path: root/graphics/netpbm/pkg-descr
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Diffstat (limited to 'graphics/netpbm/pkg-descr')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 183 deletions
diff --git a/graphics/netpbm/pkg-descr b/graphics/netpbm/pkg-descr
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index a78213e8cc7a..000000000000
--- a/graphics/netpbm/pkg-descr
+++ /dev/null
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-Netpbm is a toolkit for conversion of images between a variety of
-different formats, as well as to allow a few basic image operations.
-Netpbm is based on the widely spread Pbmplus package (release: 10 Dec
-91). On top of that, a lot of improvements and additions have been
-made. After the latest release of Pbmplus, a lot of additional filters
-have been circulating on the net. The aim of Netpbm was, to collect
-these and to turn them into a package. This work has been performed by
-a group of programmers all over the world.
-anytopnm - attempt to convert an unknown type of image file to a portable anymap
-asciitopgm - convert ASCII graphics into a portable graymap
-atktopbm - convert Andrew Toolkit raster object to portable bitmap
-bioradtopgm - convert a Biorad confocal file into a portable graymap
-bmptoppm - convert a BMP file into a portable pixmap
-brushtopbm - convert a doodle brush file into a portable bitmap
-cmuwmtopbm - convert a CMU window manager bitmap into a portable bitmap
-fitstopnm - convert a FITS file into a portable anymap
-fstopgm - convert a Usenix FaceSaver(tm) file into a portable graymap
-g3topbm - convert a Group 3 fax file into a portable bitmap
-gemtopbm - convert a GEM .img file into a portable bitmap
-giftopnm - convert a GIF file into a portable anymap
-gouldtoppm - convert Gould scanner file into a portable pixmap
-hipstopgm - convert a HIPS file into a portable graymap
-hpcdtoppm v0.3 - convert a Photo-CD file into a portable pixmap
-icontopbm - convert a Sun icon into a portable bitmap
-ilbmtoppm - convert an ILBM file into a portable pixmap
-imgtoppm - convert an Img-whatnot file into a portable pixmap
-lispmtopgm - convert a Lisp Machine bitmap file into pgm format
-macptopbm - convert a MacPaint file into a portable bitmap
-mgrtopbm - convert a MGR bitmap into a portable bitmap
-mtvtoppm - convert output from the MTV or PRT ray tracers into a portable pixmap
-pbmclean - flip isolated pixels in portable bitmap
-pbmlife - apply Conway's rules of Life to a portable bitmap
-pbmmake - create a blank bitmap of a specified size
-pbmmask - create a mask bitmap from a regular bitmap
-pbmpscale - enlarge a portable bitmap with edge smoothing
-pbmreduce - read a portable bitmap and reduce it N times
-pbmtext - render text into a bitmap
-pbmto10x - convert a portable bitmap into Gemini 10X printer graphics
-pbmto4425 - Display PBM images on an AT&T 4425 terminal
-pbmtoascii - convert a portable bitmap into ASCII graphics
-pbmtoatk - convert portable bitmap to Andrew Toolkit raster object
-pbmtobg - convert a portable bitmap into BitGraph graphics
-pbmtocmuwm - convert a portable bitmap into a CMU window manager bitmap
-pbmtoepsi - convert a portable bitmap into an encapsulated PostScript
-pbmtoepson - convert a portable bitmap into Epson printer graphics
-pbmtog3 - convert a portable bitmap into a Group 3 fax file
-pbmtogem - convert a portable bitmap into a GEM .img file
-pbmtogo - convert a portable bitmap into compressed GraphOn graphics
-pbmtoicon - convert a portable bitmap into a Sun icon
-pbmtolj - convert a portable bitmap into HP LaserJet format
-pbmtoln03 - convert protable bitmap to DEC LN03+ Sixel output
-pbmtolps - convert portable bitmap to PostScript
-pbmtomacp - convert a portable bitmap into a MacPaint file
-pbmtomgr - convert a portable bitmap into a MGR bitmap
