path: root/devel
diff options
authorYing-Chieh Liao <ijliao@FreeBSD.org>2002-11-06 16:51:46 +0000
committerYing-Chieh Liao <ijliao@FreeBSD.org>2002-11-06 16:51:46 +0000
commita1562f1f9765d88e5ffc439fce4c866b8224356e (patch)
treeb21aebad4630f45415a05dd8e696cc6ea16cae8e /devel
parent6ef0919abb4cdb8822476bf02323a03a49b0fc51 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'devel')
16 files changed, 1706 insertions, 114 deletions
diff --git a/devel/allegro-devel/Makefile b/devel/allegro-devel/Makefile
index 75e109d8b1f1..fbe7c7280ccc 100644
--- a/devel/allegro-devel/Makefile
+++ b/devel/allegro-devel/Makefile
@@ -7,49 +7,57 @@
PORTNAME= allegro
+PORTCOMMENT= A cross-platform library for games and multimedia programming
MAINTAINER= ports@FreeBSD.org
+USE_XLIB= yes
+CONFIGURE_ARGS= --enable-vga=no
MAKEFILE= makefile
-.if !defined (WITHOUT_DEVEL)
-INSTALL_TARGET= full-install
+.include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
+.if ${HAVE_GNOME:Mesound}!=""
+USE_GNOME+= esound
-INSTALL_TARGET= mini-install
-PLIST_SUB+= FULL="@comment "
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-esddigi=no
+PLIST_SUB+= ESOUND="@comment "
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-vga=no
-.if !defined (WITHOUT_MAN)
-INSTALL_TARGET+= install-man
+.if defined(WITHOUT_DEVEL)
+INSTALL_TARGET= mini-install install-man install-info
+PLIST_SUB+= FULL="@comment "
+INSTALL_TARGET= full-install install-man install-info
- cd ${WRKSRC} && ${GMAKE} depend
+ @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e \
+ 's|${PORTVERSION}|${SHLIB_VER}|g' ${WRKSRC}/makefile.ver
.if !defined(NOPORTDOCS)
- ${CP} ${WRKSRC}/docs/html/* ${DOCSDIR}
- @${RM} -f ${LOCALBASE}/lib/liballeg.so.4.0
- @${MV} ${LOCALBASE}/lib/liballeg-${PORTVERSION}.so \
- ${LOCALBASE}/lib/liballeg.so.4
- @${LN} -fs ${LOCALBASE}/lib/liballeg.so.4 ${LOCALBASE}/lib/liballeg.so
- @${MV} ${LOCALBASE}/lib/liballeg_unsharable.a \
- ${LOCALBASE}/lib/liballeg.a
-.if !defined (WITHOUT_MAN)
- @(cd ${WRKSRC}/docs/man ; ${FIND} *.3 | ${SED} "s|^|man/man3/|" \
- >> ${TMPPLIST})
+ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/docs/html/*.html ${DOCSDIR}
-.include <bsd.port.mk>
+.include "Makefile.man"
+.include <bsd.port.post.mk>
diff --git a/devel/allegro-devel/Makefile.man b/devel/allegro-devel/Makefile.man
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4989daac5985
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/allegro-devel/Makefile.man
@@ -0,0 +1,703 @@
+MAN3= \
+ ASSERT.3 \
+ MASK_COLOR_15.3 \
+ MASK_COLOR_16.3 \
+ MASK_COLOR_24.3 \
+ MASK_COLOR_32.3 \
+ MASK_COLOR_8.3 \
+ TRACE.3 \
+ _getpixel.3 \
+ _getpixel15.3 \
+ _getpixel16.3 \
+ _getpixel24.3 \
+ _getpixel32.3 \
+ _putpixel.3 \
+ _putpixel15.3 \
+ _putpixel16.3 \
+ _putpixel24.3 \
+ _putpixel32.3 \
+ _set_color.3 \
+ _ustrdup.3 \
+ acquire_bitmap.3 \
+ acquire_screen.3 \
+ active_dialog.3 \
+ active_menu.3 \
+ adjust_sample.3 \
+ al_assert.3 \
+ al_findclose.3 \
+ al_findfirst.3 \
+ al_findnext.3 \
+ al_trace.3 \
+ alert.3 \
+ alert3.3 \
+ allegro_404_char.3 \
+ allegro_error.3 \
+ allegro_exit.3 \
+ allegro_id.3 \
+ allegro_init.3 \
+ allegro_message.3 \
+ allocate_voice.3 \
+ append_filename.3 \
+ apply_matrix.3 \
+ apply_matrix_f.3 \
+ apply_quat.3 \
+ arc.3 \
+ bestfit_color.3 \
+ bitmap_color_depth.3 \
+ bitmap_mask_color.3 \
+ black_palette.3 \
+ blit.3 \
+ bmp_read_line.3 \
+ bmp_unwrite_line.3 \
+ bmp_write_line.3 \
+ broadcast_dialog_message.3 \
+ calc_spline.3 \
+ calibrate_joystick.3 \
+ calibrate_joystick_name.3 \
+ centre_dialog.3 \
+ check_cpu.3 \
+ circle.3 \
+ circlefill.3 \
+ clear.3 \
+ clear_bitmap.3 \
+ clear_keybuf.3 \
+ clear_scene.3 \
+ clear_to_color.3 \
+ clear_zbuffer.3 \
+ clip3d.3 \
+ clip3d_f.3 \
+ close_fli.3 \
+ color_map.3 \
+ config_is_hooked.3 \
+ cpu_capabilities.3 \
+ cpu_family.3 \
+ cpu_model.3 \
+ cpu_vendor.3 \
+ create_bitmap.3 \
+ create_bitmap_ex.3 \
+ create_blender_table.3 \
+ create_color_table.3 \
+ create_light_table.3 \
+ create_rgb_table.3 \
+ create_sample.3 \
+ create_scene.3 \
+ create_sub_bitmap.3 \
+ create_sub_zbuffer.3 \
+ create_system_bitmap.3 \
+ create_trans_table.3 \
+ create_video_bitmap.3 \
+ create_zbuffer.3 \
+ cross_product.3 \
+ cross_product_f.3 \
+ d_bitmap_proc.3 \
+ d_box_proc.3 \
+ d_button_proc.3 \
+ d_check_proc.3 \
+ d_clear_proc.3 \
+ d_ctext_proc.3 \
+ d_edit_proc.3 \
+ d_icon_proc.3 \
+ d_keyboard_proc.3 \
+ d_list_proc.3 \
+ d_menu_proc.3 \
+ d_radio_proc.3 \
+ d_rtext_proc.3 \
+ d_shadow_box_proc.3 \
+ d_slider_proc.3 \
+ d_text_list_proc.3 \
+ d_text_proc.3 \
+ d_textbox_proc.3 \
+ d_yield_proc.3 \
+ deallocate_voice.3 \
+ default_palette.3 \
+ delete_file.3 \
+ desktop_color_depth.3 \
+ desktop_palette.3 \
+ destroy_bitmap.3 \
+ destroy_compiled_sprite.3 \
+ destroy_font.3 \
+ destroy_gfx_mode_list.3 \
+ destroy_midi.3 \
+ destroy_rle_sprite.3 \
+ destroy_sample.3 \
+ destroy_scene.3 \
+ destroy_zbuffer.3 \
+ detect_digi_driver.3 \
+ detect_midi_driver.3 \
+ dialog_message.3 \
+ digi_recorder.3 \
+ do_arc.3 \
+ do_circle.3 \
+ do_dialog.3 \
+ do_ellipse.3 \
+ do_line.3 \
+ do_menu.3 \
+ do_uconvert.3 \
+ dot_product.3 \
+ dot_product_f.3 \
+ draw_character.3 \
+ draw_compiled_sprite.3 \
+ draw_gouraud_sprite.3 \
+ draw_lit_rle_sprite.3 \
+ draw_lit_sprite.3 \
+ draw_rle_sprite.3 \
+ draw_sprite.3 \
+ draw_sprite_h_flip.3 \
+ draw_sprite_v_flip.3 \
+ draw_sprite_vh_flip.3 \
+ draw_trans_rle_sprite.3 \
+ draw_trans_sprite.3 \
+ drawing_mode.3 \
+ ellipse.3 \
+ ellipsefill.3 \
+ empty_string.3 \
+ enable_triple_buffer.3 \
+ exists.3 \
+ fade_from.3 \
+ fade_from_range.3 \
+ fade_in.3 \
+ fade_in_range.3 \
+ fade_interpolate.3 \
+ fade_out.3 \
+ fade_out_range.3 \
+ file_exists.3 \
+ file_select.3 \
