path: root/x11-toolkits/xview-clients
diff options
authorDavid E. O'Brien <obrien@FreeBSD.org>1996-12-25 12:09:04 +0000
committerDavid E. O'Brien <obrien@FreeBSD.org>1996-12-25 12:09:04 +0000
commit12bfcfc1d89b8f94db4bbf987ce894f01fe494a9 (patch)
tree40ac09dfadc01be7ef9dcb3ded5b7a6f8d8d5963 /x11-toolkits/xview-clients
parent4311ac9af5eb9a7c2d2a38cf19143e3e1bb71b3b (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'x11-toolkits/xview-clients')
2 files changed, 21 insertions, 255 deletions
diff --git a/x11-toolkits/xview-clients/pkg-comment b/x11-toolkits/xview-clients/pkg-comment
index d7c73aa74e74..5410785524da 100644
--- a/x11-toolkits/xview-clients/pkg-comment
+++ b/x11-toolkits/xview-clients/pkg-comment
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Toolkit executables and man pages.
+OpenLook applications and man pages.
diff --git a/x11-toolkits/xview-clients/pkg-descr b/x11-toolkits/xview-clients/pkg-descr
index ae6ad1794f41..585bb7e56fc6 100644
--- a/x11-toolkits/xview-clients/pkg-descr
+++ b/x11-toolkits/xview-clients/pkg-descr
@@ -1,254 +1,20 @@
-# README file for the XView Toolkit, Version 3.2, source release
-# @(#)README 1.7 1/7/92 SMI
-# Please read this document before building the XView release.
-What Is XView
-XView (X Window-System-based Visual/Integrated Environment for Workstations)
-is a user-interface toolkit to support interactive, graphics-based
-applications running under the X Window System. XView provides a set of
-pre-built, user-interface objects such as canvases, scrollbars, menus, and
-control panels. The appearance and functionality of these objects follow
-the OPEN LOOK Graphical User Interface (GUI) specification. XView features
-an object-oriented style Application Programmer's Interface (API) that is
-straightforward and easy to learn.
-More Information
-More information on the XView release is supplied in the
-<XVIEW>/doc/whats_new.ps files. Please refer to these for issues
-related to using the XView libraries and clients and changes for the 3.2
-release. Information on documentation, bug reporting and help
-can be found in the doc directory: xview-info. Information on
-resources/defaults is included in the XView man page contained in
-this directory.
-XView Requirements
-XView requires the use of an ICCCM-compliant window
-manager. One such window manager is olwm, which supports the OPEN
-LOOK (TM) user interface. Further, XView requires full ICCCM
-support in Xlib. This is the standard in the X Window System
-Version 11, Release 5. In order to run under Release 3, you must
-define the PRE_R4_ICCCM compile-time flag (see config/XView.cf)
-and the set resource, xview.icccmcompliant, to False in the
-.Xdefaults file (see the xview man page). This release of XView
-was only tested (executing the builds, and running the binaries)
-on X11 R5.
-The XView release contains the following:
-lib/libxview The XView toolkit
-lib/libolgx The OLGX toolkit (used by XView and olwm)
-clients/clock An XView clock application.
-clients/cmdtool An XView terminal emulator.
-clients/olwm The OPENLOOK window manager.
-clients/olwmslave 'helper' program for olwm.
-contrib/examples A bunch of XView examples.
-fonts/bdf The OPENLOOK fonts required for Pre-R4 based servers.
-doc Documentation about XView.
-misc/message_files Message file templates for localization.
-misc/xrdb_files X resource files for olwm/XView 3.2
-The unpacked source is ~20meg
-You'll need an additional 18meg to do a complete build. (assuming shared libs)
-To install everything, you'll need about 8.5meg.
-Building the Release
-This release of XView was tested on these systems:
- SparcStation 10, SunOS 5.2
- SparcStation 2, SunOS 5.2
- SparcStation 1, SunOS 4.1.2
-Like X11, XView uses imake to configure the Makefiles for a particular
-system. The Makefiles delivered with this release are probably not
-configured correctly for your system. New Makefiles will need
-to be generated from the Imakefiles. In order to do this,
-the following items are required:
- 1. Installed X11 R5
- a. X11 header files.
- b. X11 libraries.
- c. X11 config directory.
- 2. If you set XvI18nLevel to 4 in config/XView.cf, Asian locale
- support will be built in XView, and olwm. In this case, for
- olwm to work properly, the Xlib library (libX11) has to be
- built with internationalization support. If this cannot be
- done, config/XView.tmpl will have to be edited for the clients/olwm
- build as follows. Change the line:
- to
- 3. Compiled versions of imake and makedepend must be found
- in your $PATH. If you are building the fonts you'll
- need the X11 font compilers in your path too. The fonts
- are only needed if you are building for a Pre-R4 server.
-Assuming R5 is installed in /foobar/R5, the X11 config directory is
-in /foobar/R5/lib/X11, and compiled versions of imake and makedepend
-should be found in /foobar/R5/bin.
-The XView release provides an additional set of rules and configuration
-parameters that are necessary to build the release. These can be
-found in ./config. Most notably is ./config/XView.cf which contains
-XView specific build options. This file should be read before a build
-is attempted. XView.cf, by default, is designed for building XView 3.2
-on Solaris 2.2.
-The default configuration will build XView with Asian locale support
-(turned on by -DOW_I18N). This requires the presence of Sun private
-header files (i.e. XSunExt.h) available only with Solaris 2.2. It is
-included by the build via "-I$(OPENWINHOME)/include".
-Therefore, the default configuration requires Solaris 2.2 to be
-installed. If it is not installed, Asian locale support has to be turned
-off by setting XvI18nLevel (in config/XView.cf) to 3. This has to be done
-for builds done on SunOS 4.x as well.
