path: root/textproc/gmat
diff options
authorMartin Wilke <miwi@FreeBSD.org>2009-06-05 20:38:36 +0000
committerMartin Wilke <miwi@FreeBSD.org>2009-06-05 20:38:36 +0000
commitf128ddfb8e824bce7cd0ef1addba5b707e8adc66 (patch)
tree3f59163d342879f3073e32d5466a9463002dd536 /textproc/gmat
parent178818ef96f08d2d87f6be577b2df88cf00ebe1a (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'textproc/gmat')
9 files changed, 0 insertions, 1031 deletions
diff --git a/textproc/gmat/Makefile b/textproc/gmat/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index a5c2b15840d1..000000000000
--- a/textproc/gmat/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-# ports collection makefile for: gmat
-# Date created: 31 December 2000
-# Whom: grog
-# $FreeBSD$
-CATEGORIES= textproc
-MASTER_SITES= ftp://ftp.ora.com/pub/gmat/
-MAINTAINER= ports@FreeBSD.org
-COMMENT= O'Reilly's SGML formatting package
-RUN_DEPENDS= nsgmls:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/jade \
- ${LOCALBASE}/bin/procmail:${PORTSDIR}/mail/procmail \
- docbook<2:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/docbook \
- ${LOCALBASE}/share/sgml/iso12083/book.dtd:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/iso12083 \
- gv:${PORTSDIR}/print/gv
-BROKEN= this port needs a larger cleanup
-DEPRECATED= failed to build for a long time, no maintainer and apparently no users either
-SUB_FILES= pkg-message
-DTDVER?= 4.2 # docbook-xml version
- @${RM} ${WRKSRC}/src/crlf/crlf.o ${WRKSRC}/src/crlf/crlf ${WRKSRC}/bin/gmat.troff.orig
-# Change the pathnames in CATALOG & BOOKFILES
-.for RP in /usr/local/prod %%PRODROOT%%
- ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e "s|${RP}/sgml/ISO_12083-1993/dtds|${LOCALBASE}/share/sgml/iso12083|" \
- -e "s|${RP}/sgml/Davenport/dtds|${LOCALBASE}/share/sgml/docbook|" \
- -e "s|${RP}/sgml/DocBook-XML/iso|${LOCALBASE}/share/xml/docbook/${DTDVER}/ent/iso|" \
- -e "s|${RP}/sgml/DocBook-XML|${LOCALBASE}/share/xml/docbook/${DTDVER}|" \
- -e "s|${RP}/sgml/DocBook|${LOCALBASE}/share/sgml/docbook|" \
- ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e "s|/usr/local/prod|${DATADIR}|" ${WRKSRC}/test/${FILE}
-.for FILE in checkaheads kern10sed kern10sed0 kern10sed1
- ${CHMOD} a+x ${WRKSRC}/bin/${FILE}
- ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e "s|/usr/local|${PREFIX}|" ${WRKSRC}/Makefile
- @${STRIP_CMD} ${PREFIX}/bin/crlf
- (cd ${WRKSRC}; tar cf - test) | (cd ${DATADIR}; tar xvf -)
-.if !defined(NOPORTDOCS)
-.include <bsd.port.mk>
diff --git a/textproc/gmat/distinfo b/textproc/gmat/distinfo
deleted file mode 100644
index 08aa26dec65f..000000000000
--- a/textproc/gmat/distinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-MD5 (gmat-0.2.4c.tar.gz) = 184ba95d13d2a66c704ca7bb8586db7a
-SHA256 (gmat-0.2.4c.tar.gz) = a421c2f2d50b7706a635f4a5dae4178db805c4707d323529dd82e8a696c8c2aa
-SIZE (gmat-0.2.4c.tar.gz) = 332704
diff --git a/textproc/gmat/files/patch-ab b/textproc/gmat/files/patch-ab
deleted file mode 100644
index ace0b2513727..000000000000
--- a/textproc/gmat/files/patch-ab
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
---- lib/oratoolsrc Thu Sep 7 00:48:19 2000
-+++ lib/oratoolsrc.new Thu Jan 11 12:05:38 2001
-@@ -58,9 +58,9 @@
- action = view
--tbl = gtbl
--pic = gpic
--eqn = geqn
-+tbl = tbl
-+pic = pic
-+eqn = eqn
- tbl_opts = -
- pic_opts = -
-@@ -94,9 +94,9 @@
- comment = This is really gmat.old
- action = view
--tbl = gtbl
--pic = gpic
--eqn = geqn
-+tbl = tbl
-+pic = pic
-+eqn = eqn
- tbl_opts = -
- pic_opts = -
diff --git a/textproc/gmat/files/patch-ac b/textproc/gmat/files/patch-ac
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b154b5158f6..000000000000
--- a/textproc/gmat/files/patch-ac
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,617 +0,0 @@
