diff options
9 files changed, 297 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/astro/Makefile b/astro/Makefile
index e81cf5bb145f..4983b1d067f7 100644
--- a/astro/Makefile
+++ b/astro/Makefile
@@ -62,6 +62,8 @@
SUBDIR += stars
SUBDIR += stellarium
SUBDIR += sunclock
+ SUBDIR += tclgeomap
+ SUBDIR += tkgeomap
SUBDIR += weatherspect
SUBDIR += wmglobe
SUBDIR += wmjupiter
diff --git a/astro/tclgeomap/Makefile b/astro/tclgeomap/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7bfdd748ec36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/astro/tclgeomap/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+# New ports collection makefile for: tclgeomap
+# Date created: 25 August 2006
+# Whom: Andrew Pantyukhin <infofarmer@FreeBSD.org>
+# $FreeBSD$
+PORTNAME= tclgeomap
+CATEGORIES= astro tcl84
+MAINTAINER= infofarmer@FreeBSD.org
+COMMENT= Read, manipulate and display geo data
+USE_TCL= yes
+MAN3= geoLn.3 geoLnArr.3 geoLnArrToMap.3 geoProj.3 geography.3 mapLn.3 mapLnArr.3 tclgeomap.3
+MANN= tclgeomap.n tclgeomap_procs.n
+ geoLn.3 GeoLn.3 \
+ geoLn.3 GeoLnAddPt.3 \
+ geoLn.3 GeoLnClear.3 \
+ geoLn.3 GeoLnContainGeoPt.3 \
+ geoLn.3 GeoLnCreate.3 \
+ geoLn.3 GeoLnCtr.3 \
+ geoLn.3 GeoLnDestroy.3 \
+ geoLn.3 GeoLnGetPt.3 \
+ geoLn.3 GeoLnInfo.3 \
+ geoLn.3 GeoLnSetAlloc.3 \
+ geoLnArr.3 GeoLnArr.3 \
+ geoLnArr.3 GeoLnArrAddLine.3 \
+ geoLnArr.3 GeoLnArrContainGeoPt.3 \
+ geoLnArr.3 GeoLnArrCreate.3 \
+ geoLnArr.3 GeoLnArrDestroy,.3 \
+ geoLnArr.3 GeoLnArrFree.3 \
+ geoLnArr.3 GeoLnArrGetDescr.3 \
+ geoLnArr.3 GeoLnArrGetInfo.3 \
+ geoLnArr.3 GeoLnArrGetLine.3 \
+ geoLnArr.3 GeoLnArrPutLine.3 \
+ geoLnArr.3 GeoLnArrSetAlloc.3 \
+ geoLnArr.3 GeoLnArrSetDescr.3 \
+ geoProj.3 GeoProj.3 \
+ geoProj.3 GeoProjAlloc.3 \
+ geoProj.3 GeoProjDescriptor.3 \
+ geoProj.3 GeoProjDestroy.3 \
+ geoProj.3 GeoProjFree.3 \
+ geoProj.3 GeoProjGetInfo.3 \
+ geoProj.3 GeoProjGetType.3 \
+ geoProj.3 GeoProjInit.3 \
+ geoProj.3 LatLonToProj.3 \
+ geoProj.3 ProjToLatLon.3 \
+ geoProj.3 SetCylEqArea.3 \
+ geoProj.3 SetCylEqDist.3 \
+ geoProj.3 SetLambertConfConic.3 \
+ geoProj.3 SetLambertEqArea.3 \
+ geoProj.3 SetMercator.3 \
+ geoProj.3 SetOrthographic.3 \
+ geoProj.3 SetStereographic.3 \
+ geography.3 AngleCmp.3 \
+ geography.3 AngleFmDeg.3 \
+ geography.3 AngleFmRad.3 \
+ geography.3 AngleIsBad.3 \
+ geography.3 AngleIsOK.3 \
+ geography.3 AngleToDeg.3 \
+ geography.3 AngleToRad.3 \
+ geography.3 Azimuth.3 \
