diff options
1 files changed, 170 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/Tools/portbuild/scripts/dopackages b/Tools/portbuild/scripts/dopackages
index 32acc281683d..bcc4a5f4d7b2 100755
--- a/Tools/portbuild/scripts/dopackages
+++ b/Tools/portbuild/scripts/dopackages
@@ -7,11 +7,19 @@ user=asami
# packages for dependencies only
dummyports="x11/XFree86 x11-toolkits/Motif-dummy"
-date=$(date '+%Y%m%d')
+# packages with very long dependency lists -- try to start building these first
+quickports="x11/kde11 x11/kde11-i18n x11/gnome"
+errorexit () {
+ echo "$1" > ${status}
+ exit $1
usage () {
- echo "usage: [-nobuild] [-noindex] [-noduds] [-nocvsup] branch"
- exit 1
+ echo "usage: [-nobuild] [-noindex] [-noduds] [-nocvsup] [-nocvs] [-norestr] [-noplistcheck] [-nodummy] branch date"
+ errorexit 1
# usage: makeindex pb scripts branch user
@@ -26,18 +34,11 @@ makeindex () {
echo "generating index"
echo "================================================"
echo "index generation started at $(date)"
- ${scripts}/makeindex ${branch} || exit 1
+ ${scripts}/makeindex ${branch} || errorexit 1
echo "index generation ended at $(date)"
- if grep -q non-existent INDEX; then
- echo "errors in INDEX:"
- grep non-existent INDEX
- exit 1
-# grep -C non-existent INDEX
-# grep -v non-existent INDEX > INDEX.tmp
-# mv -f INDEX.tmp INDEX
- fi
echo $(wc -l <INDEX) "lines in INDEX"
chown ${user} INDEX
+ cp -p INDEX INDEX-${branch}
# usage: checkindex pb
@@ -45,9 +46,17 @@ checkindex () {
cd ${pb}/usr/ports
+ if grep -q non-existent INDEX; then
+ echo "errors in INDEX:"
+ grep -n non-existent INDEX
+ errorexit 1
+# grep -C non-existent INDEX
+# grep -v non-existent INDEX > INDEX.tmp
+# mv -f INDEX.tmp INDEX
+ fi
if ! awk -F '|' '{if (NF != 10) { error=1; printf("line %d: %s\n", NR, $0)}} END {if (error == 1) exit(1)}' INDEX; then
echo "error in INDEX"
- exit 1
+ errorexit 1
@@ -64,7 +73,7 @@ makeduds () {
echo "duds generation started at $(date)"
if ! ${scripts}/makeduds ${branch}; then
echo "error(s) detected, exiting script at $(date)"
- exit 1
+ errorexit 1
echo "duds generation ended at $(date)"
echo $(wc -l < ${pb}/${branch}/duds) "items in duds"
@@ -83,7 +92,8 @@ setupnode () {
echo "setting up of $node started at $(date)"
- scp -p -a ${scripts}/setupnode ${node}:${scripts}
+ ssh -n ${node} mkdir -p ${scripts}
+ scp -p ${scripts}/setupnode ${node}:${scripts}
ssh -n ${node} ${scripts}/setupnode ${me} ${pb} ${branch} ${md5}
echo "setting up of $node ended at $(date)"
@@ -99,7 +109,10 @@ restrictedlist () {
echo "creating restricted list"
echo "================================================"
echo "restricted list generation started at $(date)"
- make ECHO_MSG=/usr/bin/true clean-restricted-list > ${pb}/${branch}/restricted.sh
+ make ECHO_MSG=/usr/bin/true clean-restricted-list \
+ | sed -e "s./usr/ports/distfiles/./distfiles/.g" \
+ -e "s./usr/ports/./${branch}/.g" \
+ > ${pb}/${branch}/restricted.sh
echo "restricted list generation ended at $(date)"
echo $(grep -c '^#' ${pb}/${branch}/restricted.sh) "ports in ${pb}/${branch}/restricted.sh"
@@ -115,7 +128,10 @@ cdromlist () {
