path: root/math/simpack/files/patch-ab
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'math/simpack/files/patch-ab')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 506 deletions
diff --git a/math/simpack/files/patch-ab b/math/simpack/files/patch-ab
deleted file mode 100644
index 028c17b394a4..000000000000
--- a/math/simpack/files/patch-ab
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,506 +0,0 @@
-diff -udr func/slice/sdsmt/do.tcl /usr/local/lib/SimPack/func/slice/sdsmt/do.tcl
---- func/slice/sdsmt/do.tcl Fri Aug 25 01:01:09 1995
-+++ /usr/local/lib/SimPack/func/slice/sdsmt/do.tcl Mon May 19 13:16:58 1997
-@@ -94,16 +94,19 @@
- # Purpose: redraw objects on the canvas.
- #-------------------------------------------------------
- proc redraw_object {w type x y text} {
-- global obj
-+ global obj sdsmlib
- switch -exact -- $type {
- 1 {set oid [$w create rectangle [expr $x-25] [expr $y-10] [expr $x+25]\
- [expr $y+10] -width 1 ]}
-- 2 {set oid [$w create bitmap $x $y -bitmap @./XBM/rate.bmp ]}
-+ 2 {set oid [$w create bitmap $x $y \
-+ -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM rate.bmp] ]}
- 3 {set oid [$w create oval [expr $x-20] [expr $y-20] [expr $x+20]\
- [expr $y+20] -width 1 ]}
-- 4 {set oid [$w create bitmap $x $y -bitmap @./XBM/const.bmp]}
-- 5 {set oid [$w create bitmap $x $y -bitmap @./XBM/source.bmp]}
-+ 4 {set oid [$w create bitmap $x $y \
-+ -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM const.bmp] ]}
-+ 5 {set oid [$w create bitmap $x $y \
-+ -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM source.bmp] ]}
- }
- set text_id [show_text $w $type $x $y $text]
- set obj($oid) [list $oid $type $x $y $text $text_id]
-@@ -116,7 +119,7 @@
- # Purpose: redraw the links between objects on the canvas.
- #-------------------------------------------------------
- proc redraw_link {w type x y sid tid} {
-- global obj
-+ global obj sdsmlib
- puts "object #$sid (source) : $obj($sid)"
- puts "object #$tid (target) : $obj($tid)"
-@@ -142,7 +145,8 @@
- }
- } else {
- set oid [$w create line $sx $sy $x $y $tx $ty -width 1 -arrow last \
-- -smooth true -capstyle projecting -stipple @./bitmaps/grey.5 ]
-+ -smooth true -capstyle projecting \
-+ -stipple @[file join $sdsmlib bitmaps grey.5] ]
- }
- set obj($oid) [list $oid $type $x $y $sid $tid]
- puts "link object $oid: $obj($oid) loaded"
-diff -udr func/slice/sdsmt/draw.tcl /usr/local/lib/SimPack/func/slice/sdsmt/draw.tcl
---- func/slice/sdsmt/draw.tcl Fri Aug 25 01:01:09 1995
-+++ /usr/local/lib/SimPack/func/slice/sdsmt/draw.tcl Mon May 19 13:16:58 1997
-@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
- # Purpose: draw a level node object
- #-------------------------------------------------------
- proc draw_level {w x y} {
-- global mode text_data input_data
-+ global mode text_data input_data sdsmlib
- set oid [$w create rectangle [expr $x-25] [expr $y-10] [expr $x+25] \
- [expr $y+10] -width 1 ]
-@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
- if {$entry_flg == 1} {
- entry $w.top.e1 -relief sunken -textvariable input_data\
-- -scroll "$w.top.s1 set"
-+ -xscrollcommand "$w.top.s1 set"
- scrollbar $w.top.s1 -relief sunken -orient horiz -command \
- "$w.top.e1 view"
- }
-@@ -117,9 +117,9 @@
- # Purpose: draw a rate node object
- #-------------------------------------------------------
- proc draw_rate {w x y} {
-- global mode text_data input_data
-+ global mode text_data input_data sdsmlib