+ file_select_ex.3 \
+ file_size.3 \
+ file_time.3 \
+ find_allegro_resource.3 \
+ find_datafile_object.3 \
+ find_dialog_focus.3 \
+ fix_filename_case.3 \
+ fix_filename_path.3 \
+ fix_filename_slashes.3 \
+ fixacos.3 \
+ fixadd.3 \
+ fixasin.3 \
+ fixatan.3 \
+ fixatan2.3 \
+ fixceil.3 \
+ fixcos.3 \
+ fixdiv.3 \
+ fixfloor.3 \
+ fixhypot.3 \
+ fixmul.3 \
+ fixsin.3 \
+ fixsqrt.3 \
+ fixsub.3 \
+ fixtan.3 \
+ fixtof.3 \
+ fixtoi.3 \
+ fixup_datafile.3 \
+ fli_bitmap.3 \
+ fli_bmp_dirty_from.3 \
+ fli_bmp_dirty_to.3 \
+ fli_frame.3 \
+ fli_pal_dirty_from.3 \
+ fli_pal_dirty_to.3 \
+ fli_palette.3 \
+ fli_timer.3 \
+ floodfill.3 \
+ flush_config_file.3 \
+ font.3 \
+ for_each_file.3 \
+ free_audio_stream_buffer.3 \
+ freeze_mouse_flag.3 \
+ ftofix.3 \
+ generate_332_palette.3 \
+ generate_optimized_palette.3 \
+ get_align_matrix.3 \
+ get_align_matrix_f.3 \
+ get_audio_stream_buffer.3 \
+ get_camera_matrix.3 \
+ get_camera_matrix_f.3 \
+ get_color.3 \
+ get_compiled_sprite.3 \
+ get_config_argv.3 \
+ get_config_float.3 \
+ get_config_hex.3 \
+ get_config_id.3 \
+ get_config_int.3 \
+ get_config_string.3 \
+ get_config_text.3 \
+ get_datafile_property.3 \
+ get_desktop_resolution.3 \
+ get_display_switch_mode.3 \
+ get_executable_name.3 \
+ get_extension.3 \
+ get_filename.3 \
+ get_gfx_mode_list.3 \
+ get_mouse_mickeys.3 \
+ get_palette.3 \
+ get_palette_range.3 \
+ get_refresh_rate.3 \
+ get_rle_sprite.3 \
+ get_rotation_matrix.3 \
+ get_rotation_matrix_f.3 \
+ get_rotation_quat.3 \
+ get_scaling_matrix.3 \
+ get_scaling_matrix_f.3 \
+ get_sound_input_cap_bits.3 \
+ get_sound_input_cap_parm.3 \
+ get_sound_input_cap_rate.3 \
+ get_sound_input_cap_stereo.3 \
+ get_transformation_matrix.3 \
+ get_transformation_matrix_f.3 \
+ get_translation_matrix.3 \
+ get_translation_matrix_f.3 \
+ get_uformat.3 \
+ get_vector_rotation_matrix.3 \
+ get_vector_rotation_matrix_f.3 \
+ get_vector_rotation_quat.3 \
+ get_x_rotate_matrix.3 \
+ get_x_rotate_matrix_f.3 \
+ get_x_rotate_quat.3 \
+ get_y_rotate_matrix.3 \
+ get_y_rotate_matrix_f.3 \
+ get_y_rotate_quat.3 \
+ get_z_rotate_matrix.3 \
+ get_z_rotate_matrix_f.3 \
+ get_z_rotate_quat.3 \
+ geta.3 \
+ geta32.3 \
+ geta_depth.3 \
+ getb.3 \
+ getb15.3 \
+ getb16.3 \
+ getb24.3 \
+ getb32.3 \
+ getb8.3 \
+ getb_depth.3 \
+ getg.3 \
+ getg15.3 \
+ getg16.3 \
+ getg24.3 \
+ getg32.3 \
+ getg8.3 \
+ getg_depth.3 \
+ getpixel.3 \
+ getr.3 \
+ getr15.3 \
+ getr16.3 \
+ getr24.3 \
+ getr32.3 \
+ getr8.3 \
+ getr_depth.3 \
+ gfx_capabilities.3 \
+ gfx_mode_select.3 \
+ gfx_mode_select_ex.3 \
+ gui_bg_color.3 \
+ gui_button_proc.3 \
+ gui_ctext_proc.3 \
+ gui_edit_proc.3 \
+ gui_fg_color.3 \
+ gui_font_baseline.3 \
+ gui_list_proc.3 \
+ gui_menu_draw_menu.3 \
+ gui_menu_draw_menu_item.3 \
+ gui_mg_color.3 \
+ gui_mouse_b.3 \
+ gui_mouse_focus.3 \
+ gui_mouse_x.3 \
+ gui_mouse_y.3 \
+ gui_mouse_z.3 \
+ gui_shadow_box_proc.3 \
+ gui_strlen.3 \
+ gui_text_list_proc.3 \
+ gui_textout.3 \
+ hline.3 \
+ hook_config_section.3 \
+ hsv_to_rgb.3 \
+ identity_matrix.3 \
+ identity_matrix_f.3 \
+ identity_quat.3 \
+ init_dialog.3 \
+ initialise_joystick.3 \
+ install_allegro.3 \
+ install_int.3 \
+ install_int_ex.3 \
+ install_joystick.3 \
+ install_keyboard.3 \
+ install_keyboard_hooks.3 \
+ install_mouse.3 \
+ install_param_int.3 \
+ install_param_int_ex.3 \
+ install_sound.3 \
+ install_sound_input.3 \
+ install_timer.3 \
+ is_linear_bitmap.3 \
+ is_memory_bitmap.3 \
+ is_planar_bitmap.3 \
+ is_same_bitmap.3 \
+ is_screen_bitmap.3 \
+ is_sub_bitmap.3 \
+ is_system_bitmap.3 \
+ is_video_bitmap.3 \
+ itofix.3 \
+ joy.3 \
+ key.3 \
+ key_led_flag.3 \
+ key_shifts.3 \
+ keyboard_callback.3 \
+ keyboard_lowlevel_callback.3 \
+ keyboard_needs_poll.3 \
+ keyboard_ucallback.3 \
+ keypressed.3 \
+ line.3 \
+ load_bitmap.3 \
+ load_bmp.3 \
+ load_datafile.3 \
+ load_datafile_callback.3 \
+ load_datafile_object.3 \
+ load_ibk.3 \
+ load_joystick_data.3 \
+ load_lbm.3 \
+ load_midi.3 \
+ load_midi_patches.3 \
+ load_pcx.3 \
+ load_sample.3 \
+ load_tga.3 \
+ load_voc.3 \
+ load_wav.3 \
+ lock_bitmap.3 \
+ lock_midi.3 \
+ lock_sample.3 \
+ makeacol.3 \
+ makeacol32.3 \
+ makeacol_depth.3 \
+ makecol.3 \
+ makecol15.3 \
+ makecol15_dither.3 \
+ makecol16.3 \
+ makecol16_dither.3 \
+ makecol24.3 \
+ makecol32.3 \
+ makecol8.3 \
+ makecol_depth.3 \
+ masked_blit.3 \
+ masked_stretch_blit.3 \
+ matrix_mul.3 \
+ matrix_mul_f.3 \
+ matrix_to_quat.3 \
+ midi_loop_end.3 \
+ midi_loop_start.3 \
+ midi_meta_callback.3 \
+ midi_msg_callback.3 \
+ midi_out.3 \
+ midi_pause.3 \
+ midi_pos.3 \
+ midi_recorder.3 \
+ midi_resume.3 \
+ midi_seek.3 \
+ midi_sysex_callback.3 \
+ mouse_b.3 \
+ mouse_callback.3 \
+ mouse_needs_poll.3 \
+ mouse_pos.3 \
+ mouse_sprite.3 \
+ mouse_x.3 \
+ mouse_x_focus.3 \
+ mouse_y.3 \
+ mouse_y_focus.3 \
+ mouse_z.3 \
+ need_uconvert.3 \
+ next_fli_frame.3 \
+ normalize_vector.3 \
+ normalize_vector_f.3 \
+ num_joysticks.3 \
+ object_message.3 \
+ offer_focus.3 \
+ open_fli.3 \
+ open_memory_fli.3 \
+ os_multitasking.3 \
+ os_revision.3 \
+ os_type.3 \
+ os_version.3 \
+ override_config_data.3 \
+ override_config_file.3 \
+ pack_fclose.3 \
+ pack_fclose_chunk.3 \
+ pack_feof.3 \
+ pack_ferror.3 \
+ pack_fgets.3 \
+ pack_fopen.3 \
+ pack_fopen_chunk.3 \
+ pack_fputs.3 \
+ pack_fread.3 \
+ pack_fseek.3 \
+ pack_fwrite.3 \
+ pack_getc.3 \
+ pack_igetl.3 \
+ pack_igetw.3 \
+ pack_iputl.3 \
+ pack_iputw.3 \
+ pack_mgetl.3 \
+ pack_mgetw.3 \
+ pack_mputl.3 \
+ pack_mputw.3 \
+ pack_putc.3 \
+ packfile_password.3 \
+ palette_color.3 \
+ persp_project.3 \
+ persp_project_f.3 \
+ pivot_scaled_sprite.3 \
+ pivot_scaled_sprite_v_flip.3 \
+ pivot_sprite.3 \
+ pivot_sprite_v_flip.3 \
+ play_audio_stream.3 \
+ play_fli.3 \