echo "creating cdrom list"
echo "================================================"
echo "cdrom list generation started at $(date)"
- make ECHO_MSG=/usr/bin/true clean-for-cdrom-list > ${pb}/${branch}/cdrom.sh
+ make ECHO_MSG=/usr/bin/true clean-for-cdrom-list \
+ | sed -e "s./usr/ports/distfiles/./distfiles/.g" \
+ -e "s./usr/ports/./${branch}/.g" \
+ > ${pb}/${branch}/cdrom.sh
echo "cdrom list generation ended at $(date)"
echo $(grep -c '^#' ${pb}/${branch}/cdrom.sh) "ports in ${pb}/${branch}/cdrom.sh"
@@ -142,9 +158,13 @@ nobuild=0
# optional arguments
-while [ $# -gt 1 ]; do
+while [ $# -gt 2 ]; do
case "x$1" in
@@ -158,6 +178,18 @@ while [ $# -gt 1 ]; do
+ x-nocvs)
+ nocvs=1
+ ;;
+ x-norestr)
+ norestr=1
+ ;;
+ x-noplistcheck)
+ noplistcheck=1
+ ;;
+ x-nodummy)
+ nodummy=1
+ ;;
@@ -165,18 +197,34 @@ while [ $# -gt 1 ]; do
-# mandatory argument
+# mandatory arguments
-if [ "x$branch" != x3 -a "x$branch" != x4 ]; then
+if [ "x$branch" != x3 -a "x$branch" != x4 -a "x$branch" != x5 ]; then
+if [ "$norestr" = 1 ]; then
+ export NO_RESTRICTED=t
+if [ "$noplistcheck" = 1 ]; then
+if [ "$nodummy" = 1 ]; then
+ export NODUMMY=t
+ export MOTIF_OPEN=t
+ export XFREE86_VERSION=4
cd ${pb}/usr/ports
if [ "$nocvsup" = 0 ]; then
echo "================================================"
echo "running cvsup"
echo "================================================"
su ${user} -c 'cvsup -g -L 0 /etc/supfile.cvsup'
+ date > ${pb}/cvsdone
echo "================================================"
echo "running cvs update on /usr/ports"
echo "================================================"
@@ -192,7 +240,15 @@ if [ "$nocvsup" = 0 ]; then
su ${user} -c 'cvs -q update -d -P'
-# these two not in background to check return status
+if [ "$nocvs" = 0 ]; then
+ echo "================================================"
+ echo "running cvs update on /${branch}/src"
+ echo "================================================"
+ cd ${pb}/${branch}/src
+ su ${user} -c 'cvs -q update -d -P'
+# this one not in background to check return status
if [ "$noduds" = 0 ]; then
makeduds ${pb} ${scripts} ${branch}
@@ -223,38 +279,71 @@ checkindex ${pb}
echo "all preparation ended at $(date)"
cd ${pb}/usr/ports
-make parallel > ../../${branch}/Makefile
+make parallel branch=${branch} > ../../${branch}/Makefile
+cd ${pb}/usr/ports
+if [ "$nodummy" = 0 ]; then
+ dummypkgs=""
+ for i in ${dummyports}; do
+ if [ -d $i ]; then
+ dummypkgs="${dummypkgs} $(cd $i; make package-name).tgz"
+ else
+ echo "dummy port directory \"$i\" does not exist -- skipping"
+ fi
+ done
+for i in ${quickports}; do
+ if [ -d $i ]; then
+ quickpkgs="${quickpkgs} $(cd $i; make package-name).tgz"
+ else
+ echo "quick port directory \"$i\" does not exist -- skipping"
+ fi
cd ${pb}
if [ "$nobuild" = 0 ]; then
- rm -rf bak/distfiles
- mv -f distfiles bak
+### rm -rf bak/distfiles
+### mv -f distfiles bak
mkdir distfiles
chown -R ${user} distfiles
cd ${pb}/${branch}/bak
rm -rf errors logs packages old-errors
cd ${pb}/${branch}
mv -f errors logs packages old-errors make.* bak
+ cd bak/packages/All
+ for i in *.tgz; do
+ cp /dev/null $i
+ done
