path: root/net-im/centericq
diff options
authorVanilla I. Shu <vanilla@FreeBSD.org>2003-10-23 13:09:28 +0000
committerVanilla I. Shu <vanilla@FreeBSD.org>2003-10-23 13:09:28 +0000
commit69f2d6ddf7c763eb6d143ba8a26b2e77b3d81ead (patch)
tree6edc743a9fdfaa96245987646485a74147410838 /net-im/centericq
parent52d49aa283cb7c9261b4c9bf4661bf371dafa71e (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'net-im/centericq')
6 files changed, 1163 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/net-im/centericq/Makefile b/net-im/centericq/Makefile
index becb45bc6430..9b88f3deb91c 100644
--- a/net-im/centericq/Makefile
+++ b/net-im/centericq/Makefile
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
PORTNAME= centericq
MASTER_SITES= http://konst.org.ua/download/
diff --git a/net-im/centericq/files/patch-msn_bittybits.C b/net-im/centericq/files/patch-msn_bittybits.C
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..aa1a54f11a79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-im/centericq/files/patch-msn_bittybits.C
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+--- blip-0.1/msn_bittybits.C.orig Mon Dec 9 20:31:41 2002
++++ blip-0.1/msn_bittybits.C Thu Oct 23 20:02:19 2003
+@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
+ char c;
+ int pos=0, numspaces=0;
++ *numargs = 0;
+ while(1)
+ {
+ if(read(sock, &c, 1)<1)
+@@ -259,13 +261,16 @@
+ {
+ if(*rptr=='\0')
+ { *wptr='\0'; break; }
+ if(!(isalpha(*rptr) || isdigit(*rptr)))
+ {
++ if ( *rptr != '\xc2' && *rptr != '\xb0' ) {
+ sprintf(wptr, "%%%2x", (int)(*rptr));
+ rptr++;
+ wptr+=3;
+ continue;
++ }
+ }
+ *wptr=*rptr;
diff --git a/net-im/centericq/files/patch-msn_core.C b/net-im/centericq/files/patch-msn_core.C
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..767c3156c0a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-im/centericq/files/patch-msn_core.C
@@ -0,0 +1,923 @@
+--- blip-0.1/msn_core.C.orig Sat Dec 14 07:58:01 2002
++++ blip-0.1/msn_core.C Thu Oct 23 20:02:19 2003
+@@ -18,19 +18,18 @@
+ #include <sys/stat.h>
+ #include "md5.h"
+ #include "msn_core.h"
+ #include "msn_bittybits.h"
+ #include "msn_interface.h"
++#include "../connwrap-0.1/connwrap.h"
+ #define DEBUG 1
++#define MSN_VERSION_ID 0 // ID that is sent after commands like CHG, NLN, etc.
+ // Define all those extern'ed variables in msn_core.h:
+ llist * connections=NULL;
+ int next_trid=10;
+ char buf[BUF_SIZE]; // used for anything temporary
+ char * errors[1000];
+ char default_error_msg[]="Unknown error code";
+@@ -218,143 +217,151 @@
+ write(conn->sock, buf, strlen(buf));
+ }
+-void msn_sync_lists(msnconn * conn, int version)
++void msn_get_list_info( msnconn *conn, int nargs, char **args )
+ {
+- syncinfo * info=new syncinfo;
++ char buf[ 1000 ];
++ syncinfo *info;
+- info->serial=version;
++ info = conn->sync_info;
+- sprintf(buf, "SYN %d %d\r\n", next_trid, version);
+- write(conn->sock, buf, strlen(buf));
++ if ( NULL == info )
++ {
++ ext_debug("error! : conn->sync_info == NULL in msn_get_list_info");
++ return ;
++ }
+- msn_add_callback(conn, msn_syncdata, next_trid, info);
+- next_trid++;
++ if ( !nargs )
++ return ;
+-void msn_syncdata(msnconn * conn, int trid, char ** args, int numargs, callback_data * data)
+- syncinfo * info=(syncinfo *)data;
+- if(!strcmp(args[0], "SYN"))
++ if ( !strcmp( args[ 0 ], "SYN" ) )
+ {
+- if(info->serial==atoi(args[2]))
++ if ( info->serial == atoi( args[ 2 ] ) )
+ {
+ delete info;
+- info=NULL;
+- msn_del_callback(conn, trid);
++ info = NULL;
