path: root/sysutils/pftop
diff options
authorFlorian Smeets <flo@FreeBSD.org>2012-02-14 17:07:07 +0000
committerFlorian Smeets <flo@FreeBSD.org>2012-02-14 17:07:07 +0000
commita1cde0a2c447f8ff33fe9fde2fac29b62157eaa1 (patch)
tree7c1584fd8a1180a2cba209da4d22a2db3e1ed9e8 /sysutils/pftop
parente8a67ded537af11f4db16fa56278d8b42abde842 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'sysutils/pftop')
7 files changed, 912 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/sysutils/pftop/Makefile b/sysutils/pftop/Makefile
index 3c6faa603ab9..63ef1b23c7ef 100644
--- a/sysutils/pftop/Makefile
+++ b/sysutils/pftop/Makefile
@@ -23,13 +23,18 @@ MANCOMPRESSED= no
.if ${OSVERSION} < 700049
+.elif ${OSVERSION} < 900000
-.if ${OSVERSION} >= 900000
-BROKEN= does not compile on 9.X
+EXTRA_PATCHES+= ${FILESDIR}/extra-patch-cache.c \
+ ${FILESDIR}/extra-patch-cache.h \
+ ${FILESDIR}/extra-patch-config.h \
+ ${FILESDIR}/extra-patch-engine.c \
+ ${FILESDIR}/extra-patch-pftop.c \
+ ${FILESDIR}/extra-patch-sf-gencode.c
MAKE_ENV+= __MAKE_CONF=/dev/null
@@ -41,6 +46,7 @@ post-patch:
@${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|__dead|__dead2|g' ${WRKSRC}/sf-gencode.h
@${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|__dead|__dead2|g' ${WRKSRC}/sf-gencode.c
+ @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|__inline__|static __inline__|g' ${WRKSRC}/pftop.c
@${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|#include <net/if_pflog.h>||g' \
diff --git a/sysutils/pftop/files/extra-patch-cache.c b/sysutils/pftop/files/extra-patch-cache.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a0132cca0373
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysutils/pftop/files/extra-patch-cache.c
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+$OpenBSD: patch-cache_c,v 1.1 2008/06/13 00:38:12 canacar Exp $
+--- cache.c.orig Tue Nov 6 23:34:18 2007
++++ cache.c Wed Jun 11 19:50:07 2008
+@@ -118,12 +118,17 @@ add_state(pf_state_t *st)
+ cache_size--;
++ ent->id[0] = st->id[0];
++ ent->id[1] = st->id[1];
+ ent->addr[0] = st->lan.addr;
+ ent->port[0] = st->lan.port;
+ ent->addr[1] = st->ext.addr;
+ ent->port[1] = st->ext.port;
+ ent->af = st->af;
+ ent->proto = st->proto;
+ ent->bytes = COUNTER(st->bytes[0]) + COUNTER(st->bytes[1]);
+ #else
+@@ -147,13 +152,17 @@ cache_state(pf_state_t *st)
+ if (cache_max == 0)
+ return (NULL);
++ ent.id[0] = st->id[0];
++ ent.id[1] = st->id[1];
+ ent.addr[0] = st->lan.addr;
+ ent.port[0] = st->lan.port;
+ ent.addr[1] = st->ext.addr;
+ ent.port[1] = st->ext.port;
+ ent.af = st->af;
+ ent.proto = st->proto;
+ old = RB_FIND(sc_tree, &sctree, &ent);
+ if (old == NULL) {
+@@ -210,8 +219,18 @@ cache_endupdate(void)
+ static __inline int
+ sc_cmp(struct sc_ent *a, struct sc_ent *b)
+ {
++ if (a->id[0] > b->id[0])
++ return (1);
++ if (a->id[0] < b->id[0])
++ return (-1);
++ if (a->id[1] > b->id[1])
++ return (1);
++ if (a->id[1] < b->id[1])
++ return (-1);
+ int diff;
+ if ((diff = a->proto - b->proto) != 0)
+ return (diff);
+ if ((diff = a->af - b->af) != 0)
+@@ -269,6 +288,6 @@ sc_cmp(struct sc_ent *a, struct sc_ent *b)
+ return (diff);
+ if ((diff = a->port[1] - b->port[1]) != 0)
+ return (diff);
+ return (0);
+ }
diff --git a/sysutils/pftop/files/extra-patch-cache.h b/sysutils/pftop/files/extra-patch-cache.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1340351d5073
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysutils/pftop/files/extra-patch-cache.h
