path: root/security/ssh2
diff options
authorAlexander Leidinger <netchild@FreeBSD.org>2004-01-04 14:03:52 +0000
committerAlexander Leidinger <netchild@FreeBSD.org>2004-01-04 14:03:52 +0000
commit610d2986529afe32c3f498eb0138a8d2aec9e84f (patch)
tree1b9d0bf17720692ec557b2e1343f249eab7f7b20 /security/ssh2
parent16f88ddba9f1570b9665f3509e0167cbd3ae0ae0 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'security/ssh2')
17 files changed, 839 insertions, 117 deletions
diff --git a/security/ssh2/Makefile b/security/ssh2/Makefile
index 4866395530b9..9d246a4a26c3 100644
--- a/security/ssh2/Makefile
+++ b/security/ssh2/Makefile
@@ -6,32 +6,67 @@
CATEGORIES= security ipv6
+# The list of official mirror sites is at:
+# http://www.ssh.com/support/downloads/secureshellserver/non-commercial.html
MASTER_SITES= ftp://ftp.ssh.com/pub/ssh/ \
- ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/packages/security/ssh/ \
- ftp://ftp.keystealth.org/pub/ssh/ \
+ ftp://ftp.wiretapped.net/pub/security/cryptography/apps/ssh/SSH/ \
+ http://www.mirrors.wiretapped.net/security/cryptography/apps/ssh/SSH/ \
+ ftp://gd.tuwien.ac.at/utils/shells/ssh/ \
+ ftp://ftp.ut.ee/pub/unix/security/ssh/ \
+ ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/mirrors/ftp.ssh.com/pub/ssh/ \
+ ftp://ftp.crihan.fr/mirrors/ftp.ssh.com/ \
+ http://ftp.crihan.fr/mirrors/ftp.ssh.com/ \
+ ftp://ftp.cert.dfn.de/pub/tools/net/ssh/ \
+ ftp://ftp.ntua.gr/pub/security/ssh/ \
+ ftp://ftp.unina.it/pub/Unix/ssh/ \
+ ftp://ftp.win.ne.jp/pub/ssh/ \
+ ftp://core.ring.gr.jp/pub/net/ssh/ \
+ http://core.ring.gr.jp/archives/net/ssh/ \
+ ftp://ftp.ring.gr.jp/pub/net/ssh/ \
+ http://www.ring.gr.jp/archives/net/ssh/ \
+ ftp://ftp.ayamura.org/pub/ssh/ \
+ ftp://linux.sarang.net/mirror/network/daemon/security/ssh/ \
+ ftp://giswitch.sggw.waw.pl/pub/ssh/ \
+ ftp://ftp.wsisiz.edu.pl/pub/Unix/ssh/ \
+ ftp://ftp.kreonet.re.kr/pub/security/ssh/ \
+ ftp://ftp.ulak.net.tr/ssh/ \
ftp://metalab.unc.edu/pub/packages/security/ssh/ \
- ftp://ftp.nsysu.edu.tw/Unix/Security/ssh/ \
- ftp://ftp.cronyx.ru/mirror/ssh/ \
- ftp://ftp.univie.ac.at/applications/ssh.com/
+ ftp://ftp.in-span.net/pub/mirrors/ftp.ssh.com/ \
+ ftp://ftp.keystealth.org/pub/ssh/ \
+ ftp://ftp.epix.net/pub/ssh/ \
+ ftp://mirror.pa.msu.edu/ssh/
MAINTAINER= marius@alchemy.franken.de
-COMMENT= Secure shell client and server (remote login program)
+COMMENT= Secure shell client and server for V.2 SSH protocol
CONFLICTS= openssh-* openssh-portable-* openssh-gssapi-* ssh-1.*
-CONFIGURE_ARGS= --with-etcdir=${SSH2_ETC} --disable-debug
-SSH2_ETC= ${PREFIX}/etc/ssh2
-SSH2_RCD= ${PREFIX}/etc/rc.d
-CONFIG_FILES= ssh2_config sshd2_config
+MAN1= ssh2.1 ssh-keygen2.1 ssh-add2.1 ssh-agent2.1 scp2.1 sftp2.1 \
+ sshregex.1 ssh-probe2.1 ssh-dummy-shell.1
+MAN5= ssh2_config.5 sshd-check-conf.5 sshd2_config.5 \
+ sshd2_subconfig.5
+MAN8= sshd2.8
+MLINKS= ssh2.1 ssh.1 ssh-add2.1 ssh-add.1 ssh-agent2.1 ssh-agent.1 \
+ ssh-keygen2.1 ssh-keygen.1 scp2.1 scp.1 sftp2.1 sftp.1 \
+ ssh-probe2.1 ssh-probe.1 sshd2.8 sshd.8
+ RFC.authorization_program_protocol RFC.kbdint_plugin_protocol
+EXAMPLES= ext_authorization_example.sh kbdint_plugin_example.sh
.include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-debug --with-foreign-etcdir=${PREFIX}/etc \
+ --with-libwrap
+PKGMESSAGE= ${WRKDIR}/pkg-message
# Define if all your users are in their own group and their homedir
# is writeable by that group. Beware the security implications!
@@ -47,63 +82,62 @@ CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-group-writeability
CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-kerberos5=${KRB5_HOME} --disable-suid-ssh-signer
-.if exists(/usr/include/tcpd.h) && !defined(WITHOUT_TCPWRAP)
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-libwrap
-# This is necessary for a working ssh-chrootmgr. Added by mic@nethack.at.