+ play_looped_midi.3 \
+ play_memory_fli.3 \
+ play_midi.3 \
+ play_sample.3 \
+ poll_joystick.3 \
+ poll_keyboard.3 \
+ poll_mouse.3 \
+ poll_scroll.3 \
+ polygon.3 \
+ polygon3d.3 \
+ polygon3d_f.3 \
+ polygon_z_normal.3 \
+ polygon_z_normal_f.3 \
+ pop_config_state.3 \
+ popup_dialog.3 \
+ position_dialog.3 \
+ position_mouse.3 \
+ position_mouse_z.3 \
+ push_config_state.3 \
+ put_backslash.3 \
+ putpixel.3 \
+ qnx_get_window.3 \
+ qscale_matrix.3 \
+ qscale_matrix_f.3 \
+ qtranslate_matrix.3 \
+ qtranslate_matrix_f.3 \
+ quad3d.3 \
+ quad3d_f.3 \
+ quat_interpolate.3 \
+ quat_mul.3 \
+ quat_slerp.3 \
+ quat_to_matrix.3 \
+ read_sound_input.3 \
+ readkey.3 \
+ reallocate_voice.3 \
+ rect.3 \
+ rectfill.3 \
+ register_assert_handler.3 \
+ register_bitmap_file_type.3 \
+ register_datafile_object.3 \
+ register_trace_handler.3 \
+ register_uformat.3 \
+ release_bitmap.3 \
+ release_screen.3 \
+ release_voice.3 \
+ reload_config_texts.3 \
+ remove_display_switch_callback.3 \
+ remove_int.3 \
+ remove_joystick.3 \
+ remove_keyboard.3 \
+ remove_mouse.3 \
+ remove_param_int.3 \
+ remove_sound.3 \
+ remove_sound_input.3 \
+ remove_timer.3 \
+ render_scene.3 \
+ replace_extension.3 \
+ replace_filename.3 \
+ request_refresh_rate.3 \
+ request_scroll.3 \
+ request_video_bitmap.3 \
+ reserve_voices.3 \
+ reset_fli_variables.3 \
+ rest.3 \
+ rest_callback.3 \
+ retrace_count.3 \
+ retrace_proc.3 \
+ rgb_map.3 \
+ rgb_to_hsv.3 \
+ rotate_scaled_sprite.3 \
+ rotate_scaled_sprite_v_flip.3 \
+ rotate_sprite.3 \
+ rotate_sprite_v_flip.3 \
+ save_bitmap.3 \
+ save_bmp.3 \
+ save_joystick_data.3 \
+ save_pcx.3 \
+ save_tga.3 \
+ scancode_to_ascii.3 \
+ scare_mouse.3 \
+ scare_mouse_area.3 \
+ scene_gap.3 \
+ scene_polygon3d.3 \
+ scene_polygon3d_f.3 \
+ screen.3 \
+ scroll_screen.3 \
+ select_palette.3 \
+ set_add_blender.3 \
+ set_alpha_blender.3 \
+ set_blender_mode.3 \
+ set_blender_mode_ex.3 \
+ set_burn_blender.3 \
+ set_clip.3 \
+ set_color.3 \
+ set_color_blender.3 \
+ set_color_conversion.3 \
+ set_color_depth.3 \
+ set_config_data.3 \
+ set_config_file.3 \
+ set_config_float.3 \
+ set_config_hex.3 \
+ set_config_id.3 \
+ set_config_int.3 \
+ set_config_string.3 \
+ set_dialog_color.3 \
+ set_difference_blender.3 \
+ set_display_switch_callback.3 \
+ set_display_switch_mode.3 \
+ set_dissolve_blender.3 \
+ set_dodge_blender.3 \
+ set_gfx_mode.3 \
+ set_hue_blender.3 \
+ set_invert_blender.3 \
+ set_keyboard_rate.3 \
+ set_leds.3 \
+ set_luminance_blender.3 \
+ set_mouse_range.3 \
+ set_mouse_speed.3 \
+ set_mouse_sprite.3 \
+ set_mouse_sprite_focus.3 \
+ set_multiply_blender.3 \
+ set_palette.3 \
+ set_palette_range.3 \
+ set_projection_viewport.3 \
+ set_saturation_blender.3 \
+ set_screen_blender.3 \
+ set_sound_input_source.3 \
+ set_trans_blender.3 \
+ set_ucodepage.3 \
+ set_uformat.3 \
+ set_volume.3 \
+ set_volume_per_voice.3 \
+ set_window_close_button.3 \
+ set_window_close_hook.3 \
+ set_window_title.3 \
+ set_write_alpha_blender.3 \
+ set_zbuffer.3 \
+ show_mouse.3 \
+ show_video_bitmap.3 \
+ shutdown_dialog.3 \
+ simulate_keypress.3 \
+ simulate_ukeypress.3 \
+ solid_mode.3 \
+ spline.3 \
+ start_sound_input.3 \
+ stop_audio_stream.3 \
+ stop_midi.3 \
+ stop_sample.3 \
+ stop_sound_input.3 \
+ stretch_blit.3 \
+ stretch_sprite.3 \
+ text_height.3 \
+ text_length.3 \
+ text_mode.3 \
+ textout.3 \
+ textout_centre.3 \
+ textout_justify.3 \
+ textout_right.3 \
+ textprintf.3 \
+ textprintf_centre.3 \
+ textprintf_justify.3 \
+ textprintf_right.3 \
+ three_finger_flag.3 \
+ timer_can_simulate_retrace.3 \
+ timer_is_using_retrace.3 \
+ timer_simulate_retrace.3 \
+ triangle.3 \
+ triangle3d.3 \
+ triangle3d_f.3 \
+ uatof.3 \
+ uconvert.3 \
+ uconvert_ascii.3 \
+ uconvert_size.3 \
+ uconvert_toascii.3 \
+ ucwidth.3 \
+ ugetat.3 \
+ ugetc.3 \
+ ugetx.3 \
+ ugetxc.3 \
+ uinsert.3 \
+ uisdigit.3 \
+ uisok.3 \
+ uisspace.3 \
+ unload_datafile.3 \
+ unload_datafile_object.3 \
+ unscare_mouse.3 \
+ unselect_palette.3 \
+ uoffset.3 \
+ update_dialog.3 \
+ ureadkey.3 \
+ uremove.3 \
+ usetat.3 \
+ usetc.3 \
+ usprintf.3 \
+ ustrcat.3 \
+ ustrchr.3 \
+ ustrcmp.3 \
+ ustrcpy.3 \
+ ustrdup.3 \
+ ustrerror.3 \
+ ustricmp.3 \
+ ustrlen.3 \
+ ustrlwr.3 \
+ ustrncat.3 \
+ ustrncmp.3 \
+ ustrncpy.3 \
+ ustrpbrk.3 \
+ ustrrchr.3 \
+ ustrsize.3 \
+ ustrsizez.3 \
+ ustrstr.3 \
+ ustrtod.3 \
+ ustrtok.3 \
+ ustrtok_r.3 \
+ ustrtol.3 \
+ ustrupr.3 \
+ ustrzcat.3 \
+ ustrzcpy.3 \
+ ustrzncat.3 \
+ ustrzncpy.3 \
+ uszprintf.3 \
+ utolower.3 \
+ utoupper.3 \
+ uvsprintf.3 \
+ uvszprintf.3 \
+ uwidth.3 \
+ uwidth_max.3 \
+ vector_length.3 \
+ vector_length_f.3 \
+ vline.3 \
+ voice_check.3 \
+ voice_get_frequency.3 \
+ voice_get_pan.3 \
+ voice_get_position.3 \
+ voice_get_volume.3 \
+ voice_ramp_volume.3 \
+ voice_set_echo.3 \
+ voice_set_frequency.3 \
+ voice_set_pan.3 \
+ voice_set_playmode.3 \
+ voice_set_position.3 \
+ voice_set_priority.3 \
+ voice_set_tremolo.3 \
+ voice_set_vibrato.3 \
+ voice_set_volume.3 \
+ voice_start.3 \
+ voice_stop.3 \
+ voice_stop_frequency_sweep.3 \
+ voice_stop_pan_sweep.3 \
+ voice_stop_volumeramp.3 \
+ voice_sweep_frequency.3 \
+ voice_sweep_pan.3 \
+ vsync.3 \
+ xor_mode.3 \
+ yield_timeslice.3
diff --git a/devel/allegro-devel/files/patch-aclocal.m4 b/devel/allegro-devel/files/patch-aclocal.m4
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c274f2926df..000000000000
--- a/devel/allegro-devel/files/patch-aclocal.m4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- aclocal.m4.orig Tue Oct 22 00:17:38 2002
-+++ aclocal.m4 Tue Oct 22 00:17:55 2002
-@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
- allegro_support_modules=yes
- dnl Use libdl if found, else assume dl* functions in libc.
