path: root/net-mgmt/routers2-extras
diff options
authorMartin Wilke <miwi@FreeBSD.org>2006-12-14 22:24:26 +0000
committerMartin Wilke <miwi@FreeBSD.org>2006-12-14 22:24:26 +0000
commite3e42399d85bc2a61bdf3a51ab7afe6b7369eb0b (patch)
tree5b3e342f3962bb9a1a4fd7281b52dd72a9d91286 /net-mgmt/routers2-extras
parent2a169b20924891057109d9030840c151a762fc5b (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'net-mgmt/routers2-extras')
7 files changed, 675 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/net-mgmt/routers2-extras/Makefile b/net-mgmt/routers2-extras/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2ba37d6b15fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-mgmt/routers2-extras/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# New ports collection makefile for: routers2
+# Date created: December 14th 2006
+# Whom: Xavier Beaudouin <kiwi@oav.net>
+# $FreeBSD$
+PORTNAME= routers2-extras
+CATEGORIES= net-mgmt
+MASTER_SITES= http://www.steveshipway.org/software/rrd/ \
+ ftp://ftp.oav.oav.net/routers2/
+MAINTAINER= kiwi@oav.net
+COMMENT= Extra extensions and scripts for routers2 frontend
+RUN_DEPENDS= ${LOCALBASE}/www/routers2/routers2.cgi:${PORTSDIR}/net-mgmt/routers2 \
+ ${LOCALBASE}/bin/mrtg-ping-probe:${PORTSDIR}/net/mrtg-ping-probe
+WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/routers2-v${PORTVERSION}/extras
+ for file in buildwan.pl cfgmaker_host.pl 95.pl ; do \
+ ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|%%PERL%%|${PERL}|' ${WRKSRC}/$$file; \
+ done
+ for file in cfgmaker_host.pl ; do \
+ ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|%%LOCALBASE%%|${LOCALBASE}|' ${WRKSRC}/$$file; \
+ done
+ ${MKDIR} -m 755 ${PREFIX}/www/routers2/extras
+.if !defined(NOPORTDOCS)
+ ${MKDIR} -m 755 ${DOCSDIR}
+ for file in README *.txt; do \
+ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/$$file ${DOCSDIR}; \
+ done
+ for file in buildwan.pl cfgmaker_host.pl check_esx2 check_foundry checkagent \
+ gather.pl getstats.sh graphprune.pl mrtg-apache mrtg-nrpe.pl mrtg-nrpe.sh \
+ mrtg-pnsclient.pl mrtg-portsinuse.pl rrd-archive-clean.pl \
+ rrd-archive.pl rrdextend.pl vmware_monitor.pl vmware_monitor2.pl \
+ winalert.pl targetnames/targetnames.pl 95.pl; do \
+ ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKSRC}/$$file ${PREFIX}/www/routers2/extras; \
+ done
+ for file in mrtg-nrpe.cfg mrtg-pnsclient.cfg rrd-archive.conf winalert.conf ; do \
+ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/$$file ${PREFIX}/www/routers2/extras; \
+ done
+ ${MKDIR} -m 755 ${PREFIX}/www/routers2/extras/templates
+ for file in templates/* ; do \
+ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/$$file ${PREFIX}/www/routers2/extras/templates; \
+ done
+.include <bsd.port.mk>
diff --git a/net-mgmt/routers2-extras/distinfo b/net-mgmt/routers2-extras/distinfo
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7d2d8539b328
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-mgmt/routers2-extras/distinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+MD5 (routers2-v2.17a.tar.gz) = 57e1542bca50940aa4b3908cc7ed5551
