path: root/mail/horde-turba
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mail/horde-turba')
9 files changed, 0 insertions, 719 deletions
diff --git a/mail/horde-turba/Makefile b/mail/horde-turba/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index a7ca85094441..000000000000
--- a/mail/horde-turba/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-# Ports collection makefile for: turba
-# Date created: Sat Nov 16, 2001
-# Whom: Thierry Thomas (<thierry@thomas.as>)
-# $FreeBSD$
-PORTNAME= turba
-CATEGORIES= mail www
-MASTER_SITES= ftp://ftp.horde.org/pub/turba/ \
- ftp://ftp.planetmirror.com/pub/horde/turba/ \
- ftp://ftp.au.horde.org/pub/horde/turba/ \
- ftp://ftp.be.horde.org/turba/ \
- ftp://ftp.es.horde.org/pub/turba/ \
- ftp://ftp.it.horde.org/pub/mirror/horde.org/turba/ \
- ftp://ftp.nl.horde.org/mirror/horde-ftp/pub/turba/ \
- ftp://ftp.uk.horde.org/mirrors/ftp.horde.org/pub/turba/ \
- http://ftp.horde.org/pub/turba/
-MAINTAINER= shaun@FreeBSD.org
-COMMENT= The Horde contact management application
-# You may define this option:
-# - WITHOUT_LDAP : if you do not need OpenLDAP;
-# - WITH_IMSP : run IMSP cyrus-imspd.
-.if !defined(WITHOUT_LDAP)
-USE_PHP= ldap
-NO_BUILD= yes
-USE_APACHE= 1.3+ # needed to test APACHE_VERSION
-CONFFILE= attributes.php menu.php mime_drivers.php prefs.php sources.php
-SUB_DIRS= config lib locale po scripts templates themes
-LHORDEDIR?= www/horde
-PKGMESSAGE= ${WRKDIR}/pkg-message
-PKGDEINSTALL= ${WRKDIR}/pkg-deinstall
-SUB_FILES= pkg-message pkg-install pkg-deinstall
-.include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
-.if exists(${LOCALBASE}/sbin/imspd)
-.if defined(WITH_IMSP)
-RUN_DEPENDS+= imspd:${PORTSDIR}/databases/cyrus-imspd
-.if ${APACHE_VERSION} >= 20
-HORDE_INC= ${LOCALBASE}/etc/apache${APACHE_VERSION:S/20/2/}/Includes
-HORDE_INC= ${LOCALBASE}/etc/horde
- @${RM} ${WRKSRC}/config/sources.php.dist.orig
- @${SED} -e "s:/home/httpd/html/horde/turba:${TURBADIR}:g" \
- ${FILESDIR}/httpd.conf.turba > ${WRKDIR}/httpd-turba.conf
- @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e "s:/usr/bin/ldapadd:${LOCALBASE}/bin/ldapadd:" \
- ${WRKSRC}/scripts/ldap/addou.pl
-.if defined(WITH_IMSP)
- @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e "s://UNCOMMENTIFIMSP ::" ${WRKSRC}/config/sources.php.dist
-.for REP in ${SUB_DIRS}
- @${CP} -Rp ${WRKSRC}/${REP} ${TURBADIR}
- @${CP} -p ${WRKSRC}/*.php ${TURBADIR}
- @${CHMOD} -R o-rwx ${CONFDIR}
- @${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKDIR}/httpd-turba.conf ${HORDE_INC}
-.if !defined(NOPORTDOCS)
-.for FILE in ${DOCS}
- @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Documentation installed in ${DOCSDIR}."
