path: root/x11-fonts
diff options
authorBaptiste Daroussin <bapt@FreeBSD.org>2014-07-20 22:56:22 +0000
committerBaptiste Daroussin <bapt@FreeBSD.org>2014-07-20 22:56:22 +0000
commitd325a025fb0a995292cf32f11e81653db8e1b648 (patch)
treec7be1d1e05d38a701a0c577ea249bc80f6fa6eca /x11-fonts
parentac9773161b0336d88af44f88439043465d114ed5 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'x11-fonts')
6 files changed, 4 insertions, 613 deletions
diff --git a/x11-fonts/libXfont/Makefile b/x11-fonts/libXfont/Makefile
index e4a8e6285961..409f782741e9 100644
--- a/x11-fonts/libXfont/Makefile
+++ b/x11-fonts/libXfont/Makefile
@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
# $FreeBSD$
PORTNAME= libXfont
CATEGORIES= x11-fonts
@@ -14,6 +13,7 @@ LIB_DEPENDS= libfreetype.so:${PORTSDIR}/print/freetype2
USE_XORG= xproto:both xtrans fontsproto:both fontenc
+INSTALL_TARGET= install-strip
CONFIGURE_ARGS=--without-xmlto --disable-devel-docs
diff --git a/x11-fonts/libXfont/distinfo b/x11-fonts/libXfont/distinfo
index 363080de22dc..4eb208b29304 100644
--- a/x11-fonts/libXfont/distinfo
+++ b/x11-fonts/libXfont/distinfo
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-SHA256 (xorg/lib/libXfont-1.4.7.tar.bz2) = d16ea3541835d296b19cfb05d7e64fc62173d8e7eb93284402ec761b951d1543
-SIZE (xorg/lib/libXfont-1.4.7.tar.bz2) = 482851
+SHA256 (xorg/lib/libXfont-1.5.0.tar.bz2) = 3a3c52c4adf9352b2160f07ff0596af17ab14f91d6509564e606678a1261c25f
+SIZE (xorg/lib/libXfont-1.5.0.tar.bz2) = 491483
diff --git a/x11-fonts/libXfont/files/patch-src_fc_fsconvert.c b/x11-fonts/libXfont/files/patch-src_fc_fsconvert.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ab5131532862..000000000000
--- a/x11-fonts/libXfont/files/patch-src_fc_fsconvert.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
---- src/fc/fsconvert.c.orig 2014-01-07 17:25:08.000000000 +0100
-+++ src/fc/fsconvert.c 2014-05-13 18:14:43.000000000 +0200
-@@ -118,6 +118,10 @@ _fs_convert_props(fsPropInfo *pi, fsProp
- for (i = 0; i < nprops; i++, dprop++, is_str++)
- {
- memcpy(&local_off, off_adr, SIZEOF(fsPropOffset));
-+ if ((local_off.name.position >= pi->data_len) ||
-+ (local_off.name.length >
-+ (pi->data_len - local_off.name.position)))
-+ goto bail;
- dprop->name = MakeAtom(&pdc[local_off.name.position],
- local_off.name.length, 1);
- if (local_off.type != PropTypeString) {
-@@ -125,10 +129,15 @@ _fs_convert_props(fsPropInfo *pi, fsProp
- dprop->value = local_off.value.position;
- } else {
- *is_str = TRUE;
-+ if ((local_off.value.position >= pi->data_len) ||
-+ (local_off.value.length >
-+ (pi->data_len - local_off.value.position)))
-+ goto bail;
- dprop->value = (INT32) MakeAtom(&pdc[local_off.value.position],
- local_off.value.length, 1);
