path: root/devel/p5-File-Slurp
diff options
authorFoxfair Hu <foxfair@FreeBSD.org>2003-09-07 01:07:55 +0000
committerFoxfair Hu <foxfair@FreeBSD.org>2003-09-07 01:07:55 +0000
commitc8a3393be83666074ec0b66226f02b5d9ce1e167 (patch)
treea19c63992cf9aefb9ef52588a284bee85c3217eb /devel/p5-File-Slurp
parent1272e6c8fbd3a9f7d98bea3a305ef6db6ecee7fd (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'devel/p5-File-Slurp')
4 files changed, 8 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/devel/p5-File-Slurp/Makefile b/devel/p5-File-Slurp/Makefile
index a5c9a955c09b..b195fb1f6ed5 100644
--- a/devel/p5-File-Slurp/Makefile
+++ b/devel/p5-File-Slurp/Makefile
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
PORTNAME= File-Slurp
-PORTVERSION= 2002.1031
+PORTVERSION= 2004.0904
CATEGORIES= devel perl5
diff --git a/devel/p5-File-Slurp/distinfo b/devel/p5-File-Slurp/distinfo
index 764380bc633c..f900005979ca 100644
--- a/devel/p5-File-Slurp/distinfo
+++ b/devel/p5-File-Slurp/distinfo
@@ -1 +1 @@
-MD5 (File-Slurp-2002.1031.tar.gz) = 92eeb34d54e0347f0a70adf45c119a4c
+MD5 (File-Slurp-2004.0904.tar.gz) = 96239bbc1cfdfc4ab5f59cf4a490855a
diff --git a/devel/p5-File-Slurp/pkg-descr b/devel/p5-File-Slurp/pkg-descr
index c84a40630d8d..02ea370f4adf 100644
--- a/devel/p5-File-Slurp/pkg-descr
+++ b/devel/p5-File-Slurp/pkg-descr
@@ -2,27 +2,4 @@ These are quickie routines that are meant to save a couple
of lines of code over and over again. They do not do
anything fancy.
-read_file() does what you would expect. If you are using
-its output in array context, then it returns an array of
-lines. If you are calling it from scalar context, then
-returns the entire file in a single string.
-It croaks()s if it can't open the file.
-write_file() creates or overwrites files.
-append_file() appends to a file.
-overwrite_file() does an in-place update of an existing
-file or creates a new file if it didn't already exist.
-Write_file will also replace a file. The difference is
-that the first that that write_file() does is to trucate
-the file whereas the last thing that overwrite_file() is
-to trucate the file. Overwrite_file() should be used in
-situations where you have a file that always needs to have
-contents, even in the middle of an update.
-read_dir() returns all of the entries in a directory
-except for "." and "..". It croaks if it cannot open the
+WWW: http://search.cpan.org/dist/File-Slurp
diff --git a/devel/p5-File-Slurp/pkg-plist b/devel/p5-File-Slurp/pkg-plist
index 11feca9b9176..69b3747be57a 100644
--- a/devel/p5-File-Slurp/pkg-plist
+++ b/devel/p5-File-Slurp/pkg-plist
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-@dirrm lib/perl5/site_perl/%%PERL_VER%%/%%PERL_ARCH%%/auto/File/Slurp
-@unexec rmdir %D/lib/perl5/site_perl/%%PERL_VER%%/File 2>/dev/null || true
-@unexec rmdir %D/lib/perl5/site_perl/%%PERL_VER%%/%%PERL_ARCH%%/auto/File 2>/dev/null || true
+@dirrm %%SITE_PERL%%/%%PERL_ARCH%%/auto/File/Slurp
+@unexec rmdir %D/%%SITE_PERL%%/File 2>/dev/null || true
+@unexec rmdir %D/%%SITE_PERL%%/%%PERL_ARCH%%/auto/File 2>/dev/null || true