+ geography.3 BadAngle.3 \
+ geography.3 DeleteRotation.3 \
+ geography.3 DomainLat.3 \
+ geography.3 DomainLon.3 \
+ geography.3 DomainLonPt.3 \
+ geography.3 GCircleX.3 \
+ geography.3 GeoDistance.3 \
+ geography.3 GeoPtGetDeg.3 \
+ geography.3 GeoPtGetRad.3 \
+ geography.3 GeoPtIsNowhere.3 \
+ geography.3 GeoPtIsSomewhere.3 \
+ geography.3 GeoPtNowhere.3 \
+ geography.3 GeoPtSetDeg.3 \
+ geography.3 GeoPtSetRad.3 \
+ geography.3 GeoQuickDistance.3 \
+ geography.3 GeoStep.3 \
+ geography.3 GetRotation.3 \
+ geography.3 GwchLon.3 \
+ geography.3 GwchLonPt.3 \
+ geography.3 ICos.3 \
+ geography.3 ISin.3 \
+ geography.3 LatCmp.3 \
+ geography.3 LonBtwn.3 \
+ geography.3 LonBtwn1.3 \
+ geography.3 LonCmp.3 \
+ geography.3 MapPtIsNowhere.3 \
+ geography.3 MapPtIsSomewhere.3 \
+ geography.3 MapPtNowhere.3 \
+ geography.3 NewRotation.3 \
+ geography.3 REarth.3 \
+ geography.3 Rotate.3 \
+ geography.3 Rotation.3 \
+ geography.3 ScaleMapPt.3 \
+ geography.3 SetREarth.3 \
+ geography.3 SetRotation.3 \
+ mapLn.3 MapLn.3 \
+ mapLn.3 MapLnAddPt.3 \
+ mapLn.3 MapLnClear.3 \
+ mapLn.3 MapLnCreate.3 \
+ mapLn.3 MapLnDestroy.3 \
+ mapLn.3 MapLnGetInfo.3 \
+ mapLn.3 MapLnGetPt.3 \
+ mapLn.3 MapLnSetAlloc.3 \
+ mapLnArr.3 MapLnArr.3 \
+ mapLnArr.3 MapLnArrAddLine.3 \
+ mapLnArr.3 MapLnArrCreate.3 \
+ mapLnArr.3 MapLnArrDestroy.3 \
+ mapLnArr.3 MapLnArrGetDescr.3 \
+ mapLnArr.3 MapLnArrGetInfo.3 \
+ mapLnArr.3 MapLnArrGetLine.3 \
+ mapLnArr.3 MapLnArrSet.3 \
+ mapLnArr.3 MapLnArrSetAlloc.3 \
+ mapLnArr.3 MapLnArrSetDescr.3 \
+ tclgeomap.3 Tclgeomap_AddLnArr.3 \
+ tclgeomap.3 Tclgeomap_AddLnArrDeleteTask.3 \
+ tclgeomap.3 Tclgeomap_AddPlaceDeleteTask.3 \
+ tclgeomap.3 Tclgeomap_AddPlaceUpdateTask.3 \
+ tclgeomap.3 Tclgeomap_AddProjDeleteTask.3 \
+ tclgeomap.3 Tclgeomap_AddProjUpdateTask.3 \
+ tclgeomap.3 Tclgeomap_CnxLnArrDeleteTask.3 \
+ tclgeomap.3 Tclgeomap_CnxPlaceDeleteTask.3 \
+ tclgeomap.3 Tclgeomap_CnxPlaceUpdateTask.3 \
+ tclgeomap.3 Tclgeomap_CnxProjDeleteTask.3 \
+ tclgeomap.3 Tclgeomap_CnxProjUpdateTask.3 \
+ tclgeomap.3 Tclgeomap_GetGeoPtFromObj.3 \
+ tclgeomap.3 Tclgeomap_GetLnArr.3 \
+ tclgeomap.3 Tclgeomap_GetMapPtFromObj.3 \
+ tclgeomap.3 Tclgeomap_GetPlace.3 \
+ tclgeomap.3 Tclgeomap_GetProj.3 \
+ tclgeomap.3 Tclgeomap_Init.3 \
+ tclgeomap.3 Tclgeomap_LnArrName.3 \
+ tclgeomap.3 Tclgeomap_NewGeoPtObj.3 \
+ tclgeomap.3 Tclgeomap_NewMapPtObj.3 \
+ tclgeomap.3 Tclgeomap_PlaceLoc.3 \