- AC_CHECK_LIB(dl, dlopen,
-- [LIBS="-ldl $LIBS"])
-+ [LIBS="$LIBS"])
- LDFLAGS="-Wl,-export-dynamic $LDFLAGS"
- fi])
- fi
diff --git a/devel/allegro-devel/files/patch-configure.in b/devel/allegro-devel/files/patch-configure.in
index 5bfe99de32eb..3504cae06a03 100644
--- a/devel/allegro-devel/files/patch-configure.in
+++ b/devel/allegro-devel/files/patch-configure.in
@@ -1,5 +1,49 @@
---- configure.in.orig Tue Oct 22 00:18:10 2002
-+++ configure.in Tue Oct 22 00:20:03 2002
+--- configure.in.orig Thu Jul 4 05:17:59 2002
++++ configure.in Wed Nov 6 02:19:16 2002
+@@ -169,12 +169,12 @@
+ fi
+ if test "X$allegro_cv_support_fomit_frame_pointer" = "Xyes"; then
+- CFLAGS="$TARGET_ARCH -O2 -funroll-loops -ffast-math -fomit-frame-pointer $WFLAGS"
++ CFLAGS="$TARGET_ARCH $CFLAGS -funroll-loops -ffast-math -fomit-frame-pointer $WFLAGS"
+ else
+- CFLAGS="$TARGET_ARCH -O2 -funroll-loops -ffast-math $WFLAGS"
++ CFLAGS="$TARGET_ARCH $CFLAGS -funroll-loops -ffast-math $WFLAGS"
+ fi
+- ALLEGRO_PROFILE_CFLAGS="-pg $TARGET_ARCH -O2 -funroll-loops -ffast-math $WFLAGS"
++ ALLEGRO_PROFILE_CFLAGS="-pg $TARGET_ARCH $CFLAGS -funroll-loops -ffast-math $WFLAGS"
+ if test "$allegro_cv_support_asm" != i386; then
+@@ -226,8 +226,8 @@
+ allegro_static_libraries=yes
+ else
+- LIBALLEG="lib/unix/lib${LIB_TO_LINK}-\$(shared_version).so lib/unix/lib${LIB_TO_LINK}_unsharable.a"
+- LINK_LIBALLEG="-Llib/unix -l${LIB_TO_LINK}-\$(shared_version) -l${LIB_TO_LINK}_unsharable -lm"
++ LIBALLEG="lib/unix/lib${LIB_TO_LINK}.so.\$(shared_version) lib/unix/lib${LIB_TO_LINK}_unsharable.a"
++ LINK_LIBALLEG="-Llib/unix -l${LIB_TO_LINK} -l${LIB_TO_LINK}_unsharable -lm"
+ allegro_shared_libraries=yes
+ fi
+@@ -254,13 +254,13 @@
+ fi
+ if test "X$allegro_shared_libraries" = "Xyes"; then
+ if test "X$allegro_build_normal_library" = "Xyes"; then
+- ALLEGRO_LIB_TARGETS="$ALLEGRO_LIB_TARGETS lib/unix/liballeg-\$(shared_version).so lib/unix/liballeg_unsharable.a"
++ ALLEGRO_LIB_TARGETS="$ALLEGRO_LIB_TARGETS lib/unix/liballeg.so.\$(shared_version) lib/unix/liballeg_unsharable.a"
+ fi
+ if test "X$allegro_build_debugging_library" = "Xyes"; then
+- ALLEGRO_LIB_TARGETS="$ALLEGRO_LIB_TARGETS lib/unix/liballd-\$(shared_version).so lib/unix/liballd_unsharable.a"
++ ALLEGRO_LIB_TARGETS="$ALLEGRO_LIB_TARGETS lib/unix/liballd.so.\$(shared_version) lib/unix/liballd_unsharable.a"
+ fi
+ if test "X$allegro_build_profiling_library" = "Xyes"; then
+- ALLEGRO_LIB_TARGETS="$ALLEGRO_LIB_TARGETS lib/unix/liballp-\$(shared_version).so lib/unix/liballp_unsharable.a"
++ ALLEGRO_LIB_TARGETS="$ALLEGRO_LIB_TARGETS lib/unix/liballp.so.\$(shared_version) lib/unix/liballp_unsharable.a"
+ fi
+ fi
@@ -504,7 +504,7 @@
${MAKE-make} depend
diff --git a/devel/allegro-devel/files/patch-makefile.in b/devel/allegro-devel/files/patch-makefile.in
index 36e512e4f03c..e4a8c951e1c4 100644
--- a/devel/allegro-devel/files/patch-makefile.in
+++ b/devel/allegro-devel/files/patch-makefile.in
@@ -1,15 +1,45 @@
---- makefile.in.orig Thu Jul 4 04:20:02 2002
-+++ makefile.in Tue Oct 22 00:31:27 2002
-@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
- ACLOCAL = aclocal
+--- makefile.in.orig Thu Jul 4 05:20:02 2002
++++ makefile.in Wed Nov 6 02:02:31 2002
+@@ -28,10 +28,10 @@
+ LIBDIR = lib/unix
+ INFO_DIR = $(infodir)/dir
+-ACLOCAL = aclocal
++ACLOCAL = true
ACLOCAL_M4 = $(srcdir)/aclocal.m4
- AUTOCONF = autoconf
+-AUTOCONF = autoconf
-AUTOHEADER = autoheader
-+AUTOHEADER = autoheader213
++AUTOCONF = true
-@@ -347,17 +347,17 @@
+@@ -249,6 +249,11 @@
+ all: lib modules programs docs
++ @for l in alleg alld allp; do \
++ if test -f $(LIBDIR)/lib$${l}.so.$(shared_version); then \
++ ln -sf lib$${l}.so.$(shared_version) $(LIBDIR)/lib$${l}.so; \
++ fi; \
++ done
+@@ -332,9 +337,9 @@
+ fi; \
+ done
+ @for l in alleg alld allp; do \
+- if test -f $(LIBDIR)/lib$${l}-$(shared_version).so; then \
+- echo Installing $(LIBDIR)/lib$${l}-$(shared_version).so to $(libdir); \
+- $(INSTALL_DATA) $(LIBDIR)/lib$${l}-$(shared_version).so $(libdir)/; \
++ if test -f $(LIBDIR)/lib$${l}.so.$(shared_version); then \
++ echo Installing $(LIBDIR)/lib$${l}.so.$(shared_version) to $(libdir); \
++ $(INSTALL_DATA) $(LIBDIR)/lib$${l}.so.$(shared_version) $(libdir)/; \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $(LIBDIR)/lib$${l}_unsharable.a $(libdir)/; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+@@ -347,20 +352,20 @@
$(mkinstalldirs) $(bindir)
@echo Installing allegro-config to $(bindir)
@@ -36,14 +66,10 @@
+# ) ; \
+# fi
@for l in alleg alld allp; do \
- if test -f $(libdir)/lib$${l}-$(shared_version).so -a \! -L $(libdir)/lib$${l}.so.${shared_major_minor}; then \
- (cd $(libdir); ln -s lib$${l}-$(shared_version).so lib$${l}.so.${shared_major_minor}); \
-@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@
- if test "X`echo $$prog | sed -e s,tools/.\*,,`" = X; then \
- echo Installing $$prog to $(bindir); \
-- $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) $$prog $(bindir); \
-+ $(INSTALL) $$prog $(bindir); \
+- if test -f $(libdir)/lib$${l}-$(shared_version).so -a \! -L $(libdir)/lib$${l}.so.${shared_major_minor}; then \
+- (cd $(libdir); ln -s lib$${l}-$(shared_version).so lib$${l}.so.${shared_major_minor}); \
++ if test -f $(libdir)/lib$${l}.so.$(shared_version) -a \! -L $(libdir)/lib$${l}.so; then \
++ (cd $(libdir); ln -s lib$${l}.so.$(shared_version) lib$${l}.so); \
fi; \
diff --git a/devel/allegro-devel/files/patch-misc::deplib.sh b/devel/allegro-devel/files/patch-misc::deplib.sh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..499f6d447aa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/allegro-devel/files/patch-misc::deplib.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+--- misc/deplib.sh.orig Thu Jul 4 05:18:01 2002
++++ misc/deplib.sh Tue Nov 5 22:56:54 2002
+@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
+ staticlib="lib${1}.a"
+ staticobj="\$(${2}_OBJECTS)"
+- sharelib="lib${1}-\$(shared_version).so"
++ sharelib="lib${1}.so.\$(shared_version)"
+ shareobj="\$(${2}_SHARED_OBJECTS)"