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+$OpenBSD: patch-cache_h,v 1.1 2008/06/13 00:38:12 canacar Exp $
+--- cache.h.orig Tue Nov 6 23:34:18 2007
++++ cache.h Wed Jun 11 19:50:07 2008
+@@ -31,14 +31,20 @@
+ struct sc_ent {
+ RB_ENTRY(sc_ent) tlink;
+ TAILQ_ENTRY(sc_ent) qlink;
++ u_int32_t id[2];
+ struct pf_addr addr[2];
+ double peak;
+ double rate;
+ time_t t;
+ u_int32_t bytes;
+ u_int16_t port[2];
+ u_int8_t af;
+ u_int8_t proto;
+ };
+ int cache_init(int);
diff --git a/sysutils/pftop/files/extra-patch-config.h b/sysutils/pftop/files/extra-patch-config.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6d2873c42ab1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysutils/pftop/files/extra-patch-config.h
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+$OpenBSD: patch-config_h,v 1.4 2008/12/20 04:36:11 canacar Exp $
+--- config.h.orig Tue Nov 6 22:34:18 2007
++++ config.h Fri Dec 19 20:28:01 2008
+@@ -74,11 +74,20 @@
+ #endif
++#if OS_LEVEL > 43
+ typedef struct pfsync_state pf_state_t;
+ typedef struct pfsync_state_host pf_state_host_t;
+ typedef struct pfsync_state_peer pf_state_peer_t;
++#define COUNTER(c) ((((u_int64_t) ntohl(c[0]))<<32) + ntohl(c[1]))
+ #define COUNTER(c) ((((u_int64_t) c[0])<<32) + c[1])
+ #define pfs_ifname ifname
+ #else
+ typedef struct pf_state pf_state_t;
diff --git a/sysutils/pftop/files/extra-patch-engine.c b/sysutils/pftop/files/extra-patch-engine.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..329d307fc1fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysutils/pftop/files/extra-patch-engine.c
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+$OpenBSD: patch-engine_c,v 1.1 2008/06/13 00:38:12 canacar Exp $
+--- engine.c.orig Tue Nov 6 23:35:44 2007
++++ engine.c Thu Jun 12 17:49:32 2008
+@@ -809,6 +809,9 @@ next_order(void)
+ {
+ order_type *o, *oc;
++ if (curr_view->mgr->order_list == NULL)
++ return;
+ oc = curr_view->mgr->order_curr;
+ for (o = curr_view->mgr->order_list; o->name != NULL; o++) {
diff --git a/sysutils/pftop/files/extra-patch-pftop.c b/sysutils/pftop/files/extra-patch-pftop.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2365213cac8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysutils/pftop/files/extra-patch-pftop.c
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+# One chunk of this OpenBSD patch has been removed
+# as it's already part of patch-pftop.c
+$OpenBSD: patch-pftop_c,v 1.12 2009/12/02 21:16:10 sthen Exp $
+--- pftop.c.orig Wed Nov 7 06:36:46 2007
++++ pftop.c Wed Dec 2 21:14:56 2009
+@@ -127,6 +127,13 @@
+ #define PT_NOROUTE(x) (0)
+ #endif
++#define PF_TSTAMP(x) ntohl(x)
++#define PF_TSTAMP(x) (x)
+ /* view management */
+ int select_states(void);
+ int read_states(void);
+@@ -445,11 +452,11 @@ sort_pkt_callback(const void *s1, const void *s2)
+ int
+ sort_age_callback(const void *s1, const void *s2)
+ {
+- if (state_buf[* (u_int32_t *) s2].creation >
+- state_buf[* (u_int32_t *) s1].creation)
++ if (PF_TSTAMP(state_buf[* (u_int32_t *) s2].creation) >
++ PF_TSTAMP(state_buf[* (u_int32_t *) s1].creation))
+ return sortdir;
+- if (state_buf[* (u_int32_t *) s2].creation <
+- state_buf[* (u_int32_t *) s1].creation)
++ if (PF_TSTAMP(state_buf[* (u_int32_t *) s2].creation) <
++ PF_TSTAMP(state_buf[* (u_int32_t *) s1].creation))
+ return -sortdir;
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -457,11 +464,11 @@ sort_age_callback(const void *s1, const void *s2)
