path: root/games/robotfindskitten/files
diff options
authorSteven Kreuzer <skreuzer@FreeBSD.org>2013-02-08 18:49:08 +0000
committerSteven Kreuzer <skreuzer@FreeBSD.org>2013-02-08 18:49:08 +0000
commit8f1a8b5762b9ae41a85d64e3546a833329fb4c28 (patch)
treeb826add450258f594ed25bd70e7d6e08da82bf28 /games/robotfindskitten/files
parent6359497fbeb044a54b36fe96ddea452eec274ec6 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'games/robotfindskitten/files')
3 files changed, 794 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/games/robotfindskitten/files/extrapatch-megahyperdeath b/games/robotfindskitten/files/extrapatch-megahyperdeath
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2d0729863b50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games/robotfindskitten/files/extrapatch-megahyperdeath
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+--- src/robotfindskitten.c.orig 2012-11-27 07:41:21.000000000 +0000
++++ src/robotfindskitten.c 2013-02-07 14:44:42.000000000 +0000
+@@ -119,6 +119,9 @@
+ #define KITTEN 1
+ #define BOGUS 2
++/* Finish him! */
++#define FATALITIES (sizeof fatalities / sizeof (char*))
+ typedef struct {
+ int x;
+ int y;
+@@ -139,6 +142,17 @@
+ char **messages;
+ } game_state;
++static char* fatalities[] =
++ "Kitten jumps out of nowhere, pulls out a switchblade, and stabs you.",
++ "Bruce Willis swears at you, pulls out a Zippo(TM), and lights you on fire.",
++ "Your Robot armor is no match against your opponent's +2 Kitten.",
++ "Terrorists have planted a dirty bomb inside kitten! Run for your life!",
++ "You have come to the end of this Choose Your Own Adventure.",
++ "Mario Balotelli has ripped the still-beating heart out of this zen simulation.",
++ "Your generation has no attention span anymore, so you get bored and leave."
+ /* global state */
+ static game_state state;
+@@ -547,6 +561,8 @@
+ "Robot must touch items to determine if they are kitten or not. The game\n"\
+ "ends when robotfindskitten. Alternatively, you may end the game by hitting\n"
+ "the q key or a good old-fashioned Ctrl-C.\n\n"\
++"This version contains MegaHyperDeath(TM) technology. Every time you find\n"\
++"something that is not kitten, you have a 1 in 10 chance of dying.\n\n"\
+ "See the documentation for more information.\n\n"\
+ "Press any key to start.\n"
+ );
+@@ -710,8 +726,17 @@
+ /* nothing happened */
+ break;
+ case BKITTEN:
+- play_animation ( fromright );
+- finish ( 0 );
++ if ((rand() % 10) == 0) { /*RFK is boring, let's add explosions!*/
++ move ( 0, 0 );
++ addstr ( fatalities[rand() % FATALITIES] );
++ move ( 1, 0 );
++ addstr("You are dead. Sorry it didn't work out. Please insert $0.25 to continue.");
++ refresh();
++ finish ( 0 );
++ } else {
++ play_animation ( fromright );
++ finish ( 0 );
++ }
+ break;
+ case BBOGUS:
+ message ( state.messages[bnum] );
diff --git a/games/robotfindskitten/files/freebsd.nki.in b/games/robotfindskitten/files/freebsd.nki.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..961aad90fc02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games/robotfindskitten/files/freebsd.nki.in
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+It's a red bikeshed
+It's a orange bikeshed
+It's a yellow bikeshed
+It's a green bikeshed
+It's a blue bikeshed
+It's an indigo bikeshed
+It's a violet bikeshed
+It's a purple bikeshed
+It's a black bikeshed
+It's a white bikeshed
+Don't expect fairings
diff --git a/games/robotfindskitten/files/nethack.nki.in b/games/robotfindskitten/files/nethack.nki.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1c0a82064f93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games/robotfindskitten/files/nethack.nki.in
@@ -0,0 +1,722 @@
+A blindfold can be very useful if you're telepathic.
+A candelabrum affixed with seven candles shows the way with a magical light.
+A crystal plate mail will not rust.
+A katana might slice a worm in two.
+A magic vomit pump could be useful for gourmands.
+A nymph knows how to unlock chains.
+A potion of blindness lets you see invisible things.
+A priest can get the gods to listen easily.
+A priestess and a virgin you might be, but that unicorn won't care.
+A ring of conflict is a bad thing if there is a nurse in the room.
+A short sword is not as good as a long sword.
+A succubus will go farther than a nymph.
+Acid blobs should be attacked bare-handed.
+Affairs with nymphs are often very expensive.
+Afraid of nymphs? Wear a ring of adornment.
+Afraid of your valuables being stolen? Carry more junk!
+Always be aware of the phase of the moon!
+Always sweep the floor before engraving important messages.
+Amulets are hard to make. Even for a wand of wishing.
+An elven cloak protects against magic.
+An umber hulk can be a confusing sight.
+Asking about monsters may be very useful.
+Attack long worms from the rear -- that is so much safer!
+Attacking an eel where there is none is usually a fatal mistake!
+Bandaging wounds helps keep up appearances.
+Bashing monsters with a bow is not such a good idea.
+Be careful! The Wizard may plan an ambush!