+ unsharelib="lib${1}_unsharable.a"
+@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
+ echo " rm -f \$@"
+ # gf: This bit is obviously gcc-specific
+ # eb: Yes, but the GNU C Compiler doesn't always spell 'gcc'
+- echo " \$(CC) -shared -o \$@ ${shareobj} \$(LDFLAGS) -Wl,-soname,lib${1}.so.\$(shared_major_minor) \$(LIBS)"
++ echo " \$(CC) -shared -o \$@ ${shareobj} \$(LDFLAGS) -Wl,-soname,lib${1}.so.\$(shared_version) \$(LIBS)"
+ echo ""
+ echo "\$(LIBDIR)/${unsharelib}: ${unshareobj}"
+ echo " rm -f \$@"
diff --git a/devel/allegro-devel/pkg-comment b/devel/allegro-devel/pkg-comment
deleted file mode 100644
index 726f59638bc8..000000000000
--- a/devel/allegro-devel/pkg-comment
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-A cross-platform library intended for games and multimedia programming
diff --git a/devel/allegro-devel/pkg-plist b/devel/allegro-devel/pkg-plist
index 4b0ac6a384c9..3bc4dd04cbee 100644
--- a/devel/allegro-devel/pkg-plist
+++ b/devel/allegro-devel/pkg-plist
@@ -88,9 +88,15 @@ include/allegro/timer.h
+@unexec install-info --delete %D/info/allegro.info %D/info/dir
+@exec install-info --delete %D/info/allegro.info %D/info/dir
@@ -142,8 +148,9 @@ lib/liballeg.so.4
%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm share/doc/allegro
+@dirrm lib/allegro/4.0
+@dirrm lib/allegro
@dirrm include/allegro/platform
@dirrm include/allegro/internal
@dirrm include/allegro/inline
diff --git a/devel/allegro/Makefile b/devel/allegro/Makefile
index 75e109d8b1f1..fbe7c7280ccc 100644
--- a/devel/allegro/Makefile
+++ b/devel/allegro/Makefile
@@ -7,49 +7,57 @@
PORTNAME= allegro
+PORTCOMMENT= A cross-platform library for games and multimedia programming
MAINTAINER= ports@FreeBSD.org
+USE_XLIB= yes
+CONFIGURE_ARGS= --enable-vga=no
MAKEFILE= makefile
-.if !defined (WITHOUT_DEVEL)
-INSTALL_TARGET= full-install
+.include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
+.if ${HAVE_GNOME:Mesound}!=""
+USE_GNOME+= esound
-INSTALL_TARGET= mini-install
-PLIST_SUB+= FULL="@comment "
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-esddigi=no
+PLIST_SUB+= ESOUND="@comment "
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-vga=no
-.if !defined (WITHOUT_MAN)
-INSTALL_TARGET+= install-man
+.if defined(WITHOUT_DEVEL)
+INSTALL_TARGET= mini-install install-man install-info
+PLIST_SUB+= FULL="@comment "
+INSTALL_TARGET= full-install install-man install-info
- cd ${WRKSRC} && ${GMAKE} depend
+ @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e \
+ 's|${PORTVERSION}|${SHLIB_VER}|g' ${WRKSRC}/makefile.ver
.if !defined(NOPORTDOCS)
- ${CP} ${WRKSRC}/docs/html/* ${DOCSDIR}
- @${RM} -f ${LOCALBASE}/lib/liballeg.so.4.0
- @${MV} ${LOCALBASE}/lib/liballeg-${PORTVERSION}.so \
- ${LOCALBASE}/lib/liballeg.so.4
- @${LN} -fs ${LOCALBASE}/lib/liballeg.so.4 ${LOCALBASE}/lib/liballeg.so
- @${MV} ${LOCALBASE}/lib/liballeg_unsharable.a \
- ${LOCALBASE}/lib/liballeg.a
-.if !defined (WITHOUT_MAN)
- @(cd ${WRKSRC}/docs/man ; ${FIND} *.3 | ${SED} "s|^|man/man3/|" \
- >> ${TMPPLIST})
+ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/docs/html/*.html ${DOCSDIR}
-.include <bsd.port.mk>
+.include "Makefile.man"
+.include <bsd.port.post.mk>
diff --git a/devel/allegro/Makefile.man b/devel/allegro/Makefile.man
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4989daac5985
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/allegro/Makefile.man
@@ -0,0 +1,703 @@
+MAN3= \
+ ASSERT.3 \
+ MASK_COLOR_15.3 \
+ MASK_COLOR_16.3 \
+ MASK_COLOR_24.3 \
+ MASK_COLOR_32.3 \
+ MASK_COLOR_8.3 \
+ TRACE.3 \
+ _getpixel.3 \
+ _getpixel15.3 \
+ _getpixel16.3 \
+ _getpixel24.3 \
+ _getpixel32.3 \
+ _putpixel.3 \
+ _putpixel15.3 \
+ _putpixel16.3 \
+ _putpixel24.3 \
+ _putpixel32.3 \
+ _set_color.3 \
+ _ustrdup.3 \
+ acquire_bitmap.3 \
+ acquire_screen.3 \
+ active_dialog.3 \
+ active_menu.3 \
+ adjust_sample.3 \
+ al_assert.3 \
+ al_findclose.3 \
+ al_findfirst.3 \
+ al_findnext.3 \
+ al_trace.3 \
+ alert.3 \
+ alert3.3 \
+ allegro_404_char.3 \
+ allegro_error.3 \
+ allegro_exit.3 \
+ allegro_id.3 \
+ allegro_init.3 \
+ allegro_message.3 \
+ allocate_voice.3 \
+ append_filename.3 \
+ apply_matrix.3 \
+ apply_matrix_f.3 \
+ apply_quat.3 \
+ arc.3 \
+ bestfit_color.3 \
+ bitmap_color_depth.3 \
+ bitmap_mask_color.3 \
+ black_palette.3 \
+ blit.3 \
+ bmp_read_line.3 \
+ bmp_unwrite_line.3 \
+ bmp_write_line.3 \
+ broadcast_dialog_message.3 \
+ calc_spline.3 \
+ calibrate_joystick.3 \
+ calibrate_joystick_name.3 \
+ centre_dialog.3 \
+ check_cpu.3 \
+ circle.3 \
+ circlefill.3 \
+ clear.3 \
+ clear_bitmap.3 \
+ clear_keybuf.3 \
+ clear_scene.3 \
+ clear_to_color.3 \
+ clear_zbuffer.3 \
+ clip3d.3 \
+ clip3d_f.3 \
+ close_fli.3 \
+ color_map.3 \
+ config_is_hooked.3 \
+ cpu_capabilities.3 \
+ cpu_family.3 \
+ cpu_model.3 \
+ cpu_vendor.3 \
+ create_bitmap.3 \
+ create_bitmap_ex.3 \
+ create_blender_table.3 \
+ create_color_table.3 \
+ create_light_table.3 \
+ create_rgb_table.3 \
+ create_sample.3 \
+ create_scene.3 \
+ create_sub_bitmap.3 \
+ create_sub_zbuffer.3 \
+ create_system_bitmap.3 \
+ create_trans_table.3 \
+ create_video_bitmap.3 \
+ create_zbuffer.3 \
+ cross_product.3 \
+ cross_product_f.3 \
+ d_bitmap_proc.3 \
+ d_box_proc.3 \
+ d_button_proc.3 \
+ d_check_proc.3 \
+ d_clear_proc.3 \
+ d_ctext_proc.3 \
+ d_edit_proc.3 \
+ d_icon_proc.3 \
+ d_keyboard_proc.3 \
+ d_list_proc.3 \
+ d_menu_proc.3 \
+ d_radio_proc.3 \
+ d_rtext_proc.3 \
+ d_shadow_box_proc.3 \
+ d_slider_proc.3 \
+ d_text_list_proc.3 \
+ d_text_proc.3 \
+ d_textbox_proc.3 \
+ d_yield_proc.3 \
+ deallocate_voice.3 \
+ default_palette.3 \
+ delete_file.3 \
+ desktop_color_depth.3 \
+ desktop_palette.3 \
+ destroy_bitmap.3 \
+ destroy_compiled_sprite.3 \
+ destroy_font.3 \
+ destroy_gfx_mode_list.3 \
+ destroy_midi.3 \
+ destroy_rle_sprite.3 \
+ destroy_sample.3 \
+ destroy_scene.3 \
+ destroy_zbuffer.3 \
+ detect_digi_driver.3 \
+ detect_midi_driver.3 \
+ dialog_message.3 \
+ digi_recorder.3 \
+ do_arc.3 \
+ do_circle.3 \
+ do_dialog.3 \
+ do_ellipse.3 \
+ do_line.3 \
+ do_menu.3 \
