path: root/net-mgmt
diff options
authorSergey Matveychuk <sem@FreeBSD.org>2004-08-18 17:08:08 +0000
committerSergey Matveychuk <sem@FreeBSD.org>2004-08-18 17:08:08 +0000
commitb4dd05271c0dc3fa99f3ed002fc61076b1400595 (patch)
treef1f4d2c15d3eb6ae015fb5a60b3d0c46f03f129d /net-mgmt
parentfba1ac52e0321657925513e8a20f6b54dc38fbb6 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'net-mgmt')
14 files changed, 1823 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/net-mgmt/Makefile b/net-mgmt/Makefile
index 764bd682133d..101eba014060 100644
--- a/net-mgmt/Makefile
+++ b/net-mgmt/Makefile
@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@
SUBDIR += net-snmp4
SUBDIR += netams
SUBDIR += netmask
+ SUBDIR += netmond
SUBDIR += netqc
SUBDIR += netsaint
SUBDIR += netsaint-plugins
diff --git a/net-mgmt/netmond/Makefile b/net-mgmt/netmond/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9a39fa1bdb45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-mgmt/netmond/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+# New ports collection makefile for: netmond
+# Date created: 2004 Mar 30
+# Whom: vfom@narod.ru
+# $FreeBSD$
+PORTNAME= netmond
+CATEGORIES= net-mgmt
+MASTER_SITES= ftp://ftp.risp.ru/pub/RinetSoftware/
+DISTNAME= netmond-2.2-b6
+MAINTAINER= vfom@narod.ru
+COMMENT= Netmond - IP network monitoring daemon
+.if defined(MK_IFGRAPH)
+LIB_DEPENDS= gd.4:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/gd
+CONFIGURE_ARGS= --without-ifgraph
+BINOWN= root
+BINGRP= netmon
+BINMODE= 0550
+PLIST_FILES= sbin/netmond sbin/netmondctl sbin/netmond_watchdog \
+ etc/netmon.conf.sample etc/rc.d/netmond.sh
+.if defined(MK_IFGRAPH)
+PLIST_FILES+= sbin/ifgraph
+PKGMESSAGE= ${WRKDIR}/pkg-message
+ @if pw user show netmon 2>/dev/null ; then \
+ ${ECHO} "User 'netmon' exists." ; \
+ else \
+ pw useradd -n netmon -g wheel -c 'Network monitor account' -m ; \
+ fi
+ @if pw group show ${BINGRP} 2>/dev/null ; then \
+ ${ECHO} "Group '${BINGRP}' exists." ; \
+ else \
+ pw groupadd ${BINGRP} -M root,netmon ; \
+ fi
+ ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/netmond ${PREFIX}/sbin/netmond
+.if defined(MK_IFGRAPH)
+ ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/ifgraph ${PREFIX}/sbin/ifgraph
+ ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${FILESDIR}/netmondctl ${PREFIX}/sbin/netmondctl
+ ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${FILESDIR}/netmond_watchdog ${PREFIX}/sbin/netmond_watchdog
+ ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${FILESDIR}/netmond.sh ${PREFIX}/etc/rc.d/netmond.sh
+ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/netmon.conf.sample ${PREFIX}/etc
+ ${CHMOD} u+s ${PREFIX}/sbin/netmond
+.if !defined(NOPORTDOCS)
+ ${CHMOD} 555 ${DOCSDIR}
+ @${SED} "s#%%PREFIX%%#${PREFIX}#" ${MASTERDIR}/pkg-message > ${PKGMESSAGE}; \
+.include <bsd.port.mk>
diff --git a/net-mgmt/netmond/distinfo b/net-mgmt/netmond/distinfo
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..75ad3aed2da2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-mgmt/netmond/distinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+MD5 (netmond-2.2-b6.tgz) = 87e324702e60d1c4e1a83ae3649c1488
+SIZE (netmond-2.2-b6.tgz) = 264500
diff --git a/net-mgmt/netmond/files/README.eng b/net-mgmt/netmond/files/README.eng
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..07715e6c18dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-mgmt/netmond/files/README.eng
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+Network Monitoring Dealer http://soft.risp.ru/netmond/
+Netmond is an essential and flexible tool for network administrators.
+Netmond is a daemon providing an interface between low level network
+stack and a GUI monitoring program or a database.
+Netmond accumulates network neighborhood data, periodicaly polling network
+objects by several methods and collecting SNMP traps. Gathered information
+is parsed so that client programs can comfortably request it via unified
+Netmond can be used as primary data source and as a notification subsystem
+in a network monitoring framework.
+Netmond have a modular architecture. Modules work indepependently but use
+common task scheduler, session multiplexor, topology correlator, variables
+pool and output channels. The unique asynchronous polling algorithm
+does not limit a number of simultaneously controlled objects.
+Collected data can be saved by variuos methods periodically or conditionally.
+Also, a client program can request the data dynamically via network.
+Netmond considers the network as a collection of objects. All objects to be
+monitored have to be described preliminary in a configuration file. Objects
+polling works in parallel, not sequentially, like in other systems. Polling
+requests are distributed over the poll interval as optimally as possible.
+While executing, Netmond can dynamically determine topological dependences
+of objects and interfaces and correct polling modes or even block polling for
+subordinate objects.
+The Netmond deal the with following object types:
+* OBJECT - primary monitoring target, an object with IP address;
+* INTERFACE - network interface, subobject of OBJECT;
+* BGPAS - autonomous system number, subobject of OBJECT;
+* BGPPEER - BGP peer for autonomous system, subobject of BGPAS;
+* ENVTEMP - environment temperature (Cisco only), subobject of OBJECT;
+* SERVICE - arbitrary network service, subobject of OBJECT;
+For any OBJECT type instance operator can define:
+* METHOD - list of polling methods;
+* TRAP - list of traps methods;
+* POLLING - polling interval (the time between METHOD calls);
+* VARIABLE - list of variables, optional;
+* SAVE - list of data saving methods, optional;
+* SAVING - data saving interval (the time between SAVE methods calls);
+* INTERFACE - list of network interfaces, optional;
+* BGPAS - list of autonomous systems, optional;
+* ENVTEMP - list of thermal sensors, optional;
+* SERVICE - list of arbitrary services, optional;
+If BGPPEER list is not defined for a BGPAS instance, Netmond builds
+this list automatically.
+The state of OBJECT is a result of execution of all associated methods from
+METHOD and/or TRAP lists. Methods are evaluated sequentially until the first
+error. The order of execution is defined by operator.
+VARIABLE values and state of subobjects INTERFACE, BGPPEER, ENVTEMP and SERVICE
+are also evaluated during execution of METHODs and TRAPs. All subobjects have
+their own SAVE list.
+Inside a METHOD definition the following protocols can be used:
+* PING - ICMP echo õ IP with Route Record option for topology discovery;
+* SNMP - simple SNMP v1 request for specified VARIABLE OID;
+* ROUTER - multiple SNMP v1 requests, indexing of certain tables,
+ extracting internal VARIABLEs values;
+* TCP - simple TCP session with text chat capabilities, extracting
+ VARIABLEs values from answers;
+* UDP - simple UDP sequence with arbitrary chat, extracting
+ VARIABLEs values from answers;
+* DNS - DNS service check;
+* RADIUS - RADIUS service check;
+* TACACS - TACACS+ service check;
+TRAP collector expects SNMP v1 traps, with BGP Enterprise (RFC1657),
+Cisco Private Enterprise or an arbitrary Enterprise defined by operator.
+The protocols are implemented as separate independent modules. New modules
+could be added in the future.
+A VARIABLE instance is reffered to by an unique alphanumeric name. The name
+can be used in the configuration file and for dynamic data request
+via NetState service. Typically, the list and the names of VARIABLEs are
+defined by operator. Several predefined VARIABLEs exist for some METHODs.
+A VARIABLE can be of any of the following types:
+* integer
+* float
+* IP address
+* string
+The actual variable type is automatically determined on value assignment.
+During Netmond execution the number of associated values for every
+VARIABLE is maintained - the current value, previous value as well as
+minimal, maximal, average and delta during the SAVING time interval,
+if applicable.
+Netmod provides three SAVE methods to output VARIABLE values:
+* writing to a file;
+* pushing to a pipe;
+* passing as an argument for external program.
