path: root/net/isc-dhcp30-server
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'net/isc-dhcp30-server')
29 files changed, 0 insertions, 3753 deletions
diff --git a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/Makefile b/net/isc-dhcp30-server/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 104bc99173b1..000000000000
--- a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,359 +0,0 @@
-# ex:ts=8
-# Ports collection makefile for: dhcp
-# Date created: 7 Mar 1996
-# Whom: se
-# $FreeBSD$
-MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR= dhcp dhcp/dhcp-3.0-history
-MAINTAINER= Joerg.Pulz@frm2.tum.de
-COMMENT?= The ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol server
-SUBSYS?= server
-.if ${SUBSYS} == client
-OPTIONS= INTERFACE_POLLING "interface polling support" on
-.if ${SUBSYS} == server
-OPTIONS= DHCP_PARANOIA "add -user, -group and -chroot options" on \
- DHCP_JAIL "add -chroot and -jail options" on \
- DHCP_SOCKETS "use sockets instead of /dev/bpf (jail-only)" off \
- DHCP_LDAP "add experimental LDAP backend support" off \
- DHCP_LDAP_SSL "support LDAP connection over SSL/TLS" on \
- OPENSSL_BASE "use the base system OpenSSL (required by TLS)" on \
- OPENSSL_PORT "use OpenSSL from ports (required by TLS)" off \
- DHCP_LQ "DHCPLEASEQUERY support used by Cisco uBR's" off
-# PORTREVISION handling
-.if ${SUBSYS} == client
-.elif ${SUBSYS} == relay
-.elif ${SUBSYS} == devel
-.include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
-.if ${SUBSYS} == server && defined(WITH_DHCP_LDAP)
-# Based on patch from Brian Masney :
-PATCH_SITES= http://www.newwave.net/~masneyb/:ldap \
- ftp://ftp.frm2.tum.de/pub/jpulz/FreeBSD/:ldap
-.if !defined(WITHOUT_DHCP_LDAP_SSL)
-# hack to get bsd.openssl.mk included at this late state
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/bsd.openssl.mk"
-.if ${SUBSYS} == server && defined(WITH_DHCP_LQ)
-# Based on patch from Dmitry Sukhodoev :
-PATCH_SITES+= http://bingo.ru/~raven/FreeBSD/patches/:dlq \
- ftp://ftp.frm2.tum.de/pub/jpulz/FreeBSD/:dlq
-# Global variables
-.if ${SUBSYS} == client
-MAN5= dhclient.conf.5 dhclient.leases.5
-MAN8= dhclient.8 dhclient-script.8
-.elif ${SUBSYS} == server
-MAN1= omshell.1
-MAN5= dhcpd.conf.5 dhcpd.leases.5
-MAN8= dhcpd.8
-.elif ${SUBSYS} == relay
-MAN8= dhcrelay.8
-MAN3= dhcpctl.3 omapi.3
-.if ${SUBSYS} != relay
-MAN5+= dhcp-eval.5 dhcp-options.5
-MSG_FILE= ${.CURDIR}/pkg-message
-DESCR= ${.CURDIR}/pkg-descr
-PKGINSTALL= ${.CURDIR}/pkg-install
-PKGMESSAGE= ${WRKDIR}/pkg-message
-PLIST= ${.CURDIR}/pkg-plist
-# Local variables
-# for instance, possible versions are:
-# 1.2.r3.4 (or 1.2.b3.4), 1.2.r3 (or 1.2.b3), 1.2.3, 1.2
-# which have to become:
-# 1.2rc3pl4 (or 1.2beta3pl4), 1.2rc3 (or 1.2beta3), 1.2.3, 1.2
-# so, the magic things are:
-.if ${PORTVERSION:R:E:M[br]*} != ""
-VERSION= ${PORTVERSION:R:E:S/b/beta/:S/r/rc/}
-.elif ${PORTVERSION:E:M[br]*} != ""
-VERSION= ${PORTVERSION:E:S/b/beta/:S/r/rc/}
-#.elif ${PORTVERSION:R:E} != ""
-PATCH_SUBDIRS= common minires dst omapip
-.if ${SUBSYS} == server || ${SUBSYS} == devel
-PATCH_SUBDIRS+= dhcpctl
-.if ${SUBSYS} != devel
-.if ${SUBSYS} == server
-PATCH_SUBDIRS+= omshell
-.if !defined(NOPORTDOCS)
-.if ${SUBSYS} == client
-BIN_FILES= dhclient
-LOCAL_CONF_FILES= dhclient.conf
-SAMP_FILES= client/dhclient.conf
-DATA_FILES= dhclient.leases
-.elif ${SUBSYS} == server
-BIN_FILES= dhcpd omshell
-USE_RC_SUBR= isc-dhcpd
-SAMP_FILES= server/dhcpd.conf
-DATA_FILES= dhcpd.leases
-.if defined(WITH_DHCP_LDAP)
-LDAP_SCRIPT= contrib/dhcpd-conf-to-ldap.pl
-LDAP_SCHEMA= contrib/dhcp.schema
-.elif ${SUBSYS} == relay
-BIN_FILES= dhcrelay
-USE_RC_SUBR= isc-dhcrelay
-SAMP_SUFX= .sample
-DOCSDIR= ${PREFIX}/share/doc/${PKGBASE}
-DATADIR= /var/db
-.if defined(WITH_DHCP_LDAP)
-PLIST_SUB+= LDAP="@comment "
-.if ${OSVERSION} >= 502100
-SUB_LIST+= NOLOGIN=/usr/sbin/nologin
-SUB_LIST+= NOLOGIN=/sbin/nologin
-.if !defined(WITHOUT_DHCP_JAIL)
-# Post-extract
-post-extract: extract-omshell extract-script
- @${MKDIR} ${WRKSRC}/omshell
- @${MV} ${WRKSRC}/dhcpctl/omshell.? ${WRKSRC}/omshell
- @${CP} ${FILESDIR}/omshell::Makefile.dist \
- ${WRKSRC}/omshell/Makefile.dist
- @${CP} ${FILESDIR}/client::scripts::freebsd ${WRKSRC}/client/scripts/freebsd
-# Post-patch
-post-patch: patch-scripts patch-makefile-conf \
- patch-makefiles-dist patch-man-pages \
- patch-pkgmessage patch-site-conf \
- patch-dlq
- @${REINPLACE_CMD} ${REINPLACE_SUB:S/$/!g/:S/^/ -e s!%%/:S/=/%%!/} \
- ${WRKSRC}/client/dhclient.conf \
- ${WRKSRC}/client/scripts/freebsd
-.if ${SUBSYS} == client && !defined(WITHOUT_INTERFACE_POLLING)
-.if ${SUBSYS} == server
- @${ECHO_CMD} CFLAGS += -DPARANOIA >> ${WRKSRC}/site.conf
-.if !defined(WITHOUT_DHCP_JAIL)
- @${ECHO_CMD} CFLAGS += -DJAIL >> ${WRKSRC}/site.conf
-.if defined(WITH_DHCP_SOCKETS)
- @${ECHO_CMD} CFLAGS += -DUSE_SOCKETS >> ${WRKSRC}/site.conf
-.if defined(WITH_DHCP_LDAP)
- @${ECHO_CMD} CFLAGS += -I${LOCALBASE}/include >> ${WRKSRC}/site.conf
- @${ECHO_CMD} LIBS += -L${LOCALBASE}/lib >> ${WRKSRC}/site.conf
-.if !defined(WITHOUT_DHCP_LDAP_SSL)
- @${ECHO_CMD} LIBS += -L${OPENSSLLIB} >> ${WRKSRC}/site.conf
- @${ECHO_CMD} LIBS += -lcrypto -lssl >> ${WRKSRC}/site.conf
- @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|^DEBUG[ ]*=|# DEBUG ?=|g' \
- ${WRKSRC}/Makefile.conf
-.for subdir in ${PATCH_SUBDIRS}
- @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|^CFLAGS[ ]*=|CFLAGS +=|g' \
- ${WRKSRC}/${subdir}/Makefile.dist
-# temporary hack - no patch file needed for this typo.
- @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e '/^\.Fd$$/d' ${WRKSRC}/dhcpctl/dhcpctl.3
-.if ${SUBSYS} != devel
- @${SED} ${PKGMESSAGE_SUB:S/$/!g/:S/^/ -e s!%%/:S/=/%%!/} \
-.if defined(WITH_DHCP_LDAP)
- @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|^%%LDAP%%||g' ${PKGMESSAGE}
-.if ${SUBSYS} == server && defined(WITH_DHCP_LQ)
-.if defined(WITH_DHCP_LDAP)
- @${PATCH} ${PATCH_ARGS} < ${PATCHDIR}/extra-patch-dlq-ldap
- @${PATCH} ${PATCH_ARGS} < ${PATCHDIR}/extra-patch-dlq
-# Post-install
-POST-INSTALL= parallel-post-install install-rc-script configure-package \
- display-message
-post-install: ${POST-INSTALL}
-parallel-post-install: \
- strip-binary-files \
- install-doc-files install-ldap-files install-sample-files \
- create-conf-files create-data-files
-.for f in ${BIN_FILES}
-.if exists(${PREFIX}/bin/${f})
- @${STRIP_CMD} ${PREFIX}/bin/${f}
-.if exists(${PREFIX}/sbin/${f})
- @${STRIP_CMD} ${PREFIX}/sbin/${f}
-.if !defined(NOPORTDOCS)
-.for f in ${PORTDOCS}
-.if ${SUBSYS} == server && defined(WITH_DHCP_LDAP)
-.for f in ${SAMP_FILES}
-.for f in ${LOCAL_CONF_FILES}
-.if !exists(${CONF_DIR}/${f})
- @${TOUCH} ${CONF_DIR}/${f}
-.for f in ${DATA_FILES}
-.if !exists(${DATADIR}/${f})
- @${TOUCH} ${DATADIR}/${f}
-.if ${SUBSYS} == server
-.if ${SUBSYS} != devel
- @${ECHO_MSG}
- @${ECHO_MSG}
-.include <bsd.port.post.mk>
diff --git a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/distinfo b/net/isc-dhcp30-server/distinfo
deleted file mode 100644
index 399a8acbe95c..000000000000
--- a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/distinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-MD5 (dhcp-3.0.5.tar.gz) = ce5d30d4645e4eab1f54561b487d1ec7
-SHA256 (dhcp-3.0.5.tar.gz) = dd445fb2a341cdd69e85693dce6f8fda1a1c9d0e98d34c01afc3e68d8037ffb6
-SIZE (dhcp-3.0.5.tar.gz) = 876591
-MD5 (dhcp-3.0.5-ldap-patch) = 41cde9e9a768bf12390288465ef30bbd
-SHA256 (dhcp-3.0.5-ldap-patch) = e700472acb890b504ae5199500a0e87ca1da607946b2f3a8a8958f82d0a277c0
-SIZE (dhcp-3.0.5-ldap-patch) = 192308
-MD5 (dhcp-3.0.5-dlq-patch) = 0e071945cc986d7ecdfd9b41fc4a102b
-SHA256 (dhcp-3.0.5-dlq-patch) = c3fd3200eaf00fa80cb37f19bd3b9edb89497c235b5fa594a0f6f60050f64108
-SIZE (dhcp-3.0.5-dlq-patch) = 7655
diff --git a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/client::scripts::freebsd b/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/client::scripts::freebsd
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c4c3d3a6f24..000000000000
--- a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/client::scripts::freebsd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,510 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 1999, MindStep Corporation
-# All rights reserved.
-# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
-# are met:
-# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
-# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
-# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-# This script was written by Patrick Bihan-Faou, patrick@mindstep.com,
-# Please contact us for bug reports, etc.
