path: root/net-im/meanwhile-gaim
diff options
authorJoe Marcus Clarke <marcus@FreeBSD.org>2004-06-28 19:19:23 +0000
committerJoe Marcus Clarke <marcus@FreeBSD.org>2004-06-28 19:19:23 +0000
commit164145aaa13a492985076191b4aa51a864c4b7f5 (patch)
tree19ea6f622fff3b52f8f8cdecf951c8d9d8a91424 /net-im/meanwhile-gaim
parent087e31488c8285135fa178e90b1b37d35767cc12 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'net-im/meanwhile-gaim')
3 files changed, 3 insertions, 1092 deletions
diff --git a/net-im/meanwhile-gaim/Makefile b/net-im/meanwhile-gaim/Makefile
index 44b8142378b0..1a5a88faf535 100644
--- a/net-im/meanwhile-gaim/Makefile
+++ b/net-im/meanwhile-gaim/Makefile
@@ -6,8 +6,7 @@
PORTNAME= meanwhile
diff --git a/net-im/meanwhile-gaim/distinfo b/net-im/meanwhile-gaim/distinfo
index 64819c462631..08224b01750c 100644
--- a/net-im/meanwhile-gaim/distinfo
+++ b/net-im/meanwhile-gaim/distinfo
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-MD5 (meanwhile-gaim-0.78.tar.gz) = 61a26d5572d4095468635e7899bf311b
-SIZE (meanwhile-gaim-0.78.tar.gz) = 311692
+MD5 (meanwhile-gaim-0.79.tar.gz) = 0959d88e267c7882fb2a056212ccbb2b
+SIZE (meanwhile-gaim-0.79.tar.gz) = 315393
diff --git a/net-im/meanwhile-gaim/files/patch-src_mwgaim.c b/net-im/meanwhile-gaim/files/patch-src_mwgaim.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 58a00009e263..000000000000
--- a/net-im/meanwhile-gaim/files/patch-src_mwgaim.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1088 +0,0 @@
---- src/mwgaim.c Tue Jun 1 19:29:17 2004
-+++ src/mwgaim.c Wed Jun 23 03:53:08 2004
-@@ -1,24 +1,23 @@
--Meanwhile Gaim Protocol Plugin (prpl). Adds Lotus Sametime support to Gaim.
-+/* Meanwhile Gaim Protocol Plugin (prpl). Adds Lotus Sametime support
-+to Gaim.
--Copyright (C) 2004 Christopher (siege) O'Brien <obriencj@us.ibm.com>
--Copyright (C) 2004 IBM Corporation
-+Copyright (C) 2004 Christopher (siege) O'Brien <siege@preoccupied.net>
--This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
--modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
--as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
--of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
--This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
--but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
--GNU General Public License for more details.
-+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
-+your option) any later version.
-+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-+WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
--Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
-+USA. */
- #define GAIM_PLUGINS
-@@ -41,10 +40,75 @@
- #include <meanwhile/srvc_aware.h>
- #include <meanwhile/srvc_conf.h>
- #include <meanwhile/srvc_im.h>
-+#include <meanwhile/srvc_store.h>
-+#include <meanwhile/st_list.h>
--#include "mwgaim.h"
-+/* considering that there's no display of this information for prpls,
-+ I don't know why I even bother providing these. Oh valiant reader,
-+ I do it all for you. */
-+#define PLUGIN_ID "prpl-meanwhile"
-+#define PLUGIN_NAME "Meanwhile"
-+#define PLUGIN_SUMMARY "Meanwhile Protocol Plugin"
-+#define PLUGIN_DESC "Open implementation of a Lotus Sametime client"
-+#define PLUGIN_AUTHOR "Christopher (siege) O'Brien <siege@preoccupied.net>"
-+#define PLUGIN_HOMEPAGE "http://meanwhile.sf.net/"
-+#define MW_CONNECT_STEPS 7
-+#define MW_CONNECT_1 _("Looking up server")
-+#define MW_CONNECT_2 _("Sending Handshake")
-+#define MW_CONNECT_3 _("Waiting for Handshake Acknowledgement")
-+#define MW_CONNECT_4 _("Handshake Acknowledged, Sending Login")
-+#define MW_CONNECT_5 _("Waiting for Login Acknowledgement")
-+#define MW_CONNECT_6 _("Login Acknowledged")
-+#define UC_NORMAL 0x10
-+#define MW_STATE_OFFLINE _("Offline")
-+#define MW_STATE_ACTIVE _("Active")
-+#define MW_STATE_AWAY _("Away")
-+#define MW_STATE_BUSY _("Do Not Disturb")
-+#define MW_STATE_IDLE _("Idle")
-+#define MW_STATE_UNKNOWN _("Unknown")
