path: root/editors/openoffice.org-2.0/files
diff options
authorMaho Nakata <maho@FreeBSD.org>2005-07-02 11:26:09 +0000
committerMaho Nakata <maho@FreeBSD.org>2005-07-02 11:26:09 +0000
commit752e9809ccc5a324d6802e2de601e9a7e9e544f5 (patch)
treeac98335e393963a214b03bad60c488b279a74bac /editors/openoffice.org-2.0/files
parent304e31afd7891381d4415066a2c5c6896fbda4f2 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'editors/openoffice.org-2.0/files')
2 files changed, 85 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/editors/openoffice.org-2.0/files/Makefile.others b/editors/openoffice.org-2.0/files/Makefile.others
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..dc10ab9d5f15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editors/openoffice.org-2.0/files/Makefile.others
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# Makefile for other stuffs
+# Whom: Maho Nakata <maho@FreeBSD.org>
+# $FreeBSD$
+#other stuffs which are not directly related to making ports
+#package-rename: rename package for uploading
+#package-canonical: making official packages (WIP)
+#ure: URE (Uno Runtime Environment) packages (WIP)
+#solver: solver
+#languagepack: language pack
+ @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Rename package for OpenOffice.org mirror upload";
+ @${MV} ${PKGFILE} \
+ @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Canonical packaging for OpenOffice.org";
+ @cd ${WRKSRC}/instsetoo_native/unxfbsd.pro/OpenOffice/install/${LOCALIZED_LANG}/freebsd-*/ ;\
+ ${TAR} cfj ${WRKDIR}/../${PACKAGE_BASENAME}_native_install_${LOCALIZED_LANG}${PKG_SUFX} .
+ @${CP} ${WRKSRC}/instsetoo_native/unxfbsd.pro/OpenOffice_languagepack/install/${LOCALIZED_LANG}/freebsd-*/openofficeorg-*.tgz .
+ @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Make SDK of OpenOffice.org"
+ @cd ${WRKSRC} ; ${TCSH} -c 'source FreeBSDEnv.Set ; cd sdk_oo ; build.pl ; deliver.pl'
+ @${MV} ${WRKSRC}/solver/${CODELINE}/unxfbsd.pro/bin/OpenOffice.org2.0_SDK.tar.gz ${WRKDIR}/../${PACKAGE_BASENAME}_sdk.tar.gz
+ @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Make Uno Runtime Environment of OpenOffice.org"
+ @${RM} -fr ${WRKDIR}/ure_tmp
+ @${MKDIR} ${WRKDIR}/ure_tmp
+ @cd ${WRKDIR}/ure_tmp ; \
+ ${TAR} xf ${WRKSRC}/instsetoo_native/unxfbsd.pro/OpenOffice_ure/install/${LOCALIZED_LANG}/freebsd-*/openofficeorg-*.tgz
+ @cd ${WRKDIR}/ure_tmp/opt/openoffice* ; \
+ ${MV} * ../${INSTALLATION_BASEDIR} ; cd .. ; \
+ @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Make Solver of OpenOffice.org"
+ @cd ${WRKSRC} ; ${TAR} cfj ${WRKDIR}/../${PACKAGE_BASENAME}_solver.tar.bz2 solver
+ @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Make languagepack of OpenOffice.org"
+.if defined (ALL_LOCALIZED_LANGS)
+ @cd ${WRKSRC} ; ${SETENV} "DEFAULT_TO_ENGLISH_FOR_PACKING=yes" ${TCSH} -c 'source FreeBSDEnv.Set ; cd instsetoo_native/util ; dmake ooolanguagepack'
+ @cd ${WRKSRC} ; ${SETENV} "DEFAULT_TO_ENGLISH_FOR_PACKING=yes" ${TCSH} -c 'source FreeBSDEnv.Set ; cd instsetoo_native/util ; dmake ooolanguagepack_${LOCALIZED_LANG}'
+.if !defined (ALL_LOCALIZED_LANGS)
+ @${RM} -fr ${WRKDIR}/langpack_tmp
+ @${MKDIR} ${WRKDIR}/langpack_tmp
+.if defined (LOCALIZED_LANG)
+ @cd ${WRKDIR}/langpack_tmp ; \
+ ${TAR} xf ${WRKSRC}/instsetoo_native/unxfbsd.pro/OpenOffice_languagepack/install/${LOCALIZED_LANG}/freebsd-*/openofficeorg-*.tgz
+ @cd ${WRKDIR}/langpack_tmp/opt/openoffice* ; \
+ ${MV} * ../${INSTALLATION_BASEDIR} ; cd .. ; \
diff --git a/editors/openoffice.org-2.0/files/patch-instsetoo b/editors/openoffice.org-2.0/files/patch-instsetoo
index e0c3eb10a59a..1aa1622f2517 100644
--- a/editors/openoffice.org-2.0/files/patch-instsetoo
+++ b/editors/openoffice.org-2.0/files/patch-instsetoo
@@ -13,88 +13,88 @@ install core01.