-In the source release of XView 3.0, we used 'xstr' in shared library
-builds. 'xstr' was used to extract string literals from the source which
-was then put into an array which was indexed into instead of using the
-string literal directly. We have removed this functionality for this
-release. Most compilers already have options (-strconst, -xstrconst)
-to insert string literals into the text segment instead of the data
-segment. Building without xstr is also much faster.
-But, if your builds fail with:
-then, you should revert back to the old way of doing things, with 'xstr'.
-This can be done as follows (in the config directory):
- a. mv XView.rules XView.rules.bak
- b. cp XView.rules.xstr XView.rules
-Here is what you need to do to build:
- 1. Set the environment variable IMAKEINCLUDE to point to both the
- R5 config directory and the XView config directory.
- Examples, first one for csh, second for sh:
- % setenv IMAKEINCLUDE -I`pwd`/config -I/foobar/R5/lib/X11/config
- or
- $ IMAKEINCLUDE="-I`pwd`/config -I/foobar/R5/lib/X11/config"
- 2. Set the OSMajorVersion and OSMinorVersion variables in the
- appropriate <X11>/config/*.cf files.
- 3. Double-check the parameters in <X11>/config/site.def.
- 4. Double-check the build options in ./config/XView.cf.
- There are comments in this file to explain what each option
- is for. Among other things, this is where you can define where you
- want XView to be installed.
- 5. Type "imake -DUseInstalled -I<X11>/lib/X11/config -I./config"
- Type make World >& make.world &"
- (do not name the log file make.log or it will get deleted).
- This will build libxview and libolgx.
- 6. Check the log file for any errors. The release should build
- without any problems on sun4 with SunOS 4.x and sun4 with
- SunOS 5.x.
- 7. As root, type "make install". See tail end of log file for
- special directions for shared libraries, if used.
- 8. Type "make Clients >& make.clients &"
- This will cause the programs in ./clients to be built.
- 9. Type "make Contrib >& make.contrib &"
- This will cause the examples in ./contrib to be built.
- 10. Type "make 'SUBDIRS=clients contrib' install"
- 11. Type "make 'SUBDIRS=clients contrib' install.man"
- 12. Type "make 'SUBDIRS=clients contrib' install.srcs"
- 13. Documents, release notes, known bugs are in the doc directory.
- Can install these with "make -k 'SUBDIRS=doc' install".
- 14. When done, can get rid of all compiled files and links used
- during the build with: "make Clean"
-Building a lint library is not yet supported.
-Source Notes
-This version of the XView source corresponds to that provided with
-OpenWindows Version 3.2 from SunSoft Inc. Libraries generated with this
-source should be interchangeable with those from the OpenWindows Version 3.2
-Porting Notes
-This release of XView has been tested extensively on two Sun
-platforms, a SunOS 4.1.2 system and a SunOS 5.2 system. X11R5 was
-build for the SunOS 5.2 system using the base MIT X11R5 source and
-the R5.SunOS5.patch in the contrib directory on export.lcs.mit.edu.
-While efforts have been made to keep the toolkit portable to other
-platforms, you may encounter problems. Please inform us of the
-porting problems you find. Send email to xviewbugs@Eng.Sun.COM
-and we will attempt to evaluate the problem and possibly include
-a fix in a future patch or release.
-Build Environment Notes
-The style of the build environment has been outlined by the X.V11 Release 5
-build environment from MIT. "Outlined" is used instead of "defined" since
-there is no standard procedure for X software builds. The precedent is set
-by the X Consortium for certain procedures and conventions; however, since
-these conventions are neither reviewed nor documented, they cannot always
-be followed. As much as possible, the conventions used in the X11R5 build
-have been followed in the XView build.
-If you've not used imake before, there is a document which explains how
-it works in doc/config/usenixws. The easiest way to think of it is creating a
-Makefile description language with CPP macros. The order in which files
-are included will define which CPP rules and variables are active.
-The configuration files specific to XView all begin with "XView."
-The "XView.cf" file is one meant to easily choose certain build or
-configuration options. The "XView.tmpl" file defines common configurations
-for XView and is included by each Imakefile. All relevant variables
-defined in the XView.tmpl file may be changed in the site.def file by
-pre-defining the appropriate CPP variable. Both files are heavily
-commented to explain what each option does. The other files, "XView.lib",
-"XView.obj", and "XView.prog" are just a means of sharing common Imakefile
-commands among many Imakefiles. The "XView.rules" file supplements the
-"Imake.rules" file as supplied by X11R5.
-While the XView team makes every effort to watch the ``net'' for questions
-and problems with XView some messages may slip by. The xviewbugs@Eng.Sun.COM
-alias has been created to provide a means for XView source product customers
-to send input to the XView engineers. If you find problems or have
-comments on XView, please forwarded them to this alias. We appreciate
-any and all input.
+XView (X Window-System-based Visual/Integrated Environment for
+Workstations) is a user-interface toolkit to support interactive,
+graphics-based applications running under the X Window System. The
+appearance and functionality of XView applications follow the OPEN
+LOOK Graphical User Interface (GUI) specification.
+This package contains the olwm window manager, which is a ICCCM-compliant
+window that adheres to the OPEN LOOK (TM) user interface.
+The complete list of XView clients contained in this package are:
+ clock An XView clock application.
+ cmdtool An XView terminal emulator.
+ olwm The OPENLOOK window manager.
+ olwmslave 'helper' program for olwm.
+This version of the XView applications corresponds to that provided with
+OpenWindows Version 3.2 from SunSoft Inc.