path: root/games/znibbles
diff options
authorPawel Pekala <pawel@FreeBSD.org>2013-12-25 14:54:11 +0000
committerPawel Pekala <pawel@FreeBSD.org>2013-12-25 14:54:11 +0000
commit30f4742849d6418686f8d0c8de219e1c9fba933a (patch)
treee879a4c87289a076ac2eecba52b48c73366f5444 /games/znibbles
parent753fe9623bcd26173dd997e023ff37ebc993a690 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'games/znibbles')
4 files changed, 251 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/games/znibbles/Makefile b/games/znibbles/Makefile
index 77de8b44ca56..3151e4f63a2f 100644
--- a/games/znibbles/Makefile
+++ b/games/znibbles/Makefile
@@ -11,14 +11,12 @@ MASTER_SITES= http://old.koalateam.com/ftp/pub/games/znibbles/ \
MAINTAINER= ports@FreeBSD.org
COMMENT= Multi-player networked nibbles game
+LICENSE= GPLv2 # (or later)
USES= motif
PLIST_FILES= bin/nibbles bin/znibbles bin/znibblesX \
@@ -26,14 +24,11 @@ PLIST_FILES= bin/nibbles bin/znibbles bin/znibblesX \
-GTK1_PLIST_FILES= man/man6/gznibbles.6.gz bin/gznibbles
+GTK1_PLIST_FILES= bin/gznibbles man/man6/gznibbles.6.gz
-.include <bsd.port.options.mk>
@${RM} -f ${WRKSRC}/src/getopt.h
-# @${LN} -sf /usr/include/getopt.h ${WRKSRC}/src
@@ -48,11 +43,7 @@ post-patch:
- ${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKSRC}/doc/nibbles.6 ${STAGEDIR}${MAN6PREFIX}/man/man6
- ${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKSRC}/doc/znibbles.6 ${STAGEDIR}${MAN6PREFIX}/man/man6
- ${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKSRC}/doc/znibblesX.6 ${STAGEDIR}${MAN6PREFIX}/man/man6
- ${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKSRC}/doc/gznibbles.6 ${STAGEDIR}${MAN6PREFIX}/man/man6
+ (cd ${WRKSRC}/doc && ${INSTALL_MAN} nibbles.6 znibbles.6 znibblesX.6 \
+ gznibbles.6 ${STAGEDIR}${MAN6PREFIX}/man/man6)
.include <bsd.port.mk>
diff --git a/games/znibbles/files/patch-src__Motif__MotifInterface.C b/games/znibbles/files/patch-src__Motif__MotifInterface.C
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..01a4b72c1d89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games/znibbles/files/patch-src__Motif__MotifInterface.C
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+--- src/Motif/MotifInterface.C.orig
++++ src/Motif/MotifInterface.C
+@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
+ # include <config.h>
+ #endif
+-#include <iostream.h>
++#include <iostream>
+ #include <unistd.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
+ display_version();
+ if (two_key)
+- cout << "Two-key mode enabled" << endl;
++ std::cout << "Two-key mode enabled" << std::endl;
+ // connect pipe_handler to SIGPIPE signal
+@@ -147,8 +147,8 @@
+ exit(2);
+ }
+- cout << "Connecting to ZNibbles server: " \
+- << options.get_host_name() << ":" << options.get_port() << "... " << endl;
++ std::cout << "Connecting to ZNibbles server: " \
++ << options.get_host_name() << ":" << options.get_port() << "... " << std::endl;
+ // create and bind socket to any port
+ port = 0;
+@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
+ }
+ if (debug)
+- cout << "Client socket created on port: " << ntohs(client_address.sin_port) << endl;
++ std::cout << "Client socket created on port: " << ntohs(client_address.sin_port) << std::endl;
+ // Build server address
+ server_address.sin_family = AF_INET;
+@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@
+ display_play_help();
+- cout << "Connection accepted\n" << endl;
++ std::cout << "Connection accepted\n" << std::endl;
+ hack_socket_client = socket_client; // hack for signal handling
+ action.sa_handler = stop_handler;
+@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@
+ init_messages(options.get_message_file());
+- cout << "initializing interface..." << endl;
++ std::cout << "initializing interface..." << std::endl;
+ make(argc, argv);
