path: root/sysutils/cronolog-devel
diff options
authorPav Lucistnik <pav@FreeBSD.org>2010-12-28 21:20:05 +0000
committerPav Lucistnik <pav@FreeBSD.org>2010-12-28 21:20:05 +0000
commit6f7ea3982ee8685e15a5c250b18461f63cf1c52c (patch)
treea2b09e2d3c8b86639f2a7801e2713c8ceb13f9cc /sysutils/cronolog-devel
parent9c801c9baf99a2286c8001f95204cc41cb2ee71a (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'sysutils/cronolog-devel')
6 files changed, 0 insertions, 361 deletions
diff --git a/sysutils/cronolog-devel/tmp/152794 b/sysutils/cronolog-devel/tmp/152794
deleted file mode 100644
index 530431419990..000000000000
--- a/sysutils/cronolog-devel/tmp/152794
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-From jhelfman@experts-exchange.com Thu Dec 2 23:07:44 2010
-Return-Path: <jhelfman@experts-exchange.com>
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-Message-Id: <1291330135.146866.52248.nullmailer@experts-exchange.com>
-Date: Thu, 02 Dec 2010 14:48:55 -0800
-From: Jason Helfman <jhelfman@experts-exchange.com>
-Reply-To: Jason Helfman <jhelfman@experts-exchange.com>
-To: FreeBSD-gnats-submit@freebsd.org
-Subject: new port: sysutils/cronolog-beta web log rotation utility with "jumbo patches"
-X-Send-Pr-Version: 3.113
->Number: 152794
->Category: ports
->Synopsis: new port: sysutils/cronolog-beta web log rotation utility with "jumbo patches"
->Confidential: no
->Severity: non-critical
->Priority: low
->Responsible: beech
->State: open
->Class: change-request
->Submitter-Id: current-users
->Arrival-Date: Thu Dec 02 23:10:05 UTC 2010
->Last-Modified: Sat Dec 04 22:42:00 UTC 2010
->Originator: Jason Helfman
->Release: FreeBSD 8.1-RELEASE i386
-Experts Exchange, LLC.
-System: FreeBSD eggman.experts-exchange.com 8.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 8.1-RELEASE #0: Mon Jul 19 02:55:53 UTC 2010 root@almeida.cse.buffalo.edu:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC i386
-This is cronolog-beta, which adds in the jumbo patch as shown on their website.
-First patch.
-# This is a shell archive. Save it in a file, remove anything before
-# this line, and then unpack it by entering "sh file". Note, it may
-# create directories; files and directories will be owned by you and
-# have default permissions.
-# This archive contains:
-# cronolog-beta
-# cronolog-beta/files
-# cronolog-beta/files/patch-src__cronolog.c
-# cronolog-beta/pkg-descr
-# cronolog-beta/distinfo
-# cronolog-beta/Makefile
-echo c - cronolog-beta
-mkdir -p cronolog-beta > /dev/null 2>&1
-echo c - cronolog-beta/files
-mkdir -p cronolog-beta/files > /dev/null 2>&1
-echo x - cronolog-beta/files/patch-src__cronolog.c
-sed 's/^X//' >cronolog-beta/files/patch-src__cronolog.c << '7cfbf051762abbfd71e10b3fd09461bf'
-X--- ./src/cronolog.c.orig 2010-12-02 13:41:57.000000000 -0800
-X+++ ./src/cronolog.c 2010-12-02 13:42:30.000000000 -0800
-X@@ -84,8 +84,8 @@
-X #ifndef _WIN32
-X #define _GNU_SOURCE 1
-X #else
-echo x - cronolog-beta/pkg-descr
-sed 's/^X//' >cronolog-beta/pkg-descr << '8f7d40240eefff3bd7eb908f9ce95321'
-Xcronolog 1.7 beta with the jumbo patch applied (Matthew Grosso 2003-10-10)
-Xtarball with the jumbo patch applied (incorporates most of the other
-Xpatches and some of the features on the todo list)
-X * http://cronolog.org/patches/index.html
-X"cronolog" is a simple program that reads log messages from its input
-Xand writes them to a set of output files, the names of which are
-Xconstructed using template and the current date and time.