-.if defined(WITH_STATIC_SFTP)
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-static
-PLIST_SUB= STATIC="@comment "
.if defined(WITH_X11) || (exists(${X11BASE}/lib/libX11.a) \
&& exists(${X11BASE}/bin/xauth) && !defined(WITHOUT_X11))
-USE_XLIB= yes
+USE_XLIB= yes
CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --without-x
-PLIST_SUB+= WITH_X11:="@comment "
+PLIST_SUB+= WITH_X11:="@comment "
-MAN1= ssh2.1 ssh-keygen2.1 ssh-add2.1 ssh-agent2.1 scp2.1 sftp2.1 \
- sshregex.1 ssh-probe2.1 ssh-dummy-shell.1
-MAN5= ssh2_config.5 sshd-check-conf.5 sshd2_config.5 \
- sshd2_subconfig.5
-MAN8= sshd2.8
-MLINKS= ssh2.1 ssh.1 ssh-add2.1 ssh-add.1 ssh-agent2.1 ssh-agent.1 \
- ssh-keygen2.1 ssh-keygen.1 scp2.1 scp.1 sftp2.1 sftp.1 \
- ssh-probe2.1 ssh-probe.1 sshd2.8 sshd.8
-.for i in ${MAN1} ${MAN5} ${MAN8}
- @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|\/etc\/ssh2|${PREFIX}&|g;' \
+.for i in ${MAN1} ${MAN5} ${MAN8} ssh2_config sshd2_config
+ @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|\/etc\/ssh2|${PREFIX}&|g; \
+ s|\/usr\/local|${LOCALBASE}|g' \
- @${REINPLACE_CMD} -E -e 's|\$$\(ETCDIR\)|${PREFIX}\/etc|g;' \
+.for i in anonymous.example host_ext.example host_int.example
+ @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|\/etc\/ssh2|${PREFIX}&|g' \
+ ${WRKSRC}/apps/ssh/subconfig/${i}
+ @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|\/etc\/ssh2|${PREFIX}&|g' \
+ ${WRKSRC}/HOWTO.anonymous.sftp
+ @${REINPLACE_CMD} -E -e 's|\$$\(ETCDIR\)|${PREFIX}\/etc|g' \
+ @${REINPLACE_CMD} -E -e 's|(^TESTS.+)(t-filecopy)|\1|g' \
+ ${WRKSRC}/apps/ssh/tests/Makefile.in
+ @${REINPLACE_CMD} -E -e 's|(^ETCDIR=).+|\1${PREFIX}\/etc\/ssh2|; \
+ s|(^SBINDIR=).+|\1${PREFIX}\/sbin|' \
+ ${WRKSRC}/startup/solaris/sshd2
+ @${SED} 's|%%PREFIX%%|${PREFIX}|g' \
+ ${PKGDIR}/pkg-message > ${WRKDIR}/pkg-message
+ @${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKSRC}/startup/solaris/sshd2 \
+ ${PREFIX}/etc/rc.d/sshd2.sh.sample
+.for i in ${EXAMPLES}
.if !defined(NOPORTDOCS)
-.for i in ${MYPORTDOCS}
+.for i in ${DOCS}
- if [ "`${GREP} ssh /etc/inetd.conf | ${GREP} -v ^#ssh`" = "" ]; then \
- if [ ! -f ${SSH2_RCD}/sshd.sh ]; then \
- ${ECHO} "Installing ${SSH2_RCD}/sshd.sh startup file."; \
- ${SED} -e 's+!!PREFIX!!+${PREFIX}+' < ${FILESDIR}/sshd.sh \
- > ${SSH2_RCD}/sshd.sh; \
- ${CHMOD} 751 ${SSH2_RCD}/sshd.sh; \
+ @if [ "`${GREP} ssh /etc/inetd.conf | ${GREP} -v ^#ssh`" = "" ]; then \
+ if [ ! -f ${PREFIX}/etc/rc.d/sshd2.sh ]; then \
+ ${ECHO_CMD} "Installing ${PREFIX}/etc/sshd2.sh startup file."; \
+ ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKSRC}/startup/solaris/sshd2 \
+ ${PREFIX}/etc/rc.d/sshd2.sh; \
fi; \
+ @${CAT} ${WRKDIR}/pkg-message
+test: build
+ @-cd ${WRKSRC}/lib/sshcrypto/tests && ${MAKE} check-TESTS
+ @-cd ${WRKSRC}/apps/ssh/lib/sshproto/tests && ${MAKE} check-TESTS
+ @-cd ${WRKSRC}/apps/ssh/tests && ${MAKE} check-TESTS
.include <bsd.port.post.mk>
diff --git a/security/ssh2/distinfo b/security/ssh2/distinfo
index 60f0dd3cf395..e69233070f91 100644
--- a/security/ssh2/distinfo
+++ b/security/ssh2/distinfo
@@ -1 +1 @@
-MD5 (ssh-3.2.5.tar.gz) = 0d9da1d79e4ce9cff44daf93e5b66a11
+MD5 (ssh- = f3ed49f13419d97dc1d0d3bfb4bb99bf
diff --git a/security/ssh2/files/patch-HOWTO.anonymous.sftp b/security/ssh2/files/patch-HOWTO.anonymous.sftp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..64208861668d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/ssh2/files/patch-HOWTO.anonymous.sftp
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+--- HOWTO.anonymous.sftp.orig Wed Dec 3 14:17:17 2003
++++ HOWTO.anonymous.sftp Thu Jan 1 19:18:54 2004
+@@ -3,57 +3,27 @@
+ Author: Sami Lehtinen <sjl@ssh.com>
+ Created: Thu Oct 18 18:21:56 2001
+-1. Follow the standard build process otherwise, except for the following
++1. Create a dedicated user account for the guest user (e.g. "ssh-guest").
+- % ./configure --enable-static <your-flags-here>
+- If your system doesn't support fully static binaries (atleast newer
+- Solarises), you have to copy extra files after step 5, so that the
+- necessary shared libraries and system configuration files can be
+- found by ssh-dummy-shell and sftp-server in the chrooted
+- environment.
+- With internal sftp-server:
+- You may also use the internal sftp-server. It simplifies logging and
+- chrooting considerably. You don't need to build the static binaries.
+-2. Create a dedicated user account for the guest user (e.g. "ssh-guest").
