path: root/net-p2p
diff options
authorMario Sergio Fujikawa Ferreira <lioux@FreeBSD.org>2006-05-09 13:05:28 +0000
committerMario Sergio Fujikawa Ferreira <lioux@FreeBSD.org>2006-05-09 13:05:28 +0000
commit294d8bc9a2d88eb4cf9f28c7e0b001b3d5d4362e (patch)
tree20b88634f78e72e39115c97af7d3d4891e91cd25 /net-p2p
parenta726fff37497b6b06884697ccf432636f08ea8e6 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'net-p2p')
15 files changed, 2406 insertions, 352 deletions
diff --git a/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/Makefile b/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/Makefile
index 482d442c6b81..a7a629187f3d 100644
--- a/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/Makefile
+++ b/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/Makefile
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
PORTNAME= mldonkey
CATEGORIES+= net-p2p
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ LIB_DEPENDS+= gd.4:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/gd \
# we don't need lablgtk as RUN dependency, but we need gtk+glib
-USE_GNOME= gtk12
+USE_GNOME= gtk20
.if defined(WITHOUT_CORE)
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ post-patch:
- cd ${WRKSRC}/config && ${AUTOCONF}
+ @cd ${WRKSRC}/config && ${AUTOCONF}
diff --git a/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__daemon__common__commonSwarming.ml b/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__daemon__common__commonSwarming.ml
index 4abf091ff46e..d02ff345e4ae 100644
--- a/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__daemon__common__commonSwarming.ml
+++ b/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__daemon__common__commonSwarming.ml
@@ -1,15 +1,55 @@
--- ./src/daemon/common/commonSwarming.ml.orig Mon Apr 10 14:06:20 2006
-+++ ./src/daemon/common/commonSwarming.ml Thu Apr 20 11:04:03 2006
-@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
++++ ./src/daemon/common/commonSwarming.ml Sun May 7 06:39:10 2006
+@@ -17,6 +17,26 @@
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *)
++Each network frontend can have a different (fixed) chunk size
++t1 +--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+-------- chunks
++t2 +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------ chunks
++ each block is contained in at most /\ chunk_of_block
++ one chunk, for any network || mappings
++ \/ blocks_of_chunk
++ +------+-+----+---+--+------+------++-----+--+---+----+-+------ blocks
++ | | | | | | | ... variable size
++ v v v v v v v
++ r<>r r r r r r<>r r<>r ranges
++ ^ one dbl linked list/block
++ | encoding missing data ranges
++uploaders physically uploader
++reference ranges
+ open Int64ops
+ open Options
+ open Printf2
+@@ -25,7 +45,6 @@
+ let check_swarming = false
+-let debug_present_chunks = false
+ let debug_all = false
+ open CommonTypes
+@@ -37,11 +56,8 @@
exception VerifierNotReady
- type chunks =
+-type chunks =
- AvailableRanges of (int64 * int64) list
+-(* A bitmap is encoded with '0' for empty, '1' for present '2' complete '3' verified *)
+-| AvailableCharBitmap of string
+-(* A bitmap encoded as a bit vector *)
++type intervals =
+ AvailableIntervals of (int64 * int64) list
- (* A bitmap is encoded with '0' for empty, '1' for present '2' complete '3' verified *)
- | AvailableCharBitmap of string
- (* A bitmap encoded as a bit vector *)
-@@ -54,18 +54,17 @@
+ | AvailableBitv of Bitv.t
+ type verification =
+@@ -54,18 +70,17 @@
let exit_on_error = ref false
(* prints a new logline with date, module and starts newline *)
@@ -34,7 +74,7 @@
open CommonFile
open CommonTypes
open CommonClient
-@@ -93,6 +92,8 @@
+@@ -93,6 +108,8 @@
@@ -43,7 +83,7 @@
type chunk = {
chunk_uid : uid_type;
chunk_size : int64;
-@@ -102,20 +103,27 @@
+@@ -102,20 +119,27 @@
(* glossary:
network frontend use "chunks" of data,
swarmer use "blocks" of data *)
@@ -76,7 +116,7 @@
(* mapping from network chunks to swarmer blocks *)
mutable t_blocks_of_chunk : int list array;
-@@ -124,12 +132,12 @@
+@@ -124,12 +148,12 @@
and swarmer = {
@@ -92,7 +132,7 @@
mutable s_range_size : int64;
mutable s_strategy : strategy;
-@@ -156,8 +164,11 @@
+@@ -156,20 +180,21 @@
mutable block_end : Int64.t;
mutable block_ranges : range; (** [range] of the double-linked
list of ranges associated to the
@@ -106,10 +146,13 @@
and range = {
-@@ -167,9 +178,8 @@
+ mutable range_block : block;
+- mutable range_begin : Int64.t; (* official begin int64 *)
++ mutable range_begin : Int64.t;
+ mutable range_end : Int64.t;
mutable range_prev : range option;
mutable range_next : range option;
- mutable range_current_begin : Int64.t; (* current begin pos *)
+- mutable range_current_begin : Int64.t; (* current begin pos *)
-(* mutable range_verified : bool; *)
- mutable range_nuploading : int; (* current number of clients
- filling that range ? *)
@@ -118,7 +161,16 @@
and uploader = {
-@@ -193,11 +203,14 @@
+@@ -178,7 +203,7 @@
+ mutable up_declared : bool;
+- mutable up_chunks : chunks;
++ mutable up_intervals : intervals;
+ mutable up_complete_blocks : int array; (** block numbers *)
+ mutable up_ncomplete : int;
+@@ -193,11 +218,14 @@
mutable up_block_begin : int64;
mutable up_block_end : int64;
@@ -131,22 +183,22 @@
(* range invariants:
- Ranges represent "holes" of missing data in a block.
+ Ranges represent "holes" of missing data in a block; Data is
-+ missing between offsets range_current_begin and range_end.
++ missing between offsets range_begin and range_end.
[block]'s [block_ranges] reference the first (smallest offsets) of
the [range]s associated with it.
-@@ -218,10 +231,45 @@
+@@ -216,12 +244,59 @@
+ overlap, and are sorted in increasing offsets order:
b.block_begin <= b.block_ranges.block_begin ... <=
- r.range_prev.range_end <= r.range_begin <= r.range_current_begin <=
+- r.range_prev.range_end <= r.range_begin <= r.range_current_begin <=
++ r.range_prev.range_end <= r.range_begin <=
r.range_end <= r.range_next.range_begin <= ...
- <= b.block_end
+ <= b.block_end *)
- Role played by r.range_current_begin is unclear for now. *)
-+(* Role played by r.range_begin is unclear for now. One beginning
-+ offset is probably enough for an interval ;)
-+ range owners are only used thru uploaders.up_ranges. blocks could be
++(* range owners are only used thru uploaders.up_ranges. blocks could be
+ saved in [uploaders]' [up_ranges] along range, but would
+ need uploading when the swarmer is splitted.
@@ -159,7 +211,7 @@
+(* block invariants
+ Data missing for a block is the sum of the "sizes" of its ranges.
-+ b.block_remaining = sum (r.range_end - r.range_current_begin) b.block_ranges
++ b.block_remaining = sum (r.range_end - r.range_begin) b.block_ranges
+(* swarmer invariants ?
@@ -167,7 +219,7 @@
+ s.s_verified_bitmap.[i] = 1 <=> s_blocks.[i] = PartialBlock _
+ s.s_verified_bitmap.[i] = 2 <=> s_blocks.[i] = CompletedBlock
+ s.s_verified_bitmap.[i] = 3 <=> s_blocks.[i] = VerifiedBlock
-+ If so, why not drop s_verified_bitmap, and replace it by
++ If so, why not drop s_verified_bitmap, and replace it by some
+ verified_bitmap s i and verified_bitmap_all s functions ?
@@ -177,13 +229,28 @@
+ t_nverified_chunks =
+ List.length (List.filter (fun x -> x = '3') t_converted_verified_bitmap)
++ hence t_ncomplete_chunks >= t_nverified_chunks
+ All chunks are [t_chunk_size] bytes in size, and first start at
+ offset 0. This is assumed in [associate], [verify_chunk], maybe more.
++(* uploaders invariants ?
++ At first, I supposed
++ up_ncomplete = Array.length up_complete_blocks
++ up.up_npartial = Array.length up_partial_blocks
++ if so, since Array.length complexity is O(1), why keep them ?
++ => see permute_and_return, they're used to simulate to removal of
++ elements without array reallocation
++ So the question is now, aren't there better datastructures than
++ arrays for the job ?
(* *)
-@@ -251,8 +299,6 @@
+@@ -251,8 +326,6 @@
let swarmer_counter = ref 0
@@ -192,7 +259,7 @@
(* *)
(* dummy_swarmer *)
-@@ -276,10 +322,10 @@
+@@ -276,10 +349,10 @@
(** (debug) output an [uploader] to current log *)
let print_uploader up =
@@ -205,21 +272,52 @@
Array.iter (fun (i, begin_pos, end_pos) ->
lprintf " %d[%Ld...%Ld] " i begin_pos end_pos
) up.up_partial_blocks;
-@@ -301,10 +347,10 @@
+@@ -289,23 +362,37 @@
+ associated file's [t.t_file] last seen value to the oldest of the
+ remaining last seen values *)
++let string_for_all p s =
++ let l = String.length s in
++ let rec aux i =
++ i >= l || p s.[i] && aux (i+1) in
++ aux 0
++let string_iter f s =
++ let l = String.length s in
++ let rec aux i =
++ if i < l then begin
++ f i s.[i];
++ aux (i+1)
++ end in
++ aux 0
+ let compute_last_seen t =
+ let last_seen_total = ref (BasicSocket.last_time ()) in
+- for i = 0 to String.length t.t_converted_verified_bitmap - 1 do
+- if t.t_converted_verified_bitmap.[i] > '2' then
++ string_iter (fun i c ->
++ if c > '2' then
+ t.t_last_seen.(i) <- BasicSocket.last_time ()
+ else
+ last_seen_total := min !last_seen_total t.t_last_seen.(i)
+- done;
++ ) t.t_converted_verified_bitmap;
+ set_file_last_seen t.t_file !last_seen_total;
(** if a swarmer is already associated with that [file_name], return it;
- Otherwise create a new one with default values (including a default
- [range_size] instead of the provided value ??) *)
+-let create_swarmer file_name file_size range_size =
+ Otherwise create a new one with default values, that will be fixed
+ by the first frontend association *)
--let create_swarmer file_name file_size range_size =
+let create_swarmer file_name file_size =
HS.find swarmers_by_name
-@@ -314,9 +360,7 @@
+ { dummy_swarmer with
+@@ -314,9 +401,7 @@
with Not_found ->
incr swarmer_counter;
@@ -230,12 +328,12 @@
let nchunks = 1 in
let rec s = {
-@@ -357,6 +401,43 @@
+@@ -357,6 +442,43 @@
let b = s.s_block_pos in
+(** Finds the number of the block containing [chunk_pos] offset, using
-+ dichotomy *)
++ dichotomy. Blocks are half opened [block_begin, block_end[ *)
+(* 0 <= chunk_pos < s.s_size *)
+let compute_block_num s chunk_pos =
@@ -274,8 +372,74 @@
(** (internal) return a 0 sized range at offset [pos], and assigned to
block [b] *)
-@@ -426,7 +507,7 @@
- r.range_current_begin <- min r.range_current_begin cut_pos;
+@@ -368,19 +490,40 @@
+ range_end = pos;
+ range_block = b;
+ range_nuploading = 0;
+- range_current_begin = pos;
+ }
+ in
+ r
++let rec ranges_iter f r =
++ f r;
++ match r.range_next with
++ | None -> ()
++ | Some r ->
++ ranges_iter f r
++let rec ranges_fold f acc r =
++ let acc = f acc r in
++ match r.range_next with
++ | None -> acc
++ | Some rr -> ranges_fold f acc rr
++let rec ranges_for_all p r =
++ p r &&
++ (match r.range_next with
++ | None -> true
++ | Some r -> ranges_for_all p r)
++let block_ranges_for_all p b =
++ ranges_for_all p b.block_ranges
++let block_ranges_fold f acc b =
++ ranges_fold f acc b.block_ranges
+ (** (internal) assigns range [r], and all other ranges along
+ [range_next] links, to block [b] *)
+ let rec own_ranges b r =
+- r.range_block <- b;
+- match r.range_next with
+- None -> ()
+- | Some r -> own_ranges b r
++ ranges_iter (fun r -> r.range_block <- b) r
+ (** (internal)
+ Find ranges that are after [cut_pos] offset, unlink them from r
+@@ -392,8 +535,6 @@
+ If [cut_pos] is within one of the ranges, that range is cut in
+ two at [cut_pos] offset, and link each half to its side.
+- What should happen to range_begin is unclear.
+ Also, what do to if range_nuploaders is not 0 ?
+ => [cut_ranges_after] is being called from [split_blocks] that
+ does not preserve [s_nuploading] for blocks either
+@@ -417,16 +558,15 @@
+ (* "right" half *)
+ let split_r = { r with
+ range_prev = None;
+- range_begin = cut_pos;
+- range_current_begin = max r.range_current_begin cut_pos
++ range_begin = max r.range_begin cut_pos
+ } in
+ (* "left" half *)
+ r.range_next <- None;
+ r.range_end <- cut_pos;
+- r.range_current_begin <- min r.range_current_begin cut_pos;
++ r.range_begin <- min r.range_begin cut_pos;
if r.range_nuploading <> 0 then
- lprintf_n () "WARNING: Splitting a range currently being uploaded, don't know what to do with range_nuploaders :/\n";
@@ -283,7 +447,51 @@
split_r in
let cut_ranges = iter r in
-@@ -554,9 +635,9 @@
+@@ -438,10 +578,10 @@
+ let empty_block b =
+ let rec iter begin_pos r =
+- r.range_current_begin = begin_pos &&
++ r.range_begin = begin_pos &&
+ (match r.range_next with
+- Some rr -> iter r.range_end rr
+- | None -> r.range_end = b.block_end)
++ | Some rr -> iter r.range_end rr
++ | None -> r.range_end = b.block_end)
+ in
+ iter b.block_begin b.block_ranges
+@@ -490,7 +630,7 @@
+ (* We need to split this block in two parts *)
+ s.s_block_pos.(index_s) <- chunk_end;
+ match s.s_blocks.(index_s) with
+- EmptyBlock | CompleteBlock | VerifiedBlock ->
++ | EmptyBlock | CompleteBlock | VerifiedBlock ->
+ (* s.s_blocks.(index_s) will appear twice in the result list *)
+ let new_blocks = (
+@@ -501,7 +641,6 @@
+ iter index_s chunk_end new_blocks
+ | PartialBlock b1 ->
+ (* split b1 in two; b2 is the part after [chunk_end] offset *)
+ let b2 = {
+ block_s = s;
+@@ -535,12 +674,8 @@
+ s.s_verified_bitmap.[index_s] <- '0';
+ end else
+ s.s_blocks.(index_s) <- PartialBlock b2;
+ iter index_s chunk_end new_blocks
+ end
+ in
+ let blocks = iter 0 zero [] in
+@@ -554,9 +689,9 @@
aux 0 in
if array_exist ((<>) 0) s.s_availability then
@@ -295,7 +503,29 @@
s.s_blocks <- Array.create nblocks EmptyBlock;
s.s_verified_bitmap <- String.make nblocks '0';
-@@ -617,7 +698,7 @@
+@@ -571,8 +706,8 @@
+ | (b, pos, c) :: tail ->
+ begin
+ match b with
+- PartialBlock b -> b.block_num <- i
+- | _ -> ()
++ | PartialBlock b -> b.block_num <- i
++ | EmptyBlock | CompleteBlock | VerifiedBlock -> ()
+ end;
+ s.s_blocks.(i) <- b;
+ s.s_verified_bitmap.[i] <- c;
+@@ -613,11 +748,18 @@
+ (* TODO: transfer data into swarmer instead of discarding it *)
+ Unix32.remove (file_fd t.t_file);
+ end;
++ (match s.s_networks with
++ | t :: tail ->
++ assert(t.t_primary);
++ List.iter (fun tt -> assert(not tt.t_primary)) tail
++ | [] -> assert false);
+ (* at this point, we are supposed to split the blocks in the swarmer
in smaller blocks depending on the block_size of this network, and compute
the t_chunk_of_block and t_blocks_of_chunk fields. *)
@@ -304,7 +534,7 @@
split_blocks s chunk_size;
-@@ -628,7 +709,7 @@
+@@ -628,7 +770,7 @@
t.t_chunk_of_block <- Array.create nblocks 0;
t.t_blocks_of_chunk <- Array.create nchunks [];
@@ -313,7 +543,35 @@
for i = 0 to nblocks - 1 do
let block_begin = compute_block_begin s i in
let chunk = Int64.to_int (block_begin // chunk_size) in
-@@ -663,21 +744,21 @@
+@@ -642,19 +784,14 @@
+ add_file_downloaded t.t_file (zero -- file_downloaded t.t_file);
+ (* check that all frontends use the primary's file backend *)
+- begin
+- match s.s_networks with
+- t :: tail when is_primary ->
+- List.iter (fun tt ->
+- assert (not tt.t_primary);
+- set_file_fd tt.t_file (file_fd t.t_file)
+- ) tail
+- | tt :: tail when tt.t_primary ->
+- assert (not is_primary);
+- set_file_fd t.t_file (file_fd tt.t_file)
+- | _ -> ()
+- end;
++ (match s.s_networks with
++ | t :: tail when is_primary ->
++ List.iter (fun tt ->
++ set_file_fd tt.t_file (file_fd t.t_file)
++ ) tail
++ | tprim :: tail ->
++ set_file_fd t.t_file (file_fd tprim.t_file)
++ | [] -> assert false);
+ ()
+@@ -663,21 +800,21 @@
let create ss file chunk_size =
let size = file_size file in
@@ -340,14 +598,43 @@
t_converted_verified_bitmap = String.make nchunks '0';
t_last_seen = Array.create nchunks 0;
-@@ -721,91 +802,59 @@
- let s = t.t_s in
- s.s_nuploading.(num) <- s.s_nuploading.(num) - 1
+@@ -692,120 +829,59 @@
+ associate true t ss;
+ t
--(** Finds the number of the block containing [chunk_pos] offset, using
-- dichotomy *)
+(** iter function f over all the blocks contained in the list of [intervals]
+-(* *)
+-(* clear_uploader_ranges *)
+-(* *)
+-let clear_uploader_ranges up =
+- List.iter (fun (_,_,r) ->
+- r.range_nuploading <- r.range_nuploading - 1
+- ) up.up_ranges;
+- up.up_ranges <- []
+-(* *)
+-(* clear_uploader_block *)
+-(* *)
+-let clear_uploader_block up =
+- match up.up_block with
+- None -> ()
+- | Some b ->
+- up.up_block <- None;
+- let num = b.block_num in
+- let t = up.up_t in
+- let s = t.t_s in
+- s.s_nuploading.(num) <- s.s_nuploading.(num) - 1
+-(** Finds the number of the block containing [chunk_pos] offset, using
+- dichotomy *)
-let compute_block_num s chunk_pos =
- let b = s.s_block_pos in
- let rec iter min max =
@@ -456,8 +743,9 @@
let rec iter r =
- lprintf_n () " %Ld(%Ld)-%Ld(%d)"
-+ lprintf_n " %Ld(%Ld)-%Ld(%d)"
- r.range_begin r.range_current_begin r.range_end r.range_nuploading;
+- r.range_begin r.range_current_begin r.range_end r.range_nuploading;
++ lprintf_n " %Ld-%Ld(%d)"
++ r.range_begin r.range_end r.range_nuploading;
match r.range_next with
None -> lprint_newline()
- | Some r -> iter r
@@ -470,7 +758,7 @@
let block_begin = compute_block_begin s i in
let block_end = compute_block_end s i in
lprintf "%Ld - %Ld [%Ld] %c " block_begin block_end
-@@ -818,7 +867,7 @@
+@@ -818,7 +894,7 @@
) s.s_networks;
match b with
@@ -479,7 +767,7 @@
lprintf " [%Ld .. %Ld] --> "
b.block_begin b.block_end;
iter b.block_ranges
-@@ -827,19 +876,15 @@
+@@ -827,119 +903,70 @@
| VerifiedBlock -> lprintf_nl2 "V"
) s.s_blocks;
@@ -505,7 +793,13 @@
let iter_block_ranges f b =
let rec iter_range f r =
-@@ -850,96 +895,50 @@
++ let next = r.range_next in (* keep next range in case f mutates it *)
+ f r;
+- match r.range_next with
+- None -> ()
++ match next with
++ | None -> ()
+ | Some rr -> iter_range f rr
iter_range f b.block_ranges
@@ -531,7 +825,7 @@
- iter_range b.block_ranges;
+ lprintf_nl " ranges:";
+ iter_block_ranges (fun r ->
-+ lprintf_nl " %Ld-%Ld" r.range_current_begin r.range_end) b;
++ lprintf_nl " %Ld-%Ld" r.range_begin r.range_end) b;
lprint_newline ()
@@ -621,10 +915,10 @@
- | _ -> ()
+let close_block_ranges maybe_t s b =
+ iter_block_ranges (fun r ->
-+ let added = r.range_end -- r.range_current_begin in
++ let added = r.range_end -- r.range_begin in
+ add_file_downloaded maybe_t s added;
+ b.block_remaining <- b.block_remaining -- added;
-+ r.range_current_begin <- r.range_end;
++ r.range_begin <- r.range_end;
+ r.range_prev <- None;
+ r.range_next <- None) b;
+ if b.block_remaining <> 0L then
@@ -632,7 +926,7 @@
(* *)
-@@ -947,146 +946,243 @@
+@@ -947,146 +974,245 @@
(* *)
@@ -683,32 +977,15 @@
- if s.s_verified_bitmap.[i] = '0' then begin
- s.s_verified_bitmap.[i] <- '1';
- List.iter (fun t ->
-- let j = t.t_chunk_of_block.(i) in
-- if t.t_converted_verified_bitmap.[j] = '0' then
-- t.t_converted_verified_bitmap.[j] <- '1'
-- ) s.s_networks
-- end
--(* we finished this block, we need know to verify it *)
--let set_bitmap_2 s i =
-- if s.s_verified_bitmap.[i] < '2' then begin
-- s.s_verified_bitmap.[i] <- '2';
-- match s.s_networks with
-- | t :: _ when t.t_primary ->
+let set_swarmer_bitmap_1 s i =
+ match s.s_verified_bitmap.[i] with
+ | '0' ->
+ s.s_verified_bitmap.[i] <- '1';
+ List.iter (fun t ->
let j = t.t_chunk_of_block.(i) in
-- if List.for_all (fun i -> s.s_verified_bitmap.[i] = '2')
-- t.t_blocks_of_chunk.(j) &&
-- t.t_converted_verified_bitmap.[j] <> '3' then begin
-- t.t_ncomplete_blocks <- t.t_ncomplete_blocks + 1;
-- t.t_converted_verified_bitmap.[j] <- '2'
-- end
-- | [] -> assert false
-- | _ -> ()
+- if t.t_converted_verified_bitmap.[j] = '0' then
+- t.t_converted_verified_bitmap.[j] <- '1'
+- ) s.s_networks
- end
+ match t.t_converted_verified_bitmap.[j] with
+ | '0' -> t.t_converted_verified_bitmap.[j] <- '1'
@@ -723,16 +1000,22 @@
+ | _ -> assert false
--(* the primary verifier has worked, so let ask secondary ones for
--verification too *)
--let set_bitmap_3 s i =
-- if s.s_verified_bitmap.[i] < '3' then begin
-- s.s_verified_bitmap.[i] <- '3';
--(* lprintf "set_bitmap_3 %d done\n" i; *)
+-(* we finished this block, we need know to verify it *)
+-let set_bitmap_2 s i =
+- if s.s_verified_bitmap.[i] < '2' then begin
+- s.s_verified_bitmap.[i] <- '2';
- match s.s_networks with
-- [] -> assert false
-- | tprim :: tail ->
-- List.iter (fun t ->
+- | t :: _ when t.t_primary ->
+- let j = t.t_chunk_of_block.(i) in
+- if List.for_all (fun i -> s.s_verified_bitmap.[i] = '2')
+- t.t_blocks_of_chunk.(j) &&
+- t.t_converted_verified_bitmap.[j] <> '3' then begin
+- t.t_ncomplete_blocks <- t.t_ncomplete_blocks + 1;
+- t.t_converted_verified_bitmap.[j] <- '2'
+- end
+- | [] -> assert false
+- | _ -> ()
+- end
+(* we finished this block, trying to escalate to primary frontend
+ verification bitmap *)
+let set_swarmer_bitmap_2 s i =
@@ -742,17 +1025,7 @@
+ match s.s_networks with
+ | t :: _ ->
+ assert (t.t_primary);
- let j = t.t_chunk_of_block.(i) in
-- if List.for_all (fun i -> s.s_verified_bitmap.[i] = '3')
-- t.t_blocks_of_chunk.(j) then
-- match t.t_verifier with
-- NoVerification ->
-- t.t_converted_verified_bitmap.[j] <- '3'
-- | _ ->
-- t.t_ncomplete_blocks <- t.t_ncomplete_blocks + 1;
-- t.t_converted_verified_bitmap.[j] <- '2'
-- ) tail
-- end
++ let j = t.t_chunk_of_block.(i) in
+ (match t.t_converted_verified_bitmap.[j] with
+ | '0' | '1' ->
+ if List.for_all (fun i -> s.s_verified_bitmap.[i] = '2')
@@ -768,65 +1041,88 @@
+ | '3' -> lprintf_nl "set_swarmer_bitmap_2: trying to demote a verified block? (2)"
+ | _ -> assert false
+ (* the primary verifier has worked, so let ask secondary ones for
+-verification too *)
+-let set_bitmap_3 s i =
+- if s.s_verified_bitmap.[i] < '3' then begin
+- s.s_verified_bitmap.[i] <- '3';
+-(* lprintf "set_bitmap_3 %d done\n" i; *)
++ verification too *)
++let set_swarmer_bitmap_3 s i =
++ match s.s_verified_bitmap.[i] with
++ | '0' | '1' | '2' ->
++ (s.s_verified_bitmap.[i] <- '3';
++(* lprintf "set_swarmer_bitmap_3 %d done\n" i; *)
+ match s.s_networks with
+- [] -> assert false
+- | tprim :: tail ->
+- List.iter (fun t ->
+- let j = t.t_chunk_of_block.(i) in
+- if List.for_all (fun i -> s.s_verified_bitmap.[i] = '3')
+- t.t_blocks_of_chunk.(j) then
+- match t.t_verifier with
+- NoVerification ->
+- t.t_converted_verified_bitmap.[j] <- '3'
+- | _ ->
+- t.t_ncomplete_blocks <- t.t_ncomplete_blocks + 1;
+- t.t_converted_verified_bitmap.[j] <- '2'
+- ) tail
+- end
-(* *)
-(* set_toverify_block (internal) *)
-(* *)
-+(* the primary verifier has worked, so let ask secondary ones for
-+ verification too *)
-+let set_swarmer_bitmap_3 s i =
-+ match s.s_verified_bitmap.[i] with
-+ | '0' | '1' | '2' ->
-+ (s.s_verified_bitmap.[i] <- '3';
-+(* lprintf "set_swarmer_bitmap_3 %d done\n" i; *)
-+ match s.s_networks with
-+ | tprim :: secondaries ->
-+ assert (tprim.t_primary);
+- (*
+-let set_toverify_block s i = set_bitmap_2 s i
+- *)
++ | [] -> assert false
++ | tprim :: secondaries ->
++ assert (tprim.t_primary);
++ match tprim.t_verifier with
++ | NoVerification | VerificationNotAvailable -> ()
++ | Verification _ | ForceVerification ->
+ let jprim = tprim.t_chunk_of_block.(i) in
+ assert (tprim.t_converted_verified_bitmap.[jprim] = '3');
-+ List.iter (fun t ->
++ List.iter (fun t ->
+ assert (not t.t_primary);
+ let j = t.t_chunk_of_block.(i) in
+ if List.for_all (fun i -> s.s_verified_bitmap.[i] = '3')
+ t.t_blocks_of_chunk.(j) then
-+ match t.t_verifier with
-+ | NoVerification ->
-+ (* we have no way to check data integrity
-+ for this network, assume other(s) know
-+ better *)
-+ (match t.t_converted_verified_bitmap.[j] with
-+ | '0' | '1' ->
-+ t.t_converted_verified_bitmap.[j] <- '3';
-+ t.t_ncomplete_chunks <- t.t_ncomplete_chunks + 1;
-+ t.t_nverified_chunks <- t.t_nverified_chunks + 1
-+ | '2' ->
-+ t.t_converted_verified_bitmap.[j] <- '3';
-+ t.t_nverified_chunks <- t.t_nverified_chunks + 1
-+ | '3' -> ()
-+ | _ -> assert false)
-+ | VerificationNotAvailable
-+ | ForceVerification
-+ | Verification _ ->
-+ (* all chunks are verified, so set
-+ converted_verified_bitmap to '2',
-+ probably to trigger data verification later.
-- (*
--let set_toverify_block s i = set_bitmap_2 s i
-- *)
-+ Is that code necessary at all ? *)
-+ (match t.t_converted_verified_bitmap.[j] with
-+ | '0' | '1' ->
-+ t.t_converted_verified_bitmap.[j] <- '2';
-+ t.t_ncomplete_chunks <- t.t_ncomplete_chunks + 1
-+ | '2' -> ()
-+ | '3' -> lprintf_nl "set_swarmer_bitmap_3: trying to demote a verified block in another frontend?"
-+ | _ -> assert false)
-+ ) secondaries
-+ | [] -> assert false)
-+ | '3' -> ()
-+ | _ -> assert false
++ match t.t_verifier with
++ | NoVerification | VerificationNotAvailable ->
++ (* we have no way to check data integrity
++ for this network, assume other(s) know
++ better *)
++ (match t.t_converted_verified_bitmap.[j] with
++ | '0' | '1' ->
++ t.t_converted_verified_bitmap.[j] <- '3';
++ t.t_ncomplete_chunks <- t.t_ncomplete_chunks + 1;
++ t.t_nverified_chunks <- t.t_nverified_chunks + 1
++ | '2' ->
++ t.t_converted_verified_bitmap.[j] <- '3';
++ t.t_nverified_chunks <- t.t_nverified_chunks + 1
++ | '3' -> ()
++ | _ -> assert false)
++ | ForceVerification
++ | Verification _ ->
++ (* all chunks are verified, so set
++ converted_verified_bitmap to '2',
++ probably to trigger data verification later.
++ Is that code necessary at all ? *)
++ (match t.t_converted_verified_bitmap.[j] with
++ | '0' | '1' ->
++ t.t_converted_verified_bitmap.[j] <- '2';
++ t.t_ncomplete_chunks <- t.t_ncomplete_chunks + 1
++ | '2' -> ()
++ | '3' -> lprintf_nl "set_swarmer_bitmap_3: trying to demote a verified block in another frontend?"
++ | _ -> assert false)
++ ) secondaries)
++ | '3' -> ()
++ | _ -> assert false
-(* *)
@@ -984,28 +1280,13 @@
(* *)
-@@ -1094,163 +1190,62 @@
+@@ -1094,258 +1220,107 @@
(* *)
-let verify_chunk t i =
- if t.t_converted_verified_bitmap.[i] = '2' then
- let nblocks = String.length t.t_converted_verified_bitmap in
-+let string_for_all p s =
-+ let l = String.length s in
-+ let rec aux i =
-+ i >= l || p s.[i] && aux (i+1) in
-+ aux 0
-+let string_iter f s =
-+ let l = String.length s in
-+ let rec aux i =
-+ if i < l then begin
-+ f i s.[i];
-+ aux (i+1)
-+ end in
-+ aux 0
+let verify_chunk t j =
+ if t.t_converted_verified_bitmap.[j] = '2' then
+ let nchunks = String.length t.t_converted_verified_bitmap in
@@ -1190,28 +1471,168 @@
- verify_chunk t i
- *)
- (*************************************************************************)
- (* *)
-@@ -1259,7 +1254,7 @@
- (*************************************************************************)
+-(* *)
+-(* must_verify_block *)
+-(* *)
++(** mark a block as completed, ready for verification *)
- let must_verify_block s i immediatly =
+-let must_verify_block s i immediatly =
- set_bitmap_2 s i;
-+ set_swarmer_bitmap_2 s i;
- if immediatly then
- match s.s_networks with
- [] -> assert false
-@@ -1296,7 +1291,7 @@
+- if immediatly then
+- match s.s_networks with
+- [] -> assert false
+- | t :: _ when t.t_primary ->
+- let i = t.t_chunk_of_block.(i) in
+- t.t_converted_verified_bitmap.[i] <- '2';
+-(* List.iter (fun j ->
+- if s.s_verified_bitmap.[j] <> '2' then begin
+- lprintf " block %d not downloaded\n" j;
+- exit_on_error := false;
+- end;
+- ) t.t_blocks_of_chunk.(i); *)
+- verify_chunk t i;
+-(* exit_on_error := true; *)
+- | _ -> ()
++let must_verify_block s i =
++ set_swarmer_bitmap_2 s i
+-(* *)
+-(* verify_all_blocks *)
+-(* *)
++(** mark all blocks as completed, ready for verification *)
+-let verify_all_chunks t immediatly =
++let verify_all_chunks t =
+ let s = t.t_s in
+- for i = 0 to String.length s.s_verified_bitmap - 1 do
+- must_verify_block s i immediatly
+- done
++ string_iter (fun i _ -> must_verify_block s i) s.s_verified_bitmap
+-(* *)
+-(* compute_bitmap *)
+-(* *)
++(** same, and synchronously calls the verification of all chunks *)
++let verify_all_chunks_immediately t =
++ verify_all_chunks t;
++ string_iter (fun i _ -> verify_chunk t i) t.t_converted_verified_bitmap
++(** synchronously verify all completed chunks not yet verified *)
let compute_bitmap t =
- if t.t_ncomplete_blocks > t.t_nverified_blocks then begin
-+ if t.t_ncomplete_chunks > t.t_nverified_chunks then begin
- for i = 0 to String.length t.t_converted_verified_bitmap - 1 do
- if t.t_converted_verified_bitmap.[i] = '2' then
- verify_chunk t i
-@@ -1384,38 +1379,10 @@
+- for i = 0 to String.length t.t_converted_verified_bitmap - 1 do
+- if t.t_converted_verified_bitmap.[i] = '2' then
+- verify_chunk t i
+- done
+- end
++ if t.t_ncomplete_chunks > t.t_nverified_chunks then
++ string_iter (fun i c ->
++ if c = '2' then verify_chunk t i) t.t_converted_verified_bitmap
+-(* *)
+-(* split_range (internal) *)
+-(* *)
++(** Replaces the ith block of the swarmer with a PartialBlock
++ ranges are created with s_range_size size *)
+-let rec split_range r range_size =
+- assert (r.range_current_begin = r.range_begin);
+- let next_range = r.range_begin ++ range_size in
+-(* lprintf " split_range: next_range %Ld\n" next_range; *)
+- if r.range_end > next_range then
+- let rr = {
+- range_block = r.range_block;
+- range_nuploading = 0;
+- range_next = r.range_next;
+- range_prev = Some r;
+- range_begin = next_range;
+- range_current_begin = next_range;
+- range_end = r.range_end;
++let new_block s i =
++ (** Split a range in ranges of at most [range_size] bytes, if needed
++ ranges stay linked together *)
++ let rec split_range r range_size =
++ let cut_pos = r.range_begin ++ range_size in
++(* lprintf " split_range: cut_pos %Ld\n" cut_pos; *)
++ if r.range_end > cut_pos then
++ (* "right" half *)
++ let split_r = {
++ range_block = r.range_block;
++ range_nuploading = 0;
++ range_next = r.range_next;
++ range_prev = Some r;
++ range_begin = cut_pos;
++ range_end = r.range_end;
+ } in
+- begin
+- match r.range_next with
+- None -> ()
+- | Some rrr ->
++ (match r.range_next with
++ | None -> ()
++ | Some old_next_range ->
+ (* lprintf "Another one ??\n"; *)
+- rrr.range_prev <- Some rr;
+- end;
+- r.range_next <- Some rr;
+- r.range_end <- next_range;
++ old_next_range.range_prev <- Some split_r);
++ (* "left" half *)
++ r.range_next <- Some split_r;
++ r.range_end <- cut_pos;
+ (* lprintf " NEW RANGE: %Ld- OLD RANGE: %Ld-%Ld\n"
+- rr.range_begin r.range_begin r.range_end; *)
+- split_range rr range_size
+-(* *)
+-(* new_block (internal) *)
+-(* *)
++ split_r.range_begin r.range_begin r.range_end; *)
++ split_range split_r range_size in
+-let new_block s i =
+ let block_begin = compute_block_begin s i in
+ let block_end = compute_block_end s i in
+ let rec b = {
+@@ -1365,348 +1340,227 @@
+ range_end = block_end;
+ range_block = b;
+ range_nuploading = 0;
+- range_current_begin = block_begin;
+ }
+ in
+ (* lprintf "New block %Ld-%Ld\n" block_begin block_end; *)
+ split_range range s.s_range_size;
+- let rec iter r =
+- lprintf " Range %Ld-%Ld\n" r.range_begin r.range_end;
+- match r.range_next with
+- None -> ()
+- | Some r -> iter r
+- in
+- iter b.block_ranges;
s.s_blocks.(i) <- PartialBlock b;
if s.s_verified_bitmap.[i] < '1' then
- set_bitmap_1 s i;
@@ -1220,7 +1641,11 @@
+ if debug_all then lprintf_nl "NB[%s]" s.s_verified_bitmap;
++(** Remove an interval from the beginning of a range, adding the size
++ of the removed part to the downloaded amount
++ Closed ranges are removed
++ When last range is removed, mark the block for verification *)
-(* *)
-(* next_range (internal) *)
@@ -1248,65 +1673,653 @@
- add_file_downloaded t.t_file (new_downloaded -- old_downloaded)
- *)
- (*************************************************************************)
- (* *)
- (* range_received (internal) *)
-@@ -1490,7 +1457,7 @@
- (* lprintf "iter range %Ld-%Ld\n" r.range_begin r.range_end; *)
- (try range_received None r chunk_begin chunk_end
- with e ->
+-(* *)
+-(* range_received (internal) *)
+-(* *)
+-let range_received maybe_t r chunk_begin chunk_end =
++let range_received maybe_t r interval_begin interval_end =
+ (* lprintf " range_received: %Ld-%Ld for %Ld-%Ld\n"
+- chunk_begin chunk_end r.range_begin r.range_end; *)
+- if r.range_begin < chunk_end && r.range_end > chunk_begin then begin
++ interval_begin interval_end r.range_begin r.range_end; *)
++ (* interval overlap with the beginning of range ? *)
++ (* was: r.range_begin < interval_end && r.range_end > interval_begin *)
++ if r.range_begin >= interval_begin &&
++ r.range_begin < interval_end then begin
+ (* lprintf "... entered\n"; *)
+- let new_current_begin =
+- max (min chunk_end r.range_end) r.range_current_begin in
+- let downloaded = new_current_begin -- r.range_current_begin in
+- let b = r.range_block in
+- let s = b.block_s in
+- add_file_downloaded maybe_t s downloaded;
+- b.block_remaining <- b.block_remaining -- downloaded;
+- r.range_current_begin <- new_current_begin;
+- if r.range_current_begin = r.range_end then begin
+- (match r.range_next with
+- None -> ()
+- | Some rr -> rr.range_prev <- r.range_prev);
+- (match r.range_prev with
+- None ->
+- begin
+- match r.range_next with
+- None ->
+- begin
+- match s.s_blocks.(b.block_num) with
+- PartialBlock _ | EmptyBlock ->
+- begin
+- match s.s_networks with
+- [] -> assert false
+- | t :: _ when t.t_primary ->
+- begin
+- match t.t_verifier with
+- NoVerification ->
+- set_verified_block s b.block_num
+- | _ ->
+- set_completed_block (Some t) s b.block_num;
+- must_verify_block s b.block_num false
+- end
+- | _ -> ()
+- end
+- | _ -> ()
+- end
+- | Some rr -> b.block_ranges <- rr
+- end;
+- | Some rr -> rr.range_next <- r.range_next);
+- r.range_next <- None;
+- r.range_prev <- None;
+- end (* else begin
+- lprintf " ... new range %Ld-%Ld\n" r.range_current_begin r.range_end;
+- end *)
+- end
++ let new_current_begin =
++ max (min interval_end r.range_end) r.range_begin in
++ let downloaded = new_current_begin -- r.range_begin in
++ let b = r.range_block in
++ let s = b.block_s in
++ add_file_downloaded maybe_t s downloaded;
++ b.block_remaining <- b.block_remaining -- downloaded;
++ r.range_begin <- new_current_begin;
++ if r.range_begin = r.range_end then begin
++ (* range completed, unlink it *)
++ (match r.range_next with
++ | Some rr -> rr.range_prev <- r.range_prev
++ | None -> ());
++ (match r.range_prev with
++ | Some rr -> rr.range_next <- r.range_next
++ | None ->
++ (* that was the first range of the block *)
++ match r.range_next with
++ | Some rr -> (* fix block's first range *)
++ b.block_ranges <- rr
++ | None ->
++ (* that was the last remaining range of the block *)
++ (match s.s_blocks.(b.block_num) with
++ | PartialBlock _ | EmptyBlock ->
++ (match s.s_networks with
++ | t :: _ ->
++ assert(t.t_primary);
++ (match t.t_verifier with
++ | NoVerification ->
++ set_verified_block s b.block_num
++ | _ ->
++ set_completed_block (Some t) s b.block_num;
++ must_verify_block s b.block_num)
++ | [] -> assert false)
++ | _ -> () ));
++ r.range_next <- None;
++ r.range_prev <- None;
++ end (* else begin
++ lprintf " ... new range %Ld-%Ld\n" r.range_begin r.range_end;
++ end *)
++ end
+-(* *)
+-(* set_present_block (internal) *)
+-(* *)
++(** Remove an interval from the ranges of a block, calling
++ range_received over all of them
+-(* Assumption: we never download ranges from the middle, so present chunks
+- can only overlap the beginning of a range *)
+-let set_present_block b chunk_begin chunk_end =
+- let rec iter r =
+- let range_next = r.range_next in
+-(* lprintf "iter range %Ld-%Ld\n" r.range_begin r.range_end; *)
+- (try range_received None r chunk_begin chunk_end
+- with e ->
- lprintf_nl () "EXCEPTION IN range_received: %s"
-+ lprintf_nl "EXCEPTION IN range_received: %s"
- (Printexc2.to_string e);
- exit 2);
- match range_next with
-@@ -1512,7 +1479,7 @@
+- (Printexc2.to_string e);
+- exit 2);
+- match range_next with
+- None -> ()
+- | Some rr ->
+- iter rr
+- in
+-(* lprintf "BEFORE: "; print_block b; *)
+- iter b.block_ranges;
+-(* lprintf "AFTER: "; print_block b *)
+- ()
++ Assumption: we never download ranges from the middle, so present
++ intervals can only overlap the beginning of ranges
++ A (double linked) list is definitely not the most efficient
++ datastructure for this operation... *)
+-(* *)
+-(* set_present *)
+-(* *)
++let set_present_block b interval_begin interval_end =
++ iter_block_ranges (fun r ->
++ range_received None r interval_begin interval_end) b
- let set_present s chunks =
+-let set_present s chunks =
++(** Remove a list of intervals from the ranges of a swarmer *)
- apply_intervals s (fun i block_begin block_end chunk_begin chunk_end ->
-+ iter_intervals s (fun i block_begin block_end chunk_begin chunk_end ->
++let set_present s intervals =
++ iter_intervals s (fun i block_begin block_end interval_begin interval_end ->
(* lprintf "interval: %Ld-%Ld in block %d [%Ld-%Ld]\n"
- chunk_begin chunk_end i block_begin block_end; *)
- match s.s_blocks.(i) with
-@@ -1584,10 +1551,10 @@
+- chunk_begin chunk_end i block_begin block_end; *)
+- match s.s_blocks.(i) with
+- EmptyBlock ->
++ interval_begin interval_end i block_begin block_end; *)
++ match s.s_blocks.(i) with
++ | EmptyBlock ->
+ (* lprintf " EmptyBlock"; *)
+- if block_begin >= chunk_begin && block_end <= chunk_end then
+- begin
++ if block_begin >= interval_begin && block_end <= interval_end
++ then begin
+ (* lprintf " --> CompleteBlock\n"; *)
+- s.s_blocks.(i) <- CompleteBlock;
+- must_verify_block s i false;
+- add_file_downloaded None s (block_end -- block_begin)
+- end
+- else
++ s.s_blocks.(i) <- CompleteBlock;
++ must_verify_block s i;
++ add_file_downloaded None s (block_end -- block_begin)
++ end
++ else
+ let b = new_block s i in
+ (* lprintf " ... set_present_block\n"; *)
+- set_present_block b chunk_begin chunk_end
+- | PartialBlock b ->
++ set_present_block b interval_begin interval_end
++ | PartialBlock b ->
+ (* lprintf " PartialBlock\n"; *)
+- set_present_block b chunk_begin chunk_end
+- | _ ->
++ set_present_block b interval_begin interval_end
++ | CompleteBlock | VerifiedBlock ->
+ (* lprintf " Other\n"; *)
+- ()
+- ) chunks
+-(* *)
+-(* end_present (internal) *)
+-(* *)
++ ()
++ ) intervals
+-let rec end_present present begin_present end_file list =
+- match list with
+- [] ->
+- let present =
+- if begin_present = end_file then present else
+- (begin_present, end_file) :: present
+- in
+- List.rev present
+- | (begin_absent, end_absent) :: tail ->
+- let present =
+- if begin_present = begin_absent then present
+- else (begin_present, begin_absent) :: present
+- in
+- end_present present end_absent end_file tail
++(** reverse absent/present in the list and call set_present *)
+-(* *)
+-(* set_absent *)
+-(* *)
++let set_absent s list_absent =
++(** Build the complementary list of intervals of [intervals] in
++ [set_begin, set_end[ *)
++ let rec complementary acc set_begin set_end intervals =
++ match intervals with
++ | [] ->
++ let acc =
++ if set_begin = set_end then acc else
++ (set_begin, set_end) :: acc
++ in
++ List.rev acc
++ | (interval_begin, interval_end) :: other_intervals ->
++ let acc =
++ if set_begin = interval_begin then acc
++ else (set_begin, interval_begin) :: acc
++ in
++ complementary acc interval_end set_end other_intervals in
++ let list_present = complementary [] Int64.zero s.s_size list_absent in
++ set_present s list_present
+-let set_absent s list =
+-(* reverse absent/present in the list and call set_present *)
+- let list =
+- match list with [] -> [ Int64.zero, s.s_size ]
+- | (t1,t2) :: tail ->
+- if t1 = zero then
+- end_present [] t2 s.s_size tail
+- else
+- end_present [zero, t1] t2 s.s_size tail
+- in
+- set_present s list
++let intervals_to_string s intervals =
++ match intervals with
++ | AvailableIntervals intervals ->
++ let st = String.make (Array.length s.s_blocks) '0' in
++ iter_intervals s (fun i _ _ _ _ -> st.[i] <- '1') intervals;
++ st
++ | AvailableBitv b -> Bitv.to_string b
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+-(* chunks_to_string (internal) *)
++(* Uploaders *)
+ (* *)
+ (*************************************************************************)
- let chunks_to_string s chunks =
- match chunks with
+-let chunks_to_string s chunks =
+- match chunks with
- AvailableRanges chunks ->
-+ AvailableIntervals chunks ->
- begin
- let st = String.make (Array.length s.s_blocks) '0' in
+- begin
+- let st = String.make (Array.length s.s_blocks) '0' in
- apply_intervals s (fun i block_begin block_end chunk_begin chunk_end -> st.[i] <- '1') chunks;
-+ iter_intervals s (fun i block_begin block_end chunk_begin chunk_end -> st.[i] <- '1') chunks;
- st
- end
- | AvailableCharBitmap st -> st
-@@ -1610,11 +1577,11 @@
- begin
- match chunks with
+- st
+- end
+- | AvailableCharBitmap st -> st
+- | AvailableBitv b -> Bitv.to_string b
++(** if not [up_declared],
++ sets [up_intervals], [up_complete_blocks], [up_ncomplete],
++ [up_partial_blocks], [up_npartial] according to [intervals],
++ resets [up_block], [up_block_begin], [up_block_end], and calls
++ [client_has_bitmap] on associated client.
+-(* *)
+-(* update_uploader_chunks (internal) *)
+-(* *)
++ My feeling is that if all those fields only make sense when
++ up_declared is true, they should be regrouped in a record option.
+-let update_uploader_chunks up chunks =
+- if not up.up_declared then
++let set_uploader_intervals up intervals =
++ if up.up_declared then
++ lprintf_nl "set_uploader_intervals: called on an already declared uploader\n"
++ else
+ let t = up.up_t in
+ let s = t.t_s in
+-(* INVARIANT: complete_blocks must be in reverse order *)
++ (* INVARIANT: complete_blocks must be in reverse order *)
+- let complete_blocks = ref [] in
+- let partial_blocks = ref [] in
++ let complete_blocks = ref [] in
++ let partial_blocks = ref [] in
+- begin
+- match chunks with
- AvailableRanges chunks ->
-+ AvailableIntervals chunks ->
++ let incr_availability s i =
++ s.s_availability.(i) <- s.s_availability.(i) + 1 in
- apply_intervals s (fun i block_begin block_end
-+ iter_intervals s (fun i block_begin block_end
- chunk_begin chunk_end ->
+- chunk_begin chunk_end ->
-(* lprintf "apply_intervals %d %Ld-%Ld %Ld-%Ld\n"
+- i block_begin block_end chunk_begin chunk_end; *)
+- s.s_availability.(i) <- s.s_availability.(i) + 1;
++ (match intervals with
++ | AvailableIntervals intervals ->
++ iter_intervals s (fun i block_begin block_end interval_begin interval_end ->
+(* lprintf "iter_intervals %d %Ld-%Ld %Ld-%Ld\n"
- i block_begin block_end chunk_begin chunk_end; *)
- s.s_availability.(i) <- s.s_availability.(i) + 1;
++ i block_begin block_end interval_begin interval_end; *)
++ incr_availability s i;
+- match s.s_blocks.(i) with
+- CompleteBlock | VerifiedBlock -> ()
+- | _ ->
+- if block_begin = chunk_begin && block_end = chunk_end then
+- complete_blocks := i :: !complete_blocks
+- else
+- partial_blocks :=
+- (i, chunk_begin, chunk_end) :: !partial_blocks
+- ) chunks;
++ match s.s_blocks.(i) with
++ | CompleteBlock | VerifiedBlock -> ()
++ | EmptyBlock | PartialBlock _ ->
++ if block_begin = interval_begin && block_end = interval_end then
++ complete_blocks := i :: !complete_blocks
++ else
++ partial_blocks :=
++ (i, interval_begin, interval_end) :: !partial_blocks
++ ) intervals
+- | AvailableCharBitmap string ->
+- for i = 0 to String.length string - 1 do
+- if string.[i] = '1' then
+- List.iter (fun i ->
+- s.s_availability.(i) <- s.s_availability.(i) + 1;
+- complete_blocks := i :: !complete_blocks
+- ) t.t_blocks_of_chunk.(i)
+- done;
+- | AvailableBitv bitmap ->
+- for i = 0 to Bitv.length bitmap - 1 do
+- if Bitv.get bitmap i then
+- List.iter (fun i ->
+- s.s_availability.(i) <- s.s_availability.(i) + 1;
+- complete_blocks := i :: !complete_blocks
+- ) t.t_blocks_of_chunk.(i)
+- done;
+- end;
++ | AvailableBitv bitmap ->
++ Bitv.iteri_true (fun i ->
++ List.iter (fun j ->
++ incr_availability s j;
++ complete_blocks := j :: !complete_blocks
++ ) t.t_blocks_of_chunk.(i)
++ ) bitmap
++ );
+- List.iter (fun i ->
++ List.iter (fun i ->
+ (* s.s_last_seen.(i) <- BasicSocket.last_time (); *)
++ let i = t.t_chunk_of_block.(i) in
++ t.t_last_seen.(i) <- BasicSocket.last_time ()
++ ) !complete_blocks;
+- let i = t.t_chunk_of_block.(i) in
+- t.t_last_seen.(i) <- BasicSocket.last_time ()
+- ) !complete_blocks;
+- let complete_blocks = Array.of_list !complete_blocks in
+- let partial_blocks = Array.of_list !partial_blocks in
+- up.up_chunks <- chunks;
+- up.up_complete_blocks <- complete_blocks;
+- up.up_ncomplete <- Array.length complete_blocks;
+- if Array.length partial_blocks > 0 then
+- lprintf_nl () "WARNING: partial_blocks = %d" (Array.length partial_blocks);
+- up.up_partial_blocks <- partial_blocks;
+- up.up_npartial <- Array.length partial_blocks;
+- up.up_block <- None;
+- up.up_block_begin <- zero;
+- up.up_block_end <- zero;
+- up.up_declared <- true;
+- let bm = chunks_to_string s chunks in
+- client_has_bitmap up.up_client up.up_t.t_file bm;
+- if debug_all then print_uploader up
+-(* *)
+-(* clean_uploader_chunks (internal) *)
+-(* *)
++ let complete_blocks = Array.of_list !complete_blocks in
++ let partial_blocks = Array.of_list !partial_blocks in
++ up.up_intervals <- intervals;
+-let clean_uploader_chunks up =
++ up.up_complete_blocks <- complete_blocks;
++ up.up_ncomplete <- Array.length complete_blocks;
++ if Array.length partial_blocks > 0 then
++ lprintf_nl "WARNING: partial_blocks = %d" (Array.length partial_blocks);
++ up.up_partial_blocks <- partial_blocks;
++ up.up_npartial <- Array.length partial_blocks;
+- if up.up_declared then
++ up.up_block <- None;
++ up.up_block_begin <- zero;
++ up.up_block_end <- zero;
+- let decr_availability s i =
+- s.s_availability.(i) <- s.s_availability.(i) - 1
+- in
+-(* lprintf "clean_uploader_chunks:\n"; *)
++ up.up_declared <- true;
++ let bm = intervals_to_string s intervals in
++ client_has_bitmap up.up_client up.up_t.t_file bm;
+- let t = up.up_t in
+- let s = t.t_s in
+- for i = 0 to Array.length up.up_complete_blocks - 1 do
+-(* lprintf "decr_availability complete[%d] %d\n" i
+- up.up_complete_blocks.(i); *)
+- decr_availability s up.up_complete_blocks.(i)
+- done;
+- for i = 0 to Array.length up.up_partial_blocks - 1 do
+- let b,_,_ = up.up_partial_blocks.(i) in
+-(* lprintf "decr_availability partial[%d] %d\n" i b; *)
+- decr_availability s b
+- done;
+- clear_uploader_block up;
+- up.up_declared <- false
++ if debug_all then print_uploader up
-@@ -1662,7 +1629,7 @@
- up.up_ncomplete <- Array.length complete_blocks;
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+@@ -1714,15 +1568,14 @@
+ (* *)
+ (*************************************************************************)
- if Array.length partial_blocks > 0 then
-- lprintf_nl () "WARNING: partial_blocks = %d" (Array.length partial_blocks);
-+ lprintf_nl "WARNING: partial_blocks = %d" (Array.length partial_blocks);
- up.up_partial_blocks <- partial_blocks;
- up.up_npartial <- Array.length partial_blocks;
+-let register_uploader t client chunks =
++let register_uploader t client intervals =
+ let up =
+ {
+ up_t = t;
+ up_client = client;
+ up_declared = false;
+- up_chunks = chunks;
++ up_intervals = intervals;
+ up_complete_blocks = [||];
+ up_ncomplete = 0;
+@@ -1733,11 +1586,12 @@
+ up_block = None;
+ up_block_begin = zero;
+ up_block_end = zero;
+ up_ranges = [];
+ }
+ in
+ HU.add uploaders_by_num up;
+- update_uploader_chunks up chunks;
++ set_uploader_intervals up intervals;
+ up
+ (*************************************************************************)
+@@ -1746,34 +1600,63 @@
+ (* *)
+ (*************************************************************************)
+-let unregister_uploader up =
+- clean_uploader_chunks up;
+- clear_uploader_block up;
+- clear_uploader_ranges up
++let clear_uploader_ranges up =
++ List.iter (fun (_,_,r) ->
++ if r.range_nuploading > 0 then
++ r.range_nuploading <- r.range_nuploading - 1
++ else
++ lprintf_nl "clear_uploader_ranges: some range_nuploading was about to become negative\n"
++ ) up.up_ranges;
++ up.up_ranges <- []
+-(* *)
+-(* update_uploader *)
+-(* *)
++let clear_uploader_block up =
++ match up.up_block with
++ | None -> ()
++ | Some b ->
++ let num = b.block_num in
++ let t = up.up_t in
++ let s = t.t_s in
++ if s.s_nuploading.(num) > 0 then
++ s.s_nuploading.(num) <- s.s_nuploading.(num) - 1
++ else
++ lprintf_nl "clear_uploader_block: some s_nuploading was about to become negative\n";
++ up.up_block <- None;
++ up.up_block_begin <- zero;
++ up.up_block_end <- zero
+-let update_uploader up chunks =
++let clear_uploader_intervals up =
++ if up.up_declared then
++ let decr_availability s i =
++ if s.s_availability.(i) > 0 then
++ s.s_availability.(i) <- s.s_availability.(i) - 1
++ else
++ lprintf_nl "clear_uploader_intervals: some s_availability was about to become negative\n" in
++(* lprintf "clean_uploader_chunks:\n"; *)
++ let t = up.up_t in
++ let s = t.t_s in
++ Array.iter (decr_availability s) up.up_complete_blocks;
++ up.up_complete_blocks <- [||];
++ up.up_ncomplete <- 0;
++ Array.iter (fun (b,_,_) -> decr_availability s b) up.up_partial_blocks;
++ up.up_partial_blocks <- [||];
++ up.up_npartial <- 0;
++ clear_uploader_block up;
++ up.up_declared <- false
+- clean_uploader_chunks up;
+- update_uploader_chunks up chunks
++let update_uploader_intervals up intervals =
++ clear_uploader_intervals up;
++ set_uploader_intervals up intervals
+-(* *)
+-(* print_uploaders *)
+-(* *)
++let unregister_uploader up =
++ clear_uploader_intervals up;
++ clear_uploader_ranges up
+-let print_uploaders s =
+- let nblocks = Array.length s.s_blocks in
+- for i = 0 to nblocks - 1 do
++(** (debug) output the uploaders of a swarmer to current log *)
+- match s.s_blocks.(i) with
+- EmptyBlock -> lprintf "_"
++let print_uploaders s =
++ Array.iteri (fun i b ->
++ match b with
++ | EmptyBlock -> lprintf "_"
+ | CompleteBlock -> lprintf "C"
+ | VerifiedBlock -> lprintf "V"
+ | PartialBlock b ->
+@@ -1781,127 +1664,128 @@
+ lprintf "X"
+ else
+ lprintf "%d" s.s_nuploading.(i)
+- done;
++ ) s.s_blocks;
+ lprint_newline ();
+- for i = 0 to nblocks - 1 do
+- match s.s_blocks.(i) with
+- EmptyBlock -> lprintf "_"
++ Array.iteri (fun i b ->
++ match b with
++ | EmptyBlock -> lprintf "_"
+ | CompleteBlock -> lprintf "C"
+ | VerifiedBlock -> lprintf "V"
+ | PartialBlock b ->
+ lprintf "{ %d : %d=" b.block_num
+ s.s_nuploading.(b.block_num);
+- let rec iter_range r =
+- lprintf "(%d)" r.range_nuploading;
+- match r.range_next with
+- None -> ()
+- | Some rr -> iter_range rr
+- in
+- iter_range b.block_ranges;
++ iter_block_ranges (fun r ->
++ lprintf "(%d)" r.range_nuploading
++ ) b;
+ lprintf " }";
+- done;
++ ) s.s_blocks;
+ lprint_newline ()
+-(* *)
+-(* permute_and_return (internal) *)
+-(* *)
++(** swap elements n and up_ncomplete-1 in up_complete_blocks, then
++ decrease up_ncomplete block, return up_ncomplete block, converting
++ it to a PartialBlock as needed.
++ global effect is that up_complete_blocks array virtually contains
++ two disctinct lists, with elements flowing from one to the other,
++ without any allocation needed.
++ 0 .. up_ncomplete-1 : not yet returned by permute_and_return
++ up_ncomplete .. Array.length up_complete_blocks - 1 : already returned
-@@ -1826,10 +1793,10 @@
+ let permute_and_return up n =
++ assert (n <= up.up_ncomplete-1);
+ let b = up.up_complete_blocks.(n) in
+ if debug_all then lprintf "permute_and_return %d <> %d" n b;
+- up.up_complete_blocks.(n) <- up.up_complete_blocks.(up.up_ncomplete-1);
+- up.up_complete_blocks.(up.up_ncomplete-1) <- b;
++ if n < up.up_ncomplete then begin
++ up.up_complete_blocks.(n) <- up.up_complete_blocks.(up.up_ncomplete-1);
++ up.up_complete_blocks.(up.up_ncomplete-1) <- b
++ end;
+ up.up_ncomplete <- up.up_ncomplete - 1;
+ let t = up.up_t in
+ let s = t.t_s in
+ match s.s_blocks.(b) with
+- EmptyBlock ->
++ | EmptyBlock ->
+ let b = new_block s b in
+ b, b.block_begin, b.block_end
| PartialBlock b ->
b, b.block_begin, b.block_end
| VerifiedBlock ->
@@ -1318,79 +2331,805 @@
+ lprintf_nl "ERROR: complete block in permute_and_return %d\n" b;
assert false
+-(* *)
+-(* LinearStrategy.select_block (internal) *)
+-(* *)
++(** find a block in up_complete_blocks that's not already
++ CompleteBlock or VerifiedBlock.
++ If none can be found, do the same with up_partial_blocks.
++ If none can be found still, raise Not_found exception
++ up_ncomplete and up_npartial are used as in the same way as in
++ permute_and_return, but no element is ever permuted.
+-module LinearStrategy = struct
+- let select_block up =
+- let rec iter_complete up =
+- let n = up.up_ncomplete in
+- if n = 0 then iter_partial up
+- else
+- let b = up.up_complete_blocks.(n-1) in
+- up.up_ncomplete <- n-1;
+- let t = up.up_t in
+- let s = t.t_s in
+- match s.s_blocks.(b) with
+- CompleteBlock | VerifiedBlock ->
+- iter_complete up
+- | PartialBlock b ->
+- b, b.block_begin, b.block_end
+- | EmptyBlock ->
+- let b = new_block s b in
+- b, b.block_begin, b.block_end
++ Since set_uploader_intervals puts the blocks with the lowest
++ offsets at the end of up_complete_blocks and up_partial_blocks,
++ this also selects the blocks in increasing offsets order.
+- and iter_partial up =
+- let n = up.up_npartial in
+- if n = 0 then raise Not_found;
+- let b, block_begin, block_end = up.up_partial_blocks.(n-1) in
+- let t = up.up_t in
+- let s = t.t_s in
+- match s.s_blocks.(b) with
+- CompleteBlock | VerifiedBlock ->
+- iter_partial up
+- | PartialBlock b ->
+- b, block_begin, block_end
+- | EmptyBlock ->
+- let b = new_block s b in
+- b, block_begin, block_end
+- in
+- iter_complete up
+- end
++let linear_select_block up =
++ let rec iter_partial up =
++ let n = up.up_npartial in
++ if n = 0 then raise Not_found;
++ let b, block_begin, block_end = up.up_partial_blocks.(n-1) in
++ let t = up.up_t in
++ let s = t.t_s in
++ (* priority bitmap <> 0 here ? *)
++ match s.s_blocks.(b) with
++ | CompleteBlock | VerifiedBlock ->
++ iter_partial up
++ | PartialBlock b ->
++ b, block_begin, block_end
++ | EmptyBlock ->
++ let b = new_block s b in
++ b, block_begin, block_end in
++ let rec iter_complete up =
++ let n = up.up_ncomplete in
++ if n = 0 then iter_partial up
++ else
++ let b = up.up_complete_blocks.(n-1) in
++ up.up_ncomplete <- n-1;
++ let t = up.up_t in
++ let s = t.t_s in
++ (* priority bitmap <> 0 here ? *)
++ match s.s_blocks.(b) with
++ | CompleteBlock | VerifiedBlock ->
++ iter_complete up
++ | PartialBlock b ->
++ b, b.block_begin, b.block_end
++ | EmptyBlock ->
++ let b = new_block s b in
++ b, b.block_begin, b.block_end
++ in
++ iter_complete up
+-(* *)
+-(* should_download_block (internal) *)
+-(* *)
++(** Check whether block [n] of swarmer [s] is not completed yet,
++ calling chunk verification first if block still need verification *)
+ let should_download_block s n =
+ (* lprintf "should_download_block %d\n" n; *)
+ let result =
+ match s.s_verified_bitmap.[n] with
+- '2' ->
+- begin
+- match s.s_networks with
+- [] -> assert false
+- | t :: _ when t.t_primary ->
+- begin
+- try
+- let n = t.t_chunk_of_block.(n) in
+- if t.t_converted_verified_bitmap.[n] = '2' then
+- verify_chunk t n
+- with VerifierNotReady -> ()
+- end
+- | _ -> ()
+- end;
+- s.s_verified_bitmap.[n] < '2'
+ | '0' | '1' -> true
+- | _ -> false
++ | '2' ->
++ (match s.s_networks with
++ | t :: _ ->
++ assert(t.t_primary);
++ (try
++ let n = t.t_chunk_of_block.(n) in
++ if t.t_converted_verified_bitmap.[n] = '2' then
++ verify_chunk t n
++ with VerifierNotReady -> ());
++ | [] -> assert false);
++ s.s_verified_bitmap.[n] < '2'
++ | '3' -> false
++ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ (* if result then
+ lprintf "should_download_block %d\n" n; *)
+@@ -1913,264 +1797,204 @@
+ (* *)
-@@ -1917,7 +1884,7 @@
- let random_int max =
- let x = Random.int max in
+-exception BlockFound of int
++(* Would it be faster not to build those records, and use functions of
++ the block number ? *)
+-let random_int max =
+- let x = Random.int max in
- if debug_all then lprintf_nl () "(Random %d -> %d)" max x;
-+ if debug_all then lprintf_nl "(Random %d -> %d)" max x;
- x
+- x
++type choice = {
++ choice_num : int;
++ choice_user_priority : int;
++ choice_nuploaders : int;
++ choice_size : int64;
++ choice_remaining : int64;
++ choice_remaining_per_uploader : int64;
++ choice_other_complete : int Lazy.t; (* ...blocks in the same chunk *)
++ choice_availability : int;
++(* based on Array.fold_left code *)
++let array_fold_lefti f x a =
++ let r = ref x in
++ for i = 0 to Array.length a - 1 do
++ r := f !r i (Array.unsafe_get a i)
++ done;
++ !r
let select_block up =
-@@ -1955,7 +1922,7 @@
- (************* Try to download the movie index and the first minute to
- allow preview of the file as soon as possible *)
+ let t = up.up_t in
+ let s = t.t_s in
+ try
+ match s.s_strategy with
+- LinearStrategy ->
+- LinearStrategy.select_block up
++ | LinearStrategy ->
++ linear_select_block up
+ | _ ->
+ if up.up_ncomplete = 0 && up.up_npartial = 0 then raise Not_found;
+-This strategy sucks. It has to be improved.
+-1) never give a block to 2 clients if another one has 0 client.
+-2) try to complete partial blocks as soon as possible.
+-3) comfigure the chooser depending on the network (maybe BT might
+-better work at the beginning if the first incomplete blocks are offered
+- to several clients.
+- if up.up_ncomplete > 1 then begin
+-(* let debug_all = true in *)
+- try
+- let rec iter_max_uploaders max_nuploaders =
+- let t = up.up_t in
+- let nblocks = Array.length s.s_blocks in
+-(************* Try to download the movie index and the first minute to
+- allow preview of the file as soon as possible *)
- if debug_all then lprintf_nl () "{First}";
-+ if debug_all then lprintf_nl "{First}";
- let download_first n b =
- (* lprintf "download_first %d\n" n; *)
-@@ -1989,7 +1956,7 @@
- (************* If the file can be verified, and we don't have a lot of blocks
- yet, try to download the partial ones as soon as possible *)
+- let download_first n b =
+-(* lprintf "download_first %d\n" n; *)
+- if
+- up.up_complete_blocks.(n) = b &&
+- s.s_nuploading.(b) < max_nuploaders &&
+- should_download_block s b then
+- raise (BlockFound n)
+- in
+-(* lprintf "up_complete_blocks: %d\n"
+- (Array.length up.up_complete_blocks); *)
+-(* This must be the position of the last block of the file *)
+- download_first 0 (nblocks-1);
+-(* This can be the position of the first block of the file *)
+- download_first (up.up_ncomplete-1) 0;
+-(* This can be the position of the first block of the file *)
+- download_first 0 0;
+-(* This must be the position of the second last block of the file *)
+- download_first 0 (nblocks-2);
+-(* These can be the positions of the second block of the file *)
+- download_first 0 1;
+- download_first (up.up_ncomplete-1) 1;
+- download_first (up.up_ncomplete-2) 1;
+-(************* If the file can be verified, and we don't have a lot of blocks
+- yet, try to download the partial ones as soon as possible *)
- if debug_all then lprintf_nl () "{PartialBlock}";
-+ if debug_all then lprintf_nl "{PartialBlock}";
+- let download_partial max_uploaders =
+- let partial_block = ref (-1) in
+- let partial_remaining = ref zero in
+- for i = 0 to up.up_ncomplete - 1 do
+- let n = up.up_complete_blocks.(i) in
+- match s.s_blocks.(n) with
+- PartialBlock b ->
+- if (!partial_block = -1 ||
+- !partial_remaining > b.block_remaining) &&
+- s.s_nuploading.(n) < max_uploaders
+- then
+- begin
+- partial_block := i;
+- partial_remaining := b.block_remaining
+- end
+- | _ -> ()
+- done;
+- if !partial_block <> -1 then
+- raise (BlockFound !partial_block)
+- in
+- if t.t_verifier <> NoVerification &&
+- t.t_nverified_blocks < 2 then begin
+- download_partial max_nuploaders;
+- end;
+-(************* Download partial chunks from the verification point of view *)
+- if List.length s.s_networks > 1 then begin
+- if debug_all then lprintf_n () "{PartialChunk}";
+- let my_t = if t.t_verifier <> NoVerification then t
+- else match s.s_networks with t :: _ -> t | _ -> t in
+- let download_partial max_uploaders =
+- let partial_block = ref (-1) in
+- let partial_remaining = ref 0 in
+- for i = 0 to up.up_ncomplete - 1 do
+- let n = up.up_complete_blocks.(i) in
+-(* TODO move this after the first if... *)
+- let t_index = t.t_chunk_of_block.(n) in
+- let bs = List.filter (fun s_index ->
+- s.s_verified_bitmap.[s_index] = '2'
+- ) t.t_blocks_of_chunk.(t_index) in
+- let nbs = List.length bs in
+-(* TODO remove this *)
+- let b = should_download_block s n in
++(* to evaluate the relative rarity of a block, we must compare it to
++ the availability of *all* blocks, not only those available from
++ that uploader *)
++ let sum_availability = Array.fold_left (+) 0 s.s_availability in
++ let mean_availability = sum_availability / Array.length s.s_blocks in
+- if !verbose_swarming then
+- lprintf_nl2 " test %d %c %d %b %d"
+- n s.s_verified_bitmap.[n] s.s_nuploading.(n)
+- b nbs;
++ let my_t = if t.t_verifier <> NoVerification then t else
++ match s.s_networks with
++ | tprim :: _ ->
++ assert(tprim.t_primary);
++ tprim
++ | [] -> assert false in
++ let verification_available = my_t.t_verifier <> NoVerification in
+- if s.s_verified_bitmap.[n] < '2' &&
+- s.s_nuploading.(n) < max_uploaders &&
+- should_download_block s n then
++ let several_frontends = List.length s.s_networks > 1 in
++ (* many results may not be useful, evaluate them as needed *)
++ let completed_blocks_in_chunk =
++ Array.init my_t.t_nchunks (fun i ->
++ lazy (
++ List.fold_left (fun acc b ->
++ if s.s_verified_bitmap.[b] = '2' then acc + 1 else acc
++ ) 0 my_t.t_blocks_of_chunk.(i))) in
+- if (!partial_block = -1 || !partial_remaining < nbs)
+- then
+- begin
+- partial_block := i;
+- partial_remaining := nbs
+- end
+- done;
+- if !partial_block <> -1 then begin
+- if !verbose_swarming then
+- lprintf_n () "PartialChunk won for %d waiting blocks"
+- !partial_remaining;
+- raise (BlockFound !partial_block)
+- end
+- in
++ let preview_beginning = 10000000L in
++ let preview_end = (s.s_size ** 98L) // 100L in
+- if my_t.t_verifier <> NoVerification then begin
+- download_partial max_nuploaders;
+- end;
+- end;
++ (* sources_per_chunk was initially for edonkey only *)
++ let data_per_source = 9728000L // (Int64.of_int !!sources_per_chunk) in
+-(************* Download rarest first only if other blocks are much more
+- available *)
++ let need_to_complete_some_blocks_quickly = true
++ (* verification_available && t.t_nverified_chunks < 2 *) in
+- if debug_all then lprintf "{Rarest}";
++ (** > 0 == c1 is best, < 0 = c2 is best, 0 == they're equivalent *)
++ let compare_choices c1 c2 =
+- let sum_availability = ref 0 in
+- let min_availability = ref max_int in
+- for i = 0 to up.up_ncomplete - 1 do
+- let n = up.up_complete_blocks.(i) in
+- sum_availability := !sum_availability +
+- s.s_availability.(n);
+- min_availability := min !min_availability
+- s.s_availability.(n);
+- done;
++ (* avoid overly unbalanced situations *)
++ let cmp =
++ if c1.choice_remaining_per_uploader < data_per_source ||
++ c2.choice_remaining_per_uploader < data_per_source then
++ compare c1.choice_remaining_per_uploader
++ c2.choice_remaining_per_uploader else 0 in
++ if cmp <> 0 then cmp else
+- let mean_availability =
+- !sum_availability / up.up_ncomplete in
++ (* Do what Master asked for *)
++ let cmp = compare c1.choice_user_priority c2.choice_user_priority in
++ if cmp <> 0 then cmp else
+- if mean_availability > 5 && !min_availability < 3 then
+- for i = 0 to up.up_ncomplete - 1 do
+- let n = up.up_complete_blocks.(i) in
+- if s.s_availability.(n) < 3
+- && should_download_block s n
+- then
+- raise (BlockFound i)
+- done;
++ (* Pick really rare gems *)
++ let cmp =
++ if mean_availability > 5 &&
++ (c1.choice_availability <= 3 || c2.choice_availability <= 3) then
++ compare c2.choice_availability c1.choice_availability
++ else 0 in
++ if cmp <> 0 then cmp else
+-(************* Otherwise, download in random order *)
++ (* try to quickly complete blocks *)
++ let cmp =
++ if need_to_complete_some_blocks_quickly then
++ compare c2.choice_remaining c1.choice_remaining else 0 in
++ if cmp <> 0 then cmp else
+- if debug_all then lprintf "{Random}";
+- let find_random max_uploaders =
+- let list = ref [] in
+- if debug_all then lprintf " {NC: %d}" up.up_ncomplete;
+- for i = 0 to up.up_ncomplete - 1 do
+- let n = up.up_complete_blocks.(i) in
+- if s.s_nuploading.(n) < max_uploaders
+- && should_download_block s n
+- then
+- list := i :: !list
+- done;
+- match !list with
+- [] -> ()
+- | [i] -> raise (BlockFound i)
+- | list ->
+- let array = Array.of_list list in
+- raise (BlockFound (array.(
+- random_int (Array.length array))))
+- in
++ (* try to quickly complete (and validate) chunks *)
++ let cmp =
++ if verification_available && several_frontends then
++ compare (Lazy.force c1.choice_other_complete)
++ (Lazy.force c2.choice_other_complete)
++ else 0 in
++ if cmp <> 0 then cmp else
+- find_random max_nuploaders
++ (* Can't tell *)
++ 0 in
+-(************* Fall back on linear download if nothing worked *)
++ let best_choices = array_fold_lefti (fun acc n b ->
++ (* priority bitmap <> 0 here ? *)
++ if not (should_download_block s b) then acc else
++ let nchunk = my_t.t_chunk_of_block.(b) in
++ let block_begin = compute_block_begin s b in
++ let block_end = compute_block_end s b in
++ let size = block_end -- block_begin in
++ let remaining = match s.s_blocks.(b) with
++ | EmptyBlock -> size
++ | PartialBlock b -> b.block_remaining
++ | CompleteBlock | VerifiedBlock -> 0L in
++ let nuploaders = s.s_nuploading.(b) in
++ let this_choice = {
++ choice_num = n;
++ choice_user_priority = (* priority bitmap here instead ? *)
++ if block_begin < preview_beginning then 3 else
++ if block_end > preview_end then 2 else 1;
++ choice_nuploaders = nuploaders;
++ choice_size = size;
++ choice_remaining = remaining;
++ choice_remaining_per_uploader = remaining //
++ (Int64.of_int (nuploaders + 1)); (* planned value *)
++ choice_other_complete = completed_blocks_in_chunk.(nchunk);
++ choice_availability = s.s_availability.(b);
++ } in
++ match acc with
++ | [] -> [this_choice]
++ | h :: _ ->
++ (* all the choices in the accumulator are supposed to
++ be equivalent, compare against the first *)
++ let cmp = compare_choices this_choice h in
++ if cmp > 0 then [this_choice]
++ else if cmp < 0 then acc
++ else this_choice :: acc
++ ) [] up.up_complete_blocks in
++ (* what about up_partial_blocks ?
++ currently they're taken care of by linear_select_block
++ fallback below *)
+- in
+- iter_max_uploaders !!sources_per_chunk;
+- iter_max_uploaders max_int;
+- raise Not_found
+- with
+- BlockFound n ->
+- if debug_all then lprintf "\nBlockFound %d\n"
+- up.up_complete_blocks.(n);
+- permute_and_return up n
+- end else
+- LinearStrategy.select_block up
++ try
++ let result =
++ match best_choices with
++ | [] -> raise Not_found
++ | [choice] -> choice
++ | _::_ ->
++ let nchoices = List.length best_choices in
++ List.nth best_choices (Random.int nchoices) in
++ let n = result.choice_num in
++ if debug_all then lprintf "\nBlockFound %d\n"
++ up.up_complete_blocks.(n);
++ permute_and_return up n
++ with Not_found ->
++ linear_select_block up
+ with Not_found ->
- let download_partial max_uploaders =
- let partial_block = ref (-1) in
-@@ -2013,14 +1980,14 @@
- in
+ (* print_s "NO BLOCK FOUND" s; *)
+- raise Not_found
++ raise Not_found
- if t.t_verifier <> NoVerification &&
-- t.t_nverified_blocks < 2 then begin
-+ t.t_nverified_chunks < 2 then begin
- download_partial max_nuploaders;
- end;
+-(* *)
+-(* find_block *)
+-(* *)
++(** If uploader is associated to a file being downloaded,
++ clear previously selected block (in any) and select best available
++ block, according to block selection strategy
++ @param up the uploader *)
- (************* Download partial chunks from the verification point of view *)
+ let find_block up =
+ try
+ if debug_all then begin
+- lprintf "C: ";
+- for i = 0 to up.up_ncomplete - 1 do
+- lprintf "%d " up.up_complete_blocks.(i)
+- done;
+- end;
++ lprintf "C: ";
++ for i = 0 to up.up_ncomplete - 1 do
++ lprintf "%d " up.up_complete_blocks.(i)
++ done;
++ end;
- if List.length s.s_networks > 1 then begin
-- if debug_all then lprintf_n () "{PartialChunk}";
-+ if debug_all then lprintf_n "{PartialChunk}";
- let my_t = if t.t_verifier <> NoVerification then t
- else match s.s_networks with t :: _ -> t | _ -> t in
-@@ -2058,7 +2025,7 @@
- done;
- if !partial_block <> -1 then begin
- if !verbose_swarming then
-- lprintf_n () "PartialChunk won for %d waiting blocks"
-+ lprintf_n "PartialChunk won for %d waiting blocks"
- !partial_remaining;
- raise (BlockFound !partial_block)
- end
-@@ -2179,7 +2146,7 @@
+ let t = up.up_t in
+ let s = t.t_s in
+ match file_state t.t_file with
+ | FilePaused
+ | FileAborted _
+- | FileCancelled -> raise Not_found
+- | _ ->
++ | FileCancelled
++ | FileShared
++ | FileNew
++ | FileDownloaded ->
++ raise Not_found
++ | FileDownloading
++ | FileQueued ->
+ (match up.up_block with
+- None -> ()
+- | Some b ->
+- let num = b.block_num in
+- s.s_nuploading.(num) <- s.s_nuploading.(num) - 1;
+- up.up_block <- None;
++ | None -> ()
++ | Some b ->
++ let num = b.block_num in
++ s.s_nuploading.(num) <- s.s_nuploading.(num) - 1;
++ up.up_block <- None;
+ );
+- let (b,block_begin,block_end) (* as result *) = select_block up in
++ let b, block_begin, block_end = select_block up in
+ let num = b.block_num in
+ s.s_nuploading.(num) <- s.s_nuploading.(num) + 1;
+ up.up_block <- Some b;
+@@ -2179,60 +2003,33 @@
if debug_all then lprintf " = %d \n" num;
with e ->
- if debug_all then lprintf_nl () "Exception %s" (Printexc2.to_string e);
-+ if debug_all then lprintf_nl "Exception %s" (Printexc2.to_string e);
- raise e
+- raise e
+-(* *)
+-(* clean_ranges (internal) *)
+-(* *)
++ if debug_all then lprintf_nl "Exception %s" (Printexc2.to_string e);
++ raise e
+-let clean_ranges up =
++(** Remove completed ranges from an uploader's range list, and
++ decrease their reference counter *)
+- let rec iter list left =
+- match list with
+- [] -> List.rev left
+- | ((_,_,r) as rr) :: tail ->
+- iter tail
+- (if r.range_current_begin < r.range_end then rr :: left
+- else begin
+- r.range_nuploading <- r.range_nuploading - 1;
+- left
+- end)
+- in
+- up.up_ranges <- iter up.up_ranges []
++let remove_completed_uploader_ranges up =
++ let not_completed_ranges, completed_ranges =
++ List.partition (fun (_,_,r) ->
++ r.range_begin < r.range_end) up.up_ranges in
++ up.up_ranges <- not_completed_ranges;
++ List.iter (fun (_,_,r) ->
++ r.range_nuploading <- r.range_nuploading - 1) completed_ranges
+-(* *)
+-(* current_ranges *)
+-(* *)
++(** uploader accessors *)
+ let current_ranges up = up.up_ranges
+-(* *)
+-(* current_block *)
+-(* *)
+ let current_block up =
+ match up.up_block with
+- None -> raise Not_found
++ | None -> raise Not_found
+ | Some b -> b
+-(* *)
+-(* in_uploader_ranges *)
+-(* *)
++(** Check whether a range is in a list *)
+-let rec in_uploader_ranges r list =
+- match list with
+- [] -> false
+- | (_,_,r') :: tail when r' == r -> true
+- | _ :: tail -> in_uploader_ranges r tail
++let in_uploader_ranges r list =
++ List.exists (fun (_,_,r') -> r' == r) list
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+@@ -2240,262 +2037,200 @@
+ (* *)
-@@ -2274,7 +2241,7 @@
- up.up_ranges <- up.up_ranges @ [key];
- r.range_nuploading <- r.range_nuploading + 1;
- if r.range_current_begin = r.range_end then
++let uploader_ranges_fold_left f acc l =
++ let rec aux acc l =
++ match l with
++ | [] -> acc
++ | h :: q -> aux (f acc h) q
++ in aux acc l
+ let find_range up =
+- clean_ranges up;
++ remove_completed_uploader_ranges up;
+ let b =
+ match up.up_block with
+- None -> raise Not_found
++ | None -> raise Not_found
+ | Some b -> b
+ in
+- let r = b.block_ranges in
+ let t = up.up_t in
+ match file_state t.t_file with
+ | FilePaused
+ | FileAborted _
+- | FileCancelled -> raise Not_found
+- | _ ->
+- let rec iter limit r =
+-(* let use a very stupid heuristics: ask for the first non-used range.
+-we thus might put a lot of clients on the same range !
++ | FileCancelled
++ | FileShared
++ | FileNew
++ | FileDownloaded ->
++ raise Not_found
++ | FileDownloading
++ | FileQueued ->
++ (* pick the first correct range with fewest uploaders *)
++ let best_range =
++ let rec iter acc r =
++ let better_found =
++ if in_uploader_ranges r up.up_ranges ||
++ r.range_begin = r.range_end ||
++ r.range_begin < up.up_block_begin ||
++ r.range_end > up.up_block_end then
++ false
++ else
++ match acc with
++ | None -> true
++ | Some best_range ->
++ best_range.range_nuploading > r.range_nuploading in
++ (* fast exit, and why I didn't use an iterator :/ *)
++ if better_found && r.range_nuploading = 0 then Some r
++ else
++ let acc = if better_found then Some r else acc in
++ match r.range_next with
++ | None -> acc
++ | Some rr -> iter acc rr in
++ iter None b.block_ranges in
++ match best_range with
++ | None -> raise Not_found
++ | Some r ->
++ let key = r.range_begin, r.range_end, r in
++ up.up_ranges <- up.up_ranges @ [key];
++ r.range_nuploading <- r.range_nuploading + 1;
++ key
+- if not (in_uploader_ranges r up.up_ranges) &&
+- r.range_current_begin < r.range_end &&
+- r.range_current_begin >= up.up_block_begin &&
+- r.range_end <= up.up_block_end &&
+- r.range_nuploading < limit
+- then begin
+- let key = r.range_current_begin, r.range_end, r in
+- up.up_ranges <- up.up_ranges @ [key];
+- r.range_nuploading <- r.range_nuploading + 1;
+- if r.range_current_begin = r.range_end then
- lprintf_nl () "error: range is empty error";
-+ lprintf_nl "error: range is empty error";
- key
- end else
- match r.range_next with
-@@ -2309,7 +2276,7 @@
+- key
+- end else
+- match r.range_next with
+- None -> raise Not_found
+- | Some rr -> iter limit rr
+- in
+- try
+-(* try normal ranges *)
+- iter !!sources_per_chunk r
+- with Not_found ->
+-(* force maximal uploading otherwise to finish it *)
+- iter max_int r
++(** range accessor(s) *)
+-(* *)
+-(* range_range *)
+-(* *)
++let range_range r = (r.range_begin, r.range_end)
+-let range_range r = (r.range_current_begin, r.range_end)
++(** Data has been received from uploader [up]. Transfer data to file
++ and update uploader ranges.
