path: root/ports-mgmt/tinderbox
diff options
authorOlli Hauer <ohauer@FreeBSD.org>2013-12-15 09:09:30 +0000
committerOlli Hauer <ohauer@FreeBSD.org>2013-12-15 09:09:30 +0000
commit89921b4b409ece52a4a71e57d58b4b799e43c88e (patch)
tree55c0e5f5b7720756eff869057bd8c84e61704fe1 /ports-mgmt/tinderbox
parent04df4145233f60e02d1c322cd53bcd2dd620490f (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'ports-mgmt/tinderbox')
3 files changed, 3 insertions, 399 deletions
diff --git a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox/Makefile b/ports-mgmt/tinderbox/Makefile
index e51565e8385f..9d5fdcf724bf 100644
--- a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox/Makefile
+++ b/ports-mgmt/tinderbox/Makefile
@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
# $FreeBSD$
PORTNAME= tinderbox
CATEGORIES= ports-mgmt
MASTER_SITES= http://tinderbox.marcuscom.com/ \
diff --git a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox/distinfo b/ports-mgmt/tinderbox/distinfo
index 72fda26a9747..9a85cbe0d60e 100644
--- a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox/distinfo
+++ b/ports-mgmt/tinderbox/distinfo
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-SHA256 (tinderbox/tinderbox-4.0.1.tar.gz) = 4d49e62bcfd94438f4dce3481fab7d89c86cc200fc73a9c0744ddd01b36bc92e
-SIZE (tinderbox/tinderbox-4.0.1.tar.gz) = 150826
+SHA256 (tinderbox/tinderbox-4.1.0.tar.gz) = b2950034fe66ab36b741b99dc3d59626cef3f75a46b128d77f08e679bf69e5ee
+SIZE (tinderbox/tinderbox-4.1.0.tar.gz) = 151397
diff --git a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox/files/patch-chroot b/ports-mgmt/tinderbox/files/patch-chroot
deleted file mode 100644
index 738d22952edc..000000000000
--- a/ports-mgmt/tinderbox/files/patch-chroot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,395 +0,0 @@
-Calculate dependencies in a chroot
-Index: lib/makemake
-RCS file: /space/cvs/marcuscom-cvs/portstools/tinderbox/lib/makemake,v
-retrieving revision 1.48
-diff -u -r1.48 makemake
---- lib/makemake 6 Nov 2012 21:55:47 -0000 1.48
-+++ lib/makemake 5 Oct 2013 16:30:30 -0000
-@@ -135,11 +135,12 @@
- my (
- %pkgdir, %pkgdeps, %pkgedeps, %pkgpdeps, %pkgfdeps,
- %pkgbdeps, %pkgrdeps, @duds, $portbase, $makecache,
-- %pkgtdeps, %pkgpkgdeps,
-+ %pkgtdeps, %pkgpkgdeps, $chroot,
- );
- $portbase = $ENV{'PORTSDIR'};
--$makecache = new Tinderbox::MakeCache($portbase, $ENV{'PKGSUFFIX'});
-+$chroot = $ENV{'CHROOT'};
-+$makecache = new Tinderbox::MakeCache($portbase, $chroot, $ENV{'PKGSUFFIX'});
- while (scalar(@PORTS)) {
- my $port = shift @PORTS;
-@@ -148,7 +149,7 @@
- next if (defined($pkgdir{$portdir}));
-- $tportdir = "$portbase/$portdir";
-+ $tportdir = "$chroot$portbase/$portdir";
- if (!-d $tportdir) {
- print STDERR "ERROR: Directory $tportdir does not exist.\n";
- if (defined($pkgdeps{$portdir})
-Index: lib/tc_command.pl
-RCS file: /space/cvs/marcuscom-cvs/portstools/tinderbox/lib/tc_command.pl,v
-retrieving revision 1.184
-diff -u -r1.184 tc_command.pl
---- lib/tc_command.pl 28 Apr 2013 20:05:40 -0000 1.184
-+++ lib/tc_command.pl 5 Oct 2013 16:30:31 -0000
-@@ -1536,7 +1536,8 @@
- sub addPortToOneBuild {
- my $build = $ds->getBuildByName($opts->{'b'});
- my $makecache =
-- new Tinderbox::MakeCache($ENV{'PORTSDIR'}, $ENV{'PKGSUFFIX'});
-+ new Tinderbox::MakeCache($ENV{'PORTSDIR'}, $ENV{'CHROOT'},
- my @bports = ();
- if (!$opts->{'d'}) {
-@@ -3414,12 +3415,14 @@
- my $cache = shift;
- my $deps = shift;
-- my $portdir = $ENV{'PORTSDIR'} . "/" . $port;
-+ my $portsdir = $ENV{'CHROOT'} . $ENV{'PORTSDIR'};
-+ my $portdir = $portsdir . "/" . $port;
- return undef if (!-d $portdir);
- # Canonicalize the port directory.
