path: root/editors/openoffice-3-devel/files/zipmoz.sh
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'editors/openoffice-3-devel/files/zipmoz.sh')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 164 deletions
diff --git a/editors/openoffice-3-devel/files/zipmoz.sh b/editors/openoffice-3-devel/files/zipmoz.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 43a4591f3430..000000000000
--- a/editors/openoffice-3-devel/files/zipmoz.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -f
-RUNTIME_FILES=" components/libabsyncsvc.so components/libaddrbook.so \
- components/libmork.so components/libmozldap.so \
- components/libnecko.so components/libprofile.so \
- components/librdf.so components/libstrres.so \
- components/libunicharutil.so components/libuconv.so \
- components/libucvcn.so components/libucvibm.so \
- components/libucvja.so components/libucvko.so \
- components/libucvlatin.so components/libucvtw.so \
- components/libucvtw2.so components/liburiloader.so \
- components/libvcard.so components/libxpconnect.so \
- components/libpref.so components/libchrome.so libmozjs.so \
- libmsgbaseutil.so libldap50.so libnspr4.so libplc4.so \
- libplds4.so libxpcom.so libmozz.so component.reg \
- components/necko_dns.xpt components/xpcom_xpti.xpt \
- components/xpcom_threads.xpt components/xpcom_io.xpt \
- components/xpcom_ds.xpt components/xpcom_components.xpt \
- components/xpcom_base.xpt components/xpti.dat \
- defaults/pref/all.js defaults/pref/config.js \
- defaults/pref/editor.js defaults/pref/initpref.js \
- defaults/pref/inspector.js defaults/pref/mailnews.js \
- defaults/pref/security-prefs.js defaults/pref/unix.js \
- defaults/pref/xpinstall.js"
-LIB_FILES=" lib/libembed_base_s.a lib/libmozreg_s.a \
- lib/libnspr4.so lib/libxpcom.so lib/libprldap50.so"
-if [ $# -lt 2 -o $# -gt 3 ] ; then
- echo
- echo usage: $0 mozilla_dist target [target_dir]
- echo
- echo where:
- echo
- echo "mozilla_dist points to the mozilla distribution"
- echo "target concatenates OS, compiler and CPU (e.g. FREEBSDGCCI etc)"
- echo "target_dir is the directory to place the zips"
- exit 1
-if [ "w$3" != "w" ]; then
- if [ "w$TARGET_DIR" == "w" ]; then
- fi
-if [ -z "$ZIP_TARGET" ] ; then
-# just to remember the current working directory
-echo --- creating zips for $TARGET, using mozilla distribution in $MOZ_DIST
-# Create the directories
-[ ! -d $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/runtime ] && mkdir -p $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/runtime
-[ ! -d $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/runtime/components ] && mkdir -p $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/runtime/components
-[ ! -d $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/runtime/defaults ] && mkdir -p $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/runtime/defaults
-[ ! -d $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/runtime/defaults/pref ] && mkdir -p $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/runtime/defaults/pref
-[ ! -d $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/lib ] && mkdir -p $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/lib
-[ ! -d $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/inc ] && mkdir -p $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/inc
-[ ! -d $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/inc/nspr ] && mkdir -p $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/inc/nspr
-[ ! -d $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/inc/obsolete ] && mkdir -p $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/inc/obsolete
-# Copy the files
-echo --- copying files
-for i in $RUNTIME_FILES; do
- if [ ! -f $MOZ_DIST/bin/$i ]; then
- echo $MOZ_DIST/bin/$i does not exist, check your distribution
- else
- if [ `echo $i | grep component` ]; then
- cp $MOZ_DIST/bin/$i $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/runtime/components/
- elif [ `echo $i | grep defaults` ]; then
- cp $MOZ_DIST/bin/$i $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/runtime/defaults/pref/
- else
- cp $MOZ_DIST/bin/$i $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/runtime/
- fi
- fi
-for i in $LIB_FILES; do
- if [ ! -f $MOZ_DIST/$i ]; then
- echo $MOZ_DIST/$i does not exist, check your distribution
- else
- cp -R -L $MOZ_DIST/$i $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/lib/
- fi
-for i in `ls -1 $MOZ_DIST/$INC_FILES`; do
- if [ ! -d $i ]; then
- cp -R -L $MOZ_DIST/include/$i $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/inc/
- fi
-for i in `ls -1 $MOZ_DIST/$INC_FILES2`; do
- if [ ! -d $i ]; then
- cp -R -L $MOZ_DIST/public/$i $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/inc
- fi
-for i in `ls -1 $MOZ_DIST/$INC_FILES/nspr`; do
- if [ ! -d $i ]; then
- cp -R -L $MOZ_DIST/include/nspr/$i $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/inc/nspr
- fi
-for i in `ls -1 $MOZ_DIST/$INC_FILES/nspr/obsolete`; do
- if [ ! -d $i ]; then
- cp -R -L $MOZ_DIST/include/nspr/obsolete/$i $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/inc/obsolete
- fi
-# delete old zips
-[ -f $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/runtime.zip ] && rm -f $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/runtime.zip
-[ -f $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/lib.zip ] && rm -f $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/lib.zip
-[ -f $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/inc.zip ] && rm -f $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/inc.zip
-# zip the runtime files
-echo --- creating ${TARGET}runtime.zip
-cd $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/runtime
-find . -type f | zip $ZIP_TARGET/${TARGET}runtime.zip -@
-# zip the lib files
-echo --- creating ${TARGET}lib.zip
-find . -type f | zip $ZIP_TARGET/${TARGET}lib.zip -@
-# zip the inc files
-echo --- creating ${TARGET}inc.zip
-find . -type f | zip $ZIP_TARGET/${TARGET}inc.zip -@
-# remove dirs
-echo --- done