+Be nice to a nurse: Put away your weapon and take off your clothes.
+Being digested is a painfully slow process.
+Blank scrolls make more interesting reading.
+Blind? Catch a floating eye!
+Booksellers never read scrolls; they might get carried away.
+Concise conquest: Control, confuse, conjure, condemn.
+Conserve energy, turn off the lights.
+Dilithium crystals are rare indeed.
+Dogs are attracted by the smell of tripe.
+Dogs are superstitious; they never step on cursed items.
+Dogs of ghosts aren't angry, just hungry.
+Don't forget! Large dogs are MUCH harder to kill than little dogs.
+Don't mess with shopkeepers, or you'll get the Guild after you.
+Dragons never whip their children; they wouldn't feel it!
+Eat your carrots. They're good for your eyes.
+Eating a freezing sphere is like eating a yeti.
+Eating a killer bee is like eating a scorpion.
+Eating a tengu is like eating a nymph.
+Eating a wraith is a rewarding experience!
+Eating unpaid leprechauns may be advantageous.
+Elbereth has quite a reputation around these parts.
+Elf has extra speed.
+Elf corpses are incompatible with the sandman, and at times the gods as well.
+Elven cloaks cannot rust.
+Even evil players have a guardian angel.
+Ever fought with an enchanted tooth?
+Ever tried reading while confused?
+Ever tried to put a troll into a large box?
+Ever wondered why one would want to dip something in a potion?
+Expensive cameras have penetrating flash lights.
+Extra staircases lead to extra levels.
+Fiery letters might deter monsters.
+For a good time engrave `Elbereth'.
+Gems are too precious to be thrown away carelessly.
+Getting hungry? Stop wearing rings!
+Getting too warm? Take off that Amulet of Yendor and stay away from the exit!
+Gods expect the best from their priesthood.
+Gods look down their noses at demigods.
+Guy Montag keeps his scrolls in a bag.
+Handle your flasks carefully -- there might be a ghost inside!
+Holy water has many uses.
+Hunger is a confusing experience for a dog!
+I once knew a hacker who ate too fast and choked to death.
+I smell a maze of twisty little passages.
+I wish I never wished a wand of wishing. (Wishful thinking.)
+I wouldn't advise playing catch with a giant.
+I'm watching you. -- The Wizard of Yendor
+Ice boxes keep your food fresh.
+If you are being punished, it's done with a deadly weapon.
+If you kill the Wizard, you get promoted to demi-god.
+If you need a wand of digging, kindly ask the minotaur.
+If you want to hit, use a dagger.
+If you want to rob a shop, train your dog.
+If you're lost, try buying a map next time you're in a shop.
+Inside a shop you better take a look at the price tags before buying anything.
+It is bad manners to use a wand in a shop.
+It is dangerous to visit a graveyard at midnight.
+It is not always a good idea to whistle for your dog.
+It is rumored that the Wizard has hired some help.
+It might be a good idea to offer the unicorn a ruby.
+It would be peculiarly sad were your dog turned to stone.
+Keep your armors away from rust.
+Keep your weaponry away from acids.
+Kill a unicorn of your color and you kill your luck.
+Leather is waterproof. Ever see a cow with an umbrella?
+Leprechauns are the most skilled cutpurses in this dungeon.
+Lizard corpses protect against cockatrices.
+Money lost, little lost; honor lost, much lost; pluck lost, all lost.
+Most monsters can't swim.
+Music hath charms to affect the stubborn drawbridge.
+Music hath charms to soothe the savage beast.
+Never attack a guard.
+Never ride a long worm.
+Never use your best weapon to engrave a curse.
+No easy fighting with a heavy load!
+Nurses are trained to touch naked persons: they don't harm them.
+Nymphs can unlink more than your chain mail.
+Once your little dog will be a big dog, and you will be proud of it.
+Opening a tin is difficult, especially when you attempt it bare handed!
+Orcs and killer bees share their lifestyle.
+Orcs do not procreate in dark rooms.
+Plain nymphs are harmless.
+Playing AD&D may be helpful.
+Playing Gauntlet might be enlightening in some situations.
+Playing billiards pays when you are in a shop.
+Polymorphing a shopkeeper might make you safer.
+Polymorphing your dog probably makes you safer.
+Potions don't usually mix, but sometimes...
+Psst! It's done with mirrors!
+Put on a ring of teleportation: it will take you away from onslaught.
+Rays aren't boomerangs, of course, but still...
+Read the manual before entering the cave -- you might get killed otherwise.
+Reading Herbert might be enlightening in one case.
+Reading Tolkien might help you.
+Reading scrolls after drinking booze can give confusing results.
+Rust monsters love water. There are potions they hate, however.
+Sacks protect contents from temperatures up to 452 degrees fahrenheit.
+Scrolls fading? It's not the heat, it's the humidity.
+Shopkeepers accept credit cards, as long as you pay cash.
+Shopkeepers can spot a tourist a mile away with those Hawaiian shirts.
+Shopkeepers can't tell identical twins apart.
+Shopkeepers don't read, so what use is engraving in a shop?
+Shopkeepers have incredible patience.
+Shopkeepers might raise their prices for tourists.
+Shopkeepers value money more than revenge.
+Some monsters can be tamed. I once saw a hacker with a tame dragon!