+ ext_got_info(conn, NULL);
+ return;
+- } else {
+- info->serial=atoi(args[2]);
+- ext_latest_serial(conn, info->serial);
+- msn_add_callback(conn, msn_phonedata, info->serial, info);
+ }
++ info->serial = atoi( args[ 2 ] );
++ ext_latest_serial( conn, info->serial );
++ info->nContacts = atoi( args[ 3 ] );
++ info->nGroups = atoi( args[ 4 ] );
++ return ;
+ }
+- if(!strcmp(args[0], "LST"))
+- {
+- if(!strcmp(args[2], "FL"))
+- {
+- if(!strcmp(args[5], "0"))
++ if ( !strcmp( args[ 0 ], "GTC" ) )
+ {
+- info->fl=NULL; info->complete|=LST_FL;
+- } else {
+- userdata * newuser=new userdata();
+- newuser->username=msn_permstring(args[6]);
+- newuser->friendlyname=msn_decode_URL(msn_permstring(args[6]));
+- msn_add_to_llist(info->fl, newuser);
+- if(atoi(args[4])==atoi(args[5]))
+- { info->complete|=LST_FL; }
+- }
++ info->gtc = args[ 1 ][ 0 ];
++ info->complete |= COMPLETE_GTC;
++ ext_got_GTC( conn, args[ 1 ][ 0 ] );
+ }
+- if(!strcmp(args[2], "RL"))
+- {
+- if(!strcmp(args[5], "0"))
++ if ( !strcmp( args[ 0 ], "BLP" ) )
+ {
+- info->rl=NULL; info->complete|=LST_RL; // no mates! :-)
+- } else {
+- userdata * newuser=new userdata();
+- newuser->username=msn_permstring(args[6]);
+- newuser->friendlyname=msn_decode_URL(msn_permstring(args[6]));
+- msn_add_to_llist(info->rl, newuser);
+- if(atoi(args[4])==atoi(args[5]))
+- { info->complete|=LST_RL; }
++ info->blp = args[ 1 ][0];
++ info->complete |= COMPLETE_BLP;
++ ext_got_BLP( conn, args[ 1 ][ 0 ] );
+ }
++ if ( !strcmp( args[ 0 ], "PRP" ) )
++ {
++ // We just eat PRP-codes.
++ return ;
+ }
+- if(!strcmp(args[2], "AL"))
++ if ( !strcmp( args[ 0 ], "LSG" ) )
+ {
+- if(!strcmp(args[5], "0"))
++ if ( !info->nContacts )
+ {
+- info->al=NULL; info->complete|=LST_AL;
+- } else {
+- userdata * newuser=new userdata();
+- newuser->username=msn_permstring(args[6]);
+- newuser->friendlyname=msn_decode_URL(msn_permstring(args[6]));
+- msn_add_to_llist(info->al, newuser);
+- if(atoi(args[4])==atoi(args[5]))
+- { info->complete|=LST_AL; }
++ msn_check_rl(conn, info);
++ ext_got_info(conn, info);
++ delete info;
++ conn->sync = 0;
+ }
++ // Just eat 'm.
++ return ;
+ }
+- if(!strcmp(args[2], "BL"))
+- {
+- if(!strcmp(args[5], "0"))
++ if ( !strcmp( args[ 0 ], "BPR" ) )
+ {
+- info->bl=NULL; info->complete|=LST_BL;
++ if ( !info->nFound ) {
++ ext_debug("MSNp8: error: got BPR without contact");
+ } else {
+- userdata * newuser=new userdata();
+- newuser->username=msn_permstring(args[6]);
+- newuser->friendlyname=msn_decode_URL(msn_permstring(args[6]));
+- msn_add_to_llist(info->bl, newuser);
+- if(atoi(args[4])==atoi(args[5]))
+- { info->complete|=LST_BL; }
++ llist *ll = info->fl;
++ while( ll ) {
++ userdata * ud = (userdata *) ll->data;
++ if( !strcmp( ud->username, info->last_user_handled ) )
++ {
++ phonedata * newphone=new phonedata();
++ newphone->title=msn_permstring(args[1]);
++ newphone->number=msn_decode_URL(msn_permstring(args[2]));
++ msn_add_to_llist( ud->phone, newphone );
++ break;
+ }
++ ll = ll->next;
+ }
+ }
+- if(!strcmp(args[0], "GTC"))
+- {
+- info->gtc=args[3][0];
+- info->complete|=COMPLETE_GTC;
+- ext_got_GTC(conn, args[3][0]);
++ return ;
+ }
+- if(!strcmp(args[0], "BLP"))
++ // 0 1 2
++ // LST email@address.com Friendly%20Nickname w x,y,z
++ if ( !strcmp( args[ 0 ], "LST" ) )
+ {
+- info->blp=args[3][0];
+- info->complete|=COMPLETE_BLP;
+- ext_got_BLP(conn, args[3][0]);
+- }
++ // XXX - Todo: see if the user is really on our FL
++ // list and handle the BL list.