-- set oid [$w create bitmap $x $y -bitmap @./XBM/rate.bmp ]
-+ set oid [$w create bitmap $x $y -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM rate.bmp] ]
- get_text_input $mode
- set text_data $input_data
- add_object $w $oid $mode $x $y $text_data
-@@ -144,9 +144,9 @@
- # Purpose: draw an constant node object
- #-------------------------------------------------------
- proc draw_const {w x y} {
-- global mode text_data input_data
-+ global mode text_data input_data sdsmlib
-- set oid [$w create bitmap $x $y -bitmap @./XBM/const.bmp]
-+ set oid [$w create bitmap $x $y -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM const.bmp] ]
- get_text_input $mode
- set text_data $input_data
- add_object $w $oid $mode $x $y $text_data
-@@ -157,9 +157,9 @@
- # Purpose: draw a source/sink node object
- #-------------------------------------------------------
- proc draw_source {w x y} {
-- global mode text_data input_data
-+ global mode text_data input_data sdsmlib
-- set oid [$w create bitmap $x $y -bitmap @./XBM/source.bmp]
-+ set oid [$w create bitmap $x $y -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM source.bmp] ]
- # get_text_input $mode
- # set text_data $input_data
- set text_data ""
-@@ -229,6 +229,7 @@
- proc moving {w x y} {
- global oldx oldy
- global obj mode selected_id new_link_id link_flg
-+ global sdsmlib
- if {$selected_id != -1} {
- # moving an object
-@@ -263,7 +264,8 @@
- }
- } else {
- set s_id [$w create line $sx $sy $x $y $tx $ty -width 1 -arrow last \
-- -smooth true -capstyle projecting -stipple @./bitmaps/grey.5 ]
-+ -smooth true -capstyle projecting \
-+ -stipple @[file join $sdsmlib bitmaps grey.5 ] ]
- }
- set new_link_id $s_id
- $w addtag selected withtag $s_id
-@@ -284,7 +286,8 @@
- set s_id [$w create line $oldx $oldy $x $y -width 1 -arrow last]
- } else {
- set s_id [$w create line $oldx $oldy $x $y -width 1 -arrow last \
-- -capstyle projecting -stipple @./bitmaps/grey.5 ]
-+ -capstyle projecting \
-+ -stipple @[file join $sdsmlib bitmaps grey.5] ]
- }
- $w addtag selected withtag $s_id
- }
-@@ -297,6 +300,7 @@
- #-------------------------------------------------------
- proc move_end {w x y} {
- global selected_id obj mode oldx oldy new_link_id link_flg
-+ global sdsmlib
- if {$selected_id != -1} {
- puts "move end"
-@@ -348,7 +352,8 @@
- }
- } else {
- set oid [$w create line $oldx $oldy $x $y -width 1 -arrow last \
-- -capstyle projecting -stipple @./bitmaps/grey.5 ]
-+ -capstyle projecting \
-+ -stipple @[file join $sdsmlib bitmaps grey.5] ]
- }
- add_link $w $oid $mode [expr ($oldx+$x)/2] [expr ($oldy+$y)/2] \
- $selected_id $t_id
-@@ -499,7 +504,7 @@
- # links are moved
- #-------------------------------------------------------
- proc move_asso_links {w} {
-- global selected_id obj
-+ global selected_id obj sdsmlib
- $w delete label
- foreach i [array names obj] {
-@@ -535,7 +540,8 @@
- }
- } else {
- set s_id [$w create line $sx $sy $x $y $tx $ty -width 1 -arrow last \
-- -smooth true -capstyle projecting -stipple @./bitmaps/grey.5 ]
-+ -smooth true -capstyle projecting \
-+ -stipple @[file join $sdsmlib bitmaps grey.5] ]
- }
- $w addtag object withtag $s_id
- change_link_id $i $s_id
-@@ -602,7 +608,7 @@
- # the user's input
- #-------------------------------------------------------
- proc show_grid_selection {{w .grid}} {
-- global grid_mode
-+ global grid_mode sdsmlib
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w -class Dialog