+SHA256 (routers2-v2.17a.tar.gz) = a8aa61db9969ebae2b56fe92184d045f03780a8c9412f99f48ecfed879d9703e
+SIZE (routers2-v2.17a.tar.gz) = 383280
diff --git a/net-mgmt/routers2-extras/files/patch-95.pl b/net-mgmt/routers2-extras/files/patch-95.pl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0c4c513c98ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-mgmt/routers2-extras/files/patch-95.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+--- 95.pl.orig Thu Dec 14 16:22:04 2006
++++ 95.pl Thu Dec 14 16:22:56 2006
+@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
++use strict;
++use Getopt::Long;
++# Options
++my %option;
++sub usage
++ print <<"EOA"
++usage: 95 --rrd=/path/to/rrdfile.rdd
++ --rrd=file rrdfile to be used to compute the 95 percentil
++ --help this help
++ -h this help
++sub main
++ my $rrd;
++ my $line;
++ my $value;
++ my $percentile95;
++ my $percentile95i;
++ my $percentile95o;
++ my @rrdfetch;
++ my @allvalues;
++ my @allvaluesi;
++ my @allvalueso;
++ my $in;
++ my $out;
++ my @array;
++ die unless GetOptions(
++ 'help|h' => \$option{'help'},
++ 'rrd=s' => \$option{'rrd'},
++ );
++ if ($option{'help'}) {
++ usage();
++ exit;
++ }
++ unless (defined $option{'rrd'} ) {
++ usage();
++ die 'rrdfile is not specified';
++ }
++ $rrd = $option{'rrd'};
++ #@rrdfetch=qx(/usr/local/bin/rrdtool fetch $rrd AVERAGE -r 300 -s -30000 -e -300);
++# @rrdfetch=qx(/usr/local/bin/rrdtool fetch $rrd AVERAGE -r 300 -s -24h);
++# @rrdfetch=qx(/usr/local/bin/rrdtool fetch $rrd AVERAGE -r 300 -s -24h -e -300);
++ #@rrdfetch=qx(/usr/local/bin/rrdtool fetch $rrd AVERAGE -r 300 -s -1m -e -300);
++ @rrdfetch=qx(/usr/local/bin/rrdtool fetch $rrd AVERAGE -r 300 -s -1month);
++ chomp @array;
++ foreach $line (@rrdfetch) {
++ split(/\s+/,$line);
++ $in = $_[1]; $out = $_[2];
++ #$value=($_[1] > $_[2]) ? $_[1] : $_[2];
++ $value=($in > $out) ? $in : $out;
++ push (@allvalues,$value);
++ push (@allvaluesi,$in);
++ push (@allvalueso,$out);
++ }
++ @allvalues=sort {$a <=> $b} @allvalues;
++ $percentile95=sprintf("%.2f",($allvalues[(sprintf("%.0f",(@allvalues*0.95))-1)]*8/1000));
++ @allvaluesi=sort {$a <=> $b} @allvaluesi;
++ $percentile95i=sprintf("%.2f",($allvaluesi[(sprintf("%.0f",(@allvaluesi*0.95))-1)]*8/1000));
++ @allvalueso=sort {$a <=> $b} @allvalueso;
++ $percentile95o=sprintf("%.2f",($allvalueso[(sprintf("%.0f",(@allvalueso*0.95))-1)]*8/1000));
++ print "In/Out : $percentile95 KBytes\n";
++ print "In : $percentile95i KBytes\n";
++ print "Out : $percentile95o KBytes\n";
diff --git a/net-mgmt/routers2-extras/files/patch-buildwan.pl b/net-mgmt/routers2-extras/files/patch-buildwan.pl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6636c61ac416
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-mgmt/routers2-extras/files/patch-buildwan.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+--- buildwan.pl.orig Fri Jun 16 00:17:53 2006
++++ buildwan.pl Thu Dec 14 15:41:08 2006
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+ #
+ # Try to build configuration files for all the routers in the WAN,
+ # by recursively scanning them. Can take a long time to run!