+- In RH Linux:
+- % useradd [-d home_dir] [-u uid] [-g group] [-s default-shell] ssh-guest
++ % pw useradd ssh-guest -m -s /nonexistent [-d homedir] [-u uid] [-g group]
+ Remember that the home directory will be the root ("/") of the
+ chrooted environment, so choose wisely (you can change it later, of
+ course).
+-3. Set some known password (e.g. "guest") for the account with "passwd".
++2. Set some known password (e.g. "guest") for the account with "passwd".
+-4. Change the user's shell to "ssh-dummy-shell" with "vipw".
++ % passwd ssh-guest
+- With internal sftp-server:
+- If you're using the internal sftp-server, you can use /bin/false or
+- whatever as the user's shell. The sftp service isn't executed with
+- the shell in this case. The user's shell doesn't even need to exist.
+-5. Run
+- % ssh-chrootmgr -v ssh-guest # (or the account you created)
+- This will copy necessary static binaries to the user's home directory.
+- With internal sftp-server:
+- You don't need this step if you don't need the static
+- ssh-dummy-shell.
+-6. Modify /etc/ssh2/sshd2_config. Add the following line:
++3. Modify /etc/ssh2/sshd2_config. Add the following line:
+ ChRootUsers ssh-guest
+-7. If you wish, you may announce the existence of this account in your
+- login banner message. The file /etc/ssh2/ssh_banner_message, if not
+- empty, will be displayed to incoming users before they authenticate. Or
+- you can change the default by modifying the sshd2_config:
++4. If you wish, you may announce the existence of this account in your
++ login banner message. The file /etc/ssh2/ssh_banner_message,
++ if not empty, will be displayed to incoming users before they
++ authenticate. Or you can change the default by modifying the
++ /etc/ssh2/sshd2_config:
+ BannerMessageFile /etc/ssh2/some_other_ssh_banner_message
+@@ -74,7 +44,7 @@
+ Remember that you may use subconfiguration files to change a banner
+ message based on e.g. user name (xxx example file).
+-8. You most probably want to restrict access to read-only. For this,
++5. You most probably want to restrict access to read-only. For this,
+ change the accounts owner to something else (e.g. root):
+ % chown -R root:root ~ssh-guest
+@@ -82,7 +52,7 @@
+ If you want to give some directories write access, change ownership of
+ those to "ssh-guest".
+-9. To enable logging, you have to add the following line to sshd2_config
++6. To enable logging, you have to add the following line to sshd2_config
+ (or possibly to a subconfig file (see sshd2_subconfig(5))):
+ SftpSysLogFacility <facility>
+@@ -90,26 +60,11 @@
+ <facility> could be LOCAL7, or whatever you wish. See sshd2_config(5)
+ for additional documentation.
+- Note, that logging in the chrooted environment with a separate
+- binary for sftp-server is tricky. Most likely you have to create a
+- /dev/log device under the chrooted jail, and add that to the listened
+- devices (with the full path) of your syslogd. See the documentation of
+- syslog daemon for this. However, see below.
+- With internal sftp-server:
+- Logging in the chrooted jail is much simpler with the internal
+- sftp-server. Just specify the correct SftpSysLogFacility, and you are
+- set.
+-10. Add your sftp-server to sshd2_config (if not already there):
+- subsystem-sftp sftp-server
+- With internal sftp-server:
++7. Add your sftp-server to sshd2_config (if not already there):
+ subsystem-sftp internal://sftp-server
+-11. Remember to restart the sshd2 daemon after you modify the configuration
++8. Remember to restart the sshd2 daemon after you modify the configuration
+ file for the changes to take effect!
+ Have fun.
diff --git a/security/ssh2/files/patch-apps::ssh::Makefile.in b/security/ssh2/files/patch-apps::ssh::Makefile.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a5d483be0a60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/ssh2/files/patch-apps::ssh::Makefile.in
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+--- apps/ssh/Makefile.in.orig Wed Dec 3 14:17:48 2003
++++ apps/ssh/Makefile.in Fri Jan 2 09:23:14 2004
+@@ -1019,36 +1019,20 @@
+ fi
+ install-symlinks:
+- -mv -f $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/ssh $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/ssh.old
+- -mv -f $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/ssh-agent $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/ssh-agent.old
+- -mv -f $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/ssh-add $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/ssh-add.old
+- -mv -f $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/ssh-askpass $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/ssh-askpass.old
+- -mv -f $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/ssh-keygen $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/ssh-keygen.old
+- -mv -f $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/scp $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/scp.old
+- -mv -f $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/sftp $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/sftp.old
+- -mv -f $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/sftp-server $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/sftp-server.old
