path: root/mail/horde4-imp/Makefile
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mail/horde4-imp/Makefile')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 259 deletions
diff --git a/mail/horde4-imp/Makefile b/mail/horde4-imp/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index ee1ae4a73b24..000000000000
--- a/mail/horde4-imp/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,259 +0,0 @@
-# Ports collection makefile for: imp
-# Date created: Sun Jul 08, 2001
-# Whom: Thierry Thomas (<thierry@thomas.as>)
-# N.B.: parts of this ports come from the Horde's port by NetBSD (jlam@netbsd.org)
-# $FreeBSD$
-CATEGORIES= mail www
-MASTER_SITES= ftp://ftp.horde.org/pub/imp/tarballs/
-MAINTAINER= thierry@pompo.net
-COMMENT= A webmail system which accesses mail over IMAP
-# You may define these options:
-# - WITHOUT_LDAP : if you do not need OpenLDAP;
-# - WITH_LDAP2 : if you prefer OpenLDAP2.
-# - WITHOUT_SUPPORTED_DB: if you run a database not in the ports tree;
-# - WITHOUT_WV : if your users never receive MS-Word docs;
-# - WITHOUT_XL : if your users never receive MS-Excel sheets;
-# - WITHOUT_ZIP : if not interested by zipinfo;
-# - WITHOUT_ISPELL : for spelling bees...
-# - WITHOUT_IMAPSERVER : if your IMAP server runs on another machine;
-# or you can select to work with one of these servers:
-# - WITH_CYRUS-IMAPD : IMP will work with cyrus-imapd;
-# - WITH_CYRUS : IMP will work with cyrus;
-# - WITH_IMAP-UW : IMP will work with imap-uw;
-# - WITH_COURIER-IMAP : IMP will work with courier-imap.
-# These choice are mutually exclusive, and imap-uw is the default.
-LIB_DEPENDS= c-client4.8:${PORTSDIR}/mail/cclient
-.if !defined(WITHOUT_LDAP)
-.if defined(WITH_LDAP2)
-LIB_DEPENDS+= ldap.2:${PORTSDIR}/net/openldap20 \
- lber.2:${PORTSDIR}/net/openldap20
-LIB_DEPENDS+= ldap.1:${PORTSDIR}/net/openldap12 \
- lber.1:${PORTSDIR}/net/openldap12
-RUN_DEPENDS+= ${LOCALBASE}/www/horde/index.php3:${PORTSDIR}/www/horde
-# I have no report about the support of dkimap4 by IMP,
-# but I shall be happy to add it if somebody report success with it.
-# If an IMAP server is already installed, we just record the dependence,
-# else we shall install imap-uw.
-# IMAP servers are ordered according to my tastes, if several are
-# installed, we just record the first one.
-.if defined(WITH_IMAP-UW)
-RUN_DEPENDS+= ${LOCALBASE}/libexec/imapd:${PORTSDIR}/mail/imap-uw
-.elif defined(WITH_CYRUS-IMAPD)
-RUN_DEPENDS+= ${LOCALBASE}/lib/libacap.a:${PORTSDIR}/mail/cyrus-imapd
-.elif defined(WITH_CYRUS)
-RUN_DEPENDS+= ${LOCALBASE}/cyrus/:${PORTSDIR}/mail/cyrus
-.elif defined(WITH_COURIER-IMAP)
-RUN_DEPENDS+= ${LOCALBASE}/libexec/courier-imap/:${PORTSDIR}/mail/courier-imap
-RUN_DEPENDS+= ${LOCALBASE}/libexec/imapd:${PORTSDIR}/mail/imap-uw
-.if !defined(WITHOUT_WV)
-RUN_DEPENDS+= ${LOCALBASE}/bin/wvHtml:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/wv
-.if !defined(WITHOUT_XL)
-RUN_DEPENDS+= ${LOCALBASE}/bin/xlhtml:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/xlhtml
-.if !defined(WITHOUT_ZIP)
-RUN_DEPENDS+= ${LOCALBASE}/bin/zipinfo:${PORTSDIR}/archivers/unzip
-.if !defined(WITHOUT_ISPELL)
-RUN_DEPENDS+= ${LOCALBASE}/bin/ispell:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/ispell
-NO_BUILD= yes
-REINPLACE_ARGS= -i.beforeImp
- docs/HELP docs/INSTALL docs/SECURITY docs/KNOWN_BUGS \
-LHORDEDIR?= www/horde
- @${ECHO_MSG} ""
- @${ECHO_MSG} "if you intend to run an IMAP server on an other machine."