- @${ECHO_MSG}
- @${ECHO_MSG}
-.include <bsd.port.post.mk>
diff --git a/mail/horde-turba/distinfo b/mail/horde-turba/distinfo
deleted file mode 100644
index 19bcc36517fa..000000000000
--- a/mail/horde-turba/distinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-MD5 (turba-h3-2.1.2.tar.gz) = 6d07c2c9778c9ba363deca3f6d95d2a8
-SHA256 (turba-h3-2.1.2.tar.gz) = 8cc8415f9bdf7e4a9c5ee768620062d34d028322b2185fd57623b2f4f4055d59
-SIZE (turba-h3-2.1.2.tar.gz) = 1793219
diff --git a/mail/horde-turba/files/httpd.conf.turba b/mail/horde-turba/files/httpd.conf.turba
deleted file mode 100644
index f6674cbb9700..000000000000
--- a/mail/horde-turba/files/httpd.conf.turba
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# This is included in Apache's httpd.conf for Turba
-# For security, don't serve pages from the Turba configuration and
-# library directories.
-<Directory "/home/httpd/html/horde/turba/config">
- order deny,allow
- deny from all
-<Directory "/home/httpd/html/horde/turba/lib">
- order deny,allow
- deny from all
-<Directory "/home/httpd/html/horde/turba/locale">
- order deny,allow
- deny from all
-<Directory "/home/httpd/html/horde/turba/po">
- order deny,allow
- deny from all
-<Directory "/home/httpd/html/horde/turba/scripts">
- order deny,allow
- deny from all
-<Directory "/home/httpd/html/horde/turba/templates">
- order deny,allow
- deny from all
-# End of Turba configuration ================
diff --git a/mail/horde-turba/files/patch-config::sources.php.dist b/mail/horde-turba/files/patch-config::sources.php.dist
deleted file mode 100644
index 52bf06d5d79c..000000000000
--- a/mail/horde-turba/files/patch-config::sources.php.dist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
---- config/sources.php.dist.orig Mon Nov 7 11:03:26 2005
-+++ config/sources.php.dist Wed Mar 8 23:18:05 2006
-@@ -490,109 +490,109 @@
- // configuration at all - in case we don't have at least a 3.0.6 Horde
- // install. (In that case, be sure to change the params array below to suit
- // your needs).
--if (!empty($GLOBALS['conf']['imsp']['enabled']) ||
-- !isset($GLOBALS['conf']['imsp']['enabled'])) {
-- // First, get the user name to login to IMSP server with.
-- $uid = $GLOBALS['prefs']->getValue('imsp_auth_user');
-- $pass = $GLOBALS['prefs']->getValue('imsp_auth_pass');
-- if (!strlen($uid)) {
-- $uid = Auth::getBareAuth();
-- $pass = Auth::getCredential('password');
-- }
-- // Note we always use the horde username to append to the key even if we
-- // have an alternate username set in prefs. This is to prevent the
-- // (fringe) case where an IMSP username for one user might be a valid
-- // horde username for another user.
-- $cfgKey = 'IMSP_' . Auth::getAuth();
-- $cfgSources[$cfgKey] = array(
-- 'title' => _("IMSP"),
-- 'type' => 'imsp',
-- 'params' => array(
-- 'server' => $GLOBALS['conf']['imsp']['server'],
-- 'port' => $GLOBALS['conf']['imsp']['port'],
-- 'auth_method' => $GLOBALS['conf']['imsp']['auth_method'],
-- // socket, command, and auth_mechanism are for imtest driver.
-- 'socket' => isset($GLOBALS['conf']['imsp']['socket']) ?
-- $GLOBALS['conf']['imsp']['socket'] . $uid . '.sck' :
-- '',
-- 'command' => isset($GLOBALS['conf']['imsp']['command']) ?
-- $GLOBALS['conf']['imsp']['command'] : '' ,
-- 'auth_mechanism' => isset($GLOBALS['conf']['imsp']['auth_mechanism']) ?
-- $GLOBALS['conf']['imsp']['auth_mechanism'] : '',
-- 'username' => $uid,
-- 'password' => $pass,
-- 'name' => $uid,
-- 'group_id_field' => 'group',
-- 'group_id_value' => 'group',
-- 'contact_ownership' => false,
-- // Dynamically generated acl rights for current user.
-- 'my_rights' => '',
-- // Flags this as the user's 'root' IMSP address book.