+SAVE methods are evaluated -
+* periodically, with SAVING interval
+* on change of VARIABLE value;
+* by condition - when a logical or expression with VARIABLE value become TRUE
+NetState service is an independent module of Netmond providing asynchronous
+network access to current VARIABLE values for client programs. The whole
+variables pool is presented as a hierarchy of variables and their owners in
+format: "object!subobject!variable = value". The request could contain an
+optional regular expression to filter the required output. This feature was
+introduced for flexible dynamic data transmission to operator's GUI.
+Please, address all questions, proposals and complains regarding Netmond to
+netmon@service.risp.ru mail list. To subscribe send a message with body text
+'subscribe netmon' to majordomo@service.risp.ru.
diff --git a/net-mgmt/netmond/files/README.port.eng b/net-mgmt/netmond/files/README.port.eng
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2767ae40e921
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-mgmt/netmond/files/README.port.eng
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+ netmond-2.2-b6-port
+This document describe additions & changes relatively original
+netmon-2.2-b6 source code.
+SrcAddress patch
+Sometimes you need explisitly set source IP address for packets
+ejected to some host from multihoming (or multialiasing) host.
+For example:
+- you need to check host accessability via predefined route, not
+ matching default route for this host.
+- remote host can have "strange" configured packet filters so only
+ specific IP addresses accepted.
+- traffic priority settings exits somethere on trace to host.
+ This may impact network managenment traffic while
+ some channels overloaded.
+Added directive "SrcAddress" in global context and in object contest.
+In global context this directive explisitly set source IP address for all
+objects when source IP not defined inside this object definition.
+If no directive specified, default source address assigned.
+Inside object definition this directive set source IP address for this
+object only. All IP packets ejected to this host have this source address.
+When nowhere directive specified, the programm behave like before
+patch applying.
+ SrcAddress ""
+ Object "somehost" {
+ Address ""
+ SrcAddress ""
+ ....................
+ }
+ No preliminary IP address validity check applied. So until first packet processed
+you can't to know IP address mistaken.
+ NetState server can't report source IP addresses for objects.
+UID-GID-ChRoot Patch
+For save methods PIPE or FILE in some cases need to fork daugther process.
+Usally, "netmond" working under "root" privrleges, so daugther processes
+will have "root" privrleges too. This is unsecure.
+Directives "UserName" "GroupName" "ChrootDir" added in global context.
+When used this directives, before daugther process launching
+(after 'fork' but before 'exec') "chroot" syscall performed for specified
+directory ( if no direcive - no "chroot") and process GID, UID changes.
+By default, no chroot performed, UserName = netmon, GroupName = netmon.
+ UserName "nobody"
+ GroupName "nogroup"
+ ChRootDir "/var/netmon"
+However you can set UserName=root GroupName=wheel if needed.
+NetState BindAddress Patch
+Sometimes you need explicitly set IP address to bind for NetState
+Directive "BindAddress" added in "Port" context.
+ Port 3333 {
+ BindAddress ""
+ ............
+ }
+NetState {
+ Port 3333
+ BindAddress ""
+By default, NetState expect incoming TCP connection on all local
+Trap Patch
+Sometimes you need explicitly set IP Address to accept incoming SNMP
+traps on.
+Direcive "TrapBindAddress" added in global context.
+ TrapBindAddress ""
+By default, trap collector expect incoming SNMP traps on all local
+PID-file all the time is written to /var/run/netmond.pid
+Possibility added to use russian letters in NetState requests and
+regular expressions.
diff --git a/net-mgmt/netmond/files/README.port.ru b/net-mgmt/netmond/files/README.port.ru
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2e5312903a3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-mgmt/netmond/files/README.port.ru
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+ netmond-2.2-b6-port
+Þ äâïïðî äðìèîåïæå ðòêõâïý êÿîåïåïêó ê äð÷âþíåïêó ðæïðõêæåíûïð
+ðôêúêïâíûïýé êõéðäïýé æåìõæôðþ netmond-2.2-b6.
+SrcAddress patch
+ Þ ïåìðæðôýé õêæèâçêóé ïåð÷éðäêîð óþïð ÿâäâæû IP âäôåõ
+êõæðàïêìâ äíó òâìåæðþ, ðæòôâþíóåîýé ïâ ðòôåäåíåïïýë éðõæ
+þ õíèàâå, åõíê õåôþåô êîååæ ïåõìðíûìð êïæåôöåëõðþ ê\êíê
+- Ïèãïð æåõæêôðþâæû äðõæèòïðõæû éðõæâ òð ðòôåäåíïïðîè îâôùôèæè,
+ ïå õðþòâäâáüåîè õ îâôùôèæðî òð èîðíàâïêá äíó øæðúð éðõæâ.
+- Èäâíåïïýë éðõæ îðãåæ êîåæû "õæôâïïð" õìðïöêúèôêôðþâïïýë
+ òâìåæïýë öêíûæô, æâì, àæð ôåâúêôèåæ ïâ òâìåæý æðíûìð õ
+ ðòôåäåíåïïýé IP âäôåõðþ.
+- Òð îâôùôèæè äð èäâíåïïðúð éðõæâ õèüåõæþèáæ èàâõæìê, úäå
+ òâìåæý õ ðòôåäåíåïïýé IP âäôåõðþ êîåáæ òôêðôêæåæ, àæð
+ ÷ýþâåæ þâãïð òôê àâõæðë òåôåúôèÿìå (øæêé) ìâïâíðþ.
+Äð÷âþíåïâ äêôåìæêþâ "SrcAddress"
+ Þ úíð÷âíûïðî ìðïæåìõæå øæâ äêôåìæêþâ ÿâäâåæ IP âäôåõ êõæðàïêìâ
+äíó þõåé ð÷ñåìæðþ, äíó ìðæðôýé IP âäôåõ êõæðàïêìâ óþïð ïå ÿâäâï.
+Åõíê äêôåìæêþâ ïå èìâÿâïâ - øæðæ âäôåõ =
+ Þ ìðïæåìõæå ð÷ñåìæâ, øæâ äêôåìæêþâ ÿâäâåæ IP âäôåõ êõæðàïêìâ äíó
+òðõýíìê íá÷ýé òâìåæðþ ïâ øæðæ éðõæ.
+Åõíê äêôåìæêþâ ÏÊÚÄÅ ïå èìâÿâïâ - õåôþåô þåäåæ õå÷ó æâì, ìâì äð
+òôêîåïåïêó òâæàâ.
+ SrcAddress ""
+ Object "somehost" {
+ Address ""
+ SrcAddress ""
+ ....................
+ }
+ Ïå ôåâíêÿðþâïâ òôåäþâôêæåíûïâó òôðþåôìâ þâíêäïðõæê IP âäôåõâ
+êõæðàïêìâ òôê àæåïêê öâëíâ ìðïöêúèôâçêê. Øæð ÿïâàêæ, àæð äð
+òðõýíìê òåôþðúð òâìåæâ ïâ éðõæ Þý ïå èÿïâåæå, àæð ïåòôâþêíûïð
+èìâÿâíê IP âäôåõ êõæðàïêìâ.
+ IP âäôåõ êõæðàïêìâ ïåþðÿîðãïð èÿïâæû è NetState õåôþåôâ.
+UID-GID-ChRoot Patch
+ Åõíê èìâÿâï îåæðä õðéôâïåïêó PIPE êíê FILE, æð, þ ïåìðæðôýé
+õíèàâóé, ÿâòèõìâåæõó äðàåôïêë òôðçåõõ, ìðæðôðîè òåôåäâáæõó äâïïýå.
+ Ð÷ýàïð "Netmod" ôâ÷ðæâåæ ðæ êîåïê òðíûÿðþâæåíó "root".
+Õíåäðþâæåíûïð äðàåôïêå òôðçåõõý æâì-ãå ÿâòèõìâáæõó ðæ êîåïê
+"root". Þðð÷üå úðþðôó, øæð ÏÅ×ÅßÐÒÂÕÏÐ, æåî ÷ðíåå, àæð äíó
+êõòðíïåïêó øæêé òôðúôâîî ð÷ýàïð òôâþâ "root" ïå ïèãïý.
+ Äð÷âþíåïý úíð÷âíûïýå äêôåìæêþý "UserName" "GroupName" "ChrootDir"
+Åõíê èìâÿâïý øæê äêôåìæêþý, æð òåôåä ÿâòèõìðî äðàåôïåúð òôðçåõõâ,
+( òðõíå fork, ïð ôâïûùå exec ) äåíâåæõó chroot þ èìâÿâïïýë ìâæâíðú
+(åõíê ìâæâíðú ïå èìâÿâï - ïå äåíâåæõó), ê êÿîåïóåæõó GID,UID òôðçåõõâ.
