path: root/audio
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'audio')
6 files changed, 152 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/audio/xsidplay/Makefile b/audio/xsidplay/Makefile
index ae80e585bcf0..fa1a4c2ec5a7 100644
--- a/audio/xsidplay/Makefile
+++ b/audio/xsidplay/Makefile
@@ -6,32 +6,26 @@
PORTNAME= xsidplay
CATEGORIES= audio emulators
MASTER_SITES= http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Lakes/5147/sidplay/packages/ \
-EXTRACT_SUFX= _tar.gz
MAINTAINER= anders@fix.no
-BUILD_DEPENDS= sidplay:${PORTSDIR}/audio/sidplay
+LIB_DEPENDS= sidplay.1:${PORTSDIR}/audio/libsidplay
- -I${LOCALBASE}/include/sidplay" \
+ -I${X11BASE}/include" \
+ LDFLAGS="-L${LOCALBASE}/lib -L${X11BASE}/lib"
-.include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
-.if ${OSVERSION} >= 400000
-BROKEN= "Doesn't build with gcc >= 2.8.1"
- ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/src/xsidplay ${PREFIX}/bin
+ ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/src/xsidplay ${PREFIX}/bin
-.include <bsd.port.post.mk>
+.include <bsd.port.mk>
diff --git a/audio/xsidplay/distinfo b/audio/xsidplay/distinfo
index d23d96706709..3772c7fc9f02 100644
--- a/audio/xsidplay/distinfo
+++ b/audio/xsidplay/distinfo
@@ -1 +1 @@
-MD5 (xsidplay-1_3_8_tar.gz) = 9b22b10115323f87fd208a798b5252f1
+MD5 (xsidplay-1_3_9.tgz) = 0899624e144c6b686d69d7396689e8c5
diff --git a/audio/xsidplay/files/patch-aa b/audio/xsidplay/files/patch-aa
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c3173417acf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/xsidplay/files/patch-aa
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+--- src/HVSCDialogData.cpp.orig Fri Oct 9 09:08:24 1998
++++ src/HVSCDialogData.cpp Tue Sep 12 04:02:45 2000
+@@ -109,9 +109,30 @@
+ browseBtn = new QPushButton( this, "BrowseButton" );
+ browseBtn->setGeometry( 320, 32, 70, 30 );
+ {
+- QColorGroup normal( QColor( QRgb(0) ), QColor( QRgb(11862015) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ), QColor( QRgb(6316128) ), QColor( QRgb(10789024) ), QColor( QRgb(0) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ) );
+- QColorGroup disabled( QColor( QRgb(8421504) ), QColor( QRgb(12632256) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ), QColor( QRgb(6316128) ), QColor( QRgb(10789024) ), QColor( QRgb(8421504) ), QColor( QRgb(12632256) ) );
+- QColorGroup active( QColor( QRgb(0) ), QColor( QRgb(8505544) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ), QColor( QRgb(6316128) ), QColor( QRgb(10789024) ), QColor( QRgb(0) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ) );
++ QColorGroup normal(
++ QColor( (unsigned int)0 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)11862015 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)16777215 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)6316128 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)10789024 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)0 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)16777215 ) );
++ QColorGroup disabled(
++ QColor( (unsigned int)8421504 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)12632256 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)16777215 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)6316128 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)10789024 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)8421504 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)12632256 ) );
++ QColorGroup active(
++ QColor( (unsigned int)0 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)8505544 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)16777215 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)6316128 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)10789024 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)0 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)16777215 ) );
+ QPalette palette( normal, disabled, active );
+ browseBtn->setPalette( palette );
+ }
diff --git a/audio/xsidplay/files/patch-ab b/audio/xsidplay/files/patch-ab
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..cea199754565
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/xsidplay/files/patch-ab
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+--- src/MainDialog.cpp.orig Sat Jul 3 12:57:28 1999
++++ src/MainDialog.cpp Tue Sep 12 03:47:31 2000
+@@ -152,9 +152,30 @@
+ timeLCD->setMode( QLCDNumber::DEC );
+ timeLCD->setSegmentStyle( QLCDNumber::Filled );
+ {
+- QColorGroup normal( QColor( QRgb(0) ), QColor( QRgb(11513755) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ), QColor( QRgb(6316128) ), QColor( QRgb(10789024) ), QColor( QRgb(0) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ) );
+- QColorGroup disabled( QColor( QRgb(8421504) ), QColor( QRgb(12632256) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ), QColor( QRgb(6316128) ), QColor( QRgb(10789024) ), QColor( QRgb(8421504) ), QColor( QRgb(12632256) ) );
+- QColorGroup active( QColor( QRgb(0) ), QColor( QRgb(12632256) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ), QColor( QRgb(6316128) ), QColor( QRgb(10789024) ), QColor( QRgb(0) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ) );
++ QColorGroup normal(
++ QColor( (unsigned int)0 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)11513755 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)16777215 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)6316128 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)10789024 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)0 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)16777215 ) );
++ QColorGroup disabled(
++ QColor( (unsigned int)8421504 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)12632256 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)16777215 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)6316128 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)10789024 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)8421504 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)12632256 ) );