+@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
+ use strict;
+ use Net::SNMP;
+ use FileHandle;
+-use vars qw($opt_L $opt_h $opt_s $opt_c $opt_D $opt_w $opt_N $opt_A);
++use vars qw($opt_L $opt_h $opt_s $opt_c $opt_D $opt_w $opt_N $opt_A $opt_p);
+ use Getopt::Std;
+ my( $conffile, %config,@cfgfiles, $pathsep );
+@@ -32,7 +32,12 @@
+ my($IPIFINDEX) = "";
+ my($IPROUTEGW) = "";
+ my($CPUOID) = "";
++my($FNDRYCPUOID) = "";
+ my($MEMOID) = ""; # have to find out
++my($FNDRYMEMOID) = "";
++my($FNDRYBGPOID) = "";
++my($FNDRYTEMPOID) = "";
+ # Cisco 7200 Series Temperature
+ my($CISCOTEMP) = "";
+@@ -47,7 +52,8 @@
+ my( $domain ) = "...\.adsw\.com";
+ my( @community ) = ( "public" );
+ my( $community );
+-my( $workdir ) = "/var/rrdtool/auto";
++my( $workdir ) = "/var/db/rrdtool";
++my( $pathadd ) = "/usr/local/bin";
+ my( @queue ) = ( );
+ my( $subdir ) = "";
+ my( @filelist ) = ();
+@@ -80,8 +86,9 @@
+ {
+ my($snmp, $resp, $snmperr, $k);
+ my($n,$v,$ip);
+- my($cpuok,$memok) ;
++ my($cpuok,$memok,$bgpok,$tempok);
+ my($rcomm) = "";
++ my($fndrymaxmem);
+ $router = $_[0];
+ $cpuok = $memok = "";
+@@ -268,15 +275,48 @@
+ $routerhostname = $routerip if(!$routerhostname);
+ # now check to see if the router has an OID for CPU and mem
+- $resp = $snmp->get_request( $CPUOID, $MEMOID );
++ $resp = $snmp->get_request( $MEMOID );
+ if( $resp ) {
+- $cpuok = $CPUOID if( $resp->{$CPUOID} );
+ $memok = $MEMOID if( $resp->{$MEMOID} );
++ } else {
++ $resp = $snmp->get_request( $FNDRYMEMOID );
++ if( $resp ) {
++ $memok = $FNDRYMEMOID if( $resp->{$FNDRYMEMOID} );
++ $resp = $snmp->get_request( $FNDRYMAXMEMOID );
++ if( $resp ) {
++ $fndrymaxmem = $resp->{$FNDRYMAXMEMOID} if( $resp->{$FNDRYMAXMEMOID} );
++ }
++ }
+ }
++ # Try $CPUOID, if this doesn't work, try Foundry one
++ $resp = $snmp->get_request( $CPUOID );
++ if( $resp ) {
++ $cpuok = $CPUOID if( $resp->{$CPUOID} );
++ } else {
++ $resp = $snmp->get_request( $FNDRYCPUOID );
++ if( $resp ) {
++ $cpuok = $FNDRYCPUOID if( $resp->{$FNDRYCPUOID} );
++ }
++ }
++ # Try to check if BGP routes exists
++ $resp = $snmp->get_request( $FNDRYBGPOID );
++ if( $resp ) {
++ $bgpok = $FNDRYBGPOID if( $resp->{$FNDRYBGPOID} );
++ }
++ # Try to check if router has temp sensors (currently only foundry !)
++ $resp = $snmp->get_request( $FNDRYTEMPOID );
++ if( $resp ) {
++ $tempok = $FNDRYTEMPOID if( $resp->{$FNDRYTEMPOID} );
++ }
+ $routers{$router} = { interfaces=>{%interfaces}, name=>$routerdesc,
+ ip=>$routerip, hostname=>$routerhostname, community=>$rcomm,
+- cpu=>$cpuok, mem=>$memok };
++ cpu=>$cpuok, mem=>$memok, fndrymaxmem=>$fndrymaxmem,
++ bgp=>$bgpok, temp=>$tempok };
+ print "\rFinished router $routerhostname at address $routerip\n";
+@@ -332,15 +372,20 @@
+ my($k,$nextip,$icon);
+ my($t,$d,$f);
+ my($mb,$pfx);
++ my $descr;
+ $n = ucfirst $n if($n !~ /\./);
+ foreach $k ( keys %$ifp ) {
++ my $descr;
++ $descr = $ifp->{$k}->{descr};
++ $descr =~ s/\n//g;
+ $icon = "interface-sm.gif";
+ $pfx = "";
+ $d = "";
+ $t = $h.".".$k;
+- $t = $h.".".$ifp->{$k}->{descr} if($ifp->{$k}->{descr});
++ #$t = $h.".".$ifp->{$k}->{descr} if($ifp->{$k}->{descr});
++ $t = $h.".".$descr if($descr);
+ $t =~ s/[\[\]#\/\\\s]+/./g;
+ $t =~ s/\.+/./g;
+ $t = lc $t;
+@@ -349,7 +394,7 @@
+ if(!$ifp->{$k}->{speed} or !$c or !$h) {
+ $pfx = "# ";
+ }
+- if(!$includelans and $ifp->{$k}->{descr} =~ /(ether|token)/i) {
++ if(!$includelans and $descr =~ /(ether|token)/i) {
+ $pfx = "# ";
+ }
+ # print "$k".$ifp->{$k}{state}.": ".$ifp->{$k}{descr}
+@@ -388,10 +433,10 @@