---- gmat.sgm.orig Thu Jan 1 09:30:00 1970
-+++ gmat.sgm Sun Jan 7 12:44:25 2001
-@@ -0,0 +1,614 @@
-+<!-- $Id: gmat.sgm 1.2 1994/08/29 17:53:27 norm Exp $ -->
-+<chapter id=gmat><title>gmat</>
-+Usage: <command>gmat</> [switches] filename { [[switches] filename] }
-+<command>gmat</> handles the routine processing of text documents into
-+printed or previewed output. Beginning with one or more input files (in
-+a formatting language like troff or TeX; or in SGML), <command>gmat</>
-+performs any necessary preprocessing (e.g. construction of an
-+<acronym>SGML</acronym> driver file), executes the appropriate
-+formatter, and previews or prints the resulting output file (generally
-+Most aspects of <command>gmat</> are configurable through command line
-+switches and/or configuration files. <command>gmat</> reads two
-+configuration files: the <filename>oratoolsrc</> file and the
-+<filename>bookfiles</> file.
-+The following command line switches are available:
-+ <varlistentry><term><option>&ndash;d</></term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ Enable debugging. If the <option>&ndash;d</option> switch is used,
-+ temporary files
-+ created by <command>gmat</> are not deleted when <command>gmat</>
-+ ends.
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term><option>&ndash;f</></term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ Keep the output file. If the <option>&ndash;f</option> switch is used,
-+ the output file
-+ is not deleted after previewing or printing. Ordinarily,
-+ <command>gmat</> treats the output file as a temporary file.
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term><option>&ndash;F</> <replaceable>file</></term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ Specify the name of the output file. The name of the output file
-+ is controlled by the <filename>oratoolsrc</> variable
-+ <literal>PS_BASE</> if the <option>&ndash;F</> option is not used.
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term><option>&ndash;k</></term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ Keep the formatter input file. The <option>&ndash;k</> option is only meaningful
-+ when <acronym>SGML</acronym> files are being processed by
-+ <command>gmat</>. The <acronym>SGML</acronym> file is
-+ automatically translated into a formatter input file; if the <option>&ndash;k</>
-+ option isn't used, <command>gmat</> treats the output file as a
-+ temporary file.
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term><option>&ndash;K</> <replaceable>file</></term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ Specify the name of the formatter input file. The name of the
-+ formatter input file is controlled by the <filename>oratoolsrc</> variables
-+ <literal>EXT_BASE</> and <literal>EXT3L</> if the <option>&ndash;K</> option isn't used.
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term><option>&ndash;o</> <replaceable>pages</></term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ Specify a list of pages. Only the pages specified will appear in
-+ the output file. Pages are specified by page number. By default,
-+ all of the pages in the formatter input file will appear in the
-+ output file.
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term><option>&ndash;p</></term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ Print the output file. Selection of the output action is
-+ controlled by the <option>&ndash;p</> and <option>&ndash;v</> options and the <filename>oratoolsrc</>
-+ variable <literal>ACTION</>. If the <option>&ndash;p</> option is used, the file will be
-+ printed regardless of the action specified by the <filename>oratoolsrc</>
-+ variable <literal>ACTION</>.