-+/* keys to get/set chat information */
-+#define CHAT_CREATOR_KEY "chat_creator"
-+#define CHAT_NAME_KEY "chat_name"
-+#define CHAT_TOPIC_KEY "chat_topic"
-+#define CHAT_INVITE_KEY "chat_invite"
-+/* keys to get/set gaim plugin information */
-+#define MW_KEY_HOST "server"
-+#define MW_KEY_PORT "port"
-+/** default host for the gaim plugin. You can specialize a build to
-+ default to your server by supplying this at compile time */
-+/** default port for the gaim plugin. You can specialize a build to
-+ default to your server by supplying this at compile time */
-+#define PLUGIN_DEFAULT_PORT 1533
-+/** the amount of data the plugin will attempt to read from a socket
-+ in a single call */
-+#define READ_BUFFER_SIZE 1024
-+/** default inactivity threshold for the gaim plugin to pass to
-+ mwChannel_destroyInactive. length in seconds */
-+/* there's probably a better way, I just never bothered finding it */
- #ifndef os_write
- # ifndef _WIN32
- # define os_write(fd, buffer, len) write(fd, buffer, len)
-@@ -54,6 +118,7 @@
- #endif
-+/* there's probably a better way, I just never bothered finding it */
- #ifndef os_read
- # ifndef _WIN32
- # define os_read(fd, buffer, size) read(fd, buffer, size)
-@@ -63,6 +128,7 @@
- #endif
-+/* there's probably a better way, I just never bothered finding it */
- #ifndef os_close
- # ifndef _WIN32
- # define os_close(fd) close(fd)
-@@ -72,34 +138,44 @@
- #endif
--#define DEBUG_ERROR(a) gaim_debug_error(G_LOG_DOMAIN, a)
--#define DEBUG_INFO(a) gaim_debug_info(G_LOG_DOMAIN, a)
--#define DEBUG_MISC(a) gaim_debug_misc(G_LOG_DOMAIN, a)
--#define DEBUG_WARN(a) gaim_debug_warning(G_LOG_DOMAIN, a)
-+#define DEBUG_ERROR(a) gaim_debug_error(G_LOG_DOMAIN, a "\n")
-+#define DEBUG_INFO(a) gaim_debug_info(G_LOG_DOMAIN, a "\n")
-+#define DEBUG_MISC(a) gaim_debug_misc(G_LOG_DOMAIN, a "\n")
-+#define DEBUG_WARN(a) gaim_debug_warning(G_LOG_DOMAIN, a "\n")
-+/** get the mw_handler from a mwSession */
- #define SESSION_HANDLER(session) \
- ((struct mw_handler *) (session)->handler)
-+/** get the mw_plugin_data from a GaimConnection */
- #define PLUGIN_DATA(gc) \
- ((struct mw_plugin_data *) (gc)->proto_data)
-+/** get the mwSession from a GaimConnection */
- #define GC_TO_SESSION(gc) \
- ((PLUGIN_DATA(gc))->session)
-+/** get the GaimConnection from a mwSession */
- #define SESSION_TO_GC(session) \
- ((SESSION_HANDLER(session))->gc)
- struct mw_plugin_data {
- struct mwSession *session;
-- struct mwServiceIM *srvc_im;
- struct mwServiceAware *srvc_aware;
- struct mwServiceConf *srvc_conf;
-+ struct mwServiceIM *srvc_im;
-+ struct mwServiceStorage *srvc_store;
-+ GHashTable *list_map;
- GHashTable *convo_map;
- };
-@@ -111,33 +187,29 @@
- };
--/* returns 0 if all bytes were written successfully, -1 for any sort of
-- failure. */
-+/** returns 0 if all bytes were written successfully, -1 for any sort
-+ of failure. */
- static int mw_handler_write(struct mwSessionHandler *this,
- const char *b, gsize n) {
- struct mw_handler *h = (struct mw_handler *) this;
-- int ret;
-+ int ret = 0;
- while(n) {
-- /* this looks weird, but it's almost sane. I'm going from an unsigned int
-- length to a signed int length. The likely-hood of n ever being that
-- large is super-duper-minimal, but I don't like chances. So mask off the
-- sign bit and only write that many bytes at a time. The normal write
-- loop then continues writing until n is decremented to zero, or os_write
-- errors */
-- ret = os_write(h->sock_fd, b, (n & 0xefffffff));
-+ ret = os_write(h->sock_fd, b, n);
- if(ret <= 0) break;
- n -= ret;
- }
-- if( (ret = n) ) {
-+ if(n > 0) {
-+ /* if there's data left over, something must have failed */
- gaim_debug_error(G_LOG_DOMAIN, "mw_handler_write returning %i\n", ret);
- gaim_connection_error(h->gc, "Connection died");
-- ret = -1;
-- }
-+ return -1;
-- return ret;
-+ } else {
-+ return 0;
-+ }
- }
-@@ -169,18 +241,18 @@
- char buf[READ_BUFFER_SIZE];
- int len = READ_BUFFER_SIZE;