+ cd ${pb}/${branch}
mkdir -p packages/All
mkdir -p ${pb}/archive/errorlogs
- rm -rf ${pb}/archive/errorlogs/errors.${branch}.${date}
- mkdir -p ${pb}/archive/errorlogs/errors.${branch}.${date}
- ln -sf ${pb}/archive/errorlogs/errors.${branch}.${date} ${pb}/${branch}/errors
- rm -rf ${pb}/archive/errorlogs/alllogs.${branch}.${date}
- mkdir -p ${pb}/archive/errorlogs/alllogs.${branch}.${date}
- ln -sf ${pb}/archive/errorlogs/alllogs.${branch}.${date} ${pb}/${branch}/logs
- chown -RL ${user} errors logs packages
- echo "error logs in ${pb}/archive/errorlogs/errors.${branch}.${date}"
- for dir in ${dummyports}; do
- cp -p tarballs/$(cd ${pb}/usr/ports/$dir; make package-name).tgz packages/All
- done
- count=$(awk '{sum+=$2}END{print sum+NR/2}' ${pb}/mlist)
+ rm -rf ${pb}/archive/errorlogs/e.${branch}.${date}
+ mkdir -p ${pb}/archive/errorlogs/e.${branch}.${date}
+ ln -sf ${pb}/archive/errorlogs/e.${branch}.${date} ${pb}/${branch}/errors
+ rm -rf ${pb}/archive/errorlogs/a.${branch}.${date}
+ mkdir -p ${pb}/archive/errorlogs/a.${branch}.${date}
+ ln -sf ${pb}/archive/errorlogs/a.${branch}.${date} ${pb}/${branch}/logs
+ cp -p ${pb}/cvsdone ${pb}/archive/errorlogs/e.${branch}.${date}/cvsdone
+ cp -p ${pb}/cvsdone ${pb}/archive/errorlogs/a.${branch}.${date}/cvsdone
+ cp -p ${pb}/usr/ports/INDEX-${branch} ${pb}/archive/errorlogs/e.${branch}.${date}/INDEX
+ cp -p ${pb}/usr/ports/INDEX-${branch} ${pb}/archive/errorlogs/a.${branch}.${date}/INDEX
+ chown -RL ${user} errors logs packages
+ echo "error logs in ${pb}/archive/errorlogs/e.${branch}.${date}"
+ if [ "$nodummy" = 0 ]; then
+ for dir in ${dummyports}; do
+ cp -p tarballs/$(cd ${pb}/usr/ports/$dir; make package-name).tgz packages/All
+ done
+ fi
+ count=$(awk '{sum+=$2}END{print sum+NR/2}' ${pb}/mlist | sed -e 's/\..*$//')
cd ${pb}/${branch}/packages/All
echo "================================================"
echo "building packages (phase 1)"
echo "================================================"
echo "started at $(date)"
- make -k -j$count -f ../../Makefile > ../../make.0 2>&1 </dev/null
+ make -k -j$count -f ../../Makefile ${quickpkgs} all > ../../make.0 2>&1 </dev/null
echo "ended at $(date)"
echo $(echo $(ls -1 ${pb}/${branch}/packages/All | wc -l) - 2 | bc) "packages built"
echo $(echo $(du -sk ${pb}/${branch}/packages | awk '{print $1}') / 1024 | bc) "MB of packages"
@@ -267,21 +356,48 @@ if [ "$nobuild" = 0 ]; then
cp -rp errors old-errors
cd ${pb}/${branch}/old-errors
+ md5=$(/sbin/md5 ${pb}/${branch}/tarballs/bindist.tar | awk '{print $4}')
+ echo "================================================"
+ echo "setting up nodes"
+ echo "================================================"
+ for node in $(awk '{print $1}' ${pb}/mlist); do
+ setupnode ${pb} ${scripts} ${branch} ${me} ${node} ${md5} &
+ sleep 2
+ done
+ wait
+ echo "setting up of nodes ended at $(date)"
cd ${pb}/${branch}/packages/All
echo "================================================"
echo "building packages (phase 2)"
echo "================================================"
echo "started at $(date)"
- make -k -j$count -f ../../Makefile > ../../make.1 2>&1 </dev/null