- if (dprop->value == BAD_RESOURCE)
- {
-+ bail:
- free (pfi->props);
- pfi->nprops = 0;
- pfi->props = 0;
-@@ -712,7 +721,12 @@ fs_alloc_glyphs (FontPtr pFont, int size
- FSGlyphPtr glyphs;
- FSFontPtr fsfont = (FSFontPtr) pFont->fontPrivate;
-- glyphs = malloc (sizeof (FSGlyphRec) + size);
-+ if (size < (INT_MAX - sizeof (FSGlyphRec)))
-+ glyphs = malloc (sizeof (FSGlyphRec) + size);
-+ else
-+ glyphs = NULL;
-+ if (glyphs == NULL)
-+ return NULL;
- glyphs->next = fsfont->glyphs;
- fsfont->glyphs = glyphs;
- return (pointer) (glyphs + 1);
diff --git a/x11-fonts/libXfont/files/patch-src_fc_fserve.c b/x11-fonts/libXfont/files/patch-src_fc_fserve.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 568fb10c4fcc..000000000000
--- a/x11-fonts/libXfont/files/patch-src_fc_fserve.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,525 +0,0 @@
---- src/fc/fserve.c.orig 2014-01-07 17:25:08.000000000 +0100
-+++ src/fc/fserve.c 2014-05-13 18:12:13.000000000 +0200
-@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ in this Software without prior written a
- #include "fservestr.h"
- #include <X11/fonts/fontutil.h>
- #include <errno.h>
-+#include <limits.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #define Time_t time_t
-@@ -91,6 +92,15 @@ in this Software without prior written a
- (pci)->descent || \
- (pci)->characterWidth)
-+ * SIZEOF(r) is in bytes, length fields in the protocol are in 32-bit words,
-+ * so this converts for doing size comparisons.
-+ */
-+#define LENGTHOF(r) (SIZEOF(r) >> 2)
-+/* Somewhat arbitrary limit on maximum reply size we'll try to read. */
-+#define MAX_REPLY_LENGTH ((64 * 1024 * 1024) >> 2)
- extern void ErrorF(const char *f, ...);
- static int fs_read_glyphs ( FontPathElementPtr fpe, FSBlockDataPtr blockrec );
-@@ -206,9 +216,22 @@ _fs_add_rep_log (FSFpePtr conn, fsGeneri
- rep->sequenceNumber,
- conn->reqbuffer[i].opcode);
- }
-+#define _fs_reply_failed(rep, name, op) do { \
-+ if (rep) { \
-+ if (rep->type == FS_Error) \
-+ fprintf (stderr, "Error: %d Request: %s\n", \
-+ ((fsError *)rep)->request, #name); \
-+ else \
-+ fprintf (stderr, "Bad Length for %s Reply: %d %s %d\n", \
-+ #name, rep->length, op, LENGTHOF(name)); \
-+ } \
-+} while (0)
- #else
- #define _fs_add_req_log(conn,op) ((conn)->current_seq++)
- #define _fs_add_rep_log(conn,rep)
-+#define _fs_reply_failed(rep,name,op)
- #endif
- static Bool
-@@ -600,6 +623,21 @@ fs_get_reply (FSFpePtr conn, int *error)
- rep = (fsGenericReply *) buf;
-+ /*
-+ * Refuse to accept replies longer than a maximum reasonable length,
-+ * before we pass to _fs_start_read, since it will try to resize the
-+ * incoming connection buffer to this size. Also avoids integer overflow
-+ * on 32-bit systems.