-+ /* note, don't use gsize. len might be -1 */
- len = os_read(h->sock_fd, buf, len);
- if(len > 0) {
-- gaim_debug_info("meanwhile", "reading %u bytes\n", len);
-+ gaim_debug_info(G_LOG_DOMAIN, "read %i bytes\n", len);
- mwSession_recv(session, buf, (unsigned int) len);
-- } else {
-- gaim_connection_destroy(gc);
-+ return;
- }
-- } else {
-- gaim_connection_destroy(gc);
- }
-+ /* fall-through indicates an error */
-+ gaim_connection_destroy(gc);
- }
-@@ -191,18 +263,14 @@
- struct mwSession *session = GC_TO_SESSION(gc);
- struct mw_handler *h;
-- DEBUG_INFO(" --> mw_login_callback\n");
- if(! g_list_find(gaim_connections_get_all(), data)) {
- os_close(source);
-- DEBUG_INFO(" <-- mw_login_callback (connection not found)\n");
-- return;
-+ g_return_if_reached();
- }
- if(source < 0) {
- gaim_connection_error(gc, "Unable to connect");
-- DEBUG_ERROR(" unable to connect in mw_login_callback\n");
-- DEBUG_INFO(" <-- mw_login_callback (unable to connect)\n");
-+ DEBUG_ERROR(" unable to connect in mw_login_callback");
- return;
- }
-@@ -211,9 +279,7 @@
- session->handler = (struct mwSessionHandler *) h;
- gc->inpa = gaim_input_add(source, GAIM_INPUT_READ, mw_read_callback, gc);
-- mwSession_initConnect(session);
-- DEBUG_INFO(" <-- mw_login_callback\n");
-+ mwSession_start(session);
- }
-@@ -224,13 +290,14 @@
- g_return_if_fail(s);
- if(mw_handler_write(s->handler, &c, 1)) {
-- DEBUG_WARN("looks like keepalive byte failed\n");
-+ DEBUG_WARN("looks like keepalive byte failed");
- } else {
-- /* close any OPEN or WAIT channels which have been inactive for
-- at least the INACTIVE_THRESHOLD seconds, but only if we're
-- still connected. */
-- mwChannelSet_destroyInactive(s->channels, time(NULL) - INACTIVE_THRESHOLD);
-+ /* close any OPEN or WAIT channels which have been inactive for at
-+ least the INACTIVE_THRESHOLD seconds, but only if we're still
-+ connected. */
-+ mwChannelSet_destroyInactive(s->channels,
- }
- }
-@@ -238,19 +305,15 @@
- static void on_initConnect(struct mwSession *s) {
- GaimConnection *gc = SESSION_TO_GC(s);
-- DEBUG_INFO(" --> on_initConnect\n");
- gaim_connection_update_progress(gc, MW_CONNECT_2, 2, MW_CONNECT_STEPS);
-- initConnect_sendHandshake(s);
-- DEBUG_INFO(" <-- on_initConnect\n");
-+ onStart_sendHandshake(s);
- }
- static void on_handshake(struct mwSession *s, struct mwMsgHandshake *msg) {
- GaimConnection *gc = SESSION_TO_GC(s);
-- DEBUG_INFO(" --> on_handshake\n");
- gaim_connection_update_progress(gc, MW_CONNECT_3, 3, MW_CONNECT_STEPS);
-- DEBUG_INFO(" <-- on_handshake\n");
- }
-@@ -259,100 +322,186 @@
- GaimConnection *gc = SESSION_TO_GC(s);
-- DEBUG_INFO(" --> on_handshakeAck\n");
- gaim_connection_update_progress(gc, MW_CONNECT_4, 4, MW_CONNECT_STEPS);
-- handshakeAck_sendLogin(s, msg);
-- DEBUG_INFO(" <-- on_handshakeAck\n");
-+ onHandshakeAck_sendLogin(s, msg);
- }
- static void on_login(struct mwSession *s, struct mwMsgLogin *msg) {
- GaimConnection *gc = SESSION_TO_GC(s);
-- DEBUG_INFO(" --> on_login\n");
- gaim_connection_update_progress(gc, MW_CONNECT_5, 5, MW_CONNECT_STEPS);
-- DEBUG_INFO(" <-- on_login\n");
-+static GaimGroup *ensure_group(GaimConnection *gc,
-+ struct mwSametimeGroup *stgroup) {
-+ GaimGroup *group;
-+ const char *name = mwSametimeGroup_getName(stgroup);
-+ group = gaim_find_group(name);
-+ if(! group) {
-+ group = gaim_group_new(name);
-+ gaim_blist_add_group(group, NULL);
-+ }
-+ return group;
-+static GaimBuddy *ensure_buddy(GaimConnection *gc, GaimGroup *group,
-+ struct mwSametimeUser *stuser) {
-+ GaimBuddy *buddy;
-+ GaimAccount *acct = gaim_connection_get_account(gc);
-+ const char *name = mwSametimeUser_getUser(stuser);
-+ const char *alias = mwSametimeUser_getAlias(stuser);
-+ buddy = gaim_find_buddy_in_group(acct, name, group);
-+ if(! buddy) {
-+ buddy = gaim_buddy_new(acct, name, alias);
-+ gaim_blist_add_buddy(buddy, NULL, group, NULL);
-+ }
-+ return buddy;
-+static void import_blist(GaimConnection *gc, struct mwSametimeList *stlist) {