-# $MindStep_Id: dhclient-script.sh,v 1.8 1999/12/07 22:11:08 patrick Exp $
-# $MindStep_Tag: CONTRIB_19991207 $
-# from FreeBSD: src/sbin/dhclient/dhclient-script.sh,v 1.2 2002/02/01 18:46:58 alfred Exp
-# $FreeBSD$
-# hook functions prototypes
-# The "pre_state_XXX_hook" functions are called before the main
-# work is done for the state XXX
-# The "post_state_XXX_hook" functions are called after the main
-# work is done for the state XXX
-# These functions are meant to be overridden by the user's
-# dhclient-enter-hooks file
-pre_state_MEDIUM_hook () { }
-pre_state_PREINIT_hook () { }
-pre_state_ARPCHECK_hook () { }
-pre_state_ARPSEND_hook () { }
-pre_state_RENEW_hook () { }
-pre_state_REBIND_hook () { }
-pre_state_BOUND_hook () { }
-pre_state_REBOOT_hook () { }
-pre_state_EXPIRE_hook () { }
-pre_state_FAIL_hook () { }
-pre_state_TIMEOUT_hook () { }
-post_state_MEDIUM_hook () { }
-post_state_PREINIT_hook () { }
-post_state_ARPCHECK_hook () { }
-post_state_ARPSEND_hook () { }
-post_state_RENEW_hook () { }
-post_state_REBIND_hook () { }
-post_state_BOUND_hook () { }
-post_state_REBOOT_hook () { }
-post_state_EXPIRE_hook () { }
-post_state_FAIL_hook () { }
-post_state_TIMEOUT_hook () { }
-# make_resolv_conf
-# This function is called to update the information related to the
-# DNS configuration (the resolver part)
-make_resolv_conf ()
- if [ "x$new_domain_name" != x ] && [ "x$new_domain_name_servers" != x ]; then
- echo search $new_domain_name >/etc/resolv.conf
- for nameserver in $new_domain_name_servers; do
- echo nameserver $nameserver >>/etc/resolv.conf
- done
- fi
-# set_XXX
-# unset_XXX
-# These function each deal with one particular setting.
-# They are OS dependent and may be overridden in the
-# dhclient-enter-hooks file if needed.
-# These functions are called with either "new" or "old" to indicate which
-# set of variables to use (new_ip_address or old_ip_address...)
-update_hostname ()
- local current_hostname=`/bin/hostname`
- if [ "$current_hostname" = "" ] || \
- [ "$current_hostname" = "$old_host_name" ]
- then
- if [ "$new_host_name" != "$old_host_name" ]
- then
- $LOGGER "New Hostname: $new_host_name"
- hostname $new_host_name
- fi
- fi
-set_ip_address ()
- local ip
- local mask
- local bcast
- if [ $# -lt 1 ]
- then
- return 1
- fi
- eval ip="\$${1}_ip_address"
- eval mask="\$${1}_subnet_mask"
- eval bcast="\$${1}_broadcast_address"
- if [ "$ip" != "" ]
- then
- ifconfig $interface inet $ip netmask $mask broadcast $bcast $medium
-# route add $ip > /dev/null 2>&1
- fi
-unset_ip_address ()
- local ip
- if [ $# -lt 1 ]
- then
- return 1
- fi
- eval ip="\$${1}_ip_address"
- if [ "$ip" != "" ]
- then
- ifconfig $interface inet -alias $ip $medium
-# route delete $ip > /dev/null 2>&1
- fi
-set_ip_alias ()
- if [ "$alias_ip_address" != "" ]
- then
- ifconfig $interface inet alias $alias_ip_address netmask $alias_subnet_mask
-# route add $alias_ip_address
- fi
-unset_ip_alias ()
- if [ "$alias_ip_address" != "" ]
- then
- ifconfig $interface inet -alias $alias_ip_address > /dev/null 2>&1
-# route delete $alias_ip_address > /dev/null 2>&1
- fi
-set_routers ()
- local router_list
- if [ $# -lt 1 ]
- then
- return 1
- fi
- eval router_list="\$${1}_routers"
- for router in $router_list
- do
- route add default $router >/dev/null 2>&1
- done
-unset_routers ()
- local router_list
- if [ $# -lt 1 ]
- then
- return 1
- fi
- eval router_list="\$${1}_routers"
- for router in $router_list
- do
- route delete default $router >/dev/null 2>&1
- done
-set_static_routes ()
- local static_routes
- if [ $# -lt 1 ]
- then
- return 1
- fi
- eval static_routes="\$${1}_static_routes"
- set static_routes
- while [ $# -ge 2 ]
- do
- $LOGGER "New Static Route: $1 -> $2"
- route add $1 $2
- shift; shift
- done
-unset_static_routes ()
- local static_routes
- if [ $# -lt 1 ]
- then
- return 1
- fi
- eval static_routes="\$${1}_static_routes"
- set static_routes
- while [ $# -ge 2 ]
- do
- route delete $1 $2
- shift; shift
- done
-# utility functions grouping what needs to be done in logical units.
-set_all ()
- set_ip_address new
- set_routers new
- set_static_routes new
- if [ "$new_ip_address" != "$alias_ip_address" ]
- then
- set_ip_alias
- fi
-set_others ()
- update_hostname
- make_resolv_conf
-clear_arp_table ()
- arp -d -a
-unset_all ()
- if [ "$alias_ip_address" != "$old_ip_address" ]
- then
- unset_ip_alias
- fi
- if [ "$old_ip_address" != "" ]
- then
- unset_ip_address old
- unset_routers old
- unset_static_routes old
- clear_arp_table
- fi
-test_new_lease ()
- local rc
- set $new_routers
- if [ $# -ge 1 ]
- then
- set_ip_address new
- if ping -q -c 1 $1
- then
- rc=0
- else
- rc=1
- fi
- unset_ip_address new
- else
- rc=1
- fi
- return $rc
-# Main State functions.
-# There is a state function for each state of the DHCP client
-# These functions are OS specific and should be be tampered with.
-in_state_MEDIUM ()
- ifconfig $interface $medium
- ifconfig $interface inet -alias $medium >/dev/null 2>&1
- sleep 1
- exit_status=0
-in_state_PREINIT ()
- unset_ip_alias
- ifconfig $interface inet netmask \
- broadcast up
- exit_status=0
-in_state_ARPCHECK ()
- exit_status=0
-in_state_ARPSEND ()
- exit_status=0
-in_state_RENEW ()
- if [ "$old_ip_address" != "$new_ip_address" ]
- then
- unset_all
- set_all
- fi
- set_others
-in_state_REBIND () {
- in_state_RENEW
-in_state_BOUND () {
- unset_all
- set_all
- set_others
-in_state_REBOOT () {
- in_state_BOUND
-in_state_EXPIRE ()
- unset_all
- set_ip_alias
- exit_status=0
-in_state_FAIL () {
- in_state_EXPIRE
-in_state_TIMEOUT ()
- unset_all
- if test_new_lease
- then
- set_all
- set_others
- else
- $LOGGER "No good lease information in TIMEOUT state"
- set_ip_alias
- exit_status=1
- fi
-# Main functions:
-# dhclient_script_init() parses the optional "enter_hooks" script which can
-# override any of the state functions
-# This function also parses the variables and notifies the detected changes.
-dhclient_script_init ()
- if [ "$new_network_number" != "" ]
- then
- $LOGGER "New Network Number: $new_network_number"
- fi
- if [ "$new_ip_address" != "" ]
- then
- $LOGGER "New IP Address: $new_ip_address"
- fi
- if [ "$new_broadcast_address" != "" ]
- then
- $LOGGER "New Broadcast Address: $new_broadcast_address"
- fi
- if [ "$new_subnet_mask" != "" ]
- then
- $LOGGER "New Subnet Mask for $interface: $new_subnet_mask"
- fi
- if [ "$alias_subnet_mask" != "" ]
- then
- fi
-# dhclient_main() does the appropriate work depending on the state of
-# the dhcp client
-dhclient_script_main ()
-# set -x
- exit_status=0
- case $reason in
- FAIL|\
- pre_state_${reason}_hook
- in_state_${reason}
- post_state_${reason}_hook
- ;;
- *)
- $LOGGER "dhclient-script called with invalid reason $reason"
- exit_status=1
- ;;
- esac
-# Let's do the work...
-if [ -x /usr/bin/logger ]; then
- LOGGER="/usr/bin/logger -s -p user.notice -t dhclient"
- LOGGER=echo
-# Invoke the local dhcp client enter hooks, if they exist.
-if [ -x %%PREFIX%%/etc/dhclient-enter-hooks ]
- exit_status=0
- . %%PREFIX%%/etc/dhclient-enter-hooks
- # allow the local script to abort processing of this state
- # local script must set exit_status variable to nonzero.
- if [ $exit_status -ne 0 ]
- then
- exit $exit_status
- fi
-# Invokes the local dhcp client exit hooks, if any.
-if [ -x %%PREFIX%%/etc/dhclient-exit-hooks ]; then
- . %%PREFIX%%/etc/dhclient-exit-hooks
-exit $exit_status
-# That's all folks
diff --git a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/extra-patch-dlq b/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/extra-patch-dlq
deleted file mode 100644
index 5657af491721..000000000000
--- a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/extra-patch-dlq
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
---- server/Makefile.dist.orig Tue Jun 14 09:37:50 2005
-+++ server/Makefile.dist Tue Jun 14 09:37:50 2005
-@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@
- CATMANPAGES = dhcpd.cat8 dhcpd.conf.cat5 dhcpd.leases.cat5
- SEDMANPAGES = dhcpd.man8 dhcpd.conf.man5 dhcpd.leases.man5
- SRCS = dhcpd.c dhcp.c bootp.c confpars.c db.c class.c failover.c \
-- omapi.c mdb.c stables.c salloc.c ddns.c
-+ omapi.c mdb.c stables.c salloc.c ddns.c dhcpleasequery.c
- OBJS = dhcpd.o dhcp.o bootp.o confpars.o db.o class.o failover.o \
-- omapi.o mdb.o stables.o salloc.o ddns.o
-+ omapi.o mdb.o stables.o salloc.o ddns.o dhcpleasequery.o
- PROG = dhcpd
- MAN = dhcpd.8 dhcpd.conf.5 dhcpd.leases.5
diff --git a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/extra-patch-dlq-ldap b/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/extra-patch-dlq-ldap
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f73fefb6f11..000000000000
--- a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/extra-patch-dlq-ldap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
---- server/Makefile.dist.orig Tue Jun 14 09:39:39 2005
-+++ server/Makefile.dist Tue Jun 14 09:39:39 2005
-@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@
- CATMANPAGES = dhcpd.cat8 dhcpd.conf.cat5 dhcpd.leases.cat5
- SEDMANPAGES = dhcpd.man8 dhcpd.conf.man5 dhcpd.leases.man5
- SRCS = dhcpd.c dhcp.c bootp.c confpars.c db.c class.c failover.c \
-- ldap.c ldap_casa.c omapi.c mdb.c stables.c salloc.c ddns.c
-+ ldap.c ldap_casa.c omapi.c mdb.c stables.c salloc.c ddns.c dhcpleasequery.c
- OBJS = dhcpd.o dhcp.o bootp.o confpars.o db.o class.o failover.o \
-- ldap.o ldap_casa.o omapi.o mdb.o stables.o salloc.o ddns.o
-+ ldap.o ldap_casa.o omapi.o mdb.o stables.o salloc.o ddns.o dhcpleasequery.o
- PROG = dhcpd
- MAN = dhcpd.8 dhcpd.conf.5 dhcpd.leases.5
diff --git a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/isc-dhcpd.in b/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/isc-dhcpd.in
deleted file mode 100644
index 70ba25b92d99..000000000000
--- a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/isc-dhcpd.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,732 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# $FreeBSD$
-# PROVIDE: dhcpd
-# KEYWORD: shutdown
-# Add the following line to /etc/rc.conf to enable dhcpd:
-# dhcpd_enable="YES"
-. %%RC_SUBR%%
-paranoia=%%PARANOIA%% # compiled in paranoia?