+Òð èîðíàâïêá, chroot ïå äåíâåæõó, UserName = netmon, GroupName= netmon.
+ UserName "nobody"
+ GroupName "nogroup"
+ ChRootDir "/var/netmon"
+Þòôðàåî, Þý îðãåæå óþïð èìâÿâæû, àæð õìôêòæý ïèãïð ÿâòèõìâæû ðæ "root".
+NetState BindAddress Patch
+ Êïðúäâ ÷ýþâåæ èäð÷ïð óþïð ÿâäâþâæû IP âäôåõ, ïâ ìðæðôðî NetState
+õåôþåô ðãêäâåæ þéðäóüåúð TCP õðåäêïåïêó.
+Äð÷âþíåïâ äêôåìæêþâ "BindAddress" þ ìðïæåìõæå "Port".
+ Port 3333 {
+ BindAddress ""
+ ............
+ }
+NetState {
+ Port 3333
+ BindAddress ""
+Òð èîðíàâïêá, ãäåî þéðäóüåúð TCP õðåäêïåïêó ïâ þõåé íðìâíûïýé âäôåõâé.
+Trap Patch
+ Êïðúäâ ÷ýþâåæ èäð÷ïð óþïð ÿâäâþâæû IP âäôåõ, ïâ ìðæðôðî
+õåôþåô ðãêäâåæ þéðäóüêë SNMP Trap.
+Äð÷âþíåïâ äêôåìæêþâ "TrapBindAddress" þ úíð÷âíûïðî ìðïæåìõæå.
+ TrapBindAddress ""
+Òð èîðíàâïêá, ãäåî þéðäóüêë SNMP Trap ïâ þõåé íðìâíûïýé âäôåõâé.
+PID-öâëí þõåúäâ ÿâòêõýþâåæõó þ /var/run/netmond.pid
+Äð÷âþíåïâ þðÿîðãïðõæû êõòðíûÿðþâæû þ ôåúèíóôïýé þýôâãåïêóé NetState
+ôèõõìêå ÷èìþý.
diff --git a/net-mgmt/netmond/files/netmond.sh b/net-mgmt/netmond/files/netmond.sh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c0e237ee588d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-mgmt/netmond/files/netmond.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+if ! PREFIX=$(expr $0 : "\(/.*\)/etc/rc\.d/$(basename $0)\$"); then
+ echo "$0: Cannot determine the PREFIX" >&2
+ exit 1
+case "$1" in
+ [ -x ${PREFIX}/sbin/netmond ] && [ -r ${PREFIX}/etc/netmon.conf ] && ${PREFIX}/sbin/netmond && echo -n ' netmond'
+ ;;
+ killall netmond && echo -n ' netmond'
+ ;;
+ echo "Usage: `basename $0` {start|stop}" >&2
+ ;;
+exit 0
diff --git a/net-mgmt/netmond/files/netmond_watchdog b/net-mgmt/netmond/files/netmond_watchdog
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..497901873fce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-mgmt/netmond/files/netmond_watchdog
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+export PATH
+while : ; do
+ if [ -r $pidfile ] && kill -0 `cat $pidfile` >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
+ # echo "Netmond Running"
+ else
+ # echo "Netmond failed"
+ logger -p daemon.err -t nemond_watchdog "Netmond failed. Restarting..."
+ rm -f ${pidfile}
+ ${exec_prefix}/sbin/netmond -c ${config}
+ fi
+ sleep 10
diff --git a/net-mgmt/netmond/files/netmondctl b/net-mgmt/netmond/files/netmondctl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..32a6a0a8c4ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-mgmt/netmond/files/netmondctl
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+# The exit codes returned are:
+# 0 - operation completed successfully
+# 1 - some error
+# 2 - usage error
+# the path to your NETMOND binary, including options if necessary
+# config file (default is "/usr/local/etc/netmon.conf")
+if [ $TTT = "X" ]
+ CONFIG="-c $2"
+ CFILE=$2
+case $1 in
+ if [ -r $PIDFILE ] ; then
+ PID=`cat $PIDFILE`
+ if kill -0 $PID ;then
+ echo "$0 $1: netmond (pid $PID) already running."
+ exit 0;
+ fi
+ fi
+ if $NETMOND -C $CONFIG >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
+ if $NETMOND $CONFIG ; then
+ echo "$0 $1: netmond started"
+ else
+ echo "$0 $1: netmond could not be started"
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "$0 $1: configuration broken, ignoring start"
+ echo "$0 $1: (run 'netmond -C' for details)"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ if [ ! -r $PIDFILE ] ; then
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ PID=`cat $PIDFILE`
+ if kill $PID ; then
+ echo "$0 $1: netmond stopped"
+ else
+ echo "$0 $1: netmond could not be stopped"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ if [ ! -r $PIDFILE ] ; then
+ echo "$0 $1: netmond not running, trying to start"
+ if $NETMOND $CONFIG ; then
+ echo "$0 $ARG: netmond started"
+ else
+ echo "$0 $ARG: netmond could not be started"
+ fi
+ else
+ PID=`cat $PIDFILE`
+ if $NETMOND -C $CONFIG >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
+ if kill -HUP $PID ; then
+ echo "$0 $1: netmond restarted"
+ else
+ echo "$0 $1: netmond could not be restarted"
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "$0 $1: configuration broken, ignoring restart"
+ echo "$0 $1: (run 'netmond -C' for details)"
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "usage: $0 start|stop|restart"
+ cat <<EOF
+start - start netmond (or do nothing if running)
+stop - stop netmond
+restart - restart netmond if running by sending a SIGHUP or start if
+ not running
+ ;;
+exit $ERROR
diff --git a/net-mgmt/netmond/files/patch-AA b/net-mgmt/netmond/files/patch-AA
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c948eca51db9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-mgmt/netmond/files/patch-AA
@@ -0,0 +1,1133 @@
+--- dns.c.orig Mon Aug 25 18:19:04 2003
++++ dns.c Tue Sep 16 23:43:05 2003
+@@ -149,6 +149,8 @@
+ {
+ SESSION *sd = method->sd;
+ int reqid;
++ struct sockaddr_in *from;
++ char ipaddr[20];
+ /* sanity check */
+ if (!sd) return;
+@@ -161,6 +163,14 @@
+ return;
+ }
++ /* bind socket to local source address */
++ from = (struct sockaddr_in *)&sd->me;
++ if ( from->sin_addr.s_addr != INADDR_ANY ) {
++ if( bind(sd->sock, &sd->me, sizeof(struct sockaddr) ) == -1 )
++ report(LOG_WARNING, "dns_start : bind failed for %s: %s",
++ intoa(ipaddr,from->sin_addr), strerror(*(__error())) );
++ }
+ /* turn on non-blocking I/O */
+ if (set_socket_async(sd->sock, TRUE) < 0) {
+ dns_reply(errno, sd, 0);
+@@ -288,7 +298,7 @@
+ METHOD *method;
+ {
+ SESSION template;
+- struct sockaddr_in *to;
++ struct sockaddr_in *to, *from;
+ dprintf(("dns_init(%s/%s)\n", target->name, method->name));
+@@ -303,6 +313,10 @@
+ to->sin_family = AF_INET;
+ to->sin_port = htons(method->rport);
+ to->sin_addr = method->address ? method->ip_addr : target->ip_addr;
++ from = (struct sockaddr_in *)&template.me;
++ bzero((char *)from, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
++ from->sin_family = AF_INET;
++ from->sin_addr = target->ip_srcaddr;
+ template.timeout = method->timeout * 1000000L; /* make microseconds */
+ template.retries = method->retries;
+ template.send = dns_send;
+--- netmon.h.orig Tue Aug 26 10:00:38 2003
++++ netmon.h Wed Sep 17 00:39:11 2003
+@@ -14,6 +14,9 @@
+ #include <sys/socket.h>
+ #include <sys/time.h>
+ #include <netinet/in.h>
++#include <pwd.h>
++#include <grp.h>
++#include <time.h>
+ #include <assert.h>
+ #endif
+@@ -77,7 +80,10 @@
+ #endif
+ #define NETMON "netmon"
+-#define DEFAULT_CONFIG "/etc/netmon.conf"
++#define DEFAULT_CONFIG "/usr/local/etc/netmon.conf"
++#define USERNAME "netmon"
++#define GROUPNAME "netmon"
++#define PIDFILE_PATH "/var/run"