+Someone once said that what goes up < might come down >.
+Someone's been spiking the pits!
+Sometimes monsters are more likely to fight each other than attack you.
+Spinach, carrot, and a melon -- a meal fit for a nurse!
+Tainted meat is even more sickening than poison!
+Telepathy is just a trick: once you know how to do it, it's easy.
+The darker the warning, the more dire the danger.
+The Leprechaun Gold Tru$t is no division of the Magic Memory Vault.
+The Wizard finds death to be quite an experience.
+The best equipment for your work is, of course, the most expensive.
+The gods don't appreciate pesky priesthood.
+The magic marker is mightier than the sword.
+The moon is not the only heavenly body to influence this game.
+The orc swings his orcish broadsword named Elfrist at you. You die...
+The secret of wands of Nothing Happens: try again!
+There has always been something mystical about mirrors.
+There is a Mastermind deep in the dungeon.
+There is a big treasure hidden in the zoo!
+There is more magic in this cave than meets the eye.
+There is no harm in praising a large dog.
+There is nothing like eating a mimic.
+They say a gelatinous cube can paralyze you...
+They say that Juiblex is afraid of a wand of digging.
+They say that Medusa would like to put you on a pedestal.
+They say that Vlad lives!!! ... in the mazes.
+They say that `Elbereth' is often written about.
+They say that a bag of holding can't hold everything.
+They say that a blessed tin of quasit meat is a quick meal.
+They say that a cat avoids traps.
+They say that a cave spider will occasionally eat cave spider eggs.
+They say that a clever wizard can have stats: 18/** 24 18 24 24 24.
+They say that a clove of garlic makes a good talisman if handled right.
+They say that a cursed scroll of teleportation could land you in trouble.
+They say that a diamond is another kind of luck stone.
+They say that a dog can be trained to fetch objects.
+They say that a gelatinous cube makes a healthy breakfast.
+They say that a giant gets strong by eating right, try it!
+They say that a grid bug won't hit you when you cross it.
+They say that a lembas wafer is a very light snack.
+They say that a loadstone has a strange attraction and is not bad luck.
+They say that a lock pick by any other name is still a lock pick.
+They say that a lucky amulet will block poisoned arrows.
+They say that a mirror will freeze a floating eye but you can still see it.
+They say that a neutral character would get either Fire or Frost Brand.
+They say that a polymorph trap is magic and magic protection prevents it.
+They say that a potion of healing can cancel a potion of sickness.
+They say that a potion of monster detection sometimes works both ways.
+They say that a sink looks different from high above the floor.
+They say that a summoned demon could improve your game.
+They say that a tin of wraith meat is a rare dining experience.
+They say that a unicorn might bring you luck.
+They say that a wand of cancellation is like a wand of polymorph.
+They say that a wand of locking can close more than just doors.
+They say that a wand of polymorph can change your game.
+They say that a wizard is even more powerful the second time around.
+They say that a xorn knows of no obstacles when pursuing you.
+They say that abusing a credit card could shock you sooner or later.
+They say that amulets, like most things, can be deadly or life saving.
+They say that an altar can identify blessings.
+They say that an ooze will bite your boots and a rockmole will eat them.
+They say that an unlucky hacker was once killed by an exploding tin.
+They say that antique dealers are always interested in precious stones.
+They say that bandaging one's wounds helps to keep up one's appearance.
+They say that booze can be diluted but not cancelled.
+They say that by listening carefully, you can hear a secret door!
+They say that carrots and carrot juice may improve your vision.
+They say that cave spiders are not considered expensive health food.
+They say that demigods must leave behind their prized earthly possessions.
+They say that disturbing a djinni can be a costly mistake.
+They say that dragon scales can be quite enchanting.
+They say that dropping coins into a fountain will not grant you a wish.
+They say that dwarves lawfully mind their own business.
+They say that eating a bat corpse will make you batty, for awhile.
+They say that eating a cram ration is a smart move.
+They say that eating blue jelly is cool if you don't fight the feeling.
+They say that escaping a dungeon is only the beginning of the end.
+They say that feeling an unexpected draft of air is sort of a breakthrough.
+They say that finding a cursed gray stone is always bad luck.
+They say that gaining a level is an experience that can raise your sights.
+They say that garter snake meat rarely tastes good but it's still healthy.
+They say that gauntlets of dexterity have a hidden enchanted touch.
+They say that going to heaven is just another way of escaping the dungeon.
+They say that golden nagas are law-abiding denizens as long as you are too.
+They say that gremlins can make you feel cooler than you are now.
+They say that grid bugs only exist in a strictly Cartesian sense.
+They say that hackers often feel jumpy about eating nymphs.
+They say that having polymorph control won't shock you.
+They say that if it's hard getting your food down another bite could kill.
+They say that if you don't wear glasses why bother with carrots?
+They say that if you notice a loose board beneath you, don't step on it.
+They say that if you start at the bottom the only place to go is up.
+They say that if you teleport to heaven you're presumed to be dead already.
+They say that in a shop you can be charged for old charges.
+They say that in lighter moments you could think of ways to pass a stone.
+They say that in the dungeon breaking a mirror can be seven years bad luck.
+They say that in the dungeon you don't usually have any luck at all.
+They say that in time a blessed luckstone can make your god happy.