-jail=%%JAIL%% # compiled in jail?
-load_rc_config ${name}
-# override these variables in /etc/rc.conf
-dhcpd_flags=${dhcpd_flags:-} # -q -early_chroot # command option(s)
-dhcpd_conf=${dhcpd_conf:-%%PREFIX%%/etc/${name}.conf} # configuration file
-dhcpd_ifaces=${dhcpd_ifaces:-} # ethernet interface(s)
-dhcpd_withumask=${dhcpd_withumask:-022} # file creation mask
-dhcpd_chuser_enable=${dhcpd_chuser_enable:-"%%PARANOIA%%"} # runs w/o privileges?
-dhcpd_withuser=${dhcpd_withuser:-${name}} # user name to run as
-dhcpd_withgroup=${dhcpd_withgroup:-${name}} # group name to run as
-dhcpd_chroot_enable=${dhcpd_chroot_enable:-"NO"} # runs chrooted?
-dhcpd_devfs_enable=${dhcpd_devfs_enable:-"YES"} # devfs if available?
-dhcpd_makedev_enable=${dhcpd_makedev_enable:-"NO"} # MAKEDEV instead of devfs?
-dhcpd_rootdir=${dhcpd_rootdir:-/var/db/${name}} # directory to run in
-dhcpd_includedir=${dhcpd_includedir:-} # directory for included config files
-# untested
-dhcpd_jail_enable=${dhcpd_jail_enable:-"NO"} # runs imprisoned?
-dhcpd_hostname=${dhcpd_hostname:-} # jail hostname
-dhcpd_ipaddress=${dhcpd_ipaddress:-} # jail ip address
-safe_run () # rc command [args...]
- local _rc
- _rc=$1
- shift
- if [ "${_rc}" -eq 0 ]; then
- debug safe_run: "$@"
- "$@" || _rc=1
- else
- warn safe_run: "$@"
- fi
- return ${_rc}
-precious () # entry...
- local _entry _rc
- _rc=0
- for _entry; do
- # do nothing if /dev, /var/run or /var/db
- echo ${_entry} | egrep -q '^//*(dev|var//*(run|db))?/*$' || _rc=1
- done
- debug precious: "$@" rc=${_rc}
- return ${_rc}
-lsmod () # user group file...
- local _entry _user _group _rc
- _user=$1 _group=$2
- shift 2
- _rc=0
- for _entry; do
- ls -ld ${_entry} 2> /dev/null |
- awk -v u=${_user} -v g=${_group} '{
- exit ((u && $3 != u) || (g && $4 != g))
- }' || _rc=1
- done
- debug lsmod: "$@" rc=${_rc}
- return ${_rc}
-safe_chmog () # entry...
- local _entry _user _group _usergroup _rc
- _user=${dhcpd_withuser}
- _group=${dhcpd_withgroup}
- _rc=0
- if [ -n "${_user}" -o -n "${_group}" ]; then
- _usergroup=${_user}${_group:+:${_group}}
- for _entry; do
- if [ -d ${_entry} ] && mounted ${_entry}; then
- continue
- fi
- if [ -e ${_entry} ] &&
- ! precious ${_entry} &&
- ! lsmod ${_user} ${_group} ${_entry} &&
- ! safe_run ${_rc} chown ${_usergroup} ${_entry}; then
- warn "unable to change permissions of ${_entry}"
- _rc=1
- fi
- done
- fi
- return ${_rc}
-safe_mkdir () # dir...
- local _dir _rc
- _rc=0
- for _dir; do
- if [ ! -d ${_dir} ] &&
- ! precious ${_dir} &&
- ! safe_run ${_rc} mkdir -p ${_dir}; then
- err 1 "unable to create directory ${_dir}"
- _rc=1
- fi
- done
- safe_run ${_rc} safe_chmog "$@" || _rc=1
- return ${_rc}
-safe_rmdir () # dir...
- local _dir _rc
- _rc=0
- for _dir; do
- if [ -d ${_dir} ] &&
- ! precious ${_dir} &&
- ! mounted ${_dir}; then
- if safe_run ${_rc} rmdir ${_dir}; then
- safe_run ${_rc} safe_rmdir ${_dir%/*} || _rc=1
- else
- warn "unable to remove directory ${_dir}"
- _rc=1
- fi
- fi
- done
- return ${_rc}
-safe_touch () # file...
- local _file _rc
- _rc=0
- for _file; do
- if [ ! -e ${_file} ] &&
- ! safe_run ${_rc} touch ${_file}; then
- err 1 "unable to create file ${_file}"
- _rc=1
- fi
- done
- safe_run ${_rc} safe_chmog "$@" || _rc=1
- return ${_rc}
-safe_remove () # entry...
- local _entry _rc
- _rc=0
- for _entry; do
- if [ -f ${_entry} ]; then
- if ! safe_run ${_rc} rm -f ${_entry}; then
- warn "unable to remove file ${_entry}"
- _rc=1
- fi
- elif [ -d ${_entry} ] &&
- ! precious ${_entry} &&
- ! mounted ${_entry}; then
- if ! safe_run ${_rc} rm -rf ${_entry}; then
- warn "unable to remove directory ${_entry}"
- _rc=1
- fi
- fi
- done
- return ${_rc}
-safe_copy () # src dst
- local _src _dst _rc
- _src=$1 _dst=$2
- _rc=0
- if [ -f ${_src} ]; then
- if ! safe_run ${_rc} safe_remove ${_dst} ||
- ! safe_run ${_rc} cp -p ${_src} ${_dst}; then
- err 1 "unable to copy file ${_src} to ${_dst}"
- _rc=1
- fi
- safe_run ${_rc} safe_chmog ${_dst} || _rc=1
- elif [ -d ${_src} ] &&
- ! precious ${_dst} &&
- ! mounted ${_dst}; then
- if ! safe_run ${_rc} pax -rw -pe -ts "|^${_src}||" \
- ${_src} ${_dst}; then
- err 1 "unable to copy directory ${_src} to ${_dst}"
- _rc=1
- fi
- else
- err 1 "unable to copy ${_src} to ${_dst}" \
- "-- not a file or a directory"
- _rc=1
- fi
- return ${_rc}
-mounted () # dir...
- local _rc
- _rc=1
- if checkyesno dhcpd_devfs_enable ||
- checkyesno dhcpd_jail_enable; then
- mount -t devfs | awk '
- BEGIN { n = ARGC; ARGC = 2 }
- { for (i = 2; i != n; i++) if ($3 == ARGV[i]) exit 1 }
- ' - "$@" || _rc=0
- fi
- debug mounted: "$@" rc=${_rc}
- return ${_rc}
-safe_mount () # dir
- local _dir _rc
- _dir=$1
- _rc=0
- if checkyesno dhcpd_devfs_enable &&
- ! mounted ${_dir} &&
- ! safe_run ${_rc} mount -t devfs devfs ${_dir}; then
- err 1 "unable to mount ${_dir}"
- _rc=1
- fi
- return ${_rc}
-safe_umount () # dir
- local _dir _rc
- _dir=$1
- _rc=0
- if checkyesno dhcpd_devfs_enable &&
- mounted ${_dir} &&
- ! safe_run ${_rc} umount ${_dir}; then
- warn "unable to unmount ${_dir}"
- _rc=1
- fi
- return ${_rc}
-safe_useradd ()
- local _user _group _home _shell _gecos
- _user=$1 _group=$2 _gecos=${3:-"& daemon"}
- _home=${4:-/nonexistent} _shell=${5:-%%NOLOGIN%%}
- if [ -n "${_group}" ]; then
- if pw group show ${_group} 2>/dev/null; then
- echo "You already have a group \"${_group}\"," \
- "so I will use it."
- elif pw groupadd ${_group} -h -; then
- echo "Added group \"${_group}\"."
- else
- echo "Adding group \"${_group}\" failed..."
- echo "Please create it, and try again."
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- if [ -n "${_user}" ]; then
- if pw user show ${_user} 2>/dev/null; then
- echo "You already have a user \"${_user}\"," \
- "so I will use it."
- elif pw useradd ${_user} -g ${_group} -h - \
- -d ${_home} -s ${_shell} -c "${_gecos}"; then
- echo "Added user \"${_user}\"."
- else
- echo "Adding user \"${_user}\" failed..."
- echo "Please create it, and try again."
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
-check_chuser ()
- if checkyesno paranoia; then
- if checkyesno dhcpd_chuser_enable &&
- [ -z "${dhcpd_withuser}" -a -z "${dhcpd_withgroup}" ]; then
- err 1 "one of dhcpd_withuser and dhcpd_withgroup" \
- "must be set if dhcpd_chuser_enable is enabled"
- fi
- else
- if checkyesno dhcpd_chuser_enable; then
- warn "dhcpd_chuser_enable disabled -- not compiled in"
- dhcpd_chuser_enable=NO
- fi
- fi
-check_jail ()
- if checkyesno paranoia && checkyesno jail; then
- if checkyesno dhcpd_jail_enable &&
- ! checkyesno dhcpd_chroot_enable; then
- warn "dhcpd_chroot_enable implied by dhcpd_jail_enable"
- dhcpd_chroot_enable=YES
- fi
- if checkyesno dhcpd_jail_enable &&
- [ -n "${dhcpd_hostname}" -a -z "${dhcpd_ipaddress}" ] ||
- [ -z "${dhcpd_hostname}" -a -n "${dhcpd_ipaddress}" ]; then
- err 1 "both dhcpd_hostname and dhcpd_ipaddress" \
- "must be set if dhcpd_jail_enable is enabled"
- fi
- else
- if checkyesno dhcpd_jail_enable; then
- warn "dhcpd_jail_enable disabled -- not compiled in"
- dhcpd_jail_enable=NO
- fi
- fi
-check_chroot ()
- if checkyesno paranoia; then
- if checkyesno dhcpd_chroot_enable; then
- if [ -z "${dhcpd_rootdir}" ]; then
- err 1 "dhcpd_rootdir must be set" \
- "if dhcpd_chroot_enable is enabled"
- fi
- if checkyesno dhcpd_devfs_enable &&
- checkyesno dhcpd_makedev_enable; then
- err 1 "dhcpd_devfs_enable and dhcpd_makedev_enable" \
- "are mutually exclusive. enable only one!"
