path: root/mail/anomy-sanitizer
diff options
authorSergei Kolobov <sergei@FreeBSD.org>2003-12-11 17:25:34 +0000
committerSergei Kolobov <sergei@FreeBSD.org>2003-12-11 17:25:34 +0000
commit04de5e37c4ec6c54c0b713af57dc419acfaeb49d (patch)
tree4d851b49e210a32c1f50322a8eb15d2a02fb1caf /mail/anomy-sanitizer
parent9101f932c3cb6896826bf972cfced7a26081abca (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'mail/anomy-sanitizer')
6 files changed, 254 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mail/anomy-sanitizer/Makefile b/mail/anomy-sanitizer/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f5a385b0bdf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/anomy-sanitizer/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# New ports collection makefile for: anomy-sanitizer
+# Date created: 2003-02-11
+# Whom: janos.mohacsi@bsd.hu
+# $FreeBSD$
+PORTNAME= anomy-sanitizer
+CATEGORIES= mail security
+MASTER_SITES= http://mailtools.anomy.net/dist/
+MAINTAINER= janos.mohacsi@bsd.hu
+COMMENT= Sanitize and clean incoming/outgoing mail
+RUN_DEPENDS= ${SITE_PERL}/${PERL_ARCH}/Digest/MD5.pm:${PORTSDIR}/security/p5-Digest-MD5 \
+ ${SITE_PERL}/${PERL_ARCH}/MIME/Base64.pm:${PORTSDIR}/converters/p5-MIME-Base64 \
+ procmail:${PORTSDIR}/mail/procmail
+USE_PERL5= yes
+NO_BUILD= yes
+WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/anomy
+DOCS= CHANGELOG.sanitizer CREDITS README.sanitizer sanitizer.html
+ @${MKDIR} ${SITE_PERL}/Anomy/Sanitizer/
+ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/bin/Anomy/HTMLCleaner.pm ${SITE_PERL}/Anomy
+ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/bin/Anomy/Log.pm ${SITE_PERL}/Anomy
+ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/bin/Anomy/MIMEStream.pm ${SITE_PERL}/Anomy
+ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/bin/Anomy/Sanitizer.pm ${SITE_PERL}/Anomy
+ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/bin/Anomy/Sanitizer/FProt.pm ${SITE_PERL}/Anomy/Sanitizer/
+ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/bin/Anomy/Sanitizer/MacroScanner.pm ${SITE_PERL}/Anomy/Sanitizer/
+ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/bin/Anomy/Sanitizer/Scoring.pm ${SITE_PERL}/Anomy/Sanitizer/
+ ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKSRC}/bin/sanitizer.pl ${PREFIX}/bin
+ ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKSRC}/bin/simplify.pl ${PREFIX}/bin
+ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${FILESDIR}/sanitizer.cfg.sample ${PREFIX}/etc/
+ @${ECHO_MSG} ""
+ @${ECHO_MSG} "Sample config installed at ${PREFIX}/etc/sanitizer.cfg.sample"
+ @${ECHO_MSG} ""
+.if !defined(NOPORTDOCS)
+.include <bsd.port.mk>
diff --git a/mail/anomy-sanitizer/distinfo b/mail/anomy-sanitizer/distinfo
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..819e3f8f9bb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/anomy-sanitizer/distinfo
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+MD5 (anomy-sanitizer-1.63.tar.gz) = 68cccc5a145ffb5f0faadcd971d96483
diff --git a/mail/anomy-sanitizer/files/sanitizer.cfg.sample b/mail/anomy-sanitizer/files/sanitizer.cfg.sample
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a7f27e6c9d2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/anomy-sanitizer/files/sanitizer.cfg.sample
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# Active features.
+feat_boundaries = 0
+feat_files = 1
+feat_forwards = 1
+feat_html = 1
+feat_lengths = 1
+feat_log_inline = 1
+feat_log_stderr = 0
+feat_scripts = 1
+feat_trust_pgp = 0
+feat_uuencoded = 1
+feat_verbose = 1
+file_list_rules = 4
+# Note: This directory must exist and be writable by
+# the user running the sanitizer.
+file_name_tpl = /var/quarantine/att-$F-$T.$$
+# Files we absolutely don't want (mostly executables).
+file_list_1_scanner = 0
+file_list_1_policy = save
+file_list_1 = (?i)(winmail\.dat
+file_list_1 += |\.(exe|vb[es]|c(om|hm)|bat|pif|s(ys|cr))
+file_list_1 += (\.g?z|\.bz\d?)*)$
+# Pure data, don't mangle this stuff (much).
+file_list_2_scanner = 0
+file_list_2_policy = accept
+file_list_2 = (?i)\.(gif|jpe?g|pn[mg]|x[pb]m|dvi|e?ps|p(df|cx)|bmp
+file_list_2 += |mp[32]|wav|au|ram?
+file_list_2 += |avi|mov|mpe?g
+file_list_2 += |t(xt|ex)|csv|l(og|yx)|sql|jtmpl
+file_list_2 += |[ch](pp|\+\+)?|s|inc|asm|pa(tch|s)|java|php\d?
+file_list_2 += |[ja]sp
+file_list_2 += |can|pos|ux|reg|kbf|xal|\d+)(\.g?z|\.bz\d?)*$
+file_list_3_scanner = 0
+file_list_3_policy = accept
+file_list_3 = ^[^\.]+$
+# Scan WinWord and Excel attachments with built-in macro scanner.
+# We consider anything exceeding the score of 25 to be dangerous,
+# and save it in the quarantine.