- @${ECHO_MSG} ""
-# N.B.: database dependencies are binded with mod_php#, neither by Horde nor IMP.
- @if [ -f ${IMPDIR}/index.php ]; then \
- ${ECHO_MSG} "" ; \
- ${ECHO_MSG} "Please deinstall the port mail/imp3." ; \
- ${ECHO_MSG} "" ; \
- ${FALSE} ; \
- fi
- @if ! ${LDCONFIG} -r | ${GREP} -q -e "c-client4.8"; then \
- ${ECHO_MSG} "" ; \
- ${ECHO_MSG} "Please configure PHP with IMAP support." ; \
- ${ECHO_MSG} "" ; \
- ${FALSE} ; \
- fi
-.if !defined(WITHOUT_LDAP)
-.if defined(WITH_LDAP2)
- @if ! ${LDCONFIG} -r | ${GREP} -q -e "ldap.2"; then \
- ${ECHO_MSG} "" ; \
- ${ECHO_MSG} "Please configure PHP with OpenLDAP2 support." ; \
- ${ECHO_MSG} "" ; \
- ${FALSE} ; \
- fi
- @if ! ${LDCONFIG} -r | ${GREP} -q -e "ldap.1"; then \
- ${ECHO_MSG} "" ; \
- ${ECHO_MSG} "Please configure PHP with OpenLDAP support." ; \
- ${ECHO_MSG} "" ; \
- ${FALSE} ; \
- fi
- @if ! ${LDCONFIG} -r | ${GREP} -q -e "mysqlclient.10" ; then \
- if ! ${LDCONFIG} -r | ${GREP} -q -e "pq.3" ; then \
- if ! ${LDCONFIG} -r | ${GREP} -q -e "sybdb.1" ; then \
- if ! ${LDCONFIG} -r | ${GREP} -q -e "ct.0" ; then \
- ${ECHO_MSG} "" ; \
- ${ECHO_MSG} "Please configure PHP with a database support." ; \
- ${ECHO_MSG} "MySQL, PostgreSQL and Sybase (CTLIB or DBLIB)" ; \
- ${ECHO_MSG} "can be used with PHP AND IMP." ; \
- ${ECHO_MSG} "" ; \
- ${ECHO_MSG} "(If everything will run on this machine, do not" ; \
- ${ECHO_MSG} " forget to install the database server-side!)" ; \
- ${ECHO_MSG} "" ; \
- ${FALSE} ; \
- fi ; \
- fi ; \
- fi ; \
- fi
- ${CP} -Rp ${WRKSRC}/config ${WRKSRC}/graphics ${WRKSRC}/lib ${IMPDIR}
- ${CP} -Rp ${WRKSRC}/locale ${WRKSRC}/scripts ${WRKSRC}/templates ${IMPDIR}
- ${CP} -p ${WRKSRC}/*.php3 ${WRKSRC}/*.css ${IMPDIR}
- ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e "s:/usr/bin/ispell:${LOCALBASE}/bin/ispell:g ; \
- s:/usr/bin/wvHtml:${LOCALBASE}/bin/wvHtml:g ; \
- s:/usr/bin/xlHtml:${LOCALBASE}/bin/xlhtml:g ; \
- s:/bin/tar:/usr/bin/tar:g ; \
- s:/usr/bin/zipinfo:${LOCALBASE}/bin/zipinfo:g" \
- ${IMPDIR}/config/defaults.php3.dist
- @${RM} ${IMPDIR}/config/defaults.php3.dist.beforeImp
- ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e "s:sh ./secure.sh:${HORDESBIN}/horde_secure.sh:g ; \
- s:sh ./install.sh:${HORDESBIN}/horde_setup.sh:g" \
- ${IMPDIR}/templates/index/imp_notconfigured.inc
- @${RM} ${IMPDIR}/templates/index/imp_notconfigured.inc.beforeImp
- @if [ ! -f ${IMPDIR}/config/defaults.php3 ]; then \
- ${CP} ${IMPDIR}/config/defaults.php3.dist ${IMPDIR}/config/defaults.php3; \
- fi
- ${CHMOD} 777 ${IMPDIR}/config/defaults.php3
- @if [ ! -f ${IMPDIR}/config/mime.php3 ]; then \