+ #define DEFAULT_WATCHDOG 600 /* 10 min */
+ #define POLLING_MIN 30 /* 30 sec */
+@@ -385,6 +391,7 @@
+ struct method_ent *method; /* session method */
+ int sock; /* socket file descriptor */
+ struct sockaddr peer; /* address of peer */
++ struct sockaddr me; /* my source address */
+ long timeout; /* number of microseconds until first timeout */
+ int retries; /* number of retries before timeout */
+ int (*connect) __P((struct session_ent *));
+@@ -530,7 +537,9 @@
+ char *descr; /* object description */
+ char *datadir; /* directory where store data */
+ char *address; /* domain name or dotted IP address */
++ char *srcaddress; /* domain name or dotted source IP address */
+ struct in_addr ip_addr; /* ip address of peer */
++ struct in_addr ip_srcaddr; /* source ip address */
+ int polling; /* polling period in seconds */
+ int saving; /* saving period in seconds */
+ int sync; /* polling counter to synchronize saving */
+@@ -574,7 +583,14 @@
+ typedef struct config_ent {
+ char *rootdir; /* default work directory */
++ char *chrootdir; /* chroot directory for EXEC children */
++ char *username; /* username for EXEC children */
++ uid_t uid; /* UID for EXEC children */
++ char *groupname; /* groupname for EXEC children */
++ gid_t gid; /* GID for EXEC children */
+ char *timefmt; /* strftime format of currtime for logging */
++ char *srcaddress; /* my default source domain name or dotted IP address */
++ struct in_addr ip_srcaddr; /* my default sorce ip address */
+ int polling; /* default polling interval in seconds */
+ int saving; /* default saving interval in seconds */
+ int timeout; /* default timeout in seconds */
+@@ -582,9 +598,13 @@
+ int enable_traps; /* enable SNMP traps */
+ int source_traps; /* match src-addr and agent-addr of traps */
++ char *trap_address; /* Trap bind address */
++ struct in_addr trap_ip_addr; /* */
+ /* netstate server */
+ int ns_port; /* server port number */
++ char *ns_address; /* NetState bind address */
++ struct in_addr ns_ip_addr; /* */
+ int ns_timo; /* client timeout in seconds */
+ GROUP_REF *ns_acl; /* netstate client access list */
+--- netmond.c.orig Fri Aug 22 15:49:23 2003
++++ netmond.c Tue Sep 16 23:43:05 2003
+@@ -79,7 +79,6 @@
+ static int reconfig_pending;
+ static int watchdog_timeout;
+ static int watchdog_pending;
+ static struct sighandler_ent {
+ int sig;
+ int flags;
+@@ -254,8 +253,7 @@
+ /*
+ * Make pid file.
+ */
+- (void)strcpy(buf, program_name);
+- (void)strcat(buf, ".pid");
++ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s.pid", PIDFILE_PATH, program_name);
+ if ((fp = fopen(buf, "w")) != NULL) {
+ fprintf(fp, "%d\n", (int)mypid);
+ fclose(fp);
+@@ -831,6 +829,20 @@
+ /* make session leader to be able killpg() latter */
+ setsid();
++ if ( cf->chrootdir) {
++ if ( chroot( cf->chrootdir ) < 0 ) {
++ report(LOG_ERR, "chroot %s: %s", cf->chrootdir,strerror(*(__error())) );
++ _exit(127);
++ }
++ }
++ if ( setgid(cf->gid) < 0 ) {
++ report(LOG_ERR, "setgid %s[%d]: %s", cf->groupname, cf->gid, strerror(*(__error())) );
++ _exit(127);
++ }
++ if ( (cf->uid != 0) & (setuid(cf->uid) < 0) ) {
++ report(LOG_ERR, "setuid %s[%d]: %s", cf->username, cf->uid, strerror(*(__error())) );
++ _exit(127);
++ }
+ execve(file, av, environ);
+ report(LOG_ERR, "execve %s: %m", file);
+ _exit(127);
+@@ -928,8 +940,7 @@
+ #endif
+ {
+ char pidfile[100];
+- (void)strcpy(pidfile, program_name);
+- (void)strcat(pidfile, ".pid");
++ snprintf(pidfile, sizeof(pidfile), "%s/%s.pid", PIDFILE_PATH, program_name);
+ (void)unlink(pidfile);
+ report(LOG_CRIT, "aborted by signal %d", sig);
+ } else report(LOG_INFO, "interrupted by signal %d", sig);
+--- netstate.c.orig Tue Aug 26 10:54:09 2003
++++ netstate.c Thu Sep 25 15:21:39 2003
+@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
+ memset(&sin, 0, sizeof(sin));
+ sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
+ sin.sin_port = htons(cf->ns_port);
+- sin.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
++ sin.sin_addr = cf->ns_ip_addr;
+ if (bind(netstate_sock, (struct sockaddr *)&sin, sizeof(sin)) < 0) {
+ report(LOG_ERR, "bind port %d: %m", ntohs(sin.sin_port));
+ close(netstate_sock);
+@@ -405,6 +405,14 @@
+ _exit(1);
+ }
+ #endif
++iskoi8(unsigned char ch)
++ if ( ch == 163 ) return 1;
++ if ( ch == 179 ) return 1;
++ if ( ch >= 192 ) return 1;
++ return 0;
+ void *
+ netstate_serve(arg)
+@@ -505,9 +513,9 @@
+ set_timer(0, interrupt);
+ #endif
+ if (!cp) break;
+- while (isprint(*cp)) cp++;
++ while ( iskoi8(*cp) || isprint(*cp) ) cp++;
+ *cp = '\0';
+ next = input;
+ if ((cp = my_strsep(&next, " ")) == NULL) {
+ bad_input++;
+--- parseconf.y.orig Tue Aug 26 10:53:30 2003
++++ parseconf.y Wed Sep 17 00:22:40 2003
+@@ -197,11 +197,36 @@
+ BGP_AS *bgp;
+ ENV_MON *env;
+ char *cp, buf[1024];
++ struct passwd *pwentry;
++ struct group *grentry;
+ if (!config.rootdir) {
+ report(LOG_ERR, "%s: rootdir unspecified", config_file);
+ return NULL;
+ }
++ if (!config.srcaddress)
++ bzero(&config.ip_srcaddr, sizeof(struct in_addr));
++ if (!config.ns_address)
++ bzero(&config.ns_ip_addr, sizeof(struct in_addr));
++ if (!config.trap_address)
++ bzero(&config.trap_ip_addr, sizeof(struct in_addr));
++ if(!config.username) {
++ config.username = strdup(USERNAME);
++ if ((pwentry = getpwnam(USERNAME)) == (struct passwd *) NULL) {
++ report(LOG_ERR, "Bad default username: %s.",config.username);
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ config.uid = pwentry->pw_uid;
++ }
++ if(!config.groupname) {
++ config.groupname = strdup(GROUPNAME);
++ if ((grentry = getgrnam(GROUPNAME)) == (struct group *) NULL) {
++ report(LOG_ERR, "Bad default groupname: %s.",config.groupname);
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ config.gid = (gid_t)grentry->gr_gid;
++ }
+ if (config.polling) {
+ if (!config.timeout)
+ config.timeout = TIMEOUT_DEFAULT;
+@@ -273,6 +298,7 @@
+ for (service = target->service; service; service = service->next) {
+ service->ip_addr = target->ip_addr;
++ service->ip_srcaddr = target->ip_srcaddr;
+ service->parent = target;
+ (void)strcpy(cp, "/");
+@@ -1342,6 +1368,9 @@
+ /* Lexical analyzer return values */
+@@ -1354,6 +1383,7 @@
+ %token TOKEN_PORT
+ %token TOKEN_SAVE
+ %token TOKEN_FILE
+@@ -1365,6 +1395,7 @@
+@@ -1398,6 +1429,7 @@
+ %token TOKEN_V2
+ %token TOKEN_TRAP
+@@ -1442,6 +1474,60 @@
+ }
+ }
++ | TOKEN_CHROOTDIR quoted_string
++ {
++ if (config.chrootdir) {
++ yyerror("ChRootDir statement duplicated");
++ }
++ config.chrootdir = $2;
++ }
++ | TOKEN_USERNAME quoted_string
++ {
++ struct passwd *pwentry;
++ if (config.username) {
