path: root/devel/bitkeeper
diff options
authorSergey Matveychuk <sem@FreeBSD.org>2005-02-24 21:18:08 +0000
committerSergey Matveychuk <sem@FreeBSD.org>2005-02-24 21:18:08 +0000
commitfcd914d17faf02255ccaec7141a562de20a47719 (patch)
treefd14f9630a53aa524d5b10f2ced3bb650cd8afa2 /devel/bitkeeper
parent60a21df1ffa2e447614d595cc6a7a7702034589c (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'devel/bitkeeper')
6 files changed, 261 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/devel/bitkeeper/Makefile b/devel/bitkeeper/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..baa5ae3d3c16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/bitkeeper/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+# Ports collection Makefile for: devel/bitkeeper
+# Whom: Matthias Andree <matthias.andree@gmx.de>
+# Date created: 2005-01-13
+# $FreeBSD$
+# NOTE: unfortunately, bitkeeper hardcodes it path, so moving files around
+# does not work properly, not even for the documentation unfortunately.
+# NOTE: we list no MASTER_SITES because the user must fetch the software
+# manually after registering.
+PORTNAME= bitkeeper
+MAINTAINER= matthias.andree@gmx.de
+COMMENT= Scalable Distributed Software Configuration Management System
+NO_BUILD= yes
+RESTRICTED= "Redistribution is not permitted"
+USE_XLIB= yes
+MAN1= bk-Basics-Overview.1 bk-Howto-bkd.1 bk-Howto-developer.1 \
+ bk-Howto-setup.1 bk-Howto.1 bk-abort.1 bk-admin.1 \
+ bk-annotate.1 bk-backups.1 bk-base64.1 bk-bin.1 bk-bk.1 \
+ bk-bkcl.1 bk-bkd.1 bk-bkl.1 bk-bkscc.1 bk-c2r.1 bk-cat.1 \
+ bk-changes.1 bk-check.1 bk-checksum.1 bk-chmod.1 bk-ci.1 \
+ bk-citool.1 bk-clean.1 bk-clone.1 bk-cmdlog.1 bk-co.1 \
+ bk-comments.1 bk-commit.1 bk-compatibility.1 bk-config-etc.1 \
+ bk-config-gui.1 bk-config.1 bk-cp.1 bk-crypto.1 bk-cset.1 \
+ bk-csetprune.1 bk-csets.1 bk-csettool.1 bk-delta.1 bk-diffs.1 \
+ bk-difftool.1 bk-edit.1 bk-editor.1 bk-emacs.1 bk-export.1 \
+ bk-extras.1 bk-files.1 bk-findkey.1 bk-fix.1 bk-flags.1 \
+ bk-fmtool.1 bk-gca.1 bk-get.1 bk-gethost.1 bk-getuser.1 \
+ bk-gnupatch.1 bk-gone.1 bk-grep.1 bk-help.1 bk-helptool.1 \
+ bk-history.1 bk-id.1 bk-ignore.1 bk-import.1 bk-info.1 \
+ bk-initscripts.1 bk-isascii.1 bk-key2rev.1 bk-keywords.1 \
+ bk-lease.1 bk-level.1 bk-licensing.1 bk-links.1 bk-lock.1 \
+ bk-lod.1 bk-log.1 bk-makepatch.1 bk-merge-binaries.1 \
+ bk-merge.1 bk-merging.1 bk-more.1 bk-multiuser.1 bk-mv.1 \
+ bk-mvdir.1 bk-names.1 bk-new.1 bk-newroot.1 bk-obscure.1 \
+ bk-openlogging.1 bk-parent.1 bk-path.1 bk-pending.1 \
+ bk-prompt.1 bk-prs.1 bk-pull.1 bk-push.1 bk-r2c.1 bk-range.1 \
+ bk-rcs2sccs.1 bk-rcsparse.1 bk-receive.1 bk-relink.1 \
+ bk-renames.1 bk-renametool.1 bk-renumber.1 bk-repogca.1 \
+ bk-resolve.1 bk-revtool.1 bk-rm.1 bk-rmdel.1 bk-rmdir.1 \
+ bk-rmgone.1 bk-root.1 bk-rset.1 bk-sane.1 bk-sccslog.1 \
+ bk-send.1 bk-sendbug.1 bk-set.1 bk-setup.1 bk-setuptool.1 \
+ bk-sfiles.1 bk-sfio.1 bk-smerge.1 bk-status.1 bk-stripdel.1 \
+ bk-superset.1 bk-support.1 bk-tag.1 bk-takepatch.1 \
+ bk-templates.1 bk-terms.1 bk-treediff.1 bk-triggers.1 \
+ bk-undo.1 bk-undos.1 bk-unedit.1 bk-unlock.1 bk-unpull.1 \
+ bk-unrm.1 bk-unwrap.1 bk-url.1 bk-users.1 bk-version.1 \
+ bk-what.1 bk-wrap.1 bk-xflags.1 bk-zone.1
+ ${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/bitkeeper ${PREFIX}/bin
+.for i in admin bk delta get prs rmdel unget
+ ${LN} -s ${PREFIX}/bitkeeper/$i ${PREFIX}/bin
+ for i in ${PREFIX}/bitkeeper/man/man1/bk-* ; do \
+ ${LN} $$i ${PREFIX}/man/man1/ ; \
+ done
+ ${RM} -rf ${PREFIX}/bitkeeper/man
