path: root/textproc
diff options
authorSteve Wills <swills@FreeBSD.org>2014-09-12 02:25:04 +0000
committerSteve Wills <swills@FreeBSD.org>2014-09-12 02:25:04 +0000
commit14e2a27eb93efe8334d8b524746aa5d7e2bad3d0 (patch)
tree07ebad9db90472406fbc75833907300eaf81de5f /textproc
parentfece7496d775da7b5cef904c505a78aecda18029 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'textproc')
2 files changed, 214 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/textproc/augeas/Makefile b/textproc/augeas/Makefile
index 484e00558161..8f8304edad3f 100644
--- a/textproc/augeas/Makefile
+++ b/textproc/augeas/Makefile
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
PORTNAME= augeas
CATEGORIES= textproc
MASTER_SITES= http://download.augeas.net/
diff --git a/textproc/augeas/files/patch-lenses__xymon_alerting.aug b/textproc/augeas/files/patch-lenses__xymon_alerting.aug
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1d6449b333a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/textproc/augeas/files/patch-lenses__xymon_alerting.aug
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+--- lenses/xymon_alerting.aug.orig 2014-01-27 10:36:08 UTC
++++ lenses/xymon_alerting.aug
+@@ -37,16 +37,16 @@
+ let comparison = store /[<>]/
+ (* View: equal *)
+- let equal = del /=/ "="
++ let equal = Sep.equal
+ (* View: ws *)
+- let ws = del /[ \t]+?/ " "
++ let ws = Sep.space
+ (* View: eol *)
+- let eol = del /\n/ "\n"
++ let eol = Util.eol
+ (* View: ws_or_eol *)
+- let ws_or_eol = del /[ \t\n]+?/ " "
++ let ws_or_eol = del /([ \t]+|[ \t]*\n[ \t]*)/ " "
+ (* View: comment *)
+ let comment = Util.comment
+@@ -63,70 +63,75 @@
+ (* View: macrodefinition
+ A string that starts with $ and that is assigned something *)
+- let macrodefinition = [ key /\$[^ =\t\n#\/]+/ . equal . store /.*/ . eol ]
++ let macrodefinition = [ key /\$[^ =\t\n#\/]+/ . Sep.space_equal . store Rx.space_in . eol ]
++ (* View: flag
++ A flag value *)
++ let flag (kw:string) = Build.flag kw
++ (* View: kw_word
++ A key=value value *)
++ let kw_word (kw:regexp) = Build.key_value kw equal store_word
+ (************************************************************************
+ * Group: FILTERS
+ *************************************************************************)
+ (* View: page
+- The page filter definition *)
+- let page = [ ws . key "PAGE" . equal . store_word . ws ]
+- (* View: expage
+- The expage filter definition *)
+- let expage = [ ws . key "EXPAGE" . equal . store_word . ws ]
++ The (ex)?page filter definition *)
++ let page = kw_word /(EX)?PAGE/
+ (* View: group
+- The group filter definition *)
+- let group = [ ws . key "GROUP" . equal . store_word . ws ]
+- (* View: exgroup
+- The exgroup filter definition *)
+- let exgroup = [ ws . key "EXGROUP" . equal . store_word . ws ]
++ The (ex)?group filter definition *)
++ let group = kw_word /(EX)?GROUP/
+ (* View: host
+- The host filter definition *)
+- let host = [ ws . key "HOST" . equal . store_word . ws ]
+- (* View: exhost
+- The exhost filter definition *)
+- let exhost = [ ws . key "EXHOST" . equal . store_word . ws ]
++ The (ex)?host filter definition *)
++ let host = kw_word /(EX)?HOST/
+ (* View: service
+- The service filter definition *)
+- let service = [ ws . key "SERVICE" . equal . store_word . ws ]
+- (* View: exservice
+- The exservice filter definition *)
+- let exservice = [ ws . key "EXSERVICE" . equal . store_word . ws ]
++ The (ex)?service filter definition *)
++ let service = kw_word /(EX)?SERVICE/
+ (* View: color
+ The color filter definition *)
+- let color = [ ws . key "COLOR" . equal . store_word . ws ]
++ let color = kw_word "COLOR"
+ (* View: time
+ The time filter definition *)
+- let time = [ ws . key "TIME" . equal . store_word . ws ]
++ let time = kw_word "TIME"
+ (* View: duration
+ The duration filter definition *)
+- let duration = [ ws . key "DURATION" . [ label "operator" . comparison ] . [ label "value" . store_word ] . ws ]
++ let duration = [ key "DURATION" . [ label "operator" . comparison ] . [ label "value" . store_word ] ]