-+ struct mwSametimeGroup *stgroup;
-+ struct mwSametimeUser *stuser;
-+ GaimGroup *group;
-+ GaimBuddy *buddy;
-+ GList *gl, *gtl, *ul, *utl;
-+ gl = gtl = mwSametimeList_getGroups(stlist);
-+ for(; gl; gl = gl->next) {
-+ stgroup = (struct mwSametimeGroup *) gl->data;
-+ group = ensure_group(gc, stgroup);
-+ ul = utl = mwSametimeGroup_getUsers(stgroup);
-+ for(; ul; ul = ul->next) {
-+ stuser = (struct mwSametimeUser *) ul->data;
-+ buddy = ensure_buddy(gc, group, stuser);
-+ }
-+ g_list_free(utl);
-+ }
-+ g_list_free(gtl);
-+static void storage_load_cb(struct mwServiceStorage *srvc, guint result,
-+ struct mwStorageUnit *item, gpointer dat) {
-+ struct mwSametimeList *stlist;
-+ char *b, *tmp;
-+ gsize n;
-+ g_message(" storage_cb, key = 0x%08x, result = 0x%08x, length = 0x%08x",
-+ item->key, result, item->data.len);
-+ if(result) return;
-+ b = tmp = mwStorageUnit_asString(item);
-+ n = strlen(b);
-+ if(! n) return;
-+ stlist = mwSametimeList_new();
-+ mwSametimeList_get(&b, &n, stlist);
-+ import_blist(SESSION_TO_GC(mwService_getSession(MW_SERVICE(srvc))), stlist);
-+ mwSametimeList_free(stlist);
-+ /* no need to free the storage unit, that will happen automatically
-+ after this callback */
-+ g_free(tmp);
-+static void fetch_blist(struct mwServiceStorage *srvc) {
-+ struct mwStorageUnit *unit = mwStorageUnit_new(mwStore_AWARE_LIST);
-+ mwServiceStorage_load(srvc, unit, storage_load_cb, NULL);
- }
- static void on_loginAck(struct mwSession *s, struct mwMsgLoginAck *msg) {
- GaimConnection *gc = SESSION_TO_GC(s);
-- /* struct mwUserStatus stat = { mwStatus_ACTIVE, 0, NULL }; */
-+ struct mw_plugin_data *pd = (struct mw_plugin_data *) gc->proto_data;
-- DEBUG_INFO(" --> on_loginAck\n");
- gaim_connection_update_progress(gc, MW_CONNECT_6, 6, MW_CONNECT_STEPS);
-- DEBUG_INFO(" 1\n");
- gaim_connection_set_state(gc, GAIM_CONNECTED);
-- DEBUG_INFO(" 2\n");
- serv_finish_login(gc);
-- /* Have to do this. Would be nicer if this happened in the session
-- code. */
-- /* DEBUG_INFO(" 3\n");
-- mwSession_setUserStatus(s, &stat); */
-+ /* later this won't be necessary, as the session will auto-start
-+ services on receipt of the service available message */
-- DEBUG_INFO(" <-- on_loginAck\n");
-+ mwService_start(MW_SERVICE(pd->srvc_conf));
-+ mwService_start(MW_SERVICE(pd->srvc_im));
-+ mwService_start(MW_SERVICE(pd->srvc_store));
-+ fetch_blist(pd->srvc_store);
-+ /* do this last, otherwise the storage stuff won't receive initial
-+ presence notification */
-+ mwService_start(MW_SERVICE(pd->srvc_aware));
- }
- static void on_closeConnect(struct mwSession *session, guint32 reason) {
- GaimConnection *gc;
-- DEBUG_INFO(" --> on_closeConnect\n");
-+ g_return_if_fail(SESSION_HANDLER(session));
-- if(SESSION_HANDLER(session)) {
-- gc = SESSION_TO_GC(session);
-- if(! gc) return;
-- if(reason & ERR_FAILURE) {
-- gchar *text = mwError(reason);
-- gaim_connection_error(gc, text);
-- g_free(text);
-- } else if(gc->inpa) {
-- /* remove the input checker, so that closing the socket won't be
-- seen as an error, and won't trigger a re-connect */
-- gaim_input_remove(gc->inpa);
-- gc->inpa = 0;
-- }
-- }
-+ gc = SESSION_TO_GC(session);
-+ g_return_if_fail(gc);
-- DEBUG_INFO(" <-- on_closeConnect\n");
-+ if(reason & ERR_FAILURE) {
-+ gchar *text = mwError(reason);
-+ gaim_connection_error(gc, text);
-+ g_free(text);
-+ } else if(gc->inpa) {
-+ /* remove the input checker, so that closing the socket won't be
-+ seen as an error, and won't trigger a re-connect */
-+ gaim_input_remove(gc->inpa);
-+ gc->inpa = 0;
-+ }
- }
- static void on_setUserStatus(struct mwSession *s,
- struct mwMsgSetUserStatus *msg) {
-- /* this plugin allows the user to add themselves to their buddy list. the
-- server's aware service doesn't always honor that by sending updates back
-- to us. so we're going to ensure our status is updated by passing it back
-- to the aware service when we receive a SetUserStatus message */