-X"cronolog" is intended to be used in conjunction with a Web server, such
-Xas Apache to split the access log into daily or monthly logs. E.g.:
-X TransferLog "|/www/sbin/cronolog /www/logs/%Y/%m/%d/access.log"
-X ErrorLog "|/www/sbin/cronolog /www/logs/%Y/%m/%d/errors.log"
-Xwould instruct Apache to pipe its access and error log messages into
-Xseparate copies of cronolog, which would create new log files each day
-Xin a directory hierarchy structured by date, i.e. on 31 December 1996
-Xmessages would be written to:
-X /www/logs/1996/12/31/access.log
-X /www/logs/1996/12/31/errors.log
-XAfter midnight the following files would be used:
-X /www/logs/1997/01/01/access.log
-X /www/logs/1997/01/01/errors.log
-XWWW: http://cronolog.org/
-echo x - cronolog-beta/distinfo
-sed 's/^X//' >cronolog-beta/distinfo << '6b03cd2da3d7c5fb830862969d79109a'
-XSHA256 (cronolog-1.7.0-beta.tar.gz) = ceffe7d534061404023a7499d536ebffea333f453735b3b6ba518294280af2a0
-XSIZE (cronolog-1.7.0-beta.tar.gz) = 170276
-echo x - cronolog-beta/Makefile
-sed 's/^X//' >cronolog-beta/Makefile << 'c68684f3dab24dbf4052e770f7f3ffa8'
-X# New ports collection makefile for: cronolog-beta
-X# Date created: 10 November 2010
-X# Whom: Jason Helfman <jhelfman@experts-exchange.com>
-X# $FreeBSD$
-XPORTNAME= cronolog
-XCATEGORIES= sysutils
-XMASTER_SITES= http://cronolog.org/patches/
-XMAINTAINER= jhelfman@experts-exchange.com
-XCOMMENT= A web log rotation utility that provides datestamp filenames
-XPLIST_FILES= sbin/cronolog \
-X sbin/cronosplit
-XCONFLICTS= cronolog-[0-9]*
-XINFO= cronolog
-XMAN1= cronolog.1m cronosplit.1m
-X.include <bsd.port.mk>
-Responsible-Changed-From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->beech
-Responsible-Changed-By: beech
-Responsible-Changed-When: Sat Dec 4 22:41:18 UTC 2010
-I'll take it.
diff --git a/sysutils/cronolog-devel/tmp/cronolog-beta/Makefile b/sysutils/cronolog-devel/tmp/cronolog-beta/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index a9affbfc8321..000000000000
--- a/sysutils/cronolog-devel/tmp/cronolog-beta/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-# New ports collection makefile for: cronolog-beta
-# Date created: 10 November 2010
-# Whom: Jason Helfman <jhelfman@experts-exchange.com>
-# $FreeBSD$
-PORTNAME= cronolog
-CATEGORIES= sysutils
-MASTER_SITES= http://cronolog.org/patches/
-MAINTAINER= jhelfman@experts-exchange.com
-COMMENT= A web log rotation utility that provides datestamp filenames
-PLIST_FILES= sbin/cronolog \
- sbin/cronosplit
-CONFLICTS= cronolog-[0-9]*
-INFO= cronolog
-MAN1= cronolog.1m cronosplit.1m
-.include <bsd.port.mk>
diff --git a/sysutils/cronolog-devel/tmp/cronolog-beta/distinfo b/sysutils/cronolog-devel/tmp/cronolog-beta/distinfo
deleted file mode 100644
index f135780790cf..000000000000
--- a/sysutils/cronolog-devel/tmp/cronolog-beta/distinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-SHA256 (cronolog-1.7.0-beta.tar.gz) = ceffe7d534061404023a7499d536ebffea333f453735b3b6ba518294280af2a0
-SIZE (cronolog-1.7.0-beta.tar.gz) = 170276
diff --git a/sysutils/cronolog-devel/tmp/cronolog-beta/files/patch-src__cronolog.c b/sysutils/cronolog-devel/tmp/cronolog-beta/files/patch-src__cronolog.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 460672cfa553..000000000000
--- a/sysutils/cronolog-devel/tmp/cronolog-beta/files/patch-src__cronolog.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
---- ./src/cronolog.c.orig 2010-12-02 13:41:57.000000000 -0800
-+++ ./src/cronolog.c 2010-12-02 13:42:30.000000000 -0800
-@@ -84,8 +84,8 @@
- #ifndef _WIN32
- #define _GNU_SOURCE 1
- #else
diff --git a/sysutils/cronolog-devel/tmp/cronolog-beta/pkg-descr b/sysutils/cronolog-devel/tmp/cronolog-beta/pkg-descr
deleted file mode 100644
index 80e6f3b16874..000000000000
--- a/sysutils/cronolog-devel/tmp/cronolog-beta/pkg-descr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-cronolog 1.7 beta with the jumbo patch applied (Matthew Grosso 2003-10-10)
-tarball with the jumbo patch applied (incorporates most of the other
-patches and some of the features on the todo list)
- * http://cronolog.org/patches/index.html
-"cronolog" is a simple program that reads log messages from its input
-and writes them to a set of output files, the names of which are
-constructed using template and the current date and time.
