path: root/mail/dovecot2
diff options
authorGreg Lewis <glewis@FreeBSD.org>2010-11-27 05:53:35 +0000
committerGreg Lewis <glewis@FreeBSD.org>2010-11-27 05:53:35 +0000
commitfe409c4811fd64d59a0cb163c694faecd6fdbd46 (patch)
tree9d559a67bdb657229e2c2741a0f052e42e7588cb /mail/dovecot2
parent9a1a289d96f5495d27446d1e7ab3110ecd7000b9 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'mail/dovecot2')
8 files changed, 903 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mail/dovecot2/Makefile b/mail/dovecot2/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..38b9ce72dde2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/dovecot2/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+# New ports collection makefile for: dovecot
+# Date created: 12/08/2002
+# Whom: Dominic Marks <dominic.marks@btinternet.com>
+# $FreeBSD$
+PORTNAME= dovecot
+CATEGORIES= mail ipv6
+MASTER_SITES= http://www.dovecot.org/releases/${DOVECOTVERSION}/
+MAINTAINER= bra@fsn.hu
+COMMENT= Secure and compact IMAP and POP3 servers
+LATEST_LINK= dovecot2
+CONFLICTS= dovecot-1.*
+# Anytime PORTVERSION changes please bump PORTREVISION of #
+# mail/dovecot20-pigeonhole. Please see ports/135311 and #
+# ports/146029 for an explanation. #
+# #
+# Please be careful when updating this port as changes to this port #
+# can break mail/dovecot20-pigeonhole. In order to ensure the least #
+# amount of breakage possible please consult the maintainer of that #
+# port before updating this one. #
+USE_RC_SUBR= dovecot.sh
+CONFIGURE_TARGET= --build=${MACHINE_ARCH}-portbld-freebsd${OSREL}
+CONFIGURE_ARGS= --localstatedir=/var \
+ --with-statedir=/var/db/dovecot \
+ --without-shadow
+USE_LDCONFIG= ${PREFIX}/lib/dovecot
+.if defined(NOPORTDOCS)
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --without-docs
+.if !defined(NOPORTEXAMPLES)
+PROTOCOLS= imap pop3
+OPTIONS= KQUEUE "kqueue(2) support" on \
+ SSL "SSL support" on \
+ GSSAPI "GSSAPI support" off \
+ LDAP "OpenLDAP support" off \
+ PGSQL "PostgreSQL support" off \
+ MYSQL "MySQL support" off \
+ SQLITE "SQLite support" off
+.include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
+# Default requirement for dovecot rc script
+# sed script for dovecot.conf
+ s!/usr/!${PREFIX}/!g;\
+ s!=/usr!=${PREFIX}!g;\
+ s!=/etc !=${PREFIX}/etc !g;\
+ s!/etc/dovecot!${PREFIX}&!g;\
+ s![[:<:]]doc/(dovecot-[^-]+)-example.conf[[:>:]]!${EXAMPLESDIR}/\1.conf!g;\
+ s!\#sendmail_path = /usr/.*!sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/sendmail!g;
+## kqueue(2) support
+.if !defined(WITHOUT_KQUEUE)
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-ioloop=kqueue
+## SSL support
+.if defined(WITH_SSL) && !defined(WITHOUT_SSL)
+PROTOCOLS+= imaps pop3s
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --without-ssl
+## GSSAPI support
+.if defined(WITH_GSSAPI) && !defined(WITHOUT_GSSAPI)
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-gssapi
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --without-gssapi
+## VPopMail Support
+# support is currently disabled
+#.if defined(WITH_VPOPMAIL) && !defined(WITHOUT_VPOPMAIL)
+#VPOPMAIL= ${LOCALBASE}/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw
+#CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-vpopmail
+#CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --without-vpopmail
+## OpenLDAP Support
+.if defined(WITH_LDAP) && !defined(WITHOUT_LDAP)
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-ldap
+_REQUIRE+= slapd
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --without-ldap
+PLIST_SUB+= LDAP="@comment "
+## PostgreSQL Support
