path: root/security
diff options
authorAlexey Dokuchaev <danfe@FreeBSD.org>2004-10-20 12:33:37 +0000
committerAlexey Dokuchaev <danfe@FreeBSD.org>2004-10-20 12:33:37 +0000
commit62872b88bda4b8275ca7d19f3b4629a81f2dfda4 (patch)
treef3cd18e0f7afc03e4c84c1f4348bd0f3a581cc5f /security
parent9c152ae64602a1f2c71315a69ee7bafe76240a5a (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'security')
12 files changed, 454 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/security/sfs/Makefile b/security/sfs/Makefile
index 8793b7ef6129..74e9e3bbac23 100644
--- a/security/sfs/Makefile
+++ b/security/sfs/Makefile
INFO= sfs
CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--with-sfsuser=sfs \
@@ -34,10 +35,6 @@ CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--with-sfsuser=sfs \
BROKEN= "Does not compile on !i386"
-.if ${OSVERSION} >= 502126
-BROKEN= "Does not compile on FreeBSD >= 5.x"
.if ${OSVERSION} > 500000
LIB_DEPENDS+= gmp.6:${PORTSDIR}/math/libgmp4
@@ -76,6 +73,8 @@ MAN8= \
@${SED} -e "s=%%PREFIX%%=${PREFIX}=g" ${FILESDIR}/sfscd.sh > ${WRKSRC}/sfscd.sh
@${SED} -e "s=%%PREFIX%%=${PREFIX}=g" ${FILESDIR}/sfssd.sh > ${WRKSRC}/sfssd.sh
+ @${FIND} -E ${WRKDIR} -type f -iregex ".*\.(C|h)" -print0 | \
+ ${XARGS} -0 ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's/template get/get/'
diff --git a/security/sfs/files/patch-arpc_rpctypes.h b/security/sfs/files/patch-arpc_rpctypes.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4bd0ae3feebf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/sfs/files/patch-arpc_rpctypes.h
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+--- arpc/rpctypes.h.orig Mon Oct 11 16:43:34 2004
++++ arpc/rpctypes.h Mon Oct 11 16:39:35 2004
+@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
+ if (&v != this) \
+ assign (v)
+- void init () { mode = NOFREE; nelm = 0; vec = NULL; }
++ void init () { mode = freemode::NOFREE; nelm = 0; vec = NULL; }
+ void del () {
+ switch (mode) {
+ case NOFREE:
+@@ -266,6 +266,8 @@
+ a.swap (b);
+ }
++extern const str rpc_emptystr;
+ template<size_t max = RPC_INFINITY> struct rpc_str : str
+ {
+ enum { maxsize = max };
+@@ -301,12 +303,12 @@
+ };
+ template<size_t n = RPC_INFINITY> struct rpc_opaque : array<char, n> {
+- rpc_opaque () { bzero (base (), size ()); }
++ rpc_opaque () { bzero (this->base (), this->size ()); }
+ };
+ template<size_t n = RPC_INFINITY> struct rpc_bytes : rpc_vec<char, n> {
+- void setstrmem (const str &s) { set (s.cstr (), s.len (), NOFREE); }
++ void setstrmem (const str &s) { set (s.cstr (), s.len (), freemode::NOFREE); }
+ rpc_bytes &operator= (const str &s)
+- { setsize (s.len ()); memcpy (base (), s.cstr (), size ()); return *this; }
++ { setsize (s.len ()); memcpy (this->base (), s.cstr (), this->size ()); return *this; }
+ template<size_t m> rpc_bytes &operator= (const rpc_vec<char, m> &v)
+ { rpc_vec<char, n>::operator= (v); return *this; }
+ template<size_t m> rpc_bytes &operator= (const array<char, m> &v)
+@@ -519,7 +521,6 @@
+ struct rpc_clear_t {};
+ extern struct rpc_clear_t _rpcclear;
+-extern const str rpc_emptystr;
+ inline bool
+ rpc_traverse (rpc_clear_t &, u_int32_t &obj)
diff --git a/security/sfs/files/patch-arpc_xdrmisc.h b/security/sfs/files/patch-arpc_xdrmisc.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..11b57af4fa1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/sfs/files/patch-arpc_xdrmisc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+--- arpc/xdrmisc.h.orig Mon Oct 11 16:43:34 2004