-@@ -617,13 +623,17 @@
- -font -Adobe-times-medium-r-normal--*-180*
- pack $w.top.msg
-- button $w.bot.s0 -bitmap @./XBM/grid0.bmp -command {destroy .grid
-+ button $w.bot.s0 -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM grid0.bmp] \
-+ -command {destroy .grid
- set grid_mode 0}
-- button $w.bot.s1 -bitmap @./XBM/grid1.bmp -command {destroy .grid
-+ button $w.bot.s1 -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM grid1.bmp] \
-+ -command {destroy .grid
- set grid_mode 1}
-- button $w.bot.s2 -bitmap @./XBM/grid2.bmp -command {destroy .grid
-+ button $w.bot.s2 -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM grid2.bmp] \
-+ -command {destroy .grid
- set grid_mode 2}
-- button $w.bot.sc -bitmap @./XBM/cancel.bmp -command {destroy .grid
-+ button $w.bot.sc -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM cancel.bmp] \
-+ -command {destroy .grid
- return -1}
- pack $w.bot.s0 $w.bot.s1 $w.bot.s2 $w.bot.sc -side left
-@@ -634,18 +644,21 @@
- # Purpose: change grid mode
- #-------------------------------------------------------
- proc change_grid_mode {} {
-- global grid_mode
-+ global grid_mode sdsmlib
- catch {destroy .plate.left.b14}
- puts "grid_mode = $grid_mode"
- switch -exact -- $grid_mode {
-- 0 {button .plate.left.b14 -bitmap @./XBM/grid0.xbm -padx 16 \
-+ 0 {button .plate.left.b14 \
-+ -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM grid0.xbm] -padx 16 \
- -command "grid_select"
- }
-- 1 {button .plate.left.b14 -bitmap @./XBM/grid1.xbm -padx 16 \
-+ 1 {button .plate.left.b14 \
-+ -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM grid1.xbm] -padx 16 \
- -command "grid_select"
- }
-- 2 {button .plate.left.b14 -bitmap @./XBM/grid2.xbm -padx 16 \
-+ 2 {button .plate.left.b14 \
-+ -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM grid2.xbm] -padx 16 \
- -command "grid_select"
- }
- }
-@@ -691,6 +704,7 @@
- # Purpose: show grid on the canvas
- #-------------------------------------------------------
- proc show_grid {mode {w .plate.right.board}} {
-+ global sdsmlib
- set max_x 1417
- set max_y 1417
- set dp 10
-@@ -704,12 +718,12 @@
- }
- for {set x 0} {$x <= $max_x} {set x [expr $x+$step]} {
- set oid [$w create line $x 0 $x $max_y -width 1 \
-- -stipple @./bitmaps/grey.05 ]
-+ -stipple @[file join $sdsmlib bitmaps grey.05] ]
- $w addtag grid_tag withtag $oid
- }
- for {set y 0} {$y <= $max_y} {set y [expr $y+$step]} {
- set oid [$w create line 0 $y $max_x $y -width 1 \
-- -stipple @./bitmaps/grey.05 ]
-+ -stipple @[file join $sdsmlib bitmaps grey.05] ]
- $w addtag grid_tag withtag $oid
- }
- }
-diff -udr func/slice/sdsmt/equ.tcl /usr/local/lib/SimPack/func/slice/sdsmt/equ.tcl
---- func/slice/sdsmt/equ.tcl Fri Aug 25 01:01:10 1995
-+++ /usr/local/lib/SimPack/func/slice/sdsmt/equ.tcl Mon May 19 13:16:58 1997
-@@ -257,13 +257,13 @@
- }
-- if {[tk colormodel $w] == "color"} {
-+# if {[tk colormodel $w] == "color"} {
- set bold "-foreground red"
- set normal "-foreground {}"
-- } else {
-- set bold "-foreground white -background black"
-- set normal "-foreground {} -background {}"
-- }
-+# } else {
-+# set bold "-foreground white -background black"
-+# set normal "-foreground {} -background {}"
-+# }
- if {$complete != 1} {
- $w.t1.b insert 0.0 { Based on the flow graph, the following\
-@@ -891,3 +891,4 @@
- }
- return 1
- }
-diff -udr func/slice/sdsmt/file.tcl /usr/local/lib/SimPack/func/slice/sdsmt/file.tcl