- ${CP} ${IMPDIR}/config/mime.php3.dist ${IMPDIR}/config/mime.php3; \
- fi
- @if [ ! -f ${IMPDIR}/config/ldap.php3 ]; then \
- ${CP} ${IMPDIR}/config/ldap.php3.dist ${IMPDIR}/config/ldap.php3; \
- fi
- @if [ ! -f ${IMPDIR}/config/servers.php3 ]; then \
- ${CP} ${IMPDIR}/config/servers.php3.dist ${IMPDIR}/config/servers.php3; \
- fi
- ${CHOWN} -R www:www ${IMPDIR}
- ${CHMOD} 444 ${HORDEDIR}/setup.php3
- @(if [ -f ${APACHE_CONF} ] ; then \
- (if [ ! -f ${APACHE_CONF}.beforeIMP ] ; then \
- ${ECHO} "===> Updating ${APACHE_CONF}..." ; \
- ${CP} -p ${.CURDIR}/httpd.conf.imp ${WRKDIR}/httpd.conf.imp ; \
- ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e "s:/home/httpd/html/horde/imp:${IMPDIR}:g" \
- ${WRKDIR}/httpd.conf.imp ; \
- ${CP} -p ${APACHE_CONF} ${APACHE_CONF}.beforeIMP ; \
- ${GREP} -qw 'Added for IMP' ${APACHE_CONF} || ${CAT} ${WRKDIR}/httpd.conf.imp \
- >> ${APACHE_CONF} ; \
- fi) ; \
- fi)
-.if !defined(NOPORTDOCS)
- ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e "s:/home/httpd/html/horde:${HORDEDIR}:g ; \
- s:/home/httpd/horde-phplib:${HORDEDIR}/phplib:g ; \
- s:nobody:www:g" \
-.for FILE in ${DOCS}
- @${ECHO} "Documentation installed in ${DOCSDIR}."
- @${ECHO} "******************************************************************"
- @${ECHO} "IMP has been installed in ${IMPDIR} with your blank"
- @${ECHO} "configuration files."
- @${ECHO} ""
- @${ECHO} "Please refer to the file ${DOCSDIR}/SECURITY"
- @${ECHO} "on how to secure the IMP installation."
- @${ECHO} "It is at least recommended that you change the default database"
- @${ECHO} "password used by horde-phplib and imp."
- @${ECHO} ""
- @${ECHO} "In order to end IMP's configuration, please read the"
- @${ECHO} "file ${DOCSDIR}/INSTALL."
- @${ECHO} ""
- @${ECHO} "If ${APACHE_CONF} has been updated,"
- @${ECHO} "you have to restart Apache."
- @${ECHO} ""
- @${ECHO} "The configuration utitility is located at"
- @${ECHO} "<URL:http://localhost/horde/setup.php3>".
- @${ECHO} ""
- @${ECHO} "IMP requires an IMAP server. If you want to install one on this"
- @${ECHO} "machine, you may install the ports mail/cyrus-imapd, or"
- @${ECHO} "mail/imap-uw, or mail/courier-imap."
- @${ECHO} ""
- @${ECHO} "IMP uses c-client (from the port mail/cclient), the client of"
- @${ECHO} "IMAP-UW; you may want to reinstall it with SSL support, or"
- @${ECHO} "if you need an SSL connection to your IMAP server, you can"
- @${ECHO} "install the port security/stunnel."
- @${ECHO} "Note: without SSL, you have to choose the IMAP port 143/notls"
- @${ECHO} "******************************************************************"
-.include <bsd.port.mk>