-+ /* this plugin allows the user to add themselves to their buddy
-+ list. the server's aware service doesn't always honor that by
-+ sending updates back to us. so we're going to ensure our status
-+ is updated by passing it back to the aware service when we
-+ receive a SetUserStatus message */
- GaimConnection *gc = SESSION_TO_GC(s);
- struct mw_plugin_data *pd = PLUGIN_DATA(gc);
- struct mwServiceAware *srvc = pd->srvc_aware;
- struct mwAwareIdBlock id = { mwAware_USER,
-- s->login.user_id, s->login.community };
-+ s->login.user_id,
-+ s->login.community };
- mwServiceAware_setStatus(srvc, &id, &msg->status);
- }
- static void on_admin(struct mwSession *s, struct mwMsgAdmin *msg) {
-- DEBUG_INFO(" admin message:\n");
-- DEBUG_INFO(msg->text);
-- gaim_connection_notice(SESSION_TO_GC(s), msg->text);
-- /*
- gaim_notify_message(SESSION_TO_GC(s), GAIM_NOTIFY_MSG_INFO,
- _("Admin Alert"), msg->text, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-- */
- }
-@@ -387,30 +536,32 @@
- static void got_typing(struct mwServiceIM *srvc,
-- struct mwIdBlock *who, int typing) {
-+ struct mwIdBlock *who, gboolean typing) {
- /* if user@community split, compose buddy name */
- struct mwSession *s = srvc->service.session;
-- if(typing)
-+ if(typing) {
- serv_got_typing(SESSION_TO_GC(s), who->user, 0, GAIM_TYPING);
-- else
-- serv_got_typing_stopped(SESSION_TO_GC(s), who->user);
-+ } else {
-+ serv_got_typing_stopped(SESSION_TO_GC(s), who->user);
-+ }
- }
--static void update_buddy(struct mwSession *s,
-- struct mwSnapshotAwareIdBlock *idb) {
-- GaimConnection *gc = SESSION_TO_GC(s);
-+static void got_aware(struct mwAwareList *list,
-+ struct mwSnapshotAwareIdBlock *idb, gpointer data) {
-+ GaimConnection *gc = (GaimConnection *) data;
- time_t idle = 0;
-- /* unsigned int i = idb->status.time; */
-- /* deadbeef or 0 from the client means not idle (unless the status indicates
-- otherwise), but deadbeef to the blist causes idle with no time */
-+ /* deadbeef or 0 from the client means not idle (unless the status
-+ indicates otherwise), but deadbeef to the blist causes idle with
-+ no time */
- /*
-+ unsigned int i = idb->status.time;
- if( (idb->status.status == mwStatus_IDLE) ||
- ((i > 0) && (i != 0xdeadbeef)) ) {
-@@ -418,7 +569,7 @@
- }
- */
-- /* over-riding idle times until fixed in a later release */
-+ /* idle times unused until fixed in a later release */
- if(idb->status.status == mwStatus_IDLE)
- idle = -1;
-@@ -427,28 +578,19 @@
- }
--static void got_aware(struct mwServiceAware *srvc,
-- struct mwSnapshotAwareIdBlock *idb, unsigned int c) {
-- struct mwSession *s = srvc->service.session;
-- while(c--) update_buddy(s, idb + c);
- static void got_invite(struct mwConference *conf, struct mwIdBlock *id,
- const char *text) {
- GaimConnection *gc;
- GHashTable *ht;
-- /* the trick here is that we want these strings cleaned up when we're done,
-- but not until then. When we return, the originals will be cleaned up. The
-- copies are in the hash table, so when the hash table goes, they'll be
-- free'd too. Just don't try to free the keys */
-+ /* the trick here is that we want these strings cleaned up when
-+ we're done, but not until then. When we return, the originals
-+ will be cleaned up. The copies are in the hash table, so when the
-+ hash table goes, they'll be free'd too. Just don't try to free
-+ the keys */
- char *a, *b, *c, *d;
-- DEBUG_INFO(" --> got invite\n");
- gc = SESSION_TO_GC(conf->channel->session);
- ht = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, g_free);
-@@ -462,14 +604,12 @@
- g_hash_table_insert(ht, CHAT_TOPIC_KEY, c);
- g_hash_table_insert(ht, CHAT_INVITE_KEY, d);
-- gaim_debug_info("meanwhile",
-- "invitor: '%s', name: '%s', topic: '%s', text: '%s'\n",
-+ gaim_debug_info(G_LOG_DOMAIN,
-+ "Got invite: '%s', name: '%s', topic: '%s', text: '%s'\n",
- a, b, c, d);
-- DEBUG_INFO(" triggering serv_got_invite\n");
-+ DEBUG_INFO(" triggering serv_got_invite");
- serv_got_chat_invite(gc, c, a, d, ht);