++++ arpc/xdrmisc.h Mon Oct 11 16:39:35 2004
+@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
+ #ifndef _ARPC_XDRMISC_H_
+ #define _ARPC_XDRMISC_H_ 1
++#include "wmstr.h"
+ #include "sysconf.h"
+ extern "C" {
diff --git a/security/sfs/files/patch-async_ihash.h b/security/sfs/files/patch-async_ihash.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0418638c835d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/sfs/files/patch-async_ihash.h
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- async/ihash.h.orig Mon Oct 11 16:43:34 2004
++++ async/ihash.h Mon Oct 11 16:39:35 2004
+@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@
+ const H hash;
+ public:
+- ihash () {}
++ ihash () : eq (E ()), hash (H ()) {}
+ ihash (const E &e, const H &h) : eq (e), hash (h) {}
+ void insert (V *elm) { insert_val (elm, hash (elm->*key)); }
diff --git a/security/sfs/files/patch-async_init.h b/security/sfs/files/patch-async_init.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..75ad11d3fa13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/sfs/files/patch-async_init.h
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+--- async/init.h.orig Mon Oct 11 16:43:34 2004
++++ async/init.h Mon Oct 11 16:39:35 2004
+@@ -25,6 +25,12 @@
+ #ifndef _ASYNC_INIT_H_
+ #define _ASYNC_INIT_H_ 1
++#if __GNUC__ >= 3
++# define __init_attribute__(x)
++#else /* gcc < 3 */
++# define __init_attribute__(x) __attribute__ (x)
++#endif /* gcc < 3 */
+ #define INIT(name) \
+ static class name { \
+ static int count; \
+@@ -34,7 +40,7 @@
+ public: \
+ name () {if (!cnt ()++) start ();} \
+ ~name () {if (!--cnt ()) stop ();} \
+-} init_ ## name __attribute__ ((unused))
++} init_ ## name __init_attribute__ ((unused))
+ class initfn {
+ initfn ();
+@@ -43,7 +49,7 @@
+ };
+ #define INITFN(fn) \
+ static void fn (); \
+-static initfn init_ ## fn (fn) __attribute__ ((unused))
++static initfn init_ ## fn (fn) __init_attribute__ ((unused))
+ class exitfn {
+ void (*const fn) ();
+@@ -53,6 +59,6 @@
+ };
+ #define EXITFN(fn) \
+ static void fn (); \
+-static exitfn exit_ ## fn (fn) __attribute__ ((unused))
++static exitfn exit_ ## fn (fn) __init_attribute__ ((unused))
+ #endif /* !_ASYNC_INIT_H_ */
diff --git a/security/sfs/files/patch-async_qhash.h b/security/sfs/files/patch-async_qhash.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9d94de278fc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/sfs/files/patch-async_qhash.h
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- async/qhash.h.orig Mon Oct 11 16:43:34 2004
++++ async/qhash.h Mon Oct 11 16:39:35 2004
+@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
+ public:
+ bhash () {}
+- void clear () { deleteall (); }
++ void clear () { this->deleteall (); }
+ ~bhash () { clear (); }
+ bool insert (const K &k) {
diff --git a/security/sfs/files/patch-async_refcnt.h b/security/sfs/files/patch-async_refcnt.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f555d6139779
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/sfs/files/patch-async_refcnt.h
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+--- async/refcnt.h.orig Mon Oct 11 16:43:34 2004
++++ async/refcnt.h Mon Oct 11 16:39:35 2004
+@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@