+ int
+ sort_exp_callback(const void *s1, const void *s2)
+ {
+- if (state_buf[* (u_int32_t *) s2].expire >
+- state_buf[* (u_int32_t *) s1].expire)
++ if (PF_TSTAMP(state_buf[* (u_int32_t *) s2].expire) >
++ PF_TSTAMP(state_buf[* (u_int32_t *) s1].expire))
+ return sortdir;
+- if (state_buf[* (u_int32_t *) s2].expire <
+- state_buf[* (u_int32_t *) s1].expire)
++ if (PF_TSTAMP(state_buf[* (u_int32_t *) s2].expire) <
++ PF_TSTAMP(state_buf[* (u_int32_t *) s1].expire))
+ return -sortdir;
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -535,6 +542,8 @@ compare_addr(int af, const struct pf_addr *a, const st
+ return 0;
+ }
+ #ifdef __GNUC__
+ __inline__
+ #endif
+@@ -542,6 +551,113 @@ int
+ sort_addr_callback(const pf_state_t *s1,
+ const pf_state_t *s2, int dir)
+ {
++ const struct pf_addr *aa, *ab;
++ u_int16_t pa, pb;
++ int af, ret, ii, io;
++ af = s1->af;
++ if (af > s2->af)
++ return sortdir;
++ if (af < s2->af)
++ return -sortdir;
++ ii = io = 0;
++ if (dir == PF_OUT) /* looking for source addr */
++ io = 1;
++ else /* looking for dest addr */
++ ii = 1;
++ if (s1->direction == PF_IN) {
++ aa = &s1->key[PF_SK_STACK].addr[ii];
++ pa = s1->key[PF_SK_STACK].port[ii];
++ } else {
++ aa = &s1->key[PF_SK_WIRE].addr[io];
++ pa = s1->key[PF_SK_WIRE].port[io];
++ }
++ if (s2->direction == PF_IN) {
++ ab = &s2->key[PF_SK_STACK].addr[ii];;
++ pb = s2->key[PF_SK_STACK].port[ii];
++ } else {
++ ab = &s2->key[PF_SK_WIRE].addr[io];;
++ pb = s2->key[PF_SK_WIRE].port[io];
++ }
++ ret = compare_addr(af, aa, ab);
++ if (ret)
++ return ret * sortdir;
++ if (ntohs(pa) > ntohs(pb))
++ return sortdir;
++ return -sortdir;
++#ifdef __GNUC__
++sort_port_callback(const pf_state_t *s1,
++ const pf_state_t *s2, int dir)
++ const struct pf_addr *aa, *ab;
++ u_int16_t pa, pb;
++ int af, ret, ii, io;
++ af = s1->af;
++ if (af > s2->af)
++ return sortdir;
++ if (af < s2->af)
++ return -sortdir;
++ ii = io = 0;
++ if (dir == PF_OUT) /* looking for source addr */
++ io = 1;
++ else /* looking for dest addr */
++ ii = 1;
++ if (s1->direction == PF_IN) {
++ aa = &s1->key[PF_SK_STACK].addr[ii];
++ pa = s1->key[PF_SK_STACK].port[ii];
++ } else {
++ aa = &s1->key[PF_SK_WIRE].addr[io];
++ pa = s1->key[PF_SK_WIRE].port[io];
++ }
++ if (s2->direction == PF_IN) {
++ ab = &s2->key[PF_SK_STACK].addr[ii];;
++ pb = s2->key[PF_SK_STACK].port[ii];
++ } else {
++ ab = &s2->key[PF_SK_WIRE].addr[io];;
++ pb = s2->key[PF_SK_WIRE].port[io];
++ }
++ if (ntohs(pa) > ntohs(pb))
++ return sortdir;
++ if (ntohs(pa) < ntohs(pb))
++ return - sortdir;
++ ret = compare_addr(af, aa, ab);
++ if (ret)
++ return ret * sortdir;
++ return -sortdir;
++#else /* HAVE_PFSYNC_KEY */
++#ifdef __GNUC__
++sort_addr_callback(const pf_state_t *s1,
++ const pf_state_t *s2, int dir)
+ const pf_state_host_t *a, *b;
+ int af, ret;
+@@ -573,20 +689,6 @@ sort_addr_callback(const pf_state_t *s1,
+ return -sortdir;
+ }
+-int sort_sa_callback(const void *p1, const void *p2)
+- pf_state_t *s1 = state_buf + (* (u_int32_t *) p1);
+- pf_state_t *s2 = state_buf + (* (u_int32_t *) p2);
+- return sort_addr_callback(s1, s2, PF_OUT);
+-int sort_da_callback(const void *p1, const void *p2)
+- pf_state_t *s1 = state_buf + (* (u_int32_t *) p1);
+- pf_state_t *s2 = state_buf + (* (u_int32_t *) p2);
+- return sort_addr_callback(s1, s2, PF_IN);
+ #ifdef __GNUC__
+ __inline__
+ #endif