++ yyerror("UserName statement duplicated");
++ }
++ if ((pwentry = getpwnam($2)) == (struct passwd *)NULL) {
++ yyerror("UserName %s unknown.", $2);
++ }
++ config.uid = pwentry->pw_uid;
++ config.username = $2;
++ }
++ | TOKEN_GROUPNAME quoted_string
++ {
++ struct group *grentry;
++ if (config.groupname) {
++ yyerror("GroupName statement duplicated");
++ }
++ if ((grentry = getgrnam($2)) == (struct group *)NULL) {
++ yyerror("GroupName %s unknown.", $2);
++ }
++ config.gid = grentry->gr_gid;
++ config.groupname = $2;
++ }
++ | TOKEN_SRCADDRESS quoted_string
++ {
++ struct in_addr ip_srcaddr;
++ if (config.srcaddress) {
++ yyerror("config source address duplicated");
++ }
++ if (!gethostaddr(&ip_srcaddr, $2)) {
++ }
++ config.srcaddress = $2;
++ memcpy(&config.ip_srcaddr, &ip_srcaddr, sizeof(struct in_addr));
++ }
+ | TOKEN_TIMEFMT quoted_string
+ {
+ if (config.timefmt) {
+@@ -1531,6 +1617,17 @@
+ {
+ config.source_traps = 1;
+ }
++ | TOKEN_TRAPBINDADDRESS quoted_string
++ {
++ if (config.trap_address) {
++ yyerror("bindaddress duplicated");
++ }
++ if (!gethostaddr(&config.trap_ip_addr, $2)) {
++ }
++ config.trap_address = $2;
++ }
+ | TOKEN_TRAP legal_string '{' trap_config '}'
+ {
+ trap.name = $2;
+@@ -1556,6 +1653,13 @@
+ yyerror("object address unspecified");
+ }
++ if (!object.srcaddress) {
++ if (!config.srcaddress) {
++ bzero(&object.ip_srcaddr, sizeof(struct in_addr));
++ } else {
++ memcpy(&object.ip_srcaddr, &config.ip_srcaddr, sizeof(struct in_addr));
++ }
++ }
+ /* if ((object.interface || object.ifgroup ||
+ object.bgp || object.env) &&
+ !find_method(object.method_list, "ROUTER")) {
+@@ -1637,6 +1741,17 @@
+ }
+ }
++ | TOKEN_BINDADDRESS quoted_string
++ {
++ if (config.ns_address) {
++ yyerror("bindaddress duplicated");
++ }
++ if (!gethostaddr(&config.ns_ip_addr, $2)) {
++ }
++ config.ns_address = $2;
++ }
+ | TOKEN_PERMIT quoted_string
+ {
+ /* for backward compatibility */
+@@ -2095,6 +2210,18 @@
+ }
+ object.address = $2;
+ }
++ | TOKEN_SRCADDRESS quoted_string
++ {
++ if (object.srcaddress) {
++ yyerror("object source address duplicated");
++ }
++ if (!gethostaddr(&object.ip_srcaddr, $2)) {
++ }
++ object.srcaddress = $2;
++ }
+ {
+ if (object.polling) {
+--- ping.c.orig Fri Aug 22 11:07:53 2003
++++ ping.c Tue Sep 16 23:43:05 2003
+@@ -368,6 +368,7 @@
+ u_char buf[MAX_PACKETSZ];
+ struct ip *ip;
+ struct icmp *icmp;
++ struct sockaddr_in *from = (struct sockaddr_in *)&sd->me;
+ struct sockaddr_in *to = (struct sockaddr_in *)&sd->peer;
+ int header_len = sizeof(struct ip);
+ int total_len = method->rport ? method->rport : MIN_PACKETSZ;
+@@ -400,7 +401,7 @@
+ #endif
+ ip->ip_ttl = IPDEFTTL;
+ ip->ip_p = IPPROTO_ICMP;
+- /* ip->ip_src <-- filled by kernel (hopefulness) */
++ ip->ip_src = from->sin_addr; /* replaced by kernel if=INADDR_ANY (hopefulness) */
+ ip->ip_dst = to->sin_addr;
+ if (rr_opt) { /* IP Option: Record Route */
+@@ -423,6 +424,7 @@
+ memcpy(icmp->icmp_data, &sd->buf, sizeof(TIMEVAL *));
+ icmp->icmp_cksum = in_cksum((u_short *)icmp, total_len - header_len);
+ total_len = send(sd->sock, (char *)buf, total_len, 0);
+ #else
+@@ -600,6 +602,8 @@
+ {
+ SESSION *sd = method->sd;
+ int tmpval;
++ char ipaddr[20];
++ struct sockaddr_in *from;
+ /* sanity check */
+ if (!sd) return;
+@@ -616,6 +620,13 @@
+ echo_reply(errno, sd, 0);
+ return;
+ }
++ /* bind RAW socket to local source address */
++ from = (struct sockaddr_in *)&sd->me;
++ if ( from->sin_addr.s_addr != INADDR_ANY ) {
++ if( bind(sd->sock, &sd->me, sizeof(struct sockaddr) ) == -1 )
++ report(LOG_WARNING, "echo_start : bind failed for %s: %s",
++ intoa(ipaddr,from->sin_addr), strerror(*(__error())) );
++ }
+ /* The following option is only necessary on Linux machines because
+ * they have the unusual behavior of returning some ICMP errors to
+@@ -701,7 +712,12 @@
+ if (sd->pkt_recv > 1) msec /= (double)sd->pkt_recv;
+ sprintf(buf, "%g", msec);
+ diag = buf;
+- } else diag = "0.000";
++ if ( msec >= 10 ) {
++ sprintf(buf, "%d", (int)msec);
++ } else {
++ sprintf(buf, "%g", msec);
++ }
++ } else diag = "0.0";
+ } else {
+ op = -1;
+ diag = icmp_error(sd->data_int);
+@@ -740,8 +756,9 @@
+ METHOD *method;
+ {
+ SESSION template;
+- struct sockaddr_in *to;
++ struct sockaddr_in *to, *from;
+ char varname[100];
++ char ipaddr[20];
+ dprintf(("echo_init(%s/%s)\n", target->name, method->name));
+@@ -758,6 +775,9 @@
+ to = (struct sockaddr_in *)&template.peer;
+ to->sin_family = AF_INET;
+ to->sin_addr = method->address ? method->ip_addr : target->ip_addr;
++ from = (struct sockaddr_in *)&template.me;
++ from->sin_family = AF_INET;
++ from->sin_addr = target->ip_srcaddr;
+ template.timeout = method->timeout * 1000000L; /* make microseconds */
+ template.retries = method->retries;
+ template.send = echo_send;
+--- radius.c.orig Mon Aug 25 18:20:03 2003
++++ radius.c Tue Sep 16 23:43:05 2003
+@@ -208,6 +208,8 @@
+ {
+ SESSION *sd = method->sd;
+ int reqid;
++ struct sockaddr_in *from;
++ char ipaddr[20];
+ /* sanity check */
+ if (!sd) return;
+@@ -220,6 +222,13 @@
+ return;
+ }
++ /* bind socket to local source address */
++ from = (struct sockaddr_in *)&sd->me;
++ if ( from->sin_addr.s_addr != INADDR_ANY ) {
++ if( bind(sd->sock, &sd->me, sizeof(struct sockaddr) ) == -1 )
++ report(LOG_WARNING, "radius_start : bind failed for %s: %s",
++ intoa(ipaddr,from->sin_addr), strerror(*(__error())) );
++ }
+ /* turn on non-blocking I/O */
+ if (set_socket_async(sd->sock, TRUE) < 0) {
+ radius_reply(errno, sd, 0);
+@@ -311,7 +320,7 @@
+ METHOD *method;
+ {
+ SESSION template;
+- struct sockaddr_in *to;
++ struct sockaddr_in *to, *from;
+ dprintf(("radius_init(%s/%s)\n", target->name, method->name));
+@@ -326,6 +335,10 @@
+ to->sin_family = AF_INET;
+ to->sin_port = htons(method->rport);
+ to->sin_addr = method->address ? method->ip_addr : target->ip_addr;
++ from = (struct sockaddr_in *)&template.me;
++ bzero((char *)from, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
++ from->sin_family = AF_INET;
++ from->sin_addr = target->ip_srcaddr;
+ template.timeout = method->timeout * 1000000L; /* make microseconds */
+ template.retries = method->retries;
+ template.send = radius_send;
+--- reconfig.c.orig Tue Aug 26 10:54:37 2003
++++ reconfig.c Wed Sep 17 00:26:06 2003
+@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@
+ OBJECT *parent;
+ OBJECT *old, *new;
+ {
+- void *ip_addr;
++ void *ip_addr, *ip_srcaddr;
+ OBJECT *service;
+ object_stop(old);
+@@ -403,9 +403,13 @@
+ ptrswap(&old->descr, &new->descr);
+ ptrswap(&old->datadir, &new->datadir);
+ ptrswap(&old->address, &new->address);