-pbmtopgm - convert portable bitmap to portable graymap by averaging areas
-pbmtopi3 - convert a portable bitmap into an Atari Degas .pi3 file
-pbmtopk - convert a portable bitmap into a packed (PK) format font
-pbmtoplot - convert a portable bitmap into a Unix plot(5) file
-pbmtoptx - convert a portable bitmap into Printronix printer graphics
-pbmtox10bm - convert a portable bitmap into an X10 bitmap
-pbmtoxbm - convert a portable bitmap into an X11 bitmap
-pgmtoybm - convert a portable bitmap into a Bennet Yee "face" file
-pbmtozinc - convert a portable bitmap into a Zinc bitmap
-pbmupc - create a Universal Product Code bitmap
-pcxtoppm - convert a PCX file into a portable pixmap
-pgmbentley - Bentleyize a portable graymap
-pgmcrater - create cratered terrain by fractal forgery
-pgmedge - edge-detect a portable graymap
-pgmenhance - edge-enhance a portable graymap
-pgmhist - print a histogram of the values in a portable graymap
-pgmkernel - generate a convolution kernel
-pgmnoise - create a graymap made up of white noise
-pgmnorm - normalize the contrast in a portable graymap
-pgmoil - turn a portable graymap into an oil painting
-pgmramp - generate a grayscale ramp
-pgmtexture - calculate textural features on a portable graymap
-pgmtofs - convert portable graymap to Usenix FaceSaver(tm) format
-pgmtolispm - convert a portable graymap into Lisp Machine format
-pgmtopbm - convert a portable graymap into a portable bitmap
-pgmtoppm - colorize a portable graymap into a portable pixmap
-pi1toppm - convert an Atari Degas .pi1 into a portable pixmap
-pi3topbm - convert an Atari Degas .pi3 file into a portable bitmap
-picttoppm - convert a Macintosh PICT file into a portable pixmap
-pjtoppm - convert an HP PaintJet file to a portable pixmap
-pktopbm - convert packed (PK) format font into portable bitmap(s)
-pnmalias - antialias a portable anyumap.
-pnmarith - perform arithmetic on two portable anymaps
-pnmcat - concatenate portable anymaps
-pnmcomp - composite two portable anymap files together
-pnmconvol - general MxN convolution on a portable anymap
-pnmcrop - crop a portable anymap
-pnmcut - cut a rectangle out of a portable anymap
-pnmdepth - change the maxval in a portable anymap
-pnmenlarge - read a portable anymap and enlarge it N times
-pnmfile - describe a portable anymap
-pnmflip - perform one or more flip operations on a portable anymap
-pnmgamma - perform gamma correction on a portable anymap
-pnmhistmap - draw a histogram for a PGM or PPM file
-pnmindex - build a visual index of a bunch of anymaps
-pnminvert - invert a portable anymap
-pnmmargin - add a border to a portable anymap
-pnmnlfilt - non-linear filters: smooth, alpha trim mean, optimal
-pnmnoraw - force a portable anymap into plain format
-pnmpad - add borders to portable anymap
-pnmpaste - paste a rectangle into a portable anymap
-pnmrotate - rotate a portable anymap by some angle
-pnmscale - scale a portable anymap
-pnmshear - shear a portable anymap by some angle
-pnmsmooth - smooth out an image
-pnmtile - replicate a portable anymap into a specified size
-pnmtoddif - Convert a portable anymap to DDIF format
-pnmtofits - convert a portable anymap into FITS format
-pnmtops - convert portable anymap to PostScript
-pnmtorast - convert a portable pixmap into a Sun rasterfile
-pnmtosgi - convert a portable anymap to a SGI image file
-pnmtosir - convert a portable anymap into a Solitaire format
-pnmtotiff - convert a a portable anymap into a TIFF file
-pnmtoxwd - convert a portable anymap into an X11 window dump
-ppm3d - convert two portable pixmap into a red/blue 3d glasses pixmap
-ppmbrighten - change an images Saturation and Value from an HSV map
-ppmchange - change all pixels of one color to another in a portable pixmap
-ppmdim - dim a portable pixmap down to total blackness