+@@ -625,7 +727,22 @@ sort_port_callback(const pf_state_t *s1,
+ return sortdir;
+ return -sortdir;
+ }
++#endif /* HAVE_PFSYNC_KEY */
++int sort_sa_callback(const void *p1, const void *p2)
++ pf_state_t *s1 = state_buf + (* (u_int32_t *) p1);
++ pf_state_t *s2 = state_buf + (* (u_int32_t *) p2);
++ return sort_addr_callback(s1, s2, PF_OUT);
++int sort_da_callback(const void *p1, const void *p2)
++ pf_state_t *s1 = state_buf + (* (u_int32_t *) p1);
++ pf_state_t *s2 = state_buf + (* (u_int32_t *) p2);
++ return sort_addr_callback(s1, s2, PF_IN);
+ int
+ sort_sp_callback(const void *p1, const void *p2)
+ {
+@@ -865,7 +982,48 @@ tb_print_addr(struct pf_addr * addr, struct pf_addr *
+ tbprintf("/%u", unmask(mask, af));
+ }
+ }
++print_fld_host2(field_def *fld, struct pfsync_state_key *ks,
++ struct pfsync_state_key *kn, int idx, int af)
++ struct pf_addr *as = &ks->addr[idx];
++ struct pf_addr *an = &kn->addr[idx];
++ u_int16_t ps = ntohs(ks->port[idx]);
++ u_int16_t pn = ntohs(kn->port[idx]);
++ if (fld == NULL)
++ return;
++ if (fld->width < 3) {
++ print_fld_str(fld, "*");
++ return;
++ }
++ tb_start();
++ tb_print_addr(as, NULL, af);
++ if (af == AF_INET)
++ tbprintf(":%u", ps);
++ else
++ tbprintf("[%u]", ps);
++ print_fld_tb(fld);
++ if (PF_ANEQ(as, an, af) || ps != pn) {
++ tb_start();
++ tb_print_addr(an, NULL, af);
++ if (af == AF_INET)
++ tbprintf(":%u", pn);
++ else
++ tbprintf("[%u]", pn);
++ print_fld_tb(FLD_GW);
++ }
+ void
+ print_fld_host(field_def *fld, pf_state_host_t * h, int af)
+ {
+@@ -889,6 +1047,7 @@ print_fld_host(field_def *fld, pf_state_host_t * h, in
+ print_fld_tb(fld);
+ }
+ void
+ print_fld_state(field_def *fld, unsigned int proto,
+@@ -960,7 +1119,20 @@ print_state(pf_state_t * s, struct sc_ent * ent)
+ else
+ print_fld_uint(FLD_PROTO, s->proto);
+ if (s->direction == PF_OUT) {
++ print_fld_host2(FLD_SRC, &s->key[PF_SK_WIRE],
++ &s->key[PF_SK_STACK], 1, s->af);
++ print_fld_host2(FLD_DEST, &s->key[PF_SK_WIRE],
++ &s->key[PF_SK_STACK], 0, s->af);
++ } else {
++ print_fld_host2(FLD_SRC, &s->key[PF_SK_STACK],
++ &s->key[PF_SK_WIRE], 0, s->af);
++ print_fld_host2(FLD_DEST, &s->key[PF_SK_STACK],
++ &s->key[PF_SK_WIRE], 1, s->af);
++ }
++ if (s->direction == PF_OUT) {
+ print_fld_host(FLD_SRC, &s->lan, s->af);
+ print_fld_host(FLD_DEST, &s->ext, s->af);
+ } else {
+@@ -972,6 +1144,7 @@ print_state(pf_state_t * s, struct sc_ent * ent)
+ (s->lan.port != s->gwy.port)) {
+ print_fld_host(FLD_GW, &s->gwy, s->af);
+ }
+ if (s->direction == PF_OUT)
+ print_fld_str(FLD_DIR, "Out");
+@@ -979,8 +1152,8 @@ print_state(pf_state_t * s, struct sc_ent * ent)
+ print_fld_str(FLD_DIR, "In");
+ print_fld_state(FLD_STATE, s->proto, src->state, dst->state);
+- print_fld_age(FLD_AGE, s->creation);
+- print_fld_age(FLD_EXP, s->expire);
++ print_fld_age(FLD_AGE, PF_TSTAMP(s->creation));
++ print_fld_age(FLD_EXP, PF_TSTAMP(s->expire));
+ {
+ u_int64_t sz = COUNTER(s->bytes[0]) + COUNTER(s->bytes[1]);
+@@ -988,14 +1161,14 @@ print_state(pf_state_t * s, struct sc_ent * ent)
+ print_fld_size(FLD_PKTS, COUNTER(s->packets[0]) +
+ COUNTER(s->packets[1]));
+ print_fld_size(FLD_BYTES, sz);
+- print_fld_rate(FLD_SA, (s->creation > 0) ?
+- ((double)sz/(double)s->creation) : -1);
++ print_fld_rate(FLD_SA, (s->creation) ?
++ ((double)sz/PF_TSTAMP((double)s->creation)) : -1);
+ }
+ #else
+ print_fld_size(FLD_PKTS, s->packets);
+ print_fld_size(FLD_BYTES, s->bytes);
+- print_fld_rate(FLD_SA, (s->creation > 0) ?