+ do_uconvert.3 \
+ dot_product.3 \
+ dot_product_f.3 \
+ draw_character.3 \
+ draw_compiled_sprite.3 \
+ draw_gouraud_sprite.3 \
+ draw_lit_rle_sprite.3 \
+ draw_lit_sprite.3 \
+ draw_rle_sprite.3 \
+ draw_sprite.3 \
+ draw_sprite_h_flip.3 \
+ draw_sprite_v_flip.3 \
+ draw_sprite_vh_flip.3 \
+ draw_trans_rle_sprite.3 \
+ draw_trans_sprite.3 \
+ drawing_mode.3 \
+ ellipse.3 \
+ ellipsefill.3 \
+ empty_string.3 \
+ enable_triple_buffer.3 \
+ exists.3 \
+ fade_from.3 \
+ fade_from_range.3 \
+ fade_in.3 \
+ fade_in_range.3 \
+ fade_interpolate.3 \
+ fade_out.3 \
+ fade_out_range.3 \
+ file_exists.3 \
+ file_select.3 \
+ file_select_ex.3 \
+ file_size.3 \
+ file_time.3 \
+ find_allegro_resource.3 \
+ find_datafile_object.3 \
+ find_dialog_focus.3 \
+ fix_filename_case.3 \
+ fix_filename_path.3 \
+ fix_filename_slashes.3 \
+ fixacos.3 \
+ fixadd.3 \
+ fixasin.3 \
+ fixatan.3 \
+ fixatan2.3 \
+ fixceil.3 \
+ fixcos.3 \
+ fixdiv.3 \
+ fixfloor.3 \
+ fixhypot.3 \
+ fixmul.3 \
+ fixsin.3 \
+ fixsqrt.3 \
+ fixsub.3 \
+ fixtan.3 \
+ fixtof.3 \
+ fixtoi.3 \
+ fixup_datafile.3 \
+ fli_bitmap.3 \
+ fli_bmp_dirty_from.3 \
+ fli_bmp_dirty_to.3 \
+ fli_frame.3 \
+ fli_pal_dirty_from.3 \
+ fli_pal_dirty_to.3 \
+ fli_palette.3 \
+ fli_timer.3 \
+ floodfill.3 \
+ flush_config_file.3 \
+ font.3 \
+ for_each_file.3 \
+ free_audio_stream_buffer.3 \
+ freeze_mouse_flag.3 \
+ ftofix.3 \
+ generate_332_palette.3 \
+ generate_optimized_palette.3 \
+ get_align_matrix.3 \
+ get_align_matrix_f.3 \
+ get_audio_stream_buffer.3 \
+ get_camera_matrix.3 \
+ get_camera_matrix_f.3 \
+ get_color.3 \
+ get_compiled_sprite.3 \
+ get_config_argv.3 \
+ get_config_float.3 \
+ get_config_hex.3 \
+ get_config_id.3 \
+ get_config_int.3 \
+ get_config_string.3 \
+ get_config_text.3 \
+ get_datafile_property.3 \
+ get_desktop_resolution.3 \
+ get_display_switch_mode.3 \
+ get_executable_name.3 \
+ get_extension.3 \
+ get_filename.3 \
+ get_gfx_mode_list.3 \
+ get_mouse_mickeys.3 \
+ get_palette.3 \
+ get_palette_range.3 \
+ get_refresh_rate.3 \
+ get_rle_sprite.3 \
+ get_rotation_matrix.3 \
+ get_rotation_matrix_f.3 \
+ get_rotation_quat.3 \
+ get_scaling_matrix.3 \
+ get_scaling_matrix_f.3 \
+ get_sound_input_cap_bits.3 \
+ get_sound_input_cap_parm.3 \
+ get_sound_input_cap_rate.3 \
+ get_sound_input_cap_stereo.3 \
+ get_transformation_matrix.3 \
+ get_transformation_matrix_f.3 \
+ get_translation_matrix.3 \
+ get_translation_matrix_f.3 \
+ get_uformat.3 \
+ get_vector_rotation_matrix.3 \
+ get_vector_rotation_matrix_f.3 \
+ get_vector_rotation_quat.3 \
+ get_x_rotate_matrix.3 \
+ get_x_rotate_matrix_f.3 \
+ get_x_rotate_quat.3 \
+ get_y_rotate_matrix.3 \
+ get_y_rotate_matrix_f.3 \
+ get_y_rotate_quat.3 \
+ get_z_rotate_matrix.3 \
+ get_z_rotate_matrix_f.3 \
+ get_z_rotate_quat.3 \
+ geta.3 \
+ geta32.3 \
+ geta_depth.3 \
+ getb.3 \
+ getb15.3 \
+ getb16.3 \
+ getb24.3 \
+ getb32.3 \
+ getb8.3 \
+ getb_depth.3 \
+ getg.3 \
+ getg15.3 \
+ getg16.3 \
+ getg24.3 \
+ getg32.3 \
+ getg8.3 \
+ getg_depth.3 \
+ getpixel.3 \
+ getr.3 \
+ getr15.3 \
+ getr16.3 \
+ getr24.3 \
+ getr32.3 \
+ getr8.3 \
+ getr_depth.3 \
+ gfx_capabilities.3 \
+ gfx_mode_select.3 \
+ gfx_mode_select_ex.3 \
+ gui_bg_color.3 \
+ gui_button_proc.3 \
+ gui_ctext_proc.3 \
+ gui_edit_proc.3 \
+ gui_fg_color.3 \
+ gui_font_baseline.3 \
+ gui_list_proc.3 \
+ gui_menu_draw_menu.3 \
+ gui_menu_draw_menu_item.3 \
+ gui_mg_color.3 \
+ gui_mouse_b.3 \
+ gui_mouse_focus.3 \
+ gui_mouse_x.3 \
+ gui_mouse_y.3 \
+ gui_mouse_z.3 \
+ gui_shadow_box_proc.3 \
+ gui_strlen.3 \
+ gui_text_list_proc.3 \
+ gui_textout.3 \
+ hline.3 \
+ hook_config_section.3 \
+ hsv_to_rgb.3 \
+ identity_matrix.3 \
+ identity_matrix_f.3 \
+ identity_quat.3 \
+ init_dialog.3 \
+ initialise_joystick.3 \
+ install_allegro.3 \
+ install_int.3 \
+ install_int_ex.3 \
+ install_joystick.3 \
+ install_keyboard.3 \
+ install_keyboard_hooks.3 \
+ install_mouse.3 \
+ install_param_int.3 \
+ install_param_int_ex.3 \
+ install_sound.3 \
+ install_sound_input.3 \
+ install_timer.3 \
+ is_linear_bitmap.3 \
+ is_memory_bitmap.3 \
+ is_planar_bitmap.3 \
+ is_same_bitmap.3 \
+ is_screen_bitmap.3 \
+ is_sub_bitmap.3 \
+ is_system_bitmap.3 \
+ is_video_bitmap.3 \
+ itofix.3 \
+ joy.3 \
+ key.3 \
+ key_led_flag.3 \
+ key_shifts.3 \
+ keyboard_callback.3 \
+ keyboard_lowlevel_callback.3 \
+ keyboard_needs_poll.3 \
+ keyboard_ucallback.3 \
+ keypressed.3 \
+ line.3 \
+ load_bitmap.3 \
+ load_bmp.3 \
+ load_datafile.3 \
+ load_datafile_callback.3 \
+ load_datafile_object.3 \
+ load_ibk.3 \
+ load_joystick_data.3 \
+ load_lbm.3 \
+ load_midi.3 \
+ load_midi_patches.3 \
+ load_pcx.3 \
+ load_sample.3 \
+ load_tga.3 \
+ load_voc.3 \
+ load_wav.3 \
+ lock_bitmap.3 \
+ lock_midi.3 \
+ lock_sample.3 \
+ makeacol.3 \
+ makeacol32.3 \
+ makeacol_depth.3 \
+ makecol.3 \
+ makecol15.3 \
+ makecol15_dither.3 \
+ makecol16.3 \
+ makecol16_dither.3 \
+ makecol24.3 \
+ makecol32.3 \
+ makecol8.3 \
+ makecol_depth.3 \
+ masked_blit.3 \
+ masked_stretch_blit.3 \
+ matrix_mul.3 \
+ matrix_mul_f.3 \
+ matrix_to_quat.3 \
+ midi_loop_end.3 \
+ midi_loop_start.3 \
+ midi_meta_callback.3 \
+ midi_msg_callback.3 \
+ midi_out.3 \
+ midi_pause.3 \
+ midi_pos.3 \
+ midi_recorder.3 \
+ midi_resume.3 \
+ midi_seek.3 \
+ midi_sysex_callback.3 \
+ mouse_b.3 \
+ mouse_callback.3 \
+ mouse_needs_poll.3 \
+ mouse_pos.3 \
+ mouse_sprite.3 \
+ mouse_x.3 \
+ mouse_x_focus.3 \
+ mouse_y.3 \
+ mouse_y_focus.3 \
+ mouse_z.3 \
+ need_uconvert.3 \
+ next_fli_frame.3 \
+ normalize_vector.3 \
+ normalize_vector_f.3 \
+ num_joysticks.3 \
+ object_message.3 \
+ offer_focus.3 \
+ open_fli.3 \
+ open_memory_fli.3 \
+ os_multitasking.3 \
+ os_revision.3 \
+ os_type.3 \
+ os_version.3 \
+ override_config_data.3 \
+ override_config_file.3 \
+ pack_fclose.3 \
+ pack_fclose_chunk.3 \
+ pack_feof.3 \
+ pack_ferror.3 \
+ pack_fgets.3 \
+ pack_fopen.3 \
+ pack_fopen_chunk.3 \
+ pack_fputs.3 \
+ pack_fread.3 \
+ pack_fseek.3 \
+ pack_fwrite.3 \
+ pack_getc.3 \
+ pack_igetl.3 \
+ pack_igetw.3 \
+ pack_iputl.3 \