-- 'is_root' => true
-- ),
-- 'map' => array(
-- '__key' => 'name',
-- '__type' => '__type',
-- '__members' => '__members',
-- '__owner' => '__owner',
-- '__uid' => '__uid',
-- 'name' => 'fullname',
-- 'email' => 'email',
-- 'alias' => 'alias',
-- 'company' => 'company',
-- 'notes' => 'notes',
-- 'workPhone' => 'phone-work',
-- 'fax' => 'fax',
-- 'homePhone' => 'phone-home',
-- 'cellPhone' => 'cellphone',
-- 'freebusyUrl' => 'freebusyUrl'
-- ),
-- 'search' => array(
-- 'name',
-- 'email',
-- 'alias',
-- 'company',
-- 'homePhone'
-- ),
-- 'strict' => array(),
-- 'export' => true,
-- 'browse' => true,
-- );
-- /**
-- * Get any other address books this user might be privy to.
-- * The values for attributes such as 'export' and 'browse' for books
-- * that are added below will be the same as the values set in the default
-- * book above. Any entries defined explicitly in cfgSources[]
-- * will override any entries gathered dynamically below.
-- */
-- require_once 'Net/IMSP/Utils.php';
-- $result = Net_IMSP_Utils::getAllBooks($cfgSources[$cfgKey]);
-- $count = 2;
-- if (!is_a($result, 'PEAR_Error')) {
-- $resultCount = count($result);
-- for ($i = 0; $i < $resultCount; $i++) {
-- // Make sure we didn't define this source explicitly,
-- // but set the acls from the server regardless.
-- $dup = false;
-- foreach ($cfgSources as $key => $thisSource) {
-- if (($thisSource['type'] == 'imsp') &&
-- ($thisSource['params']['name'] == $result[$i]['params']['name'])) {
-- $dup = true;
-- $acl = $result[$i]['params']['my_rights'];
-- $cfgSources[$key]['params']['my_rights'] = $acl;
-- break;
-- }
-- }
-- if (!$dup) {
-- $cfgSources[sprintf('IMSP_%d', $count++)] = $result[$i];
-- }
-- }
-- } else {
-- $notification->push($result);
-- }
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSPif (!empty($GLOBALS['conf']['imsp']['enabled']) ||
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP !isset($GLOBALS['conf']['imsp']['enabled'])) {
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP // First, get the user name to login to IMSP server with.
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP $uid = $GLOBALS['prefs']->getValue('imsp_auth_user');
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP $pass = $GLOBALS['prefs']->getValue('imsp_auth_pass');
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP if (!strlen($uid)) {
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP $uid = Auth::getBareAuth();
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP $pass = Auth::getCredential('password');
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP // Note we always use the horde username to append to the key even if we
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP // have an alternate username set in prefs. This is to prevent the
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP // (fringe) case where an IMSP username for one user might be a valid
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP // horde username for another user.
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP $cfgKey = 'IMSP_' . Auth::getAuth();
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP $cfgSources[$cfgKey] = array(
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP 'title' => _("IMSP"),
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP 'type' => 'imsp',
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP 'params' => array(
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP 'server' => $GLOBALS['conf']['imsp']['server'],
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP 'port' => $GLOBALS['conf']['imsp']['port'],
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP 'auth_method' => $GLOBALS['conf']['imsp']['auth_method'],
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP // socket, command, and auth_mechanism are for imtest driver.
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP 'socket' => isset($GLOBALS['conf']['imsp']['socket']) ?
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP $GLOBALS['conf']['imsp']['socket'] . $uid . '.sck' :
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP 'command' => isset($GLOBALS['conf']['imsp']['command']) ?
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP $GLOBALS['conf']['imsp']['command'] : '' ,
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP 'auth_mechanism' => isset($GLOBALS['conf']['imsp']['auth_mechanism']) ?
