path: root/ports-mgmt
diff options
authorMark Linimon <linimon@FreeBSD.org>2007-09-26 00:16:46 +0000
committerMark Linimon <linimon@FreeBSD.org>2007-09-26 00:16:46 +0000
commit0069e3a00fd0d264d80274a3d713cba852e6a2b9 (patch)
tree63a605d6db88e5212af5d791569ef8b953e7cece /ports-mgmt
parentc7735b8048091d9c02d14d345a89ef1f999180f9 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'ports-mgmt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 270 deletions
diff --git a/ports-mgmt/portmk/Mk/bsd.perl.mk b/ports-mgmt/portmk/Mk/bsd.perl.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index 16871cccad07..000000000000
--- a/ports-mgmt/portmk/Mk/bsd.perl.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
-#-*- mode: makefile; tab-width: 4; -*-
-# ex:ts=4
-# $FreeBSD$
-# bsd.perl.mk - Support for Perl-based ports.
-# Created by: Gabor Kovesdan <gabor@FreeBSD.org>
-# For FreeBSD committers:
-# Please send all suggested changes to the maintainer instead of committing
-# them to CVS yourself.
-# PERL5 - Set to full path of perl5, either in the system or
-# installed from a port.
-# PERL - Set to full path of perl5, either in the system or
-# installed from a port, but without the version number.
-# Use this if you need to replace "#!" lines in scripts.
-# PERL_VERSION - Full version of perl5 (see below for current value).
-# PERL_VER - Short version of perl5 (see below for current value).
-# PERL_LEVEL - Perl version as an integer of the form MNNNPP, where
-# M is major version, N is minor version, and P is
-# the patch level. E.g., PERL_VERSION=5.6.1 would give
-# a PERL_LEVEL of 500601. This can be used in comparisons
-# to determine if the version of perl is high enough,
-# whether a particular dependency is needed, etc.
-# PERL_ARCH - Directory name of architecture dependent libraries
-# (value: ${ARCH}-freebsd).
-# PERL_PORT - Name of the perl port that is installed
-# (value: perl5)
-# SITE_PERL - Directory name where site specific perl packages go.
-# This value is added to PLIST_SUB.
-# USE_PERL5 - If your port needs a specific version of Perl, you
-# can easily specify that with this knob. If
-# you need a certain minimal version, but don't
-# care if about the upperversion, just put the
-# + sign behind the version. If you want to
-# specify a latest version your port can be used
-# with, suffix the version number with a - sign.
-# Exact version can also be specified if you just
-# set USE_PERL5 to the desired version. If you
-# just set USE_PERL5 to "yes", Perl will be
-# pulled in as a dependency but no version check
-# is done.
-# - Along with USE_PERL5, you can set a specific reason,
-# why a given version is required.
-# Examples:
-# USE_PERL5= yes # port requires any version of Perl5 to build.
-# USE_PERL5= 5.6.0+ # port requires at least Perl 5.6.0 to build.
-# USE_PERL5= 5.8.2 # port is only usable with Perl 5.8.2.
-# USE_PERL5= 5.8.6- # port is only usbale with Perl 5.8.6 or prior.
-# This line along with a properly set USE_PERL5 will give the user a reason,
-# why the specific ports cannot be installed into the given environment.
-# USE_PERL5_REASON= this module is already part of your Perl version
-# - Configure using Perl's MakeMaker. Implies USE_PERL5.
-# The version requirement can be specified here,
-# as well.
-# - If set, this port uses perl5 in one or more of the
-# extract, patch, build or install phases.
-# The version requirement can be specified here,
-# as well.
-# USE_PERL5_RUN - If set, this port uses perl5 for running. The
-# version requirement can be specified here,
-# as well.
-# PERL_MODBUILD - Use Module::Build to configure, build and install
-# port. The version requirement can be specified
-# here, as well.
-# WANT_PERL5 - Set this is your port conditionally depends on Perl.
-# This MUST appear before the inclusion of bsd.port.pre.mk.
-.if !defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED) && !defined(Perl_Pre_Include)
-Perl_Pre_Include= bsd.perl.mk
-PERL_Include_MAINTAINER= perl@FreeBSD.org
-# XXX to remain undefined until all ports that require Perl are fixed
-# to set one of the conditionals that force the inclusion of bsd.perl.mk
-PERL_VER?= 5.8.8
-.if !defined(PERL_LEVEL) && defined(PERL_VERSION)
-perl_major= ${PERL_VERSION:C|\..*||}
-_perl_minor= ${PERL_VERSION:S|^${perl_major}||:S|^.||:C|\..*||}
-_perl_patch= ${PERL_VERSION:S|^${perl_major}||:S|^.${_perl_minor}||:S|^.||:C|\..*||}
-perl_minor= ${_perl_minor:S|^|000|:C|.*(...)|\1|}
-perl_patch= ${_perl_patch:S|^|00|:C|.*(..)|\1|}
-PERL_LEVEL= ${perl_major}${perl_minor}${perl_patch}
-.endif # !defined(PERL_LEVEL) && defined(PERL_VERSION)
-PERL_ARCH?= mach
-.if ${PERL_LEVEL} >= 500800
-PERL_PORT?= perl5.8
-.else # ${PERL_LEVEL} < 500800
-PERL_PORT?= perl5
-SITE_PERL_REL?= lib/perl5/site_perl/${PERL_VER}
-PERL= ${LOCALBASE}/bin/perl
-# Decide where to look for the version string
-.ifdef USE_PERL5
-.elifdef USE_PERL5_BUILD
-.elifdef USE_PERL5_RUN
-USE_PERL5_STRING= yes # currently unreachable
-.if ${USE_PERL5_STRING:L} != "yes"
-want_perl_sign= ${USE_PERL5_STRING:C|^[0-9.]+||}
-want_perl_ver= ${USE_PERL5_STRING:S|${want_perl_sign}$||}
-want_perl_major= ${want_perl_ver:C|\..*||}
-_want_perl_minor= ${want_perl_ver:S|^${want_perl_major}||:S|^.||:C|\..*||}
-_want_perl_patch= ${want_perl_ver:S|^${want_perl_major}||:S|^.${_want_perl_minor}||:S|^.||:C|\..*||}
-want_perl_minor= ${_want_perl_minor:S|^|000|:C|.*(...)|\1|}
-want_perl_patch= ${_want_perl_patch:S|^|00|:C|.*(..)|\1|}
-USE_PERL5_LEVEL= ${want_perl_major}${want_perl_minor}${want_perl_patch}
-# Mask unspecified components. E.g. this way "5" will match any "5.x.x".