Index: instsetoo_native/inc_openoffice/unix/packagelist.txt
RCS file: /cvs/installation/instsetoo_native/inc_openoffice/unix/packagelist.txt,v
-retrieving revision 1.13
-diff -u -r1.13 packagelist.txt
---- instsetoo_native/inc_openoffice/unix/packagelist.txt 20 Apr 2005 11:38:08 -0000 1.13
-+++ instsetoo_native/inc_openoffice/unix/packagelist.txt 3 Jun 2005 22:58:41 -0000
+retrieving revision 1.14
+diff -u -r1.14 packagelist.txt
+--- instsetoo_native/inc_openoffice/unix/packagelist.txt 21 Jun 2005 13:15:49 -0000 1.14
++++ instsetoo_native/inc_openoffice/unix/packagelist.txt 23 Jun 2005 01:11:03 -0000
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
solarispackagename = "openofficeorg-core01"
solarisrequires = "openofficeorg-core02,openofficeorg-core03,openofficeorg-core04,openofficeorg-core05,openofficeorg-core06,openofficeorg-core07,openofficeorg-core08"
packagename = "openofficeorg-core01"
-requires = "openofficeorg-core02,openofficeorg-core03,openofficeorg-core04,openofficeorg-core05,openofficeorg-core06,openofficeorg-core07,openofficeorg-core08"
+requires = "openofficeorg-core02,openofficeorg-core03,openofficeorg-core04,openofficeorg-core05,openofficeorg-core06,openofficeorg-core07,openofficeorg-core08,openofficeorg-core09,openofficeorg-core10"
- copyright = "1999-2004 by OpenOffice.org"
+ copyright = "1999-2005 by OpenOffice.org"
vendor = "OpenOffice.org"
description = "Core module for %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION"
-@@ -226,7 +226,6 @@
+@@ -238,7 +238,6 @@
solarispackagename = "openofficeorg-core02"
solarisrequires = "openofficeorg-core01"
packagename = "openofficeorg-core02"
-requires = "openofficeorg-core01"
- copyright = "1999-2004 by OpenOffice.org"
+ copyright = "1999-2005 by OpenOffice.org"
vendor = "OpenOffice.org"
description = "Office core module for %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION"
-@@ -238,7 +237,6 @@
+@@ -250,7 +249,6 @@
solarispackagename = "openofficeorg-core03"
solarisrequires = "openofficeorg-core01"
packagename = "openofficeorg-core03"
-requires = "openofficeorg-core01"
- copyright = "1999-2004 by OpenOffice.org"
+ copyright = "1999-2005 by OpenOffice.org"
vendor = "OpenOffice.org"
description = "Office core module for %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION"
-@@ -250,7 +248,6 @@
+@@ -262,7 +260,6 @@
solarispackagename = "openofficeorg-core04"
solarisrequires = "openofficeorg-core01"
packagename = "openofficeorg-core04"
-requires = "openofficeorg-core01"
- copyright = "1999-2004 by OpenOffice.org"
+ copyright = "1999-2005 by OpenOffice.org"
vendor = "OpenOffice.org"
description = "Office core module for %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION"
-@@ -262,7 +259,6 @@
+@@ -274,7 +271,6 @@
solarispackagename = "openofficeorg-core05"
solarisrequires = "openofficeorg-core01"
packagename = "openofficeorg-core05"
-requires = "openofficeorg-core01"
- copyright = "1999-2004 by OpenOffice.org"
+ copyright = "1999-2005 by OpenOffice.org"
vendor = "OpenOffice.org"
description = "Office core module for %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION"
-@@ -274,7 +270,6 @@
+@@ -286,7 +282,6 @@
solarispackagename = "openofficeorg-core06"
solarisrequires = "openofficeorg-core01"
packagename = "openofficeorg-core06"
-requires = "openofficeorg-core01"
- copyright = "1999-2004 by OpenOffice.org"
+ copyright = "1999-2005 by OpenOffice.org"
vendor = "OpenOffice.org"
description = "Office core module for %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION"
-@@ -286,7 +281,6 @@
+@@ -298,7 +293,6 @@
solarispackagename = "openofficeorg-core07"
solarisrequires = "openofficeorg-core01"
packagename = "openofficeorg-core07"
-requires = "openofficeorg-core01"
- copyright = "1999-2004 by OpenOffice.org"
+ copyright = "1999-2005 by OpenOffice.org"
vendor = "OpenOffice.org"
description = "Office core module for %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION"
-@@ -298,7 +292,6 @@
+@@ -310,7 +304,6 @@
solarispackagename = "openofficeorg-core08"
solarisrequires = "openofficeorg-core01"
packagename = "openofficeorg-core08"
-requires = "openofficeorg-core01"
- copyright = "1999-2004 by OpenOffice.org"
+ copyright = "1999-2005 by OpenOffice.org"
vendor = "OpenOffice.org"
description = "Office core module for %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION"
-@@ -310,7 +303,6 @@
+@@ -322,7 +315,6 @@
solarispackagename = "openofficeorg-core09"
solarisrequires = "openofficeorg-core01"
packagename = "openofficeorg-core09"
-requires = "openofficeorg-core01"
- copyright = "1999-2004 by OpenOffice.org"
+ copyright = "1999-2005 by OpenOffice.org"
vendor = "OpenOffice.org"
description = "Office core module for %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION"
-@@ -323,7 +315,6 @@
+@@ -335,7 +327,6 @@
solarispackagename = "openofficeorg-core10"
solarisrequires = "openofficeorg-core01"
packagename = "openofficeorg-core10"
-requires = "openofficeorg-core01"
- copyright = "1999-2004 by OpenOffice.org"
+ copyright = "1999-2005 by OpenOffice.org"
vendor = "OpenOffice.org"
description = "Office core module for %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION"