path: root/ports-mgmt/portmaster
diff options
authorDoug Barton <dougb@FreeBSD.org>2010-01-24 06:17:48 +0000
committerDoug Barton <dougb@FreeBSD.org>2010-01-24 06:17:48 +0000
commitc63b6cd8a66ba90c2783102a19120a34365ded15 (patch)
tree29684bee3e03cd9136d92447a0f09d3b34c63e6d /ports-mgmt/portmaster
parent3b044c801abe3753e0d0c20a020f5c0493a4f161 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'ports-mgmt/portmaster')
1 files changed, 32 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/ports-mgmt/portmaster/files/portmaster.8 b/ports-mgmt/portmaster/files/portmaster.8
index 5fba08a3f1f8..95b586d504ef 100644
--- a/ports-mgmt/portmaster/files/portmaster.8
+++ b/ports-mgmt/portmaster/files/portmaster.8
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-.\" Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Doug Barton dougb@FreeBSD.org
+.\" Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Doug Barton dougb@FreeBSD.org
.\" All rights reserved.
.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
.\" $FreeBSD$
-.Dd December 3, 2009
+.Dd January 23, 2010
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ Common Flags:
.Op Fl -delete-build-only
.Op Fl -always-fetch
.Op Fl -local-packagedir=<path>
+.Op Fl -no-confirm
.Op Fl m Ar arguments for make
.Op Fl x Ar glob pattern to exclude from building
@@ -133,7 +134,7 @@ including what is located in
.Pa /var/db/pkg .
The focus of this tool is to keep the dependency
tracking information for your ports up to date.
-This allows you to update a specific port without
+This allows you to safely update a specific port without
having to update all of the ports
.Qq above
@@ -145,7 +146,8 @@ option exists to accomplish this.
By default
-updates the port you specify on the command line
+updates the port you specify on the command line.
+This will occur
whether there is a new version for it or not.
It will first recurse through the port
and all of its dependencies (if any) to handle
@@ -156,25 +158,38 @@ or if the OPTIONS have changed.
You can force dialogs for all ports by using the
.Fl -force-config
-It will then start building all ports that need
While recursing through dependencies,
if you are not using any of the
.Fl -packages*
a 'make checksum' process will be launched
in the background to either verify that the
-correct distfiles are available,
+correct distfiles are available
or start downloading the new ones.
If you stop
with ^C, an attempt will be made to kill off
the child processes started for this purpose.
-If the recursion through the ports for 'make
-config' does not find a port that needs updating
-the dependency check step will be skipped prior
-to building the port specified on the command line.
+While checking dependencies if a port has CONFLICTS
+set they will be compared to your installed ports
+and if you already have an alternate version of the dependency
+that is required by the port you are building
+it will be used in place of the default dependency.
+When the config and dependency checking phase is over the
+user will be presented with a list of ports that will be
+installed and/or upgraded, and asked to approve
+before proceeding.
+This behavior can be supressed with the
+.Fl -no-confirm
+If the dependency check
+does not find a port that needs updating
+that step will be skipped prior
+to building the port(s) specified on the command line.
In addition to this optimization,
information about up-to-date dependencies,
choices made on which ports to build for
@@ -196,12 +211,6 @@ or
.Fl D
-While checking dependencies, if a port has CONFLICTS
-set, the list will be checked against your installed ports,
-and if you have installed an alternate version of a port
-that is required by the port you are building,
-it will be used in place of the default dependency.
There are a number of
.Fl -packages*
options available to save the time that would normally
@@ -292,11 +301,6 @@ The answer is that (unfortunately)
is not omniscient, and cannot guess what resolution the
user would like to have for this problem.
Manual intervention is therefore required.
-Assuming that the failure occurred after the config phase has ended
-(i.e., something has started building),
-the user can save time by adding the
-.Fl G
-option to the command line to skip the config phase the second time through.
The options are as follows:
.Bl -tag -width F1
@@ -406,6 +410,9 @@ in the category subdirectories, such as
.Pa <path>/devel ,
.Pa <path>/ports-mgmt ,
+.It Fl -no-confirm
+do not ask the user to confirm the list of ports to
+be installed and/or updated before proceeding
.It Fl l
list all installed ports by category
.It Fl L
@@ -595,6 +602,9 @@ along with their related options.
# Specify a local package repository (--local-packagedir)
+# Suppress the build confirmation message (--no-confirm)
+# PM_NO_CONFIRM=pm_no_confirm
.It Pa /var/db/pkg/*/+IGNOREME