+ }
+@@ -262,54 +262,54 @@
+ void MotifInterface::display_version()
+ {
+- cerr << "ZNibbles v" VERSION " - A little silly game - "
++ std::cerr << "ZNibbles v" VERSION " - A little silly game - "
+ << "(c) Vincent Mallet 1997, 1998, 1999 - vmallet@enst.fr"
+- << endl << endl;
++ << std::endl << std::endl;
+ }
+ void MotifInterface::display_version_short()
+ {
+- cout << "ZNibbles Motif Client " VERSION << endl;
++ std::cout << "ZNibbles Motif Client " VERSION << std::endl;
+ }
+ void MotifInterface::display_help(char *name)
+ {
+- cout << "Usage: " << name << " [OPTION].. PLAYERNAME" << endl;
+- cout << endl;
+- cout << "Start a ZNibbles Motif client and connect to the specified nibbles server." << endl;
+- cout << endl;
+- cout << " -n, --host-name=HOST connect to server HOST [default is localhost]" << endl;
+- cout << " -p, --port=NUM connect to port NUM of server [default is 5051]" << endl;
+- cout << " -m, --message-file=FILE load predefined messages from file FILE" << endl;
+- cout << " -t, --twokey control worm with only two keys, LEFT and RIGHT" << endl;
+- cout << " -i, --enable-stdin enable standard input for sending messages" << endl;
+- cout << " -d, --debug enable debug output" << endl;
+- cout << " -V, --version print version number, then exit" << endl;
+- cout << " -h, --help show this message and exit" << endl;
+- cout << endl;
+- cout << "Report bugs to <vmallet@enst.fr>." << endl;
++ std::cout << "Usage: " << name << " [OPTION].. PLAYERNAME" << std::endl;
++ std::cout << std::endl;
++ std::cout << "Start a ZNibbles Motif client and connect to the specified nibbles server." << std::endl;
++ std::cout << std::endl;
++ std::cout << " -n, --host-name=HOST connect to server HOST [default is localhost]" << std::endl;
++ std::cout << " -p, --port=NUM connect to port NUM of server [default is 5051]" << std::endl;
++ std::cout << " -m, --message-file=FILE load predefined messages from file FILE" << std::endl;
++ std::cout << " -t, --twokey control worm with only two keys, LEFT and RIGHT" << std::endl;
++ std::cout << " -i, --enable-stdin enable standard input for sending messages" << std::endl;
++ std::cout << " -d, --debug enable debug output" << std::endl;
++ std::cout << " -V, --version print version number, then exit" << std::endl;
++ std::cout << " -h, --help show this message and exit" << std::endl;
++ std::cout << std::endl;
++ std::cout << "Report bugs to <vmallet@enst.fr>." << std::endl;
+ }
+ void MotifInterface::display_play_help()
+ {
+- cout << endl;
+- cout << "Welcome to ZNibbles!" << endl;
+- cout << endl;
+- cout << "Valid keys while playing:" << endl
+- << endl
+- << " Up, Down, Left, Right: move worm 1" << endl
+- << endl
+- << " p/u : pause/unpause game" << endl
+- << endl
+- << " P/U : pause/unpause _your_ worm" << endl
+- << endl
+- << " 1, 2, ... 0 : send predefined messages to other players" << endl
+- << endl
+- << " Ctrl+Q : quit game" << endl
+- << endl
+- << " Have fun!" << endl;
++ std::cout << std::endl;
++ std::cout << "Welcome to ZNibbles!" << std::endl;
++ std::cout << std::endl;
++ std::cout << "Valid keys while playing:" << std::endl
++ << std::endl
++ << " Up, Down, Left, Right: move worm 1" << std::endl
++ << std::endl
++ << " p/u : pause/unpause game" << std::endl
++ << std::endl
++ << " P/U : pause/unpause _your_ worm" << std::endl
++ << std::endl
++ << " 1, 2, ... 0 : send predefined messages to other players" << std::endl
++ << std::endl
++ << " Ctrl+Q : quit game" << std::endl
++ << std::endl
++ << " Have fun!" << std::endl;
+ }
+@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@
+ void MotifInterface::pipe_handler(int sig)
+ {
+- cerr << "--- Lost Server Connection! ---" << endl;
++ std::cerr << "--- Lost Server Connection! ---" << std::endl;
+ sig++; // warnings..