+ pack_iputw.3 \
+ pack_mgetl.3 \
+ pack_mgetw.3 \
+ pack_mputl.3 \
+ pack_mputw.3 \
+ pack_putc.3 \
+ packfile_password.3 \
+ palette_color.3 \
+ persp_project.3 \
+ persp_project_f.3 \
+ pivot_scaled_sprite.3 \
+ pivot_scaled_sprite_v_flip.3 \
+ pivot_sprite.3 \
+ pivot_sprite_v_flip.3 \
+ play_audio_stream.3 \
+ play_fli.3 \
+ play_looped_midi.3 \
+ play_memory_fli.3 \
+ play_midi.3 \
+ play_sample.3 \
+ poll_joystick.3 \
+ poll_keyboard.3 \
+ poll_mouse.3 \
+ poll_scroll.3 \
+ polygon.3 \
+ polygon3d.3 \
+ polygon3d_f.3 \
+ polygon_z_normal.3 \
+ polygon_z_normal_f.3 \
+ pop_config_state.3 \
+ popup_dialog.3 \
+ position_dialog.3 \
+ position_mouse.3 \
+ position_mouse_z.3 \
+ push_config_state.3 \
+ put_backslash.3 \
+ putpixel.3 \
+ qnx_get_window.3 \
+ qscale_matrix.3 \
+ qscale_matrix_f.3 \
+ qtranslate_matrix.3 \
+ qtranslate_matrix_f.3 \
+ quad3d.3 \
+ quad3d_f.3 \
+ quat_interpolate.3 \
+ quat_mul.3 \
+ quat_slerp.3 \
+ quat_to_matrix.3 \
+ read_sound_input.3 \
+ readkey.3 \
+ reallocate_voice.3 \
+ rect.3 \
+ rectfill.3 \
+ register_assert_handler.3 \
+ register_bitmap_file_type.3 \
+ register_datafile_object.3 \
+ register_trace_handler.3 \
+ register_uformat.3 \
+ release_bitmap.3 \
+ release_screen.3 \
+ release_voice.3 \
+ reload_config_texts.3 \
+ remove_display_switch_callback.3 \
+ remove_int.3 \
+ remove_joystick.3 \
+ remove_keyboard.3 \
+ remove_mouse.3 \
+ remove_param_int.3 \
+ remove_sound.3 \
+ remove_sound_input.3 \
+ remove_timer.3 \
+ render_scene.3 \
+ replace_extension.3 \
+ replace_filename.3 \
+ request_refresh_rate.3 \
+ request_scroll.3 \
+ request_video_bitmap.3 \
+ reserve_voices.3 \
+ reset_fli_variables.3 \
+ rest.3 \
+ rest_callback.3 \
+ retrace_count.3 \
+ retrace_proc.3 \
+ rgb_map.3 \
+ rgb_to_hsv.3 \
+ rotate_scaled_sprite.3 \
+ rotate_scaled_sprite_v_flip.3 \
+ rotate_sprite.3 \
+ rotate_sprite_v_flip.3 \
+ save_bitmap.3 \
+ save_bmp.3 \
+ save_joystick_data.3 \
+ save_pcx.3 \
+ save_tga.3 \
+ scancode_to_ascii.3 \
+ scare_mouse.3 \
+ scare_mouse_area.3 \
+ scene_gap.3 \
+ scene_polygon3d.3 \
+ scene_polygon3d_f.3 \
+ screen.3 \
+ scroll_screen.3 \
+ select_palette.3 \
+ set_add_blender.3 \
+ set_alpha_blender.3 \
+ set_blender_mode.3 \
+ set_blender_mode_ex.3 \
+ set_burn_blender.3 \
+ set_clip.3 \
+ set_color.3 \
+ set_color_blender.3 \
+ set_color_conversion.3 \
+ set_color_depth.3 \
+ set_config_data.3 \
+ set_config_file.3 \
+ set_config_float.3 \
+ set_config_hex.3 \
+ set_config_id.3 \
+ set_config_int.3 \
+ set_config_string.3 \
+ set_dialog_color.3 \
+ set_difference_blender.3 \
+ set_display_switch_callback.3 \
+ set_display_switch_mode.3 \
+ set_dissolve_blender.3 \
+ set_dodge_blender.3 \
+ set_gfx_mode.3 \
+ set_hue_blender.3 \
+ set_invert_blender.3 \
+ set_keyboard_rate.3 \
+ set_leds.3 \
+ set_luminance_blender.3 \
+ set_mouse_range.3 \
+ set_mouse_speed.3 \
+ set_mouse_sprite.3 \
+ set_mouse_sprite_focus.3 \
+ set_multiply_blender.3 \
+ set_palette.3 \
+ set_palette_range.3 \
+ set_projection_viewport.3 \
+ set_saturation_blender.3 \
+ set_screen_blender.3 \
+ set_sound_input_source.3 \
+ set_trans_blender.3 \
+ set_ucodepage.3 \
+ set_uformat.3 \
+ set_volume.3 \
+ set_volume_per_voice.3 \
+ set_window_close_button.3 \
+ set_window_close_hook.3 \
+ set_window_title.3 \
+ set_write_alpha_blender.3 \
+ set_zbuffer.3 \
+ show_mouse.3 \
+ show_video_bitmap.3 \
+ shutdown_dialog.3 \
+ simulate_keypress.3 \
+ simulate_ukeypress.3 \
+ solid_mode.3 \
+ spline.3 \
+ start_sound_input.3 \
+ stop_audio_stream.3 \
+ stop_midi.3 \
+ stop_sample.3 \
+ stop_sound_input.3 \
+ stretch_blit.3 \
+ stretch_sprite.3 \
+ text_height.3 \
+ text_length.3 \
+ text_mode.3 \
+ textout.3 \
+ textout_centre.3 \
+ textout_justify.3 \
+ textout_right.3 \
+ textprintf.3 \
+ textprintf_centre.3 \
+ textprintf_justify.3 \
+ textprintf_right.3 \
+ three_finger_flag.3 \
+ timer_can_simulate_retrace.3 \
+ timer_is_using_retrace.3 \
+ timer_simulate_retrace.3 \
+ triangle.3 \
+ triangle3d.3 \
+ triangle3d_f.3 \
+ uatof.3 \
+ uconvert.3 \
+ uconvert_ascii.3 \
+ uconvert_size.3 \
+ uconvert_toascii.3 \
+ ucwidth.3 \
+ ugetat.3 \
+ ugetc.3 \
+ ugetx.3 \
+ ugetxc.3 \
+ uinsert.3 \
+ uisdigit.3 \
+ uisok.3 \
+ uisspace.3 \
+ unload_datafile.3 \
+ unload_datafile_object.3 \
+ unscare_mouse.3 \
+ unselect_palette.3 \
+ uoffset.3 \
+ update_dialog.3 \
+ ureadkey.3 \
+ uremove.3 \
+ usetat.3 \
+ usetc.3 \
+ usprintf.3 \
+ ustrcat.3 \
+ ustrchr.3 \
+ ustrcmp.3 \
+ ustrcpy.3 \
+ ustrdup.3 \
+ ustrerror.3 \
+ ustricmp.3 \
+ ustrlen.3 \
+ ustrlwr.3 \
+ ustrncat.3 \
+ ustrncmp.3 \
+ ustrncpy.3 \
+ ustrpbrk.3 \
+ ustrrchr.3 \
+ ustrsize.3 \
+ ustrsizez.3 \
+ ustrstr.3 \
+ ustrtod.3 \
+ ustrtok.3 \
+ ustrtok_r.3 \
+ ustrtol.3 \
+ ustrupr.3 \
+ ustrzcat.3 \
+ ustrzcpy.3 \
+ ustrzncat.3 \
+ ustrzncpy.3 \
+ uszprintf.3 \
+ utolower.3 \
+ utoupper.3 \
+ uvsprintf.3 \
+ uvszprintf.3 \
+ uwidth.3 \
+ uwidth_max.3 \
+ vector_length.3 \
+ vector_length_f.3 \
+ vline.3 \
+ voice_check.3 \
+ voice_get_frequency.3 \
+ voice_get_pan.3 \
+ voice_get_position.3 \
+ voice_get_volume.3 \
+ voice_ramp_volume.3 \
+ voice_set_echo.3 \
+ voice_set_frequency.3 \
+ voice_set_pan.3 \
+ voice_set_playmode.3 \
+ voice_set_position.3 \
+ voice_set_priority.3 \
+ voice_set_tremolo.3 \
+ voice_set_vibrato.3 \
+ voice_set_volume.3 \
+ voice_start.3 \
+ voice_stop.3 \
+ voice_stop_frequency_sweep.3 \
+ voice_stop_pan_sweep.3 \
+ voice_stop_volumeramp.3 \
+ voice_sweep_frequency.3 \
+ voice_sweep_pan.3 \
+ vsync.3 \
+ xor_mode.3 \
+ yield_timeslice.3
diff --git a/devel/allegro/files/patch-aclocal.m4 b/devel/allegro/files/patch-aclocal.m4
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c274f2926df..000000000000
--- a/devel/allegro/files/patch-aclocal.m4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- aclocal.m4.orig Tue Oct 22 00:17:38 2002
-+++ aclocal.m4 Tue Oct 22 00:17:55 2002
-@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
- allegro_support_modules=yes
- dnl Use libdl if found, else assume dl* functions in libc.