++ userdata *newuser_fl = new userdata();
++ newuser_fl->username = msn_permstring( args[ 1 ] );
++ newuser_fl->friendlyname = msn_decode_URL( msn_permstring( args[ 1 ] ) );
++ info->last_user_handled = newuser_fl->username;
++ msn_add_to_llist( info->fl, newuser_fl );
++ userdata *newuser_rl = new userdata();
++ newuser_rl->username = msn_permstring( args[ 1 ] );
++ newuser_rl->friendlyname = msn_decode_URL( msn_permstring( args[ 1 ] ) );
++ msn_add_to_llist( info->rl, newuser_rl );
++ userdata *newuser_al = new userdata();
++ newuser_al->username = msn_permstring( args[ 1 ] );
++ newuser_al->friendlyname = msn_decode_URL( msn_permstring( args[ 1 ] ) );
++ msn_add_to_llist( info->al, newuser_al );
++ info->nFound++;
++ if ( info->nFound == info->nContacts )
+ {
+- msn_del_callback(conn, trid);
+- msn_del_callback(conn, info->serial);
+ msn_check_rl(conn, info);
+ ext_got_info(conn, info);
+ delete info;
++ conn->sync = 0;
++ }
+ }
+ }
+-void msn_phonedata(msnconn * conn, int trid, char ** args, int numargs, callback_data * data)
++void msn_sync_lists(msnconn * conn, int version)
+ {
+- syncinfo * info=(syncinfo *)data;
++ syncinfo * info=new syncinfo;
+- if(!strcmp(args[0], "BPR"))
+- {
+- llist * ll = info->fl;
+- while(ll) {
+- userdata * ud = (userdata *) ll->data;
+- if(!strcmp(ud->username, args[2]))
+- {
+- phonedata * newphone=new phonedata();
+- newphone->title=msn_permstring(args[3]);
+- newphone->number=msn_decode_URL(msn_permstring(args[4]));
+- msn_add_to_llist(ud->phone, newphone);
+- break;
+- }
+- ll = ll->next;
+- }
+- }
++ info->serial=version;
++ sprintf(buf, "SYN %d %d\r\n", next_trid, version);
++ write(conn->sock, buf, strlen(buf));
++ conn->sync = 1;
++ conn->sync_info = info;
++ next_trid++;
+ }
+ void msn_check_rl(msnconn * conn, syncinfo * info)
+@@ -544,6 +551,11 @@
+ if(!readable) { return; }
+ args=msn_read_line(sock, &numargs);
++ if ( !numargs )
++ {
++ ext_debug("msn: error: no arguments for this data");
++ return ;
++ }
+ if(args==NULL)
+ {
+@@ -582,6 +594,22 @@
+ trid=atoi(args[1]);
++ if ( conn->sync )
++ {
++ // connection is synching. is this a SYNC-relation instruction?
++ if ( !strcmp( args[ 0 ], "SYN" ) || !strcmp( args[ 0 ], "GTC") || !strcmp( args[ 0 ], "BLP" ) ||
++ !strcmp( args[ 0 ], "PRP" ) || !strcmp( args[ 0 ], "LSG") || !strcmp( args[ 0 ], "BPR" ) ||
++ !strcmp( args[ 0 ], "LST" ) )
++ {
++ msn_get_list_info( conn, numargs, args );
++ delete args[0];
++ delete args;
++ return ;
++ }
++ // else: it's a normal message
++ }
+ list=conn->callbacks;
+ if(list!=NULL && trid>0)
+@@ -775,6 +803,10 @@
+ #endif
+ if((tmp=strstr(content, "; charset"))!=NULL) { *tmp='\0'; }
++ if(!strcmp(content, "text/x-msmsgsprofile"))
++ {
++ ext_debug("MSNp8: got x-msmsgsprofile");
++ } else
+ if(!strcmp(content, "text/plain"))
+ {
+ message * msg=new message;
+@@ -1024,7 +1056,6 @@
+ write(conn->sock, "VER MSNFTP\r\n", strlen("VER MSNFTP\r\n"));
+ }
+ void msn_handle_filetrans_incoming(msnconn * conn, int readable, int writable)
+ {
+ authdata_FTP * auth=(authdata_FTP *)conn->auth;
+@@ -1445,10 +1476,12 @@
+ md5_init(&state);
+ md5_append(&state, (md5_byte_t *)(args[2]), strlen(args[2]));
+- md5_append(&state, (md5_byte_t *)"Q1P7W2E4J9R8U3S5", 16);
++ md5_append(&state, (md5_byte_t *)"VT6PX?UQTM4WM%YR", 16);
+ md5_finish(&state, digest);
+- sprintf(buf, "QRY %d msmsgs@msnmsgr.com 32\r\n", next_trid++);
++ sprintf(buf, "QRY %d PROD0038W!61ZTF9 32\r\n", next_trid++ );
+ write(conn->sock, buf, strlen(buf));
+ for(a=0; a<16; a++)
+@@ -1591,8 +1624,426 @@
+ return inv;
+ }
++#define szUser info->username
++#define szPassword info->password
++int msn_login_read( int nSock, char *buf, int nMax )
++ return cw_read( nSock, buf, nMax, 0 );
++int msn_login_wait( int nSocket, char *szCommand )
++ int nRet = 0;
++ while ( !nRet )
++ nRet = read( nSocket, szCommand, 1000 );
++ #ifdef MSNDEBUG
++ printf("<< %s", szCommand );
++ #endif
++ return 1;
++void msn_login_write1( int nSocket, char *szString, char *szArg )
++ char szWrite[ 1000 ];
++ // ext_debug( szString );
++ // ext_debug( szArg );
++ memset( szWrite, 0, 999 );
++ sprintf( szWrite, "%s %s\r\n", szString, szArg );
++ // ext_debug( szWrite );
++ cw_write( nSocket, szWrite, strlen( szWrite ), 0 );
++void msn_login_write( int nSocket, char *szString )
++ char szWrite[ 1000 ];
++ memset( szWrite, 0, 1000 );
++ sprintf( szWrite, "%s\r\n", szString );
++ cw_write( nSocket, szWrite, strlen( szWrite ), 0 );
++int msn_login_connect( int nPort, char *szAddress )
++ return ext_connect_socket( szAddress, nPort );
++int msn_login_ssl_write( int nSock, char *str )
++ return cw_write( nSock, str, strlen( str ), 1 );
++int msn_login_ssl_read( int nSock, char *buf, int nMax )
++ return cw_read( nSock, buf, nMax, 1 );
++int msn_login_close( int nSock )
++ return cw_close( nSock );
++int msn_login_ssl_connect( int nPort, char *szAddr )
++ return ext_connect_socket_ssl( szAddr, nPort );
++int msn_login_get_server( char *str, char *filter, char *Server, char *Site )
++ char *c, *c1, *c2;
++ c = strstr( str, filter );
++ if ( NULL == c )
++ return 0;
++ // Skip the "Filter="-part.