-+ */
-+ if (rep->length > MAX_REPLY_LENGTH)
-+ {
-+ ErrorF("fserve: reply length %d > MAX_REPLY_LENGTH, disconnecting"
-+ " from font server\n", rep->length);
-+ _fs_connection_died (conn);
-+ *error = FSIO_ERROR;
-+ return 0;
-+ }
- ret = _fs_start_read (conn, rep->length << 2, &buf);
- if (ret != FSIO_READY)
- {
-@@ -682,13 +720,15 @@ fs_read_open_font(FontPathElementPtr fpe
- int ret;
- rep = (fsOpenBitmapFontReply *) fs_get_reply (conn, &ret);
-- if (!rep || rep->type == FS_Error)
-+ if (!rep || rep->type == FS_Error ||
-+ (rep->length != LENGTHOF(fsOpenBitmapFontReply)))
- {
- if (ret == FSIO_BLOCK)
- return StillWorking;
- if (rep)
- _fs_done_read (conn, rep->length << 2);
- fs_cleanup_bfont (bfont);
-+ _fs_reply_failed (rep, fsOpenBitmapFontReply, "!=");
- return BadFontName;
- }
-@@ -815,6 +855,7 @@ fs_read_query_info(FontPathElementPtr fp
- FSFpePtr conn = (FSFpePtr) fpe->private;
- fsQueryXInfoReply *rep;
- char *buf;
-+ long bufleft; /* length of reply left to use */
- fsPropInfo *pi;
- fsPropOffset *po;
- pointer pd;
-@@ -824,13 +865,15 @@ fs_read_query_info(FontPathElementPtr fp
- int ret;
- rep = (fsQueryXInfoReply *) fs_get_reply (conn, &ret);
-- if (!rep || rep->type == FS_Error)
-+ if (!rep || rep->type == FS_Error ||
-+ (rep->length < LENGTHOF(fsQueryXInfoReply)))
- {
- if (ret == FSIO_BLOCK)
- return StillWorking;
- if (rep)
- _fs_done_read (conn, rep->length << 2);
- fs_cleanup_bfont (bfont);
-+ _fs_reply_failed (rep, fsQueryXInfoReply, "<");
- return BadFontName;
- }
-@@ -844,6 +887,9 @@ fs_read_query_info(FontPathElementPtr fp
- buf = (char *) rep;
- buf += SIZEOF(fsQueryXInfoReply);
-+ bufleft = rep->length << 2;
-+ bufleft -= SIZEOF(fsQueryXInfoReply);
- /* move the data over */
- fsUnpack_XFontInfoHeader(rep, pInfo);
-@@ -851,17 +897,50 @@ fs_read_query_info(FontPathElementPtr fp
- _fs_init_fontinfo(conn, pInfo);
- /* Compute offsets into the reply */
-+ if (bufleft < SIZEOF(fsPropInfo))
-+ {
-+ ret = -1;
-+#ifdef DEBUG
-+ fprintf(stderr, "fsQueryXInfo: bufleft (%ld) < SIZEOF(fsPropInfo)\n",
-+ bufleft);
-+ goto bail;
-+ }
- pi = (fsPropInfo *) buf;
- buf += SIZEOF (fsPropInfo);
-+ bufleft -= SIZEOF(fsPropInfo);
-+ if ((bufleft / SIZEOF(fsPropOffset)) < pi->num_offsets)
-+ {
-+ ret = -1;
-+#ifdef DEBUG
-+ fprintf(stderr,
-+ "fsQueryXInfo: bufleft (%ld) / SIZEOF(fsPropOffset) < %d\n",
-+ bufleft, pi->num_offsets);
-+ goto bail;
-+ }
- po = (fsPropOffset *) buf;
- buf += pi->num_offsets * SIZEOF(fsPropOffset);
-+ bufleft -= pi->num_offsets * SIZEOF(fsPropOffset);
-+ if (bufleft < pi->data_len)
-+ {
-+ ret = -1;
-+#ifdef DEBUG
-+ fprintf(stderr,
-+ "fsQueryXInfo: bufleft (%ld) < data_len (%d)\n",
-+ bufleft, pi->data_len);
-+ goto bail;
-+ }
- pd = (pointer) buf;
- buf += pi->data_len;
-+ bufleft -= pi->data_len;
- /* convert the properties and step over the reply */
- ret = _fs_convert_props(pi, po, pd, pInfo);
-+ bail:
- _fs_done_read (conn, rep->length << 2);
- if (ret == -1)