+ friend class refpriv;
+ friend ref<T> mkref<T> (T *);
+- ref (T *pp, refcount *cc) : refpriv (cc) { p = pp; inc (); }
++ ref (T *pp, refcount *cc) : refpriv (cc) { this->p = pp; inc (); }
+ void inc () const { rinc (c); }
+ void dec () const { rdec (c); }
+@@ -420,32 +420,32 @@
+ template<class U, reftype v>
+ ref (refcounted<U, v> *pp)
+- : refpriv (rc (pp)) { p = refpriv::rp (pp); inc (); }
++ : refpriv (rc (pp)) { this->p = refpriv::rp (pp); inc (); }
+ /* At least with gcc, the copy constructor must be explicitly
+ * defined (though it would appear to be redundant given the
+ * template constructor bellow). */
+- ref (const ref<T> &r) : refpriv (r.c) { p = r.p; inc (); }
++ ref (const ref<T> &r) : refpriv (r.c) { this->p = r.p; inc (); }
+ template<class U>
+ ref (const ref<U> &r)
+- : refpriv (rc (r)) { p = refpriv::rp (r); inc (); }
++ : refpriv (rc (r)) { this->p = refpriv::rp (r); inc (); }
+ template<class U>
+ ref (const ::ptr<U> &r)
+- : refpriv (rc (r)) { p = refpriv::rp (r); inc (); }
++ : refpriv (rc (r)) { this->p = refpriv::rp (r); inc (); }
+ ~ref () { dec (); }
+ template<class U, reftype v> ref<T> &operator= (refcounted<U, v> *pp)
+- { rinc (pp); dec (); p = refpriv::rp (pp); c = rc (pp); return *this; }
++ { rinc (pp); dec (); this->p = refpriv::rp (pp); c = rc (pp); return *this; }
+ /* The copy assignment operator must also explicitly be defined,
+ * despite a redundant template. */
+ ref<T> &operator= (const ref<T> &r)
+- { r.inc (); dec (); p = r.p; c = r.c; return *this; }
++ { r.inc (); dec (); this->p = r.p; c = r.c; return *this; }
+ template<class U> ref<T> &operator= (const ref<U> &r)
+- { rinc (r); dec (); p = refpriv::rp (r); c = rc (r); return *this; }
++ { rinc (r); dec (); this->p = refpriv::rp (r); c = rc (r); return *this; }
+ /* Self asignment not possible. Use ref::inc to cause segfauls on NULL. */
+ template<class U> ref<T> &operator= (const ::ptr<U> &r)
+- { dec (); p = refpriv::rp (r); c = rc (r); inc (); return *this; }
++ { dec (); this->p = refpriv::rp (r); c = rc (r); inc (); return *this; }
+ };
+ /* To skip initialization of ptr's in BSS */
+@@ -464,13 +464,13 @@
+ rinc (pp);
+ if (decme)
+ dec ();
+- p = refpriv::rp (pp);
++ this->p = refpriv::rp (pp);
+ c = rc (pp);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (decme)
+ dec ();
+- p = NULL;
++ this->p = NULL;
+ c = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -480,31 +480,31 @@
+ typedef ref<T> ref;
+ explicit ptr (__bss_init) {}
+- ptr () : refpriv (NULL) { p = NULL; }
+- ptr (privtype *) : refpriv (NULL) { p = NULL; }
++ ptr () : refpriv (NULL) { this->p = NULL; }
++ ptr (privtype *) : refpriv (NULL) { this->p = NULL; }
+ template<class U, reftype v>
+ ptr (refcounted<U, v> *pp) { set (pp, false); }
+- ptr (const ptr<T> &r) : refpriv (r.c) { p = r.p; inc (); }
++ ptr (const ptr<T> &r) : refpriv (r.c) { this->p = r.p; inc (); }
+ template<class U>
+ ptr (const ptr<U> &r)
+- : refpriv (rc (r)) { p = refpriv::rp (r); inc (); }
++ : refpriv (rc (r)) { this->p = refpriv::rp (r); inc (); }
+ template<class U>
+ ptr (const ::ref<U> &r)
+- : refpriv (rc (r)) { p = refpriv::rp (r); inc (); }
++ : refpriv (rc (r)) { this->p = refpriv::rp (r); inc (); }
+ ~ptr () { dec (); }
+ ptr<T> &operator= (privtype *)
+- { dec (); p = NULL; c = NULL; return *this; }
++ { dec (); this->p = NULL; c = NULL; return *this; }