+.include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
+.if ${OSVERSION} < 501000 || ${OSVERSION} > 600000
+DISTNAME= bk-${PORTVERSION}-x86-freebsd4.1.bin
+.if ${OSVERSION} >= 500000
+LIB_DEPENDS+= c.4:${PORTSDIR}/misc/compat4x
+DISTNAME= bk-${PORTVERSION}-x86-freebsd5.1.bin
+MD5_FILE= ${MASTERDIR}/distinfo-5
+.if !exists(${DISTDIR}/${DISTNAME})
+Because of licensing restrictions, you must fetch the bitkeeper binary\n\
+manually. Please fill in one of the download forms at\n\
+http://www.bitkeeper.com/Products.BK_Pro.Downloads.html and download\n\
+the ${DISTFILES} file and place it in ${DISTDIR}.\n
+.include <bsd.port.post.mk>
diff --git a/devel/bitkeeper/distinfo b/devel/bitkeeper/distinfo
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..65e10857ecab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/bitkeeper/distinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+MD5 (bk-3.2.3-x86-freebsd4.1.bin) = 94d116c4790b86e0608e5c76f6f0d258
+SIZE (bk-3.2.3-x86-freebsd4.1.bin) = 3103260
diff --git a/devel/bitkeeper/distinfo-5 b/devel/bitkeeper/distinfo-5
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e0b4ade1813f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/bitkeeper/distinfo-5
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+MD5 (bk-3.2.3-x86-freebsd5.1.bin) = 88aec7a9afdd0142f44a9d20238bcc4f
+SIZE (bk-3.2.3-x86-freebsd5.1.bin) = 3114740
diff --git a/devel/bitkeeper/pkg-descr b/devel/bitkeeper/pkg-descr
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..880207757c14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/bitkeeper/pkg-descr
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+"BK/Pro is a scalable configuration management system, supporting globally
+distributed development, disconnected operation, compressed repositories,
+change sets, and repositories as branches.
+Distributed means that every developer gets their own personal repository,
+complete with revision history, and the tool handles moving changes between
+repositories. SSH, RSH, BKD, HTTP, and/or SMTP can all be used as communication
+transports between repositories; or, if both are local, the system just uses
+the file system."
+ -- Bitmover, Inc.
+WWW: http://www.bitkeeper.com/Products.BK_Pro.html
diff --git a/devel/bitkeeper/pkg-message b/devel/bitkeeper/pkg-message
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2805abd71c61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/bitkeeper/pkg-message
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+WARNING: If you are using the BitKeeper free license, there are some important
+license restrictions, the free license is valid for open source software only,
+not to competitors of BitMover and it terminates in the event that BitMover
+publish a new version of the BitKeeper software, to which you must upgrade.
diff --git a/devel/bitkeeper/pkg-plist b/devel/bitkeeper/pkg-plist
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..22d2d73534f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/bitkeeper/pkg-plist
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+@dirrm bitkeeper/gui/bin
+@dirrm bitkeeper/gui/images
+@dirrm bitkeeper/gui/lib/tcl8.4/encoding
+@dirrm bitkeeper/gui/lib/tcl8.4/http1.0
+@dirrm bitkeeper/gui/lib/tcl8.4/http2.4
+@dirrm bitkeeper/gui/lib/tcl8.4/msgcat1.3
+@dirrm bitkeeper/gui/lib/tcl8.4/opt0.4
+@dirrm bitkeeper/gui/lib/tcl8.4/tcltest2.2
+@dirrm bitkeeper/gui/lib/tcl8.4
+@dirrm bitkeeper/gui/lib/tk8.4/msgs
+@dirrm bitkeeper/gui/lib/tk8.4
+@dirrm bitkeeper/gui/lib
+@dirrm bitkeeper/gui
+@dirrm bitkeeper