-@@ -951,13 +1030,15 @@ fs_read_extent_info(FontPathElementPtr f
- FontInfoRec *fi = &bfont->pfont->info;
- rep = (fsQueryXExtents16Reply *) fs_get_reply (conn, &ret);
-- if (!rep || rep->type == FS_Error)
-+ if (!rep || rep->type == FS_Error ||
-+ (rep->length < LENGTHOF(fsQueryXExtents16Reply)))
- {
- if (ret == FSIO_BLOCK)
- return StillWorking;
- if (rep)
- _fs_done_read (conn, rep->length << 2);
- fs_cleanup_bfont (bfont);
-+ _fs_reply_failed (rep, fsQueryXExtents16Reply, "<");
- return BadFontName;
- }
-@@ -970,7 +1051,26 @@ fs_read_extent_info(FontPathElementPtr f
- numInfos *= 2;
- haveInk = TRUE;
- }
-- ci = pCI = malloc(sizeof(CharInfoRec) * numInfos);
-+ if (numInfos >= (INT_MAX / sizeof(CharInfoRec))) {
-+#ifdef DEBUG
-+ fprintf(stderr,
-+ "fsQueryXExtents16: numInfos (%d) >= %ld\n",
-+ numInfos, (INT_MAX / sizeof(CharInfoRec)));
-+ pCI = NULL;
-+ }
-+ else if (numExtents > ((rep->length - LENGTHOF(fsQueryXExtents16Reply))
-+ / LENGTHOF(fsXCharInfo))) {
-+#ifdef DEBUG
-+ fprintf(stderr,
-+ "fsQueryXExtents16: numExtents (%d) > (%d - %d) / %d\n",
-+ numExtents, rep->length,
-+ LENGTHOF(fsQueryXExtents16Reply), LENGTHOF(fsXCharInfo));
-+ pCI = NULL;
-+ }
-+ else
-+ pCI = malloc(sizeof(CharInfoRec) * numInfos);
- if (!pCI)
- {
-@@ -1111,7 +1211,7 @@ fs_read_extent_info(FontPathElementPtr f
- }
- #ifdef DEBUG
--static char *fs_open_states[] = {
-+static const char *fs_open_states[] = {
-@@ -1381,7 +1481,6 @@ fs_wakeup(FontPathElementPtr fpe, unsign
- {
- FSBlockDataPtr blockrec;
- FSBlockedFontPtr bfont;
-- FSBlockedListPtr blist;
- static CARD32 lastState;
- static FSBlockDataPtr lastBlock;
-@@ -1405,7 +1504,6 @@ fs_wakeup(FontPathElementPtr fpe, unsign
- "<freed>");
- break;
-- blist = (FSBlockedListPtr) blockrec->data;
- fprintf (stderr, " Blocked list errcode %d sequence %d\n",
- blockrec->errcode, blockrec->sequenceNumber);
- break;
-@@ -1809,6 +1907,7 @@ fs_read_glyphs(FontPathElementPtr fpe, F
- FontInfoPtr pfi = &pfont->info;
- fsQueryXBitmaps16Reply *rep;
- char *buf;
-+ long bufleft; /* length of reply left to use */
- fsOffset32 *ppbits;
- fsOffset32 local_off;
- char *off_adr;
-@@ -1825,22 +1924,48 @@ fs_read_glyphs(FontPathElementPtr fpe, F
- unsigned long minchar, maxchar;
- rep = (fsQueryXBitmaps16Reply *) fs_get_reply (conn, &ret);
-- if (!rep || rep->type == FS_Error)
-+ if (!rep || rep->type == FS_Error ||
-+ (rep->length < LENGTHOF(fsQueryXBitmaps16Reply)))
- {
- if (ret == FSIO_BLOCK)
- return StillWorking;
- if (rep)
- _fs_done_read (conn, rep->length << 2);
- err = AllocError;
-+ _fs_reply_failed (rep, fsQueryXBitmaps16Reply, "<");
- goto bail;
- }
- buf = (char *) rep;
- buf += SIZEOF (fsQueryXBitmaps16Reply);
-+ bufleft = rep->length << 2;
-+ bufleft -= SIZEOF (fsQueryXBitmaps16Reply);
-+ if ((bufleft / SIZEOF (fsOffset32)) < rep->num_chars)
-+ {
-+#ifdef DEBUG
-+ fprintf(stderr,
-+ "fsQueryXBitmaps16: num_chars (%d) > bufleft (%ld) / %d\n",
-+ rep->num_chars, bufleft, SIZEOF (fsOffset32));