- fi
- if test `uname -r | cut -c 1` -le 6; then
- if checkyesno dhcpd_devfs_enable &&
- ! ( type mount_devfs ) > /dev/null 2>&1;
- then
- warn "dhcpd_devfs_enable disabled" \
- "-- not available"
- dhcpd_devfs_enable=NO
- fi
- fi
- if checkyesno dhcpd_makedev_enable &&
- ! [ -x ${__dhcpd_devdir}/MAKEDEV ]; then
- warn "dhcpd_makedev_enable disabled" \
- "-- not available"
- dhcpd_makedev_enable=NO
- fi
- else
- dhcpd_devfs_enable=NO
- dhcpd_makedev_enable=NO
- fi
- else
- if checkyesno dhcpd_chroot_enable; then
- warn "dhcpd_chroot_enable disabled -- not compiled in"
- dhcpd_chroot_enable=NO
- fi
- dhcpd_devfs_enable=NO
- dhcpd_makedev_enable=NO
- fi
-rcvar_chuser ()
- if checkyesno paranoia && checkyesno dhcpd_chuser_enable; then
- dhcpd_piddir=${__dhcpd_piddir}/${name}
- dhcpd_leasesdir=${__dhcpd_leasesdir}/${name}
- else
- dhcpd_withuser= dhcpd_withgroup=
- fi
-rcvar_jail ()
- if ! checkyesno paranoia || ! checkyesno jail ||
- ! checkyesno dhcpd_jail_enable; then
- dhcpd_hostname= dhcpd_ipaddress=
- fi
-rcvar_chroot ()
- if ! checkyesno paranoia || ! checkyesno dhcpd_chroot_enable; then
- dhcpd_rootdir=
- elif checkyesno paranoia && checkyesno dhcpd_chroot_enable; then
- dhcpd_devdir=${__dhcpd_devdir}
- dhcpd_etcdir=${__dhcpd_etcdir}
- fi
-rcvar_pidnleases ()
- if ! checkyesno dhcpd_chuser_enable; then
- dhcpd_piddir=${__dhcpd_piddir}
- dhcpd_leasesdir=${__dhcpd_leasesdir}
- fi
- dhcpd_pidfile=${dhcpd_piddir}/${name}.pid
- dhcpd_leasesfile=${dhcpd_leasesdir}/${name}.leases
- dhcpd_conffile=${dhcpd_conf} # for convenience only
- dhcpd_confdir=$(dirname ${dhcpd_conffile})
-rcvar_rooted ()
- _dhcpd_rootdir=${dhcpd_rootdir}
- _dhcpd_devdir=${dhcpd_rootdir}${dhcpd_devdir}
- _dhcpd_etcdir=${dhcpd_rootdir}${dhcpd_etcdir}
- _dhcpd_confdir=${dhcpd_rootdir}${dhcpd_confdir}
- _dhcpd_includedir=${dhcpd_rootdir}${dhcpd_includedir}
- _dhcpd_piddir=${dhcpd_rootdir}${dhcpd_piddir}
- _dhcpd_leasesdir=${dhcpd_rootdir}${dhcpd_leasesdir}
- _dhcpd_conffile=${dhcpd_rootdir}${dhcpd_conffile}
- _dhcpd_pidfile=${dhcpd_rootdir}${dhcpd_pidfile}
- _dhcpd_leasesfile=${dhcpd_rootdir}${dhcpd_leasesfile}
-setup_compat ()
- local dhcpd_rcconf
- # suck in old configuration file and variables
- #
- dhcpd_rcconf=${dhcpd_confdir}/rc.isc-dhcpd.conf
- if [ -f ${dhcpd_rcconf} ]; then
- warn "${dhcpd_rcconf} is obsolete, use /etc/rc.conf and/or" \
- "/etc/rc.conf.d/${name} instead."
- . ${dhcpd_rcconf}
- if [ -n "${dhcpd_options}" -a -z "${rc_flags}" ]; then
- warn "dhcpd_options is obsolete," \
- "use dhcpd_flags instead."
- rc_flags=${dhcpd_options}
- fi
- fi
-setup_umask ()
- if [ -n "${dhcpd_withumask}" ]; then
- umask ${dhcpd_withumask}
- fi
-setup_chroot ()
- local _mdev _hconf _hosts _ltime _rconf
- _mdev=MAKEDEV
- _hconf=host.conf
- _hosts=hosts
- _ltime=localtime
- _rconf=resolv.conf
- if checkyesno paranoia && checkyesno dhcpd_chroot_enable; then
- if ! mounted ${_dhcpd_devdir}; then
- safe_mkdir ${_dhcpd_devdir}/_
- # XXX /_ hack! so, .../dev is root owned.
- fi
- safe_mkdir ${_dhcpd_rootdir} ${_dhcpd_etcdir}/_ ${_dhcpd_confdir}
- # XXX /_ hack! so, .../etc is root owned.
- if checkyesno dhcpd_devfs_enable; then
- safe_mount ${_dhcpd_devdir}
- elif checkyesno dhcpd_makedev_enable; then
- safe_copy ${dhcpd_devdir}/$_mdev ${_dhcpd_devdir}/$_mdev
- safe_run 0 sh -c "cd ${_dhcpd_devdir} && ./$_mdev jail bpf4"
- else
- safe_copy ${dhcpd_devdir} ${_dhcpd_devdir}
- fi
- safe_copy ${dhcpd_conffile} ${_dhcpd_conffile}
- safe_copy ${dhcpd_etcdir}/$_hconf ${_dhcpd_etcdir}/$_hconf
- safe_copy ${dhcpd_etcdir}/$_hosts ${_dhcpd_etcdir}/$_hosts
- safe_copy ${dhcpd_etcdir}/$_ltime ${_dhcpd_etcdir}/$_ltime
- safe_copy ${dhcpd_etcdir}/$_rconf ${_dhcpd_etcdir}/$_rconf
- # copy dhcpd_includedir if defined and available
- if [ -d "${dhcpd_includedir}" ]; then
- safe_mkdir ${_dhcpd_includedir}
- safe_copy ${dhcpd_includedir} ${_dhcpd_includedir}
- fi
- fi
-setup_chuser ()
- if checkyesno paranoia && {
- checkyesno dhcpd_chuser_enable || checkyesno dhcpd_chroot_enable
- }; then
- safe_mkdir ${_dhcpd_piddir} ${_dhcpd_leasesdir}
- fi
-setup_leases ()
- safe_touch ${_dhcpd_leasesfile}
-setup_flags ()
- if [ -n "${dhcpd_conf}" ]; then
- rc_flags="${rc_flags} -cf ${dhcpd_conf}"
- fi
- if [ -n "${dhcpd_leasesfile}" ]; then
- rc_flags="${rc_flags} -lf ${dhcpd_leasesfile}"
- fi
- if [ -n "${dhcpd_pidfile}" ]; then
- rc_flags="${rc_flags} -pf ${dhcpd_pidfile}"
- fi
- if [ -n "${dhcpd_withuser}" ]; then
- rc_flags="${rc_flags} -user ${dhcpd_withuser}"
- fi
- if [ -n "${dhcpd_withgroup}" ]; then
- rc_flags="${rc_flags} -group ${dhcpd_withgroup}"
- fi
- if [ -n "${dhcpd_rootdir}" ]; then
- rc_flags="${rc_flags} -chroot ${dhcpd_rootdir}"
- fi
- if [ -n "${dhcpd_hostname}" -a -n "${dhcpd_ipaddress}" ]; then
- rc_flags="${rc_flags} -jail ${dhcpd_hostname} ${dhcpd_ipaddress}"
- fi
- rc_flags="${rc_flags} ${dhcpd_ifaces}"
-cleanup_chroot ()
- if checkyesno paranoia && checkyesno dhcpd_chroot_enable; then
- safe_umount ${_dhcpd_devdir}
- fi
-dhcpd_stop ()
- if sh $0 forcestatus; then
- sh $0 forcestop
- fi
-remove_pid ()
- if [ -e ${_dhcpd_pidfile} ]; then
- warn "${_dhcpd_pidfile} still exists! -- removing anyway"
- fi
- safe_remove ${_dhcpd_pidfile}
-remove_leases ()
- if [ -s ${_dhcpd_leasesfile} ]; then
- warn "${_dhcpd_leasesfile} not empty -- not removed --" \
- "futher warning messages expected, don't care."
- else
- safe_remove ${_dhcpd_leasesfile} ${_dhcpd_leasesfile}~
- fi
-remove_chuser ()
- if checkyesno paranoia && {
- checkyesno dhcpd_chuser_enable || checkyesno dhcpd_chroot_enable
- }; then
- safe_rmdir ${_dhcpd_piddir} ${_dhcpd_leasesdir}
- fi
-remove_chroot ()
- if checkyesno paranoia && checkyesno dhcpd_chroot_enable; then
- safe_remove ${_dhcpd_conffile} ${_dhcpd_includedir} \
- ${_dhcpd_etcdir}
- if checkyesno dhcpd_devfs_enable; then
- safe_umount ${_dhcpd_devdir}
- safe_rmdir ${_dhcpd_devdir}/_ # XXX /_ hack!
- elif checkyesno dhcpd_jail_enable; then
- if ! mounted ${_dhcpd_devdir}; then
- safe_remove ${_dhcpd_devdir}
- fi
- else
- safe_remove ${_dhcpd_devdir}
- fi
- safe_rmdir ${_dhcpd_confdir} ${_dhcpd_rootdir} # XXX /_ hack!
- fi
-dhcpd_check ()
- check_chuser
- check_jail
- check_chroot
-dhcpd_rcvar ()
- rcvar_chuser
- rcvar_jail
- rcvar_chroot
- rcvar_pidnleases
- rcvar_rooted
-dhcpd_precmd ()
- setup_compat
- setup_umask
- setup_chroot
- setup_chuser
- setup_leases
- setup_flags
-dhcpd_postcmd ()
- cleanup_chroot
-dhcpd_install ()
- if checkyesno paranoia; then
- safe_useradd "${dhcpd_withuser}" "${dhcpd_withgroup}" \
- "DHCP Daemon"
- fi
-_dhcpd_uninstall () # user group root
- local _user _group _root
- _user=$1 _group=$2 _root=$3
- if [ -n "${_user}" -o -n "${_group}" ]; then
- dhcpd_chuser_enable=YES
- dhcpd_withuser=${_user}
- dhcpd_withgroup=${_group}
- else
- dhcpd_chuser_enable=NO
- fi
- if [ -n "${_root}" ]; then
- dhcpd_chroot_enable=YES
- dhcpd_rootdir=${_root}
- else
- dhcpd_chroot_enable=NO
- fi
- dhcpd_check
- dhcpd_rcvar
- dhcpd_uninstall
-dhcpd_uninstall ()
- if checkyesno __dhcpd_uninstall; then
- dhcpd_stop
- remove_pid
- remove_leases
- remove_chuser
- remove_chroot
- else
- local _user _group _root
- __dhcpd_uninstall=YES
- _user=${dhcpd_withuser}
- _group=${dhcpd_withgroup}
- _root=${dhcpd_rootdir}
- _dhcpd_uninstall "" "" ""
- if checkyesno paranoia; then
- if [ -n "${_user}" -o -n "${_group}" ]; then
- _dhcpd_uninstall "${_user}" "${_group}" ""
- fi
- if [ -n "${_root}" ]; then
- _dhcpd_uninstall "" "" "${_root}"
- fi
- if [ -n "${_user}" -o -n "${_group}" ] &&
- [ -n "${_root}" ]; then
- _dhcpd_uninstall "${_user}" "${_group}" "${_root}"
- fi
- fi
- fi
-load_rc_config ${name}
-__dhcpd_uninstall="NO" # internal use only
-__dhcpd_devdir=/dev # devices directory
-__dhcpd_etcdir=/etc # etc directory
-__dhcpd_piddir=/var/run # pid file directory
-__dhcpd_leasesdir=/var/db # leases file directory
-#__dhcpd_rootdir=/var/db/${name} # root directory
-extra_commands="install uninstall"
-# Override /etc/rc.subr JID determiniation, because it doesn't
-# work when we launch dhcpd in a jail.
-if checkyesno dhcpd_jail_enable ; then
- read pid junk < $pidfile 2>/dev/null
- [ -n "$pid" ] && JID=`ps -o jid= -p $pid`
-run_rc_command "$1"
diff --git a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/isc-dhcrelay.in b/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/isc-dhcrelay.in
deleted file mode 100644
index db10841ff32a..000000000000
--- a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/isc-dhcrelay.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# $FreeBSD$
-# PROVIDE: dhcrelay
-# Add the following line to /etc/rc.conf to enable dhcrelay:
-# dhcrelay_enable="YES"
-# override these variables in /etc/rc.conf
-dhcrelay_flags=${dhcrelay_flags:-} # command option(s)
-dhcrelay_servers=${dhcrelay_servers:-} # dhcrelay server(s)
-dhcrelay_ifaces=${dhcrelay_ifaces:-} # ethernet interface(s)
-dhcrelay_precmd ()
- local ifaces
- dhcrelay_rcconf=%%PREFIX%%/etc/rc.isc-dhcrelay.conf
- if [ -f ${dhcrelay_rcconf} ]; then
- warn "${dhcrelay_rcconf} is obsolete, use /etc/rc.conf instead."