-"cronolog" is intended to be used in conjunction with a Web server, such
-as Apache to split the access log into daily or monthly logs. E.g.:
- TransferLog "|/www/sbin/cronolog /www/logs/%Y/%m/%d/access.log"
- ErrorLog "|/www/sbin/cronolog /www/logs/%Y/%m/%d/errors.log"
-would instruct Apache to pipe its access and error log messages into
-separate copies of cronolog, which would create new log files each day
-in a directory hierarchy structured by date, i.e. on 31 December 1996
-messages would be written to:
- /www/logs/1996/12/31/access.log
- /www/logs/1996/12/31/errors.log
-After midnight the following files would be used:
- /www/logs/1997/01/01/access.log
- /www/logs/1997/01/01/errors.log
-WWW: http://cronolog.org/
diff --git a/sysutils/cronolog-devel/tmp/pr-patch b/sysutils/cronolog-devel/tmp/pr-patch
deleted file mode 100644
index b72a718cbe37..000000000000
--- a/sysutils/cronolog-devel/tmp/pr-patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-# This is a shell archive. Save it in a file, remove anything before
-# this line, and then unpack it by entering "sh file". Note, it may
-# create directories; files and directories will be owned by you and
-# have default permissions.
-# This archive contains:
-# cronolog-beta
-# cronolog-beta/files
-# cronolog-beta/files/patch-src__cronolog.c
-# cronolog-beta/pkg-descr
-# cronolog-beta/distinfo
-# cronolog-beta/Makefile
-echo c - cronolog-beta
-mkdir -p cronolog-beta > /dev/null 2>&1
-echo c - cronolog-beta/files
-mkdir -p cronolog-beta/files > /dev/null 2>&1
-echo x - cronolog-beta/files/patch-src__cronolog.c
-sed 's/^X//' >cronolog-beta/files/patch-src__cronolog.c << '7cfbf051762abbfd71e10b3fd09461bf'
-X--- ./src/cronolog.c.orig 2010-12-02 13:41:57.000000000 -0800
-X+++ ./src/cronolog.c 2010-12-02 13:42:30.000000000 -0800
-X@@ -84,8 +84,8 @@
-X #ifndef _WIN32
-X #define _GNU_SOURCE 1
-X #else
-echo x - cronolog-beta/pkg-descr
-sed 's/^X//' >cronolog-beta/pkg-descr << '8f7d40240eefff3bd7eb908f9ce95321'
-Xcronolog 1.7 beta with the jumbo patch applied (Matthew Grosso 2003-10-10)
-Xtarball with the jumbo patch applied (incorporates most of the other
-Xpatches and some of the features on the todo list)
-X * http://cronolog.org/patches/index.html
-X"cronolog" is a simple program that reads log messages from its input
-Xand writes them to a set of output files, the names of which are
-Xconstructed using template and the current date and time.
-X"cronolog" is intended to be used in conjunction with a Web server, such
-Xas Apache to split the access log into daily or monthly logs. E.g.:
-X TransferLog "|/www/sbin/cronolog /www/logs/%Y/%m/%d/access.log"
-X ErrorLog "|/www/sbin/cronolog /www/logs/%Y/%m/%d/errors.log"
-Xwould instruct Apache to pipe its access and error log messages into
-Xseparate copies of cronolog, which would create new log files each day
-Xin a directory hierarchy structured by date, i.e. on 31 December 1996
-Xmessages would be written to:
-X /www/logs/1996/12/31/access.log
-X /www/logs/1996/12/31/errors.log
-XAfter midnight the following files would be used:
-X /www/logs/1997/01/01/access.log
-X /www/logs/1997/01/01/errors.log
-XWWW: http://cronolog.org/
-echo x - cronolog-beta/distinfo
-sed 's/^X//' >cronolog-beta/distinfo << '6b03cd2da3d7c5fb830862969d79109a'
-XSHA256 (cronolog-1.7.0-beta.tar.gz) = ceffe7d534061404023a7499d536ebffea333f453735b3b6ba518294280af2a0
-XSIZE (cronolog-1.7.0-beta.tar.gz) = 170276
-echo x - cronolog-beta/Makefile
-sed 's/^X//' >cronolog-beta/Makefile << 'c68684f3dab24dbf4052e770f7f3ffa8'
-X# New ports collection makefile for: cronolog-beta
-X# Date created: 10 November 2010
-X# Whom: Jason Helfman <jhelfman@experts-exchange.com>
-X# $FreeBSD$
-XPORTNAME= cronolog
-XCATEGORIES= sysutils
-XMASTER_SITES= http://cronolog.org/patches/
-XMAINTAINER= jhelfman@experts-exchange.com
-XCOMMENT= A web log rotation utility that provides datestamp filenames
-XPLIST_FILES= sbin/cronolog \
-X sbin/cronosplit
-XCONFLICTS= cronolog-[0-9]*
-XINFO= cronolog
-XMAN1= cronolog.1m cronosplit.1m
-X.include <bsd.port.mk>