++ Data = String.sub [str] [string_begin] [string_len] *)
+-(* *)
+-(* received *)
+-(* *)
++let received up file_begin str string_begin string_len =
++ assert (string_begin >= 0);
++ assert (string_len >= 0);
++ assert (string_begin + string_len <= String.length str);
+-let received (up : uploader) (file_begin : Int64.t)
+- (str:string) (string_begin:int) (string_len:int) =
++ let debug_bad_write r string_pos =
++ if !verbose then begin
++ let t = up.up_t in
++ let s = t.t_s in
++ lprintf_nl "BAD WRITE in %s for range %Ld-%Ld (string_pos %d)"
++ (file_best_name t.t_file) r.range_begin r.range_end string_pos;
++ lprintf_nl " received: file_pos:%Ld string:%d %d"
++ file_begin string_begin string_len;
++ lprintf_nl " ranges:";
++ List.iter (fun (_,_,r) ->
++ lprintf_n " range: %Ld-%Ld"
++ r.range_begin
++ r.range_end;
++ (match r.range_next with
++ | None -> ()
++ | Some rr ->
++ lprintf " next: %Ld" rr.range_begin);
++ (match r.range_prev with
++ | None -> ()
++ | Some rr ->
++ lprintf " prev: %Ld" rr.range_begin);
++ lprint_newline ();
++ let b = r.range_block in
++ lprintf_n " block: %d[%c] %Ld-%Ld [%s]"
++ b.block_num
++ s.s_verified_bitmap.[b.block_num]
++ b.block_begin b.block_end
++ (match s.s_blocks.(b.block_num) with
++ | EmptyBlock -> "empty"
++ | PartialBlock _ -> "partial"
++ | CompleteBlock -> "complete"
++ | VerifiedBlock -> "verified"
++ );
++ let br = b.block_ranges in
++ lprintf " first range: %Ld(%Ld)"
++ br.range_begin
++ (br.range_end -- br.range_begin);
++ lprint_newline ();
++ ) up.up_ranges
++ end;
++ if !exit_on_error then exit 2 in *)
+ if string_len > 0 then
let file_end = file_begin ++ (Int64.of_int string_len) in
if !verbose_swarming then
@@ -1399,70 +3138,262 @@
(* TODO: check that everything we received has been required *)
let t = up.up_t in
-@@ -2340,13 +2307,13 @@
- string_len < string_length then begin
- if !verbose then
- begin
+ let s = t.t_s in
+- try
+- List.iter (fun (_,_,r) ->
+- if r.range_current_begin < file_end &&
+- r.range_end > file_begin then begin
+- let file_end = min file_end r.range_end in
+- let written_len = file_end -- r.range_current_begin in
+- begin
+- match file_state t.t_file with
+- | FilePaused
+- | FileAborted _
+- | FileCancelled -> ()
+- | _ ->
+- let string_pos = string_begin +
+- Int64.to_int (r.range_current_begin -- file_begin) in
+- let string_length = Int64.to_int written_len in
+- if
+- string_pos < 0 ||
+- string_pos < string_begin ||
+- string_len < string_length then begin
+- if !verbose then
+- begin
- lprintf_nl () "BAD WRITE in %s for range %Ld-%Ld (string_pos %d)"
-+ lprintf_nl "BAD WRITE in %s for range %Ld-%Ld (string_pos %d)"
- (file_best_name t.t_file) r.range_begin r.range_end string_pos;
+- (file_best_name t.t_file) r.range_begin r.range_end string_pos;
- lprintf_nl () " received: file_pos:%Ld string:%d %d"
-+ lprintf_nl " received: file_pos:%Ld string:%d %d"
- file_begin string_begin string_len;
+- file_begin string_begin string_len;
- lprintf_nl () " ranges:";
-+ lprintf_nl " ranges:";
- List.iter (fun (_,_,r) ->
+- List.iter (fun (_,_,r) ->
- lprintf_n () " range: %Ld-[%Ld]-%Ld"
-+ lprintf_n " range: %Ld-[%Ld]-%Ld"
- r.range_begin r.range_current_begin
- r.range_end;
- (match r.range_next with
-@@ -2359,7 +2326,7 @@
- lprintf " prev: %Ld" rr.range_begin);
- lprint_newline ();
- let b = r.range_block in
+- r.range_begin r.range_current_begin
+- r.range_end;
+- (match r.range_next with
+- None -> ()
+- | Some rr ->
+- lprintf " next: %Ld" rr.range_begin);
+- (match r.range_prev with
+- None -> ()
+- | Some rr ->
+- lprintf " prev: %Ld" rr.range_begin);
+- lprint_newline ();
+- let b = r.range_block in
- lprintf_n () " block: %d[%c] %Ld-%Ld [%s]"
-+ lprintf_n " block: %d[%c] %Ld-%Ld [%s]"
- b.block_num
- s.s_verified_bitmap.[b.block_num]
- b.block_begin b.block_end
-@@ -2408,7 +2375,7 @@
- let rec iter_block_out i block_begin list =
- if debug_present_chunks then
+- b.block_num
+- s.s_verified_bitmap.[b.block_num]
+- b.block_begin b.block_end
+- (match s.s_blocks.(b.block_num) with
+- EmptyBlock -> "empty"
+- | PartialBlock _ -> "partial"
+- | CompleteBlock -> "complete"
+- | VerifiedBlock -> "verified"
+- );
+- let br = b.block_ranges in
+- lprintf " first range: %Ld(%Ld)"
+- br.range_begin
+- (br.range_end -- br.range_current_begin);
+- lprint_newline ();
+- ) up.up_ranges;
+- end;
+- if !exit_on_error then exit 2
+- end else
+- if string_length > 0 then
+- match s.s_networks with
+- [] -> assert false
+- | t :: _ when t.t_primary ->
+- file_write t.t_file
+- r.range_current_begin
+- str string_pos string_length;
+- | _ -> ()
+- end;
+- range_received (Some t) r r.range_current_begin file_end;
+- end
+- ) up.up_ranges;
+- clean_ranges up
+- with e ->
+- raise e
+-(* *)
+-(* present_chunks *)
+-(* *)
+-let present_chunks s =
+- let nblocks = Array.length s.s_blocks in
+-(* lprintf "present_chunks...%d blocks\n" nblocks; *)
+- let rec iter_block_out i block_begin list =
+- if debug_present_chunks then
- lprintf_nl () "iter_block_out %d bb: %Ld"
-+ lprintf_nl "iter_block_out %d bb: %Ld"
- i block_begin;
- if i = nblocks then List.rev list else
-@@ -2424,7 +2391,7 @@
- and iter_block_in i block_begin chunk_begin list =
- if debug_present_chunks then
+- i block_begin;
+- if i = nblocks then List.rev list else
+- let block_end = compute_block_end s i in
+- match s.s_blocks.(i) with
+- EmptyBlock ->
+- iter_block_out (i+1) block_end list
+- | CompleteBlock | VerifiedBlock ->
+- let block_begin = compute_block_begin s i in
+- iter_block_in (i+1) block_end block_begin list
+- | PartialBlock b ->
+- iter_range_out i block_end block_begin b.block_ranges list
+- and iter_block_in i block_begin chunk_begin list =
+- if debug_present_chunks then
- lprintf_nl () "iter_block_in %d bb: %Ld cb:%Ld"
-+ lprintf_nl "iter_block_in %d bb: %Ld cb:%Ld"
- i block_begin chunk_begin
- ;
-@@ -2444,7 +2411,7 @@
- and iter_range_out i block_end block_begin r list =
- if debug_present_chunks then
+- i block_begin chunk_begin
+- ;
+- if i = nblocks then
+- let list = (chunk_begin, s.s_size) :: list in
+- List.rev list
+- else
+- let block_end = compute_block_end s i in
+- match s.s_blocks.(i) with
+- EmptyBlock ->
+- iter_block_out (i+1) block_end ( (chunk_begin, block_begin) :: list)
+- | CompleteBlock | VerifiedBlock ->
+- iter_block_in (i+1) block_end chunk_begin list
+- | PartialBlock b ->
+- iter_range_in i block_end
+- chunk_begin block_begin b.block_ranges list
++ match file_state t.t_file with
++ | FilePaused
++ | FileAborted _
++ | FileCancelled
++ | FileShared
++ | FileNew
++ | FileDownloaded ->
++ if !verbose then
++ lprintf_nl "CommonSwarming.received: wrong file state";
++ ()
++ | FileDownloading
++ | FileQueued ->
++ try
++ List.iter (fun (_,_,r) ->
++ (* was: r.range_begin < file_end && r.range_end > file_begin *)
++ if r.range_begin >= file_begin &&
++ r.range_begin < file_end then
++ let file_end = min file_end r.range_end in
++ let written_len = file_end -- r.range_begin in
++ let string_pos = string_begin +
++ Int64.to_int (r.range_begin -- file_begin) in
++ let string_length = Int64.to_int written_len in
++ (* None of those conditions can happen anymore *)
++(* if string_pos < 0 ||
++ string_pos < string_begin ||
++ string_len < string_length then
++ debug_bad_write r string_pos
++ else *)
++ if string_length > 0 then
++ match s.s_networks with
++ | [] -> assert false
++ | tprim :: _ ->
++ assert (tprim.t_primary);
++ file_write tprim.t_file
++ r.range_begin
++ str string_pos string_length;
++ range_received (Some t) r r.range_begin file_end;
++ ) up.up_ranges;
++ remove_completed_uploader_ranges up
++ with e ->
++ remove_completed_uploader_ranges up;
++ raise e
+- and iter_range_out i block_end block_begin r list =
+- if debug_present_chunks then
- lprintf_nl () "iter_range_out %d nb: %Ld bb:%Ld"
-+ lprintf_nl "iter_range_out %d nb: %Ld bb:%Ld"
- i block_end block_begin;
- if r.range_begin > block_begin then
-@@ -2476,7 +2443,7 @@
- and iter_range_in i block_end chunk_begin chunk_end r list =
- if debug_present_chunks then
+- i block_end block_begin;
++(** compute the list of present intervals of a swarmer *)
+- if r.range_begin > block_begin then
+- iter_range_in i block_end block_begin r.range_begin r list
++let present_intervals s =
++ (* intervals is a reversed list of intervals *)
++ let append_interval ((interval_begin, interval_end) as interval) intervals =
++ (* remove void intervals *)
++ if interval_begin = interval_end then intervals
+ else
++ match intervals with
++ | [] -> [interval]
++ | (last_interval_begin, last_interval_end) :: other_intervals ->
++ if last_interval_end < interval_begin then
++ interval :: intervals
++ else
++ (* coalescing intervals *)
++ (last_interval_begin, interval_end) :: other_intervals in
+- if r.range_current_begin > block_begin then begin
+- if r.range_current_begin < r.range_end then
+- let list = (r.range_begin, r.range_current_begin) :: list in
+- match r.range_next with
+- None ->
+- iter_block_out (i+1) block_end list
+- | Some rr ->
+- iter_range_out i block_end r.range_end rr list
+- else
+- match r.range_next with
+- None ->
+- iter_block_in (i+1) block_end r.range_begin list
+- | Some rr ->
+- iter_range_in i block_end
+- r.range_begin r.range_end rr list
+- end else
+- match r.range_next with
+- None ->
+- iter_block_out (i+1) block_end list
+- | Some rr ->
+- iter_range_out i block_end r.range_end rr list
+- and iter_range_in i block_end chunk_begin chunk_end r list =
+- if debug_present_chunks then
- lprintf_nl () "iter_range_in %d bn: %Ld cb:%Ld ce: %Ld"
-+ lprintf_nl "iter_range_in %d bn: %Ld cb:%Ld ce: %Ld"
- i block_end chunk_begin chunk_end;
+- i block_end chunk_begin chunk_end;
+- if r.range_current_begin < r.range_end then
+- let list = (chunk_begin, r.range_current_begin) :: list in
+- match r.range_next with
+- None ->
+- iter_block_out (i+1) block_end list
+- | Some rr ->
+- iter_range_out i block_end r.range_end rr list
+- else
+- match r.range_next with
+- None ->
+- iter_block_in (i+1) block_end chunk_begin list
+- | Some rr ->
+- iter_range_in i block_end chunk_begin r.range_end rr list
+- in
+- let chunks = iter_block_out 0 zero [] in
+-(* lprintf "present_chunks done\n"; *)
+- chunks
++ List.rev (
++ array_fold_lefti (fun acc i b ->
++ match s.s_blocks.(i) with
++ | EmptyBlock -> acc
++ | CompleteBlock | VerifiedBlock ->
++ append_interval (compute_block_begin s i, compute_block_end s i) acc
++ | PartialBlock b ->
++ let acc, last_interval_end =
++ block_ranges_fold (fun (acc, lie) r ->
++ (append_interval (lie, r.range_begin) acc, r.range_end)
++ ) (acc, compute_block_begin s i) b in
++ append_interval (last_interval_end, compute_block_end s i) acc
++ ) [] s.s_blocks)
- if r.range_current_begin < r.range_end then
-@@ -2550,7 +2517,7 @@
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+@@ -2550,7 +2285,7 @@
sw := (t, i, pos) :: !sw;
iter (i+1) len (pos ++ bsize) bsize size
@@ -1471,7 +3402,7 @@
) swarmers_by_num;
Hashtbl.iter (fun c (has, has_not) ->
match !has, !has_not with
-@@ -2600,7 +2567,7 @@
+@@ -2600,7 +2335,7 @@
match bitmap.[i] with
| '2' ->
if t.t_converted_verified_bitmap.[i] < '2' then begin
@@ -1480,7 +3411,7 @@
t.t_converted_verified_bitmap.[i] <- '2'
-@@ -2625,7 +2592,7 @@
+@@ -2625,7 +2360,7 @@
) t.t_blocks_of_chunk.(i);
if t.t_converted_verified_bitmap.[i] <> '3' then
@@ -1489,7 +3420,16 @@
| _ -> ()
-@@ -2794,7 +2761,7 @@
+@@ -2746,7 +2481,7 @@
+ let set_present t = set_present t.t_s
+ let set_absent t = set_absent t.t_s
+-let present_chunks t = present_chunks t.t_s
++let present_intervals t = present_intervals t.t_s
+ let print_t str t = print_s str t.t_s
+ let print_uploaders t = print_uploaders t.t_s
+@@ -2794,7 +2529,7 @@
(get_value "file_all_chunks" value_to_string)
with e ->
@@ -1498,7 +3438,7 @@
(Printexc2.to_string e);
-@@ -2804,7 +2771,7 @@
+@@ -2804,7 +2539,7 @@
if primary then begin
@@ -1507,7 +3447,7 @@
let present = try
let present =
(get_value "file_present_chunks"
-@@ -2813,46 +2780,46 @@
+@@ -2813,46 +2548,46 @@
set_present t present;
with e ->
@@ -1547,8 +3487,9 @@
+ lprintf_nl " (%Ld,%Ld);" x y
) present;
- let p = present_chunks t in
+- let p = present_chunks t in
- lprintf_nl () "ERROR: present now:";
++ let p = present_intervals t in
+ lprintf_nl "ERROR: present now:";
let total = ref zero in
@@ -1566,7 +3507,16 @@
if !exit_on_error then exit 2
-@@ -2955,7 +2922,7 @@
+@@ -2893,7 +2628,7 @@
+ ("file_present_chunks", List
+ (List.map (fun (i1,i2) ->
+ SmallList [int64_to_value i1; int64_to_value i2])
+- (present_chunks t))) ::
++ (present_intervals t))) ::
+ ("file_downloaded", int64_to_value (downloaded t)) ::
+ ("file_chunks_age", List (Array.to_list
+@@ -2955,27 +2690,28 @@
let s1 = HS.find swarmers_by_name { dummy_swarmer with s_filename = file_disk_name f1 } in
let s2 = HS.find swarmers_by_name { dummy_swarmer with s_filename = file_disk_name f2 } in
@@ -1575,16 +3525,34 @@
failwith "Files are already sharing their swarmer";
if s1.s_size <> s2.s_size then
-@@ -2964,7 +2931,7 @@
- let t2 = match s2.s_networks with
- [t] -> t
+ failwith "Files don't have the same size";
+- let t2 = match s2.s_networks with
+- [t] -> t
++ let t2 =
++ match s2.s_networks with
++ | [t] -> t
| list ->
- lprintf_nl () "s_networks: %d files" (List.length list);
+ lprintf_nl "s_networks: %d files" (List.length list);
failwith "Second file is already merged with other files"
-@@ -3012,7 +2979,7 @@
+ let t1 =