-+ err = AllocError;
-+ goto bail;
-+ }
- ppbits = (fsOffset32 *) buf;
- buf += SIZEOF (fsOffset32) * (rep->num_chars);
-+ bufleft -= SIZEOF (fsOffset32) * (rep->num_chars);
-+ if (bufleft < rep->nbytes)
-+ {
-+#ifdef DEBUG
-+ fprintf(stderr,
-+ "fsQueryXBitmaps16: nbytes (%d) > bufleft (%ld)\n",
-+ rep->nbytes, bufleft);
-+ err = AllocError;
-+ goto bail;
-+ }
- pbitmaps = (pointer ) buf;
- if (blockrec->type == FS_LOAD_GLYPHS)
-@@ -1898,7 +2023,9 @@ fs_read_glyphs(FontPathElementPtr fpe, F
- */
- if (NONZEROMETRICS(&fsdata->encoding[minchar].metrics))
- {
-- if (local_off.length)
-+ if (local_off.length &&
-+ (local_off.position < rep->nbytes) &&
-+ (local_off.length <= (rep->nbytes - local_off.position)))
- {
- bits = allbits;
- allbits += local_off.length;
-@@ -2228,31 +2355,48 @@ fs_read_list(FontPathElementPtr fpe, FSB
- FSBlockedListPtr blist = (FSBlockedListPtr) blockrec->data;
- fsListFontsReply *rep;
- char *data;
-+ long dataleft; /* length of reply left to use */
- int length,
- i,
- ret;
- int err;
- rep = (fsListFontsReply *) fs_get_reply (conn, &ret);
-- if (!rep || rep->type == FS_Error)
-+ if (!rep || rep->type == FS_Error ||
-+ (rep->length < LENGTHOF(fsListFontsReply)))
- {
- if (ret == FSIO_BLOCK)
- return StillWorking;
- if (rep)
- _fs_done_read (conn, rep->length << 2);
-+ _fs_reply_failed (rep, fsListFontsReply, "<");
- return AllocError;
- }
- data = (char *) rep + SIZEOF (fsListFontsReply);
-+ dataleft = (rep->length << 2) - SIZEOF (fsListFontsReply);
- err = Successful;
- /* copy data into FontPathRecord */
- for (i = 0; i < rep->nFonts; i++)
- {
-+ if (dataleft < 1)
-+ break;
- length = *(unsigned char *)data++;
-+ dataleft--; /* used length byte */
-+ if (length > dataleft) {
-+#ifdef DEBUG
-+ fprintf(stderr,
-+ "fsListFonts: name length (%d) > dataleft (%ld)\n",
-+ length, dataleft);
-+ err = BadFontName;
-+ break;
-+ }
- err = AddFontNamesName(blist->names, data, length);
- if (err != Successful)
- break;
- data += length;
-+ dataleft -= length;
- }
- _fs_done_read (conn, rep->length << 2);
- return err;
-@@ -2347,6 +2491,7 @@ fs_read_list_info(FontPathElementPtr fpe
- FSBlockedListInfoPtr binfo = (FSBlockedListInfoPtr) blockrec->data;
- fsListFontsWithXInfoReply *rep;
- char *buf;
-+ long bufleft;
- FSFpePtr conn = (FSFpePtr) fpe->private;
- fsPropInfo *pi;
- fsPropOffset *po;
-@@ -2358,12 +2503,15 @@ fs_read_list_info(FontPathElementPtr fpe
- _fs_free_props (&binfo->info);
- rep = (fsListFontsWithXInfoReply *) fs_get_reply (conn, &ret);
-- if (!rep || rep->type == FS_Error)
-+ if (!rep || rep->type == FS_Error ||
-+ ((rep->nameLength != 0) &&
-+ (rep->length < LENGTHOF(fsListFontsWithXInfoReply))))
- {
- if (ret == FSIO_BLOCK)
- return StillWorking;
- binfo->status = FS_LFWI_FINISHED;
- err = AllocError;
-+ _fs_reply_failed (rep, fsListFontsWithXInfoReply, "<");
- goto done;
- }
- /*
-@@ -2380,6 +2528,7 @@ fs_read_list_info(FontPathElementPtr fpe
- }
