path: root/sysutils/lire
diff options
authorKevin Lo <kevlo@FreeBSD.org>2002-08-21 02:38:33 +0000
committerKevin Lo <kevlo@FreeBSD.org>2002-08-21 02:38:33 +0000
commitc90a3e8c50abc807857e27dbef0920b6fff91be5 (patch)
tree5bffd9a61200caf609ba3caba8ebed0f977a1a00 /sysutils/lire
parent6aa02c012e83cd990d788a65da28a622a222ec8d (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'sysutils/lire')
6 files changed, 792 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sysutils/lire/Makefile b/sysutils/lire/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..27ed9c862031
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysutils/lire/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# New ports collection makefile for: lire
+# Date Created: 26 june 2002
+# Whom: Edwin Groothuis <edwin@mavetju.org>
+# $FreeBSD$
+# Remark regarding the errors during pkg_delete: These directories not
+# there if you install from the package. They are generated when
+# you install lire from the ports-collection.
+CATEGORIES= sysutils
+MASTER_SITES= http://logreport.org/pub/
+MAINTAINER= edwin@mavetju.org
+ expat.3:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/expat2 \
+ xml2.5:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/libxml2 \
+ xslt.1:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/libxslt
+ ${LOCALBASE}/share/sgml/docbook/4.1/docbook.dtd:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/docbook-410 \
+ ${LOCALBASE}/share/sgml/docbook/dsssl/modular/catalog:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/dsssl-docbook-modular \
+ ${LOCALBASE}/share/xsl/docbook/fo/docbook.xsl:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/docbook-xsl \
+ ${LOCALBASE}/lib/perl5/site_perl/${PERL_VER}/${PERL_ARCH}/XML/Parser.pm:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/p5-XML-Parser \
+ ${LOCALBASE}/lib/perl5/site_perl/${PERL_VER}/Spreadsheet/WriteExcel.pm:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/p5-Spreadsheet-WriteExcel \
+ ${LOCALBASE}/lib/perl5/site_perl/${PERL_VER}/Time/Timezone.pm:${PORTSDIR}/devel/p5-Time \
+ ${LOCALBASE}/lib/perl5/site_perl/${PERL_VER}/MIME/Entity.pm:${PORTSDIR}/mail/p5-MIME-Tools \
+ ${LOCALBASE}/lib/perl5/site_perl/${PERL_VER}/GD/Graph.pm:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/p5-GD-Graph
+USE_PERL5= yes
+MAN1= \
+ lr_archive_log.1 lr_check_errlines.1 \
+ lr_check_prereq.1 lr_config.1 lr_cron.1 \
+ lr_db_fetch.1 lr_db_purge.1 lr_db_store.1 \
+ lr_desyslog.1 lr_processmail.1 lr_rawmail2mail.1 \
+ lr_run.1 lr_spool.1 lr_tag.1 \
+ lr_xml2html.1 lr_xml2pdf.1 lr_xml2rtf.1 \
+ lr_xml2logml.1 lr_xml2report.1 lr_xml2dbx.1 \
+ lr_xml2xhtml.1 lr_xml2mail.1 lr_xslt.1 \
+ lr_anondump.1 lr_anonymize.1 lr_check_service.1 \
+ lr_check_superservice.1 lr_deanonymize.1 \
+ lr_dlf_analyze.1 lr_dlf2xml.1 lr_dlf2sql.1 \
+ lr_getbody.1 lr_inflate.1 lr_log2mail.1 \
+ lr_log2report.1 lr_log2xml.1 lr_mail.1 \
+ lr_prof_report.1 lr_spoold.1 lr_sql2dlf.1 \
+ lr_sql2report.1 lr_xml2ascii.1 lr_xml_merge.1 \
+ lr_xml2png.1 lr_xml2xls.1 bind8_query2dlf.1 \
+ bind9_query2dlf.1 bind8_named2dlf.1 mysql2dlf.1 \
+ pgsql2dlf.1 isdnlog2dlf.1 postfix2dlf.1 \
+ argomail2dlf.1 exim2dlf.1 nms2dlf.1 \
+ postfix2dlf_main.1 postfix2dlf_pre.1 qmail2dlf.1 \
+ sendmail2dlf.1 cisco_ios2dlf.1 ipfilter2dlf.1 \
+ ipchains2dlf.1 iptables2dlf.1 pix2dlf.1 \
+ watchguard2dlf.1 welf2dlf.1 xferlog2dlf.1 \
+ iis_ftp2dlf.1 nmsmmp2dlf.1 nmsstore2dlf.1 \
+ cups_pagelog2dlf.1 lprng_account2dlf.1 \
+ ms_isa2dlf.1 squid_access2dlf.1 welf_proxy2dlf.1 \
+ syslog2dlf.1 combined2dlf.1 common2dlf.1 \
+ modgzip2dlf.1 referer2dlf.1 w3c_extended2dlf.1
+MAN3= \
+ Lire::ReportParser::AsciiWriter.3pm \
+ Lire::ReportParser::ChartWriter.3pm \
+ Lire::ReportParser::DocBookFormatter.3pm \
+ Lire::AsciiDlf::DlfInfo.3pm \
+ Lire::AsciiDlf::Group.3pm Lire::Report::Entry.3pm \
+ Lire::Report::Group.3pm Lire::Report::Image.3pm \
+ Lire::Report::Section.3pm \
+ Lire::Report::Subreport.3pm \
+ Lire::ReportParser::ExcelWriter.3pm \
+ Lire::ReportParser::ReportBuilder.3pm \
+ Lire::Field.3pm Lire::Report.3pm \
+ Lire::W3CExtendedLog.3pm Lire::WELF.3pm \
+ Lire::XMLUtils.3pm Lire::Syslog.3pm \
+ Lire::WWW::URL.3pm Lire::WWW::UserAgent.3pm \
+ Lire::WWW::Domain.3pm Lire::WWW::Filename.3pm \
+ Lire::Time.3pm Lire::Email.3pm \
+ Lire::DlfSchema.3pm Lire::Apache.3pm \
+ Lire::DataTypes.3pm Lire::Program.3pm \
+ Lire::ReportParser.3pm Lire::Firewall.3pm
+ @${ECHO} "PDF output is not enabled by default."