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP $GLOBALS['conf']['imsp']['auth_mechanism'] : '',
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP 'username' => $uid,
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP 'password' => $pass,
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP 'name' => $uid,
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP 'group_id_field' => 'group',
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP 'group_id_value' => 'group',
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP 'contact_ownership' => false,
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP // Dynamically generated acl rights for current user.
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP 'my_rights' => '',
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP // Flags this as the user's 'root' IMSP address book.
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP 'is_root' => true
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP 'map' => array(
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP '__key' => 'name',
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP '__type' => '__type',
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP '__members' => '__members',
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP '__owner' => '__owner',
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP '__uid' => '__uid',
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP 'name' => 'fullname',
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP 'email' => 'email',
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP 'alias' => 'alias',
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP 'company' => 'company',
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP 'notes' => 'notes',
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP 'workPhone' => 'phone-work',
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP 'fax' => 'fax',
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP 'homePhone' => 'phone-home',
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP 'cellPhone' => 'cellphone',
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP 'freebusyUrl' => 'freebusyUrl'
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP 'search' => array(
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP 'company',
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP 'strict' => array(),
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP 'export' => true,
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP 'browse' => true,
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP * Get any other address books this user might be privy to.
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP * The values for attributes such as 'export' and 'browse' for books
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP * that are added below will be the same as the values set in the default
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP * book above. Any entries defined explicitly in cfgSources[]
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP * will override any entries gathered dynamically below.
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP require_once 'Net/IMSP/Utils.php';
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP $result = Net_IMSP_Utils::getAllBooks($cfgSources[$cfgKey]);
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP $count = 2;
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP if (!is_a($result, 'PEAR_Error')) {
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP $resultCount = count($result);
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP for ($i = 0; $i < $resultCount; $i++) {
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP // Make sure we didn't define this source explicitly,
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP // but set the acls from the server regardless.
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP $dup = false;
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP foreach ($cfgSources as $key => $thisSource) {
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP if (($thisSource['type'] == 'imsp') &&
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP ($thisSource['params']['name'] == $result[$i]['params']['name'])) {
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP $dup = true;
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP $acl = $result[$i]['params']['my_rights'];
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP $cfgSources[$key]['params']['my_rights'] = $acl;
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP if (!$dup) {
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP $cfgSources[sprintf('IMSP_%d', $count++)] = $result[$i];
-+//UNCOMMENTIFIMSP $notification->push($result);
- /* End IMSP sources. */
- /* Begin Kolab sources. */
diff --git a/mail/horde-turba/files/pkg-deinstall.in b/mail/horde-turba/files/pkg-deinstall.in
deleted file mode 100644
index fced5020f1b0..000000000000
--- a/mail/horde-turba/files/pkg-deinstall.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# $FreeBSD$
-# Backup Turba config files, if needed.
-if [ x$2 != xDEINSTALL ]; then
- exit
-if [ -z "${PACKAGE_BUILDING}" ]; then
- for cf in `ls %%TURBADIR%%/config/*php`; do
- diff -bBqw $cf $cf.dist >/dev/null 2>&1
- case $? in
- 0) # original config file, delete it
- rm -f $cf
- ;;
- 1) # config file has been updated, leave it alone
- ;;
- *) # not found?
- ;;
- esac
- done
diff --git a/mail/horde-turba/files/pkg-install.in b/mail/horde-turba/files/pkg-install.in
deleted file mode 100644
index e0611782bf84..000000000000
--- a/mail/horde-turba/files/pkg-install.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# $FreeBSD$
-PATH=/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin ; export PATH
-case $2 in
- ;;
- if [ -z "${PACKAGE_BUILDING}" ]; then
- # Copy over sample config files unless they already exist
- for cf in `ls %%TURBADIR%%/config/*.dist | sed -e 's/\.dist//g'`; do
- if [ ! -f $cf ]; then
- cp -p $cf.dist $cf
- fi
- done
- fi
- ;;
diff --git a/mail/horde-turba/files/pkg-message.in b/mail/horde-turba/files/pkg-message.in
deleted file mode 100644
index 6243e33a282d..000000000000
--- a/mail/horde-turba/files/pkg-message.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-Turba has been installed in %%TURBADIR%% with your blank
-configuration files.