-ppmdist - simplistic grayscale assignment for machine generated, color images
-ppmdither - ordered dither for color images
-ppmflash - brighten a picture up to complete white-out
-ppmforge - fractal forgeries of clouds, planets, and starry skies
-ppmhist - print a histogram of a portable pixmap
-ppmmake - create a pixmap of a specified size and color
-ppmmix - blend together two portable pixmaps
-ppmnorm - normalize the contrast in a portable pixmap
-ppmntsc - make a portable pixmap look like taken from an American TV
-ppmpat - make a pretty pixmap
-ppmquant - quantize the colors in a portable pixmap down to a specified number
-ppmquantall - run ppmquant on a bunch of files all at once, so they share a common colormap
-ppmqvga - 8 plane quantization
-ppmrelief - run a Laplacian relief filter on a portable pixmap
-ppmshift - shift lines of a portable pixmap left or right by a random amount
-ppmspread - displace a portable pixmap's pixels by a random amount
-ppmtoacad - convert portable pixmap to AutoCAD database or slide
-ppmtobmp - convert a portable pixmap into a BMP file
-ppmtogif - convert a portable pixmap into a GIF file
-ppmtoicr - convert a portable pixmap into NCSA ICR format
-ppmtoilbm - convert a portable pixmap into an ILBM file
-ppmtomap - extract all colors from a portable pixmap
-ppmtomitsu - convert a portable pixmap to a Mitsubishi S340-10 file
-ppmtopcx - convert a portable pixmap into a PCX file
-ppmtopgm - convert a portable pixmap into a portable graymap
-ppmtopi1 - convert a portable pixmap into an Atari Degas .pi1 file
-ppmtopict - convert a portable pixmap into a Macintosh PICT file
-ppmtopj - convert a portable pixmap to an HP PaintJet file
-ppmtopjxl - convert a portable pixmap into an HP PaintJet XL PCL file
-ppmtopuzz - convert a portable pixmap into an X11 "puzzle" file
-ppmtorgb3 - separate a portable pixmap into three portable graymaps
-ppmtosixel - convert a portable pixmap into DEC sixel format
-ppmtotga - convert portable pixmap into a TrueVision Targa file
-ppmtouil - convert a portable pixmap into a Motif UIL icon file
-ppmtoxpm - convert a portable pixmap into an X11 pixmap
-ppmtoyuv - convert a portable pixmap into an Abekas YUV file
-ppmtoyuvsplit - convert a portable pixmap into 3 subsampled raw YUV files
-psidtopgm - convert PostScript "image" data into a portable graymap
-qrttoppm - convert output from the QRT ray tracer into a portable pixmap
-rasttopnm - convert a Sun rasterfile into a portable anymap
-rawtopgm - convert raw grayscale bytes into a portable graymap
-rawtoppm - convert raw RGB bytes into a portable pixmap
-rgb3toppm - combine three portable graymaps into one portable pixmap
-sgitopnm - convert a SGI image file to a portable anymap
-sirtopnm - convert a Solitaire file into a portable anymap
-sldtoppm - convert an AutoCAD slide file into a portable pixmap
-spctoppm - convert an Atari compressed Spectrum file into a portable pixmap
-spottopgm - convert SPOT satellite images to Portable Greymap format
-sputoppm - convert an Atari uncompressed Spectrum file into a portable pixmap
-tgatoppm - convert TrueVision Targa file into a portable pixmap
-tifftopnm - convert a TIFF file into a portable anymap
-xbmtopbm - convert an X11 or X10 bitmap into a portable bitmap
-ximtoppm - convert an Xim file into a portable pixmap
-xpmtoppm - convert an X11 pixmap into a portable pixmap
-xvminitoppm - convert a XV "thumbnail" picture to PPM
-xwdtopnm - convert a X11 or X10 window dump file into a portable anymap
-ybmtopbm - convert a Bennet Yee "face" file into a portable bitmap
-yuvplittoppm - convert a Y- an U- and a V-file into a portable pixmap.
-yuvtoppm - convert Abekas YUV bytes into a portable pixmap
-zeisstopnm - convert a Zeiss confocal file into a portable anymap