+ template<class U, reftype v> ptr<T> &operator= (refcounted<U, v> *pp)
+ { set (pp, true); return *this; }
+ ptr<T> &operator= (const ptr<T> &r)
+- { r.inc (); dec (); p = r.p; c = r.c; return *this; }
++ { r.inc (); dec (); this->p = r.p; c = r.c; return *this; }
+ template<class U> ptr<T> &operator= (const ptr<U> &r)
+- { rinc (r); dec (); p = refpriv::rp (r); c = rc (r); return *this; }
++ { rinc (r); dec (); this->p = refpriv::rp (r); c = rc (r); return *this; }
+ template<class U> ptr<T> &operator= (const ::ref<U> &r)
+- { rinc (r); dec (); p = refpriv::rp (r); c = rc (r); return *this; }
++ { rinc (r); dec (); this->p = refpriv::rp (r); c = rc (r); return *this; }
+ };
+ template<class T>
+@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@
+ // Don't initialize (assume we were 0 initialized in the BSS)
+ bssptr () : ptr<T> (__bss_init ()) {}
+ // Override the effects of destruction
+- ~bssptr () { assert (globaldestruction); if (*this != NULL) Xleak (); }
++ ~bssptr () { assert (globaldestruction); if (*this != NULL) this->Xleak (); }
+ ptr<T> &operator= (refpriv::privtype *p) { return ptr<T>::operator= (p); }
+ template<class U> ptr<T> &operator= (const ptr<U> &r)
+ { return ptr<T>::operator= (r); }
diff --git a/security/sfs/files/patch-async_vec.h b/security/sfs/files/patch-async_vec.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..480173460e66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/sfs/files/patch-async_vec.h
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+--- async/vec.h.orig Mon Oct 11 16:43:34 2004
++++ async/vec.h Mon Oct 11 16:39:35 2004
+@@ -74,16 +74,16 @@
+ template<class T, size_t N = 0> class vec : public vec_base<T, N> {
+ typedef typename vec_base<T, N>::elm_t elm_t;
+ void move (elm_t *dst) {
+- if (dst == firstp)
++ if (dst == this->firstp)
+ return;
+- assert (dst < firstp || dst >= lastp);
+- basep = dst;
+- for (elm_t *src = firstp; src < lastp; src++) {
++ assert (dst < this->firstp || dst >= this->lastp);
++ this->basep = dst;
++ for (elm_t *src = this->firstp; src < this->lastp; src++) {
+ new ((void *) (dst++)) elm_t (*src);
+ src->~elm_t ();
+ }
+- lastp += basep - firstp;
+- firstp = basep;
++ this->lastp += this->basep - this->firstp;
++ this->firstp = this->basep;
+ }
+ static elm_t &construct (elm_t &e)
+@@ -92,14 +92,14 @@
+ { return *new (implicit_cast<void *> (&e)) elm_t (v); }
+ static void destroy (elm_t &e) { e.~elm_t (); }
+- void init () { lastp = firstp = basep = def_basep (); limp = def_limp (); }
+- void del () { while (firstp < lastp) firstp++->~elm_t (); bfree (basep); }
++ void init () { this->lastp = this->firstp = this->basep = this->def_basep (); this->limp = this->def_limp (); }
++ void del () { while (this->firstp < this->lastp) (this->firstp)++->~elm_t (); bfree (this->basep); }
+ #define append(v) \
+ do { \
+ reserve (v.size ()); \
+ for (const elm_t *s = v.base (), *e = v.lim (); s < e; s++) \
+- cconstruct (*lastp++, *s); \
++ cconstruct (*(this->lastp)++, *s); \
+ } while (0)
+@@ -125,19 +125,19 @@
+ { clear (); append (v); return *this; }
+ void reserve (size_t n) {
+- if (lastp + n <= limp)
++ if (this->lastp + n <= this->limp)
+ return;
+- size_t nalloc = limp - basep;
+- size_t nwanted = lastp - firstp + n;
++ size_t nalloc = this->limp - this->basep;
++ size_t nwanted = this->lastp - this->firstp + n;
+ if (nwanted > nalloc / 2) {
