path: root/www
diff options
authorJames FitzGibbon <jfitz@FreeBSD.org>1997-05-05 00:41:07 +0000
committerJames FitzGibbon <jfitz@FreeBSD.org>1997-05-05 00:41:07 +0000
commit5f43e8daf9629276ef60c28c080380a683d79c8f (patch)
tree43cc4f3f43a5abba01f4ad98653f8632db6c2e3e /www
parent7e242ca474b4ad2700bb6c10098c068e66113ec4 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'www')
7 files changed, 184 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www/p5-Apache/Makefile b/www/p5-Apache/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..74845c340707
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/p5-Apache/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# New ports collection makefile for: p5-Apache
+# Version required: 0.98
+# Date created: April 26th 1997
+# Whom: James FitzGibbon <jfitz@FreeBSD.org>
+# $Id$
+DISTNAME= mod_perl-0.98
+PKGNAME= p5-Apache-0.98
+CATEGORIES= www perl5
+BUILD_DEPENDS= ${PREFIX}/lib/perl5/site_perl/ExtUtils/Embed.pm:${PORTSDIR}/devel/p5-ExtUtils-Embed \
+ ${PREFIX}/lib/perl5/site_perl/CGI.pm:${PORTSDIR}/www/p5-CGI.pm \
+ perl5.003:${PORTSDIR}/lang/perl5
+RUN_DEPENDS= perl5.003:${PORTSDIR}/lang/perl5
+MAN3= Apache.3 Apache::Constants.3 Apache::Options.3 \
+ Apache::Registry.3 Apache::Status.3 Bundle::Apache.3 \
+ Apache::Debug.3 mod_perl.3
+MANPREFIX= ${PREFIX}/lib/perl5
+ @ cd ${PORTSDIR}/www/apache && ${MAKE} clean patch
+ @ cd ${WRKSRC}; ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} ${CONFIGURE_ENV} ${PREFIX}/bin/perl Makefile.PL
+ ${MKDIR} -p ${PREFIX}/share/doc/mod_perl
+ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${FILESDIR}/post-install-notes ${PREFIX}/share/doc/mod_perl
+ @ ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} ${CONFIGURE_ENV} /usr/bin/perl ${SCRIPTDIR}/install_httpd
+.if !defined(BATCH)
+ @ /usr/bin/more -e ${FILESDIR}/post-install-notes
+.include <bsd.port.mk>
diff --git a/www/p5-Apache/distinfo b/www/p5-Apache/distinfo
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3de0defbadb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/p5-Apache/distinfo
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+MD5 (mod_perl-0.98.tar.gz) = d6b77a5999e033245af4ffbc2ab86e7a
diff --git a/www/p5-Apache/files/patch-aa b/www/p5-Apache/files/patch-aa
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b20285e12dd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/p5-Apache/files/patch-aa
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+--- Makefile.PL.orig Fri May 2 14:24:41 1997
++++ Makefile.PL Sun May 4 20:31:33 1997
+@@ -18,14 +18,10 @@
+ # Check if knwon config
+ #
+-eval 'use Apache::MyConfig' ;
+-if ($@ eq '') {
+- $APACHE_SRC_DEFAULT = $Apache::MyConfig::Setup{Apache_Src} ;
+-else {
+- $APACHE_SRC_DEFAULT = '../apache_x.x/src' ;
++opendir( WRKDIR, "$ENV{PORTSDIR}/www/apache/work" ) || die( "Can't open $ENV{PORTSDIR}/www/apache/work: $!\n" );
++( $srcdir ) = grep( /^apache/, readdir( WRKDIR ) );
++closedir( WRKDIR );
++$APACHE_SRC_DEFAULT = "$ENV{PORTSDIR}/www/apache/work/" . $srcdir . "/src";
+ my $PWD = cwd;
+@@ -132,7 +128,7 @@
+ print "Enter `q' to stop search\n";
+ while(1) {
+ print "Please tell me where I can find your apache src\n" ;
+- $src_dir = _prompt "", $APACHE_SRC_DEFAULT;
++ $src_dir = $APACHE_SRC_DEFAULT;
+ last if $src_dir eq "q";
+ if(-d $src_dir) {
+ push(@adirs, $src_dir);
+@@ -150,6 +146,7 @@
+ $httpd_h = "$adir/httpd.h";
+ if (-e $httpd_h) {
+ unless($APACHE_SRC) {
+ $ans = _prompt "Configure mod_perl with $adir ?", "y";
+ next unless $ans =~ /^y$/i;
+@@ -158,7 +155,8 @@
+ $IsBenSSL = -e "$adir/apache_ssl.c";
+ last unless(-e $conf || -e "$conf.tmpl"); #building from 'make offsite-tar'
+ unless ($NO_HTTPD) {
+- $ans = _prompt "Shall I build httpd in $adir for you?", "y";
++ #$ans = _prompt "Shall I build httpd in $adir for you?", "y";
++ $ans = "y";
+ ++$NO_HTTPD unless $ans =~ /^y$/i;
+ }
+ last if $NO_HTTPD;
+@@ -199,7 +197,7 @@
+ system $^X, "-pi", "-e",
+ q{next unless /EXTRA_CFLAGS\s*=/;}.