+They say that it is easier to kill the Wizard than to make him stand still.
+They say that it only takes 1 zorkmid to meet the Kops.
+They say that it's a blast when you mix the right potions together.
+They say that it's not blind luck if you catch a glimpse of Medusa.
+They say that killing a shopkeeper brings bad luck.
+They say that monsters never step on a scare monster scroll.
+They say that most monsters find flute recitals extremely boring.
+They say that mummy corpses are not well preserved.
+They say that naturally a wand of wishing would be heavily guarded.
+They say that no one notices the junk underneath a boulder.
+They say that nobody expects a unicorn horn to rust.
+They say that nobody knows if an explorer can live forever. Do you?
+They say that nothing can change the fact that some potions contain a djinni.
+They say that nothing can change the fact that some potions contain a ghost.
+They say that nymphs always fall for rock'n'roll, try it!
+They say that once an Olog-Hai is canned it never shows its face again.
+They say that once upon a time xans would never scratch your boots.
+They say that only an experienced wizard can do the tengu shuffle.
+They say that only chaotics can kill shopkeepers and get away with it.
+They say that only female monsters can lay eggs.
+They say that playing a horn really bad is really good.
+They say that rubbing a glowing potion does not make it a magic lamp.
+They say that scalpels become dull because they're not athames.
+They say that shopkeepers don't like pick-axes.
+They say that shopkeepers don't mind you bringing your pets in the shop.
+They say that shopkeepers don't usually mind if you sneak into a shop.
+They say that shopkeepers often have a large amount of money in their purses.
+They say that shopkeepers often remember things that you might forget.
+They say that sinks and armor don't mix, take your cloak off now!
+They say that sinks run hot and cold and many flavors in between.
+They say that snake charmers aren't charismatic, just musical.
+They say that soldiers are always prepared and usually protected.
+They say that some eggs could hatch in your pack, lucky or not.
+They say that some fire ants will make you a hot meal.
+They say that some horns play hot music and others are too cool for words.
+They say that some humanoids are nonetheless quite human.
+They say that some shopkeepers consider gems to be family heirlooms.
+They say that some shopkeepers recognize gems but they won't tell you.
+They say that some stones are much much heavier than others.
+They say that some yetis are full of hot air.
+They say that something very special would be in a well-protected place.
+They say that speed boots aren't fast enough to let you walk on water.
+They say that teleport traps are the devil's work.
+They say that tengus don't wear rings, why should you?
+They say that tengus never steal gold although they would be good at it.
+They say that that which was stolen once can be stolen again, ask any nymph.
+They say that the Delphic Oracle knows that lizard corpses aren't confusing.
+They say that the Hand of Elbereth can hold up your prayers.
+They say that the Leprechaun King is rich as Croesus.
+They say that the Wizard of Yendor is schizophrenic and suicidal.
+They say that the experienced character knows how to convert an altar.
+They say that the gods are happy when they drop objects at your feet.
+They say that the idea of invisible Nazguls has a certain ring to it.
+They say that the lady of the lake now lives in a fountain somewhere.
+They say that the local shopkeeper frowns upon the rude tourist.
+They say that the only door to the vampire's tower is on its lowest level.
+They say that the only good djinni is a grateful djinni.
+They say that the thing about genocide is that it works both ways.
+They say that the unicorn horn rule is if it ain't broke then don't fix it.
+They say that the view from a fog cloud is really very moving.
+They say that the walls in shops are made of extra hard material.
+They say that there are at least 15 ways to lose a pair of levitation boots.
+They say that throwing glass gems is the same as throwing rocks.
+They say that trespassing a boulder is probably beneath you.
+They say that unicorns are fond of precious gems.
+They say that prayer at an altar can sometimes make the water there holy.
+They say that what goes down the drain might come back up.
+They say that wielded, a long sword named Fire Brand makes you feel cooler.
+They say that wielded, a long sword named Frost Brand makes you hot stuff.
+They say that wiping its face is impossible for a floating eye.
+They say that with a floating eye you could see in the dark.
+They say that you are lucky if you can get a unicorn to catch a ruby.
+They say that you are what you eat.
+They say that you can find named weapons at an altar if you're lucky.
+They say that you can safely touch cockatrices eggs but why bother?
+They say that you can't break an amulet of reflection.
+They say that you don't always get what you wish for.
+They say that you should always be prepared for a final challenge.
+They say that you should ask a dwarf to let you into a locked shop.
+They say that you should pray for divine inspiration.
+They say that you should religiously give your gold away.
+They say that you will never get healthy by eating geckos.
+They say that zapping yourself with a wand of undead turning is stupid.
+They say the Wizard's castle is booby-trapped!
+They say the gods get angry if you kill your dog.
+They say the gods get angry if you pray too much.
+They say there is a powerful magic item hidden in a castle deep down!
+Those who wield a cockatrice corpse have a rocky road ahead of them.
+Throwing food at a wild dog might tame him.
+To a full belly all food is bad.
+Trolls are described as rubbery: they keep bouncing back.
+Try the fall-back end-run play against ghosts.
+Try using your magic marker on wet scrolls.
+Two wrongs don't make a right, but three lefts do.
+Valkyries come from the north, and have commensurate abilities.
+Vampires hate garlic.
+Vault guards never disturb their Lords.