---- func/slice/sdsmt/file.tcl Fri Aug 25 01:01:10 1995
-+++ /usr/local/lib/SimPack/func/slice/sdsmt/file.tcl Mon May 19 13:16:58 1997
-@@ -464,10 +464,10 @@
- proc FSBoxBindSelectOne { fsBoxW fsBoxY} {
- set fsBoxNearest [$fsBoxW nearest $fsBoxY]
-- if {$fsBoxNearest >= 0} {
-- $fsBoxW select from $fsBoxNearest
-- $fsBoxW select to $fsBoxNearest
-- }
-+# if {$fsBoxNearest >= 0} {
-+# $fsBoxW select from $fsBoxNearest
-+# $fsBoxW select to $fsBoxNearest
-+# }
- }
-diff -udr func/slice/sdsmt/help.tcl /usr/local/lib/SimPack/func/slice/sdsmt/help.tcl
---- func/slice/sdsmt/help.tcl Fri Aug 25 01:01:02 1995
-+++ /usr/local/lib/SimPack/func/slice/sdsmt/help.tcl Mon May 19 13:16:58 1997
-@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
- $w.t tag configure bold -font -Adobe-Courier-Bold-O-Normal-*-120-*
- $w.t tag configure big -font -Adobe-Courier-Bold-R-Normal-*-140-*
- $w.t tag configure verybig -font -Adobe-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal-*-240-*
-- if {[tk colormodel $w] == "color"} {
-+# if {[tk colormodel $w] == "color"} {
- $w.t tag configure color1 -background #eed5b7
- $w.t tag configure color2 -foreground red
- $w.t tag configure color3 -foreground blue
-@@ -23,14 +23,14 @@
- -borderwidth 1
- $w.t tag configure sunken -background #eed5b7 -relief sunken \
- -borderwidth 1
-- } else {
-- $w.t tag configure color1 -background black -foreground white
-- $w.t tag configure color2 -background black -foreground white
-- $w.t tag configure raised -background white -relief raised \
-- -borderwidth 1
-- $w.t tag configure sunken -background white -relief sunken \
-- -borderwidth 1
-- }
-+# } else {
-+# $w.t tag configure color1 -background black -foreground white
-+# $w.t tag configure color2 -background black -foreground white
-+# $w.t tag configure raised -background white -relief raised \
-+# -borderwidth 1
-+# $w.t tag configure sunken -background white -relief sunken \
-+# -borderwidth 1
-+# }
- $w.t tag configure bgstipple -background black -borderwidth 0 \
- -bgstipple gray25
- $w.t tag configure fgstipple -fgstipple gray50
-@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
- $w1.t tag configure bold -font -Adobe-Courier-Bold-O-Normal-*-120-*
- $w1.t tag configure big -font -Adobe-Courier-Bold-R-Normal-*-140-*
- $w1.t tag configure verybig -font -Adobe-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal-*-240-*
-- if {[tk colormodel $w1] == "color"} {
-+# if {[tk colormodel $w1] == "color"} {
- $w1.t tag configure color1 -background #eed5b7
- $w1.t tag configure color2 -foreground red
- $w1.t tag configure color3 -foreground blue
-@@ -148,14 +148,14 @@
- -borderwidth 1
- $w1.t tag configure sunken -background #eed5b7 -relief sunken \
- -borderwidth 1
-- } else {
-- $w1.t tag configure color1 -background black -foreground white
-- $w1.t tag configure color2 -background black -foreground white
-- $w1.t tag configure raised -background white -relief raised \
-- -borderwidth 1
-- $w1.t tag configure sunken -background white -relief sunken \
-- -borderwidth 1
-- }
-+# } else {
-+# $w1.t tag configure color1 -background black -foreground white
-+# $w1.t tag configure color2 -background black -foreground white
-+# $w1.t tag configure raised -background white -relief raised \
-+# -borderwidth 1
-+# $w1.t tag configure sunken -background white -relief sunken \
-+# -borderwidth 1
-+# }
- $w1.t tag configure bgstipple -background black -borderwidth 0 \
- -bgstipple gray25