- . ${dhcrelay_rcconf}
- if [ -n "${dhcrelay_options}" -a -z "${rc_flags}" ]; then
- warn "dhcrelay_options is obsolete, use dhcrelay_flags instead."
- rc_flags=${dhcrelay_options}
- fi
- fi
- if [ -z "${dhcrelay_servers}" ]; then
- err 1 "no dhcrelay server(s) configured."
- fi
- ifaces=
- for iface in ${dhcrelay_ifaces}; do
- ifaces="${ifaces} -i ${iface}"
- done
- rc_flags="${rc_flags} ${ifaces} ${dhcrelay_servers}"
-. %%RC_SUBR%%
-load_rc_config ${name}
-run_rc_command "$1"
diff --git a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/omshell::Makefile.dist b/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/omshell::Makefile.dist
deleted file mode 100644
index 34c90a2e7f53..000000000000
--- a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/omshell::Makefile.dist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile.dist
-# Copyright (c) 1996-2002 Internet Software Consortium.
-# Use is subject to license terms which appear in the file named
-# ISC-LICENSE that should have accompanied this file when you
-# received it. If a file named ISC-LICENSE did not accompany this
-# file, or you are not sure the one you have is correct, you may
-# obtain an applicable copy of the license at:
-# http://www.isc.org/isc-license-1.0.html.
-# This file is part of the ISC DHCP distribution. The documentation
-# associated with this file is listed in the file DOCUMENTATION,
-# included in the top-level directory of this release.
-# Support and other services are available for ISC products - see
-# http://www.isc.org for more information.
-CATMANPAGES = omshell.cat1
-SEDMANPAGES = omshell.man1
-SRCS = omshell.c
-OBJS = omshell.o
-PROG = omshell
-MAN = omshell.1
-INCLUDES = -I$(TOP)/dhcpctl $(BINDINC) -I$(TOP)/includes
-DHCPCTLLIBS = ../dhcpctl/libdhcpctl.a ../common/libdhcp.a $(BINDLIB) \
- ../omapip/libomapi.a ../dst/libdst.a
-install: all $(CATMANPAGES)
- for dir in $(USRMANDIR) $(USERBINDIR); do \
- foo=""; \
- for bar in `echo $(DESTDIR)$${dir} |tr / ' '`; do \
- foo=$${foo}/$$bar; \
- if [ ! -d $$foo ]; then \
- mkdir $$foo; \
- chmod 755 $$foo; \
- fi; \
- done; \
- done
- $(CHMOD) 755 $(DESTDIR)$(USERBINDIR)/omshell
- $(MANINSTALL) $(MANFROM) omshell.$(MANCAT)1 $(MANTO) \
- -rm -f $(OBJS)
-realclean: clean
- -rm -f $(PROG) *~ $(CATMANPAGES) $(SEDMANPAGES) #*
-distclean: realclean
- -rm -f Makefile
- @for foo in $(SRCS) $(MAN); do \
- if [ ! -b $$foo ]; then \
- rm -f $$foo; \
- fi; \
- ln -s $(TOP)/omshell/$$foo $$foo; \
- done
-omshell.cat1: omshell.man1
- nroff -man omshell.man1 >omshell.cat1
-omshell.man1: omshell.1
- sed -e "s#ETCDIR#$(ETC)#g" -e "s#DBDIR#$(VARDB)#g" \
- -e "s#RUNDIR#$(VARRUN)#g" < omshell.1 >omshell.man1
-# Dependencies (semi-automatically-generated)
diff --git a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-Makefile b/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a8df08b137b..000000000000
--- a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
---- Makefile.orig Fri Nov 8 00:10:07 2002
-+++ Makefile Mon Apr 28 15:04:50 2003
-@@ -38,59 +38,59 @@
- # ``http://www.nominum.com''.
- #
-+all all.devel all.server all.relay all.client:
- @sysname=`./configure --print-sysname`; \
- if [ ! -d work.$$sysname ]; then \
- echo No build directory for $$sysname - please run ./configure.; \
- else \
-- (cd work.$$sysname; make all); \
-+ (cd work.$$sysname; make $@); \
- fi
-+install install.devel install.server install.relay install.client:
- @sysname=`./configure --print-sysname`; \
- if [ ! -d work.$$sysname ]; then \
- echo No build directory for $$sysname - please run ./configure.; \
- else \
-- (cd work.$$sysname; make install); \
-+ (cd work.$$sysname; make $@); \
- fi
-+depend depend.devel depend.server depend.relay depend.client:
- @sysname=`./configure --print-sysname`; \
- if [ ! -d work.$$sysname ]; then \
- echo No build directory for $$sysname - please run ./configure.; \
- else \
-- (cd work.$$sysname; make depend); \
-+ (cd work.$$sysname; make $@); \
- fi
-+clean clean.devel clean.server clean.relay clean.client:
- @sysname=`./configure --print-sysname`; \
- if [ ! -d work.$$sysname ]; then \
- echo No build directory for $$sysname - please run ./configure.; \
- else \
-- (cd work.$$sysname; make clean); \
-+ (cd work.$$sysname; make $@); \
- fi
-+realclean realclean.devel realclean.server realclean.relay realclean.client:
- @sysname=`./configure --print-sysname`; \
- if [ ! -d work.$$sysname ]; then \
- echo No build directory for $$sysname - please run ./configure.; \
- else \
-- (cd work.$$sysname; make realclean); \
-+ (cd work.$$sysname; make $@); \
- fi
-+distclean distclean.devel distclean.server distclean.relay distclean.client:
- @sysname=`./configure --print-sysname`; \
- if [ ! -d work.$$sysname ]; then \
- echo No build directory for $$sysname - please run ./configure.; \
- else \
-- (cd work.$$sysname; make distclean); \
-+ (cd work.$$sysname; make $@); \
- fi
-+links links.devel links.server links.relay links.client:
- @sysname=`./configure --print-sysname`; \
- if [ ! -d work.$$sysname ]; then \
- echo No build directory for $$sysname - please run ./configure.; \
- else \
-- (cd work.$$sysname; make links); \
-+ (cd work.$$sysname; make $@); \
- fi
diff --git a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-Makefile.dist b/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-Makefile.dist
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c09997023cc..000000000000
--- a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-Makefile.dist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
---- Makefile.dist.orig Fri Nov 8 00:10:08 2002
-+++ Makefile.dist Tue Apr 29 00:07:43 2003
-@@ -17,47 +17,200 @@
- # http://www.isc.org for more information.
- #
--SUBDIRS= common $(MINIRES) dst omapip server client relay dhcpctl
-+DEVEL_SUBDIRS= $(MINIRES) dst omapip dhcpctl
-+SERVER_SUBDIRS= omshell server
-- @for dir in ${SUBDIRS}; do \
-+all: all.server all.relay all.client
-+ @for dir in ${DEVEL_BUILD_SUBDIRS}; do \
-+ echo "Making all in $$dir"; \
-+ (cd $$dir; $(MAKE) all) || exit 1; \
-+ done
-+all.server: all.devel
-+ @for dir in ${SERVER_BUILD_SUBDIRS}; do \
-+ echo "Making all in $$dir"; \
-+ (cd $$dir; $(MAKE) all) || exit 1; \
-+ done
-+all.relay: all.devel
-+ @for dir in ${RELAY_BUILD_SUBDIRS}; do \
-+ echo "Making all in $$dir"; \
-+ (cd $$dir; $(MAKE) all) || exit 1; \
-+ done
-+all.client: all.devel
-+ @for dir in ${CLIENT_BUILD_SUBDIRS}; do \
- echo "Making all in $$dir"; \
- (cd $$dir; $(MAKE) all) || exit 1; \
-- done
-+ done
-+install: install.devel install.server install.relay install.client
-+ @for dir in ${DEVEL_INSTALL_SUBDIRS}; do \
-+ echo "Installing in $$dir"; \
-+ (cd $$dir; $(MAKE) install) || exit 1; \
-+ done
-- @for dir in ${SUBDIRS}; do \
-+ @for dir in ${SERVER_INSTALL_SUBDIRS}; do \
- echo "Installing in $$dir"; \
- (cd $$dir; $(MAKE) install) || exit 1; \
-- done
-+ done
-- @for dir in ${SUBDIRS}; do \
-+ @for dir in ${RELAY_INSTALL_SUBDIRS}; do \
-+ echo "Installing in $$dir"; \
-+ (cd $$dir; $(MAKE) install) || exit 1; \
-+ done
-+ @for dir in ${CLIENT_INSTALL_SUBDIRS}; do \
-+ echo "Installing in $$dir"; \
-+ (cd $$dir; $(MAKE) install) || exit 1; \
-+ done
-+depend: depend.server depend.relay depend.client
-+ @for dir in ${DEVEL_BUILD_SUBDIRS}; do \
-+ echo "Making dependencies in $$dir"; \
-+ (cd $$dir; $(MAKE) depend) || exit 1; \
-+ done
-+depend.server: depend.devel
-+ @for dir in ${SERVER_BUILD_SUBDIRS}; do \
-+ echo "Making dependencies in $$dir"; \
-+ (cd $$dir; $(MAKE) depend) || exit 1; \
-+ done
-+depend.relay: depend.devel
-+ @for dir in ${RELAY_BUILD_SUBDIRS}; do \
- echo "Making dependencies in $$dir"; \
- (cd $$dir; $(MAKE) depend) || exit 1; \
-- done
-+ done
-+depend.client: depend.devel
-+ @for dir in ${CLIENT_BUILD_SUBDIRS}; do \
-+ echo "Making dependencies in $$dir"; \
-+ (cd $$dir; $(MAKE) depend) || exit 1; \
-+ done
-+clean: clean.server clean.relay clean.client
-+ @for dir in ${DEVEL_BUILD_SUBDIRS}; do \
-+ echo "Cleaning in $$dir"; \
-+ (cd $$dir; $(MAKE) clean) || exit 1; \
-+ done
-+clean.server: clean.devel
-+ @for dir in ${SERVER_BUILD_SUBDIRS}; do \
-+ echo "Cleaning in $$dir"; \
-+ (cd $$dir; $(MAKE) clean) || exit 1; \
-+ done
-+clean.relay: clean.devel
-+ @for dir in ${RELAY_BUILD_SUBDIRS}; do \
-+ echo "Cleaning in $$dir"; \
-+ (cd $$dir; $(MAKE) clean) || exit 1; \
-+ done
-- @for dir in ${SUBDIRS}; do \
-+clean.client: clean.devel
-+ @for dir in ${CLIENT_BUILD_SUBDIRS}; do \
- echo "Cleaning in $$dir"; \
- (cd $$dir; $(MAKE) clean) || exit 1; \
-- done
-+ done
-+realclean: realclean.server realclean.relay realclean.client
-+ @for dir in ${DEVEL_BUILD_SUBDIRS}; do \
-+ echo "Really cleaning in $$dir"; \
-+ (cd $$dir; $(MAKE) realclean) || exit 1; \
-+ done
-- @for dir in ${SUBDIRS}; do \
-+realclean.server: realclean.devel
-+ @for dir in ${SERVER_BUILD_SUBDIRS}; do \
- echo "Really cleaning in $$dir"; \
- (cd $$dir; $(MAKE) realclean) || exit 1; \
-- done
-+ done
-- @for dir in ${SUBDIRS}; do \
-+realclean.relay: realclean.devel
-+ @for dir in ${RELAY_BUILD_SUBDIRS}; do \
-+ echo "Really cleaning in $$dir"; \
-+ (cd $$dir; $(MAKE) realclean) || exit 1; \
-+ done
-+realclean.client: realclean.devel
-+ @for dir in ${CLIENT_BUILD_SUBDIRS}; do \
-+ echo "Really cleaning in $$dir"; \
-+ (cd $$dir; $(MAKE) realclean) || exit 1; \
-+ done
-+distclean: distclean.server distclean.relay distclean.client
-+ @for dir in ${DEVEL_BUILD_SUBDIRS}; do \
- echo "Really, really cleaning in $$dir"; \
- (cd $$dir; $(MAKE) distclean) || exit 1; \
-- done
-- @rm -f Makefile
-+ done
-+distclean.server: distclean.devel