+ make -k -j$count -f ../../Makefile ${quickpkgs} all > ../../make.1 2>&1 </dev/null
echo "ended at $(date)"
- rm XFree86-3.*.tgz Motif-*.tgz
- ${pb}/scripts/chopindex ${pb}/usr/ports/INDEX ${pb}/${branch}/packages > \
+ if [ "$nodummy" = 0 ]; then
+ rm ${dummypkgs}
+ fi
+ ${pb}/scripts/chopindex ${pb}/usr/ports/INDEX-${branch} ${pb}/${branch}/packages > \
echo $(ls -1 ${pb}/${branch}/packages/All | wc -l) "packages built"
echo $(cat ${pb}/${branch}/packages/INDEX | wc -l) "lines in INDEX"
- md5 *.tgz > CHECKSUM.MD5
echo $(echo $(du -sk ${pb}/${branch}/packages | awk '{print $1}') / 1024 | bc) "MB of packages"
echo $(echo $(du -sk ${pb}/distfiles | awk '{print $1}') / 1024 | bc) "MB of distfiles"
+ if [ "$norestr" = 0 ]; then
+ echo "deleting restricted ports"
+ sh ${pb}/${branch}/restricted.sh
+ ${pb}/scripts/chopindex ${pb}/usr/ports/INDEX ${pb}/${branch}/packages > \
+ ${pb}/${branch}/packages/INDEX
+ echo $(ls -1 ${pb}/${branch}/packages/All | wc -l) "packages built"
+ echo $(cat ${pb}/${branch}/packages/INDEX | wc -l) "lines in INDEX"
+ echo $(echo $(du -sk ${pb}/${branch}/packages | awk '{print $1}') / 1024 | bc) "MB of packages"
+ echo $(echo $(du -sk ${pb}/distfiles | awk '{print $1}') / 1024 | bc) "MB of distfiles"
+ fi
+ echo "generating CHECKSUM.MD5"
+ md5 *.tgz > CHECKSUM.MD5
cd ${pb}/${branch}
if grep -q 'ptimeout: killing' make.1; then
echo "The following port(s) timed out:"
@@ -302,7 +418,7 @@ if [ "$nobuild" = 0 ]; then
echo "================================================"
cd ${pb}/${branch}/errors
for i in *.log; do
- if [ ! -f ../bak/errors/$i ]; then
+ if [ ! -f ${pb}/${branch}/bak/errors/$i ]; then
echo -n " $(basename $i .log)"
@@ -312,7 +428,7 @@ if [ "$nobuild" = 0 ]; then
echo "================================================"
cd ${pb}/${branch}/bak/packages/All
for i in *.tgz; do
- if [ ! -f ../../../packages/All/$i ]; then
+ if [ ! -f ${pb}/${branch}/packages/All/$i ]; then
echo -n " $(basename $i .tgz)"
@@ -322,7 +438,7 @@ if [ "$nobuild" = 0 ]; then
echo "================================================"
cd ${pb}/${branch}/bak/errors
for i in *.log; do
- if [ ! -f ../../errors/$i ]; then
+ if [ ! -f ${pb}/${branch}/errors/$i ]; then
echo -n " $(basename $i .log)"
@@ -332,7 +448,7 @@ if [ "$nobuild" = 0 ]; then
echo "================================================"
cd ${pb}/${branch}/packages/All
for i in *.tgz; do
- if [ ! -f ../../bak/packages/All/$i ]; then
+ if [ ! -f ${pb}/${branch}/bak/packages/All/$i ]; then
echo -n " $(basename $i .tgz)"
@@ -343,6 +459,15 @@ if [ "$nobuild" = 0 ]; then
echo "started at $(date)"
cd ${pb}/usr
tar --exclude CVS -czf ${pb}/${branch}/tarballs/ports.tar.gz ports
+ echo "ended at $(date)"
+ echo "================================================"
+ echo "copying distfiles"
+ echo "================================================"
+ echo "started at $(date)"
+ cd ${pb}
+ rm -rf bak/distfiles
+ mv -f distfiles bak
+ su ${user} -c ${scripts}/cpdistfiles > ${pb}/cpdistfiles.log 2>&1 </dev/null &
echo "================================================"
echo "all done at $(date)"