+- -mv -f $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/ssh-signer $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/ssh-signer.old
+- -mv -f $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/ssh-probe $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/ssh-probe.old
+ (cd $(DESTDIR)$(bindir) && $(LN_S) ssh2 ssh)
+ (cd $(DESTDIR)$(bindir) && $(LN_S) ssh-agent2 ssh-agent)
+ (cd $(DESTDIR)$(bindir) && $(LN_S) ssh-add2 ssh-add)
+- (cd $(DESTDIR)$(bindir) && $(LN_S) ssh-askpass2 ssh-askpass)
++ case x"@CONFPROGRAMS@" in \
++ x*askpass*) \
++ (cd $(DESTDIR)$(bindir) && $(LN_S) ssh-askpass2 ssh-askpass) ;; \
++ esac
+ (cd $(DESTDIR)$(bindir) && $(LN_S) ssh-keygen2 ssh-keygen)
+ (cd $(DESTDIR)$(bindir) && $(LN_S) scp2 scp)
+ (cd $(DESTDIR)$(bindir) && $(LN_S) sftp2 sftp)
+ (cd $(DESTDIR)$(bindir) && $(LN_S) sftp-server2 sftp-server)
+ (cd $(DESTDIR)$(bindir) && $(LN_S) ssh-signer2 ssh-signer)
+ (cd $(DESTDIR)$(bindir) && $(LN_S) ssh-probe2 ssh-probe)
+- -mv -f $(DESTDIR)$(sbindir)/sshd $(DESTDIR)$(sbindir)/sshd.old
+ (cd $(DESTDIR)$(sbindir) && $(LN_S) sshd2 sshd)
+- -mv -f $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1/ssh.1 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1/ssh.old.1
+- -mv -f $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1/ssh-add.1 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1/ssh-add.old.1
+- -mv -f $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1/ssh-agent.1 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1/ssh-agent.old.1
+- -mv -f $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1/ssh-keygen.1 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1/ssh-keygen.old.1
+- -mv -f $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1/scp.1 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1/scp.old.1
+- -mv -f $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1/sftp.1 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1/sftp.old.1
+- -mv -f $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1/ssh-probe.1 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1/ssh-probe.old.1
+ (cd $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1 && $(LN_S) ssh2.1 ssh.1)
+ (cd $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1 && $(LN_S) ssh-add2.1 ssh-add.1)
+ (cd $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1 && $(LN_S) ssh-agent2.1 ssh-agent.1)
+@@ -1056,7 +1040,6 @@
+ (cd $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1 && $(LN_S) scp2.1 scp.1)
+ (cd $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1 && $(LN_S) sftp2.1 sftp.1)
+ (cd $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1 && $(LN_S) ssh-probe2.1 ssh-probe.1)
+- -mv -f $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man8/sshd.8 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man8/sshd.old.8
+ (cd $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man8 && $(LN_S) sshd2.8 sshd.8)
+ clean-up-old:
diff --git a/security/ssh2/files/patch-apps::ssh::ssh2_config.5 b/security/ssh2/files/patch-apps::ssh::ssh2_config.5
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..49c11e4cc85f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/ssh2/files/patch-apps::ssh::ssh2_config.5
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+--- apps/ssh/ssh2_config.5.orig Wed Dec 3 17:05:48 2003
++++ apps/ssh/ssh2_config.5 Wed Dec 3 17:06:25 2003
+@@ -136,14 +136,6 @@
+ .ne 3
+ .TP
+-.B Cert.RSA.Compat.HashScheme
+-Older SSH Secure Shell clients and servers used hashes in an incoherent
+-manner (sometimes MD5, sometimes SHA-1). With this option, you can set
+-what hash is used. Valid values are "\fBmd5\fR" and "\fBsha1\fR". The
+-default is "\fBmd5\fR" (works in most cases).
+-.ne 3
+ .B Ciphers
+ Specifies the ciphers to use for encrypting the
+ session. Currently,
diff --git a/security/ssh2/files/patch-apps::ssh::sshchsession.c b/security/ssh2/files/patch-apps::ssh::sshchsession.c
index 36f18b967cbe..f503e324bc93 100644
--- a/security/ssh2/files/patch-apps::ssh::sshchsession.c
+++ b/security/ssh2/files/patch-apps::ssh::sshchsession.c
@@ -1,22 +1,276 @@
--- apps/ssh/sshchsession.c.orig Thu Jul 3 00:19:57 2003
+++ apps/ssh/sshchsession.c Thu Jul 3 00:21:12 2003
-@@ -218,8 +218,8 @@
- #else
--#ifdef _PATH_DEFPATH
-+#ifdef _PATH_STDPATH
- #else
- #define DEFAULT_PATH "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/local/bin"
- #endif
-@@ -502,7 +502,7 @@
+@@ -122,6 +122,11 @@
++#if defined (__FreeBSD__) && defined(HAVE_LOGIN_CAP_H)
++#include <login_cap.h>
++#include <sys/copyright.h>
++#endif /* __FreeBSD__ && HAVE_LOGIN_CAP_H */
+ #define SSH_DEBUG_MODULE "Ssh2ChannelSession"
+@@ -487,6 +492,14 @@
+ char *user_conf_dir = NULL;
+ int i;
++#if defined (__FreeBSD__) && defined(HAVE_LOGIN_CAP_H)
++ extern char **environ;
++ char *path, *newpath, **saveenv;
++ struct passwd *pw;
++ pw = getpwuid(ssh_user_uid(session->common->user_data));
++#endif /* __FreeBSD__ && HAVE_LOGIN_CAP_H */
+ user_name = session->common->user;
+ if (ssh_user_needs_chroot(session->common->user_data, session->common))
+@@ -502,7 +515,11 @@
ssh_child_set_env(envp, envsizep, "HOME", user_dir);