-.if empty(_want_perl_minor)
-masked_PERL_LEVEL= ${PERL_LEVEL:C|(.....)$|00000|}
-.elif empty(_want_perl_patch)
-masked_PERL_LEVEL= ${PERL_LEVEL:C|(..)$|00|}
-.if ${want_perl_sign} == "+"
-.if ${USE_PERL5_LEVEL} > ${masked_PERL_LEVEL}
-USE_PERL5_REASON?= requires Perl ${want_perl_ver} or later, install lang/perl5.8 and try again
-.endif # ${USE_PERL5_LEVEL} > ${masked_PERL_LEVEL}
-.elif ${want_perl_sign} == ""
-.if ${USE_PERL5_LEVEL} != ${masked_PERL_LEVEL}
-USE_PERL5_REASON?= requires Perl ${want_perl_ver} exactly
-.endif # ${USE_PERL5_LEVEL} != ${masked_PERL_LEVEL}
-.elif ${want_perl_sign} == "-"
-.if ${USE_PERL5_LEVEL} <= ${masked_PERL_LEVEL}
-USE_PERL5_REASON?= requires a Perl version earlier than ${want_perl_ver}
-.endif # ${USE_PERL5_LEVEL} <= ${masked_PERL_LEVEL}
-.else # wrong suffix
-IGNORE= improper use of USE_PERL5
-.endif #${USE_PERL5_STRING:L} != "yes"
-.endif # !defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED) && !defined(Perl_Pre_Include)
-.if defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED) && !defined(Perl_Post_Include)
-Perl_Post_Include= bsd.perl.mk
-.if !defined(PERL) || !defined(PERL5) || !defined(PERL_PORT) || !defined(PERL_VERSION)
-IGNORE= missing define for WANT_PERL, USE_PERL5, or similar before bsd.port. pre.mk inclusion
-.if defined(PERL_MODBUILD)
-.if ${PORTNAME} != Module-Build
-BUILD_DEPENDS+= ${SITE_PERL}/Module/Build.pm:${PORTSDIR}/devel/p5-Module-Build
-PL_BUILD?= Build
- create_packlist=0 \
- install_path=lib="${PREFIX}/${SITE_PERL_REL}" \
- install_path=arch="${PREFIX}/${SITE_PERL_REL}/${PERL_ARCH}" \
- install_path=script="${PREFIX}/bin" \
- install_path=bin="${PREFIX}/bin" \
- install_path=libdoc="${MAN3PREFIX}/man/man3" \
- install_path=bindoc="${MAN1PREFIX}/man/man1"
-.elif defined(PERL_CONFIGURE)
-.endif # defined(PERL_MODBUILD)
-.if defined(PERL_CONFIGURE)
-USE_PERL5= yes
-# Disable AutoInstall from attempting to install from CPAN directly in
-# the case of missing dependencies. This causes the build to loop on
-# the build cluster asking for interactive input.
-.if defined(BATCH) && !defined(IS_INTERACTIVE)
-.endif # defined(BATCH) && !defined(IS_INTERACTIVE)
-.endif # defined(PERL_CONFIGURE)
-.if defined(USE_PERL5) || defined(USE_PERL5_BUILD)
-.if defined(USE_PERL5) || defined(USE_PERL5_RUN)
-.if defined(PERL_CONFIGURE)
-.endif # defined(PERL_CONFIGURE)
-.if defined(PERL_CONFIGURE)
-.if !target(do-configure)
-# XXX MCL had to duplicate the first block; implies more refactoring needed
- @if [ -f ${SCRIPTDIR}/configure ]; then \
- cd ${.CURDIR} && ${SETENV} ${SCRIPTS_ENV} ${SH} \
- ${SCRIPTDIR}/configure; \
- fi
- @cd ${CONFIGURE_WRKSRC} && \
-.if !defined(PERL_MODBUILD)
- @cd ${CONFIGURE_WRKSRC} && \
- ${PERL5} -pi -e 's/ doc_(perl|site|\$$\(INSTALLDIRS\))_install$$//' Makefile
-.endif # !defined(PERL_MODBUILD)
-.endif # !target(do-configure)
-.endif # defined(PERL_CONFIGURE)
-.if defined(PERL_MODBUILD)
-.if !target(do-build)
-.endif # !target(do-build)
-.if !defined(USE_GMAKE)
-.if !target(do-install)
-.endif # !target(do-install)
-.endif # !defined(USE_GMAKE)
-.endif # defined(PERL_MODBUILD)
-.endif # defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED) && !defined(Perl_Post_Include)