+ match s1.s_networks with
+- [] -> assert false
++ | [] -> assert false
+ | t1 :: _ ->
+ match t1.t_verifier with
+- NoVerification ->
++ | NoVerification | VerificationNotAvailable ->
+ failwith "Cannot use first file as a primary for swarming (no verification scheme)"
+- | _ -> t1
++ | Verification _ | ForceVerification -> t1
+ in
+ begin
+@@ -3012,7 +2748,7 @@
None -> ()
| Some sw -> if not (has_secondaries sw)
then HS.remove swarmers_by_name sw.t_s
@@ -1593,7 +3561,7 @@
(* *)
-@@ -3037,7 +3004,7 @@
+@@ -3037,7 +2773,7 @@
let get_value name conv = conv (List.assoc name assocs) in
let file_size = get_value "file_size" value_to_int64 in
let file_name = get_value "file_name" value_to_string in
@@ -1602,7 +3570,7 @@
let block_sizes = get_value "file_chunk_sizes"
(value_to_list value_to_int64) in
List.iter (fun bsize ->
-@@ -3053,7 +3020,7 @@
+@@ -3053,7 +2789,7 @@
("file_name", string_to_value s.s_filename);
("file_bitmap", string_to_value s.s_verified_bitmap);
("file_chunk_sizes", list_to_value int64_to_value
@@ -1611,16 +3579,19 @@
let t =
-@@ -3190,7 +3157,7 @@
+@@ -3189,9 +2925,8 @@
+ Array.length up.up_complete_blocks * 4 +
List.length up.up_ranges * (12 + 16 + 12 + 12 + 4) +
Array.length up.up_partial_blocks * (16 + 12 + 12) +
- (8 + match up.up_chunks with
+- (8 + match up.up_chunks with
- AvailableRanges list -> List.length list * (12 + 12 + 12 + 12)
-+ AvailableIntervals list -> List.length list * (12 + 12 + 12 + 12)
- | AvailableCharBitmap s -> 8 + String.length s
+- | AvailableCharBitmap s -> 8 + String.length s
++ (8 + match up.up_intervals with
++ | AvailableIntervals list -> List.length list * (12 + 12 + 12 + 12)
| AvailableBitv b -> let ws = Sys.word_size in (ws/8) + ((ws / 8) * (Bitv.length b / (ws - 2)))
) ;
-@@ -3211,7 +3178,7 @@
+ incr counter;
+@@ -3211,7 +2946,7 @@
if bitmap.[i] <> '3' then raise Not_found;
if file_size file <> downloaded t then
diff --git a/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__networks__bittorrent__bTClients.ml b/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__networks__bittorrent__bTClients.ml
index a2f71c0dd5ed..32d17dffb4a9 100644
--- a/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__networks__bittorrent__bTClients.ml
+++ b/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__networks__bittorrent__bTClients.ml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
--- ./src/networks/bittorrent/bTClients.ml.orig Sat Apr 8 21:26:40 2006
-+++ ./src/networks/bittorrent/bTClients.ml Thu Apr 20 11:04:03 2006
++++ ./src/networks/bittorrent/bTClients.ml Sun May 7 06:39:10 2006
@@ -561,7 +561,7 @@
match c.client_uploader with
None ->
@@ -9,3 +9,12 @@
c.client_uploader <- Some up;
| Some up ->
+@@ -581,7 +581,7 @@
+ let chunks = c.client_new_chunks in
+ c.client_new_chunks <- [];
+ List.iter (fun n -> Bitv.set bitmap n true) chunks;
+- CommonSwarming.update_uploader up (AvailableBitv bitmap);
++ CommonSwarming.update_uploader_intervals up (AvailableBitv bitmap);
+ end
diff --git a/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__networks__bittorrent__bTGlobals.ml b/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__networks__bittorrent__bTGlobals.ml
index 102d6d5309f2..ea6fd3ae6861 100644
--- a/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__networks__bittorrent__bTGlobals.ml
+++ b/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__networks__bittorrent__bTGlobals.ml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
--- ./src/networks/bittorrent/bTGlobals.ml.orig Sat Apr 8 21:26:40 2006
-+++ ./src/networks/bittorrent/bTGlobals.ml Thu Apr 20 11:04:03 2006
++++ ./src/networks/bittorrent/bTGlobals.ml Sun May 7 06:39:10 2006
@@ -252,8 +252,7 @@
set_trackers file [t.torrent_announce];
diff --git a/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__networks__bittorrent__bTInteractive.ml b/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__networks__bittorrent__bTInteractive.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..042bd2527c33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__networks__bittorrent__bTInteractive.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- ./src/networks/bittorrent/bTInteractive.ml.orig Sat Apr 8 21:26:40 2006
++++ ./src/networks/bittorrent/bTInteractive.ml Sun May 7 06:39:10 2006
+@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@
+ None ->
+ lprintf_nl () "verify_chunks: no swarmer to verify chunks"
+ | Some swarmer ->
+- CommonSwarming.verify_all_chunks swarmer true
++ CommonSwarming.verify_all_chunks_immediately swarmer
+ let remove_all_clients file =
+ Hashtbl.clear file.file_clients;
diff --git a/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__networks__donkey__donkeyGlobals.ml b/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__networks__donkey__donkeyGlobals.ml
index 89ca630ee593..d77815e99d71 100644
--- a/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__networks__donkey__donkeyGlobals.ml
+++ b/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__networks__donkey__donkeyGlobals.ml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
--- ./src/networks/donkey/donkeyGlobals.ml.orig Sat Apr 8 21:26:40 2006
-+++ ./src/networks/donkey/donkeyGlobals.ml Thu Apr 20 11:04:03 2006
++++ ./src/networks/donkey/donkeyGlobals.ml Sun May 7 06:39:10 2006
@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@
(match file_state with
FileShared -> ()
diff --git a/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__networks__donkey__donkeyInteractive.ml b/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__networks__donkey__donkeyInteractive.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..eba8b14f2c85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__networks__donkey__donkeyInteractive.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+--- ./src/networks/donkey/donkeyInteractive.ml.orig Sat Apr 8 21:26:40 2006
++++ ./src/networks/donkey/donkeyInteractive.ml Sun May 7 06:39:10 2006
+@@ -507,7 +507,7 @@
+ match file.file_swarmer with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some swarmer ->
+- CommonSwarming.verify_all_chunks swarmer false
++ CommonSwarming.verify_all_chunks swarmer
+ (*
+ if file.file_chunks <> [||] then
+@@ -613,7 +613,7 @@
+ match file.file_swarmer with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some swarmer ->
+- CommonSwarming.verify_all_chunks swarmer true
++ CommonSwarming.verify_all_chunks_immediately swarmer
+ let register_commands list =
+ register_commands
diff --git a/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__networks__donkey__donkeyOneFile.ml b/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__networks__donkey__donkeyOneFile.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4c637046e7c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__networks__donkey__donkeyOneFile.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+--- ./src/networks/donkey/donkeyOneFile.ml.orig Sat Apr 8 21:26:40 2006
++++ ./src/networks/donkey/donkeyOneFile.ml Sun May 7 06:39:10 2006
+@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@
+ (f, chunks, up) :: tail ->
+ if f != file then iter tail
+ else begin
+- CommonSwarming.update_uploader up
++ CommonSwarming.update_uploader_intervals up
+ (AvailableBitv client_chunks);
+ Bitv.blit client_chunks 0 chunks 0 (Bitv.length chunks)
+ end
+@@ -239,8 +239,7 @@
+ match c.client_download with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some (file, up) ->
+- CommonSwarming.clear_uploader_block up;
+- CommonSwarming.clear_uploader_ranges up;
++ CommonSwarming.unregister_uploader up;
+ c.client_download <- None
+ let send_get_range_request c file ranges =
diff --git a/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__networks__fasttrack__fasttrackGlobals.ml b/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__networks__fasttrack__fasttrackGlobals.ml
index ac6d26d4727e..bc8f3c9016b8 100644
--- a/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__networks__fasttrack__fasttrackGlobals.ml
+++ b/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__networks__fasttrack__fasttrackGlobals.ml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
--- ./src/networks/fasttrack/fasttrackGlobals.ml.orig Sat Apr 8 21:26:41 2006
-+++ ./src/networks/fasttrack/fasttrackGlobals.ml Thu Apr 20 11:04:04 2006
++++ ./src/networks/fasttrack/fasttrackGlobals.ml Sun May 7 06:39:10 2006
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@
diff --git a/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__networks__fileTP__fileTPClients.ml b/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__networks__fileTP__fileTPClients.ml
index 59f80b180cd5..782bdd8ce2b4 100644
--- a/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__networks__fileTP__fileTPClients.ml
+++ b/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__networks__fileTP__fileTPClients.ml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
--- ./src/networks/fileTP/fileTPClients.ml.orig Sat Apr 8 21:26:41 2006
-+++ ./src/networks/fileTP/fileTPClients.ml Thu Apr 20 11:04:04 2006
++++ ./src/networks/fileTP/fileTPClients.ml Sun May 7 06:39:10 2006
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@
let chunks = [ Int64.zero, file_size file ] in
let up = CommonSwarming.register_uploader swarmer
diff --git a/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__networks__fileTP__fileTPGlobals.ml b/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__networks__fileTP__fileTPGlobals.ml
index acff5b205afa..1157c2b505aa 100644
--- a/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__networks__fileTP__fileTPGlobals.ml
+++ b/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__networks__fileTP__fileTPGlobals.ml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
--- ./src/networks/fileTP/fileTPGlobals.ml.orig Mon Apr 10 16:16:13 2006
-+++ ./src/networks/fileTP/fileTPGlobals.ml Thu Apr 20 11:04:04 2006
++++ ./src/networks/fileTP/fileTPGlobals.ml Sun May 7 06:39:10 2006
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
file.file_file.impl_file_size <- size;
diff --git a/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__networks__gnutella__gnutellaClients.ml b/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__networks__gnutella__gnutellaClients.ml
index 08f39cd1cd1c..4114d5b6bb15 100644
--- a/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__networks__gnutella__gnutellaClients.ml
+++ b/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__networks__gnutella__gnutellaClients.ml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
--- ./src/networks/gnutella/gnutellaClients.ml.orig Sat Apr 8 21:26:41 2006
-+++ ./src/networks/gnutella/gnutellaClients.ml Thu Apr 20 11:04:04 2006
++++ ./src/networks/gnutella/gnutellaClients.ml Sun May 7 06:39:10 2006
@@ -479,7 +479,7 @@
let chunks = [ Int64.zero, file_size file ] in
let up = CommonSwarming.register_uploader swarmer
diff --git a/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__networks__gnutella__gnutellaComplexOptions.ml b/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__networks__gnutella__gnutellaComplexOptions.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5741b618eecd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__networks__gnutella__gnutellaComplexOptions.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- ./src/networks/gnutella/gnutellaComplexOptions.ml.orig Sat Apr 8 21:26:41 2006
++++ ./src/networks/gnutella/gnutellaComplexOptions.ml Sun May 7 06:39:10 2006
+@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
+ (* "file_present_chunks", List
+ (List.map (fun (i1,i2) ->
+ SmallList [int64_to_value i1; int64_to_value i2])
+- (CommonSwarming.present_chunks file.file_swarmer));
++ (CommonSwarming.present_intervals file.file_swarmer));
+ *)
+ ]
+ in
diff --git a/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__networks__gnutella__gnutellaGlobals.ml b/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__networks__gnutella__gnutellaGlobals.ml
index 542accb7434d..ae3de29be1cf 100644
--- a/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__networks__gnutella__gnutellaGlobals.ml
+++ b/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__networks__gnutella__gnutellaGlobals.ml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
--- ./src/networks/gnutella/gnutellaGlobals.ml.orig Sat Apr 8 21:26:41 2006
-+++ ./src/networks/gnutella/gnutellaGlobals.ml Thu Apr 20 11:04:04 2006
++++ ./src/networks/gnutella/gnutellaGlobals.ml Sun May 7 06:39:10 2006
@@ -325,8 +325,7 @@
if !verbose then
diff --git a/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__networks__gnutella__gnutellaInteractive.ml b/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__networks__gnutella__gnutellaInteractive.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..10805c7364ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-p2p/mldonkey-devel/files/patch-src__networks__gnutella__gnutellaInteractive.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- ./src/networks/gnutella/gnutellaInteractive.ml.orig Sat Apr 8 21:26:41 2006
++++ ./src/networks/gnutella/gnutellaInteractive.ml Sun May 7 06:39:10 2006
+@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@
+ match file.file_ttr with
+ None -> failwith "No TTR for verification"
+ | Some ttt ->
+- CommonSwarming.verify_all_chunks swarmer true
++ CommonSwarming.verify_all_chunks_immediately swarmer
+ );
+ file_ops.op_file_recover <- (fun file ->