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term><option>&ndash;P</> <replaceable>printer</></term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ Select printer. Output will be sent to the printer specified. If
-+ the <option>&ndash;P</> option is not used, output will be sent to the printer
-+ specified by the <filename>oratoolsrc</> variable <literal>PRINTER</>. This option has
-+ no meaning if the output file is not printed (e.g. if the
-+ previewer is used instead). Selection of the output action is
-+ controlled by the <option>&ndash;p</> and <option>&ndash;v</> options and the <filename>oratoolsrc</>
-+ variable <literal>ACTION</>.
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term><option>&ndash;q</></term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ Suppress warning messages. The ``verbosity'' of messages is
-+ controlled by the <filename>oratoolsrc</> variables <literal>QUIET</> and <literal>VERBOSE</> and
-+ the <option>&ndash;q</> option.
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term><option>&ndash;s</></term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ Save the <acronym>SGML</acronym> driver file. If the <option>&ndash;s</> option
-+ is not used, <command>gmat</> treats the <acronym>SGML</acronym>
-+ driver file (containing the &lt;!DOCTYPE&gt; declaration and the
-+ locally defined entities) as a temporary file.
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term><option>&ndash;S</></term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ Don't merge multiple <acronym>SGML</acronym> files together with
-+ an <acronym>SGML</acronym> driver file. If the <option>&ndash;S</> option is
-+ used, <command>gmat</> does not build a driver file. Each
-+ <acronym>SGML</acronym> file must contain it's own &lt;DOCTYPE&gt;
-+ specification. When multiple <acronym>SGML</acronym> files are
-+ given on the command line, <command>gmat</> ordinarily merges them
-+ together in the <acronym>SGML</acronym> driver. If the <option>&ndash;S</>
-+ option is specified, each file is processed individually.
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term><option>&ndash;T</> <replaceable>progname</></term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ Process the formatter input file with the specified program. This
-+ option is not implemented yet. Ultimately, it will allow
-+ <command>gmat</> to handle arbitrary document formatters instead
-+ of just gtroff.
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term><option>&ndash;v</></term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ Preview the output file. Selection of the output action is
-+ controlled by the <option>&ndash;p</> and <option>&ndash;v</> options and the <filename>oratoolsrc</>
-+ variable <literal>ACTION</>. If the <option>&ndash;v</> option is used, the file will be
-+ previewed regardless of the action specified by the <filename>oratoolsrc</>
-+ variable <literal>ACTION</>.
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term><option>&ndash;W</></term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ Wait on error. If <command>gmat</> detects a user error (such as
-+ an invalid option) it prints an error message and ends. If the
-+ <option>&ndash;W</> option is specified, it also waits for the user to press
-+ Enter. This option is useful if <command>gmat</> is executed by
-+ shell script or batch file and subsequent processing might cause
-+ the error message to scroll off of the screen before it could be
-+ read or even noticed.
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term><option>&ndash;x</></term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ Just check for errors. If the <option>&ndash;x</> option is specified,
-+ <command>gmat</> does not preview or print the output file.
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+The <filename>oratoolsrc</> file provides another way to customize
-+<command>gmat</>. <command>gmat</> loads each of the following
-+<filename>oratoolsrc</> files if they exist: the system default file, the user
-+default file, and the <filename>oratoolsrc</> file in the current directory. If a
-+variable is set in more than one file, the value in the most recently
-+loaded file is the value that <command>gmat</> uses.
-+The system default file is <filename>oratoolsrc</>. The location of the system
-+default file is controlled by the environment variable <systemitem class=environvar>ORALIBDIR</>. If
-+<systemitem class=environvar>ORALIBDIR</> is not set, the value <filename>/usr/local/prod/lib</> is used. The
-+user default file is $HOME/.oratoolsrc. The <filename>oratoolsrc</> file in the
-+current directory is <filename>.oratoolsrc</>.
-+The following variables are recognized by <command>gmat</> in the <literal>GMAT</>
-+or global sections of the <filename>oratoolsrc</> configuration file.