-+ @for dir in ${SERVER_BUILD_SUBDIRS}; do \
-+ echo "Really, really cleaning in $$dir"; \
-+ (cd $$dir; $(MAKE) distclean) || exit 1; \
-+ done
-+distclean.relay: distclean.devel
-+ @for dir in ${RELAY_BUILD_SUBDIRS}; do \
-+ echo "Really, really cleaning in $$dir"; \
-+ (cd $$dir; $(MAKE) distclean) || exit 1; \
-+ done
-+distclean.client: distclean.devel
-+ @for dir in ${CLIENT_BUILD_SUBDIRS}; do \
-+ echo "Really, really cleaning in $$dir"; \
-+ (cd $$dir; $(MAKE) distclean) || exit 1; \
-+ done
-+links: links.server links.relay links.client
-+ @for dir in ${DEVEL_BUILD_SUBDIRS}; do \
-+ echo "Making links in $$dir"; \
-+ (cd $$dir; $(MAKE) links) || exit 1; \
-+ done
-+links.server: links.devel
-+ @for dir in ${SERVER_BUILD_SUBDIRS}; do \
-+ echo "Making links in $$dir"; \
-+ (cd $$dir; $(MAKE) links) || exit 1; \
-+ done
-+links.relay: links.devel
-+ @for dir in ${RELAY_BUILD_SUBDIRS}; do \
-+ echo "Making links in $$dir"; \
-+ (cd $$dir; $(MAKE) links) || exit 1; \
-+ done
-- @for dir in ${SUBDIRS}; do \
-+links.client: links.devel
-+ @for dir in ${CLIENT_BUILD_SUBDIRS}; do \
- echo "Making links in $$dir"; \
- (cd $$dir; $(MAKE) links) || exit 1; \
-- done
-+ done
diff --git a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-client::clparse.c b/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-client::clparse.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 875f61f53b39..000000000000
--- a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-client::clparse.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- client/clparse.c.orig Sat May 6 17:42:49 2006
-+++ client/clparse.c Sat May 6 17:43:12 2006
-@@ -777,7 +777,7 @@
- interface_dereference(&ip, MDL);
- return 0;
- }
-- strcpy(ip->name, name);
-+ strlcpy (ip -> name, name, IFNAMSIZ);
- if (dummy_interfaces) {
- interface_reference (&ip -> next,
diff --git a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-client::dhclient.8 b/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-client::dhclient.8
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f5cfe64497b..000000000000
--- a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-client::dhclient.8
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
---- client/dhclient.8.orig Wed Sep 14 18:03:33 2005
-+++ client/dhclient.8 Sat May 6 17:30:28 2006
-@@ -23,6 +23,10 @@
- .\"
- .\" $Id: dhclient.8,v 2005/09/14 16:03:33 dhankins Exp $
- .\"
-+.\" Portions copyright (c) 2000 David E. O'Brien.
-+.\" All rights reserved.
-+.\" $FreeBSD$
- .TH dhclient 8
- dhclient - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Client
-@@ -33,6 +37,9 @@
- .I port
- ]
- [
-+.B -D
- .B -d
- ]
- [
-@@ -43,6 +50,9 @@
- .B -q
- ]
- [
-+.B -v
- .B -1
- ]
- [
-@@ -73,6 +83,10 @@
- relay
- ]
- [
-+.B -i
- .B -n
- ]
- [
-@@ -157,6 +171,15 @@
- configuration file or on the command line, and will ignore all other
- interfaces.
- .PP
-+.B -D
-+flag causes
-+.B dhclient
-+to save the script it creates for use in conjunction with
-+.B dhclient-script
-+.IR /tmp.
- If the DHCP client should listen and transmit on a port other than the
- standard (port 68), the
- .B -p
-@@ -180,6 +203,12 @@
- flag, followed by the IP address to send. This is only useful for testing,
- and should not be expected to work in any consistent or useful way.
- .PP
-+On FreeBSD, dhclient can be enabled to automatically handle the
-+link status of the network card. Normally polling is done every
-+five seconds. The polling interval can be set using the
-+.B -i
-+flag, followed by the numbers of seconds. Minimum is one second.
- The DHCP client will normally run in the foreground until it has
- configured an interface, and then will revert to running in the
- background. To run force dhclient to always run as a foreground
-@@ -206,6 +235,10 @@
- .B -q
- flag prevents any messages other than errors from being printed to the
- standard error descriptor.
-+.B -v
-+flag turns on all messages.
-+Opposite of
-+.B -q .
- .PP
- The client normally doesn't release the current lease as it is not
- required by the DHCP protocol. Some cable ISPs require their clients
diff --git a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-client::dhclient.c b/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-client::dhclient.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c6a23b2ad6f1..000000000000
--- a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-client::dhclient.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,545 +0,0 @@
---- client/dhclient.c.orig Thu Apr 27 23:38:29 2006
-+++ client/dhclient.c Sat May 6 17:34:55 2006
-@@ -38,6 +38,13 @@
- #include "dhcpd.h"
- #include "version.h"
-+#if __FreeBSD_version > 502010
-+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-+#include <net/if_media.h>
-+#include <net80211/ieee80211_ioctl.h>
-+#include <net80211/ieee80211.h>
- TIME default_lease_time = 43200; /* 12 hours... */
- TIME max_lease_time = 86400; /* 24 hours... */
-@@ -72,8 +79,11 @@
- struct string_list *client_env=NULL;
- int client_env_count=0;
- int onetry=0;
--int quiet=0;
-+int quiet=1;
- int nowait=0;
-+int polling_interval = 5;
- static void usage PROTO ((void));
-@@ -174,6 +184,9 @@
- } else if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-q")) {
- quiet = 1;
- quiet_interface_discovery = 1;
-+ } else if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-v")) {
-+ quiet = 0;
-+ quiet_interface_discovery = 0;
- } else if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-s")) {
- if (++i == argc)
- usage ();
-@@ -187,6 +200,19 @@
- } else if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-n")) {
- /* do not start up any interfaces */
- interfaces_requested = 1;
-+ } else if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-i")) {
-+ if (++i == argc)
-+ usage ();
-+ polling_interval = (int)strtol (argv [i],
-+ (char **)NULL, 10);
-+ if (polling_interval <= 0) {
-+ log_info ("Incorrect polling interval %d",
-+ polling_interval);
-+ log_info ("Using a default of 5 seconds");
-+ polling_interval = 5;
-+ }
- } else if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-w")) {
- /* do not exit if there are no broadcast interfaces. */
- persist = 1;
-@@ -215,7 +241,16 @@
- if (strlen(argv[i]) >= sizeof(tmp->name))
- log_fatal("%s: interface name too long (is %ld)",
- argv [i], (long)strlen(argv[i]));
-- strcpy(tmp->name, argv[i]);
-+ strlcpy (tmp -> name, argv [i], IFNAMSIZ);
-+#if __FreeBSD_version > 502010
-+ set_ieee80211 (tmp);
-+ /* Init some interface vars, enable polling */
-+ tmp -> forcediscover = 0;
-+ tmp -> linkstate = HAVELINK;
-+ tmp -> polling = 1;
-+#endif /* ifdef ENABLE_POLLING_MODE */
- if (interfaces) {
- interface_reference (&tmp -> next,
- interfaces, MDL);
-@@ -375,6 +410,16 @@
- continue;
-+#if __FreeBSD_version > 502010
-+ set_ieee80211 (ip);
-+ ip -> forcediscover = 0;
-+ if (ip -> client -> config -> media != NULL)
-+ ip -> havemedia = 1;
-+ else
-+ ip -> havemedia = 0;
- script_init (ip -> client,
- "PREINIT", (struct string_list *)0);
- if (ip -> client -> alias)
-@@ -417,8 +462,13 @@
- client -> state = S_INIT;
- /* Set up a timeout to start the initialization
- process. */
-+ add_timeout (cur_time + random () % 5 + 2,
-+ state_polling, client, 0, 0);
- add_timeout (cur_time + random () % 5,
- state_reboot, client, 0, 0);
- }
- }
- }
-@@ -476,9 +526,9 @@
- log_info (arr);
- log_info (url);
-- log_error ("Usage: dhclient [-1dqr] [-nw] [-p <port>] %s",
-- "[-s server]");
-- log_error (" [-cf config-file] [-lf lease-file]%s",
-+ log_error ("Usage: dhclient [-1Ddqrv] [-i polling-interval] %s",
-+ "[-nw] [-p <port>] [-s server]");
-+ log_error (" [-cf config-file] [-lf lease-file] %s",
- "[-pf pid-file] [-e VAR=val]");
- log_fatal (" [-sf script-file] [interface]");
- }
-@@ -879,6 +929,15 @@
- /* Write out the new lease. */
- write_client_lease (client, client -> new, 0, 0);
-+ /*
-+ * It's now possible that state_reboot can be called
-+ * after a interface link went down and is up again.
-+ * To prevent tons of equal leases saved on disk, we rewrite
-+ * them.
-+ */
-+ read_client_leases ();
-+ rewrite_client_leases ();
- /* Replace the old active lease with the new one. */
- if (client -> active)
- destroy_client_lease (client -> active);
-@@ -893,6 +952,12 @@
- piaddr (client -> active -> address),
- (long)(client -> active -> renewal - cur_time));
- client -> state = S_BOUND;
-+ /* Init some interface vars, enable polling */
-+ client -> interface -> linkstate = HAVELINK;
-+ client -> interface -> forcediscover = 0;
-+ client -> interface -> polling = 1;
-+#endif /* ifdef ENABLE_POLLING_MODE */
- reinitialize_interfaces ();
- go_daemon ();
- if (client -> config -> do_forward_update) {
-@@ -1357,6 +1422,11 @@
- int interval;
- int increase = 1;
-+ /* Disable polling for this interface */
-+ client -> interface -> polling = 0;
- /* Figure out how long it's been since we started transmitting. */
- interval = cur_time - client -> first_sending;
-@@ -1457,6 +1527,9 @@
- struct client_lease *loop;
- struct client_lease *lp;
-+ if (client -> interface -> linkstate == NOLINK)
-+ return;
- loop = lp = client -> active;
- log_info ("No DHCPOFFERS received.");
-@@ -1489,6 +1562,10 @@
- log_info ("bound: renewal in %ld %s.",
- (long)(client -> active -> renewal -
- cur_time), "seconds");
-+ /* Enable polling for this interface */
-+ client -> interface -> polling = 1;
- add_timeout (client -> active -> renewal,
- state_bound, client, 0, 0);
- } else {
-@@ -1496,6 +1573,11 @@
- log_info ("bound: immediate renewal.");
- state_bound (client);
- }
-+ /*
-+ * Set the link status back to nolink, even
-+ * if we have media settings.