-- DEBUG_INFO(" <-- got invite\n");
- }
-@@ -480,7 +620,7 @@
- struct mw_plugin_data *pd = PLUGIN_DATA(gc);
- GaimConversation *conv;
-- DEBUG_INFO(" got welcome\n");
-+ DEBUG_INFO(" got welcome");
- conv = serv_got_joined_chat(gc, conf->channel->id, conf->topic);
- gaim_conv_chat_set_id(GAIM_CONV_CHAT(conv), conf->channel->id);
-@@ -500,7 +640,7 @@
- struct mw_plugin_data *pd = PLUGIN_DATA(gc);
- GaimConversation *conv;
-- DEBUG_INFO(" got closed\n");
-+ DEBUG_INFO(" got closed");
- conv = (GaimConversation *) g_hash_table_lookup(pd->convo_map, conf);
-@@ -516,10 +656,10 @@
- GaimConversation *conv;
- conv = (GaimConversation *) g_hash_table_lookup(pd->convo_map, conf);
-- if(conv) {
-- DEBUG_INFO(" got join\n");
-- gaim_conv_chat_add_user(GAIM_CONV_CHAT(conv), id->user, NULL);
-- }
-+ g_return_if_fail(conv);
-+ DEBUG_INFO(" got join");
-+ gaim_conv_chat_add_user(GAIM_CONV_CHAT(conv), id->user, NULL);
- }
-@@ -529,10 +669,10 @@
- GaimConversation *conv;
- conv = (GaimConversation *) g_hash_table_lookup(pd->convo_map, conf);
-- if(conv) {
-- DEBUG_INFO(" got part\n");
-- gaim_conv_chat_remove_user(GAIM_CONV_CHAT(conv), id->user, NULL);
-- }
-+ g_return_if_fail(conv);
-+ DEBUG_INFO(" got part");
-+ gaim_conv_chat_remove_user(GAIM_CONV_CHAT(conv), id->user, NULL);
- }
-@@ -544,18 +684,17 @@
- GaimConversation *conv;
- conv = (GaimConversation *) g_hash_table_lookup(pd->convo_map, conf);
-- if(conv) {
-- gaim_debug_info("meanwhile", " got conf text: '%s'\n", text);
-- serv_got_chat_in(gc, gaim_conv_chat_get_id(GAIM_CONV_CHAT(conv)),
-- id->user, 0, text, time(NULL));
-- }
-+ g_return_if_fail(conv);
-+ serv_got_chat_in(gc, gaim_conv_chat_get_id(GAIM_CONV_CHAT(conv)),
-+ id->user, 0, text, time(NULL));
- }
- static void got_conf_typing(struct mwConference *conf, struct mwIdBlock *id,
-- int typing) {
-+ gboolean typing) {
-- /* no gaim support for this?? oh no! */
-+ ; /* no gaim support for this?? oh no! */
- }
-@@ -567,11 +706,12 @@
- struct mwServiceAware *srvc_aware;
- struct mwServiceIM *srvc_im;
- struct mwServiceConf *srvc_conf;
-+ struct mwServiceStorage *srvc_store;
- const char *host;
- unsigned int port;
-- DEBUG_INFO(" --> mw_login\n");
-+ DEBUG_INFO(" --> mw_login");
- gc->proto_data = pd = g_new0(struct mw_plugin_data, 1);
-@@ -581,31 +721,25 @@
- session->on_handshakeAck = on_handshakeAck;
- session->on_login = on_login;
- session->on_loginAck = on_loginAck;
-- session->on_initConnect = on_initConnect;
-- session->on_closeConnect = on_closeConnect;
-+ session->on_start = on_initConnect;
-+ session->on_stop = on_closeConnect;
- session->on_setUserStatus = on_setUserStatus;
- session->on_admin = on_admin;
-- /* user_id, community */
-+ /* user_id, password */
- session->login.user_id = g_strdup(gaim_account_get_username(acct));
-- /* session->login.community =
-- g_strdup(gaim_account_get_string(acct, MW_KEY_COMMUNITY,
-- /* password */
- session->auth.password = g_strdup(gaim_account_get_password(acct));
- /* aware service and call-backs */
- pd->srvc_aware = srvc_aware = mwServiceAware_new(session);
-- srvc_aware->got_aware = got_aware;
-- mwSession_putService(session, (struct mwService *) srvc_aware);
-+ mwSession_putService(session, MW_SERVICE(srvc_aware));
- /* im service and call-backs */
- pd->srvc_im = srvc_im = mwServiceIM_new(session);
- srvc_im->got_error = got_error;
- srvc_im->got_text = got_text;
- srvc_im->got_typing = got_typing;
-- mwSession_putService(session, (struct mwService *) srvc_im);
-+ mwSession_putService(session, MW_SERVICE(srvc_im));
- /* conference service and call-backs */
- pd->srvc_conf = srvc_conf = mwServiceConf_new(session);
-@@ -616,9 +750,14 @@
- srvc_conf->got_part = got_part;
- srvc_conf->got_text = got_conf_text;
- srvc_conf->got_typing = got_conf_typing;
-- mwSession_putService(session, (struct mwService *) srvc_conf);
-+ mwSession_putService(session, MW_SERVICE(srvc_conf));
- pd->convo_map = g_hash_table_new(NULL, NULL);