++ c++;
++ c += strlen( filter );
++ c1 = strchr( c, '/' );
++ if ( NULL == c1 )
++ return 0;
++ c2 = strchr( c1, ',' );
++ if ( NULL == c2 )
++ return 0;
++ strncpy( Server, c, (unsigned long)c1 - (unsigned long)c );
++ strncpy( Site, c1, (unsigned long)c2 - (unsigned long)c1 );
++ return 1;
++int msnAuth( char *lc, char *ticket, char *user, char *password )
++ int nexus; // Passport Login Nexus
++ int logins; // Login Server
++ char result[ 5000 ];
++ char result2[ 1000 ];
++ char Server[ 100 ]; // e.g. www.server.com
++ char Site[ 100 ]; // e.g. /site.html
++ char String[ 800 ];
++ int i;
++ char mail[ 255 ];
++ char name[ 255 ];
++ memset( mail, 0, 255 );
++ memset( name, 0, 255 );
++ for ( i = 0; i < strlen( user ); i++ )
++ {
++ if ( user[i] == '@' )
++ {
++ strncpy( name, user, i );
++ strcpy( mail, (char*)( (unsigned long)user + i + 1 ) );
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ memset( Server, 0, 100 );
++ memset( Site, 0, 100 );
++ nexus = msn_login_ssl_connect( 443, "nexus.passport.com" );
++ msn_login_ssl_write( nexus, "GET /rdr/pprdr.asp HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" );
++ msn_login_ssl_read( nexus, result, 800 );
++ msn_login_close( nexus );
++ msn_login_get_server( result, "DALogin", Server, Site );
++ #ifdef MSNDEBUG
++ printf("Connecting to server '%s' .. site '%s'\n", Server, Site );
++ #endif
++ for ( ; ; )
++ {
++ // Connect to Login Server
++ logins = msn_login_ssl_connect( 443, Server );
++ memset( String, 0, 800 );
++ sprintf( String, "GET %s HTTP/1.1\r\n"
++ "Authorization: Passport1.4 OrgVerb=GET,OrgURL=http%%3A%%2F%%2Fmessenger%%2Emsn%%2Ecom,sign-in=%s%%40%s,pwd=%s,%s\r\n"
++ "Host: %s\r\n\r\n",
++ Site, name, mail, password, lc, Server );
++ #ifdef MSNDEBUG
++ printf("Writing: \n%s\n", String );
++ #endif
++ msn_login_ssl_write( logins, String );
++ memset( result, 0, 5000 );
++ memset( result2, 0, 1000 );
++ msn_login_ssl_read( logins, result, 5000 );
++ msn_login_ssl_read( logins, result2, 1000 );
++ strcat( result, result2 );
++ if ( strstr( result, "200 OK" ) )
++ {
++ char *tick;
++ char *c3, *c4;
++ // Okay.
++ tick = strstr( result, "t=" );
++ if ( NULL == tick )
++ {
++ #ifdef MSNDEBUG
++ printf("No t= found in response.\n");
++ #endif
++ return 0;
++ }
++ tick += 2;
++ c4 = strstr( tick, "," );
++ strncpy( ticket, tick, (unsigned long)c4 - (unsigned long)tick - 1 );
++ //msn_login_close( logins );
++ return 1;
++ }
++ if ( strstr( result, "302 Found") && strstr( result, "redir" ) && strstr( result, "Location: " ) )
++ {
++ // Redirection.
