path: root/x11-wm/enlightenment-devel
diff options
authorPav Lucistnik <pav@FreeBSD.org>2007-03-24 15:56:22 +0000
committerPav Lucistnik <pav@FreeBSD.org>2007-03-24 15:56:22 +0000
commit01f9197edef7fe395e27eaa6708fef3cb971e6a7 (patch)
tree5cc4a4da441584ed72367234b93c06cd58ba7499 /x11-wm/enlightenment-devel
parent62b9656314d8e570a021d219bc60ec48fa7f9562 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'x11-wm/enlightenment-devel')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 307 deletions
diff --git a/x11-wm/enlightenment-devel/bsd.efl.mk b/x11-wm/enlightenment-devel/bsd.efl.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fb28a188daa..000000000000
--- a/x11-wm/enlightenment-devel/bsd.efl.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,307 +0,0 @@
-# $MBSDlabs: portmk/bsd.efl.mk,v 1.17 2006/10/02 14:57:48 stas Exp $
-# $FreeBSD$
-# bsd.efl.mk - Support for Enlightenment Foundation Libraries (EFL)
-# Author: Stanislav Sedov <ssedov@mbsd.msk.ru>
-# Inspired by bsd.sdl.mk by Edwin Groothuis <edwin@freebsd.org>
-# You can specify EFL-related library dependency using "USE_EFL=" statement,
-# e.g. "USE_EFL= ecore evas" will add x11/ecore and graphics/evas as dependency
-# for your port.
-# You can check existency of certain library throught "WANT_EFL/HAVE_EFL" pair.
-# Note: WANT_EFL should be defined before including <bsd.port.pre.mk>, and
-# HAVE_EFL variable could be tested after it. For example:
-# WANT_EFL= yes
-# .include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
-# .if ${HAVE_EFL:Mevas}
-# USE_EFL+= evas
-# .endif
-# Currently recognized variables are:
-# USE_EFL - lists all EFL libraries which port depends on
-# WANT_EFL - the port wants to test which of EFL libraries are installed
-# on the target system
-# USE_EFL_ESMART- the ports depends on specified esmart objects (or on all
-# esmart objects if "yes")
-# The following variables could be tested after inclusion of bsd.port.pre.mk:
-# HAVE_EFL - lists all EFL libraries which are available on target system
-# HAVE_EFL_ESMART - esmart objects available
-# Feel free to send any comments and suggestion to maintainer.
-EFL_Include_MAINTAINER= ssedov@mbsd.msk.ru
-# Define all supported libraries
-_USE_EFL_ALL= ecore edb edje eet embryo emotion engrave enhance epeg \
- epsilon etk etox evas evfs ewl exml imlib2
-# For each library supported we define the following variables:
-# _%%LIB%%_CATEGORY - category the port belongs to
-# _%%LIB%%_DEPENDS - other EFL libraries the library
-# itself depends on. We'll define them explicitly
-# to handle unwanted deinstalls.
-# _%%LIB%%_PREFIX - where the library is installed
-# _%%LIB%%_VERSION - version of the shared library
-# _%%LIB%%_SLIB - name of the shared library
-_ecore_CATEGORY= x11
-_ecore_DEPENDS= evas
-_ecore_VERSION= 1
-_edb_CATEGORY= databases
-_edb_VERSION= 1
-_eet_CATEGORY= devel
-_eet_VERSION= 9
-_edje_CATEGORY= graphics
-_edje_DEPENDS= embryo eet imlib2 evas ecore
-_edje_VERSION= 5
-_embryo_CATEGORY= lang
-_embryo_VERSION= 9
-_emotion_CATEGORY= multimedia
-_emotion_DEPENDS= ecore edje eet embryo evas
-_emotion_PREFIX= ${LOCALBASE}
-_emotion_VERSION= 0
-_engrave_CATEGORY= devel
-_engrave_DEPENDS= ecore evas
-_engrave_PREFIX= ${LOCALBASE}
-_engrave_VERSION= 1
-_enhance_CATEGORY= x11-toolkits
-_enhance_DEPENDS= ecore etk exml
-_enhance_PREFIX= ${LOCALBASE}
-_enhance_VERSION= 0
-_epeg_CATEGORY= graphics
-_epeg_VERSION= 9
-_epsilon_CATEGORY= graphics
-_epsilon_DEPENDS= epeg edje imlib2 ecore
-_epsilon_PREFIX= ${LOCALBASE}
-_epsilon_VERSION= 0
-_etk_CATEGORY= x11-toolkits
-_etk_DEPENDS= evas ecore edje
-_etk_VERSION= 1
-_etox_CATEGORY= x11-toolkits
-_etox_DEPENDS= edb evas ecore
-_etox_VERSION= 0
-_evas_CATEGORY= graphics
-_evas_DEPENDS= eet edb
-_evas_VERSION= 1
-_evfs_CATEGORY= devel
-_evfs_DEPENDS= eet ecore
-_evfs_VERSION= 0
-_ewl_CATEGORY= x11-toolkits
-_ewl_DEPENDS= evas ecore edje epsilon
-_ewl_VERSION= 1
-_exml_CATEGORY= textproc
-_exml_DEPENDS= ecore
-_exml_VERSION= 1
-_imlib2_CATEGORY= graphics
-_imlib2_VERSION= 4
-_imlib2_SLIB= Imlib2
-# Assign values for variables which were not defined explicitly
-.for LIB in ${_USE_EFL_ALL}
-. if !defined(_${LIB}_DEPENDS)
-_${LIB}_DEPENDS= #empty
-. endif
-. if !defined(_${LIB}_SLIB)
-. endif
-# Esmart support. We'll define esmart components in the way the're
-# defined for EFL.