- $w1.t tag configure fgstipple -fgstipple gray50
-@@ -326,21 +326,21 @@
- $w.t tag configure bold -font -Adobe-Courier-Bold-O-Normal-*-120-*
- $w.t tag configure big -font -Adobe-Courier-Bold-R-Normal-*-140-*
- $w.t tag configure verybig -font -Adobe-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal-*-240-*
-- if {[tk colormodel $w] == "color"} {
-+# if {[tk colormodel $w] == "color"} {
- $w.t tag configure color1 -background #eed5b7
- $w.t tag configure color2 -foreground red
- $w.t tag configure raised -background #eed5b7 -relief raised \
- -borderwidth 1
- $w.t tag configure sunken -background #eed5b7 -relief sunken \
- -borderwidth 1
-- } else {
-- $w.t tag configure color1 -background black -foreground white
-- $w.t tag configure color2 -background black -foreground white
-- $w.t tag configure raised -background white -relief raised \
-- -borderwidth 1
-- $w.t tag configure sunken -background white -relief sunken \
-- -borderwidth 1
-- }
-+# } else {
-+# $w.t tag configure color1 -background black -foreground white
-+# $w.t tag configure color2 -background black -foreground white
-+# $w.t tag configure raised -background white -relief raised \
-+# -borderwidth 1
-+# $w.t tag configure sunken -background white -relief sunken \
-+# -borderwidth 1
-+# }
- $w.t tag configure bgstipple -background black -borderwidth 0 \
- -bgstipple gray25
- $w.t tag configure fgstipple -fgstipple gray50
-@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@
- $w1.t tag configure bold -font -Adobe-Courier-Bold-O-Normal-*-120-*
- $w1.t tag configure big -font -Adobe-Courier-Bold-R-Normal-*-140-*
- $w1.t tag configure verybig -font -Adobe-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal-*-240-*
-- if {[tk colormodel $w1] == "color"} {
-+# if {[tk colormodel $w1] == "color"} {
- $w1.t tag configure color1 -background #eed5b7
- $w1.t tag configure color2 -foreground red
- $w1.t tag configure color3 -foreground blue
-@@ -422,14 +422,14 @@
- -borderwidth 1
- $w1.t tag configure sunken -background #eed5b7 -relief sunken \
- -borderwidth 1
-- } else {
-- $w1.t tag configure color1 -background black -foreground white
-- $w1.t tag configure color2 -background black -foreground white
-- $w1.t tag configure raised -background white -relief raised \
-- -borderwidth 1
-- $w1.t tag configure sunken -background white -relief sunken \
-- -borderwidth 1
-- }
-+# } else {
-+# $w1.t tag configure color1 -background black -foreground white
-+# $w1.t tag configure color2 -background black -foreground white
-+# $w1.t tag configure raised -background white -relief raised \
-+# -borderwidth 1
-+# $w1.t tag configure sunken -background white -relief sunken \
-+# -borderwidth 1
-+# }
- $w1.t tag configure bgstipple -background black -borderwidth 0 \
- -bgstipple gray25
- $w1.t tag configure fgstipple -fgstipple gray50
-@@ -508,6 +508,9 @@
- bind $w1 <Any-Enter> "focus $w1.t"
-+proc help_about {} {
- }
- proc insertWithTags {w text args} {
-diff -udr func/slice/sdsmt/sdsmt /usr/local/lib/SimPack/func/slice/sdsmt/sdsmt
---- func/slice/sdsmt/sdsmt Fri Aug 25 01:01:04 1995
-+++ /usr/local/lib/SimPack/func/slice/sdsmt/sdsmt Mon May 19 13:16:58 1997
-@@ -12,7 +12,9 @@
- #
- #=========================================================================
--set auto_path "./ $auto_path"
-+global sdsmlib
-+set sdsmlib $env(SDSMTLIB)
-+set auto_path "$sdsmlib $auto_path"
- wm title . "System Dynamics Simulation Modeling Tools"
- wm geometry . +50+50