-+ pd->list_map = g_hash_table_new(NULL, NULL);
-+ /* storage service */
-+ pd->srvc_store = srvc_store = mwServiceStorage_new(session);
-+ mwSession_putService(session, MW_SERVICE(srvc_store));
- /* server:port */
- host = gaim_account_get_string(acct, "server", PLUGIN_DEFAULT_HOST);
-@@ -629,7 +768,7 @@
- if(gaim_proxy_connect(acct, host, port, mw_login_callback, gc))
- gaim_connection_error(gc, "Unable to connect");
-- DEBUG_INFO(" <-- mw_login\n");
-+ DEBUG_INFO(" <-- mw_login");
- }
-@@ -637,26 +776,24 @@
- struct mwSession *session;
- struct mw_plugin_data *pd = PLUGIN_DATA(gc);
-- DEBUG_INFO(" --> mw_close\n");
-- if(pd) {
-- session = GC_TO_SESSION(gc);
-+ g_return_if_fail(pd != NULL);
-- if(session) {
-- mwSession_closeConnect(session, ERR_SUCCESS);
-+ session = pd->session;
-+ if(session) {
-+ mwSession_stop(session, ERR_SUCCESS);
-- /* we created it, so we need to clean it up */
-- g_free(session->handler);
-- session->handler = NULL;
-- mwSession_free(&session);
-- }
-+ mwService_free(MW_SERVICE(pd->srvc_aware));
-+ mwService_free(MW_SERVICE(pd->srvc_conf));
-+ mwService_free(MW_SERVICE(pd->srvc_im));
-+ mwService_free(MW_SERVICE(pd->srvc_store));
-- gc->proto_data = NULL;
-- g_hash_table_destroy(pd->convo_map);
-- g_free(pd);
-+ g_free(session->handler);
-+ mwSession_free(session);
- }
-- DEBUG_INFO(" <-- mw_close\n");
-+ gc->proto_data = NULL;
-+ g_hash_table_destroy(pd->convo_map);
-+ g_free(pd);
- }
-@@ -669,6 +806,9 @@
- careful to center it. Then, just change the color saturation to
- bring the red down a bit, and voila! */
-+ /* then, throw all of that away and use sodipodi to make a new
-+ icon. You know, LIKE A REAL MAN. */
- return "meanwhile";
- }
-@@ -723,12 +863,13 @@
- static char *mw_list_status_text(GaimBuddy *b) {
-- g_return_val_if_fail(b, NULL);
-+ GaimConnection *gc = b->account->gc;
-+ struct mw_plugin_data *pd = PLUGIN_DATA(gc);
-+ struct mwAwareIdBlock i = { mwAware_USER, b->name, NULL };
-+ const char *t;
-- struct mw_plugin_data *pd = PLUGIN_DATA(b->account->gc);
-- struct mwIdBlock i = { b->name, NULL };
-- const char *t = mwServiceAware_getText(pd->srvc_aware, &i);
-- return t? g_strdup(t): NULL;
-+ t = mwServiceAware_getText(pd->srvc_aware, &i);
-+ return t ? g_strdup(t) : NULL;
- }
-@@ -736,7 +877,7 @@
- GaimConnection *gc = b->account->gc;
- struct mw_plugin_data *pd = PLUGIN_DATA(gc);
-- struct mwIdBlock t = { b->name, NULL };
-+ struct mwAwareIdBlock t = { mwAware_USER, b->name, NULL };
- char *stat, *ret;
- stat = mw_status_text(b);
-@@ -773,9 +914,10 @@
- mwUserStatus_clone(&stat, &s->status);
-- /* re-reading the specification, this is incorrect. It should be the count
-- of minutes since last action. In order to fix this, I am going to turn
-- off all idle-time reporting for the next meanwhile version. */
-+ /* re-reading the specification, this is incorrect. It should be the
-+ count of minutes since last action. In order to fix this, I am
-+ going to turn off all idle-time reporting for the next meanwhile
-+ version. */
- /* stat.time = (t > 0)? time(NULL) - t: 0; */
-@@ -815,12 +957,12 @@
- mwUserStatus_clone(&stat, &s->status);
- if(state != NULL) {
-- /* when we go to/from a standard state, the state indicates whether we're
-- away or not */
-+ /* when we go to/from a standard state, the state indicates
-+ whether we're away or not */
- if(! strcmp(state, GAIM_AWAY_CUSTOM)) {
-- /* but when we go to/from a custom state, then it's the message which
-- indicates whether we're away or not */
-+ /* but when we go to/from a custom state, then it's the message
-+ which indicates whether we're away or not */
- if(message != NULL) {
- stat.status = mwStatus_AWAY;
-@@ -877,61 +1019,47 @@
- }
--static void mw_add_buddy(GaimConnection *gc, const char *name,
-- GaimGroup *group) {
-+static struct mwAwareList *ensure_list(GaimConnection *gc, GaimGroup *group) {
- struct mw_plugin_data *pd = PLUGIN_DATA(gc);
-+ struct mwAwareList *list;
-- /* later support name@community splits */