-+ <varlistentry><term>action (view, print, check, file)</term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ Output file processing. Valid values are view (equivalent to the
-+ <option>&ndash;v</> option), print (equivalent to the <option>&ndash;p</> option), check
-+ (equivalent to the <option>&ndash;x</> option), and file (equivalent to the <option>&ndash;f</>
-+ option).
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term>bindir dir</term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ Additional <systemitem class=environvar>PATH</> directory. <command>gmat</> adds the specified
-+ directory to the <systemitem class=environvar>PATH</> environment variable before running
-+ subprocesses. This variable allows the installer to place
-+ <command>gmat</> in a standard place (e.g. <filename>/usr/local/bin</>) but
-+ leave the rest of the executables somewhere else without requiring
-+ that every user update their <systemitem class=environvar>PATH</>.
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term>bookfiles filename</term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ Name of the <filename>bookfiles</> file. The <filename>bookfiles</> file is a
-+ configuration file for a particular book. This variable should be
-+ a simple filename (e.g. <filename>BOOKFILES</>) and not a path name.
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term>debug boolean</term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ Enable debugging? Enabling this variable is equivalent to using
-+ the <option>&ndash;d</> option.
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term>debugdir dir</term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ Directory for temporary files. Temporary files are generally
-+ placed in <filename>/tmp</>, but if this variable is set they are stored in
-+ the directory specified. Temporary files are automatically
-+ deleted when <command>gmat</> ends unless debugging is enabled.
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term>entity_file filename { filename &hellip; }</term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ Local entities for the &lt;DOCTYPE&gt; declaration. This is used
-+ only if <literal>entities</> is not set in the <filename>BOOKFILES</>
-+ file.
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term>eqn progname</term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ The <command>eqn</> preprocessor to use for gtroff files.
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term>eqn_opts any</term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ Options for <command>eqn</>
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term>extension_3l ext</term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ The default extension for formatter input files.
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term>ext_base rule</term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ The rule for constructing the base filename for the formatter
-+ input file. See below.
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term>gsoelim progname</term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ The <command>gsoelim</> preprocessor to use for gtroff files.
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term>keep3l boolean</term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ Keep the formatter input file?
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term>macrodir dir</term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ Directory where local macro files are kept. This value should be a
-+ path relative to the current directory, for example <filename>./macros</>.
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term>pic progname</term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ The <command>pic</> preprocessor to use for gtroff files.
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term>pic_opts any</term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ Options for <command>pic</>
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term>printer printer</term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ Name of the default printer.
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term>ps_base rule</term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ The rule for constructing the base filename for the output file.
-+ See below.
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term>quiet</term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ Suppress warning messages?
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term>scriptdir dir</term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ Directory where local scripts are kept. This value should be a
-+ path relative to the current directory, for example <filename>./scripts</>.
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term>seddir dir</term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ Directory where <command>sed</> scripts are kept.
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term>sgmlto3l progname</term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ Name of the program that converts an <acronym>SGML</acronym>
-+ document instance into a formatter input file.
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term>sgml_base rule</term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ The rule for constructing the base filename for the
-+ <acronym>SGML</acronym> driver file. See below.
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term>tbl progname</term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ The <command>tbl</> preprocessor to use for gtroff files.
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term>tbl_opts any</term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ Options for <command>tbl</>
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term>temp_base rule</term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ The rule for constructing the base filename for temporary files.
-+ See below.
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term>verbose boolean</term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ Print additional informatory messages?
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term>wait_on_error boolean</term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ Wait on error? Enabling this variable is equivalent to using the
-+ <option>&ndash;w</> switch.
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term>workdir dir</term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ Additional <systemitem class=environvar>PATH</> directory. <command>gmat</> adds the specified
-+ directory to the <systemitem class=environvar>PATH</> environment variable before running
-+ subprocesses. Obsolete?
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+The following variables are recognized by
-+<command>gmat</> in the <literal>GMAT</> or global sections of the <filename>bookfiles</>
-+configuration file.