-+ */
-+ client -> interface -> linkstate = NOLINK;
- reinitialize_interfaces ();
- go_daemon ();
- return;
-@@ -1541,6 +1623,12 @@
- }
- log_info ("No working leases in persistent database - sleeping.");
-+ /* Enable polling for this interface */
-+ client -> interface -> polling = 1;
- script_init (client, "FAIL", (struct string_list *)0);
- if (client -> alias)
- script_write_params (client, "alias_", client -> alias);
-@@ -1682,6 +1770,18 @@
- client -> packet.secs = htons (65535);
- }
-+ /*
-+ * Only try the first ten seconds to renew a lease from a
-+ * given dhcp-server adress. After that, fall back to use
-+ * state_reboot with INADDR_BROADCAST.
-+ */
-+ if (destination.sin_addr.s_addr != INADDR_BROADCAST &&
-+ (client -> state == S_RENEWING || client -> state == S_REBINDING)) {
-+ if (client -> active && client -> active -> expiry > cur_time &&
-+ interval >= 10)
-+ goto cancel;
-+ }
- log_info ("DHCPREQUEST on %s to %s port %d",
- client -> name ? client -> name : client -> interface -> name,
- inet_ntoa (destination.sin_addr),
-@@ -1703,6 +1803,16 @@
- from, &destination,
- (struct hardware *)0);
-+ /*
-+ * If sendto() for a direct request fails, fall back to use
-+ * state_reboot with INADDR_BROADCAST.
-+ */
-+ if (result == -1 && destination.sin_addr.s_addr != INADDR_BROADCAST &&
-+ (client -> state == S_RENEWING || client -> state == S_REBINDING)) {
-+ if (client -> active && client -> active -> expiry > cur_time)
-+ goto cancel;
-+ }
- add_timeout (cur_time + client -> interval,
- send_request, client, 0, 0);
- }
-@@ -2600,6 +2710,13 @@
- wstatus = 0;
- }
- } else {
-+ if ((i = open(_PATH_DEVNULL, O_RDWR)) != -1) {
-+ dup2(i, STDIN_FILENO);
-+ dup2(i, STDOUT_FILENO);
-+ dup2(i, STDERR_FILENO);
-+ if (i > STDERR_FILENO)
-+ close(i);
-+ }
- execve (scriptName, argv, envp);
- log_error ("execve (%s, ...): %m", scriptName);
- exit (0);
-@@ -2786,8 +2903,10 @@
- case S_STOPPED:
- break;
- }
- client -> state = S_INIT;
- state_reboot (client);
- }
- }
- }
-@@ -3015,7 +3134,9 @@
- break;
- case server_awaken:
- state_reboot (client);
- break;
- }
- }
-@@ -3153,3 +3274,265 @@
- data_string_forget (&ddns_dhcid, MDL);
- return rcode;
- }
-+/* Check to see if there's a wire plugged in */
-+interface_active(struct interface_info *ip) {
-+#if __FreeBSD_version > 502010
-+ struct ifmediareq ifmr;
-+ int *media_list, i;
-+ char *ifname;
-+ int sock;
-+ ifname = ip -> name;
-+ if ((sock = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP)) < 0)
-+ log_fatal ("Can't create interface_active socket");
-+ (void) memset (&ifmr, 0, sizeof (ifmr));
-+ (void) strncpy (ifmr.ifm_name, ifname, sizeof (ifmr.ifm_name));
-+ if (ioctl (sock, SIOCGIFMEDIA, (caddr_t)&ifmr) < 0) {
-+ /*
-+ * Interface doesn't support SIOCGIFMEDIA, presume okay
-+ */
-+ close (sock);
-+ return (HAVELINK);
-+ }
-+ close (sock);
-+ if (ifmr.ifm_count == 0) {
-+ /*
-+ * Assume that this means interface
-+ * does not support SIOCGIFMEDIA
-+ */
-+ log_fatal ("%s: no media types?", ifname);
-+ return (HAVELINK);
-+ }
-+ if (ifmr.ifm_status & IFM_AVALID) {
-+ if (ip -> ieee80211) {
-+ /*
-+ * Wavelan devices need to be checked if they are
-+ * associated.
-+ */
-+ if ((IFM_TYPE(ifmr.ifm_active) == IFM_IEEE80211) &&
-+ (ifmr.ifm_status & IFM_ACTIVE)) {
-+ return (HAVELINK);
-+ }
-+ } else {
-+ if (ifmr.ifm_status & IFM_ACTIVE) {
-+ return (HAVELINK);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ /*
-+ * We really have no link.
-+ */
-+ return (NOLINK);
-+ }
-+ /*
-+ * IFM_AVALID is not set. We cannot check
-+ * the link state. Assume HAVELINK.
-+ */
-+#endif /* Other OSs */
-+ /*
-+ * Always return a successful link if the OS
-+ * is not supported.
-+ */
-+ return (HAVELINK);
-+#if __FreeBSD_version > 502010
-+set_ieee80211 (struct interface_info *ip) {
-+ struct ieee80211req ireq;
-+ u_int8_t data[32];
-+ int associated = 0;
-+ int *media_list, i;
-+ char *ifname;
-+ int sock;
-+ ifname = ip -> name;
-+ if ((sock = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP)) < 0)
-+ log_fatal ("Can't create interface_active socket");
-+ (void) memset (&ireq, 0, sizeof (ireq));
-+ (void) strncpy (ireq.i_name, ifname, sizeof (ireq.i_name));
-+ ireq.i_data = &data;
-+ ireq.i_type = IEEE80211_IOC_SSID;
-+ ireq.i_val = -1;
-+ /*
-+ * If we can't get the SSID,
-+ * this isn't an 802.11 device.
-+ */
-+ if (ioctl (sock, SIOCG80211, &ireq) < 0)
-+ ip -> ieee80211 = 0;
-+ else {
-+#ifdef DEBUG
-+ printf ("Device %s has 802.11\n", ifname);
-+ ip -> ieee80211 = 1;
-+ }
-+ close (sock);
-+ }
-+#endif /* __FreeBSD_version */
-+/* Go to background after some time */
-+void state_background (cpp)
-+ void *cpp;
-+ go_daemon ();
-+/* Check the state of the NICs if we have link */
-+void state_polling (cpp)
-+ void *cpp;
-+ static int doinitcheck = 0;
-+ struct interface_info *ip;
-+ struct client_state *client;
-+ int result;
-+ for (ip = interfaces; ip; ip = ip -> next) {
-+ if (! ip -> polling)
-+ continue;
-+#ifdef DEBUG
-+ printf ("%s: Polling interface state\n", ip -> name);
-+ for (client = ip -> client;
-+ client; client = client -> next) {
-+ printf ("%s: client state of %d\n", ip -> name, ip -> client -> state);
-+ printf ("%s: link = %d\n", ip -> name, ip -> linkstate);
-+ }
-+ result = interface_active (ip);
-+ /*
-+ * If dhclient.conf contains media settings, we cannot
-+ * abort if the interface is not set to active mode.
-+ */
-+ if (ip -> havemedia && ip -> client -> state != S_BOUND) {
-+ if (result == HAVELINK)
-+ ip -> forcediscover = 1;
-+ result = HAVELINK;
-+ }
-+ /*
-+ * The last status of the interface tells us
-+ * the we've got no link ...
-+ */
-+ if (ip -> linkstate == NOLINK || ! doinitcheck) {
-+ /*
-+ * ... but we have now link. Let's send
-+ * requests.
-+ */
-+ if (result == HAVELINK) {
-+#ifdef DEBUG
-+ if (ip -> havemedia)
-+ printf ("%s: Trying media settings on interface\n",
-+ ip -> name);
-+ else
-+ printf ("%s: Found Link on interface\n", ip -> name);
-+ /*
-+ * Set the interface to state_bound. We assume that we have
-+ * a working link. If we cannot reach the server directly,
-+ * INADDR_BROADCAST is used.
-+ */
-+ for (client = ip -> client;
-+ client; client = client -> next) {
-+ cancel_timeout (state_init, client);
-+ cancel_timeout (state_reboot, client);
-+ cancel_timeout (state_selecting, client);
-+ if (client -> active) {
-+ add_timeout (cur_time + random () % 5,
-+ state_bound, client, 0, 0);
-+ } else {
-+ add_timeout (cur_time + random () % 5,
-+ state_reboot, client, 0, 0);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ ip -> linkstate = HAVELINK;
-+ } else {
-+#ifdef DEBUG
-+ printf ("%s: No link on interface\n", ip -> name);
-+ for (client = ip -> client;
-+ client; client = client -> next) {
-+ /*
-+ * Without this add_timout(), dhclient does
-+ * not poll on a interface if there
-+ * is no cable plugged in at startup
-+ * time. Because we add one additional second
-+ * to the time of a normal timeout, we always
-+ * skip and block a running one. This prevents
-+ * that polling is done twice at the same time.
-+ */
-+ if (client -> state == S_INIT) {
-+ add_timeout (cur_time + (polling_interval + 1),
-+ state_polling, client, 0, 0);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ ip -> linkstate = NOLINK;
-+ /*
-+ * Automatically go into the background after
-+ * some time. Do this only if there are no
-+ * media options available for a interface.
-+ */
-+ if (! ip -> havemedia && ! doinitcheck) {
-+ add_timeout (cur_time + (polling_interval * 2),
-+ state_background, client, 0, 0);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ /*
-+ * The last status of the interface tells us
-+ * the we previously had link.
-+ */
-+ if (ip -> linkstate == HAVELINK && doinitcheck) {
-+ if (result == NOLINK) {
-+ /*
-+ * We lost link on the interface, or it isn't
-+ * associated anymore.
-+ */
-+#ifdef DEBUG
-+ printf ("%s: Lost Link on interface\n", ip -> name);
-+ /*
-+ * After we lost link, cycle again through the
-+ * different media settings if available. Else
-+ * set NOLINK.
-+ */
-+ if (ip -> havemedia)
-+ ip -> forcediscover = 1;
-+ else
-+ ip -> linkstate = NOLINK;
-+ }
-+ /*
-+ * If we happen to have a real link, but no
-+ * active lease, force the interface into
-+ * state_reboot. Do the same if media settings
-+ * are available.
-+ */
-+ if (ip -> forcediscover) {
-+ for (client = ip -> client;
-+ client; client = client -> next) {
-+ if (client -> state != S_REBOOTING &&
-+ client -> state != S_SELECTING) {
-+ add_timeout (cur_time + random () % 5,
-+ state_reboot, client, 0, 0);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ ip -> forcediscover = 0;
-+ ip -> linkstate = HAVELINK;
-+ }
-+ /* We still have link, do nothing. */
-+ }
-+ }
-+ doinitcheck = 1;
-+#endif /* ifdef ENABLE_POLLING_MODE */
diff --git a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-client::dhclient.conf b/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-client::dhclient.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d9560f43bf8..000000000000
--- a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-client::dhclient.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- client/dhclient.conf.orig Tue Jun 3 00:50:44 1997
-+++ client/dhclient.conf Wed Mar 3 02:20:41 2004
-@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
- reboot 10;
- select-timeout 5;
- initial-interval 2;
--script "/etc/dhclient-script";
-+script "%%PREFIX%%/sbin/dhclient-script";
- media "-link0 -link1 -link2", "link0 link1";
- reject;
diff --git a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-common::dhcp-options.5 b/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-common::dhcp-options.5
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d936cfffeee..000000000000
--- a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-common::dhcp-options.5
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
---- common/dhcp-options.5.orig Sun Feb 23 04:27:42 2003
-+++ common/dhcp-options.5 Wed Mar 3 02:12:13 2004
-@@ -431,7 +431,10 @@
- the domain-name option to specify the domain name). See RFC 1035 for
- character set restrictions. This option is only honored by
- .B dhclient-script(8)
--if the hostname for the client machine is not set.