- $port = abs_path($portdir);
-- $port =~ s|$ENV{'PORTSDIR'}/||;
-+ $port =~ s|$portsdir/||;
- if (defined($deps)) {
- my @list;
-Index: lib/tc_command.sh
-RCS file: /space/cvs/marcuscom-cvs/portstools/tinderbox/lib/tc_command.sh,v
-retrieving revision 1.175
-diff -u -r1.175 tc_command.sh
---- lib/tc_command.sh 7 Aug 2013 18:25:52 -0000 1.175
-+++ lib/tc_command.sh 5 Oct 2013 16:30:32 -0000
-@@ -1385,7 +1385,7 @@
- cleanDirs ${buildName} ${BUILD_DIR}
- if [ "${MD_FSTYPE}" = "ufs" -o "${MD_FSTYPE}" = "zfs" ]; then
-- if [ -n "${MD_SIZE}" -a ${MD_SIZE%[a-zA-Z]} -gt 0 ]; then
-+ if [ -n "${MD_SIZE}" ] && [ ${MD_SIZE%[a-zA-Z]} -gt 0 ]; then
- # setup md (ramdisk) backing for the build
- mdconfig -a -t swap -s ${MD_SIZE} > /tmp/tinderbuild_md.${build}
- read MD_UNIT </tmp/tinderbuild_md.${build}
-@@ -1400,7 +1400,7 @@
- fi
- fi
- elif [ "${MD_FSTYPE}" = "tmpfs" ]; then
-- if [ -n "${MD_SIZE}" -a ${MD_SIZE%[a-zA-Z]} -gt 0 ]; then
-+ if [ -n "${MD_SIZE}" ] && [ ${MD_SIZE%[a-zA-Z]} -gt 0 ]; then
- mount -t tmpfs -o size=${MD_SIZE} tmpfs ${BUILD_DIR}
- else
- mount -t tmpfs tmpfs ${BUILD_DIR}
-@@ -1416,7 +1416,7 @@
- execute_hook "postBuildExtract" "BUILD=${buildName} DESTDIR=${BUILD_DIR} JAIL=${jailName} PB=${pb} RC=0"
- # Finalize environment
-- cp -f /etc/resolv.conf ${BUILD_DIR}/etc
-+ cp /etc/resolv.conf ${BUILD_DIR}/etc || touch ${BUILD_DIR}/etc/resolv.conf
- return 0
- }
-@@ -1957,7 +1957,16 @@
- ${tc} updatePortsTree -p ${portstree}
- fi
-- # Create makefile if required
-+ # Set up the chrooted environment
-+ osmajor=$(echo ${jail} | sed -E -e 's|(^[[:digit:]]+).*$|\1|')
-+ if [ ${osmajor} -lt 6 ]; then
-+ echo "tinderbuild: unhandled OS version: ${osmajor}"
-+ tinderbuild_cleanup 1
-+ fi
-+ tinderbuild_setup
-+ # Create Makefile if required
- if [ ${skipmake} -eq 0 ]; then
- echo "tinderbuild: creating makefile..."