++ char *c3, *c4;
++ c3 = strstr( result, "Location: " );
++ c3 += 10;
++ c3 = strstr( c3, "https://" );
++ c3 += 8;
++ c4 = strstr( c3, "/" );
++ strncpy( Server, c3, (unsigned long)c4 - (unsigned long)c3 );
++ strncpy( Site, c4, (unsigned long)strchr( c4, '\r' ) - (unsigned long)c4 );
++ // printf("Redirection to server [%s] - Site [%s]\n", Server, Site );
++ msn_login_close( logins );
++ continue;
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ // printf("Error\n");
++ return 0;
++int msn_connect_v8_error( connectinfo *info, msnconn *conn, char *szErr )
++ ext_show_error( NULL, szErr );
++ delete info;
++ if ( conn->sock != -1 )
++ {
++ ext_unregister_sock( conn->sock );
++ close( conn->sock );
++ conn->sock = -1;
++ }
++ return -1;
++int msn_connect_v8( connectinfo *info, msnconn *conn, int *nNextTrid )
++ int ds; // Dispatch Server
++ char result[ 1000 ];
++ char *c;
++ char szIp[ 20 ];
++ char szPort[ 20 ];
++ int nPort;
++ char lc[ 400 ];
++ char ticket[ 2000 ];
++ memset( result, 0, 500 );
++ ext_debug("MSNp8: finding login server");
++ // ds = msn_login_connect( 1863, "messenger.hotmail.com" );
++ ds = conn->sock;
++ // >> VER 1 MSNP8 CVR0\r\n
++ msn_login_write( ds, "VER 1 MSNP8 CVR0" );
++ msn_login_wait( ds, result );
++ if ( !strstr( result, "VER 1" ) )
++ return msn_connect_v8_error( info, conn, "Protocol error (didn't receive VER 1)" );
++ // >> CVR 2 0x0409 win 4.10 i386 MSNMSGR 5.0.0544 MSMSGS something@something.com\r\n
++ // ext_debug( szUser );
++ msn_login_write1( ds, "CVR 2 0x0409 winnt 5.1 i386 MSNMSGR 5.0.0540 MSMSGS", szUser );
++ msn_login_wait( ds, result );
++ if ( !strstr( result, "CVR 2" ) )
++ return msn_connect_v8_error( info, conn, "Protocol error (didn't receive CVR 2)" );
++ // >> USR 3 TWN I something@something.com\r\n
++ msn_login_write1( ds, "USR 3 TWN I", szUser );
++ msn_login_wait( ds, result );
++ if ( !strstr( result, "XFR 3 NS " ) )
++ return msn_connect_v8_error( info, conn, "Protocol error (didn't receive XFR 3)" );
++ // Read MSN Server IP from message.
++ c = strstr( result, "NS ");
++ c += 3;
++ memset( szIp, 0, 20 );
++ memset( szPort, 0, 20 );
++ strncpy( szIp, c, (unsigned long)strchr( c, ':' ) - (unsigned long)c );
++ c = strchr( c, ':' ); c++;
++ strncpy( szPort, c, (unsigned long)strchr( c, ' ' ) - (unsigned long)c );
++ nPort = atoi( szPort );
++ // Close current socket.
++ msn_login_close( ds );
++ ext_unregister_sock( ds );
++ conn->sock = -1;
++ #ifdef MSNDEBUG
++ printf("* Connecting to IP `%s' port %d *\n", szIp, nPort );
++ #endif
++ ext_debug("MSNp8: found.. connecting");
++ // Try to connect to other server.
++ ds = msn_login_connect( nPort, szIp );
++ if ( ds <= 0 )
++ return msn_connect_v8_error( info, conn, "Error connecting to specified MSN Server" );
++ // OK. Register the socket.
++ conn->sock = ds;
++ ext_register_sock( ds, 1, 0 );
++ // >> VER 4 MSNP8 CVR0\r\n
++ msn_login_write( ds, "VER 4 MSNP8 CVR0" );
++ msn_login_wait( ds, result );
++ if ( !strstr( result, "VER 4" ) )
++ return msn_connect_v8_error( info, conn, "Protocol error (didn't receive VER 4)" );
++ // >> CVR 5 0x0409 win 4.10 i386 MSNMSGR 5.0.0544 MSMSGS something@something.com\r\n
++ msn_login_write1( ds, "CVR 5 0x0409 winnt 5.1 i386 MSNMSGR 5.0.0540 MSMSGS", szUser );
++ msn_login_wait( ds, result );
++ if ( !strstr( result, "CVR 5" ) )
++ return msn_connect_v8_error( info, conn, "Protocol error (didn't receive CVR 5)" );
++ // >> USR 6 TWN I something@something.com\r\n
++ msn_login_write1( ds, "USR 6 TWN I", szUser );
++ msn_login_wait( ds, result );
++ // << USR 6 TWN S something@something.com lc=....,....=...\r\n
++ if ( !strstr( result, "TWN S" ) )
++ return msn_connect_v8_error( info, conn, "Protocol error (didn't receive TWS S)" );
++ memset( lc, 0, 400 );
++ c = strstr( result, "TWN S " );
++ c+=6;
++ strncpy( lc, c, (unsigned long)strchr(c, '\r') - (unsigned long)c );
++ #ifdef MSNDEBUG
++ printf("LC-etc string = `%s'\n", lc );
++ #endif
++ memset( ticket, 0, 2000 );
++ ext_debug("MSNp8: doing SSL auth");
++ if ( ! msnAuth( lc, ticket, szUser, szPassword ) )
++ {
++ // printf("Error #6\n");
++ return 0;
++ }
++ ext_debug("MSNp8: OK.. logging in");
++ #ifdef MSNDEBUG
++ printf("Ticket = `%s'\n", ticket );
++ #endif
++ memset( result, 0, 500 );
++ sprintf( result, "USR 7 TWN S t=%s", ticket );
++ // >> USR 7 TWN S t=<ticket>
++ msn_login_write( ds, result );
++ memset( result, 0, 500 );
++ msn_login_wait( ds, result );
++ if ( !strstr( result, "USR 7 OK") )
++ {
++ if ( result[ 0 ] >= '0' && result[ 0 ] <= '9' )
++ {
++ char *err;
++ int nCode = 0;
++ // We received an error code.