-@@ -98,30 +100,34 @@
- frame .plate.right
- pack .plate.left .plate.right -side left
--radiobutton .plate.left.b1 -bitmap @./XBM/level.xbm \
-+radiobutton .plate.left.b1 -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM level.xbm] \
- -variable letters -command "set_level $c"
--radiobutton .plate.left.b2 -bitmap @./XBM/rate.xbm \
-+radiobutton .plate.left.b2 -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM rate.xbm] \
- -variable letters -command "set_rate $c"
--radiobutton .plate.left.b3 -bitmap @./XBM/aux.xbm \
-+radiobutton .plate.left.b3 -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM aux.xbm] \
- -variable letters -command "set_aux $c"
--radiobutton .plate.left.b4 -bitmap @./XBM/const.xbm \
-+radiobutton .plate.left.b4 -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM const.xbm] \
- -variable letters -command "set_const $c"
--radiobutton .plate.left.b5 -bitmap @./XBM/source.xbm \
-+radiobutton .plate.left.b5 -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM source.xbm] \
- -variable letters -command "set_source $c"
--radiobutton .plate.left.b6 -bitmap @./XBM/flow.xbm \
-+radiobutton .plate.left.b6 -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM flow.xbm] \
- -variable letters -command "set_flow $c"
--radiobutton .plate.left.b7 -bitmap @./XBM/celink.xbm \
-+radiobutton .plate.left.b7 -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM celink.xbm] \
- -variable letters -command "set_celink $c"
--radiobutton .plate.left.b8 -bitmap @./XBM/move.xbm \
-+radiobutton .plate.left.b8 -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM move.xbm] \
- -variable letters -command "set_move $c"
--radiobutton .plate.left.b9 -bitmap @./XBM/delete.xbm \
-+radiobutton .plate.left.b9 -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM delete.xbm] \
- -variable letters -command "set_delete $c"
--radiobutton .plate.left.b10 -bitmap @./XBM/edit.xbm \
-+radiobutton .plate.left.b10 -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM edit.xbm] \
- -variable letters -command "set_edit $c"
--button .plate.left.b11 -bitmap @./XBM/undo.xbm -padx 16 -command "puts 11"
--button .plate.left.b12 -bitmap @./XBM/equ.xbm -padx 16 -command "equ_generation"
--button .plate.left.b13 -bitmap @./XBM/exec.xbm -padx 16 -command "equ_execution"
--button .plate.left.b14 -bitmap @./XBM/grid0.xbm -padx 16 -command "grid_select"
-+button .plate.left.b11 -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM/undo.xbm] \
-+ -padx 16 -command "puts 11"
-+button .plate.left.b12 -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM equ.xbm] \
-+ -padx 16 -command "equ_generation"
-+button .plate.left.b13 -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM exec.xbm] \
-+ -padx 16 -command "equ_execution"
-+button .plate.left.b14 -bitmap @[file join $sdsmlib XBM grid0.xbm] \
-+ -padx 16 -command "grid_select"
- pack .plate.left.b1 .plate.left.b2 .plate.left.b3 .plate.left.b4 \
- .plate.left.b5 .plate.left.b6 .plate.left.b7 .plate.left.b8 \
-@@ -130,7 +136,8 @@
- canvas .plate.right.board -scrollregion {0c 0c 40c 40c} \
- -relief raised -width 800 -height 500 \
-- -xscroll ".plate.right.hscroll set" -yscroll ".plate.right.vscroll set"
-+ -xscrollcommand ".plate.right.hscroll set" \
-+ -yscrollcommand ".plate.right.vscroll set"
- scrollbar .plate.right.vscroll -relief sunken \
- -command ".plate.right.board yview"
- scrollbar .plate.right.hscroll -orient horiz -relief sunken \