+ print CFG $pfx."Title[".$t."]: $n";
+ print CFG " (".$ifp->{$k}->{ip}.")" if($ifp->{$k}->{ip});
+- print CFG ": ".$ifp->{$k}->{descr}." $d\n";
++ print CFG ": ".$descr." $d\n";
+ print CFG $pfx."PageTop[".$t."]: <H1>Traffic analysis for "
+- .$ifp->{$k}->{descr}."</H1>\n";
+- print CFG $pfx."SetEnv[".$t."]: MRTG_INT_DESCR=\"".$ifp->{$k}->{descr}
++ .$descr."</H1>\n";
++ print CFG $pfx."SetEnv[".$t."]: MRTG_INT_DESCR=\"".$descr
+ ."\" MRTG_INT_IP=\"".$ifp->{$k}->{ip}."\"\n";
+ if($mb > 1000000) {
+ print CFG $pfx."routers.cgi*UnScaled[$t]: none\n"
+@@ -408,7 +453,7 @@
+ .$ifp->{$k}->{destination}[2]." router-sm.gif\n";
+ }
+ print CFG $pfx."routers.cgi*ShortDesc[$t]: "
+- .$ifp->{$k}->{descr}." (".(ucfirst $ifp->{$k}->{destination}[0])
++ .$descr." (".(ucfirst $ifp->{$k}->{destination}[0])
+ .")\n"
+ if( $ifp->{$k}->{destination}[0]
+ # and ($ifp->{$k}->{destination}[0] !~ /^\d/i)
+@@ -431,7 +476,8 @@
+ open CFG, ">$fname";
+ print CFG "# MRTG config for router ".$routers{$rk}{hostname}
+ ." community ".$routers{$rk}{community}
+- ."\n\nWorkdir: $workdir\nLogformat: rrdtool\nOptions[_]: growright bits \n";
++ ."\n\nWorkdir: $workdir\n"
++ ."PathAdd: $pathadd\nLogformat: rrdtool\nOptions[_]: growright bits \n";
+ print CFG "routers.cgi*Icon: router-sm.gif\n"
+ ."routers.cgi*ShortDesc: ".$routers{$rk}{name}."\n\n";
+@@ -451,6 +497,7 @@
+ .$routers{$rk}{name}." CPU Load\n";
+ print CFG "PageTop[".$routers{$rk}{hostname}.".CPU]: CPU Stats\n";
+ print CFG "routers.cgi*Mode[".$routers{$rk}{hostname}.".CPU]: cpu\n";
++ print CFG "routers.cgi*UnScaled[".$routers{$rk}{hostname}.".CPU]: none\n";
+ print CFG "routers.cgi*ShortDesc[".$routers{$rk}{hostname}
+ .".CPU]: CPU Stats\n";
+ } else {
+@@ -461,7 +508,11 @@
+ print CFG "Target[".$routers{$rk}{hostname}.".MEM]: "
+ .$routers{$rk}{mem}."&".$routers{$rk}{mem}.":"
+ .$routers{$rk}{community}."\@".$routers{$rk}{hostname}."\n";
+- print CFG "MaxBytes[".$routers{$rk}{hostname}.".MEM]: 64000000\n";
++ if( $routers{$rk}{mem} == $FNDRYMEMOID ) {
++ print CFG "MaxBytes[".$routers{$rk}{hostname}.".MEM]: ".$routers{$rk}{fndrymaxmem}."\n";
++ } else {
++ print CFG "MaxBytes[".$routers{$rk}{hostname}.".MEM]: 64000000\n";
++ }
+ print CFG "Options[".$routers{$rk}{hostname}.".MEM]: "
+ ."nopercent integer gauge noo\n";
+ print CFG "routers.cgi*UnScaled[".$routers{$rk}{hostname}.".MEM]: none\n";
+@@ -480,6 +531,61 @@
+ } else {
+ print CFG "# Unable to identify a Memory usage OID in MIB\n";
+ }
++ if( $routers{$rk}{bgp} ) {
++ print CFG "# BGP routes\n";
++ print CFG "Target[".$routers{$rk}{hostname}.".BGP]: "
++ .$routers{$rk}{bgp}."&".$routers{$rk}{bgp}.":"
++ .$routers{$rk}{community}."\@".$routers{$rk}{hostname}."\n";
++ print CFG "MaxBytes[".$routers{$rk}{hostname}.".BGP]: 100000000\n";
++ print CFG "Options[".$routers{$rk}{hostname}.".BGP]: "
++ ."absolute nopercent integer gauge noo\n";
++ print CFG "routers.cgi*UnScaled[".$routers{$rk}{hostname}.".BGP]: none\n";
++ print CFG "Title[".$routers{$rk}{hostname}.".BGP]: "
++ .$routers{$rk}{name}." Total BGP routes\n";
++ print CFG "ShortLegend[".$routers{$rk}{hostname}.".BGP]: Routes\n";
++ print CFG "YLegend[".$routers{$rk}{hostname}.".BGP]: BGP Routes\n";
++ print CFG "PageTop[".$routers{$rk}{hostname}.".BGP]: Total BGP Routes\n";
++ print CFG "LegendI[".$routers{$rk}{hostname}.".BGP]: Routes:\n";
++ print CFG "Legend1[".$routers{$rk}{hostname}.".BGP]: Routes\n";
++ print CFG "Legend3[".$routers{$rk}{hostname}.".BGP]: Peak Routes\n";
++ print CFG "routers.cgi*ShortDesc[".$routers{$rk}{hostname}