+ nalloc = 1 << fls (max (nalloc, nwanted));
+- elm_t *obasep = basep;
++ elm_t *obasep = this->basep;
+ move (static_cast<elm_t *> (txmalloc (nalloc * sizeof (elm_t))));
+- limp = basep + nalloc;
++ this->limp = this->basep + nalloc;
+ bfree (obasep);
+ }
+ else
+- move (basep);
++ move (this->basep);
+ }
+ void setsize (size_t n) {
+ size_t s = size ();
+@@ -145,47 +145,47 @@
+ popn_back (s - n);
+ else if ((n -= s)) {
+ reserve (n);
+- elm_t *sp = lastp;
+- lastp += n;
+- while (sp < lastp)
++ elm_t *sp = this->lastp;
++ this->lastp += n;
++ while (sp < this->lastp)
+ construct (*sp++);
+ }
+ }
+- elm_t *base () { return firstp; }
+- const elm_t *base () const { return firstp; }
+- elm_t *lim () { return lastp; }
+- const elm_t *lim () const { return lastp; }
+- size_t size () const { return lastp - firstp; }
+- bool empty () const { return lastp == firstp; }
+- elm_t &front () { zcheck (); return *firstp; }
+- const elm_t &front () const { zcheck (); return *firstp; }
+- elm_t &back () { zcheck (); return lastp[-1]; }
+- const elm_t &back () const { zcheck (); return lastp[-1]; }
++ elm_t *base () { return this->firstp; }
++ const elm_t *base () const { return this->firstp; }
++ elm_t *lim () { return this->lastp; }
++ const elm_t *lim () const { return this->lastp; }
++ size_t size () const { return this->lastp - this->firstp; }
++ bool empty () const { return this->lastp == this->firstp; }
++ elm_t &front () { zcheck (); return *(this->firstp); }
++ const elm_t &front () const { zcheck (); return *(this->firstp); }
++ elm_t &back () { zcheck (); return this->lastp[-1]; }
++ const elm_t &back () const { zcheck (); return this->lastp[-1]; }
+- elm_t &operator[] (ptrdiff_t i) { bcheck (i); return firstp[i]; }
+- const elm_t &operator[] (ptrdiff_t i) const { bcheck (i); return firstp[i]; }
++ elm_t &operator[] (ptrdiff_t i) { bcheck (i); return this->firstp[i]; }
++ const elm_t &operator[] (ptrdiff_t i) const { bcheck (i); return this->firstp[i]; }
+- elm_t &push_back () { reserve (1); return construct (*lastp++); }
++ elm_t &push_back () { reserve (1); return construct (*(this->lastp)++); }
+ elm_t &push_back (const elm_t &e)
+- { reserve (1); return cconstruct (*lastp++, e); }
++ { reserve (1); return cconstruct (*(this->lastp)++, e); }
+- elm_t pop_back () { zcheck (); return destroy_return (*--lastp); }
++ elm_t pop_back () { zcheck (); return destroy_return (*--(this->lastp)); }
+ void popn_back (size_t n) {
+ pcheck (n);
+- elm_t *sp = lastp;
+- lastp -= n;
+- while (sp > lastp)
++ elm_t *sp = this->lastp;
++ this->lastp -= n;
++ while (sp > this->lastp)
+ destroy (*--sp);
+ }
+- elm_t pop_front () { zcheck (); return destroy_return (*firstp++); }
++ elm_t pop_front () { zcheck (); return destroy_return (*(this->firstp)++); }
+ void popn_front (size_t n) {
+ pcheck (n);
+- elm_t *sp = firstp;
+- firstp += n;
+- while (sp < firstp)
++ elm_t *sp = this->firstp;
++ this->firstp += n;
++ while (sp < this->firstp)
+ destroy (*sp++);
+ }
diff --git a/security/sfs/files/patch-sfsmisc_afsnode.h b/security/sfs/files/patch-sfsmisc_afsnode.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c3f81857d1f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/sfs/files/patch-sfsmisc_afsnode.h
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- sfsmisc/afsnode.h.orig Mon Oct 11 16:43:34 2004
++++ sfsmisc/afsnode.h Mon Oct 11 16:39:35 2004