-+ <varlistentry><term>doctype</term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ The &lt;DOCTYPE&gt; definition for the <acronym>SGML</acronym>
-+ driver file. For example, ``book system
-+ &ldquo;docbook.dtd&rdquo;''.
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term>sgmlto3l</term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ Name of the program that converts an <acronym>SGML</acronym>
-+ document instance into a formatter input file. If this variable is
-+ specfied in the <filename>bookfiles</> file, it takes precedence over the
-+ value specified in the <filename>oratoolsrc</> file.
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term>entities filename { filename &hellip; }</term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ Local entities for the &lt;DOCTYPE&gt; declaration. If this variable
-+ is not set, the value of <literal>entity_file</> from the
-+ <filename>oratoolsrc</> file is used.
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+<command>gmat</> uses the <filename>bookfiles</> configuration
-+file to identify options for each file that it processes. Several of
-+these options only apply to <acronym>SGML</acronym> files and a few only
-+apply to files processed with the gtroff text formatter.
-+The following variables are recognized by <command>gmat</> in the
-+section named by the file that is being processed (for example, the
-+<filename>ch01.sgm</> section when the file <filename>ch01.sgm</> is being processed) or the
-+global section of the <filename>bookfiles</> configuration file. Options that
-+apply to the text formatter or text formatter input file (such as
-+<literal>macros</> and <literal>scripts</>) should only be specified in the global section
-+of a <filename>bookfiles</> configuration file for <acronym>SGML</acronym> files.
-+Specifying options for each file does not make sense since they are all
-+merged into a single driver file.
-+ <varlistentry><term>appendix appletter</term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ Identifies the file as an appendix and specifies its appendix
-+ letter (i.e. appendix number).
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term>chapter chapnum</term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ Specifies the chapter number of the file.
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term>not_a_chapter</term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ Indicates that the file is not a chapter (or appendix). See
-+ below.
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term>page number</term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ Specifies the starting page number for the file.
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term>part number</term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ Identifies the part of the book that contains the file.
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term>part<emphasis>n</>_title</term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ Specifies the title of the <emphasis>n</>'th part of the book. This
-+ information may be used in page headers or footers, for example.
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term>pagecount number</term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ Identifies how many formatted pages occur in the file. This
-+ information is used by <command>gmat</> to calculate starting page
-+ numbers for files that do not have a <literal>page</> variable. It is
-+ updated automatically each time <command>gmat</> processes the
-+ file.
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term>macros filenames</term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ Identifies the macro packages that should be used when the file is
-+ processed. At present, this option only applies to files
-+ processed with gtroff.
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term>page number</term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ Identifies the starting page of the file.
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term>scripts prognames</term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ A list of scripts that should be used to preprocess the text
-+ formatter input file. Each script must be a filter (accepting
-+ input on <filename>stdin</> and writing output to <filename>stdout</>. The first filter
-+ will recieve the formatter input file as input and the output of
-+ the last filter will become the new formatter input.
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+ <varlistentry><term>wraptag</term>
-+ <listitem><para>
-+ When <command>gmat</> creates an <acronym>SGML</acronym> driver
-+ file, it inserts the specified tag around the contents of the
-+ files that are processed.
-+ </para></listitem>
-+ </varlistentry>
-+The values of the <literal>ext_base</>, <literal>sgml_base</>, <literal>ps_base</>, and <literal>temp_base</>
-+variables are interpreted as filenames with the following extensions. In
-+order to make it possible for more than one person to work in the same
-+directory at the same time (or for one person to run several concurrent
-+<command>gmat</>s), it is neessary to specify that the temporary files
-+have different names. <command>gmat</> accomplishes this by allowing
-+you to use the special strings ``$WHOAMI'' and``$PID'' in the value for
-+each of these variables. In addition, you can use the string
-+``$BASEFILE'' to refer to the base name of the file that
-+<command>gmat</> is processing.