-- struct mwIdBlock t = { (char *) name, NULL };
-+ list = (struct mwAwareList *) g_hash_table_lookup(pd->list_map, group);
-+ if(! list) {
-- mwServiceAware_add(pd->srvc_aware, &t, 1);
-+ g_message("creating aware list for group %s", group->name);
-+ list = mwAwareList_new(pd->srvc_aware);
-+ mwAwareList_setOnAware(list, got_aware, gc);
-+ g_hash_table_replace(pd->list_map, group, list);
-+ }
-+ return list;
- }
--static void mw_add_buddies(GaimConnection *gc, GList *buddies) {
-- struct mw_plugin_data *pd = PLUGIN_DATA(gc);
-- unsigned int count, c;
-- struct mwIdBlock *t;
-+static void mw_add_buddy(GaimConnection *gc,
-+ GaimBuddy *buddy, GaimGroup *group) {
-- count = g_list_length(buddies);
-- t = g_new0(struct mwIdBlock, count);
-+ struct mwAwareIdBlock t = { mwAware_USER, (char *) buddy->name, NULL };
-+ struct mwAwareList *list;
-- for(c = count; c--; buddies = buddies->next)
-- (t + c)->user = (char *) buddies->data;
-- mwServiceAware_add(pd->srvc_aware, t, count);
-- g_free(t);
-+ GaimGroup *found = gaim_find_buddys_group(buddy);
-+ list = ensure_list(gc, found);
-+ mwAwareList_addAware(list, &t, 1);
- }
- static void mw_remove_buddy(GaimConnection *gc,
-- const char *name, const char *group) {
-+ GaimBuddy *buddy, GaimGroup *group) {
-- struct mw_plugin_data *pd = PLUGIN_DATA(gc);
-- /* later support name@community splits */
-- struct mwIdBlock t = { (char *) name, NULL };
-- mwServiceAware_remove(pd->srvc_aware, &t, 1);
-+ struct mwAwareIdBlock t = { mwAware_USER, (char *) buddy->name, NULL };
-+ struct mwAwareList *list = ensure_list(gc, group);
--static void mw_remove_buddies(GaimConnection *gc, GList *buddies,
-- const char *group) {
-+ GaimGroup *found = gaim_find_buddys_group(buddy);
-+ list = ensure_list(gc, found);
-- struct mw_plugin_data *pd = PLUGIN_DATA(gc);
-- unsigned int count, c;
-- struct mwIdBlock *t;
-- count = g_list_length(buddies);
-- t = g_new0(struct mwIdBlock, count);
-- for(c = count; c--; buddies = buddies->next)
-- (t + c)->user = (char *) buddies->data;
-- mwServiceAware_remove(pd->srvc_aware, t, count);
-- g_free(t);
-+ mwAwareList_removeAware(list, &t, 1);
- }
-@@ -958,13 +1086,13 @@
- char *name = g_hash_table_lookup(components, CHAT_NAME_KEY);
- if(name) {
-- DEBUG_INFO(" accepting conference invite\n");
-+ DEBUG_INFO(" accepting conference invite");
- conf = mwConference_findByName(srvc, name);
- if(conf) mwConference_accept(conf);
- } else {
- char *topic;
-- DEBUG_INFO(" creating new conference\n");
-+ DEBUG_INFO(" creating new conference");
- topic = (char *) g_hash_table_lookup(components, CHAT_TOPIC_KEY);
- conf = mwConference_new(srvc);
-@@ -972,7 +1100,7 @@
- mwConference_create(conf);
- }
-- DEBUG_INFO(" ... leaving mw_chat_join\n");
-+ DEBUG_INFO(" ... leaving mw_chat_join");
- }
-@@ -1029,9 +1157,10 @@
- static GaimPluginProtocolInfo prpl_info = {
- GAIM_PRPL_API_VERSION, /* options */
-- 0, /* flags? */
-+ 0, /* flags */
-+ NO_BUDDY_ICONS, /* icon spec */
- mw_blist_icon,
- mw_blist_emblems,
- mw_list_status_text,
-@@ -1049,9 +1178,9 @@
- mw_set_idle,
- NULL, /* change password, */
- mw_add_buddy,
-- mw_add_buddies,
-+ NULL, /* mw_add_buddies, */
- mw_remove_buddy,
-- mw_remove_buddies,
-+ NULL, /* mw_remove_buddies, */
- NULL, /* mw_add_permit, */
- NULL, /* mw_add_deny, */
- NULL, /* mw_rem_permit, */
-@@ -1107,7 +1236,7 @@
- NULL, /**< ui_info */
- &prpl_info, /**< extra_info */
- NULL, /**< prefs info */
-+ NULL /**< actions */
- };
-@@ -1121,16 +1250,11 @@
- opt = gaim_account_option_int_new("Port", MW_KEY_PORT, PLUGIN_DEFAULT_PORT);
- prpl_info.protocol_options = g_list_append(prpl_info.protocol_options, opt);
-- /*
-- opt = gaim_account_option_string_new("Community", MW_KEY_COMMUNITY,
-- prpl_info.protocol_options = g_list_append(prpl_info.protocol_options, opt);
-- */
- meanwhile_plugin = plugin;
- }
--GAIM_INIT_PLUGIN(meanwhile, init_plugin, info)
-+GAIM_INIT_PLUGIN(meanwhile, init_plugin, info);
-+/* The End. */