- AC_CHECK_LIB(dl, dlopen,
-- [LIBS="-ldl $LIBS"])
-+ [LIBS="$LIBS"])
- LDFLAGS="-Wl,-export-dynamic $LDFLAGS"
- fi])
- fi
diff --git a/devel/allegro/files/patch-configure.in b/devel/allegro/files/patch-configure.in
index 5bfe99de32eb..3504cae06a03 100644
--- a/devel/allegro/files/patch-configure.in
+++ b/devel/allegro/files/patch-configure.in
@@ -1,5 +1,49 @@
---- configure.in.orig Tue Oct 22 00:18:10 2002
-+++ configure.in Tue Oct 22 00:20:03 2002
+--- configure.in.orig Thu Jul 4 05:17:59 2002
++++ configure.in Wed Nov 6 02:19:16 2002
+@@ -169,12 +169,12 @@
+ fi
+ if test "X$allegro_cv_support_fomit_frame_pointer" = "Xyes"; then
+- CFLAGS="$TARGET_ARCH -O2 -funroll-loops -ffast-math -fomit-frame-pointer $WFLAGS"
++ CFLAGS="$TARGET_ARCH $CFLAGS -funroll-loops -ffast-math -fomit-frame-pointer $WFLAGS"
+ else
+- CFLAGS="$TARGET_ARCH -O2 -funroll-loops -ffast-math $WFLAGS"
++ CFLAGS="$TARGET_ARCH $CFLAGS -funroll-loops -ffast-math $WFLAGS"
+ fi
+- ALLEGRO_PROFILE_CFLAGS="-pg $TARGET_ARCH -O2 -funroll-loops -ffast-math $WFLAGS"
++ ALLEGRO_PROFILE_CFLAGS="-pg $TARGET_ARCH $CFLAGS -funroll-loops -ffast-math $WFLAGS"
+ if test "$allegro_cv_support_asm" != i386; then
+@@ -226,8 +226,8 @@
+ allegro_static_libraries=yes
+ else
+- LIBALLEG="lib/unix/lib${LIB_TO_LINK}-\$(shared_version).so lib/unix/lib${LIB_TO_LINK}_unsharable.a"
+- LINK_LIBALLEG="-Llib/unix -l${LIB_TO_LINK}-\$(shared_version) -l${LIB_TO_LINK}_unsharable -lm"
++ LIBALLEG="lib/unix/lib${LIB_TO_LINK}.so.\$(shared_version) lib/unix/lib${LIB_TO_LINK}_unsharable.a"
++ LINK_LIBALLEG="-Llib/unix -l${LIB_TO_LINK} -l${LIB_TO_LINK}_unsharable -lm"
+ allegro_shared_libraries=yes
+ fi
+@@ -254,13 +254,13 @@
+ fi
+ if test "X$allegro_shared_libraries" = "Xyes"; then
+ if test "X$allegro_build_normal_library" = "Xyes"; then
+- ALLEGRO_LIB_TARGETS="$ALLEGRO_LIB_TARGETS lib/unix/liballeg-\$(shared_version).so lib/unix/liballeg_unsharable.a"
++ ALLEGRO_LIB_TARGETS="$ALLEGRO_LIB_TARGETS lib/unix/liballeg.so.\$(shared_version) lib/unix/liballeg_unsharable.a"
+ fi
+ if test "X$allegro_build_debugging_library" = "Xyes"; then
+- ALLEGRO_LIB_TARGETS="$ALLEGRO_LIB_TARGETS lib/unix/liballd-\$(shared_version).so lib/unix/liballd_unsharable.a"
++ ALLEGRO_LIB_TARGETS="$ALLEGRO_LIB_TARGETS lib/unix/liballd.so.\$(shared_version) lib/unix/liballd_unsharable.a"
+ fi
+ if test "X$allegro_build_profiling_library" = "Xyes"; then
+- ALLEGRO_LIB_TARGETS="$ALLEGRO_LIB_TARGETS lib/unix/liballp-\$(shared_version).so lib/unix/liballp_unsharable.a"
++ ALLEGRO_LIB_TARGETS="$ALLEGRO_LIB_TARGETS lib/unix/liballp.so.\$(shared_version) lib/unix/liballp_unsharable.a"
+ fi
+ fi
@@ -504,7 +504,7 @@
${MAKE-make} depend
diff --git a/devel/allegro/files/patch-makefile.in b/devel/allegro/files/patch-makefile.in
index 36e512e4f03c..e4a8c951e1c4 100644
--- a/devel/allegro/files/patch-makefile.in
+++ b/devel/allegro/files/patch-makefile.in
@@ -1,15 +1,45 @@
---- makefile.in.orig Thu Jul 4 04:20:02 2002
-+++ makefile.in Tue Oct 22 00:31:27 2002
-@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
- ACLOCAL = aclocal
+--- makefile.in.orig Thu Jul 4 05:20:02 2002
++++ makefile.in Wed Nov 6 02:02:31 2002
+@@ -28,10 +28,10 @@
+ LIBDIR = lib/unix
+ INFO_DIR = $(infodir)/dir
+-ACLOCAL = aclocal
++ACLOCAL = true
ACLOCAL_M4 = $(srcdir)/aclocal.m4
- AUTOCONF = autoconf
+-AUTOCONF = autoconf
-AUTOHEADER = autoheader
-+AUTOHEADER = autoheader213
++AUTOCONF = true
-@@ -347,17 +347,17 @@
+@@ -249,6 +249,11 @@
+ all: lib modules programs docs
++ @for l in alleg alld allp; do \
++ if test -f $(LIBDIR)/lib$${l}.so.$(shared_version); then \
++ ln -sf lib$${l}.so.$(shared_version) $(LIBDIR)/lib$${l}.so; \
++ fi; \
++ done
+@@ -332,9 +337,9 @@
+ fi; \
+ done
+ @for l in alleg alld allp; do \
+- if test -f $(LIBDIR)/lib$${l}-$(shared_version).so; then \
+- echo Installing $(LIBDIR)/lib$${l}-$(shared_version).so to $(libdir); \
+- $(INSTALL_DATA) $(LIBDIR)/lib$${l}-$(shared_version).so $(libdir)/; \
++ if test -f $(LIBDIR)/lib$${l}.so.$(shared_version); then \
++ echo Installing $(LIBDIR)/lib$${l}.so.$(shared_version) to $(libdir); \
++ $(INSTALL_DATA) $(LIBDIR)/lib$${l}.so.$(shared_version) $(libdir)/; \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $(LIBDIR)/lib$${l}_unsharable.a $(libdir)/; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+@@ -347,20 +352,20 @@
$(mkinstalldirs) $(bindir)
@echo Installing allegro-config to $(bindir)
@@ -36,14 +66,10 @@
+# ) ; \
+# fi
@for l in alleg alld allp; do \
- if test -f $(libdir)/lib$${l}-$(shared_version).so -a \! -L $(libdir)/lib$${l}.so.${shared_major_minor}; then \
- (cd $(libdir); ln -s lib$${l}-$(shared_version).so lib$${l}.so.${shared_major_minor}); \
-@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@
- if test "X`echo $$prog | sed -e s,tools/.\*,,`" = X; then \
- echo Installing $$prog to $(bindir); \
-- $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) $$prog $(bindir); \
-+ $(INSTALL) $$prog $(bindir); \
+- if test -f $(libdir)/lib$${l}-$(shared_version).so -a \! -L $(libdir)/lib$${l}.so.${shared_major_minor}; then \
+- (cd $(libdir); ln -s lib$${l}-$(shared_version).so lib$${l}.so.${shared_major_minor}); \
++ if test -f $(libdir)/lib$${l}.so.$(shared_version) -a \! -L $(libdir)/lib$${l}.so; then \
++ (cd $(libdir); ln -s lib$${l}.so.$(shared_version) lib$${l}.so); \
fi; \
diff --git a/devel/allegro/files/patch-misc::deplib.sh b/devel/allegro/files/patch-misc::deplib.sh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..499f6d447aa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/allegro/files/patch-misc::deplib.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+--- misc/deplib.sh.orig Thu Jul 4 05:18:01 2002
++++ misc/deplib.sh Tue Nov 5 22:56:54 2002
+@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
+ staticlib="lib${1}.a"
+ staticobj="\$(${2}_OBJECTS)"
+- sharelib="lib${1}-\$(shared_version).so"
++ sharelib="lib${1}.so.\$(shared_version)"
+ shareobj="\$(${2}_SHARED_OBJECTS)"
+ unsharelib="lib${1}_unsharable.a"
+@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
+ echo " rm -f \$@"
+ # gf: This bit is obviously gcc-specific
+ # eb: Yes, but the GNU C Compiler doesn't always spell 'gcc'
+- echo " \$(CC) -shared -o \$@ ${shareobj} \$(LDFLAGS) -Wl,-soname,lib${1}.so.\$(shared_major_minor) \$(LIBS)"
++ echo " \$(CC) -shared -o \$@ ${shareobj} \$(LDFLAGS) -Wl,-soname,lib${1}.so.\$(shared_version) \$(LIBS)"
+ echo ""
+ echo "\$(LIBDIR)/${unsharelib}: ${unshareobj}"
+ echo " rm -f \$@"
diff --git a/devel/allegro/pkg-comment b/devel/allegro/pkg-comment
deleted file mode 100644
index 726f59638bc8..000000000000
--- a/devel/allegro/pkg-comment
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-A cross-platform library intended for games and multimedia programming
diff --git a/devel/allegro/pkg-plist b/devel/allegro/pkg-plist
index 4b0ac6a384c9..3bc4dd04cbee 100644
--- a/devel/allegro/pkg-plist
+++ b/devel/allegro/pkg-plist
@@ -88,9 +88,15 @@ include/allegro/timer.h
+@unexec install-info --delete %D/info/allegro.info %D/info/dir
+@exec install-info --delete %D/info/allegro.info %D/info/dir
@@ -142,8 +148,9 @@ lib/liballeg.so.4
%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm share/doc/allegro
+@dirrm lib/allegro/4.0
+@dirrm lib/allegro
@dirrm include/allegro/platform
@dirrm include/allegro/internal
@dirrm include/allegro/inline