path: root/net-mgmt/routers2/files/patch-routers2.conf
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Diffstat (limited to 'net-mgmt/routers2/files/patch-routers2.conf')
1 files changed, 105 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/net-mgmt/routers2/files/patch-routers2.conf b/net-mgmt/routers2/files/patch-routers2.conf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..42fde2d7e6a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-mgmt/routers2/files/patch-routers2.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+--- routers2.conf.orig Mon Dec 11 16:07:38 2006
++++ routers2.conf Mon Dec 11 16:26:10 2006
+@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
+ #mysql-database = authdb
+ #
+ # Multi-language characters support: set charset here.
+-#charset = iso-8859-1
++charset = iso-8859-1
+ #charset = utf-8
+ #
+ # Language support
+@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
+ # Set this to 'yes' to greatly speed up the parsing at the expense of
+ # having to have your .cfg files in a set format. DO NOT enable this
+ # unless you are sure that your .cfg files meet the necessary criteria.
+-#optimise = yes
++optimise = yes
+ #
+ # Set this to no if your browser barfs on the popup javascript. Default is yes.
+ #javascript = no
+@@ -204,17 +204,17 @@
+ # is not really necessary in here and can (usually) be safely ignored.
+ # NT users can put a drive letter in if required.
+ # dbpath = D:\rrdtool\files
+-dbpath = /var/rrdtool
++dbpath = /var/db/rrdtool
+ # Where the graphs are to be created - absolute filesystem path
+ # graphpath = C:/www/html/graphs
+-graphpath = /www/html/graphs
++graphpath = %%LOCALBASE%%/www/data/graphs
+ # The URL of the above directory - a URL path, so use '/' as a path separator
+ graphurl = /graphs
+ #
+ # Where the MRTG config files live - absolute filesystem path
+ # NO SPACES allowed in path names, NT people.
+ # confpath = C:\mrtg\conf
+-confpath = /mrtg/conf
++confpath = %%LOCALBASE/etc/mrtg
+ # Wildcarded pattern match for MRTG conf files.
+ # You can put several of these here, separated by spaces.
+ # Note that these can include a path separator - eg, site*/*.cfg
+@@ -256,10 +256,10 @@
+ # to be superceeded by MRTG file support
+ # Show peak lines on all graphs by default? yes/no. Default is 'yes'.
+ # This can be overridden by the MRTG WithPeak[] directive.
+-#withpeak = yes
++withpeak = yes
+ # Show red 'Max Bandwidth' lines on graphs? yes/no. Default is 'yes'.
+-#maxima = yes
++maxima = yes
+ # to be superceeded by MRTG file support
+ # Show the graphs relative to the max bandwidth, instead of scaling the y-axis
+@@ -269,11 +269,11 @@
+ # Shall we include 6-hour graphs, where the graph Interval is < 5mins?
+ # yes/no/always default: no
+-#6hour = no
++6hour = no
+ # Shall we have the 95th percentile and total usage calculations?
+ # This can eat a LOT of CPU/Memory, so make sure to test with it OFF first.
+ # default: no
+-#percentile = yes
++percentile = yes
+ # Shall we use the last update time as the base, instead of the current time?
+ # This can stop the occasional occurence of a grey band at the end of the graph
+ # and is useful if demoing the software with some (non-updated) test data.
+@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@
+ #
+ # Group the router names in the left-hand menu by directory name?
+ # yes/no default is NO
+-#group = yes
++group = yes
+ # override later in per-user
+ # You can enable the beta multi-level grouping here
+ #multilevel = yes
+@@ -367,8 +367,8 @@
+ # maybe you'd prefer 8 and 18 ?
+ # These hours may NOT cross midnight (ie, end > start) and are relative to the
+ # timezone of the target in question, or local timezone if not known.
+-#daystart = 8
+-#dayend = 18
++daystart = 8
++dayend = 18
+ # Work days - Sun=0 -- default 1 2 3 4 5
+ #workdays = 1 2 3 4 5
+@@ -444,6 +444,7 @@
+ # Use twin-menu screen format (not recommended for screens < 1024x768 )
+ # yes/no default is NO
+ #twinmenu = no
++twinmenu = yes
+ #
+ # Normally, graphs refresh automatically as soon as they become out of date.
+ # This is about every 5 mins for daily graphs. You may wish to make the
+@@ -489,7 +490,7 @@
+ #
+ # Use smooth slopes in graph?
+ # y/n default is n
+-#slope = yes
++slope = yes
+ # short descriptions for routers and interfaces
+ # These are used in the lefthand menu, and in small graphs.