++ .".BGP]: BGP Routes\n";
++ print CFG "routers.cgi*Options[".$routers{$rk}{hostname}
++ .".BGP]: noo, nopercent, absolute, nototal, nopercentile\n";
++ } else {
++ print CFG "# No BGP routes OID in MIB\n";
++ }
++ if( $routers{$rk}{temp} ) {
++ print CFG "# Temperature\n";
++ # Warning Foundry OID is temperature * 2, so we have to divide it by 2
++ print CFG "Target[".$routers{$rk}{hostname}.".TEMP]: "
++ .$routers{$rk}{temp}."&".$routers{$rk}{temp}.":"
++ .$routers{$rk}{community}."\@".$routers{$rk}{hostname}." / 2\n";
++ # 100°C is sufficient to handle this. At this temperature, we can think
++ # that router ... near to die.
++ print CFG "MaxBytes[".$routers{$rk}{hostname}.".TEMP]: 100\n";
++ print CFG "Options[".$routers{$rk}{hostname}.".TEMP]: "
++ ."absolute nopercent gauge noo\n";
++ print CFG "routers.cgi*UnScaled[".$routers{$rk}{hostname}.".TEMP]: none\n";
++ print CFG "Title[".$routers{$rk}{hostname}.".TEMP]: "
++ .$routers{$rk}{name}." Temperature\n";
++ print CFG "ShortLegend[".$routers{$rk}{hostname}.".TEMP]: °C\n";
++ print CFG "PageTop[".$routers{$rk}{hostname}.".TEMP]: Temperature\n";
++ print CFG "LegendI[".$routers{$rk}{hostname}.".TEMP]: Temperature\n";
++ print CFG "Legend1[".$routers{$rk}{hostname}.".TEMP]: Temperature\n";
++ print CFG "Legend3[".$routers{$rk}{hostname}.".TEMP]: Peak Temperature\n";
++ print CFG "routers.cgi*ShortDesc[".$routers{$rk}{hostname}
++ .".TEMP]: Temperature\n";
++ print CFG "routers.cgi*Options[".$routers{$rk}{hostname}
++ .".TEMP]: noo, nopercent, absolute, nototal, nopercentile\n";
++ print CFG "routers.cgi*Icon[".$routers{$rk}{hostname}
++ .".TEMP]: temp-sm.gif\n";
++ } else {
++ print CFG "# No Temperature OID in MIB\n";
++ }
+ close CFG;
+@@ -495,10 +601,10 @@
+ $script = "/cgi-bin/routers2.pl";
+ }
+ if($opt_h or $#ARGV<0) {
+- print "Usage: buildwan -h\n buildwan [-L][-A][-N][-s <subdir>][-c <communitylist>][-D <domainname>] -w <workdir> <router>...\n";
++ print "Usage: buildwan -h\n buildwan [-L][-A][-N][-s <subdir>][-c <communitylist>][-D <domainname>] -w <workdir> -p <rrdpath> <router>...\n";
+ print "-L: Include ethernet/token ring Lan interfaces\n";
+ print "-A: Include ethernet/token ring Lan interfaces even if they are down\n";
+ print "-N: Don't browse network neighors.\n";
+@@ -506,6 +612,7 @@
+ print "-D: Specify domain name to be stripped from hostnames in descriptions\n";
+ print "-c: Specify SNMP community string (default is 'public'), separate with commas\n";
+ print "-w: Specify Work directory where the .rrd files go.\n";
++ print "-p: Specify the rddtool path (default is /usr/local/bin).\n";
+ exit 1;
+ }
+@@ -515,6 +622,7 @@
+ $includelans = 1 if($opt_L);
+ $includealllan = 1 if($opt_A);
+ $workdir = $opt_w if($opt_w);
++$pathadd = $opt_p if($opt_p);
+ @community = split /,\s*/,$opt_c if($opt_c);
+ @community = ( 'public' ) if(!@community);
+ if($opt_D) {
diff --git a/net-mgmt/routers2-extras/files/patch-cfgmaker_host.pl b/net-mgmt/routers2-extras/files/patch-cfgmaker_host.pl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..413f2f80e9fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-mgmt/routers2-extras/files/patch-cfgmaker_host.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+--- cfgmaker_host.pl.orig Thu Dec 14 15:43:49 2006
++++ cfgmaker_host.pl Thu Dec 14 15:44:43 2006
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+ #
+ # Create a MRTG .cfg file for a given host. Include routers.cgi
+ # extensions. Check for different SNMP options available.