+- ((double)s->bytes/(double)s->creation) : -1);
++ print_fld_rate(FLD_SA, (s->creation) ?
++ ((double)s->bytes/PF_TSTAMP((double)s->creation)) : -1);
+ #endif
+@@ -1475,8 +1648,12 @@ print_rule(struct pf_rule *pr)
+ print_fld_str(FLD_LABEL, pr->label);
+ #endif
++ print_fld_size(FLD_STATS, pr->states_tot);
+ print_fld_size(FLD_STATS, pr->states);
+ #endif
+ print_fld_size(FLD_PKTS, pr->packets[0] + pr->packets[1]);
+@@ -1729,12 +1912,19 @@ pfctl_insert_altq_node(struct pf_altq_node **root,
+ prev->next = node;
+ }
+ }
+- if (*root != node) {
+- struct pf_altq_node *prev_flat = *root;
+- while (prev_flat->next_flat != NULL) {
+- prev_flat = prev_flat->next_flat;
+- }
+- prev_flat->next_flat = node;
++pfctl_set_next_flat(struct pf_altq_node *node, struct pf_altq_node *up)
++ while (node) {
++ struct pf_altq_node *next = node->next ? node->next : up;
++ if (node->children) {
++ node->next_flat = node->children;
++ pfctl_set_next_flat(node->children, next);
++ } else
++ node->next_flat = next;
++ node = node->next;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -1747,6 +1937,7 @@ pfctl_update_qstats(struct pf_altq_node **root, int *i
+ u_int32_t nr;
+ struct queue_stats qstats;
+ u_int32_t nr_queues;
++ int ret = 0;
+ *inserts = 0;
+ memset(&pa, 0, sizeof(pa));
+@@ -1757,13 +1948,15 @@ pfctl_update_qstats(struct pf_altq_node **root, int *i
+ strerror(errno));
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ num_queues = nr_queues = pa.nr;
+ for (nr = 0; nr < nr_queues; ++nr) {
+ pa.nr = nr;
+ if (ioctl(pf_dev, DIOCGETALTQ, &pa)) {
+ msgprintf("Error Reading Queue (DIOCGETALTQ): %s",
+ strerror(errno));
+- return (-1);
++ ret = -1;
++ break;
+ }
+ if (pa.altq.qid > 0) {
+ pq.nr = nr;
+@@ -1773,7 +1966,8 @@ pfctl_update_qstats(struct pf_altq_node **root, int *i
+ if (ioctl(pf_dev, DIOCGETQSTATS, &pq)) {
+ msgprintf("Error Reading Queue (DIOCGETQSTATS): %s",
+ strerror(errno));
+- return (-1);
++ ret = -1;
++ break;
+ }
+ qstats.valid = 1;
+ gettimeofday(&qstats.timestamp, NULL);
+@@ -1794,7 +1988,10 @@ pfctl_update_qstats(struct pf_altq_node **root, int *i
+ else
+ --num_queues;
+ }
+- return (0);
++ pfctl_set_next_flat(*root, NULL);
++ return (ret);
+ }
+ void
diff --git a/sysutils/pftop/files/extra-patch-sf-gencode.c b/sysutils/pftop/files/extra-patch-sf-gencode.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b9155667393a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysutils/pftop/files/extra-patch-sf-gencode.c
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+$OpenBSD: patch-sf-gencode_c,v 1.1 2008/06/13 00:38:12 canacar Exp $
+--- sf-gencode.c.orig Tue Nov 6 23:34:18 2007
++++ sf-gencode.c Wed Jun 11 19:50:10 2008
+@@ -474,9 +474,107 @@ gen_proto(int proto)
+ (bpf_int32)proto));
+ }
+ static struct block *
+ gen_hostop(bpf_u_int32 addr, bpf_u_int32 mask, int dir)
+ {
++ struct block *b0, *b1, *b2, *bi, *bo;
++ const static int isrc_off = offsetof(pf_state_t, key[PF_SK_STACK].addr[0].v4);
++ const static int osrc_off = offsetof(pf_state_t, key[PF_SK_WIRE].addr[1].v4);