+@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
+ void mkfattr3 (fattr3 *, sfs_aid aid);
+ void setres (nfsstat err);
+ void setres (nfspath path);
+- str readlink () const { return res.status ? str (NULL) : *res.data; }
++ str readlink () const { return res.status ? str (NULL) : str (*res.data); }
+ bool resset () { return resok; }
+ void nfs_readlink (svccb *sbp);
diff --git a/security/sfs/files/patch-sfsmisc_nfsserv.h b/security/sfs/files/patch-sfsmisc_nfsserv.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..adfd5d0ac68d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/sfs/files/patch-sfsmisc_nfsserv.h
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+--- sfsmisc/nfsserv.h.orig Mon Oct 11 16:43:34 2004
++++ sfsmisc/nfsserv.h Mon Oct 11 16:39:35 2004
+@@ -110,6 +110,19 @@
+ template<class T> T *getres () { return static_cast<T *> (getvoidres ()); }
+ };
++struct nfsserv : public virtual refcount {
++ typedef callback<void, nfscall *>::ref cb_t;
++ static const cb_t stalecb;
++ cb_t cb;
++ const ptr<nfsserv> nextserv;
++ explicit nfsserv (ptr<nfsserv> n = NULL);
++ void setcb (const cb_t &c) { cb = c; }
++ void mkcb (nfscall *nc) { nc->curserv = this; (*cb) (nc); }
++ virtual void getcall (nfscall *nc) { mkcb (nc); }
++ virtual void getreply (nfscall *nc) { nc->sendreply (); }
++ virtual bool encodefh (nfs_fh3 &fh);
+ template<int N> class nfscall_cb : public nfscall {
+ typedef typename nfs3proc<N>::arg_type *arg_type;
+ typedef typename nfs3proc<N>::res_type *res_type;
+@@ -134,19 +147,6 @@
+ svccb *sbp;
+ nfscall_rpc (svccb *sbp);
+ ~nfscall_rpc ();
+-struct nfsserv : public virtual refcount {
+- typedef callback<void, nfscall *>::ref cb_t;
+- static const cb_t stalecb;
+- cb_t cb;
+- const ptr<nfsserv> nextserv;
+- explicit nfsserv (ptr<nfsserv> n = NULL);
+- void setcb (const cb_t &c) { cb = c; }
+- void mkcb (nfscall *nc) { nc->curserv = this; (*cb) (nc); }
+- virtual void getcall (nfscall *nc) { mkcb (nc); }
+- virtual void getreply (nfscall *nc) { nc->sendreply (); }
+- virtual bool encodefh (nfs_fh3 &fh);
+ };
+ class nfsserv_udp : public nfsserv {
diff --git a/security/sfs/files/patch-sfsmisc_sfsclient.h b/security/sfs/files/patch-sfsmisc_sfsclient.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1893c8028714
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/sfs/files/patch-sfsmisc_sfsclient.h
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+--- sfsmisc/sfsclient.h.orig Mon Oct 11 16:43:34 2004
++++ sfsmisc/sfsclient.h Mon Oct 11 16:39:35 2004
+@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
+ #include "qhash.h"
+ #include "axprt_crypt.h"
+ #include "sfscrypt.h"
++#include "sfscd_prot.h"
+ struct sfscd_mountarg;
+ class rabin_priv;
diff --git a/security/sfs/files/patch-sfsmisc_sfscrypt.h b/security/sfs/files/patch-sfsmisc_sfscrypt.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e37ba1b3a8cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/sfs/files/patch-sfsmisc_sfscrypt.h
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+--- sfsmisc/sfscrypt.h.orig Mon Oct 11 16:43:34 2004
++++ sfsmisc/sfscrypt.h Mon Oct 11 16:39:35 2004
+@@ -89,7 +89,6 @@
+ virtual u_char get_bad_opts () const { return (SFS_DECRYPT | SFS_SIGN); }
+ bool get_opt (u_char o) const { return (opts & o); }
+ const sfs_keytype ktype;
+- const int eksb_id;
+ const u_char opts;
+ };