- buf = (char *) rep + SIZEOF (fsListFontsWithXInfoReply);
-+ bufleft = (rep->length << 2) - SIZEOF (fsListFontsWithXInfoReply);
- /*
- * The original FS implementation didn't match
-@@ -2388,19 +2537,71 @@ fs_read_list_info(FontPathElementPtr fpe
- */
- if (conn->fsMajorVersion <= 1)
- {
-+ if (rep->nameLength > bufleft) {
-+#ifdef DEBUG
-+ fprintf(stderr,
-+ "fsListFontsWithXInfo: name length (%d) > bufleft (%ld)\n",
-+ (int) rep->nameLength, bufleft);
-+ err = AllocError;
-+ goto done;
-+ }
-+ /* binfo->name is a 256 char array, rep->nameLength is a CARD8 */
- memcpy (binfo->name, buf, rep->nameLength);
- buf += _fs_pad_length (rep->nameLength);
-+ bufleft -= _fs_pad_length (rep->nameLength);
- }
- pi = (fsPropInfo *) buf;
-+ if (SIZEOF (fsPropInfo) > bufleft) {
-+#ifdef DEBUG
-+ fprintf(stderr,
-+ "fsListFontsWithXInfo: PropInfo length (%d) > bufleft (%ld)\n",
-+ (int) SIZEOF (fsPropInfo), bufleft);
-+ err = AllocError;
-+ goto done;
-+ }
-+ bufleft -= SIZEOF (fsPropInfo);
- buf += SIZEOF (fsPropInfo);
- po = (fsPropOffset *) buf;
-+ if (pi->num_offsets > (bufleft / SIZEOF (fsPropOffset))) {
-+#ifdef DEBUG
-+ fprintf(stderr,
-+ "fsListFontsWithXInfo: offset length (%d * %d) > bufleft (%ld)\n",
-+ pi->num_offsets, (int) SIZEOF (fsPropOffset), bufleft);
-+ err = AllocError;
-+ goto done;
-+ }
-+ bufleft -= pi->num_offsets * SIZEOF (fsPropOffset);
- buf += pi->num_offsets * SIZEOF (fsPropOffset);
- pd = (pointer) buf;
-+ if (pi->data_len > bufleft) {
-+#ifdef DEBUG
-+ fprintf(stderr,
-+ "fsListFontsWithXInfo: data length (%d) > bufleft (%ld)\n",
-+ pi->data_len, bufleft);
-+ err = AllocError;
-+ goto done;
-+ }
-+ bufleft -= pi->data_len;
- buf += pi->data_len;
- if (conn->fsMajorVersion > 1)
- {
-+ if (rep->nameLength > bufleft) {
-+#ifdef DEBUG
-+ fprintf(stderr,
-+ "fsListFontsWithXInfo: name length (%d) > bufleft (%ld)\n",
-+ (int) rep->nameLength, bufleft);
-+ err = AllocError;
-+ goto done;
-+ }
-+ /* binfo->name is a 256 char array, rep->nameLength is a CARD8 */
- memcpy (binfo->name, buf, rep->nameLength);
- buf += _fs_pad_length (rep->nameLength);
-+ bufleft -= _fs_pad_length (rep->nameLength);
- }
- #ifdef DEBUG
-@@ -2786,7 +2987,7 @@ _fs_recv_conn_setup (FSFpePtr conn)
- int ret = FSIO_ERROR;
- fsConnSetup *setup;
- FSFpeAltPtr alts;
-- int i, alt_len;
-+ unsigned int i, alt_len;
- int setup_len;
- char *alt_save, *alt_names;
-@@ -2813,8 +3014,9 @@ _fs_recv_conn_setup (FSFpePtr conn)
- }
- if (setup->num_alternates)
- {
-+ size_t alt_name_len = setup->alternate_len << 2;
- alts = malloc (setup->num_alternates * sizeof (FSFpeAltRec) +
-- (setup->alternate_len << 2));
-+ alt_name_len);
- if (alts)
- {
- alt_names = (char *) (setup + 1);
-@@ -2823,10 +3025,25 @@ _fs_recv_conn_setup (FSFpePtr conn)
- {
- alts[i].subset = alt_names[0];
- alt_len = alt_names[1];
-+ if (alt_len >= alt_name_len) {
-+ /*
-+ * Length is longer than setup->alternate_len
-+ * told us to allocate room for, assume entire
-+ * alternate list is corrupted.