++ const static int idst_off = offsetof(pf_state_t, key[PF_SK_STACK].addr[1].v4);
++ const static int odst_off = offsetof(pf_state_t, key[PF_SK_WIRE].addr[0].v4);
++ const static int igwy1_off = offsetof(pf_state_t, key[PF_SK_WIRE].addr[0].v4);
++ const static int ogwy1_off = offsetof(pf_state_t, key[PF_SK_STACK].addr[1].v4);
++ const static int igwy2_off = offsetof(pf_state_t, key[PF_SK_WIRE].addr[1].v4);
++ const static int ogwy2_off = offsetof(pf_state_t, key[PF_SK_STACK].addr[0].v4);
++ addr = ntohl(addr);
++ mask = ntohl(mask);
++ bi = gen_cmp(offsetof(pf_state_t, direction), BPF_B, (bpf_int32)PF_IN);
++ bo = gen_cmp(offsetof(pf_state_t, direction), BPF_B, (bpf_int32)PF_OUT);
++ switch (dir) {
++ case Q_SRC:
++ b1 = gen_mcmp(osrc_off, BPF_W, addr, mask);
++ gen_and(bo, b1);
++ b0 = gen_mcmp(isrc_off, BPF_W, addr, mask);
++ gen_and(bi, b0);
++ gen_or(b0, b1);
++ break;
++ case Q_DST:
++ b1 = gen_mcmp(odst_off, BPF_W, addr, mask);
++ gen_and(bo, b1);
++ b0 = gen_mcmp(idst_off, BPF_W, addr, mask);
++ gen_and(bi, b0);
++ gen_or(b0, b1);
++ break;
++ case Q_GATEWAY:
++ /* (in && (addr == igwy1 || addr == igwy2)) ||
++ (out && (addr == ogwy1 || addr == ogwy2)) phew! */
++ b1 = gen_mcmp(igwy1_off, BPF_W, addr, mask);
++ b0 = gen_mcmp(igwy2_off, BPF_W, addr, mask);
++ gen_or(b0, b1);
++ gen_and(bi, b1);
++ b2 = gen_mcmp(ogwy1_off, BPF_W, addr, mask);
++ b0 = gen_mcmp(ogwy2_off, BPF_W, addr, mask);
++ gen_or(b2, b0);
++ gen_and(bo, b0);
++ gen_or(b0, b1);
++ break;
++ case Q_AND:
++ b1 = gen_mcmp(isrc_off, BPF_W, addr, mask);
++ b0 = gen_mcmp(idst_off, BPF_W, addr, mask);
++ gen_and(b0, b1);
++ gen_and(bi, b1);
++ b2 = gen_mcmp(osrc_off, BPF_W, addr, mask);
++ b0 = gen_mcmp(odst_off, BPF_W, addr, mask);
++ gen_and(b2, b0);
++ gen_and(bo, b0);
++ gen_or(b0, b1);
++ break;
++ case Q_OR:
++ b1 = gen_mcmp(isrc_off, BPF_W, addr, mask);
++ b0 = gen_mcmp(idst_off, BPF_W, addr, mask);
++ gen_or(b0, b1);
++ gen_and(bi, b1);
++ b2 = gen_mcmp(osrc_off, BPF_W, addr, mask);
++ b0 = gen_mcmp(odst_off, BPF_W, addr, mask);
++ gen_or(b2, b0);
++ gen_and(bo, b0);
++ gen_or(b0, b1);
++ break;
++ case Q_DEFAULT:
++ b1 = gen_mcmp(isrc_off, BPF_W, addr, mask);
++ b0 = gen_mcmp(idst_off, BPF_W, addr, mask);
++ gen_or(b0, b1);
++ b0 = gen_mcmp(osrc_off, BPF_W, addr, mask);
++ gen_or(b0, b1);
++ b0 = gen_mcmp(odst_off, BPF_W, addr, mask);
++ gen_or(b0, b1);
++ break;
++ default:
++ sf_error("Internal error: Invalid direcion specifier: %d", dir);
++ }
++ b0 = gen_linktype(ETHERTYPE_IP);
++ gen_and(b0, b1);
++ return b1;
++static struct block *
++gen_hostop(bpf_u_int32 addr, bpf_u_int32 mask, int dir)
+ struct block *b0, *b1, *b2;
+ const static int lan_off = offsetof(pf_state_t, lan.addr.v4);
+ const static int gwy_off = offsetof(pf_state_t, gwy.addr.v4);
+@@ -542,6 +640,7 @@ gen_hostop(bpf_u_int32 addr, bpf_u_int32 mask, int dir
+ return b1;
+ }
+ static struct block *
+ gen_hostcmp6(u_int off, u_int32_t *a, u_int32_t *m)
+@@ -560,9 +659,108 @@ gen_hostcmp6(u_int off, u_int32_t *a, u_int32_t *m)
+ return b1;
+ }
+ static struct block *
+ gen_hostop6(struct in6_addr *addr, struct in6_addr *mask, int dir)