+Vegetarians usually starve in the dungeon.
+Visitors are requested not to apply genocide to shopkeepers.
+Watch out, the Wizard might come back.
+Water traps have no effect on dragons.
+What is a cockatrice going to eat when it gets hungry?
+Why do you suppose they call them MAGIC markers?
+Why do you think they call them mercenaries?
+Why would anybody in his sane mind engrave "Elbereth"?
+Wishing too much may bring you too little.
+You can't bribe soldier ants.
+You can't leave a shop through the back door: there isn't one!
+You may discover a fine spirit inside a potion bottle.
+You may want to dip into a potion of bottled blessings.
+You might be able to bribe a demon lord.
+You might trick a shopkeeper if you're invisible.
+You should certainly learn about quantum mechanics.
+You're going into the morgue at midnight???
+Your dog knows what to eat; maybe you should take lessons.
+Zap yourself and see what happens...
+Zapping a wand of undead turning might bring your dog back to life.
+"So when I die, the first thing I will see in heaven is a score list?"
+1st Law of Hacking: leaving is much more difficult than entering.
+2nd Law of Hacking: first in, first out.
+3rd Law of Hacking: the last blow counts most.
+4th Law of Hacking: you will find the exit at the entrance.
+A chameleon imitating a mail daemon often delivers scrolls of fire.
+A cockatrice corpse is guaranteed to be untainted!
+A dead cockatrice is just a dead lizard.
+A dragon is just a snake that ate a scroll of fire.
+A fading corridor enlightens your insight.
+A glowing potion is too hot to drink.
+A good amulet may protect you against guards.
+A lizard corpse is a good thing to turn undead.
+A long worm can be defined recursively. So how should you attack it?
+A monstrous mind is a toy forever.
+A nymph will be very pleased if you call her by her real name: Lorelei.
+A ring of dungeon master control is a great find.
+A ring of extra ring finger is useless if not enchanted.
+A rope may form a trail in a maze.
+A staff may recharge if you drop it for awhile.
+A visit to the Zoo is very educational; you meet interesting animals.
+A wand of deaf is a more dangerous weapon than a wand of sheep.
+A wand of vibration might bring the whole cave crashing about your ears.
+A winner never quits. A quitter never wins.
+A wish? Okay, make me a fortune cookie!
+Afraid of mimics? Try to wear a ring of true seeing.
+All monsters are created evil, but some are more evil than others.
+Always attack a floating eye from behind!
+An elven cloak is always the height of fashion.
+Any small object that is accidentally dropped will hide under a larger object.
+Balrogs do not appear above level 20.
+Banana peels work especially well against Keystone Kops.
+Be careful when eating bananas. Monsters might slip on the peels.
+Better leave the dungeon; otherwise you might get hurt badly.
+Beware of the potion of nitroglycerin -- it's not for the weak of heart.
+Beware: there's always a chance that your wand explodes as you try to zap it!
+Beyond the 23rd level lies a happy retirement in a room of your own.
+Changing your suit without dropping your sword? You must be kidding!
+Cockatrices might turn themselves to stone faced with a mirror.
+Consumption of home-made food is strictly forbidden in this dungeon.
+Dark room? Your chance to develop your photographs!
+Dark rooms are not *completely* dark: just wait and let your eyes adjust...
+David London sez, "Hey guys, *WIELD* a lizard corpse against a cockatrice!"
+Death is just life's way of telling you you've been fired.
+Demi-gods don't need any help from the gods.
+Demons *HATE* Priests and Priestesses.
+Didn't you forget to pay?
+Didn't your mother tell you not to eat food off the floor?
+Direct a direct hit on your direct opponent, directing in the right direction.
+Do you want to make more money? Sure, we all do! Join the Fort Ludios guard!
+Don't eat too much: you might start hiccoughing!
+Don't play hack at your work; your boss might hit you!
+Don't tell a soul you found a secret door, otherwise it isn't a secret anymore.
+Drinking potions of booze may land you in jail if you are under 21.
+Drop your vanity and get rid of your jewels! Pickpockets about!
+Eat 10 cloves of garlic and keep all humans at a two-square distance.
+Eels hide under mud. Use a unicorn to clear the water and make them visible.
+Engrave your wishes with a wand of wishing.
+Eventually you will come to admire the swift elegance of a retreating nymph.
+Ever heard hissing outside? I *knew* you hadn't!
+Ever lifted a dragon corpse?
+Ever seen a leocrotta dancing the tengu?
+Ever seen your weapon glow plaid?
+Ever tamed a shopkeeper?
+Ever tried digging through a Vault Guard?
+Ever tried enchanting a rope?
+Floating eyes can't stand Hawaiian shirts.
+For any remedy there is a misery.
+Giant bats turn into giant vampires.
+Good day for overcoming obstacles. Try a steeplechase.
+Half Moon tonight. (At least it's better than no Moon at all.)
+Help! I'm being held prisoner in a fortune cookie factory!
+Housecats have nine lives, kittens only one.
+How long can you tread water?
+Hungry? There is an abundance of food on the next level.
+I guess you've never hit a mail daemon with the Amulet of Yendor...
+If you are the shopkeeper, you can take things for free.
+If you can't learn to do it well, learn to enjoy doing it badly.
+If you thought the Wizard was bad, just wait till you meet the Warlord!