ssh_child_set_env(envp, envsizep, "USER", user_name);
ssh_child_set_env(envp, envsizep, "LOGNAME", user_name);
-- ssh_child_set_env(envp, envsizep, "PATH", DEFAULT_PATH ":" SSH_BINDIR);
-+ ssh_child_set_env(envp, envsizep, "PATH", DEFAULT_PATH SSH_BINDIR);
++#ifdef __FreeBSD__
++ ssh_child_set_env(envp, envsizep, "PATH", _PATH_STDPATH SSH_BINDIR);
+ ssh_child_set_env(envp, envsizep, "PATH", DEFAULT_PATH ":" SSH_BINDIR);
ssh_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s", MAIL_SPOOL_DIRECTORY, user_name);
+@@ -529,6 +546,39 @@
+ if (getenv("TZ"))
+ ssh_child_set_env(envp, envsizep, "TZ", getenv("TZ"));
++#if defined (__FreeBSD__) && defined(HAVE_LOGIN_CAP_H)
++ saveenv = environ;
++ environ = *envp;
++ if (setusercontext(NULL, pw, ssh_user_uid(session->common->user_data),
++ {
++ if ((path = getenv("PATH")) == NULL)
++ newpath = ssh_xstrdup(SSH_BINDIR);
++ else if (strstr(path, SSH_BINDIR) == NULL)
++ ssh_dsprintf(&newpath, "%s:%s", path, SSH_BINDIR);
++ else
++ newpath = ssh_xstrdup(path);
++ *envp = environ;
++ environ = saveenv;
++ for (*envsizep = 0; (*envp)[*envsizep] != NULL; (*envsizep)++)
++ ; /* nothing */
++ *envsizep += 51;
++ (*envp) = ssh_xrealloc(*envp, (*envsizep) * sizeof(char *));
++ ssh_child_set_env(envp, envsizep, "PATH", newpath);
++ ssh_xfree(newpath);
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ *envp = environ;
++ environ = saveenv;
++ ssh_debug("setusercontext: unable to set user context");
++ }
++ endpwent();
++#endif /* __FreeBSD__ && HAVE_LOGIN_CAP_H */
+ /* Set SSH_CLIENT. */
+ ssh_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s %s %s %s",
+ session->common->remote_ip, session->common->remote_port,
+@@ -632,6 +682,11 @@
+ FILE *f;
+ char *user_conf_dir = NULL;
++#if defined (__FreeBSD__) && defined(HAVE_LOGIN_CAP_H)
++ struct passwd *pw;
++ login_cap_t *lc;
++#endif /* __FreeBSD__ && HAVE_LOGIN_CAP_H */
+ #ifdef SSH_CHANNEL_X11
+ const char *auth_protocol;
+ const char *auth_cookie;
+@@ -643,6 +698,18 @@
+ #endif /* SSH_CHANNEL_X11 */
+ shell = ssh_user_shell(session->common->user_data);
++#if defined (__FreeBSD__) && defined(HAVE_LOGIN_CAP_H)
++ pw = getpwuid(ssh_user_uid(session->common->user_data));
++ lc = login_getpwclass(pw);
++ if (lc == NULL)
++ ssh_debug("Unable to get login class: %s", session->common->user);
++ else
++ {
++ shell = login_getcapstr(lc, "shell", (char *) shell, (char *) shell);
++ login_close(lc);
++ }
++ endpwent();
++#endif /* __FreeBSD__ && HAVE_LOGIN_CAP_H */
+ user_conf_dir = ssh_user_conf_dir(session->common->user_data,
+ session->common->config);
+@@ -844,12 +911,24 @@
+ extern char **environ;
+ unsigned int envsize;
+ int i;
+- FILE *f;
++ FILE *f = NULL;
+ char *subsystem_path = NULL;
+ Boolean needs_chroot = FALSE, run_internal_sftp_server = FALSE;
+ const char *chroot_dir = NULL;
+ SshUserFDCloseCB close_fds = NULL_FNPTR;
+ SshConfig config = session->common->config;
++#if defined (__FreeBSD__) && defined(HAVE_LOGIN_CAP_H)
++ struct passwd *pw;
++ login_cap_t *lc;
++ pw = getpwuid(ssh_user_uid(session->common->user_data));
++ lc = login_getpwclass(pw);
++ if (lc == NULL)
++ {
++ ssh_debug("Unable to get login class: %s", session->common->user);
++ exit(254);
++ }
++#endif /* __FreeBSD__ && HAVE_LOGIN_CAP_H */
+@@ -865,6 +944,11 @@
+ #endif /* HAVE_IF */
+ /* Check /etc/nologin. */
++#if defined (__FreeBSD__) && defined(HAVE_LOGIN_CAP_H)
++ if (pw->pw_uid != UID_ROOT && !login_getcapbool(lc, "ignorenologin", 0))
++ f = fopen(login_getcapstr(lc, "nologin", _PATH_NOLOGIN, _PATH_NOLOGIN),
++ "r");
++#else /* ! (__FreeBSD && HAVE_LOGIN_CAP_H) */
+ if ((f = fopen("/etc/nologin", "r")) == NULL)
+ {
+ char hname[MAXHOSTNAMELEN];
+@@ -877,12 +961,17 @@
+ ssh_debug("%s %s.", nologin_path, f ? "exists" : "does not exist");
+ ssh_xfree(nologin_path);
+ }
++#endif /* __FreeBSD__ && HAVE_LOGIN_CAP_H */
+ if (f)
+ { /* /etc/nologin exists. Print its contents and exit. */
+ /* Print a message about /etc/nologin existing; I am getting
+ questions because of this every week. */
++#ifdef __FreeBSD__
++ ssh_warning("Logins are currently denied with " _PATH_NOLOGIN ":");
+ ssh_warning("Logins are currently denied with /etc/nologin:");
+ while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f))
+ fputs(buf, stderr);
+ fclose(f);
+@@ -963,8 +1052,8 @@
+ {
+ if (chdir("/") < 0)
+ {
+- ssh_debug("Chroot to user '%s' home directory failed!",
+- session->common->user);
++ ssh_debug("Chroot to user '%s' home directory failed: %s",
++ session->common->user, strerror(errno));
+ exit(254);
+ }
+ }
+@@ -975,6 +1064,10 @@
+ ssh_warning("Could not chdir to home directory %s: %s",
+ ssh_user_dir(session->common->user_data),
+ strerror(errno));
++#if defined (__FreeBSD__) && defined(HAVE_LOGIN_CAP_H)
++ if (login_getcapbool(lc, "requirehome", 0))
++ exit(254);
++#endif /* __FreeBSD__ && HAVE_LOGIN_CAP_H */
+ chdir("/");
+ }
+ }
+@@ -1128,6 +1221,12 @@
+ shell = ssh_user_shell(session->common->user_data);
++#if defined (__FreeBSD__) && defined(HAVE_LOGIN_CAP_H)
++ shell = login_getcapstr(lc, "shell", (char *) shell, (char *) shell);
++ login_close(lc);
++ endpwent();
++#endif /* __FreeBSD__ && HAVE_LOGIN_CAP_H */