-# Values processed:
-# _esmart_COMP_CATEGORY - Where the port for this esmart object is located
-# _esmart_COMP_PORTNAME - Object's port subdirectory
-# _esmart_COMP_DEPENDS - Other components which this object depends on
-# _esmart_COMP_PREFIX - Where the shared library for this object is located
-# _esmart_COMP_VERSION - Version of the shared library
-# All components that are currently supported
-_EFL_ESMART_ALL= container draggies file_dialog text_entry \
- thumb trans_x11
-# Generic stock esmart definitions
-_EFL_ESMART_DEPENDS= epsilon evas ecore imlib2 edje
-# Assign values for variables which were not defined explicitly
-.for COMP in ${_EFL_ESMART_ALL}
-. if !defined(_esmart_${COMP}_CATEGORY)
-. endif
-. if !defined(_esmart_${COMP}_PORTNAME)
-. endif
-. if !defined(_esmart_${COMP}_PREFIX)
-. endif
-. if !defined(_esmart_${COMP}_DEPENDS)
-_esmart_${COMP}_DEPENDS= #empty
-. endif
-. if !defined(_esmart_${COMP}_SLIB)
-_esmart_${COMP}_SLIB= esmart_${COMP}
-. endif
-. if !defined(_esmart_${COMP}_VERSION)
-. endif
-# Handle WANT_EFL feature
-.if !defined(AFTERPORTMK)
-.if !defined(EFL_Include_pre)
-EFL_Include_pre= bsd.efl.mk
-.if defined(WANT_EFL)
-. for LIB in ${_USE_EFL_ALL}
-. if exists(${_${LIB}_PREFIX}/lib/lib${_${LIB}_SLIB}.so.${_${LIB}_VERSION})
-. endif
-. endfor
-. for COMP in ${_EFL_ESMART_ALL}
-. if exists(${_esmart_${COMP}_PREFIX}/lib/lib${_esmart_${COMP}_SLIB}.so.${_esmart_${COMP}_VERSION})
-. endif
-. endfor
-.endif #EFL_Include_pre
-# Handle USE_EFL & USE_ESMART feature
-.if !defined(BEFOREPORTMK)
-.if !defined(EFL_Include_post)
-.if defined(USE_EFL_ESMART)
-_USE_EFL_ESMART= #empty
-.if USE_EFL_ESMART=="yes"
-. for COMP in ${USE_EFL_ESMART}
-. if ${_EFL_ESMART_ALL:M${COMP}}==""
-IGNORE= cannot install: unknown Esmart component ${COMP}
-. else
-. endif
-. endfor
-# Get rid of duplicates
-#.if ${OSVERSION} > 700016
-. for COMP in ${_USE_EFL_ESMART}
-. if ${_USE_EFL_ESMART_UQ:M${COMP}}==""
-. endif
-. endfor
-LIB_DEPENDS+= ${_esmart_${COMP}_SLIB}.${_esmart_${COMP}_VERSION}:${PORTSDIR}/${_esmart_${COMP}_CATEGORY}/${_esmart_${COMP}_PORTNAME}
-.if defined(USE_EFL)
-EFL_Include_post= bsd.efl.mk
-# Check if we have all libraries requiested and build depends list
-_USE_EFL= #empty
-.for LIB in ${USE_EFL}
-. if ${_USE_EFL_ALL:M${LIB}}==""
-IGNORE= cannot install: unknown library ${LIB}
-. endif
-# Get rid of duplicates
-_USE_EFL_UQ= #empty
-.for LIB in ${_USE_EFL}
-. if ${_USE_EFL_UQ:M${LIB}}==""
-. endif
-# define dependencies
-.for LIB in ${_USE_EFL_UQ}
-# Initialize configure enviropment
-CONFIGURE_ENV+= CPPFLAGS="-I${LOCALBASE}/include -I${X11BASE}/include" \
- CFLAGS="-I${LOCALBASE}/include -I${X11BASE}/include ${CFLAGS}" \
-PLIST_SUB+= E17_ARCH=freebsd${OSREL}-${ARCH}
-.endif #USE_EFL
-.endif #EFL_Include_post