path: root/print/tex-xdvik/files
diff options
authorHiroki Sato <hrs@FreeBSD.org>2013-05-06 00:44:22 +0000
committerHiroki Sato <hrs@FreeBSD.org>2013-05-06 00:44:22 +0000
commit139838ce1dace9d35cb8d660e6e591b3fb19f34e (patch)
treef024a0631ef42d4f33ad0f86f2ce804fa502b489 /print/tex-xdvik/files
parentdcfbe93e784be574a4e36ce62babbb56db7918d3 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'print/tex-xdvik/files')
3 files changed, 128 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/print/tex-xdvik/files/patch-texk-xdvik-Makefile.in b/print/tex-xdvik/files/patch-texk-xdvik-Makefile.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..eaef792ef40b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/print/tex-xdvik/files/patch-texk-xdvik-Makefile.in
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+--- Makefile.in.orig 2013-04-03 11:30:04.000000000 +0900
++++ Makefile.in 2013-05-06 04:17:09.000000000 +0900
+@@ -472,7 +472,7 @@
+ x_extra_libs = $(X_EXTRA_LIBS) $(iconv_libs)
+ xdvi_x_libs = $(x_ldflags) $(x_tool_libs) $(x_xmu_lib) -lXt \
+ $(X_PRE_LIBS) $(x_ext_lib) $(x_xpm_libs) -lX11 $(x_extra_libs)
+-common_ldadd = $(KPATHSEA_LIBS) $(FREETYPE2_LIBS) $(xdvi_x_libs)
++common_ldadd = $(KPATHSEA_LIBS) $(FREETYPE2_LIBS) $(xdvi_x_libs) -lpaper
+ common_dependencies = $(KPATHSEA_DEPEND) $(FREETYPE2_DEPEND)
+ libxdvi_dependencies = ${top_srcdir}/*.[ch] ${top_srcdir}/gui/*.[ch] ${top_builddir}/psheader.c
+ AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(srcdir)/gui $(common_includes)
+@@ -532,10 +532,10 @@
+ xdvi.icon xdvizilla xdvizilla.1
+ CLEANFILES = psheader.c sedscript xdvi.1
+ nodist_man1_MANS = xdvi.1
+-xdvidir = $(datarootdir)/texmf-dist/xdvi
+-dvipsconfdir = $(datarootdir)/texmf-dist/dvips/config
++xdvidir = $(datarootdir)/texmf/xdvi
++dvipsconfdir = $(datarootdir)/texmf/xdvi
+ dist_xdvi_DATA = texmf/XDvi
+-pixmapdir = $(datarootdir)/texmf-dist/xdvi/pixmap
++pixmapdir = $(datarootdir)/texmf/xdvi/pixmaps
+ dist_pixmap_DATA = pixmaps/toolbar.xpm pixmaps/toolbar2.xpm
+ dist_noinst_DATA = texmf/config.xdvi
+ all: c-auto.h
diff --git a/print/tex-xdvik/files/patch-texk-xdvik-dvi-init.c b/print/tex-xdvik/files/patch-texk-xdvik-dvi-init.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..75b97b255753
--- /dev/null
+++ b/print/tex-xdvik/files/patch-texk-xdvik-dvi-init.c
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+--- dvi-init.c.orig 2013-04-05 09:14:54.000000000 +0900
++++ dvi-init.c 2013-05-06 05:13:12.000000000 +0900
+@@ -53,6 +53,9 @@
+ #include "statusline.h"
+ #include "events.h"
+ #include "font-open.h"
++#include <paper.h>
+ # include FT_SIZES_H
+@@ -865,9 +868,14 @@
+ char temp[21];
+ const char **p;
+ char *q;
++ const struct paper *pp;
++ int landscape = 0;
+ const char **paper_types = get_paper_types();
+ size_t paper_types_size = get_paper_types_size();
+ if (*arg == '+') {
+ ++arg;
+ ignore_papersize_specials = True;
+@@ -884,6 +892,55 @@
+ break;
+ }
+ arg = temp;
++ paperinit();
++ if (strcmp(temp, "libpaper") == 0) {
++ const char *name;
++ name = systempapername();
++ if (name == NULL)
++ name = defaultpapername();
++ strncpy(temp, name, sizeof(temp));
++ temp[sizeof(temp) - 1] = '\0';
++ }
++ if (strcmp(temp, "letter") != 0 ||
++ strcmp(temp, "ledgar") != 0) {
++ if (temp[strlen(temp) - 1] == 'r') {
++ temp[strlen(temp) - 1] = '\0';
++ landscape = 1;
++ }
++ }
++ for (pp = paperfirst(); pp; pp = papernext(pp)) {
++ if (strcmp(temp, papername(pp)) == 0) {
++ double w, h;
++ char wstr[256];
++ char hstr[256];
++ if (landscape == 0) {
++ w = paperpswidth(pp);
++ h = paperpsheight(pp);
++ } else {
++ h = paperpswidth(pp);
++ w = paperpsheight(pp);
++ }
++ w = w / 72.0 * 10 * 2.54;
++ h = h / 72.0 * 10 * 2.54;
++ snprintf(wstr, sizeof(wstr), "%f mm", w);
++ snprintf(hstr, sizeof(hstr), "%f mm", h);
++ wstr[sizeof(wstr) - 1] = '\0';
++ hstr[sizeof(hstr) - 1] = '\0';
++ m_paper_unshrunk_w = atopix(wstr, False);
++ m_paper_unshrunk_h = atopix(hstr, False);
++ globals.grid_paper_unit = atopixunit("mm");
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ paperdone();
++ if (pp == NULL)
++ return (False);
+ /* perform substitutions */
+ for (p = paper_types; p < paper_types + paper_types_size; p += 2) {
+ if (strcmp(temp, *p) == 0) {
+@@ -898,6 +955,7 @@
+ m_paper_unshrunk_h = atopix(arg1 + 1, False);
+ globals.grid_paper_unit = atopixunit(arg);
+ return (m_paper_unshrunk_w != 0 && m_paper_unshrunk_h != 0);
+ }
diff --git a/print/tex-xdvik/files/patch-texk-xdvik-texmf-XDvi b/print/tex-xdvik/files/patch-texk-xdvik-texmf-XDvi
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8df774f3dece
--- /dev/null
+++ b/print/tex-xdvik/files/patch-texk-xdvik-texmf-XDvi
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- texmf/XDvi.orig 2013-05-06 03:19:23.000000000 +0900
++++ texmf/XDvi 2013-05-06 03:19:33.000000000 +0900
+@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
+ !!! and greater flexibility for shrink values. Generating MF fonts shouldn't be an
+ !!! issue when using T1lib.
+ !*mfMode: ljfour
+-*paper: a4
++*paper: libpaper
+ !!! This should be the best choice for modern displays with large color depth.
+ *thorough: true