-@@ -1966,19 +1975,16 @@
- (
- export PORTBUILD_ARGS="$(echo ${pbargs})"
- buildenvNoHost ${build}
-- if ! requestMount -t portstree -p ${portstree}; then
-- echo "tinderbuild: cannot mount portstree: ${portstree}"
-- exit 1
-- fi
-- env PORTSDIR=$(tinderLoc portstree ${portstree})/ports \
-+ buildenv ${jail} ${portstree} ${build}
-+ HOST_WORKDIR=$(${tc} configGet | \
-+ awk -F= '/^HOST_WORKDIR/ {print $2}')
-+ env PORTSDIR=/a/ports \
-+ CHROOT=$(tinderLoc buildroot ${build}) \
- $(tinderLoc scripts lib/makemake) ${noduds} ${build} ${ports}
- )
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "tinderbuild: failed to generate Makefile for ${build}"
-- cleanupMounts -t portstree -p ${portstree}
- tinderbuild_cleanup 1
-- else
-- cleanupMounts -t portstree -p ${portstree}
- fi
- fi
-@@ -1987,15 +1993,6 @@
- tinderbuild_cleanup 0
- fi
-- # Set up the chrooted environment
-- osmajor=$(echo ${jail} | sed -E -e 's|(^[[:digit:]]+).*$|\1|')
-- if [ ${osmajor} -lt 6 ]; then
-- echo "tinderbuild: unhandled OS version: ${osmajor}"
-- tinderbuild_cleanup 1
-- fi
-- tinderbuild_setup
- # Seatbelts off. Away we go.
- ${tc} updateBuildStatus -b ${build} -s PORTBUILD
- tinderbuild_phase 0 ${jobs} ${pkgDir}
-@@ -2045,7 +2042,11 @@
- addPortToBuild_cleanup () {
- jail=$1
- portsTree=$2
-+ build=$3
-+ cleanupMounts -t buildports -b ${build}
-+ cleanupMounts -t buildsrc -b ${build}
-+ cleanupMounts -t buildoptions -b ${build}
- cleanupMounts -t jail -j ${jail}
- cleanupMounts -t portstree -p ${portsTree}
- }
-@@ -2070,7 +2071,29 @@
- exit 1
- fi
-- trap "addPortToBuild_cleanup ${jail} ${portsTree}" 1 2 3 9 10 11 15
-+ # Extracting the Jail tarball takes ages on some systems, so we can
-+ # pretty safely (for these purposes) reuse the extraction as long as
-+ # resolv.conf is newer than the tarball (resolv.conf is created
-+ # by makeBuild)
-+ HOST_WORKDIR=$(${tc} configGet | awk -F= '/^HOST_WORKDIR/ {print $2}')
-+ if [ $(tinderLoc jailtarball ${jail}) -ot \
-+ $(tinderLoc buildroot ${build})/etc/resolv.conf ]; then
-+ echo "addPortToBuild: recent jail tarball exists; no need to reextract"
-+ else
-+ echo "addPortToBuild: extracting jail tarball to calculate dependencies inside"
-+ makeBuild -b ${build}
-+ fi
-+ if ! requestMount -t buildports -b ${build} -r -n; then
-+ echo "addPortToBuild: cannot mount ports source inside ${build}"
-+ exit 1
-+ fi
-+ if ! requestMount -t buildsrc -b ${build} -r -n; then
-+ echo "addPortToBuild: cannot mount base source inside ${build}"
-+ exit 1
-+ fi
-+ trap "addPortToBuild_cleanup ${jail} ${portsTree} ${build}" 1 2 3 9 10 11 15
- # Save TERM since we need that for OPTIONS
- save_TERM=${TERM}
-@@ -2082,22 +2105,30 @@
- buildenv ${jail} ${portsTree} ${build}
- buildenvNoHost ${build}
-- export PORTSDIR=$(tinderLoc portstree ${portsTree})/ports