+.if defined(WITH_PGSQL) && !defined(WITHOUT_PGSQL)
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-pgsql
+_REQUIRE+= postgresql
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --without-pgsql
+PLIST_SUB+= SQL="@comment "
+## MySQL Support
+.if defined(WITH_MYSQL) && !defined(WITHOUT_MYSQL)
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-mysql
+_REQUIRE+= mysql
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --without-mysql
+PLIST_SUB+= SQL="@comment "
+## SQLite Support
+.if defined(WITH_SQLITE) && !defined(WITHOUT_SQLITE)
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-sqlite
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --without-sqlite
+PLIST_SUB+= SQL="@comment "
+SUB_FILES+= pkg-install pkg-deinstall pkg-message
+MAN1= deliver.1 \
+ doveadm-altmove.1 \
+ doveadm-auth.1 \
+ doveadm-config.1 \
+ doveadm-director.1 \
+ doveadm-dump.1 \
+ doveadm-expunge.1 \
+ doveadm-fetch.1 \
+ doveadm-force-resync.1 \
+ doveadm-help.1 \
+ doveadm-kick.1 \
+ doveadm-import.1 \
+ doveadm-log.1 \
+ doveadm-mailbox.1 \
+ doveadm-penalty.1 \
+ doveadm-purge.1 \
+ doveadm-pw.1 \
+ doveadm-quota.1 \
+ doveadm-reload.1 \
+ doveadm-search.1 \
+ doveadm-stop.1 \
+ doveadm-user.1 \
+ doveadm-who.1 \
+ doveadm.1 \
+ doveconf.1 \
+ dovecot-lda.1 \
+ dovecot.1 \
+ dsync.1
+MAN7= doveadm-search-query.7
+ ${WRKSRC}/doc/example-config/dovecot.conf
+ @${REINPLACE_CMD} -E -e'\
+ s!-example\.conf[[:>:]]!.conf!g;\
+ s!^(confdir[[:space:]]+=[[:space:]]+)\$$\(sysconfdir\)!\1${EXAMPLESDIR}!g;\
+ ' ${WRKSRC}/*/Makefile.in ${WRKSRC}/Makefile.in
+.if defined(WITH_GSSAPI)
+ @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e '\
+ s!<gssapi/gssapi\.h>!<gssapi.h>!;\
+ ' ${WRKSRC}/src/auth/mech-gssapi.c ${WRKSRC}/configure
+.if !defined(NOPORTEXAMPLES)
+ ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKSRC}/doc/dovecot-openssl.cnf ${EXAMPLESDIR}
+.if !defined(NOPORTDOCS)
+.for f in ${DOCS}
+.include <bsd.port.post.mk>
diff --git a/mail/dovecot2/distinfo b/mail/dovecot2/distinfo
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..711a5fe79eb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/dovecot2/distinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+SHA256 (dovecot-2.0.7.tar.gz) = d862ca1bf5aaa3bc15f5962058351517b8f42fa6947feeb634f4d085ec0f4ce3
+SIZE (dovecot-2.0.7.tar.gz) = 3174912
diff --git a/mail/dovecot2/files/dovecot.sh.in b/mail/dovecot2/files/dovecot.sh.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bb922e473353
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/dovecot2/files/dovecot.sh.in
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# $FreeBSD$
+# PROVIDE: dovecot
+# KEYWORD: shutdown
+# Define dovecot_* variables in one of these files:
+# /etc/rc.conf
+# /etc/rc.conf.local
+# /etc/rc.conf.d/dovecot
+. /etc/rc.subr
+# read configuration and set defaults
+load_rc_config ${name}
+: ${dovecot_enable:="NO"}
+: ${dovecot_config:="%%PREFIX%%/etc/dovecot/${name}.conf"}
+{ # Ensure runtime directories exist with correct permissions
+ local login_user login_gid
+ login_user=$(${command} ${command_args} -a | /usr/bin/awk -F '= ' '/^default_login_user =/ { print $2 }')
+ login_gid=$(/usr/sbin/pw usershow -n "${login_user}" 2>/dev/null | /usr/bin/cut -d: -f4)
+ /usr/bin/install -o root -g wheel -m 0755 -d ${base_dir}
+{ # Cleanup runtime directories
+ rm -rf ${base_dir} 2>/dev/null
+{ # Overriding makes rc.subr run this once for each instance
+ run_rc_command stop
+ run_rc_command start
+# To start multiple instances of dovecot set dovecot_config to
+# a space seperated list of configuration files.