+- if (parent)
++ if (parent) {
+ ip_addr = &parent->ip_addr;
+- else ip_addr = &new->ip_addr;
++ ip_srcaddr = &parent->ip_srcaddr;
++ } else {
++ ip_addr = &new->ip_addr;
++ ip_srcaddr = &new->ip_srcaddr;
++ }
+ old->parent = parent;
+ if (memcmp(&old->ip_addr, ip_addr, sizeof(old->ip_addr))) {
+@@ -418,6 +422,8 @@
+ memset(old->snmpdata, 0, sizeof(SNMP_DATA));
+ }
+ }
++ if (memcmp(&old->ip_srcaddr, ip_srcaddr, sizeof(old->ip_srcaddr)))
++ memcpy(&old->ip_srcaddr, ip_srcaddr, sizeof(old->ip_srcaddr));
+ old->polling = new->polling;
+ old->saving = new->saving;
+@@ -450,6 +456,7 @@
+ service = splice_object_list(old, &old->service, &new->service);
+ for (; service; service = service->next) {
+ service->ip_addr = old->ip_addr;
++ service->ip_srcaddr = old->ip_srcaddr;
+ service->parent = old;
+ object_init(service);
+ }
+@@ -516,21 +523,41 @@
+ }
+ if (cf_new->rootdir) free(cf_new->rootdir);
++ ptrswap(&cf->chrootdir, &cf_new->chrootdir);
++ if (cf_new->chrootdir) free(cf_new->chrootdir);
++ ptrswap(&cf->username, &cf_new->username);
++ if (cf_new->username) free(cf_new->username);
++ cf->uid = cf_new->uid;
++ ptrswap(&cf->groupname, &cf_new->groupname);
++ if (cf_new->groupname) free(cf_new->groupname);
++ cf->gid = cf_new->gid;
+ ptrswap(&cf->timefmt, &cf_new->timefmt);
+ if (cf_new->timefmt) free(cf_new->timefmt);
++ ptrswap(&cf->srcaddress, &cf_new->srcaddress);
++ if (cf_new->srcaddress) free(cf_new->srcaddress);
++ memcpy( &cf->ip_srcaddr, &cf_new->ip_srcaddr, sizeof(struct in_addr));
+ cf->polling = cf_new->polling;
+ cf->saving = cf_new->saving;
+ cf->timeout = cf_new->timeout;
+ cf->retries = cf_new->retries;
+- if (cf->enable_traps != cf_new->enable_traps) {
++ if ((cf->enable_traps != cf_new->enable_traps) || memcmp(&cf->trap_ip_addr, &cf_new->trap_ip_addr, sizeof(struct in_addr)) ) {
++ ptrswap(&cf->trap_address, &cf_new->trap_address);
++ if (cf_new->trap_address) free(cf_new->trap_address);
++ memcpy( &cf->trap_ip_addr, &cf_new->trap_ip_addr, sizeof(struct in_addr));
+ cf->enable_traps = cf_new->enable_traps;
+ trap_init(cf->enable_traps > 0);
+ }
+ cf->source_traps = cf_new->source_traps;
+- if (cf->ns_port != cf_new->ns_port) {
++ if ((cf->ns_port != cf_new->ns_port) || memcmp(&cf->ns_ip_addr, &cf_new->ns_ip_addr, sizeof(struct in_addr))) {
++ ptrswap(&cf->ns_address, &cf_new->ns_address);
++ if (cf_new->ns_address) free(cf_new->ns_address);
++ memcpy( &cf->ns_ip_addr, &cf_new->ns_ip_addr, sizeof(struct in_addr));
+ cf->ns_port = cf_new->ns_port;
+ netstate_init(cf->ns_port);
+ }
+@@ -576,6 +603,12 @@
+ free_object_list(cf_cur->target);
+ if (cf_cur->rootdir) free(cf_cur->rootdir);
++ if (cf_cur->chrootdir) free(cf_cur->chrootdir);
++ if (cf_cur->username) free(cf_cur->username);
++ if (cf_cur->groupname) free(cf_cur->groupname);
++ if (cf_cur->srcaddress) free(cf_cur->srcaddress);
++ if (cf_cur->ns_address) free(cf_cur->ns_address);
++ if (cf_cur->trap_address) free(cf_cur->trap_address);
+ if (cf_cur->timefmt) free(cf_cur->timefmt);
+ trap_init(cf_cur->enable_traps > 0);
+@@ -649,6 +682,7 @@
+ if (obj->descr) free(obj->descr);
+ if (obj->datadir) free(obj->datadir);
+ if (obj->address) free(obj->address);
++ if (obj->srcaddress) free(obj->srcaddress);
+ free_trap_list(obj->trap_list);
+ free_var_list(obj->var_list);
+ free_save_list(obj->save_list);
+--- router.c.orig Mon Aug 25 16:07:07 2003
++++ router.c Tue Sep 16 23:43:05 2003
+@@ -2214,6 +2214,8 @@
+ METHOD *method;
+ {
+ SESSION *sd = method->sd;
++ struct sockaddr_in *from;
++ char ipaddr[20];
+ /* sanity check */
+ if (!sd) {
+@@ -2229,7 +2231,13 @@
+ router_reply(errno, sd, 0);
+ return;
+ }
++ /* bind socket to local source address */
++ from = (struct sockaddr_in *)&sd->me;
++ if ( from->sin_addr.s_addr != INADDR_ANY ) {
++ if( bind(sd->sock, &sd->me, sizeof(struct sockaddr) ) == -1 )
++ report(LOG_WARNING, "router_start : bind failed for %s: %s",
++ intoa(ipaddr,from->sin_addr), strerror(*(__error())) );
++ }
+ /* turn on non-blocking I/O */
+ if (set_socket_async(sd->sock, TRUE) < 0) {
+ router_reply(errno, sd, 0);
+@@ -2306,7 +2314,7 @@
+ METHOD *method;
+ {
+ SESSION template;
+- struct sockaddr_in *to;
++ struct sockaddr_in *to, *from;
+ dprintf(("router_init(%s/%s)\n", target->name, method->name));
+@@ -2321,6 +2329,10 @@
+ to->sin_family = AF_INET;
+ to->sin_port = htons(method->rport);
+ to->sin_addr = method->address ? method->ip_addr : target->ip_addr;
++ from = (struct sockaddr_in *)&template.me;
++ bzero((char *)from, sizeof (struct sockaddr_in));
++ from->sin_family = AF_INET;
++ from->sin_addr = target->ip_srcaddr;
+ template.timeout = method->timeout * 1000000L; /* make microseconds */
+ template.retries = method->retries;
+ template.send = snmp_send;
+--- scanconf.l.orig Fri Aug 22 16:37:41 2003
++++ scanconf.l Wed Sep 17 00:28:19 2003
+@@ -88,6 +88,9 @@
+ /* token names */
+ ROOTDIR [Rr]oot[Dd]ir
++CHROOTDIR [Cc]h[Rr]oot[Dd]ir
++USERNAME [Uu]ser[Nn]ame
++GROUPNAME [Gg]roup[Nn]ame
+ TIMEFMT [Tt]ime[Ff]mt
+ POLLING [Pp]olling
+ SAVING [Ss]aving
+@@ -111,6 +114,8 @@
+ OBJECT [Oo]bject
+ ADDRESS [Aa]ddress
++SRCADDRESS [Ss]rc[Aa]ddress
++BINDADDRESS [Bb]ind[Aa]ddress
+ DESCRIPTION [Dd]escription|[Cc]omment
+ SERVICE [Ss]ervice
+ INTERFACE [Ii]nterface
+@@ -144,6 +149,7 @@
+ V2 [Vv]2
+ TRAP [Tt]rap
++TRAPBINDADDRESS [Tt]rap[Bb]ind[Aa]ddress
+ SOURCECHECK [Ss]ource[Cc]heck
+ COMMUNITY [Cc]ommunity
+ ENTERPRISE [Ee]nterprise
+@@ -186,6 +192,12 @@
+@@ -224,6 +236,10 @@
+@@ -285,6 +301,8 @@
+ {V2} { return TOKEN_V2; }
+ {TRAP} { return TOKEN_TRAP; }
+--- session.c.orig Sat Aug 2 11:26:38 2003
++++ session.c Tue Sep 16 23:43:05 2003
+@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
+ curr_session->method = template->method;
+ curr_session->sock = template->sock;
+ curr_session->peer = template->peer;
++ curr_session->me = template->me;
+ curr_session->timeout = template->timeout;
+ curr_session->retries = template->retries;
+ curr_session->connect = template->connect;
+--- snmp.c.orig Tue Jul 20 17:51:25 2004
++++ snmp.c Thu Aug 12 16:57:35 2004
+@@ -1214,6 +1214,8 @@
+ {
+ SESSION *sd = method->sd;
+ int reqid;
++ struct sockaddr_in *from;
++ char ipaddr[20];
+ /* sanity check */
+ if (!sd) return;
+@@ -1225,7 +1227,13 @@
+ snmp_reply(errno, sd, 0);
+ return;
+ }
++ /* bind datagram socket to local source address */
++ from = (struct sockaddr_in *)&sd->me;
++ if ( from->sin_addr.s_addr != INADDR_ANY ) {
++ if( bind(sd->sock, &sd->me, sizeof(struct sockaddr) ) == -1 )
++ report(LOG_WARNING, "snmp_start : bind failed for %s: %s",
++ intoa(ipaddr,from->sin_addr), strerror(*(__error())) );