-- if [ -z "${portDir}" ]; then
-- ${tc} addPortToOneBuild -b ${build} ${norecurse}
-- else
-- if [ ! -d ${PORTSDIR}/${portDir} ]; then
-- echo "addPort: Unknown port ${portDir}"
-- exit 1
-- fi
-- ${tc} addPortToOneBuild -b ${build} -d ${portDir} ${norecurse}
-+ if [ ${options} -eq 1 -a ${OPTIONS_ENABLED} -eq 1 ]; then
-+ mkdir -p $(tinderLoc options ${build}) \
-+ $(tinderLoc buildoptions ${build})
-+ if ! requestMount -t buildoptions -b ${build} \
-+ -s $(tinderLoc options ${build}) -n; then
-+ echo "addPortToBuild: cannot mount options inside ${build}"
-+ exit 1
-+ fi
- fi
-+ export PORTSDIR=/a/ports
-+ export CHROOT=$(tinderLoc buildroot ${build})
-+ if [ -n "${portDir}" ] && [ ! -d ${CHROOT}/${PORTSDIR}/${portDir} ]; then
-+ echo "addPort: Unknown port ${portDir}"
-+ exit 1
-+ fi
- if [ ${options} -eq 1 -a ${OPTIONS_ENABLED} -eq 1 ]; then
- pdirs=""
- if [ -z "${portDir}" ]; then
- pdirs=$(${tc} getPortsForBuild -b ${build} 2>/dev/null)
- else
-- pdirs="${PORTSDIR}/${portDir}"
-+ pdirs="${portDir}"
- fi
- rmconfig=true
- if [ ${cleanOptions} -eq 1 ]; then
-@@ -2108,28 +2139,38 @@
- fi
- fi
- for pdir in ${pdirs}; do
-- if [ -d ${pdir} ]; then
-+ if [ -d ${CHROOT}${PORTSDIR}/${pdir} ]; then
- export TERM=${save_TERM}
-+ if ! cp /usr/local/bin/dialog4ports-static ${CHROOT}/; then
-+ echo "In order to customise OPTIONS, you must install"
-+ echo "ports-mgmt/dialog4ports-static."
-+ break
-+ fi
- read -p "Generating options for ${build}; hit Enter to continue..." key
- echo ""
- if [ -z "${norecurse}" ]; then
-- ( cd ${pdir} && ${rmconfig} \
-- && make -k config-recursive )
-+ chroot ${CHROOT} /bin/sh -c \
-+ "cd ${PORTSDIR}/${pdir} && ${rmconfig} && \
-+ make -k DIALOG4PORTS=/dialog4ports-static \
-+ config-recursive"
- else
-- ( cd ${pdir} && ${rmconfig} \
-- && make config )
-+ chroot ${CHROOT} /bin/sh -c \
-+ "cd ${PORTSDIR}/${pdir} && ${rmconfig} && \
-+ make DIALOG4PORTS=/dialog4ports-static config"
- fi
- fi
- done
- fi
-+ ${tc} addPortToOneBuild -b ${build} ${portDir:+-d} ${portDir} ${norecurse}
- if [ -n "${save_SRCBASE}" ]; then
- export SRCBASE=${save_SRCBASE}
- else
- unset SRCBASE
- fi
-- addPortToBuild_cleanup ${jail} ${portsTree}
-+ addPortToBuild_cleanup ${jail} ${portsTree} ${build}
- }
- addPort () {
-Index: lib/tinderlib.sh
-RCS file: /space/cvs/marcuscom-cvs/portstools/tinderbox/lib/tinderlib.sh,v
-retrieving revision 1.83
-diff -u -r1.83 tinderlib.sh
---- lib/tinderlib.sh 10 Jun 2013 16:49:51 -0000 1.83
-+++ lib/tinderlib.sh 5 Oct 2013 16:30:32 -0000
-@@ -498,9 +498,7 @@
- save_IFS=${IFS}
- IFS='
- '
-- # Allow SRCBASE to be overridden
-- eval "export SRCBASE=${SRCBASE:-`realpath $(tinderLoc jail ${jail})/src`}" \
-- >/dev/null 2>&1
-+ # Do not set SRCBASE here-- we use chroots nowadays so /usr/src is there
- # Set ARCH (needed for cross-building)
