path: root/lang/perl5.8/files/patch-Safe.pm
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 83 deletions
diff --git a/lang/perl5.8/files/patch-Safe.pm b/lang/perl5.8/files/patch-Safe.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 12873700b9aa..000000000000
--- a/lang/perl5.8/files/patch-Safe.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
---- ext/Opcode/Safe.pm.orig Mon Apr 21 16:37:46 2003
-+++ ext/Opcode/Safe.pm Mon Apr 21 16:37:52 2003
-@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package Safe;
- use 5.003_11;
- use strict;
--our $VERSION = "2.07";
-+$Safe::VERSION = "2.09";
- use Carp;
-@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ sub new {
- # the whole glob *_ rather than $_ and @_ separately, otherwise
- # @_ in non default packages within the compartment don't work.
- $obj->share_from('main', $default_share);
-- Opcode::_safe_pkg_prep($obj->{Root});
-+ Opcode::_safe_pkg_prep($obj->{Root}) if($Opcode::VERSION > 1.04);
- return $obj;
- }
-@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ sub share_from {
- my $no_record = shift || 0;
- my $root = $obj->root();
- croak("vars not an array ref") unless ref $vars eq 'ARRAY';
-- no strict 'refs';
-+ no strict 'refs';
- # Check that 'from' package actually exists
- croak("Package \"$pkg\" does not exist")
- unless keys %{"$pkg\::"};
-@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ sub share_record {
- sub share_redo {
- my $obj = shift;
- my $shares = \%{$obj->{Shares} ||= {}};
-- my($var, $pkg);
-+ my($var, $pkg);
- while(($var, $pkg) = each %$shares) {
- # warn "share_redo $pkg\:: $var";
- $obj->share_from($pkg, [ $var ], 1);
-@@ -214,11 +214,11 @@ sub reval {
- # Create anon sub ref in root of compartment.
- # Uses a closure (on $expr) to pass in the code to be executed.
- # (eval on one line to keep line numbers as expected by caller)
-- my $evalcode = sprintf('package %s; sub { eval $expr; }', $root);
-+ my $evalcode = sprintf('package %s; sub { @_ = (); eval $expr; }', $root);
- my $evalsub;
-- if ($strict) { use strict; $evalsub = eval $evalcode; }
-- else { no strict; $evalsub = eval $evalcode; }
-+ if ($strict) { use strict; $evalsub = eval $evalcode; }
-+ else { no strict; $evalsub = eval $evalcode; }
- return Opcode::_safe_call_sv($root, $obj->{Mask}, $evalsub);
- }
-@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ sub rdo {
- my $root = $obj->{Root};
- my $evalsub = eval
-- sprintf('package %s; sub { do $file }', $root);
-+ sprintf('package %s; sub { @_ = (); do $file }', $root);
- return Opcode::_safe_call_sv($root, $obj->{Mask}, $evalsub);
- }
-@@ -383,8 +383,9 @@ This shares the variable(s) in the argum
- This is almost identical to exporting variables using the L<Exporter>
- module.
--Each NAME must be the B<name> of a variable, typically with the leading
--type identifier included. A bareword is treated as a function name.
-+Each NAME must be the B<name> of a non-lexical variable, typically
-+with the leading type identifier included. A bareword is treated as a
-+function name.
- Examples of legal names are '$foo' for a scalar, '@foo' for an
- array, '%foo' for a hash, '&foo' or 'foo' for a subroutine and '*foo'
-@@ -426,7 +427,7 @@ C<main::> package to the code inside the
- Any attempt by the code in STRING to use an operator which is not permitted
- by the compartment will cause an error (at run-time of the main program
- but at compile-time for the code in STRING). The error is of the form
--"%s trapped by operation mask operation...".
-+"'%s' trapped by operation mask...".
- If an operation is trapped in this way, then the code in STRING will
- not be executed. If such a trapped operation occurs or any other