+ (* View: recover
+ The recover filter definition *)
+- let recover = [ ws . key "RECOVER" . ws ]
++ let recover = flag "RECOVER"
+ (* View: notice
+ The notice filter definition *)
+- let notice = [ ws . key "NOTICE" . ws ]
++ let notice = flag "NOTICE"
+- (* View: filters
++ (* View: rule_filter
+ Filters are made out of any of the above filter definitions *)
+- let filters =
+- page |
+- expage |
+- group |
+- exgroup |
+- host |
+- exhost |
+- service |
+- exservice |
+- color |
+- time |
+- duration |
+- recover |
+- notice
++ let rule_filter = page | group | host | service
++ | color | time | duration | recover | notice
++ (* View: filters
++ One or more filters *)
++ let filters = [ label "filters" . Build.opt_list rule_filter ws ]
++ (* View: filters_opt
++ Zero, one or more filters *)
++ let filters_opt = [ label "filters" . (ws . Build.opt_list rule_filter ws)? ]
++ (* View: kw_word_filters_opt
++ A <kw_word> entry with optional filters *)
++ let kw_word_filters_opt (kw:string) = [ key kw . equal . store_word . filters_opt ]
++ (* View: flag_filters_opt
++ A <flag> with optional filters *)
++ let flag_filters_opt (kw:string) = [ key kw . filters_opt ]
+ (************************************************************************
+@@ -134,40 +139,43 @@
+ (* View: mail
+ The mail recipient definition *)
+- let mail = [ key "MAIL" . ws . store_word . ws . [ label "filters" . filters* ] . ws_or_eol ]
++ let mail = [ key "MAIL" . ws . store_word . filters_opt ]
+ (* View: script
+ The script recipient definition *)
+- let script = [ key "SCRIPT" . ws . [ label "script" . store_word ] . ws . [ label "recipient" . store_word ] . ws . [ label "filters" . filters* ] . ws_or_eol ]
++ let script = [ key "SCRIPT" . ws . [ label "script" . store_word ]
++ . ws . [ label "recipient" . store_word ] . filters_opt ]
+ (* View: ignore
+ The ignore recipient definition *)
+- let ignore = [ key "IGNORE" . ws . [ label "filters" . filters* ] . ws_or_eol ]
++ let ignore = flag_filters_opt "IGNORE"
+ (* View: format
+ The format recipient definition *)
+- let format = [ key "FORMAT" . equal . store_word . ws . [ label "filters" . filters* ] . ws_or_eol ]
++ let format = kw_word_filters_opt "FORMAT"
+ (* View: repeat
+ The repeat recipient definition *)
+- let repeat = [ key "REPEAT" . equal . store_word . ws . [ label "filters" . filters* ] . ws_or_eol ]
++ let repeat = kw_word_filters_opt "REPEAT"
+ (* View: unmatched
+ The unmatched recipient definition *)
+- let unmatched = [ key "UNMATCHED" . ws . [ label "filters" . filters* ] . ws_or_eol ]
++ let unmatched = flag_filters_opt "UNMATCHED"
+ (* View: stop
+ The stop recipient definition *)
+- let stop = [ key "STOP" . ws . [ label "filters" . filters* ] . ws_or_eol ]
++ let stop = flag_filters_opt "STOP"
+ (* View: macro
+ The macro recipient definition *)
+- let macro = [ key /\$[^ =\t\n#\/]+/ . ws . [ label "filters" . filters* ] . ws_or_eol ]
++ let macro = [ key /\$[^ =\t\n#\/]+/ . filters_opt ]
+- (* View: recipients
++ (* View: recipient
+ Recipients are made out of any of the above recipient definitions *)
+- let recipients =
+- mail |
+- script |
+- ignore |
+- format |
+- repeat |
+- unmatched |
+- stop |
+- macro
++ let recipient = mail | script | ignore | format | repeat | unmatched
++ | stop | macro
++ let recipients = [ label "recipients" . Build.opt_list recipient ws_or_eol ]
+ (************************************************************************
+@@ -175,8 +183,8 @@
+ *************************************************************************)
+ (* View: rule
+- Rules are made of filters and then recipients sperarated by a whitespace *)
+- let rule = [ seq "rules" . [ label "filters" . filters+ ] . ws_or_eol . [ label "recipients" . ( recipients )+ ] . eol ]
++ Rules are made of rule_filter and then recipients sperarated by a whitespace *)
++ let rule = [ seq "rules" . filters . ws_or_eol . recipients . eol ]
+ (* View: lns
+ The Xymon_Alerting lens *)