-+For example, if ``norm'' processes ``<filename>myfile.tr</>'' with <literal>ps_base</> set
-+to ``$BASEFILE-$WHOAMI.$PID.ps'' and <command>gmat</> happens to be
-+process number 3142, the ouput file produced by <command>gmat</> would
-+be ``<filename>myfile-norm.3142.ps</>''.
-+<sect1><title>Chapter and Appendix Numbering</>
-+<command>gmat</> assumes that the sections in the <filename>bookfiles</>
-+configuration file identify the chapters of a book. When files are
-+listed on the command line, they are reordered into the order that they
-+appear in the bookfiles file before processing. <command>gmat</>
-+determines the chapter or appendix number of each chapter and the
-+starting page number of each chapter by examining the <literal>chapter</>,
-+<literal>appendix</>, <literal>page</>, and <literal>pagecount</> variables for each file. If a given
-+file does not have a <literal>chapter</> variable, it is assumed to have a number
-+one greater than the previous chapter. <command>gmat</> does not
-+increment the chapter count when it processes a section that has the
-+<literal>not_a_chapter</> variable set. After the first appendix has been
-+encountered, <command>gmat</> begins enumerating chapters with letters
-+rather than numbers.
-+<sect1><title>Handling <filename>BOOKFILES</></title>
-+The <filename>bookfiles</> file is <emphasis>always</> read only. You must not
-+edit the file by hand. Because <command>gmat</> updates the file each
-+time it processes a document, any changes that you introduce while
-+<command>gmat</> is running will potentially be lost.
-+Always use the <command>bookfiles</> program to update the <filename>bookfiles</>
-+configuration file.
-+<sect1><title>Formating A Document</>
-+When formatting a non-SGML document, <command>gmat</> reads the command
-+line switches and filenames and verifies that they are correct. If all
-+of the switches are valid, <command>gmat</> checks that each filename
-+specified exists and that the most recent <acronym>RCS</acronym>
-+version has been checked out (if applicable).
-+Each filename in turn is passed through the text formatter and the
-+output file is processed as requested.
-+If switches are used before the first filename, the results of those
-+switches become the default behavior for the rest of the files specified
-+on the command line.
-+<sect1><title>Formating an SGML Document</>
-+Formating and <acronym>SGML</acronym> document is slightly more
-+complicated than formating a text document. If all of the filenames
-+listed on the command line end in <filename>.sgm</> or <filename>.sgml</>, <command>gmat</>
-+assumes that the files are SGML. Unless the <option>&ndash;S</> switch is used,
-+<command>gmat</> will attempt to create a single driver file to process
-+all of the specified files simultaneously. The general format of the
-+driver file that <command>gmat</> produces is:
-+&lt;!DOCTYPE *doctype* [
-+&lt;!ENTITY file1.sgm SYSTEM "file1.sgm"&gt;
-+&lt;!ENTITY file2.sgm SYSTEM "file2.sgm"&gt;
-+&lt;!ENTITY file3.sgm SYSTEM "file3.sgm"&gt;
-+*local entities*
-+&lt;?gmat-file "file1.3l"&gt;
-+&lt;?gmat-part "part title"&gt;
-+&lt;?gmat-chapter-number "1"&gt;
-+&lt;?gmat-page-number "1"&gt;
-+&lt;?gmat-file "file2.3l"&gt;
-+&lt;?gmat-part "part title"&gt;
-+&lt;?gmat-chapter-number "2"&gt;
-+&lt;?gmat-page-number "17"&gt;
-+&lt;?gmat-file "file3.3l"&gt;
-+&lt;?gmat-part "part title"&gt;
-+&lt;?gmat-chapter-number "3"&gt;
-+&lt;?gmat-page-number "23"&gt;
-+The files are arranged in the order that they appear in the <filename>bookfiles</>
-+configuration file regardless of the order specified on the command
-+<?troff .BLANK>
-+<!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
-+Local variables:
-+mode: sgml
-+sgml-default-dtd-file: "oraprod.ced"
diff --git a/textproc/gmat/files/patch-ad b/textproc/gmat/files/patch-ad
deleted file mode 100644
index ee262f18d278..000000000000
--- a/textproc/gmat/files/patch-ad
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- macros/tmac.G.orig Mon Mar 19 14:29:40 2001
-+++ macros/tmac.G Tue Dec 7 21:31:06 2004
-@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
- .ds gmat_gmacroff %%BINDIR%%/gmacroff
- .\" DEFINE THE FOLLOWING paths for your local environment!