+ tclgeomap.3 Tclgeomap_PlaceName.3 \
+ tclgeomap.3 Tclgeomap_ProjName.3 \
+ tclgeomap.3 Tclgeomap_SetGeoPtObj.3 \
+ tclgeomap.3 Tclgeomap_SetMapPtObj.3 \
+ tclgeomap.n cartg.n \
+ tclgeomap.n dectodm.n \
+ tclgeomap.n dectodms.n \
+ tclgeomap.n dmstodec.n \
+ tclgeomap.n domnlat.n \
+ tclgeomap.n domnlon.n \
+ tclgeomap.n domnlonpt.n \
+ tclgeomap.n gclcross.n \
+ tclgeomap.n georadius.n \
+ tclgeomap.n gwchlon.n \
+ tclgeomap.n gwchpt.n \
+ tclgeomap.n latlonok.n \
+ tclgeomap.n lnarr.n \
+ tclgeomap.n lonbtwn.n \
+ tclgeomap.n mapptok.n \
+ tclgeomap.n place.n \
+ tclgeomap.n projection.n \
+ tclgeomap.n rotatpt.n \
+ tclgeomap.n scalept.n \
+ tclgeomap_procs.n circle.n \
+ tclgeomap_procs.n fillsegment.n \
+ tclgeomap_procs.n grid_list.n \
+ tclgeomap_procs.n latitude.n \
+ tclgeomap_procs.n latlon.n \
+ tclgeomap_procs.n longitude.n \
+ tclgeomap_procs.n ocean_list.n
+ @${LN} -sf ${PREFIX}/lib/libtclgeomap2.9.so ${PREFIX}/lib/libtclgeomap2.9.so.0
+ @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's/@PACKAGE@@VERSION@/@PACKAGE@/g' ${WRKSRC}/Makefile.in ${WRKSRC}/pkgIndex.tcl.in
+# Maintainer section
+ @cd ${MAN3PREFIX}/man/man3/ && ls -l `${FIND} . -type l` | ${GREP} -E '(geo|mapLn)' | ${SED} -Ee 's#^.*\./(.*) -> (.*)$$#\2 \1 \\#' | ${SORT} -u
+ @cd ${MANNPREFIX}/man/mann/ && ls -l `${FIND} . -type l` | ${GREP} -E '(geo|mapLn)' | ${SED} -Ee 's#^.*\./(.*) -> (.*)$$#\2 \1 \\#' | ${SORT} -u
+.include <bsd.port.mk>
diff --git a/astro/tclgeomap/distinfo b/astro/tclgeomap/distinfo
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..cb40fae3180d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/astro/tclgeomap/distinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+MD5 (tclgeomap-2.9.tar.gz) = 59045354bb89dd80210e73e63433a281
+SHA256 (tclgeomap-2.9.tar.gz) = ecd80a887f79e33a9a6b406f0bef12d4dc1773ff4819ce041d2203e07ea3d1d2
+SIZE (tclgeomap-2.9.tar.gz) = 173753
diff --git a/astro/tclgeomap/pkg-descr b/astro/tclgeomap/pkg-descr
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c09bd46f50f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/astro/tclgeomap/pkg-descr
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Tkgeomap is an open source set of extensions to the Tcl/Tk scripting
+language. It adds commands that read, manipulate, and display geographic
+It provides four packages:
+* tclgeomap - library written in C adds commands for basic geography
+ calculations and data access.