++ err = strchr( result, ' ' );
++ if ( NULL == err )
++ nCode = atoi( result );
++ else {
++ *err = '\0';
++ nCode = atoi( result );
++ }
++ if ( nCode <= 0 )
++ return msn_connect_v8_error( info, conn, "Protocol error (Invalid response after USR 7)" );
++ return nCode;
++ }
++ // Invalid response.
++ return msn_connect_v8_error( info, conn, "Protocol error (Invalid response after USR 7)" );
++ }
++ // We are now connected to the MSN Server
++ // msn_login_write( ds, "OUT" );
++ // msn_login_close( ds );
++ // << USR 7 OK something@something.com Something%20Friendly%Nick 1 0
++ {
++ char *szFriendly;
++ char *cEnd;
++ int i;
++ szFriendly = result;
++ for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
++ {
++ szFriendly = strchr( szFriendly, ' ' );
++ if ( NULL == szFriendly )
++ {
++ ext_got_friendlyname( conn, "Unknown nickname" );
++ return 0;
++ }
++ szFriendly++;
++ }
++ cEnd = strchr( szFriendly, ' ');
++ if ( NULL != cEnd )
++ *cEnd = '\0';
++ // ext_debug( msn_decode_URL( szFriendly ) );
++ ext_got_friendlyname( conn, msn_decode_URL( szFriendly ) );
++ }
++ *nNextTrid = 8;
++ // No error.
++ return 0;
+ void msn_connect(msnconn * conn, const char * server, int port)
+ {
++ int result;
+ conn->ready=0;
+ if(conn->type==CONN_SB)
+@@ -1645,106 +2096,37 @@
+ ext_register_sock(conn->sock, 1, 0);
+- #ifdef MSNDEBUG
+- printf("Connected\n"); // DEBUG
+- #endif
+- sprintf(buf, "VER %d MSNP7\r\n", next_trid);
+- write(conn->sock, buf, strlen(buf));
+- msn_add_callback(conn, msn_connect_2, next_trid, (callback_data *)info);
+- next_trid++;
+-// Further connection functions:
++ // Okay, now try to connect.
+-void msn_connect_2(msnconn * conn, int trid, char ** args, int numargs, callback_data * data)
+- connectinfo * info;
++ ext_debug("MSNp8: connecting to MSN.. this could take a few seconds");
+- info=(connectinfo *)data;
+- msn_del_callback(conn, trid);
++ result = msn_connect_v8( info, conn, &next_trid );
+- if(strcmp(args[0], "VER") || strcmp(args[2], "MSNP7")) // if either *differs*...
++ if ( 0 != result )
+ {
+- ext_show_error(NULL, "Protocol negotiation failed");
+- delete info;
+- ext_unregister_sock(conn->sock);
+- close(conn->sock);
+- conn->sock=-1;
+- return;
+- }
+- sprintf(buf, "USR %d MD5 I %s\r\n", next_trid, info->username);
+- write(conn->sock, buf, strlen(buf));
+- msn_add_callback(conn, msn_connect_3, next_trid, data);
+- next_trid++;
+-void msn_connect_3(msnconn * conn, int trid, char ** args, int numargs, callback_data * data)
+- connectinfo * info;
+- md5_state_t state;
+- md5_byte_t digest[16];
+- int a;
+- info=(connectinfo *)data;
+- msn_del_callback(conn, trid);
++ // Error code.