+file_list_4 = (?i)\.(doc|dot|xls|xlw)$
+file_list_4_policy = accept:accept:save:save
+file_list_4_scanner = 0:1:2:builtin/macro 25
+# Default policy: accept, but mangle file name.
+file_default_policy = defang
diff --git a/mail/anomy-sanitizer/files/sanitizer.cfg.sample2 b/mail/anomy-sanitizer/files/sanitizer.cfg.sample2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b6e1cabaafb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/anomy-sanitizer/files/sanitizer.cfg.sample2
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+# Example configuration file for Anomy Sanitizer
+# From http://advosys.ca/papers/postfix-filtering.html
+# Advosys Consulting Inc., Ottawa
+# Works with Anomy Sanitizer revision 1.49
+# Do not log to STDERR:
+feat_log_stderr = 0
+# Don't insert log in the message itself:
+feat_log_inline = 0
+# Advertisement to insert in each mail header:
+header_info = X-Sanitizer: Anomy Sanitizer mail filter
+header_url = 0
+header_rev = 0
+# Enable filename based policy decisions:
+feat_files = 1
+# Protect against buffer overflows and null values:
+feat_lengths = 1
+# Replace MIME boundaries with our own:
+feat_boundaries = 1
+# Fix invalid and ambiguous MIME boundaries, if possible:
+feat_fixmime = 1
+# Trust signed and/or encrypted messages:
+feat_trust_pgp = 1
+msg_pgp_warning = WARNING: Unsanitized content follows.\n
+# Defang shell scripts:
+feat_scripts = 0
+# Defang active HTML:
+feat_html = 1
+# Defang UUEncoded files:
+feat_uuencoded = 0
+# Sanitize forwarded content too:
+feat_forwards = 1
+# Testing? Set to 1 for testing, 0 for production:
+feat_testing = 0
+# # Warn user about unscanned parts, etc.
+feat_verbose = 1
+# Force all parts (except text/html parts) to
+# have file names.
+feat_force_name = 1
+# Disable web bugs:
+feat_webbugs = 1
+# Disable "score" based mail discarding:
+score_panic = 0
+score_bad = 0
+msg_file_drop = \n*****\n
+msg_file_drop += NOTE: An attachment named %FILENAME was deleted from
+msg_file_drop += this message because it contained a windows executable
+msg_file_drop += or other potentially dangerous file type.
+msg_file_drop += Contact the system administrator for more information.
+## File attachment name mangling rules:
+# Specify the Anomy temp file and quarantine directory
+file_name_tpl = /var/spool/filter/att-$F-$T.$$
+# Number of rulesets we are defining:
+file_list_rules = 2
+file_default_policy = defang
+# Delete probably nasty attachments:
+file_list_1 = (?i)(winmail.dat)|
+file_list_1 += (\.(exe|com|vb[se]|dll|ocx|cmd|bat|pif|lnk|hlp|ms[ip]|reg|sct|inf
+file_list_1 += |asd|cab|sh[sb]|scr|cpl|chm|ws[fhc]|hta|vcd|vcf|eml|nws))$
+file_list_1_policy = drop
+file_list_1_scanner = 0
+# Allow known "safe" file types and those that will be
+# scanned by the user's desktop virus scanner:
+file_list_2 = (?i)\.
+# Word processor and document formats:
+file_list_2 += (doc|dot|txt|rtf|pdf|ps|htm|[sp]?html?
+# Spreadsheets:
+file_list_2 += |xls|xlw|xlt|csv|wk[1-4]
+# Presentation applications:
+file_list_2 += |ppt|pps|pot
+# Bitmap graphic files:
+file_list_2 += |jpe?g|gif|png|tiff?|bmp|psd|pcx
+# Vector graphics and diagramming:
+file_list_2 += |vsd|drw|cdr|swf
+# Multimedia:
+file_list_2 += |mp3|avi|mpe?g|mov|ram?|mid|ogg
+# Archives:
+file_list_2 += |zip|g?z|rar|tgz|bz2|tar
+# Source code:
+file_list_2 += |[ch](pp|\+\+)?|s|inc|asm|patch|java|php\d?|jsp|bas)
+file_list_2_policy = accept
+file_list_2_scanner = 0
+# Any file type not listed above gets renamed to prevent
+# ms outlook from auto-executing it.
diff --git a/mail/anomy-sanitizer/pkg-descr b/mail/anomy-sanitizer/pkg-descr
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e634050ee9fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/anomy-sanitizer/pkg-descr
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+The Anomy sanitizer is what most people would call
+"an email virus scanner". The most important jobs that the sanitizer
+can do for you - it can scan email attachments for viruses.
+Other things it can do:
+- Disable potentially dangerous HTML code, such as javascript,
+ within incoming email.
+- Protect you from email-based break-in attempts which exploit
+ bugs in common email programs (Outlook, Eudora, Pine, ...).
+- Block or "mangle" attachments based on their file names.
+ This way if you don't need to recieve e.g. visual basic scripts,
+ then you don't have to worry about the security risk they imply
+ (the ILOVEYOU virus was a visual basic program).
+ This lets you protect yourself and your users from whole
+ classes of attacks, instead of blocking individual exploits.
+Author: Bjarni R. Einarsson <bre@netverjar.is>
+WWW: http://mailtools.anomy.net/
diff --git a/mail/anomy-sanitizer/pkg-plist b/mail/anomy-sanitizer/pkg-plist
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..34f380376dfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/anomy-sanitizer/pkg-plist
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+@comment $FreeBSD$
+@dirrm %%SITE_PERL%%/Anomy/Sanitizer/
+@dirrm %%SITE_PERL%%/Anomy/
+%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm %%DOCSDIR%%