+ dead_server = 1;
+ }
+@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@
+ void MotifInterface::stop_handler(int sig)
+ {
+- cerr << "--- Quitting game! ---" << endl;
++ std::cerr << "--- Quitting game! ---" << std::endl;
+ if (hack_socket_client) {
+ struct timeval tv;
+@@ -391,11 +391,11 @@
+ char buf[300];
+ if (priv) {
+- // cout << "Got *private* Message: '" << msg << "'" << endl;
++ // std::cout << "Got *private* Message: '" << msg << "'" << std::endl;
+ sprintf(buf, "[Private] %s> %s\n", from.get_name(), msg);
+ }
+ else {
+- // cout << "Message: " << from.name << "> " << msg << endl;
++ // std::cout << "Message: " << from.name << "> " << msg << std::endl;
+ sprintf(buf, "%s> %s\n", from.get_name(), msg);
+ }
+ textarea.add_line(buf);
+@@ -545,7 +545,7 @@
+ case VOID_TRAME:
+ {
+ if (mythis.debug)
+- cout << "got VOID_TRAME " << endl;
++ std::cout << "got VOID_TRAME " << std::endl;
+ mt.get_char();
+ char *p = mt.get_string();
+ if (p && strcmp(p, "w") == 0)
+@@ -595,14 +595,14 @@
+ case QUIT_GAME:
+ if (mythis.debug)
+- cout << "Got QUIT_GAME" << endl;
+- cout << "Client shutting down.... " << endl;
++ std::cout << "Got QUIT_GAME" << std::endl;
++ std::cout << "Client shutting down.... " << std::endl;
+ done = 1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (mythis.debug)
+- cout << "got unknown frame type: " << (int) mt.peek_char() << endl;
++ std::cout << "got unknown frame type: " << (int) mt.peek_char() << std::endl;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -661,7 +661,7 @@
+ void MotifInterface::join_game()
+ {
+ if (debug)
+- cout << "Sending welcome message..." << endl;
++ std::cout << "Sending welcome message..." << std::endl;
+ t.put_char(JOIN_GAME);
+ t.put_string(own_name);
diff --git a/games/znibbles/files/patch-src__Motif__textarea.C b/games/znibbles/files/patch-src__Motif__textarea.C
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..981e9ffef964
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games/znibbles/files/patch-src__Motif__textarea.C
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+--- src/Motif/textarea.C.orig
++++ src/Motif/textarea.C
+@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
+ #include <Xm/ScrollBar.h>
+ #include <Xm/Text.h>
+-#include <iostream.h>
++#include <iostream>
+ #include "string.h"
+ #include "motifutil.H"
+@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
+ XmTextSetCursorPosition(widget, XmTextGetLastPosition(widget));
+ XmTextShowPosition(widget, XmTextGetLastPosition(widget));
+ if (length > 9500) {
+- cout << "textarea warning!" << endl;
++ std::cout << "textarea warning!" << std::endl;
+ bbuf[0] = '\0';
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/games/znibbles/pkg-descr b/games/znibbles/pkg-descr
index 792487d1f972..4af7c3dcb869 100644
--- a/games/znibbles/pkg-descr
+++ b/games/znibbles/pkg-descr
@@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
-ZNibbles is a multi-player networked game. It is based on the old nibbles
-game: you've got a worm, eat nibbles and get your worm growing. Several
-players can play together, each of them controlling its own worm on its own
+ZNibbles is a multi-player networked game. It is based on the old
+nibbles game: you've got a worm, eat nibbles and get your worm growing.
+Several players can play together, each of them controlling its own worm
+on its own computer.
-There is theoretically an unlimited number of simultaneous players, it's more
-a matter of network speed. It has been tested with more than 10 players and it
-was real fun :) ZNibbles is written for unix. It has been tested under Linux,
-SunOS, Solaris and Irix. The game can run either directly on top of X11, use
-the GTK+ toolkit (get it on the GTK+ site) or use the Motif toolkit (get a good
-Motif free implementation called LessTif)
+There is theoretically an unlimited number of simultaneous players, it's
+more a matter of network speed. It has been tested with more than 10
+players and it was real fun :) ZNibbles is written for unix. It has been
+tested under Linux, SunOS, Solaris and Irix. The game can run either
+directly on top of X11, use the GTK+ toolkit (get it on the GTK+ site)
+or use the Motif toolkit (get a good Motif free implementation called
Once compiled, you get the files:
@@ -16,6 +17,7 @@ Once compiled, you get the files:
gznibbles : the ZNibbles GTK+ client
znibblesX : the ZNibbless X11-only client (poor)
-Run "nibbles" first as the ZNibbles server, and then run its clients to play.
+Run "nibbles" first as the ZNibbles server, and then run its clients to
WWW: http://www.jfouffa.com/vmallet/ZNibbles.html