-+ */
-+#ifdef DEBUG
-+ fprintf (stderr,
-+ "invalid alt list (length %lx >= %lx)\n",
-+ (long) alt_len, (long) alt_name_len);
-+ free(alts);
-+ return FSIO_ERROR;
-+ }
- alts[i].name = alt_save;
- memcpy (alt_save, alt_names + 2, alt_len);
- alt_save[alt_len] = '\0';
- alt_save += alt_len + 1;
-+ alt_name_len -= alt_len + 1;
- alt_names += _fs_pad_length (alt_len + 2);
- }
- conn->numAlts = setup->num_alternates;
-@@ -2964,6 +3181,7 @@ _fs_send_cat_sync (FSFpePtr conn)
- * by a bogus catalogue
- */
- lcreq.reqType = FS_ListCatalogues;
-+ lcreq.data = 0;
- lcreq.length = (SIZEOF(fsListCataloguesReq)) >> 2;
- lcreq.maxNames = 0;
- lcreq.nbytes = 0;
diff --git a/x11-fonts/libXfont/files/patch-src_fontfile_dirfile.c b/x11-fonts/libXfont/files/patch-src_fontfile_dirfile.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a0af63f6c8a..000000000000
--- a/x11-fonts/libXfont/files/patch-src_fontfile_dirfile.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
---- src/fontfile/dirfile.c.orig 2014-01-07 17:25:08.000000000 +0100
-+++ src/fontfile/dirfile.c 2014-05-13 18:15:26.000000000 +0200
-@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ in this Software without prior written a
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include <errno.h>
-+#include <limits.h>
- static Bool AddFileNameAliases ( FontDirectoryPtr dir );
- static int ReadFontAlias ( char *directory, Bool isFile,
-@@ -374,6 +375,9 @@ lexAlias(FILE *file, char **lexToken)
- int nsize;
- char *nbuf;
-+ if (tokenSize >= (INT_MAX >> 2))
-+ /* Stop before we overflow */
-+ return EALLOC;
- nsize = tokenSize ? (tokenSize << 1) : 64;
- nbuf = realloc(tokenBuf, nsize);
- if (!nbuf)
diff --git a/x11-fonts/libXfont/files/patch-src_fontfile_fontdir.c b/x11-fonts/libXfont/files/patch-src_fontfile_fontdir.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b5826018e93..000000000000
--- a/x11-fonts/libXfont/files/patch-src_fontfile_fontdir.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
---- src/fontfile/fontdir.c.orig 2014-01-07 17:25:08.000000000 +0100
-+++ src/fontfile/fontdir.c 2014-05-13 18:13:40.000000000 +0200
-@@ -177,6 +177,11 @@ FontFileAddEntry(FontTablePtr table, Fon
- if (table->sorted)
- return (FontEntryPtr) 0; /* "cannot" happen */
- if (table->used == table->size) {
-+ if (table->size >= ((INT32_MAX / sizeof(FontEntryRec)) - 100))
-+ /* If we've read so many entries we're going to ask for 2gb
-+ or more of memory, something is so wrong with this font
-+ directory that we should just give up before we overflow. */
-+ return NULL;
- newsize = table->size + 100;
- entry = realloc(table->entries, newsize * sizeof(FontEntryRec));
- if (!entry)