+if checkyesno ${name}_enable; then
+ for config in ${dovecot_config}; do
+ required_files="${config}"
+ command_args="-c ${config}"
+ base_dir=$(${command} ${command_args} -a | /usr/bin/awk -F '= ' '/^base_dir =/ { print $2 }')
+ pidfile="${base_dir}/master.pid"
+ run_rc_command "$1"
+ done
diff --git a/mail/dovecot2/files/pkg-deinstall.in b/mail/dovecot2/files/pkg-deinstall.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6f7cc06b63df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/dovecot2/files/pkg-deinstall.in
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# $FreeBSD: /tmp/pcvs/ports/mail/dovecot2/files/pkg-deinstall.in,v 1.1 2010-11-27 05:53:35 glewis Exp $
+ask() {
+ local question default answer
+ question=$1
+ default=$2
+ if [ -z "${PACKAGE_BUILDING}" -a -z "${BATCH}" ]; then
+ read -p "${question} [${default}]? " answer
+ fi
+ echo ${answer:-${default}}
+yesno() {
+ local question default answer
+ question=$1
+ default=$2
+ while :; do
+ answer=$(ask "${question}" "${default}")
+ case "${answer}" in
+ [Yy]*) return 0;;
+ [Nn]*) return 1;;
+ esac
+ echo "Please answer yes or no."
+ done
+delete_account() {
+ local port user uid group gid
+ port=$1
+ user=${2%:*}
+ uid=${2#*:}
+ group=${3%:*}
+ gid=${3#*:}
+ echo "If you do not intend to reinstall ${port}, you should manually"
+ echo "remove user '${user}' (uid='${uid}') and group '${group}' (gid='${gid}')."
+case $2 in
+ if ps -axc | grep -qw dovecot; then
+ if yesno "Dovecot is still running. Shall I stop it?" y; then
+ ${PKG_PREFIX}/etc/rc.d/dovecot stop
+ sleep 2
+ else
+ echo "OK ... I hope you know what you are doing."
+ fi
+ fi
+ delete_account Dovecot dovecot:${DOVECOT_UID:-%%DOVECOT_UID%%} dovecot:${DOVECOT_GID:-%%DOVECOT_GID%%}
+ delete_account Dovecot dovenull:${DOVENULL_UID:-%%DOVENULL_UID%%} dovenull:${DOVENULL_GID:-%%DOVENULL_GID%%}
+ echo "Also manually 'rm -rf /var/db/dovecot' if anything was stored there."
+ ;;
diff --git a/mail/dovecot2/files/pkg-install.in b/mail/dovecot2/files/pkg-install.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..28ee06db8662
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/dovecot2/files/pkg-install.in
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# $FreeBSD: /tmp/pcvs/ports/mail/dovecot2/files/Attic/pkg-install.in,v 1.1 2010-11-27 05:53:35 glewis Exp $
+ask() {
+ local question default answer
+ question=$1
+ default=$2
+ if [ -z "${PACKAGE_BUILDING}" -a -z "${BATCH}" ]; then
+ read -p "${question} [${default}]? " answer
+ fi
+ echo ${answer:-${default}}
+yesno() {
+ local question default answer
+ question=$1
+ default=$2
+ while :; do
+ answer=$(ask "${question}" "${default}")
+ case "${answer}" in
+ [Yy]*) return 0;;
+ [Nn]*) return 1;;
+ esac
+ echo "Please answer yes or no."
+ done
+create_account() {
+ local port user uid group gid gcos home shell
+ port=$1
+ user=${2%:*}
+ uid=${2#*:}
+ group=${3%:*}
+ gid=${3#*:}
+ gcos=$4
+ home=$5
+ shell=$6
+ pw_user_uid=$(pw usershow -n "${user}" 2>/dev/null | cut -d: -f3)
+ pw_uid_user=$(pw usershow -u "${uid}" 2>/dev/null | cut -d: -f1)
+ pw_group_gid=$(pw groupshow -n "${group}" 2>/dev/null | cut -d: -f3)
+ pw_gid_group=$(pw groupshow -g "${gid}" 2>/dev/null | cut -d: -f1)
+ if [ -z "${pw_group_gid}" -a -z "${pw_gid_group}" ]; then
+ echo "You need a ${group} group; creating it..."