+If you turn blind, don't expect your dog to be turned into a seeing-eye dog.
+If you want to feel great, you must eat something real big.
+If you want to float, you'd better eat a floating eye.
+If your ghost kills a player, it increases your score.
+Increase mindpower: Tame your own ghost!
+It furthers one to see the great man.
+It's easy to overlook a monster in a wood.
+Just below any trapdoor there may be another one. Just keep falling!
+Katanas are very sharp; watch you don't cut yourself.
+Keep a clear mind: quaff clear potions.
+Kicking the terminal doesn't hurt the monsters.
+Killer bees keep appearing till you kill their queen.
+Killer bunnies can be tamed with carrots only.
+Latest news? Put `rec.games.roguelike.nethack' in your .newsrc!
+Learn how to spell. Play NetHack!
+Leprechauns hide their gold in a secret room.
+Let your fingers do the walking on the yulkjhnb keys.
+Let's face it: this time you're not going to win.
+Let's have a party, drink a lot of booze.
+Liquor sellers do not drink; they hate to see you twice.
+Lunar eclipse tonight. May as well quit now!
+Meeting your own ghost decreases your luck considerably!
+Money to invest? Take it to the local branch of the Magic Memory Vault!
+Monsters come from nowhere to hit you everywhere.
+Monsters sleep because you are boring, not because they ever get tired.
+Most monsters prefer minced meat. That's why they are hitting you!
+Most of the bugs in NetHack are on the floor.
+Much ado Nothing Happens.
+Multi-player NetHack is a myth.
+NetHack is addictive. Too late, you're already hooked.
+Never ask a shopkeeper for a price list.
+Never burn a tree, unless you like getting whacked with a +5 shovel.
+Never eat with glowing hands!
+Never mind the monsters hitting you: they just replace the charwomen.
+Never play leapfrog with a unicorn.
+Never step on a cursed engraving.
+Never swim with a camera: there's nothing to take pictures of.
+Never teach your pet rust monster to fetch.
+Never trust a random generator in magic fields.
+Never use a wand of death.
+No level contains two shops. The maze is no level. So...
+No part of this fortune may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, ...
+Not all rumors are as misleading as this one.
+Nymphs and nurses like beautiful rings.
+Nymphs are blondes. Are you a gentleman?
+Offering a unicorn a worthless piece of glass might prove to be fatal!
+Old hackers never die: young ones do.
+One has to leave shops before closing time.
+One homunculus a day keeps the doctor away.
+One level further down somebody is getting killed, right now.
+Only a wizard can use a magic whistle.
+Only adventurers of evil alignment think of killing their dog.
+Only chaotic evils kill sleeping monsters.
+Only real trappers escape traps.
+Only real wizards can write scrolls.
+Operation OVERKILL has started now.
+PLEASE ignore previous rumor.
+Polymorph into an ettin; meet your opponents face to face to face.
+Praying will frighten demons.
+Row (3x) that boat gently down the stream, Charon (4x), death is but a dream.
+Running is good for your legs.
+Screw up your courage! You've screwed up everything else.
+Seepage? Leaky pipes? Rising damp? Summon the plumber!
+Segmentation fault (core dumped).
+Shopkeepers sometimes die from old age.
+Some mazes (especially small ones) have no solutions, says man 6 maze.
+Some questions the Sphynx asks just *don't* have any answers.
+Sometimes "mu" is the answer.
+Sorry, no fortune this time. Better luck next cookie!
+Spare your scrolls of make-edible until it's really necessary!
+Suddenly, the dungeon will collapse...
+Taming a mail daemon may cause a system security violation.
+The crowd was so tough, the Stooges won't play the Dungeon anymore, nyuk nyuk.
+The leprechauns hide their treasure in a small hidden room.
+The longer the wand the better.
+The magic word is "XYZZY".
+The meek shall inherit your bones files.
+The mines are dark and deep, and I have levels to go before I sleep.
+The use of dynamite is dangerous.
+There are no worms in the UNIX version.
+There is a trap on this level!
+They say that Demogorgon, Asmodeus, Orcus, Yeenoghu & Juiblex is no law firm.
+They say that Geryon has an evil twin, beware!
+They say that Medusa would make a terrible pet.
+They say that NetHack bugs are Seldon planned.
+They say that NetHack comes in 256 flavors.
+They say that NetHack is just a computer game.
+They say that NetHack is more than just a computer game.
+They say that NetHack is never what it used to be.
+They say that a baby dragon is too small to hurt or help you.
+They say that a black pudding is simply a brown pudding gone bad.
+They say that a black sheep has 3 bags full of wool.
+They say that a blank scroll is like a blank check.
+They say that a cat named Morris has nine lives.
+They say that a desperate shopper might pay any price in a shop.
+They say that a diamond dog is everybody's best friend.
+They say that a dwarf lord can carry a pick-axe because his armor is light.
+They say that a floating eye can defeat Medusa.
+They say that a fortune only has 1 line and you can't read between it.
+They say that a fortune only has 1 line, but you can read between it.
+They say that a fountain looks nothing like a regularly erupting geyser.
+They say that a gold doubloon is worth more than its weight in gold.
+They say that a grid bug won't pay a shopkeeper for zapping you in a shop.
+They say that a gypsy could tell your fortune for a price.