+ argv[0] = (char *)shell;
+ argv[1] = "-c";
+ argv[2] = (char *)session->common->forced_command;
+@@ -1158,6 +1257,9 @@
+ /* Get the user's shell, and the last component of it. */
+ shell = ssh_user_shell(session->common->user_data);
++#if defined (__FreeBSD__) && defined(HAVE_LOGIN_CAP_H)
++ shell = login_getcapstr(lc, "shell", (char *) shell, (char *) shell);
++#endif /* __FreeBSD__ && HAVE_LOGIN_CAP_H */
+ shell_no_path = strrchr(shell, '/');
+ if (shell_no_path)
+@@ -1188,6 +1290,9 @@
+ (needs_chroot ? "" :
+ ssh_user_dir(session->common->user_data)));
+ quiet_login = stat(linebuf, &st) >= 0;
++#if defined (__FreeBSD__) && defined(HAVE_LOGIN_CAP_H)
++ quiet_login |= login_getcapbool(lc, "hushlogin", 0);
++#endif /* __FreeBSD__ && HAVE_LOGIN_CAP_H */
+ if (!quiet_login)
+ {
+@@ -1217,11 +1322,28 @@
+ ssh_xfree(time_string);
+ }
+ #endif /* HAVE_SIA */
++#if defined (__FreeBSD__) && defined(HAVE_LOGIN_CAP_H)
++ SSH_DEBUG(7, ("Printing copyright."));
++ f = fopen(login_getcapstr(lc, "copyright", NULL, NULL), "r");
++ if (f)
++ {
++ while (fgets(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf), f) != NULL)
++ fputs(linebuf, stdout);
++ fclose(f);
++ }
++ else
++ fputs(COPYRIGHT_UCB "\n", stdout);
++#endif /* __FreeBSD__ && HAVE_LOGIN_CAP_H */
+ /* print motd, if "PrintMotd yes" and it exists */
+ if (config->print_motd)
+ {
+ SSH_DEBUG(7, ("Printing MOTD."));
++#if defined (__FreeBSD__) && defined(HAVE_LOGIN_CAP_H)
++ f = fopen(login_getcapstr(lc, "welcome", "/etc/motd",
++ "/etc/motd"), "r");
++#else /* ! (__FreeBSD && HAVE_LOGIN_CAP_H) */
+ f = fopen("/etc/motd", "r");
++#endif /* __FreeBSD__ && HAVE_LOGIN_CAP_H */
+ if (f)
+ {
+ while (fgets(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf), f))
+@@ -1239,7 +1361,11 @@
+ {
+ struct stat mailbuf;
+ if (stat(mailbox, &mailbuf) == -1 || mailbuf.st_size == 0)
++#ifndef __FreeBSD__
+ printf("No mail.\n");
++ ; /* nothing */
+ else if (mailbuf.st_atime > mailbuf.st_mtime)
+ printf("You have mail.\n");
+ else
+@@ -1248,6 +1374,11 @@
+ }
+ }
+ }
++#if defined (__FreeBSD__) && defined(HAVE_LOGIN_CAP_H)
++ login_close(lc);
++ endpwent();
++#endif /* __FreeBSD__ && HAVE_LOGIN_CAP_H */
+ execve(shell, argv, env);
+ /* Executing the shell failed. */
diff --git a/security/ssh2/files/patch-apps::ssh::sshd2.8 b/security/ssh2/files/patch-apps::ssh::sshd2.8
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..98c3ddaf29dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/ssh2/files/patch-apps::ssh::sshd2.8
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+--- apps/ssh/sshd2.8.orig Wed Dec 3 14:17:23 2003
++++ apps/ssh/sshd2.8 Sun Dec 28 17:09:32 2003
+@@ -241,20 +241,11 @@
+ login time, message of the day and mailcheck.)
+ .TP
+-.I /etc/nologin
++.I /var/run/nologin
+ If this file exists,
+ .B sshd2
+ refuses to let anyone except root log in. The contents of the file
+ is displayed to anyone trying to log in. The file should be world-readable.
+-.I /etc/nologin_<hostname>
+-As above, but the filename is constructed from the name of the
+-host. Check output of
+-.B hostname
+-to see what name you should use in the filename. This functionality is
+-supposed to be used by clustered machines (which share
+-.IR /etc ).
+ .TP
+ .I \&$HOME/\s+2.\s0rhosts
diff --git a/security/ssh2/files/patch-apps::ssh::sshd2_config b/security/ssh2/files/patch-apps::ssh::sshd2_config
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b1db331e2fec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/ssh2/files/patch-apps::ssh::sshd2_config
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+--- apps/ssh/sshd2_config.orig Wed Dec 3 14:17:28 2003
++++ apps/ssh/sshd2_config Thu Jan 1 19:33:35 2004
+@@ -188,9 +188,9 @@
+ ## subsystem definitions
+ # Subsystems don't have defaults, so this is needed here (uncommented).
+- subsystem-sftp sftp-server
++# subsystem-sftp sftp-server
+ # Also internal sftp-server subsystem can be used.
+-# subsystem-sftp internal://sftp-server
++ subsystem-sftp internal://sftp-server
+ ## Subconfiguration
+ # There are no default subconfiguration files. When specified the last
diff --git a/security/ssh2/files/patch-apps::ssh::sshd2_config.5 b/security/ssh2/files/patch-apps::ssh::sshd2_config.5
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a9c3be0414b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/ssh2/files/patch-apps::ssh::sshd2_config.5
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+--- apps/ssh/sshd2_config.5.orig Wed Dec 3 17:08:53 2003
++++ apps/ssh/sshd2_config.5 Wed Dec 3 17:09:35 2003
+@@ -288,20 +288,6 @@
+ .ne 3
+ .TP
+-.B Cert.RSA.Compat.HashScheme
+-Older SSH Secure Shell clients and servers used hashes in an incoherent
+-manner (sometimes MD5, sometimes SHA-1). With this option, you can set
+-what hash is used. This option can be set in
+-.BR HostSpecificConfig ,
+-and then reset in
+-.BR UserSpecificConfig ,
+-in which case the value set in host-specific configuration will apply to
+-the initial key exchange and during authentication the value in the
+-user-specific configuration will be used. Valid values are "\fBmd5\fR"
+-and "\fBsha1\fR". The default is "\fBmd5\fR" (works in most cases).