-Horde must be configured; if not, see `pkg_info -D -x horde'.
-Then, you might have to tune the configuration files located in
-%%CONFDIR%%/, specially the file sources.php.
-Warning: if you don't use some source, deactivate it, or you could
-******** experience bad response times!
- When upgrading from Turba 2.0.x, please read UPGRADING.
-Then, you must login to Horde as a Horde Administrator to finish the
-You have to create a table in your database; please see
-You might create a LDAP schema: please see the doc LDAP.
-To protect your configuration files, you have to restart Apache.
diff --git a/mail/horde-turba/pkg-descr b/mail/horde-turba/pkg-descr
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ad5e825db08..000000000000
--- a/mail/horde-turba/pkg-descr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-Turba is the Horde contact management application. It makes heavy use
-of the Horde framework to provide integration with other applications.
-Turba is a fairly complete basic contact management application.
-SQL and LDAP backends are available.
-You can define the fields in your addressbooks in a very flexible way,
-just by changing the config files.
-And there are Horde API functions to add and search for contacts.
-WWW: http://horde.org/turba/
diff --git a/mail/horde-turba/pkg-plist b/mail/horde-turba/pkg-plist
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c69761c3eda..000000000000
--- a/mail/horde-turba/pkg-plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,280 +0,0 @@
-%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm %%DOCSDIR%%
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/themes/ideas
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/themes/graphics/menu
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/themes/graphics
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/themes
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/templates/prefs
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/templates/data
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/templates/browse
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/templates/block
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/templates
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/scripts/upgrades
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/scripts/sql
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/scripts/ldap
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/scripts
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/po
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/zh_TW
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/zh_CN
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/uk_UA/LC_MESSAGES
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/uk_UA
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/tr_TR/LC_MESSAGES
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/tr_TR
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/sv_SE/LC_MESSAGES
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/sv_SE
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/sl_SI/LC_MESSAGES
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/sl_SI
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/sk_SK/LC_MESSAGES
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/sk_SK
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/ru_RU
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/ro_RO/LC_MESSAGES
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/ro_RO
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/pt_PT/LC_MESSAGES
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/pt_PT
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/pt_BR
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/pl_PL/LC_MESSAGES
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/pl_PL
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/nn_NO/LC_MESSAGES
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/nn_NO
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/nl_NL/LC_MESSAGES
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/nl_NL
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/nb_NO/LC_MESSAGES
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/nb_NO
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/mk_MK/LC_MESSAGES
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/mk_MK
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/lv_LV/LC_MESSAGES
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/lv_LV
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/lt_LT/LC_MESSAGES
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/lt_LT
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/ko_KR/LC_MESSAGES
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/ko_KR
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/ja_JP
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/it_IT/LC_MESSAGES
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/it_IT
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/is_IS/LC_MESSAGES
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/is_IS
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/hu_HU/LC_MESSAGES
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/hu_HU
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/gl_ES/LC_MESSAGES
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/gl_ES
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/fr_FR
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/fi_FI/LC_MESSAGES
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/fi_FI
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/fa_IR/LC_MESSAGES
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/fa_IR
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/et_EE/LC_MESSAGES
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/et_EE
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/es_ES/LC_MESSAGES
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/es_ES
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/en_US
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/el_GR/LC_MESSAGES
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/el_GR
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/de_DE
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/da_DK/LC_MESSAGES
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/da_DK
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/cs_CZ/LC_MESSAGES
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/cs_CZ
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/ca_ES/LC_MESSAGES
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/ca_ES
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/bg_BG/LC_MESSAGES
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/bg_BG
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/ar_SY/LC_MESSAGES
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale/ar_SY
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/locale
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/lib/Object
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/lib/Driver
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/lib/Block
-@dirrm %%TURBADIR%%/lib
-@dirrmtry %%TURBADIR%%/config
-@dirrmtry %%TURBADIR%%