+They say that a hacker named Alice once level teleported by using a mirror.
+They say that a hacker named David once slew a giant with a sling and a rock.
+They say that a hacker named Dorothy once rode a fog cloud to Oz.
+They say that a hacker named Mary once lost a white sheep in the mazes.
+They say that a helm of brilliance is not to be taken lightly.
+They say that a hot dog and a hell hound are the same thing.
+They say that a lamp named Aladdin's Lamp contains a djinni with 3 wishes.
+They say that a large dog named Lassie will lead you to the amulet.
+They say that a long sword is not a light sword.
+They say that a manes won't mince words with you.
+They say that a mind is a terrible thing to waste.
+They say that a plain nymph will only wear a wire ring in one ear.
+They say that a plumed hat could be a previously used crested helmet.
+They say that a potion of oil is difficult to grasp.
+They say that a potion of yogurt is a cancelled potion of sickness.
+They say that a purple worm is not a baby purple dragon.
+They say that a quivering blob tastes different than a gelatinous cube.
+They say that a runed broadsword named Stormbringer attracts vortices.
+They say that a scroll of summoning has other names.
+They say that a shaman can bestow blessings but usually doesn't.
+They say that a shaman will bless you for an eye of newt and wing of bat.
+They say that a shimmering gold shield is not a polished silver shield.
+They say that a spear will hit a neo-otyugh. (Do YOU know what that is?)
+They say that a spotted dragon is the ultimate shape changer.
+They say that a stethoscope is no good if you can only hear your heartbeat.
+They say that a succubus named Suzy will sometimes warn you of danger.
+They say that a wand of cancellation is not like a wand of polymorph.
+They say that a wood golem named Pinocchio would be easy to control.
+They say that after killing a dragon it's time for a change of scenery.
+They say that an amulet of strangulation is worse than ring around the collar.
+They say that an attic is the best place to hide your toys.
+They say that an axe named Cleaver once belonged to a hacker named Beaver.
+They say that an eye of newt and a wing of bat are double the trouble.
+They say that an incubus named Izzy sometimes makes women feel sensitive.
+They say that an opulent throne room is rarely a place to wish you'd be in.
+They say that an unlucky hacker once had a nose bleed at an altar and died.
+They say that and they say this but they never say never, never!
+They say that any quantum mechanic knows that speed kills.
+They say that applying a unicorn horn means you've missed the point.
+They say that blue stones are radioactive, beware.
+They say that building a dungeon is a team effort.
+They say that chaotic characters never get a kick out of altars.
+They say that collapsing a dungeon often creates a panic.
+They say that counting your eggs before they hatch shows that you care.
+They say that dipping a bag of tricks in a fountain won't make it an icebox.
+They say that dipping an eel and brown mold in hot water makes bouillabaisse.
+They say that donating a doubloon is extremely pious charity.
+They say that eating royal jelly attracts grizzly owlbears.
+They say that eggs, pancakes and juice are just a mundane breakfast.
+They say that everyone knows why Medusa stands alone in the dark.
+They say that everyone wanted rec.games.hack to undergo a name change.
+They say that finding a winning strategy is a deliberate move on your part.
+They say that finding worthless glass is worth something.
+They say that fortune cookies are food for thought.
+They say that gold is only wasted on a pet dragon.
+They say that good things come to those that wait.
+They say that greased objects will slip out of monsters' hands.
+They say that if you can't spell then you'll wish you had a spell book.
+They say that if you live by the sword, you'll die by the sword.
+They say that if you play like a monster you'll have a better game.
+They say that if you sleep with a demon you might awake with a headache.
+They say that if you step on a crack you could break your mother's back.
+They say that if you're invisible you can still be heard!
+They say that if you're lucky you can feel the runes on a scroll.
+They say that in the big picture gold is only small change.
+They say that in the dungeon it's not what you know that really matters.
+They say that in the dungeon moon rocks are really dilithium crystals.
+They say that in the dungeon the boorish customer is never right.
+They say that in the dungeon you don't need a watch to tell time.
+They say that in the dungeon you need something old, new, burrowed and blue.
+They say that in the dungeon you should always count your blessings.
+They say that iron golem plate mail isn't worth wishing for.
+They say that it takes four quarterstaffs to make one staff.
+They say that it's not over till the fat ladies sing.
+They say that it's not over till the fat lady shouts `Off with its head'.
+They say that kicking a heavy statue is really a dumb move.
+They say that kicking a valuable gem doesn't seem to make sense.
+They say that leprechauns know Latin and you should too.
+They say that minotaurs get lost outside of the mazes.
+They say that most trolls are born again.
+They say that naming your cat Garfield will make you more attractive.
+They say that no one knows everything about everything in the dungeon.
+They say that no one plays NetHack just for the fun of it.
+They say that no one really subscribes to rec.games.roguelike.nethack.
+They say that no one will admit to starting a rumor.
+They say that nurses sometimes carry scalpels and never use them.
+They say that once you've met one wizard you've met them all.
+They say that one troll is worth 10,000 newts.
+They say that only David can find the zoo!
+They say that only angels play their harps for their pets.
+They say that only big spenders carry gold.
+They say that orc shamans are healthy, wealthy and wise.
+They say that playing NetHack is like walking into a death trap.