++ }
+ /* turn on non-blocking I/O */
+ if (set_socket_async(sd->sock, TRUE) < 0) {
+ snmp_reply(errno, sd, 0);
+@@ -1290,7 +1298,7 @@
+ METHOD *method;
+ {
+ SESSION template;
+- struct sockaddr_in *to;
++ struct sockaddr_in *to, *from;
+ dprintf(("snmp_init(%s/%s)\n", target->name, method->name));
+@@ -1305,6 +1313,10 @@
+ to->sin_family = AF_INET;
+ to->sin_port = htons(method->rport);
+ to->sin_addr = method->address ? method->ip_addr : target->ip_addr;
++ from = (struct sockaddr_in *)&template.me;
++ bzero((char *)from, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in ));
++ from->sin_family = AF_INET;
++ from->sin_addr = target->ip_srcaddr;
+ template.timeout = method->timeout * 1000000L; /* make microseconds */
+ template.retries = method->retries;
+ template.send = snmp_send;
+--- tacacs.c.orig Mon Aug 25 18:20:41 2003
++++ tacacs.c Tue Sep 16 23:43:05 2003
+@@ -302,6 +302,8 @@
+ {
+ SESSION *sd = method->sd;
+ int reqid;
++ struct sockaddr_in *from;
++ char ipaddr[20];
+ /* sanity check */
+ if (!sd) return;
+@@ -314,6 +316,13 @@
+ return;
+ }
++ /* bind socket to local source address */
++ from = (struct sockaddr_in *)&sd->me;
++ if ( from->sin_addr.s_addr != INADDR_ANY ) {
++ if( bind(sd->sock, &sd->me, sizeof(struct sockaddr) ) == -1 )
++ report(LOG_WARNING, "tacacs_start : bind failed for %s: %s",
++ intoa(ipaddr,from->sin_addr), strerror(*(__error())) );
++ }
+ /* turn on non-blocking I/O before connecting */
+ if (set_socket_async(sd->sock, TRUE) < 0) {
+ tacacs_reply(errno, sd, 0);
+@@ -415,7 +424,7 @@
+ METHOD *method;
+ {
+ SESSION template;
+- struct sockaddr_in *to;
++ struct sockaddr_in *to, *from;
+ dprintf(("tacacs_init(%s/%s)\n", target->name, method->name));
+@@ -430,6 +439,10 @@
+ to->sin_family = AF_INET;
+ to->sin_port = htons(method->rport);
+ to->sin_addr = method->address ? method->ip_addr : target->ip_addr;
++ from = (struct sockaddr_in *)&template.me;
++ bzero((char *)from, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
++ from->sin_family = AF_INET;
++ from->sin_addr = target->ip_srcaddr;
+ template.timeout = method->timeout * 1000000L; /* make microseconds */
+ template.retries = method->retries;
+ template.connect = tacacs_connect;
+--- tcp.c.orig Thu Mar 20 16:16:38 2003
++++ tcp.c Tue Sep 16 23:43:05 2003
+@@ -319,6 +319,8 @@
+ {
+ SESSION *sd = method->sd;
+ int tmpval;
++ struct sockaddr_in *from;
++ char ipaddr[20];
+ /* sanity check */
+ if (!sd) return;
+@@ -330,17 +332,13 @@
+ tcp_close(errno, sd, 0);
+ return;
+ }
++ from = (struct sockaddr_in *)&sd->me;
+ /* allocate local port if required */
+ if (method->lport_min) {
+- struct sockaddr_in sin;
+- sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
+- sin.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
+ tmpval = method->lport_min;
+ do {
+- sin.sin_port = htons((u_short)tmpval);
+- if (!bind(sd->sock, (struct sockaddr *)&sin, sizeof(sin))) {
++ from->sin_port = htons((u_short)tmpval);
++ if (!bind(sd->sock, &sd->me, sizeof(struct sockaddr))) {
+ tmpval = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+@@ -354,6 +352,13 @@
+ tcp_close(EAGAIN, sd, 0);
+ return;
+ }
++ } else {
++ /* bind socket to local source address */
++ if ( from->sin_addr.s_addr != INADDR_ANY ) {
++ if( bind(sd->sock, &sd->me, sizeof(struct sockaddr) ) == -1 )
++ report(LOG_WARNING, "tcp_start : bind failed for %s: %s",
++ intoa(ipaddr,from->sin_addr), strerror(*(__error())) );
++ }
+ }
+ /* turn on non-blocking I/O before connecting */
+@@ -424,7 +429,7 @@
+ METHOD *method;
+ {
+ SESSION template;
+- struct sockaddr_in *to;
++ struct sockaddr_in *to, *from;
+ dprintf(("tcp_init(%s/%s)\n", target->name, method->name));
+@@ -439,6 +444,10 @@
+ to->sin_family = AF_INET;
+ to->sin_port = htons(method->rport);
+ to->sin_addr = method->address ? method->ip_addr : target->ip_addr;
++ from = (struct sockaddr_in *)&template.me;
++ bzero((char *)from, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
++ from->sin_family = AF_INET;
++ from->sin_addr = target->ip_srcaddr;
+ template.timeout = method->timeout * 1000000L; /* make microseconds */
+ template.retries = method->retries;
+ template.connect = tcp_connect;
+--- trap.c.orig Wed Sep 17 00:00:56 2003
++++ trap.c Wed Sep 17 00:35:21 2003
+@@ -40,9 +40,10 @@
+ {
+ static struct sockaddr_in sin;
++ if (trap_sock != -1) /* already enabled */
++ close(trap_sock);
+ if (enable) {
+- if (trap_sock != -1) /* already enabled */
+- return 0;
+ if ((trap_sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) {
+ report(LOG_ERR, "socket: %m");
+@@ -51,17 +52,15 @@
+ memset(&sin, 0, sizeof(sin));
+ sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
+ sin.sin_port = htons(SNMPTRAP_PORT);
+- sin.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
++ sin.sin_addr = cf->trap_ip_addr;
+ if (bind(trap_sock, (struct sockaddr *)&sin, sizeof(sin)) < 0) {
+ report(LOG_ERR, "bind port %d: %m", ntohs(sin.sin_port));
+ close(trap_sock);
+ trap_sock = -1;
+ return -1;
+ }
+- } else if (trap_sock != -1) {
+- close(trap_sock);
++ } else
+ trap_sock = -1;
+- }
+ return 0;
+ }
+--- udp.c.orig Sat Aug 2 11:40:56 2003
++++ udp.c Tue Sep 16 23:43:05 2003
+@@ -197,6 +197,8 @@
+ {
+ SESSION *sd = method->sd;
+ int tmpval;
++ struct sockaddr_in *from;
++ char ipaddr[20];
+ /* sanity check */
+ if (!sd) return;
+@@ -208,17 +210,13 @@
+ udp_close(errno, sd, 0);
+ return;
+ }
++ from = (struct sockaddr_in *)&sd->me;
+ /* allocate local port if required */
+ if (method->lport_min) {
+- struct sockaddr_in sin;
+- sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
+- sin.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
+ tmpval = method->lport_min;
+ do {
+- sin.sin_port = htons((u_short)tmpval);
+- if (!bind(sd->sock, (struct sockaddr *)&sin, sizeof(sin))) {
++ from->sin_port = htons((u_short)tmpval);
++ if (!bind(sd->sock, &sd->me, sizeof(struct sockaddr))) {
+ tmpval = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+@@ -232,6 +230,13 @@
+ udp_close(EAGAIN, sd, 0);
+ return;
+ }
++ } else {
++ /* bind socket to local source address */
++ if ( from->sin_addr.s_addr != INADDR_ANY ) {
++ if( bind(sd->sock, &sd->me, sizeof(struct sockaddr) ) == -1 )
++ report(LOG_WARNING, "udp_start : bind failed for %s: %s",
++ intoa(ipaddr,from->sin_addr), strerror(*(__error())) );
++ }
+ }
+ /* turn on non-blocking I/O */
+@@ -298,7 +303,7 @@
+ METHOD *method;
+ {
+ SESSION template;
+- struct sockaddr_in *to;
++ struct sockaddr_in *to, *from;
+ dprintf(("udp_init(%s/%s)\n", target->name, method->name));
+@@ -313,6 +318,10 @@
+ to->sin_family = AF_INET;