+-.ne 3
+ .B CheckMail
+ Makes \fBsshd2\fR print information whether there is new mail or not
+ when a user logs in interactively. (On some systems this information
diff --git a/security/ssh2/files/patch-apps::ssh::sshd2_subconfig.5 b/security/ssh2/files/patch-apps::ssh::sshd2_subconfig.5
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..53bdc2f25536
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/ssh2/files/patch-apps::ssh::sshd2_subconfig.5
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- apps/ssh/sshd2_subconfig.5.orig Wed Dec 3 17:13:11 2003
++++ apps/ssh/sshd2_subconfig.5 Wed Dec 3 17:13:31 2003
+@@ -136,8 +136,6 @@
+ .LP
+ .B AuthPublicKey.MinSize
+ .LP
+-.B Cert.RSA.Compat.HashScheme
+ .B CheckMail
+ .LP
+ .B DenyShosts
diff --git a/security/ssh2/files/patch-configure b/security/ssh2/files/patch-configure
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a1e3a8ac43cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/ssh2/files/patch-configure
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+--- configure.orig Wed Dec 3 14:17:42 2003
++++ configure Mon Dec 29 01:43:15 2003
+@@ -3773,7 +3773,7 @@
+ #
+ # So many systems seem to need this that it is better do it here automatically.
+-LIBS="-L/usr/local/lib $LIBS"
++#LIBS="-L/usr/local/lib $LIBS"
+ # Platform-specific stuff.
+ case "$target" in
+@@ -10994,7 +10994,7 @@
+ fi
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$ac_cv_lib_'$ac_lib_var`\" = yes"; then
+ echo "$ac_t""yes" 1>&6
+ else
+ echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
+ fi
+@@ -11112,7 +11112,7 @@
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <$ac_hdr>
+-ac_try="$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext >/dev/null 2>conftest.out"
++ac_try="$ac_cpp -I$x_includes conftest.$ac_ext >/dev/null 2>conftest.out"
+ { (eval echo configure:11117: \"$ac_try\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_try) 2>&5; }
+ ac_err=`grep -v '^ *+' conftest.out | grep -v "^conftest.${ac_ext}\$"`
+ if test -z "$ac_err"; then
diff --git a/security/ssh2/files/patch-lib::sshapputil::sshuserfile.c b/security/ssh2/files/patch-lib::sshapputil::sshuserfile.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9886bee1a3ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/ssh2/files/patch-lib::sshapputil::sshuserfile.c
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+--- lib/sshapputil/sshuserfile.c.orig Wed Dec 3 14:17:21 2003
++++ lib/sshapputil/sshuserfile.c Mon Dec 29 20:58:27 2003
+@@ -742,12 +742,13 @@
+ if (uid != geteuid() || uid != getuid())
+ {
+ #if defined (__FreeBSD__) && defined(HAVE_LOGIN_CAP_H)
+- struct passwd * pw = getpwuid(uid);
+- login_cap_t * lc = login_getuserclass(pw);
+- if (setusercontext(lc, pw, uid,
++ struct passwd *pw;
++ pw = getpwuid(uid);
++ if (setusercontext(NULL, pw, uid,
+- ssh_fatal("setusercontext: %s", strerror(errno));
++ ssh_fatal("setusercontext: unable to set user context");
+ #else /* ! (__FreeBSD && HAVE_LOGIN_CAP_H) */
+ if (setgid(gid) < 0)
+ ssh_fatal("setgid: %s", strerror(errno));
diff --git a/security/ssh2/files/patch-lib::sshsession::sshunixuser.c b/security/ssh2/files/patch-lib::sshsession::sshunixuser.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ddd2a1b79b03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/ssh2/files/patch-lib::sshsession::sshunixuser.c
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+--- lib/sshsession/sshunixuser.c.orig Wed Dec 3 14:17:21 2003
++++ lib/sshsession/sshunixuser.c Mon Dec 29 20:57:45 2003
+@@ -104,6 +104,10 @@
+ #define SSH_DEBUG_MODULE "SshUnixUser"
++#if defined (__FreeBSD__) && defined(HAVE_LOGIN_CAP_H)
++#include <login_cap.h>
++#endif /* __FreeBSD && HAVE_LOGIN_CAP_H */
+ extern char *crypt(const char *key, const char *salt);
+ /* Group structure. */
+@@ -1477,6 +1481,37 @@
+ /* Set uid, gid, and groups. */
+ if (getuid() == UID_ROOT || geteuid() == UID_ROOT)
+ {
++#if defined (__FreeBSD__) && defined(HAVE_LOGIN_CAP_H)
++ struct passwd *pw;
++ pw = getpwuid(ssh_user_uid(uc));
++ if (setusercontext(NULL, pw, ssh_user_uid(uc),
++ {
++ SSH_DEBUG(2, ("setusercontext: unable to set user context"));
++ return FALSE;
++ }
++ endgrent();
++ /* chrooting at this point. */
++ if (chroot_dir)
++ {
++ if (chroot(chroot_dir) < 0)
++ {
++ ssh_warning("Chroot to '%s' failed: %s", chroot_dir,
++ strerror(errno));
++ return FALSE;
++ }
++ }
++ if (setusercontext(NULL, pw, ssh_user_uid(uc), LOGIN_SETUSER) < 0)
++ {
++ SSH_DEBUG(2, ("setusercontext: unable to set user context"));
++ return FALSE;
++ }
++ endpwent();
++#else /* ! (__FreeBSD && HAVE_LOGIN_CAP_H) */
+ if (setgid(ssh_user_gid(uc)) < 0)
+ {
+ SSH_DEBUG(2, ("setgid: %s", strerror(errno)));
+@@ -1524,7 +1559,8 @@
+ {
+ if (chroot(chroot_dir) < 0)
+ {
+- ssh_warning("Chroot to '%s' failed!", chroot_dir);
++ ssh_warning("Chroot to '%s' failed: %s", chroot_dir,
++ strerror(errno));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -1578,6 +1614,7 @@
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ #endif /* HAVE_SIA */
++#endif /* __FreeBSD && HAVE_LOGIN_CAP_H */
+ }
+ #ifdef KERBEROS
diff --git a/security/ssh2/files/patch-startup::solaris::sshd2 b/security/ssh2/files/patch-startup::solaris::sshd2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..74752fcbb013
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/ssh2/files/patch-startup::solaris::sshd2
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+--- startup/solaris/sshd2.orig Wed Dec 3 14:17:18 2003
++++ startup/solaris/sshd2 Tue Dec 30 12:38:16 2003
+@@ -22,9 +22,7 @@
+ SBINDIR=/usr/local/sbin
+-[ -f ${SBINDIR}/sshd2 ] || exit 0
++[ -x ${SBINDIR}/sshd2 ] || exit 0
+ PORT=`grep Port ${ETCDIR}/sshd2_config | awk '{ x = $2 } END {print x}' -`
+ if [ "X$PORT" = "X" ]
+@@ -37,31 +35,19 @@
+ case "$1" in
+ start)
+ # Start daemons.
