path: root/Tools
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Tools')
1 files changed, 153 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/Tools/portbuild/scripts/dosetupnode b/Tools/portbuild/scripts/dosetupnode
index 9dc5edfebae3..33a6044a627f 100755
--- a/Tools/portbuild/scripts/dosetupnode
+++ b/Tools/portbuild/scripts/dosetupnode
@@ -1,45 +1,170 @@
+# XXX Use a worker pool that only runs N setups at once to avoid
+# raping the server. Hard to do in shell?
+# -norsync|-nocopy : Don't copy files, just clean up builds
+# -queue : update queue once we finish setting up
+# -force : force file copying/extraction even if it appears it is
+# up-to-date
+# NB: branch or buildid might be "-" to specify only to set up the
+# scripts/ and ${arch}/ directories (e.g. after client reboot)
# configurable variables
-shift 3
+shift 4
-if [ "$1" = "-norsync" ]; then
- norsync=1
+if [ -f ${pb}/${arch}/portbuild.conf ]; then
+ . ${pb}/${arch}/portbuild.conf
+ echo "Invalid arch ${arch}"
+ exit 1
+. ${pb}/scripts/buildenv
-. ${pb}/${arch}/portbuild.conf
+# Check for non-fatal rsync errors
+checkerror() {
+ error=$?
-. ${pb}/scripts/buildenv
+ case $error in
+ 0)
+ return 0
+ ;;
+ 23)
+ echo "Continuing..."
+ return 0
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Aborting..."
+ return 1
+ ;;
+ esac
-echo "setting up of $node started at $(date)"
+setup() {
+ node=$1
-# Read in client config and decide if the node is disconnected or not (i.e. mounts via NFS)
-. ${pb}/${arch}/portbuild.${node}
+ echo "setting up of $node started at $(date)"
-if [ "${norsync}" = 1 ]; then
- md5=0
- nocopy=-nocopy
- nocopy=
- md5=$(/sbin/md5 ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/tarballs/bindist.tar | awk '{print $4}')
+ . ${pb}/${arch}/portbuild.conf
+ . ${pb}/${arch}/portbuild.${node}
+ ${scp_cmd} -q -p ${pb}/scripts/setupnode ${client_user}@${node}:/tmp || return 1
+ client_setup="${ssh_cmd} -n ${client_user}@${node} sh /tmp/setupnode ${pb} ${arch} ${branch} ${buildid} ${scratchdir} \"${portsmd5}\" \"${srcmd5}\" \"${bindistmd5}\""
+ args="${nocopy} ${force}"
+ ${client_setup} pre-copy ${args} || (echo "pre-copy for ${node} failed"; return 1)
+ if [ "${norsync}" -eq 0 ]; then
+ rsync ${rsync_gzip} -e "${ssh_cmd}" -r -l -p --delete ${pb}/scripts \
+ ${client_user}@${node}:${pb}/
+ checkerror $? || (echo "Copying scripts to ${node} failed"; return 1)
+ rsync ${rsync_gzip} -e "${ssh_cmd}" -r -l -p --delete ${pb}/${arch}/portbuild* \
+ ${client_user}@${node}:${pb}/${arch}
+ checkerror $? || (echo "copying portbuild.conf files to ${node} failed"; return 1)
-scp -p ${pb}/scripts/setupnode ${client_user}@${node}:/tmp
-ssh -n ${client_user}@${node} ${sudo_cmd} sh /tmp/setupnode ${nocopy} $(hostname) ${pb} ${arch} ${branch} ${scratchdir} ${md5} ${disconnected}
+ if [ -f "${pb}/${arch}/clients/bindist-${node}.tar" ]; then
+ rsync ${rsync_gzip} -e "${ssh_cmd}" -r -L -p --delete \
+ ${pb}/${arch}/clients/bindist-${node}.tar \