+@@ -34,7 +33,7 @@
+ my($PS) = '/';
+ my($TIMEOUT) = 4;
+ my($RETRIES) = 2;
+-my($pingprobe) = "/usr/local/bin/mrtg-ping-probe";
++my($pingprobe) = "%%LOCALBASE%%/bin/mrtg-ping-probe";
+ $|=1;
+ #######################################################################
+@@ -78,12 +77,16 @@
+ netopiausedmem => 'enterprises.304.',
+ netopiacurcpu => 'enterprises.304.',
+ netopiaavgcpu => 'enterprises.304.',
+- # Fortynet
+- fortycpuusage => 'enterprises.12356.',
+- fortycpuidle => 'enterprises.12356.',
+- fortycpuint => 'enterprises.12356.',
+- fortymemusage => 'enterprises.12356.',
+- fortysessions => 'enterprises.12356.',
++ # Fortinet MIB
++ forticpu => 'enterprises.12356.1.8.0',
++ fortimem => 'enterprises.12356.1.9.0',
++ fortisessions => 'enterprises.12356.1.10.0',
++# fortycpuidle => 'enterprises.12356.',
++# fortycpuint => 'enterprises.12356.',
++# fortymemusage => 'enterprises.12356.',
++# fortysessions => 'enterprises.12356.',
++ # Foundry MID
++ fndycpu => 'entreprises.1991.',
+ );
+ #######################################################################
+@@ -304,8 +307,74 @@
+ print CFG "routers.cgi*Title[$hostname-CPU]: CPU Usage on $hostname\n";
+ print CFG "routers.cgi*InSummary[$hostname-CPU]: yes\n";
+ } else {
+- print CFG "#\n# Not available.\n";
+- print "CPU usage statistics not available.\n";
++ $rv = undef;
++ ($rv) = snmpget ($snmp, $OID{forticpu});
++ if (defined $rv and ($rv > 0)) {
++ print "* CPU usage statistic available (FortiOS MIB).\n";
++ # Current CPU
++ print CFG "Target[$hostname-cpu-cur]: $OID{forticpu}&$OID{forticpu}:$snmp\n";
++ print CFG "PageTop[$hostname-cpu-cur]: $sdesc<BR>Current CPU usage\n";
++ print CFG "Title[$hostname-cpu-cur]: Current CPU on $sname\n";
++ print CFG "Maxbytes[$hostname-cpu-cur]: 100\n";
++ print CFG "Options[$hostname-cpu-cur]: gauge\n";
++ print CFG "YLegend[$hostname-cpu-cur]: percent\n";
++ print CFG "ShortLegend[$hostname-cpu-cur]: %\n";
++ print CFG "LegendI[$hostname-cpu-cur]: user:\n";
++ print CFG "Legend1[$hostname-cpu-cur]: Current CPU Usage\n";
++ print CFG "Legend3[$hostname-cpu-cur]: Current CPU Usage Peak\n";
++ print CFG "routers.cgi*WithPeak[$hostname-cpu-cur]: none\n";
++ print CFG "routers.cgi*Options[$hostname-cpu-cur]: noo, nopercent, nototal\n";
++ print CFG "routers.cgi*Graph[$hostname-cpu-cur]: $hostname-CPU \"CPU usage\" noo\n";
++ print CFG "routers.cgi*InMenu[$hostname-cpu-cur]: no\n";
++ print CFG "routers.cgi*InOut[$hostname-cpu-cur]: no\n";
++ print CFG "routers.cgi*InSummary[$hostname-cpu-cur]: no\n";
++ # Total & Graph
++ print CFG "routers.cgi*ShortName[$hostname-CPU]: CPU Utilisation\n";
++ print CFG "routers.cgi*Description[$hostname-CPU]: $hostname CPU Utilisation\n";