+ to->sin_port = htons(method->rport);
+ to->sin_addr = method->address ? method->ip_addr : target->ip_addr;
++ from = (struct sockaddr_in *)&template.me;
++ bzero((char *)from, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
++ from->sin_family = AF_INET;
++ from->sin_addr = target->ip_srcaddr;
+ template.timeout = method->timeout * 1000000L; /* make microseconds */
+ template.retries = method->retries;
+ template.send = udp_send;
+--- util.c.orig Tue Aug 26 10:53:17 2003
++++ util.c Wed Sep 17 00:36:47 2003
+@@ -1415,16 +1415,27 @@
+ printf("NetState %s\n", cf->ns_port ? "enabled" : "disabled");
+ if (cf->ns_port) {
+ printf("\tPort = %d\n", cf->ns_port);
++ if (cf->ns_address)
++ printf("\tBindAddress = \"%s\" [%s]\n", cf->ns_address, intoa(ipaddr, cf->ns_ip_addr));
+ #ifndef HAVE_PTHREAD
+ printf("\tTimeout = %d sec.\n", cf->ns_timo);
+ #endif
+ print_group_ref("\t", cf->ns_acl);
+ }
++ printf("SrcAddress = \"%s\" [%s]\n", (cf->srcaddress!=NULL ) ? cf->srcaddress : "default",
++ intoa(ipaddr, cf->ip_srcaddr));
++ printf("UserName = \"%s\" [%d]\n", cf->username, cf->uid);
++ printf("GroupName = \"%s\" [%d]\n", cf->groupname, cf->gid);
++ if (cf->chrootdir)
++ printf("ChRootDir = \"%s\"\n", cf->chrootdir );
+ printf("Traps ");
+ if (cf->enable_traps > 0) {
+ printf("enabled");
+ if (cf->source_traps > 0) printf(" (sourcecheck)");
++ if (cf->trap_address)
++ printf("\n\tTrapBindAddress = \"%s\" [%s]", cf->trap_address, intoa(ipaddr, cf->trap_ip_addr));
+ } else printf("disabled");
+ printf("\n");
+@@ -1434,6 +1445,8 @@
+ printf("\tDescription = \"%s\"\n", target->descr);
+ printf("\tAddress = \"%s\" [%s]\n", target->address,
+ intoa(ipaddr, target->ip_addr));
++ printf("\tSrcAddress = \"%s\" [%s]\n", (target->srcaddress!=NULL) ? target->srcaddress : "default",
++ intoa(ipaddr, target->ip_srcaddr));
+ if (target->polling > 0)
+ printf("\tPolling = %d sec.\n", target->polling);
+ else printf("\tPolling disabled\n");
+--- regex.h.orig Wed Sep 24 17:22:56 2003
++++ regex.h Wed Sep 24 17:37:09 2003
+@@ -21,12 +21,12 @@
+ */
+ #define MAXDFA 1024
+ #define MAXTAG 10
+-#define MAXCHR 128
++#define MAXCHR 256
+ #define CHRBIT 8
+ #define BLKIND 0170
+ #define BITIND 07
+-#define ASCIIB 0177
++#define ASCIIB 0255
+ typedef /*unsigned*/ char CHAR;
+--- regex.c.orig Wed Sep 24 17:09:07 2003
++++ regex.c Thu Sep 25 15:26:47 2003
+@@ -554,12 +554,12 @@
+ * the bitset form, since we may wish to extend it
+ * in the future for other character classifications.
+ *
+- * TRUE for 0-9 A-Z a-z _
++ * TRUE for 0-9 A-Z a-z _ â-ó Â-Ó
+ */
+ static char chrtyp[MAXCHR] = {
+- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
++ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
++ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
++ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0,
+@@ -569,10 +569,23 @@
+ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+- 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
++ 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 120-129
++ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 130-139
++ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 140-149
++ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 160-169 163=_
++ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, // 170-179 179=_
++ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 180-189
++ 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 190-199
++ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 200-209
++ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 210-219
++ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 220-229
++ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 230-239
++ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 240-249
++ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 // 250-255
+ };
+-#define inascii(x) (0177&(x))
++//#define inascii(x) (0177&(x))
++#define inascii(x) (0255&(x))
+ #define iswordc(x) chrtyp[inascii(x)]
+ #define isinset(x, y) ((x)[((y)&BLKIND)>>3] & (1<<((y)&BITIND)))
diff --git a/net-mgmt/netmond/pkg-deinstall b/net-mgmt/netmond/pkg-deinstall
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5eccdad1914c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-mgmt/netmond/pkg-deinstall
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+case $2 in
+ ;;
+ echo ""
+ echo "If you wish to remove this port from your computer complete,"
+ echo "remove user 'netmon' and group 'netmon' manually."
+ echo ""
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Unexpected Argument $2!!!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+exit 0
diff --git a/net-mgmt/netmond/pkg-descr b/net-mgmt/netmond/pkg-descr
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..cc13440896f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-mgmt/netmond/pkg-descr
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+NETwork MONitoring Dealer - IP network monitoring daemon.
+Can check hosts availability (via ICMP ping), collect SNMP counters,
+check simple TCP/UDP services (with internal chat), handle SNMP traps.
+GUI frontends exist for netmond:
+ - ftp://ftp.risp.ru/RinetSoft/netmond-spyboat-0.5.tgz ( with QT )
+ - http://vfom.narod.ru/TkNetmon/ ( Tcl/Tk )
+WWW: http://soft.risp.ru/netmond/
diff --git a/net-mgmt/netmond/pkg-install b/net-mgmt/netmond/pkg-install
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4c1773744c6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-mgmt/netmond/pkg-install
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+case $2 in
+ if pw user show netmon 2>/dev/null ; then
+ echo "User 'netmon' exists." ;
+ else
+ pw useradd -n netmon -g wheel -c 'Network monitor account' -m ;
+ fi
+ if pw group show netmon 2>/dev/null ; then
+ echo "Group 'netmon' exists." ;
+ else
+ pw groupadd netmon -M root,netmon ;
+ fi
+ if [ ! -d ${DATADIR} ] ; then
+ mkdir ${DATADIR}
+ chown root:netmon ${DATADIR}
+ chmod 750 ${DATADIR}
+ fi
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Unexpected Argument $2!!!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+exit 0
diff --git a/net-mgmt/netmond/pkg-message b/net-mgmt/netmond/pkg-message
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..899f4581471b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-mgmt/netmond/pkg-message
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ Attention!
+ You need to create a configuration file netmon.conf
+ in directory %%PREFIX%%/etc prior to launch netmond.
+ Look at http://soft.risp.ru/netmond/ for the configuration guide
+ or try to use TkNetmon to create configuration semiautomatically.