+ {
++ struct block *b0, *b1, *b2, *bi, *bo;
++ u_int32_t *a, *m;
++ const static int isrc_off = offsetof(pf_state_t, key[PF_SK_STACK].addr[0].v6);
++ const static int osrc_off = offsetof(pf_state_t, key[PF_SK_WIRE].addr[1].v6);
++ const static int idst_off = offsetof(pf_state_t, key[PF_SK_STACK].addr[1].v6);
++ const static int odst_off = offsetof(pf_state_t, key[PF_SK_WIRE].addr[0].v6);
++ const static int igwy1_off = offsetof(pf_state_t, key[PF_SK_WIRE].addr[0].v6);
++ const static int ogwy1_off = offsetof(pf_state_t, key[PF_SK_STACK].addr[1].v6);
++ const static int igwy2_off = offsetof(pf_state_t, key[PF_SK_WIRE].addr[1].v6);
++ const static int ogwy2_off = offsetof(pf_state_t, key[PF_SK_STACK].addr[0].v6);
++ a = (u_int32_t *)addr;
++ m = (u_int32_t *)mask;
++ bi = gen_cmp(offsetof(pf_state_t, direction), BPF_B, (bpf_int32)PF_IN);
++ bo = gen_cmp(offsetof(pf_state_t, direction), BPF_B, (bpf_int32)PF_OUT);
++ switch (dir) {
++ case Q_SRC:
++ b1 = gen_hostcmp6(osrc_off, a, m);
++ gen_and(bo, b1);
++ b0 = gen_hostcmp6(isrc_off, a, m);
++ gen_and(bi, b0);
++ gen_or(b0, b1);
++ break;
++ case Q_DST:
++ b1 = gen_hostcmp6(odst_off, a, m);
++ gen_and(bo, b1);
++ b0 = gen_hostcmp6(idst_off, a, m);
++ gen_and(bi, b0);
++ gen_or(b0, b1);
++ break;
++ case Q_GATEWAY:
++ /* (in && (addr == igwy1 || addr == igwy2)) ||
++ (out && (addr == ogwy1 || addr == ogwy2)) phew! */
++ b1 = gen_hostcmp6(igwy1_off, a, m);
++ b0 = gen_hostcmp6(igwy2_off, a, m);
++ gen_or(b0, b1);
++ gen_and(bi, b1);
++ b2 = gen_hostcmp6(ogwy1_off, a, m);
++ b0 = gen_hostcmp6(ogwy2_off, a, m);
++ gen_or(b2, b0);
++ gen_and(bo, b0);
++ gen_or(b0, b1);
++ break;
++ case Q_AND:
++ b1 = gen_hostcmp6(isrc_off, a, m);
++ b0 = gen_hostcmp6(idst_off, a, m);
++ gen_and(b0, b1);
++ gen_and(bi, b1);
++ b2 = gen_hostcmp6(osrc_off, a, m);
++ b0 = gen_hostcmp6(odst_off, a, m);
++ gen_and(b2, b0);
++ gen_and(bo, b0);
++ gen_or(b0, b1);
++ break;
++ case Q_OR:
++ b1 = gen_hostcmp6(isrc_off, a, m);
++ b0 = gen_hostcmp6(idst_off, a, m);
++ gen_or(b0, b1);
++ gen_and(bi, b1);
++ b2 = gen_hostcmp6(osrc_off, a, m);
++ b0 = gen_hostcmp6(odst_off, a, m);
++ gen_or(b2, b0);
++ gen_and(bo, b0);
++ gen_or(b0, b1);
++ break;
++ case Q_DEFAULT:
++ b1 = gen_hostcmp6(isrc_off, a, m);
++ b0 = gen_hostcmp6(idst_off, a, m);
++ gen_or(b0, b1);
++ b0 = gen_hostcmp6(osrc_off, a, m);
++ gen_or(b0, b1);
++ b0 = gen_hostcmp6(odst_off, a, m);
++ gen_or(b0, b1);
++ break;
++ default:
++ sf_error("Internal error: Invalid direcion specifier: %d", dir);
++ }
++ b0 = gen_linktype(ETHERTYPE_IPV6);
++ gen_and(b0, b1);
++ return b1;
++static struct block *
++gen_hostop6(struct in6_addr *addr, struct in6_addr *mask, int dir)
+ struct block *b0, *b1, *b2;
+ u_int32_t *a, *m;
+@@ -630,6 +828,7 @@ gen_hostop6(struct in6_addr *addr, struct in6_addr *ma
+ gen_and(b0, b1);
+ return b1;
+ }
+ static const char *
+ get_modifier_by_id(int id)
+@@ -748,9 +947,107 @@ gen_proto_abbrev(proto)
+ return b1;
+ }
+ struct block *
+ gen_portop(int port, int proto, int dir)
+ {
++ struct block *b0, *b1, *b2, *bi, *bo;