++ print CFG "routers.cgi*GraphStyle[$hostname-CPU]: normal\n";
++ print CFG "routers.cgi*Options[$hostname-CPU]: total, available\n";
++ print CFG "routers.cgi*LegendTI[$hostname-CPU]: Total usage\n";
++ print CFG "routers.cgi*MBLegend[$hostname-CPU]: 100% Utilisation\n";
++ print CFG "routers.cgi*Icon[$hostname-CPU]: cpu-sm.gif\n";
++ print CFG "routers.cgi*Title[$hostname-CPU]: CPU Usage on $hostname\n";
++ print CFG "routers.cgi*InSummary[$hostname-CPU]: yes\n";
++ } else {
++ $rv = undef;
++ ($rv) = snmpget ($snmp, $OID{fndrycpu});
++ if (defined $rv and ($rv > 0)) {
++ print "* CPU usage statistic available (Foundry MIB).\n";
++ # Current CPU
++ print CFG "Target[$hostname-cpu-cur]: $OID{fndrycpu}&$OID{fndrycpu}:$snmp\n";
++ print CFG "PageTop[$hostname-cpu-cur]: $sdesc<BR>Current CPU usage\n";
++ print CFG "Title[$hostname-cpu-cur]: Current CPU on $sname\n";
++ print CFG "Maxbytes[$hostname-cpu-cur]: 100\n";
++ print CFG "Options[$hostname-cpu-cur]: gauge\n";
++ print CFG "YLegend[$hostname-cpu-cur]: percent\n";
++ print CFG "ShortLegend[$hostname-cpu-cur]: %\n";
++ print CFG "LegendI[$hostname-cpu-cur]: user:\n";
++ print CFG "Legend1[$hostname-cpu-cur]: Current CPU Usage\n";
++ print CFG "Legend3[$hostname-cpu-cur]: Current CPU Usage Peak\n";
++ print CFG "routers.cgi*WithPeak[$hostname-cpu-cur]: none\n";
++ print CFG "routers.cgi*Options[$hostname-cpu-cur]: noo, nopercent, nototal\n";
++ print CFG "routers.cgi*Graph[$hostname-cpu-cur]: $hostname-CPU \"CPU usage\" noo\n";
++ print CFG "routers.cgi*InMenu[$hostname-cpu-cur]: no\n";
++ print CFG "routers.cgi*InOut[$hostname-cpu-cur]: no\n";
++ print CFG "routers.cgi*InSummary[$hostname-cpu-cur]: no\n";
++ # Total & Graph
++ print CFG "routers.cgi*ShortName[$hostname-CPU]: CPU Utilisation\n";
++ print CFG "routers.cgi*Description[$hostname-CPU]: $hostname CPU Utilisation\n";
++ print CFG "routers.cgi*GraphStyle[$hostname-CPU]: normal\n";
++ print CFG "routers.cgi*Options[$hostname-CPU]: total, available\n";
++ print CFG "routers.cgi*LegendTI[$hostname-CPU]: Total usage\n";
++ print CFG "routers.cgi*MBLegend[$hostname-CPU]: 100% Utilisation\n";
++ print CFG "routers.cgi*Icon[$hostname-CPU]: cpu-sm.gif\n";
++ print CFG "routers.cgi*Title[$hostname-CPU]: CPU Usage on $hostname\n";
++ print CFG "routers.cgi*InSummary[$hostname-CPU]: yes\n";
++ } else {
++ print CFG "#\n# Not available.\n";
++ print "CPU usage statistics not available.\n";
++ }
++ }
+ }
+ }
+@@ -313,6 +382,7 @@
+ # physical and virtual
+ print CFG "\n#######################################\n";
+ print CFG "# Memory used\n";
++ my $oldsname = $sname; # To restore it later.