+ q{next if /mod_perl/; chomp; }.
+- qq{\$_ .= q: -DSERVER_SUBVERSION=\\"mod_perl/$VERSION\\"\n:;},
++ qq{\$_ .= q: \n-DSERVER_SUBVERSION=\\"mod_perl/$VERSION\\" \\\n:;},
+ $conf;
+ }
diff --git a/www/p5-Apache/files/post-install-notes b/www/p5-Apache/files/post-install-notes
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ce3a10ac8ae4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/p5-Apache/files/post-install-notes
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Post-install Notes for p5-Apache
+This port has built a new httpd binary that includes the perl5 module
+(mod_perl). To avoid overwriting an existing httpd binary, it has been
+installed as
+($PREFIX is usually /usr/local unless you override it).
+In order to use this module, you should rename it to httpd. Remember that
+this binary is the standard apache port, with mod_perl and nothing else
+added. If you have already built yourself an httpd binary containing
+optional modules, you are better off building mod_perl yourself.
+The original source for p5-Apache can be found at any CPAN mirror, in the
diff --git a/www/p5-Apache/pkg-comment b/www/p5-Apache/pkg-comment
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..94191384426a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/p5-Apache/pkg-comment
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Embeds a Perl interpreter in the Apache server
diff --git a/www/p5-Apache/pkg-descr b/www/p5-Apache/pkg-descr
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9d533495bda6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/p5-Apache/pkg-descr
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ The Apache/Perl integration project brings together the
+ full power of the Perl programming language and the Apache
+ HTTP server. This is achieved by linking the Perl runtime
+ library into the server and providing an object oriented
+ Perl interface to the server's C language API. These
+ pieces are seamlessly glued together by the mod_perl
+ server plugin, making it is possible to write Apache
+ modules entirely in Perl. In addition, the persistent
+ interpreter embedded in the server avoids the overhead of
+ starting an external interpreter and the penalty of Perl
+ start-up (compile) time.
+ Without question, the most popular Apache/Perl module is
+ Apache::Registry module. This module emulates the CGI
+ environment, allowing programmers to write scripts that
+ run under CGI or mod_perl without change. Existing CGI
+ scripts may require some changes, simply because a CGI
+ script has a very short lifetime of one HTTP request,
+ allowing you to get away with "quick and dirty" scripting.
+ Using mod_perl and Apache::Registry requires you to be
+ more careful, but it also gives new meaning to the work
+ "quick"!
+ Although it may be all you need, a speedy CGI replacement
+ is only a small part of this project. Callback hooks are
+ in place for each stage of a request. Apache-Perl modules
+ may step in during the handler, header parser, uri
+ translate, authentication, authorization, access, type
+ check, fixup and logger stages of a request.
diff --git a/www/p5-Apache/pkg-plist b/www/p5-Apache/pkg-plist
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..dea219b5f07d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/p5-Apache/pkg-plist
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+@dirrm lib/perl5/site_perl/i386-freebsd/auto/mod_perl
+@dirrm lib/perl5/site_perl/i386-freebsd/auto/Apache/Constants
+@dirrm lib/perl5/site_perl/i386-freebsd/auto/Apache
+@dirrm lib/perl5/site_perl/Bundle
+@dirrm lib/perl5/site_perl/Apache