path: root/graphics/kipi-plugins-kde4/pkg-descr
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1 files changed, 31 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/graphics/kipi-plugins-kde4/pkg-descr b/graphics/kipi-plugins-kde4/pkg-descr
index 74f2a5076297..65d730587493 100644
--- a/graphics/kipi-plugins-kde4/pkg-descr
+++ b/graphics/kipi-plugins-kde4/pkg-descr
@@ -1,20 +1,38 @@
-This is a set of plugins that extend the functionality of graphics/digikam.
+Kipi (KDE Image Plugin Interface) is an effort to develop a common plugin
+structure for Digikam, KimDaBa, Showimg and Gwenview. Its aim is to share
+image plugins among graphic applications.
+This is a set of plugins using Kipi.
These plugins are included:
-RAW CONVERTER PLUGIN : Raw files converter.
-SLIDESHOW PLUGIN : Slide show an album.
-MPEG ENCODER PLUGIN : MPEG images encoder.
-ALBUM HTML EXPORT PLUGIN : Web Albums page creation.
-ALBUM COMMENTS EDITOR PLUGIN : batch images comments editor.
-PRINT WIZARD PLUGIN : Multiples images printing.
-JPEGLOSSLESS PLUGIN : Batch operations images with JPEG loss less.
-CD ARCHIVING PLUGIN : CD/DVD albums archiving.
-SCANIMAGES PLUGIN : Images acquisitions with a scanner.
-SENDIMAGES PLUGIN : Send images by mail.
-MISCSOPERATIONS PLUGIN : Adding some miscs options in Digikam.
+RawConverter: A raw image converter for digital cameras.
+SlideShow: Slideshow with effects ripped out from kslideshow and 3D effects
+ using OpenGL.
+MpegEncoder: Create an MPEG slideshow from your images.
+ImagesGallery: An HTML gallery generator.
+PrintWizard: A wizard to print images in various format.
+JpegLossLess: Batch process your JPEG images without losing meta information
+ and compression.
+CdArchiving: Archive your albums on CD or DVD using K3b.
+ScanImages: Scanner management using Kooka.
+ScreenshotImages: Snap screen based on KSnapshot and adapted to Kipi.
+Calendar: A plugin to create calendars.
+SendImages: A plugin to send images by email, allowing resizing and
+ recompressing before sending.
+RenameImages: Batch image renamer.
+ConvertImages: Batch image converter.
+BorderImages: Add border to your images in batch.
+FilterImages: Batch image enhancer using digital filters.
+ColorImages: Batch image color enhancer.
+EffectImages: Batch image transformation effects.
+ResizeImages: Batch image resizer.
+RecompressImages: Batch image recompressor.
+FindDuplicateImages: Find duplicate images in albums.
+WallPaper: Set your image as wallpaper.
+TimeAdjust: Adjust image file time and date.
-WWW: http://digikam.sourceforge.net/
+WWW: http://extragear.kde.org/apps/kipi.php
- Arjan