+- if(isdigit(args[0][0]))
++ if ( result > 0 )
+ {
+- msn_show_verbose_error(conn, atoi(args[0]));
+- msn_clean_up(conn);
++ msn_show_verbose_error( conn, result );
+ delete info;
+- return;
+- }
++ msn_clean_up( conn );
++ conn->sock = -1;
+- // OK, the challenge just arrived as args[4]
++ } // else: connection failed completely. msn_connect_v8 already took care of destroying the connection
+- md5_init(&state);
+- md5_append(&state, (md5_byte_t *)(args[4]), strlen(args[4]));
+- md5_append(&state, (md5_byte_t *)(info->password), strlen(info->password));
+- md5_finish(&state, digest);
+- sprintf(buf, "USR %d MD5 S ", next_trid);
+- write(conn->sock, buf, strlen(buf));
+- for(a=0; a<16; a++)
+- {
+- sprintf(buf, "%02x", digest[a]);
+- write(conn->sock, buf, 2);
+ }
+- write(conn->sock, "\r\n", 2);
+- msn_add_callback(conn, msn_connect_4, next_trid, data);
+- next_trid++;
+-void msn_connect_4(msnconn * conn, int trid, char ** args, int numargs, callback_data * data)
+- connectinfo * info;
+- info=(connectinfo *)data;
+- msn_del_callback(conn, trid);
+- if(isdigit(args[0][0]))
++ else
+ {
+- msn_show_verbose_error(conn, atoi(args[0]));
+- delete info;
+- msn_clean_up(conn);
+- return;
+- }
+- ext_got_friendlyname(conn, msn_decode_URL(args[4]));
++ // We received no error code. Everything went ok!
+ delete info;
+- next_trid++;
++ ext_debug("MSNp8: OK");
+- conn->ready=1;
+- ext_new_connection(conn);
++ conn->ready = 1;
++ ext_new_connection( conn );
++ }
+ }
+ void msn_SB_ans(msnconn * conn, int trid, char ** args, int numargs, callback_data * data)
+@@ -1774,30 +2156,7 @@
+ void msn_set_state(msnconn * conn, const char * state)
+ {
+- sprintf(buf, "CHG %d %s\r\n", next_trid, state);
++ sprintf(buf, "CHG %d %s %d\r\n", next_trid, state, MSN_VERSION_ID );
+ write(conn->sock, buf, strlen(buf));
+ next_trid++;
+ }
+-void msn_connect_3(msnconn * conn, char ** args, int numargs, callback_data * data)
+- connectinfo * info;
+- info=(connectinfo *)data;
+- msn_del_callback(conn, trid);
+- trid++;
+- if(isdigit(args[0][0]))
+- {
+- msn_print_verbose_error(conn, atoi(args[0]));
+- delete info;
+- return;
+- }
+- sprintf(buf, "INF %d\r\n", trid, info->username);
+- write(conn.sock, buf, strlen(buf));
+- msn_add_callback(conn, msn_connect_4, trid, data);
diff --git a/net-im/centericq/files/patch-msn_core.h b/net-im/centericq/files/patch-msn_core.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..587455cdf636
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-im/centericq/files/patch-msn_core.h
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+--- blip-0.1/msn_core.h.orig Sat Dec 14 07:58:06 2002
++++ blip-0.1/msn_core.h Thu Oct 23 20:02:19 2003
+@@ -24,6 +24,49 @@
+ ~char_data() { if(c!=NULL) { delete c; } }
+ };
++class callback_data
++class callback : public llist_data
++ public:
++ int trid;
++ void (*func)(struct msnconn * conn, int trid, char ** args, int numargs, callback_data * data);
++ callback_data * data; // just gets passed
++// Intermediate steps in synchronisation
++class syncinfo : public callback_data
++ public:
++ llist * fl;
++ llist * rl;
++ llist * al;
++ llist * bl;
++ unsigned int complete;
++ int serial;
++ int nContacts;
++ int nGroups;
++ int nFound;
++ char *last_user_handled;
++ char blp;
++ char gtc;
++ syncinfo() { nFound = 0; nContacts = 0; blp='A'; gtc='A'; fl=rl=al=bl=NULL; complete=0; serial=0; }
++ ~syncinfo()
++ {
++ if(fl!=NULL) { delete fl; }
++ if(rl!=NULL) { delete rl; }
++ if(al!=NULL) { delete al; }
++ if(bl!=NULL) { delete bl; }
++ }
+ class message : public llist_data // This class encapsulates all that you need to know (tm) about a MSG
+ {
+ public:
+@@ -81,14 +124,17 @@
+ public:
+ int sock; // Socket (durr...)