+- echo "Starting sshd2 on port $PORT... "
+- ${SBINDIR}/sshd2
++ ${SBINDIR}/sshd2 2> /dev/null
++ echo -n ' sshd2'
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ # Stop daemons.
+- if [ -f /var/run/sshd2_$PORT.pid ]
++ if [ -r /var/run/sshd2_$PORT.pid ]
+ then
+- echo "1 Shutting down sshd2 on port ${PORT}... "
+ kill `cat /var/run/sshd2_${PORT}.pid`
+ rm -f /var/run/sshd2_${PORT}.pid
+- elif [ -f ${ETCDIR}/sshd2_${PORT}.pid ]
+- then
+- echo "Shutting down sshd2 on port ${PORT}... "
+- kill `cat ${ETCDIR}/sshd2_${PORT}.pid`
+- rm -f ${ETCDIR}/sshd2_${PORT}.pid
+- else
+- echo "sshd2 is not running"
++ echo -n ' sshd2'
+ fi
+@@ -72,7 +58,7 @@
+ $0 start
+ ;;
+ *)
+- echo "Usage: sshd2 {start|stop|restart}"
++ echo "Usage: `basename $0` {start|stop|restart}"
+ exit 1
+ esac
diff --git a/security/ssh2/files/sshd.sh b/security/ssh2/files/sshd.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index b7c5ac8d80e3..000000000000
--- a/security/ssh2/files/sshd.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-case "$1" in
- start)
- !!PREFIX!!/sbin/sshd 2> /dev/null
- echo -n ' sshd'
- ;;
- stop)
- if [ -f /var/run/sshd2_22.pid ]; then
- kill -TERM `cat /var/run/sshd2_22.pid`
- rm -f /var/run/sshd2_22.pid
- echo -n ' sshd'
- fi
- ;;
- restart)
- if [ -f /var/run/sshd2_22.pid ]; then
- kill -HUP `cat /var/run/sshd2_22.pid`
- echo 'sshd restarted'
- fi
- ;;
- -h)
- echo "Usage: `basename $0` { start | stop | restart }"
- ;;
- *)
- !!PREFIX!!/sbin/sshd
- echo -n ' sshd'
- ;;
diff --git a/security/ssh2/pkg-message b/security/ssh2/pkg-message
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..092b8d57168d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/ssh2/pkg-message
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Depending on how you would like to start sshd2(8) you have three choices:
+1) Copy the sample start-up script %%PREFIX%%/etc/rc.d/sshd2.sh.sample
+to %%PREFIX%%/etc/rc.d/sshd2.sh.
+2) Add the following entries to your /etc/inetd.conf:
+ssh stream tcp nowait root %%PREFIX%%/sbin/sshd2 sshd -i
+ssh stream tcp6 nowait root %%PREFIX%%/sbin/sshd2 sshd -i
+3) On FreeBSD 4 only (on FreeBSD 5 with rcNG this currently doesn't work
+properly) add the following entries to your /etc/rc.conf:
+NOTE: This port traditionally sets up 1) automatically unless it detects 2).
+ If you want to use 2) or 3) you have to manually delete the start-up
+ script %%PREFIX%%/etc/rc.d/sshd2.sh. This version of the port is the
+ last one that does 1) automatically. To prevent foot shooting when
+ updating to the next version this port won't remove an existing
+ %%PREFIX%%/etc/rc.d/sshd2.sh on deinstallation.
diff --git a/security/ssh2/pkg-plist b/security/ssh2/pkg-plist
index e336f3b5a16d..4bb3ecf2d02f 100644
--- a/security/ssh2/pkg-plist
+++ b/security/ssh2/pkg-plist
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
+@exec if [ "`grep ssh /etc/inetd.conf | grep -v ^#ssh`" = "" ] & [ ! -f %B/sshd2.sh ]; then cp %B/%f %B/sshd2.sh; fi
+@unexec if [ -f %B/sshd2.sh ]; then echo "If permanently deleting this package, %B/sshd2.sh must be removed manually."; fi
@unexec if cmp -s %D/etc/ssh2/sshd2_config %D/etc/ssh2/sshd2_config.example; then rm -f %D/etc/ssh2/sshd2_config; fi
@exec [ -f %B/sshd2_config ] || cp %B/%f %B/sshd2_config
@@ -35,20 +35,24 @@ etc/ssh2/subconfig/host_int.example
@exec [ -d %D/etc/ssh2/hostkeys ] || mkdir %D/etc/ssh2/hostkeys
@exec [ -d %D/etc/ssh2/knownhosts ] || mkdir %D/etc/ssh2/knownhosts
@exec if [ ! -f %D/etc/ssh2/hostkey ]; then umask 022; echo "Generating host key."; %D/bin/ssh-keygen2 -P -t dsa "DSA hostkey" %D/etc/ssh2/hostkey; fi
%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm %%DOCSDIR%%
+@dirrm %%EXAMPLESDIR%%
@unexec rmdir %D/etc/ssh2/hostkeys 2> /dev/null || true
@unexec rmdir %D/etc/ssh2/knownhosts 2> /dev/null || true
@unexec rmdir %D/etc/ssh2/subconfig 2> /dev/null || true