+ pw groupadd "${group}" -g "${gid}" || exit
+ echo "Done."
+ elif [ "${gid}" = "${pw_group_gid}" -a "${group}" = "${pw_gid_group}" ]; then
+ echo "Using existing ${group} group."
+ else
+ echo "${port} has reserved the groupname '${group}' and gid '${gid}':"
+ [ -n "${pw_group_gid}" -a "${gid}" != "${pw_group_gid}" ] \
+ && echo "ERROR: groupname '${group}' already in use by gid '${pw_group_gid}'"
+ [ -n "${pw_gid_group}" -a "${group}" != "${pw_gid_group}" ] \
+ && echo "ERROR: gid '${gid}' already in use by group '${pw_gid_group}'"
+ echo "Please resolve these issues and try again:"
+ echo "Either remove the conflicting group or if you wish to continue using a legacy group override DOVECOT_GID."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [ -z "${pw_user_uid}" -a -z "${pw_uid_user}" ]; then
+ echo "You need a ${user} user; creating it..."
+ pw useradd "${user}" -u "${uid}" -g "${group}" -c "${gcos}" -d "${home}" -s "${shell}"
+ echo "Done."
+ elif [ "${uid}" = "${pw_user_uid}" -a "${user}" = "${pw_uid_user}" ]; then
+ echo "Using existing ${user} user."
+ else
+ echo "${port} has reserved the username '${user}' and uid '${uid}':"
+ [ -n "${pw_user_uid}" -a "${uid}" != "${pw_user_uid}" ] \
+ && echo "ERROR: username '${user}' already in use by uid '${pw_user_uid}'"
+ [ -n "${pw_uid_user}" -a "${user}" != "${pw_uid_user}" ] \
+ && echo "ERROR: uid '${uid}' already in use by user '${pw_uid_user}'"
+ echo "Please resolve these issues and try again:"
+ echo "Either remove the conflicting user or if you wish to continue using a legacy user override DOVECOT_UID."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+case $2 in
+ create_account Dovecot dovecot:${DOVECOT_UID:-%%DOVECOT_UID%%} dovecot:${DOVECOT_GID:-%%DOVECOT_GID%%} "Dovecot User" /var/empty /usr/sbin/nologin
+ create_account Dovecot dovenull:${DOVENULL_UID:-%%DOVENULL_UID%%} dovenull:${DOVENULL_GID:-%%DOVENULL_GID%%} "Dovecot login User" /var/empty /usr/sbin/nologin
+ ;;
diff --git a/mail/dovecot2/files/pkg-message.in b/mail/dovecot2/files/pkg-message.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b99cf38631f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/dovecot2/files/pkg-message.in
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ You can get basic IMAP and POP3 services running by enabling
+ dovecot in the /etc/rc.conf file.
+ dovecot_enable
+ (bool) If set to ``YES'', run the dovecot command
+ at boot time.
+ In the basic configuration Dovecot will authenticate users against
+ the system's passwd file and use the default /var/mail/$USER mbox
+ files.
+ dovecot_config
+ (str) Path to dovecot configuration file(s).
+ Default %%PREFIX%%/etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf.
+ To start multiple instances of dovecot set dovecot_config to
+ a space seperated list of configuration files.
diff --git a/mail/dovecot2/pkg-descr b/mail/dovecot2/pkg-descr
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..48a277c6a21a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/dovecot2/pkg-descr
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Dovecot is a secure and compact IMAP server which is in the early stages
+of development. It supports Maildirs and mbox formats and much of the
+IMAP v4 protocol including SSL/TLS. IPv6 support is also included.
+Dovecot supports authentication with OpenLDAP, PostgreSQL, MySQL, vpopmail
+and PAM.
+WWW: http://www.dovecot.org/
diff --git a/mail/dovecot2/pkg-plist b/mail/dovecot2/pkg-plist
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..91fefd2044ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/dovecot2/pkg-plist
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+@dirrm libexec/dovecot
+@dirrm lib/dovecot/doveadm
+@dirrm lib/dovecot/auth
+@dirrm lib/dovecot
+@dirrm include/dovecot
+@dirrmtry etc/dovecot