+ $rv = undef;
+ ($rv) = snmpget($snmp, $OID{totalswap} );
+ if(defined $rv and ($rv > 0)) {
+@@ -356,7 +426,21 @@
+ $targ = "$aroid&$asoid:$snmp";
+ $factor = 1;
+ } else {
+- print "Memory stats not available.\n";
++ $rv = undef;
++ ($rv) = snmpget($snmp, $OID{fortimem} );
++ if ($rv>0) {
++ print "* Memory utilisation available (FortiOS MIB).\n";
++ #($mbr, $mbs) = snmpget($snmp, $OID{fortimem}, $OID{fortimem});
++ $mbr = 100;
++ $mbs = 100;;
++ $aroid = $OID{fortimem};
++ $asoid = $OID{fortimem};
++ $targ = "$aroid&$asoid:$snmp";
++ $factor = 1;
++ $sname = "$sname in % ";
++ } else {
++ print "Memory stats not available.\n";
++ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+@@ -441,6 +525,7 @@
+ print CFG "#\n# Not available.\n";
+ print "Paging statistics not available.\n";
+ }
++ $sname = $oldsname;
+ # Disk
+ # individual disk spaces, and one userdefined summary
+@@ -622,6 +707,51 @@
+ print CFG "#\n# Not available.\n";
+ print "User count not available.\n";
+ }
++ # Sessions
++ print CFG "\n#######################################\n";
++ print CFG "# Session count\n";
++ $rv = undef;
++ $targ = "";
++ ($rv) = snmpget($snmp, $OID{fortisessions} );
++ if(defined $rv) {
++ print "* Session counter available (FortiOS MIB).\n";
++ $targ = "$OID{fortisessions}&$OID{fortisessions}:$snmp";
++# } else {
++# ($rv) = snmpget($snmp, $OID{sunusers} );
++# if(defined $rv) {
++# print "* User counter available (Sun-MIB).\n";
++# $targ = "$OID{sunusers}&$OID{sunusers}:$snmp";
++# }
++ }
++ if($targ) {
++ print CFG "Target[$hostname-sessions]: $targ\n";
++ print CFG "PageTop[$hostname-sessions]: $sdesc<BR>Active Sessions\n";
++ print CFG "Title[$hostname-sessions]: Active Sessions on $sname\n";
++ print CFG "MaxBytes[$hostname-sessions]: 1000000\n";
++ print CFG "SetEnv[$hostname-sessions]: MRTG_INT_DESCR=\"Sessions\"\n";
++ print CFG "Options[$hostname-sessions]: nopercent, gauge\n";
++ print CFG "YLegend[$hostname-sessions]: Sessions\n";
++ print CFG "ShortLegend[$hostname-sessions]: &nbsp;\n";
++ print CFG "LegendI[$hostname-sessions]: Sessions\n";
++ print CFG "Legend1[$hostname-sessions]: Active Sessions\n";
++ print CFG "Legend3[$hostname-sessions]: Peak Active Sessions\n";
++ print CFG "routers.cgi*Options[$hostname-sessions]: nomax, nototal, fixunit, noo\n";
++ print CFG "routers.cgi*Mode[$hostname-sessions]: general\n";
++ print CFG "routers.cgi*ShortDesc[$hostname-sessions]: Sessions\n";
++ print CFG "routers.cgi*Description[$hostname-sessions]: Sessions on $sname\n";
++ print CFG "routers.cgi*UnScaled[$hostname-sessions]: none\n";
++ print CFG "routers.cgi*InOut[$hostname-sessions]: no\n";
++ print CFG "routers.cgi*InSummary[$hostname-sessions]: yes\n";
++ print CFG "routers.cgi*InCompact[$hostname-sessions]: no\n";
++ print CFG "routers.cgi*Icon[$hostname-sessions]: user-sm.gif\n";
++ } else {
++ print CFG "#\n# Not available.\n";
++ print "Sessions count not available.\n";
++ }
+ # processes
+ print CFG "\n#######################################\n";
diff --git a/net-mgmt/routers2-extras/pkg-descr b/net-mgmt/routers2-extras/pkg-descr
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..33211c2af75f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-mgmt/routers2-extras/pkg-descr
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Extras extensions and third party scripts for routers2 frontend
+WWW: http://www.steveshipway.org/software/
diff --git a/net-mgmt/routers2-extras/pkg-plist b/net-mgmt/routers2-extras/pkg-plist
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..911211a7d1db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-mgmt/routers2-extras/pkg-plist
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+@dirrm www/routers2/extras/templates
+@dirrm www/routers2/extras
+%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm %%DOCSDIR%%