++ const static int isrc_off = offsetof(pf_state_t, key[PF_SK_STACK].port[0]);
++ const static int osrc_off = offsetof(pf_state_t, key[PF_SK_WIRE].port[1]);
++ const static int idst_off = offsetof(pf_state_t, key[PF_SK_STACK].port[1]);
++ const static int odst_off = offsetof(pf_state_t, key[PF_SK_WIRE].port[0]);
++ const static int igwy1_off = offsetof(pf_state_t, key[PF_SK_WIRE].port[0]);
++ const static int ogwy1_off = offsetof(pf_state_t, key[PF_SK_STACK].port[1]);
++ const static int igwy2_off = offsetof(pf_state_t, key[PF_SK_WIRE].port[1]);
++ const static int ogwy2_off = offsetof(pf_state_t, key[PF_SK_STACK].port[0]);
++ port = ntohs(port);
++ bi = gen_cmp(offsetof(pf_state_t, direction), BPF_B, (bpf_int32)PF_IN);
++ bo = gen_cmp(offsetof(pf_state_t, direction), BPF_B, (bpf_int32)PF_OUT);
++ switch (dir) {
++ case Q_SRC:
++ b1 = gen_cmp(osrc_off, BPF_H, (bpf_int32)port);
++ gen_and(bo, b1);
++ b0 = gen_cmp(isrc_off, BPF_H, (bpf_int32)port);
++ gen_and(bi, b0);
++ gen_or(b0, b1);
++ break;
++ case Q_DST:
++ b1 = gen_cmp(odst_off, BPF_H, (bpf_int32)port);
++ gen_and(bo, b1);
++ b0 = gen_cmp(idst_off, BPF_H, (bpf_int32)port);
++ gen_and(bi, b0);
++ gen_or(b0, b1);
++ break;
++ case Q_GATEWAY:
++ /* (in && (addr == igwy1 || addr == igwy2)) ||
++ (out && (addr == ogwy1 || addr == ogwy2)) phew! */
++ b1 = gen_cmp(igwy1_off, BPF_H, (bpf_int32)port);
++ b0 = gen_cmp(igwy2_off, BPF_H, (bpf_int32)port);
++ gen_or(b0, b1);
++ gen_and(bi, b1);
++ b2 = gen_cmp(ogwy1_off, BPF_H, (bpf_int32)port);
++ b0 = gen_cmp(ogwy2_off, BPF_H, (bpf_int32)port);
++ gen_or(b2, b0);
++ gen_and(bo, b0);
++ gen_or(b0, b1);
++ break;
++ case Q_AND:
++ b1 = gen_cmp(isrc_off, BPF_H, (bpf_int32)port);
++ b0 = gen_cmp(idst_off, BPF_H, (bpf_int32)port);
++ gen_and(b0, b1);
++ gen_and(bi, b1);
++ b2 = gen_cmp(osrc_off, BPF_H, (bpf_int32)port);
++ b0 = gen_cmp(odst_off, BPF_H, (bpf_int32)port);
++ gen_and(b2, b0);
++ gen_and(bo, b0);
++ gen_or(b0, b1);
++ break;
++ case Q_OR:
++ b1 = gen_cmp(isrc_off, BPF_H, (bpf_int32)port);
++ b0 = gen_cmp(idst_off, BPF_H, (bpf_int32)port);
++ gen_or(b0, b1);
++ gen_and(bi, b1);
++ b2 = gen_cmp(osrc_off, BPF_H, (bpf_int32)port);
++ b0 = gen_cmp(odst_off, BPF_H, (bpf_int32)port);
++ gen_or(b2, b0);
++ gen_and(bo, b0);
++ gen_or(b0, b1);
++ break;
++ case Q_DEFAULT:
++ b1 = gen_cmp(isrc_off, BPF_H, (bpf_int32)port);
++ b0 = gen_cmp(idst_off, BPF_H, (bpf_int32)port);
++ gen_or(b0, b1);
++ b0 = gen_cmp(osrc_off, BPF_H, (bpf_int32)port);
++ gen_or(b0, b1);
++ b0 = gen_cmp(odst_off, BPF_H, (bpf_int32)port);
++ gen_or(b0, b1);
++ break;
++ default:
++ sf_error("Internal error: Invalid direcion specifier: %d", dir);
++ }
++ b0 = gen_proto(proto);
++ gen_and(b0, b1);
++ return b1;
++struct block *
++gen_portop(int port, int proto, int dir)
+ struct block *b0, *b1, *b2;
+ const static int lan_off = offsetof(pf_state_t, lan.port);
+ const static int gwy_off = offsetof(pf_state_t, gwy.port);
+@@ -815,6 +1112,7 @@ gen_portop(int port, int proto, int dir)
+ return b1;
+ }
+ static struct block *
+ gen_port(int port, int ip_proto, int dir)