac.jp
-COMMENT= Phylogenetic tree drawing program capable of interactive manipulation
-BROKEN= Unfetchable
-DEPRECATED= Broken for more than 6 months
-EXPIRATION_DATE= 2015-11-26
-.include <bsd.port.options.mk>
-BUILD_DEPENDS= ${LOCALBASE}/lib/ncbi/libvibrant.a:${PORTSDIR}/biology/ncbi-toolkit
-USE_XORG= x11 xt xmu xp
-USES= motif
-MAKEFILE= makefile
-BINARIES= newicktops newicktotxt
-BINARIES+= njplot unrooted
-.for file in ${BINARIES}
-PLIST_FILES+= bin/${file}
-PORTDOCS= njplot.help njplot.html njplot.gif
-MAN_1= njplot.1 unrooted.1
-PLIST_FILES+= man/man1/njplot.1.gz \
- man/man1/unrooted.1.gz
-.if !${PORT_OPTIONS:MX11}
- ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|njplot.*unrooted||' ${WRKSRC}/makefile
- ${INSTALL_MAN} ${MAN_1:S|^|${WRKSRC}/|} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/man/man1
-.include <bsd.port.mk>
diff --git a/biology/njplot/distinfo b/biology/njplot/distinfo
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e5cae22a4e2..000000000000
--- a/biology/njplot/distinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-SHA256 (njplot-2.1.tar.gz) = dd8a54c3903cd104d8322257a87b5fbf3afb7776a96fcf9bee504ae1ad54c0c1
-SIZE (njplot-2.1.tar.gz) = 85735
diff --git a/biology/njplot/files/patch-makefile b/biology/njplot/files/patch-makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f913dea012a..000000000000
--- a/biology/njplot/files/patch-makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
---- makefile.orig Thu Oct 11 01:54:00 2007
-+++ makefile Mon Dec 3 22:08:28 2007
-@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- #uncomment and locally adapt next line to fix the full helpfile path name
--HELPFILENAME = -DHELPFILENAME=\"/usr/share/njplot/njplot.help\"
-+HELPFILENAME = -DHELPFILENAME=\"$(LOCALBASE)/doc/njplot/njplot.help\"
- #comment out next line and uncomment next 2 to use the PDFLib Lite library
-@@ -7,43 +7,45 @@
- #PDFLIB = -L$(PDF) -lpdf
- # c compiler and linker
--CC = gcc
-+CC ?= gcc
- # Vibrant top directory
--VIBRANT = /banques0/ncbiJun04
-+#VIBRANT = /banques0/ncbiJun04
-+NCBIINC = $(LOCALBASE)/include/ncbi
-+NCBILIB = $(LOCALBASE)/lib/ncbi
- # X11 include directory
--X11INCL = /usr/X11R6/include
-+X11INCL = $(LOCALBASE)/include
- # motif library directory
--MOTIFLIB = /sw/lib
--MOTIFINCL = /sw/include
-+#MOTIFLIB = /sw/lib
-+#MOTIFINCL = /sw/include
- OBJECTS = njplot-vib.o
- OBJUNROOTED = unrooted-vib.o preptree.o
--CFLAGS = -c -DWIN_MOTIF -Dunix -I$(VIBRANT)/include -I$(VIBRANT)/vibrant -I$(VIBRANT)/corelib \
-- -Wimplicit-function-declaration -g
-+ -Wimplicit-function-declaration
- all: njplot unrooted newicktops newicktotxt
- njplot : $(OBJECTS)
- $(CC) -g -o njplot $(OBJECTS) \
-- -L$(VIBRANT)/lib \
-+ -L$(NCBILIB) \
- -lvibrant -lncbi \
- $(PDFLIB) \
-- -L$(MOTIFLIB) -lXm \
-- -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lXmu -lXt -lX11 -lm
-+ $(MOTIFLIB) \
-+ -L$(LOCALBASE)/lib -lXmu -lXt -lX11 -lm
- unrooted : $(OBJUNROOTED)
- $(CC) -g -o unrooted $(OBJUNROOTED) \
-- -L$(VIBRANT)/lib -lvibrant -lncbi \
-- -L$(MOTIFLIB) -lXm \
-- -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lXmu -lXt -lX11 -lm
-+ -L$(NCBILIB) -lvibrant -lncbi \
-+ $(MOTIFLIB) \
-+ -L$(LOCALBASE)/lib -lXmu -lXt -lX11 -lm
- newicktops: njplot-vib.c
- $(CC) -DNO_GUI -DNO_PDF -o $@ njplot-vib.c -lm
diff --git a/biology/njplot/pkg-descr b/biology/njplot/pkg-descr
deleted file mode 100644
index 679993f19121..000000000000
--- a/biology/njplot/pkg-descr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-NJplot is a tree drawing program able to draw any phylogenetic tree expressed
-in the Newick phylogenetic tree format (e.g., the format used by the PHYLIP
-package). NJplot is especially convenient for rooting the unrooted trees
-obtained from parsimony, distance or maximum likelihood tree-building methods.
-The package contains the following programs:
-njplot - draw phylogenetic trees and interactively modify them
-newicktops - non-interactive version rendering into a PostScript file
-newicktotxt - non-interactive version rendering into a text file
-unrooted - draw unrooted circular trees
-If you use NJplot in a published work, please cite the following reference:
-Perriere, G. and Gouy, M. (1996) WWW-Query: An on-line retrieval system for
-biological sequence banks. Biochimie, 78, 364-369.
-WWW: http://pbil.univ-lyon1.fr/software/njplot.html