- export ARCH=$(${tc} getJailArch -j ${jail})
-@@ -524,13 +522,6 @@
- eval "export __MAKE_CONF=${jailBase}/make.conf" >/dev/null 2>&1
- eval "export LOCALBASE=/nonexistentlocal" >/dev/null 2>&1
- eval "export PKG_DBDIR=/nonexistentdb" >/dev/null 2>&1
-- if [ x"${OPTIONS_ENABLED}" != x"1" ]; then
-- eval "export PORT_DBDIR=/nonexistentportdb" >/dev/null 2>&1
-- else
-- optionsDir=$(tinderLoc options ${build})
-- eval "export PORT_DBDIR=${optionsDir}" >/dev/null 2>&1
-- fi
- eval "export LINUXBASE=/nonexistentlinux" >/dev/null 2>&1
- eval "unset DISPLAY" >/dev/null 2>&1
- }
-Index: lib/Tinderbox/MakeCache.pm
-RCS file: /space/cvs/marcuscom-cvs/portstools/tinderbox/lib/Tinderbox/MakeCache.pm,v
-retrieving revision 1.12
-diff -u -r1.12 MakeCache.pm
---- lib/Tinderbox/MakeCache.pm 4 Mar 2012 12:53:08 -0000 1.12
-+++ lib/Tinderbox/MakeCache.pm 5 Oct 2013 16:30:32 -0000
-@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
- CACHE => undef,
- SEEN => undef,
- BASEDIR => shift,
-+ CHROOT => shift,
- }, $name;
- $self;
-@@ -67,7 +68,10 @@
- $tmp = '-V ' . join(' -V ', @makeTargets);
- my $dir = $self->{BASEDIR} . '/' . $port;
-- @ret = split("\n", `cd $dir && make $tmp`);
-+ my $cmd = "cd $dir && make $tmp";
-+ $cmd = "chroot $self->{CHROOT} /bin/sh -c '$cmd'";
-+ @ret = split("\n", `$cmd`);
- foreach $tmp (@makeTargets) {
- $self->{CACHE}->{$port}{$tmp} = shift @ret;
-? .fslckout
-? .fslckout-mjFA3F63973
-Index: lib/tc_command.sh
-RCS file: /space/cvs/marcuscom-cvs/portstools/tinderbox/lib/tc_command.sh,v
-retrieving revision 1.176
-diff -u -r1.176 tc_command.sh
---- lib/tc_command.sh 7 Oct 2013 16:36:54 -0000 1.176
-+++ lib/tc_command.sh 7 Oct 2013 18:34:20 -0000
-@@ -2049,6 +2049,7 @@
- cleanupMounts -t buildoptions -b ${build}
- cleanupMounts -t jail -j ${jail}
- cleanupMounts -t portstree -p ${portsTree}
-+ cleanenv
- }
- addPortToBuild () {
-Index: lib/tinderlib.sh
-RCS file: /space/cvs/marcuscom-cvs/portstools/tinderbox/lib/tinderlib.sh,v
-retrieving revision 1.85
-diff -u -r1.85 tinderlib.sh
---- lib/tinderlib.sh 7 Oct 2013 16:36:54 -0000 1.85
-+++ lib/tinderlib.sh 13 Oct 2013 12:54:19 -0000
-@@ -506,7 +506,10 @@
- save_IFS=${IFS}
- IFS='
- '
-- # Do not set SRCBASE here-- we use chroots nowadays so /usr/src is there
-+ # Allow SRCBASE to be overridden
-+ eval "export SRCBASE=${SRCBASE:-`realpath $(tinderLoc jail ${jail})/src`}" \
-+ >/dev/null 2>&1
- # Set ARCH (needed for cross-building)
- export ARCH=$(${tc} getJailArch -j ${jail})
---- lib/tc_command.wrong 2013-10-19 21:15:58.461836978 +0100
-+++ lib/tc_command.sh 2013-10-19 21:16:32.105859389 +0100
-@@ -1967,7 +1967,6 @@
- (
- export PORTBUILD_ARGS="$(echo ${pbargs})"
- buildenvNoHost ${build}
-- buildenv ${jail} ${portstree} ${build}
- HOST_WORKDIR=$(${tc} configGet | \
- awk -F= '/^HOST_WORKDIR/ {print $2}')
- env PORTSDIR=/a/ports \