+ @${ECHO} "Run 'make pdf' to see how to enable it."
+ @${ECHO} "If you want to have PDF output, install print/teTeX first."
+ @${ECHO} "Then, symlink ${LOCALBASE}/bin/pdftex to ${LOCALBASE}/bin/pdfjadetex:"
+ @${ECHO} " ln -fs ${LOCALBASE}/bin/pdftex ${LOCALBASE}/bin/pdfjadetex"
+ @${ECHO} "As last, in ${LOCALBASE}/share/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf,"
+ @${ECHO} "increase the poolsize of pdfjadetex:"
+ @${ECHO} " pool_size.pdfjadetex = 500000"
+ @${CAT} pkg-message
+.include <bsd.port.mk>
diff --git a/sysutils/lire/distinfo b/sysutils/lire/distinfo
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c22e392333cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysutils/lire/distinfo
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+MD5 (lire-1.1.tar.gz) = cf8366320c161207f613ff2b5b6caf8e
diff --git a/sysutils/lire/pkg-comment b/sysutils/lire/pkg-comment
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f9b94cb68166
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysutils/lire/pkg-comment
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Logfile analyse toolkit for multiple applications
diff --git a/sysutils/lire/pkg-descr b/sysutils/lire/pkg-descr
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b073bddd0860
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysutils/lire/pkg-descr
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Lire, the french word for `to read', is a toolset of logfile analysers.
+The Lire package is targeted at automatically generating useful
+reports from raw log files from various services. Currently, Lire
+can generate reports for a variety of email, web, dns, ftp, print
+servers and firewalls, and supports multiple output formats.
+Lire is built around the concept of a superservice. A superservice
+is a class of applications which share the same reports. Lire
+supports 6 superservices: dns, email, firewall, ftp, print and www.
+This means that log files for all supported email servers (service
+in Lire's parlance) will get similar reports. This is important for
+heterogeneous environments where you could have e.g. Sendmail and
+Postfix mail servers running. You will get similar reports which
+you can compare.
+- PDF output can be enabled if you follow the instructions coming
+ with "make pdf"
+- Excel output only works if you have Perl 5.6.1
+WWW: www.logreport.org
diff --git a/sysutils/lire/pkg-message b/sysutils/lire/pkg-message
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f785291b61c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysutils/lire/pkg-message
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+After installing Lire, run lr_config to change your system settings.
diff --git a/sysutils/lire/pkg-plist b/sysutils/lire/pkg-plist
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..951ffd46f16e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysutils/lire/pkg-plist
@@ -0,0 +1,661 @@
+@dirrm etc/lire
+@dirrm libexec/lire/convertors
+@dirrm libexec/lire
+@dirrm share/doc/lire/dev-manual
+@dirrm share/doc/lire/faq
+@dirrm share/doc/lire/roadmap
+@dirrm share/doc/lire/user-manual
+@dirrm share/doc/lire
+@dirrm share/lire/filters/www
+@dirrm share/lire/filters/syslog
+@dirrm share/lire/filters/proxy
+@dirrm share/lire/filters/print
+@dirrm share/lire/filters/msgstore
+@dirrm share/lire/filters/ftp
+@dirrm share/lire/filters/firewall
+@dirrm share/lire/filters/email
+@dirrm share/lire/filters/dnszone
+@dirrm share/lire/filters/dns
+@dirrm share/lire/filters/database
+@dirrm share/lire/filters
+@dirrm share/lire/reports/www
+@dirrm share/lire/reports/syslog
+@dirrm share/lire/reports/proxy
+@dirrm share/lire/reports/print
+@dirrm share/lire/reports/msgstore
+@dirrm share/lire/reports/ftp
+@dirrm share/lire/reports/firewall
+@dirrm share/lire/reports/email
+@dirrm share/lire/reports/dnszone
+@dirrm share/lire/reports/dns
+@dirrm share/lire/reports/dialup
+@dirrm share/lire/reports/database
+@dirrm share/lire/reports
+@dirrm share/lire/schemas
+@dirrm share/lire/sgml
+@dirrm share/lire/xml/stylesheet/xsl
+@dirrm share/lire/xml/stylesheet
+@dirrm share/lire/xml/dtd
+@dirrm share/lire/xml
+@dirrm share/perl5/Lire/WWW/UserAgent
+@dirrm share/perl5/Lire/WWW/Filename
+@dirrm share/perl5/Lire/WWW/Domain
+@dirrm share/perl5/Lire/WWW
+@dirrm share/perl5/Lire/ReportParser
+@dirrm share/perl5/Lire/Report
+@dirrm share/perl5/Lire/Merge
+@dirrm share/perl5/Lire/Extensions/WWW
+@dirrm share/perl5/Lire/Extensions/Print
+@dirrm share/perl5/Lire/Extensions/Email
+@dirrm share/perl5/Lire/Extensions/Database
+@dirrm share/perl5/Lire/Extensions
+@dirrm share/perl5/Lire/AsciiDlf
+@dirrm share/perl5/Lire
+@dirrm share/lire