+They say that problem breathing is best treated by a proper diet.
+They say that quaffing many potions of levitation can give you a headache.
+They say that queen bees get that way by eating royal jelly.
+They say that reading a scare monster scroll is the same as saying Elbereth.
+They say that real hackers always are controlled.
+They say that real hackers never sleep.
+They say that shopkeepers are insured by Croesus himself!
+They say that shopkeepers never carry more than 20 gold pieces, at night.
+They say that shopkeepers never sell blessed potions of invisibility.
+They say that soldiers wear kid gloves and silly helmets.
+They say that some Kops are on the take.
+They say that some guards' palms can be greased.
+They say that some monsters may kiss your boots to stop your drum playing.
+They say that sometimes you can be the hit of the party when playing a horn.
+They say that the NetHack gods generally welcome your sacrifices.
+They say that the Three Rings are named Vilya, Nenya and Narya.
+They say that the Wizard of Yendor has a death wish.
+They say that the `hair of the dog' is sometimes an effective remedy.
+They say that the best time to save your game is now before its too late.
+They say that the biggest obstacle in NetHack is your mind.
+They say that the gods are angry when they hit you with objects.
+They say that the priesthood are specially favored by the gods.
+They say that the way to make a unicorn happy is to give it what it wants.
+They say that there are no black or white stones, only gray.
+They say that there are no skeletons hence there are no skeleton keys.
+They say that there is a clever rogue in every hacker just dying to escape.
+They say that there is no such thing as free advice.
+They say that there is only one way to win at NetHack.
+They say that there once was a fearsome chaotic samurai named Luk No.
+They say that there was a time when cursed holy water wasn't water.
+They say that there's no point in crying over a gray ooze.
+They say that there's only hope left after you've opened Pandora's box.
+They say that trapdoors should always be marked `Caution: Trap Door'.
+They say that using an amulet of change isn't a difficult operation.
+They say that water walking boots are better if you are fast like Hermes.
+They say that when you wear a circular amulet you might resemble a troll.
+They say that when you're hungry you can get a pizza in 30 moves or it's free.
+They say that when your god is angry you should try another one.
+They say that wielding a unicorn horn takes strength.
+They say that with speed boots you never worry about hit and run accidents.
+They say that you can defeat a killer bee with a unicorn horn.
+They say that you can only cross the River Styx in Charon's boat.
+They say that you can only kill a lich once and then you'd better be careful.
+They say that you can only wish for things you've already had.
+They say that you can train a cat by talking gently to it.
+They say that you can train a dog by talking firmly to it.
+They say that you can trust your gold with the king.
+They say that you can't wipe your greasy bare hands on a blank scroll.
+They say that you cannot trust scrolls of rumor.
+They say that you could fall head over heels for an energy vortex.
+They say that you need a key in order to open locked doors.
+They say that you need a mirror to notice a mimic in an antique shop.
+They say that you really can use a pick-axe unless you really can't.
+They say that you should always store your tools in the cellar.
+They say that you should be careful while climbing the ladder to success.
+They say that you should call your armor `rustproof'.
+They say that you should name your dog Spuds to have a cool pet.
+They say that you should name your weapon after your first monster kill.
+They say that you should never introduce a rope golem to a succubus.
+They say that you should never sleep near invisible ring wraiths.
+They say that you should never try to leave the dungeon with a bag of gems.
+They say that you should remove your armor before sitting on a throne.
+This fortune cookie is copy protected.
+This fortune cookie is the property of Fortune Cookies, Inc.
+Tired? Try a scroll of charging on yourself.
+To achieve the next higher rating, you need 3 more points.
+To reach heaven, escape the dungeon while wearing a ring of levitation.
+Tourists wear shirts loud enough to wake the dead.
+Try calling your katana Moulinette.
+Ulch! That meat was painted!
+Unfortunately, this message was left intentionally blank.
+Using a morning star in the evening has no effect.
+Want a hint? Zap a wand of make invisible on your weapon!
+Want to ascend in a hurry? Apply at Gizmonic Institute.
+Wanted: shopkeepers. Send a scroll of mail to Mage of Yendor/Level 35/Dungeon.
+Warning: fortune reading can be hazardous to your health.
+We have new ways of detecting treachery...
+Wet towels make great weapons!
+What a pity, you cannot read it!
+When a piercer drops in on you, you will be tempted to hit the ceiling!
+When in a maze follow the right wall and you will never get lost.
+When you have a key, you don't have to wait for the guard.
+Why are you wasting time reading fortunes?
+Wish for a master key and open the Magic Memory Vault!
+Wizard expects every monster to do its duty.
+Wow! You could've had a potion of fruit juice!
+Yet Another Silly Message (YASM).
+You are destined to be misled by a fortune.
+You can get a genuine Amulet of Yendor by doing the following: --More--
+You can protect yourself from black dragons by doing the following: --More--
+You can't get by the snake.
+You feel like someone is pulling your leg.
+You have to outwit the Sphynx or pay her.
+You hear the fortune cookie's hissing!
+You may get rich selling letters, but beware of being blackmailed!
+You offend Shai-Hulud by sheathing your crysknife without having drawn blood.
+You swallowed the fortune!
+You want to regain strength? Two levels ahead is a guesthouse!
+You will encounter a tall, dark, and gruesome creature...