- .ds gmat_echo /bin/echo
--.ds gmat_sed /bin/sed
-+.ds gmat_sed /usr/bin/sed
- .ds gmat_rm /bin/rm
- .ds gmat_mv /bin/mv
- .\" The following strings set variables to subdirectories of the book
diff --git a/textproc/gmat/files/patch-ae b/textproc/gmat/files/patch-ae
deleted file mode 100644
index e5c768fac553..000000000000
--- a/textproc/gmat/files/patch-ae
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
---- bin/gmat.troff.orig Tue Feb 1 21:49:18 2000
-+++ bin/gmat.troff Mon Dec 13 14:04:14 2004
-@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
- || &cfg($gmat, $PROGNAME, "ps-font-file")
-- || "/usr/local/lib/groff/font/devps/download");
-+ || "/usr/share/groff_font/devps");
- ############################################################################
- # Let's get to work, process each file with its options
-@@ -519,10 +519,10 @@
- } elsif ($preview) {
- print STDERR "Previewing $file.\n" if $VERBOSE;
-- print COMMANDS "ghostview $grops_temp\n";
-+ print COMMANDS "gv $grops_temp\n";
- close (COMMANDS); # so that you can see what's in there
- # when the preview window is up...
-- system "ghostview $grops_temp";
-+ system "gv $grops_temp";
- } elsif ($checkonly) {
- print STDERR "Checking completed.\n" if $VERBOSE;
diff --git a/textproc/gmat/files/pkg-message.in b/textproc/gmat/files/pkg-message.in
deleted file mode 100644
index a93a80846d24..000000000000
--- a/textproc/gmat/files/pkg-message.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-To use the programs in this package, add the path
-%%DATADIR%%/bin to your PATH environment variable.
-Then, type
-gmat --job %%DATADIR%%/test/BOOKFILES %%DOCSDIR%%/gmat.sgm
-to format the documentation.
diff --git a/textproc/gmat/pkg-descr b/textproc/gmat/pkg-descr
deleted file mode 100644
index 47aeb09c207d..000000000000
--- a/textproc/gmat/pkg-descr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-O'Reilly's SGML formatting package.
-This package processes the complete sources for a book in DocBook
-format and formats it with groff.
-This port is the first port of what was previously an internal
-O'Reilly product. Consider it beta quality. The copyright
-information in the README file states:
- # This is ALPHA software. Permission to redistribute this alpha
- # version is expressly denied.
-According to Lenny Muellner <len@oreilly.com>, this is out of date,
-but the archive has not yet been updated.
-The only documentation is gmat.sgm. To format,
- # gmat gmat.sgm
-The results of the formatting are not exactly production quality.
-There is still a lot of work to be done.
diff --git a/textproc/gmat/pkg-plist b/textproc/gmat/pkg-plist
deleted file mode 100644
index d060b48439a9..000000000000
--- a/textproc/gmat/pkg-plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/bin
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/lib
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/macros
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/sed
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/sgml/ISO_8879-1986/entities
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/sgml/ISO_8879-1986
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/sgml/ISO_9573-13-1991/entities
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/sgml/ISO_9573-13-1991
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/sgml/ORA/dtds
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/sgml/ORA/entities
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/sgml/ORA
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/sgml/cdtds
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/sgml
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/test/fmt/toc
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/test/fmt/index
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/test/fmt/exlist
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/test/fmt/figlist
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/test/fmt/tablist
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/test/fmt
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/test/tools-debug
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/test
-@dirrm %%DATADIR%%