path: root/japanese/ndtpd/pkg-install
diff options
authorSatoshi Asami <asami@FreeBSD.org>1999-08-19 10:50:30 +0000
committerSatoshi Asami <asami@FreeBSD.org>1999-08-19 10:50:30 +0000
commit7810fb706b7a23be4c0ba0df0c3eac8aa3b3d172 (patch)
tree7e0475b3b0285bf94c178e763590639b372a1727 /japanese/ndtpd/pkg-install
parentc6cace87c28b68e3981186743ad173a70d9b6637 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'japanese/ndtpd/pkg-install')
1 files changed, 45 insertions, 98 deletions
diff --git a/japanese/ndtpd/pkg-install b/japanese/ndtpd/pkg-install
index 615702a92151..d29231b3efb6 100644
--- a/japanese/ndtpd/pkg-install
+++ b/japanese/ndtpd/pkg-install
@@ -1,114 +1,61 @@
-#! /bin/sh
+#!/bin/sh -
+# an installation script for ndtpd
-[ "$2" = "POST-INSTALL" ] || exit 0
-[ "X${IS_INTERACTIVE}" != X ] || exit 0
+ask() {
+ local question default answer
-# Make directories under /var.
-[ ! -d /var/ndtpd ] && mkdir /var/ndtpd
-[ ! -d /var/ndtpd/log ] && mkdir /var/ndtpd/log
+ question=$1
+ default=$2
-# Add `ndtp' to /etc/services.
-sed -e 's/#.*//' -e 's/^/ /' -e 's/$/ /g' -e 's/ / /g' /etc/services \
- | grep ' ndtp ' > /dev/null 2>&1
+ if [ -z "${PACKAGE_BUILDING}" ]; then
+ read -p "${question} (y/n) [${default}]? " answer
+ [ "${answer}" ] && default=${answer}
+ fi
+ echo ${default}
-if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
- while [ "${YESNO}" = YET ] ; do
- if [ -z "${PACKAGE_BUILDING}" ]; then
- echo -n "May I register the \`ndtp' service name to /etc/services? ([y]/n) "
- read LINE
- else
- LINE=y
- fi
- case "X${LINE}" in
- Xy|XY|X)
- ;;
- Xn|XN)
- ;;
- *)
- echo "Please answer \`y' or \`n'."
- ;;
- esac
- done
+yesno() {
+ local question default
- if [ "${YESNO}" = YES ] ; then
- if grep '[ ]2010/tcp' /etc/services > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- cp /etc/services /etc/services.bak
- sed -e 's/\([ ]2010\/tcp\)/\1 ndtp/' /etc/services.bak \
- > /etc/services
- else
- echo 'ndtp 2010/tcp' >> /etc/services
- fi
- echo "The original file is saved as /etc/services.bak."
- echo
- fi
+ question=$1
+ default=$2
-# Copy a rc-file to `${PKG_PREFIX}/etc/rc.d/ndtpd.sh'.
-if [ -f ${PKG_PREFIX}/etc/rc.d/ndtpd.sh ] ; then
- while [ "${YESNO}" = YET ] ; do
- if [ -z "${PACKAGE_BUILDING}" ]; then
- echo -n "${PKG_PREFIX}/etc/rc.d/ndtpd.sh already exists. May I overwrite it? (y/[n]) "
- read LINE
- else
- LINE=y
- fi
- case "X${LINE}" in
- Xy|XY)
- ;;
- Xn|XN|X)
- ;;
- *)
- echo "Please answer \`y' or \`n'."
- ;;
+ while :; do
+ case `ask "${question}" ${default}` in
+ [Yy]*) return 0;;
+ [Nn]*) return 1;;
+ echo "Please answer yes or no."
+[ "$2" = POST-INSTALL ] || exit 0
-if [ "${YESNO}" = YES ] ; then
- sed "s;@prefix@;${PKG_PREFIX};" > ${PKG_PREFIX}/etc/rc.d/ndtpd.sh \
- << '__END__'
-#! /bin/sh
-# NDTPD: rc-file for FreeBSD.
+# Add an entry for `ndtp' to /etc/services.
+comment="Network Dictionary Transfer Protocol"
-### NDTPD options: ###
-ndtpd_enable="NO" # Run ndtpd (or NO).
-ndtpd_flags="" # Flags to ndtpd (if enabled).
-### End of NDTPD options: ###
-if [ "X${ndtpd_enable}" = X"YES" -a -f ${ndtpd} ]; then
- echo -n " ndtpd"
- ${ndtpd} ${ndtpd_flags}
+echo "************************************************************************"
+if sed 's/#.*//' ${file} | grep -qw ${name}; then
+ echo "This system has already an entry for ${name} in ${file}."
+ echo "This system has no entry for ${name} in ${file}."
+ if yesno " Would you like to add it automatically?" y; then
+ cp -f ${file} ${back}
+ echo " The original file is saved as ${back}."
- chmod 755 ${PKG_PREFIX}/etc/rc.d/ndtpd.sh
- echo
- echo "I put a rc-file to ${PKG_PREFIX}/etc/rc.d/ndtpd.sh, but ndtpd doesn't"
- echo "start through the script. If you want to start ndtpd as standalone"
- echo "daemon through the script, please turn the \`ndtpd_enable' variable"
- echo "in the script to \`YES', and set \`ndtpd_flags' to an appropriate"
- echo "value if required."
- echo ""
- echo "If you want to start ndtpd through inetd, the script is not"
- echo "required."
- echo
+ if sed 's/#.*//' ${file} | grep -qw ${port}; then
+ sed 's,^\([^#]*[ ]'${port}'\),\1 '${name}, ${back} > ${file}
+ else
+ echo "${name} ${port} #${comment}" >> ${file}
+ fi
+ fi
+echo "************************************************************************"
exit 0