++ QColorGroup active(
++ QColor( (unsigned int)0 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)12632256 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)16777215 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)6316128 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)10789024 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)0 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)16777215 ) );
+ QPalette palette( normal, disabled, active );
+ timeLCD->setPalette( palette );
+ }
diff --git a/audio/xsidplay/files/patch-ac b/audio/xsidplay/files/patch-ac
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9f92e5f59f1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/xsidplay/files/patch-ac
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+--- src/MainDialogData.cpp.orig Mon Dec 14 06:50:51 1998
++++ src/MainDialogData.cpp Tue Sep 12 03:57:49 2000
+@@ -43,9 +43,30 @@
+ songLCD = new QLCDNumber( this, "LCDNumber_2" );
+ songLCD->setGeometry( 90, 35, 40, 30 );
+ {
+- QColorGroup normal( QColor( QRgb(0) ), QColor( QRgb(11513755) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ), QColor( QRgb(6316128) ), QColor( QRgb(10789024) ), QColor( QRgb(0) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ) );
+- QColorGroup disabled( QColor( QRgb(8421504) ), QColor( QRgb(12632256) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ), QColor( QRgb(6316128) ), QColor( QRgb(10789024) ), QColor( QRgb(8421504) ), QColor( QRgb(12632256) ) );
+- QColorGroup active( QColor( QRgb(0) ), QColor( QRgb(12632256) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ), QColor( QRgb(6316128) ), QColor( QRgb(10789024) ), QColor( QRgb(0) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ) );
++ QColorGroup normal(
++ QColor( (unsigned int)0 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)11513755 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)16777215 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)6316128 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)10789024 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)0 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)16777215 ) );
++ QColorGroup disabled(
++ QColor( (unsigned int)8421504 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)12632256 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)16777215 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)6316128 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)10789024 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)8421504 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)12632256 ) );
++ QColorGroup active(
++ QColor( (unsigned int)0 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)12632256 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)16777215 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)6316128 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)10789024 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)0 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)16777215 ) );
+ QPalette palette( normal, disabled, active );
+ songLCD->setPalette( palette );
+ }
+@@ -58,9 +79,30 @@
+ timeLCD = new TimeLCD( this, "TimeLCD_1" );
+ timeLCD->setGeometry( 10, 35, 75, 30 );
+ {
+- QColorGroup normal( QColor( QRgb(0) ), QColor( QRgb(11513755) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ), QColor( QRgb(6316128) ), QColor( QRgb(10789024) ), QColor( QRgb(0) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ) );
+- QColorGroup disabled( QColor( QRgb(8421504) ), QColor( QRgb(12632256) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ), QColor( QRgb(6316128) ), QColor( QRgb(10789024) ), QColor( QRgb(8421504) ), QColor( QRgb(12632256) ) );
+- QColorGroup active( QColor( QRgb(0) ), QColor( QRgb(12632256) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ), QColor( QRgb(6316128) ), QColor( QRgb(10789024) ), QColor( QRgb(0) ), QColor( QRgb(16777215) ) );
++ QColorGroup normal(
++ QColor( (unsigned int)0 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)11513755 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)16777215 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)6316128 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)10789024 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)0 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)16777215 ) );
++ QColorGroup disabled(
++ QColor( (unsigned int)8421504 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)12632256 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)16777215 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)6316128 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)10789024 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)8421504 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)12632256 ) );
++ QColorGroup active(
++ QColor( (unsigned int)0 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)12632256 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)16777215 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)6316128 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)10789024 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)0 ),
++ QColor( (unsigned int)16777215 ) );
+ QPalette palette( normal, disabled, active );
+ timeLCD->setPalette( palette );
+ }
diff --git a/audio/xsidplay/pkg-descr b/audio/xsidplay/pkg-descr
index 5a3239b35c1b..fdf841498c92 100644
--- a/audio/xsidplay/pkg-descr
+++ b/audio/xsidplay/pkg-descr
@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ SID) and the Micro Processor Unit (MOS 6510) of the Commodore 64. Listen
to all those SID-tunes you remember so well again.
WWW: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Lakes/5147/
-HVSC: http://home.freeuk.net/wazzaw/HVSC/
+HVSC: http://www.hvsc.c64.org/