+* tclgeomap_procs - library written in Tcl adds procedures that
+ supplement tclgeomap.
+* tkgeomap - library written in C that adds the ability to draw maps
+* tkgeomap_procs - library written in Tcl adds procedures that
+ supplement tkgeomap.
+This port contains the Tcl part.
+WWW: http://www.tkgeomap.org/
diff --git a/astro/tclgeomap/pkg-plist b/astro/tclgeomap/pkg-plist
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ac8d6d584eea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/astro/tclgeomap/pkg-plist
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+@dirrm %%INC%%
+@dirrm %%LIB%%
diff --git a/astro/tkgeomap/Makefile b/astro/tkgeomap/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d2c87181d306
--- /dev/null
+++ b/astro/tkgeomap/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# New ports collection makefile for: tkgeomap
+# Date created: 25 August 2006
+# Whom: Andrew Pantyukhin <infofarmer@FreeBSD.org>
+# $FreeBSD$
+PORTNAME= tkgeomap
+CATEGORIES= astro tk84
+MAINTAINER= infofarmer@FreeBSD.org
+COMMENT= Read, manipulate and display geo data
+LIB_DEPENDS= tclgeomap${PORTVERSION}.0:${PORTSDIR}/astro/tclgeomap
+.ifndef WITHOUT_X11
+USE_XLIB= yes
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-tclgeomap-include=${LOCALBASE}/include/tclgeomap
+USE_TK= yes
+MANN= igeomap.n tkgeomap.n tkgeomap_procs.n wdgeomap.n
+ wdgeomap.n latlontoxy.n \
+ wdgeomap.n xytolatlon.n
+ @${LN} -sf ${PREFIX}/lib/libtkgeomap2.9.so ${PREFIX}/lib/libtkgeomap2.9.so.0
+ @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's/@PACKAGE@@VERSION@/@PACKAGE@/g' ${WRKSRC}/Makefile.in ${WRKSRC}/pkgIndex.tcl.in
+# Maintainer section
+ @cd ${MANNPREFIX}/man/mann/ && ls -l `${FIND} . -type l` | ${GREP} -E '(igeo|tkgeo|wdgeo)' | ${SED} -Ee 's#^.*\./(.*) -> (.*)$$#\2 \1 \\#' | ${SORT} -u
+.include <bsd.port.mk>
diff --git a/astro/tkgeomap/distinfo b/astro/tkgeomap/distinfo
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..85dd18e98f46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/astro/tkgeomap/distinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+MD5 (tkgeomap-2.9.tar.gz) = 69fd225c5b71f604bde5efa3f34e824f
+SHA256 (tkgeomap-2.9.tar.gz) = 1d0ffab3b93fea3017b7f89eca8c56e69b288eb706328297e12ad4c1c7c8c5fc
+SIZE (tkgeomap-2.9.tar.gz) = 179922
diff --git a/astro/tkgeomap/pkg-descr b/astro/tkgeomap/pkg-descr
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9513c7592149
--- /dev/null
+++ b/astro/tkgeomap/pkg-descr
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Tkgeomap is an open source set of extensions to the Tcl/Tk scripting
+language. It adds commands that read, manipulate, and display geographic
+It provides four packages:
+* tclgeomap - library written in C adds commands for basic geography
+ calculations and data access.
+* tclgeomap_procs - library written in Tcl adds procedures that
+ supplement tclgeomap.
+* tkgeomap - library written in C that adds the ability to draw maps
+* tkgeomap_procs - library written in Tcl adds procedures that
+ supplement tkgeomap.
+This port contains the Tk part.
+WWW: http://www.tkgeomap.org/
diff --git a/astro/tkgeomap/pkg-plist b/astro/tkgeomap/pkg-plist
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..007f76745fec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/astro/tkgeomap/pkg-plist
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+@dirrm %%INC%%
+@dirrm %%LIB%%