+ int type; // one of the #defines below
++ int sync; // syncing
+ int ready;
++ syncinfo *sync_info;
+ llist * users; // Users in this session - only for SB connections
+ llist * invitations_out; // invitations extended but not responded to
+ llist * invitations_in; // invitations received but not responded to
+ llist * callbacks;
+ authdata * auth;
+- msnconn() { users=NULL; callbacks=NULL; invitations_out=NULL; invitations_in=NULL; }
++ msnconn() { sync = 0; users=NULL; callbacks=NULL; invitations_out=NULL; invitations_in=NULL; }
+ ~msnconn()
+ {
+ if(users!=NULL) { delete users; }
+@@ -177,17 +223,6 @@
+ #define MSNFTP_SEND 1
+ #define MSNFTP_RECV 2
+-class callback_data
+-class callback : public llist_data
+- public:
+- int trid;
+- void (*func)(struct msnconn * conn, int trid, char ** args, int numargs, callback_data * data);
+- callback_data * data; // just gets passed
+ extern llist * connections;
+ extern int next_trid;
+@@ -224,33 +259,6 @@
+ #define COMPLETE_BLP 16
+ #define COMPLETE_GTC 32
+-// Intermediate steps in synchronisation
+-class syncinfo : public callback_data
+- public:
+- llist * fl;
+- llist * rl;
+- llist * al;
+- llist * bl;
+- unsigned int complete;
+- int serial;
+- char blp;
+- char gtc;
+- syncinfo() { blp='A'; gtc='A'; fl=rl=al=bl=NULL; complete=0; serial=0; }
+- ~syncinfo()
+- {
+- if(fl!=NULL) { delete fl; }
+- if(rl!=NULL) { delete rl; }
+- if(al!=NULL) { delete al; }
+- if(bl!=NULL) { delete bl; }
+- }
+ void msn_set_friendlyname(msnconn * conn, const char * friendlyname);
diff --git a/net-im/centericq/files/patch-msn_interface.h b/net-im/centericq/files/patch-msn_interface.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b83df2514f90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-im/centericq/files/patch-msn_interface.h
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+--- blip-0.1/msn_interface.h.orig Mon Dec 9 20:31:41 2002
++++ blip-0.1/msn_interface.h Thu Oct 23 20:02:19 2003
+@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
+ void ext_got_info(msnconn * conn, syncinfo * data);
++void ext_debug( char *msg );
+ void ext_latest_serial(msnconn * conn, int serial);
+ void ext_got_GTC(msnconn * conn, char c);
+@@ -78,6 +80,8 @@
+ Return: Nothing
+ */
+ int ext_connect_socket(const char * server, int port);
++int ext_connect_socket_ssl(const char * server, int port);
+ int ext_server_socket(int port);
diff --git a/net-im/centericq/files/patch-msnhook.cc b/net-im/centericq/files/patch-msnhook.cc
index 0756a7f29c98..4f01d4541799 100644
--- a/net-im/centericq/files/patch-msnhook.cc
+++ b/net-im/centericq/files/patch-msnhook.cc
@@ -1,6 +1,22 @@
--- src/hooks/msnhook.cc.orig Tue Sep 30 19:38:43 2003
-+++ src/hooks/msnhook.cc Wed Oct 8 17:44:13 2003
-@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@
++++ src/hooks/msnhook.cc Thu Oct 23 20:12:58 2003
+@@ -120,11 +120,14 @@
+ face.log(_("+ [msn] connecting to the server"));
++ flogged = false;
++ fonline = true;
+ msn_init(&conn, nicknormalize(account.nickname).c_str(), account.password.c_str());
+ msn_connect(&conn, account.server.c_str(), account.port);
+ fonline = true;
+- flogged = false;
++ flogged = true;
+ }
+ void msnhook::disconnect() {
+@@ -248,7 +251,7 @@
icqcontact *c = clist.get(ev.getcontact());
@@ -9,7 +25,7 @@
if(c->getstatus() != offline || !c->inlist()) {
-@@ -378,11 +378,11 @@
+@@ -378,11 +381,11 @@
void msnhook::checkfriendly(icqcontact *c, const string friendlynick, bool forcefetch) {
string oldnick = c->getnick();
@@ -23,7 +39,20 @@
-@@ -602,7 +602,7 @@
+@@ -450,6 +453,12 @@
+ #endif
+ }
++int ext_debug( char *str )
++ log( str );
++ return 0;
+ void ext_register_sock(int s, int reading, int writing) {
+ log("ext_register_sock");
+ if(reading) mhook.rfds.push_back(s);
+@@ -602,7 +611,7 @@
@@ -32,3 +61,38 @@
em.store(immessage(ic, imevent::incoming, text));
+@@ -710,8 +719,7 @@
+ log("ext_changed_state");
+ }
+-int ext_connect_socket(const char *hostname, int port) {
+- log("ext_connect_socket");
++int ext_do_connect_socket(const char *hostname, int port, int ssl) {
+ struct sockaddr_in sa;
+ struct hostent *hp;
+ int a, s;
+@@ -732,13 +740,23 @@
+ if((s = socket(hp->h_addrtype, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0)
+ return -1;
+- if(cw_connect(s, (struct sockaddr *) &sa, sizeof(sa), 0) < 0) {
++ if(cw_connect(s, (struct sockaddr *) &sa, sizeof(sa), ssl) < 0) {
+ face.log(msgerr + _("verify the hostname and port"));
+ close(s);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return s;
++int ext_connect_socket_ssl(const char *hostname, int port) {
++ log("ext_connect_socket_ssl");
++ return ext_do_connect_socket(hostname, port, 1);
++int ext_connect_socket(const char *hostname, int port) {
++ log("ext_connect_socket");
++ return ext_do_connect_socket(hostname, port, 0);
+ }
+ int ext_server_socket(int port) {