+ ${client_user}@${node}:${pb}/${arch}/clients/
+ checkerror $? || (echo "Copying bindist-${node}.tar to ${node} failed"; return 1)
+ else
+ echo "Host customization file not found: ${pb}/${arch}/clients/bindist-${node}.tar"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if [ "${buildid}" != "-" ]; then
+ rsync ${rsync_gzip} -e "${ssh_cmd}" -r -L -p \
+ ${builddir}/ports-${buildid}.tbz \
+ ${builddir}/ports-${buildid}.tbz.md5 \
+ ${builddir}/src-${buildid}.tbz \
+ ${builddir}/src-${buildid}.tbz.md5 \
+ ${builddir}/bindist.tbz \
+ ${builddir}/bindist.tbz.md5 \
+ ${client_user}@${node}:${builddir}/
+ checkerror $? || (echo "Copying build tarballs to ${node} failed"; return 1)
+ fi
+ fi
+ ${client_setup} post-copy ${args} || (echo "post-copy for ${node} failed"; return 1)
+ if [ "${queue}" -eq 1 ]; then
+ lockf -k ${pb}/${arch}/queue/.lock \
+ ${pb}/scripts/pollmachine ${arch}/${node} -queue
+ fi
+ echo "setting up of $node ended at $(date)"
+while [ $# -ge 1 ]; do
+ case $1 in
+ -norsync|-nocopy)
+ norsync=1
+ nocopy=-nocopy
+ ;;
+ -queue)
+ queue=1
+ ;;
+ -force)
+ force=-force
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+if [ "${norsync}" -eq 0 ]; then
+ if [ "${branch}" != "-" -a "${buildid}" != "-" ]; then
+ buildid=$(resolve ${pb} ${arch} ${branch} ${buildid})
+ if [ -z "${buildid}" ]; then
+ echo "Invalid build ID ${buildid}"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ builddir=${pbab}/builds/${buildid}
+ if [ ! -f ${builddir}/ports-${buildid}.tbz.md5 ]; then
+ echo "ports-${buildid}.tbz.md5 not found"
+ exit 1
+ else
+ portsmd5=$(awk '{print $4}' ${builddir}/ports-${buildid}.tbz.md5)
+ fi
+ if [ ! -f ${builddir}/src-${buildid}.tbz.md5 ]; then
+ echo "src-${buildid}.tbz.md5 not found"
+ exit 1
+ else
+ srcmd5=$(awk '{print $4}' ${builddir}/src-${buildid}.tbz.md5)
+ fi
+ if [ ! -f ${builddir}/bindist.tbz.md5 ]; then
+ echo "bindist.tbz.md5 not found"
+ exit 1
+ else
+ bindistmd5=$(awk '{print $4}' ${builddir}/bindist.tbz.md5)
+ fi
+ fi
-if [ "${disconnected}" = 1 -a "${norsync}" = 0 ]; then
- rsync ${rsync_gzip} -r -l -p --delete ${pb}/scripts ${client_user}@${node}:${pb}/
- rsync ${rsync_gzip} -r -l -p --delete ${pb}/${arch}/portbuild* ${client_user}@${node}:${pb}/${arch}
- rsync ${rsync_gzip} -r -L -p --delete ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/ports ${client_user}@${node}:${pb}/${arch}/${branch}
- rsync ${rsync_gzip} -r -L -p --delete ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/src ${client_user}@${node}:${pb}/${arch}/${branch}
- rsync ${rsync_gzip} -r -L -p --delete ${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/tarballs/ ${client_user}@${node}:${pb}/${arch}/${branch}/tarballs/
+if [ "${nodelist}" = "all" ]; then
+ nodelist=$(cat ${pb}/${arch}/mlist)
-lockf -k ${pb}/${arch}/queue/.lock ${pb}/scripts/pollmachine ${arch} ${node} -queue
-echo "setting up of $node ended at $(date)"
+for node in ${nodelist}; do
+ setup ${node} &