-+if the hostname for the client machine is not set (i.e., set to the empty
-+string in
-+.B rc.conf(5)
- .RE
- .PP
- .B option \fBieee802-3-encapsulation\fR \fIflag\fR\fB;\fR
-@@ -654,7 +657,7 @@
- This option specifies whether the client should configure its IP
- layer to allow forwarding of datagrams with non-local source routes
- (see Section 3.3.5 of [4] for a discussion of this topic). A value
--of false means disallow forwarding of such datagrams, and a value of true
-+of 0 means disallow forwarding of such datagrams, and a value of true
- means allow forwarding.
- .RE
- .PP
-@@ -948,7 +951,7 @@
- .PP
- This option specifies whether or not the client should negotiate the
- use of trailers (RFC 893 [14]) when using the ARP protocol. A value
--of false indicates that the client should not attempt to use trailers. A
-+of 0 indicates that the client should not attempt to use trailers. A
- value of true means that the client should attempt to use trailers.
- .RE
- .PP
diff --git a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-common::discover.c b/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-common::discover.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1cfcc2094098..000000000000
--- a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-common::discover.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
---- common/discover.c.orig Fri Jul 25 21:44:15 2003
-+++ common/discover.c Fri Mar 5 23:33:04 2004
-@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
- #endif /* not lint */
- #include "dhcpd.h"
-+#include <ifaddrs.h>
- #include <sys/ioctl.h>
- struct interface_info *interfaces, *dummy_interfaces, *fallback_interface;
-@@ -135,10 +136,7 @@
- {
- struct interface_info *tmp, *ip;
- struct interface_info *last, *next;
-- char buf [2048];
-- struct ifconf ic;
-- struct ifreq ifr;
-- int i;
-+ struct ifaddrs *ifap, *ifa;
- int sock;
- int address_count = 0;
- struct subnet *subnet;
-@@ -157,61 +155,6 @@
- if ((sock = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP)) < 0)
- log_fatal ("Can't create addrlist socket");
-- /* Get the interface configuration information... */
-- /* linux will only tell us how long a buffer it wants if we give it
-- * a null buffer first. So, do a dry run to figure out the length.
-- *
-- * XXX this code is duplicated from below because trying to fold
-- * the logic into the if statement and goto resulted in excesssive
-- * obfuscation. The intent is that unless you run Linux you shouldn't
-- * have to deal with this. */
-- ic.ifc_len = 0;
-- ic.ifc_ifcu.ifcu_buf = (caddr_t)NULL;
-- /* otherwise, we just feed it a starting size, and it'll tell us if
-- * it needs more */
-- ic.ifc_len = sizeof buf;
-- ic.ifc_ifcu.ifcu_buf = (caddr_t)buf;
-- gifconf_again:
-- i = ioctl(sock, SIOCGIFCONF, &ic);
-- if (i < 0)
-- log_fatal ("ioctl: SIOCGIFCONF: %m");
-- /* Workaround for SIOCGIFCONF bug on some Linux versions. */
-- if (ic.ifc_ifcu.ifcu_buf == 0 && ic.ifc_len == 0) {
-- ic.ifc_len = sizeof buf;
-- ic.ifc_ifcu.ifcu_buf = (caddr_t)buf;
-- goto gifconf_again;
-- }
-- /* If the SIOCGIFCONF resulted in more data than would fit in
-- a buffer, allocate a bigger buffer. */
-- if ((ic.ifc_ifcu.ifcu_buf == buf
-- || ic.ifc_ifcu.ifcu_buf == 0
-- ) && ic.ifc_len > sizeof buf) {
-- ic.ifc_ifcu.ifcu_buf = dmalloc ((size_t)ic.ifc_len, MDL);
-- if (!ic.ifc_ifcu.ifcu_buf)
-- log_fatal ("Can't allocate SIOCGIFCONF buffer.");
-- goto gifconf_again;
-- } else if (ic.ifc_ifcu.ifcu_buf == 0) {
-- ic.ifc_ifcu.ifcu_buf = (caddr_t)buf;
-- ic.ifc_len = sizeof buf;
-- goto gifconf_again;
-- }
- /* If we already have a list of interfaces, and we're running as
- a DHCP server, the interfaces were requested. */
-@@ -224,51 +167,38 @@
- else
-+ if (getifaddrs(&ifap) != 0)
-+ log_fatal ("getifaddrs failed");
- /* Cycle through the list of interfaces looking for IP addresses. */
-- for (i = 0; i < ic.ifc_len;) {
-- struct ifreq *ifp = (struct ifreq *)((caddr_t)ic.ifc_req + i);
--#ifdef HAVE_SA_LEN
-- if (ifp -> ifr_addr.sa_len > sizeof (struct sockaddr))
-- i += (sizeof ifp -> ifr_name) + ifp -> ifr_addr.sa_len;
-- else
-- i += sizeof *ifp;
-+ for (ifa = ifap; ifa != NULL; ifa = ifa->ifa_next) {
-- if ((s = strrchr (ifp -> ifr_name, ':'))) {
-+ if ((s = strrchr (ifa -> ifa_name, ':'))) {
- *s = 0;
- }
- #endif
-- if (!strncmp (ifp -> ifr_name, "dummy", 5))
-+ if (!strncmp (ifa -> ifa_name, "dummy", 5))
- continue;
- #endif
-- /* See if this is the sort of interface we want to
-- deal with. */
-- strcpy (ifr.ifr_name, ifp -> ifr_name);
-- if (ioctl (sock, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifr) < 0)
-- log_fatal ("Can't get interface flags for %s: %m",
-- ifr.ifr_name);
- /* See if we've seen an interface that matches this one. */
- for (tmp = interfaces; tmp; tmp = tmp -> next)
-- if (!strcmp (tmp -> name, ifp -> ifr_name))
-+ if (!strcmp (tmp -> name, ifa -> ifa_name))
- break;
-- /* Skip non broadcast interfaces (plus loopback and
-- point-to-point in case an OS incorrectly marks them
-- as broadcast). Also skip down interfaces unless we're
-+ /* See if this is the sort of interface we want to
-+ deal with. Skip loopback, point-to-point and down
-+ interfaces, except don't skip down interfaces if we're
- trying to get a list of configurable interfaces. */
-- if (((!(ifr.ifr_flags & IFF_BROADCAST) ||
-- ifr.ifr_flags & IFF_LOOPBACK ||
-- ifr.ifr_flags & IFF_POINTOPOINT) && !tmp) ||
-- (!(ifr.ifr_flags & IFF_UP) &&
-+ if ((ifa->ifa_flags & IFF_LOOPBACK) ||
-+ (ifa->ifa_flags & IFF_POINTOPOINT) ||
-+ (!(ifa->ifa_flags & IFF_UP) &&
- continue;
- /* If there isn't already an interface by this name,
- allocate one. */
- if (!tmp) {
-@@ -276,9 +206,9 @@
- status = interface_allocate (&tmp, MDL);
- if (status != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
- log_fatal ("Error allocating interface %s: %s",
-- ifp -> ifr_name,
-+ ifa -> ifa_name,
- isc_result_totext (status));
-- strcpy (tmp -> name, ifp -> ifr_name);
-+ strcpy (tmp -> name, ifa -> ifa_name);
- interface_snorf (tmp, ir);
- interface_dereference (&tmp, MDL);
- tmp = interfaces; /* XXX */
-@@ -290,9 +220,9 @@
- /* If we have the capability, extract link information
- and record it in a linked list. */
- #ifdef HAVE_AF_LINK
-- if (ifp -> ifr_addr.sa_family == AF_LINK) {
-+ if (ifa -> ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_LINK) {
- struct sockaddr_dl *foo = ((struct sockaddr_dl *)
-- (&ifp -> ifr_addr));
-+ (ifa -> ifa_addr));
- #if defined (HAVE_SIN_LEN)
- tmp -> hw_address.hlen = foo -> sdl_alen;
- #else
-@@ -305,12 +235,11 @@
- } else
- #endif /* AF_LINK */
-- if (ifp -> ifr_addr.sa_family == AF_INET) {
-+ if (ifa -> ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET) {
- struct iaddr addr;
- /* Get a pointer to the address... */
-- memcpy (&foo, &ifp -> ifr_addr,
-- sizeof ifp -> ifr_addr);
-+ bcopy(ifa->ifa_addr, &foo, sizeof(foo));
- /* We don't want the loopback interface. */
- if (foo.sin_addr.s_addr == htonl (INADDR_LOOPBACK) &&
-@@ -323,16 +252,15 @@
- found, keep a pointer to ifreq structure in
- which we found it. */
- if (!tmp -> ifp) {
--#ifdef HAVE_SA_LEN
-- unsigned len = ((sizeof ifp -> ifr_name) +
-- ifp -> ifr_addr.sa_len);
-- unsigned len = sizeof *ifp;
-+ int len = (IFNAMSIZ +
-+ ifa -> ifa_addr->sa_len);
- tif = (struct ifreq *)dmalloc (len, MDL);
- if (!tif)
- log_fatal ("no space for ifp.");
-- memcpy (tif, ifp, len);
-+ strlcpy(tif->ifr_name, ifa->ifa_name, IFNAMSIZ);
-+ memcpy(&tif->ifr_addr, ifa->ifa_addr,
-+ ifa->ifa_addr->sa_len);
- tmp -> ifp = tif;
- tmp -> primary_address = foo.sin_addr;
- }
-@@ -346,9 +274,6 @@
- }
- }
-- /* If we allocated a buffer, free it. */
-- if (ic.ifc_ifcu.ifcu_buf != buf)
-- dfree (ic.ifc_ifcu.ifcu_buf, MDL);
- /* On Linux, interfaces that don't have IP addresses don't
-@@ -529,6 +454,7 @@
- be able to configure, we can quit now. */
- close (sock);
-+ freeifaddrs(ifap);
- return;
- }
-@@ -674,6 +600,7 @@
- }
- close (sock);
-+ freeifaddrs(ifap);
- if (state == DISCOVER_SERVER && wifcount == 0) {
- log_info ("%s", "");
diff --git a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-common::dispatch.c b/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-common::dispatch.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0aa709cf0860..000000000000
--- a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-common::dispatch.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
---- common/dispatch.c.orig Sun Nov 17 03:26:57 2002
-+++ common/dispatch.c Wed Mar 3 16:20:15 2004
-@@ -95,11 +95,26 @@
- void dispatch ()
- {
- struct timeval tv, *tvp;
-+ struct timeval *tvp_new;
- isc_result_t status;
-+ TIME cur_time;
-+ tvp = NULL;
-+ tvp_new = NULL;
- /* Wait for a packet or a timeout... XXX */
- do {
- tvp = process_outstanding_timeouts (&tv);
-+ GET_TIME (&cur_time);
-+ add_timeout(cur_time + polling_interval, state_polling, 0, 0, 0);
-+ tvp_new = process_outstanding_timeouts(&tv);
-+ if (tvp != NULL && (tvp -> tv_sec > tvp_new -> tv_sec))
-+ tvp = tvp_new;
-+#endif /* ENABLE_POLLING_MODE */
- status = omapi_one_dispatch (0, tvp);
- } while (status == ISC_R_TIMEDOUT || status == ISC_R_SUCCESS);
- log_fatal ("omapi_one_dispatch failed: %s -- exiting.",
diff --git a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-configure b/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-configure
deleted file mode 100644
index 5aff6909acce..000000000000
--- a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-configure
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
---- configure.orig Sat Apr 20 23:44:13 2002
-+++ configure Mon Apr 28 23:02:10 2003
-@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@
- elif [ x$1 = x--dirs ]; then
- dirs=$2
- shift
-+ elif [ x$1 = x--subsys ]; then
-+ subsys=$2
-+ shift
- elif [ x$1 = x--no-links ]; then
- nolinks=YES
- elif [ x$1 = x--copts ]; then
-@@ -233,7 +236,14 @@
- fi
- if [ x"$dirs" = x ]; then
-- dirs=". client server relay common omapip dhcpctl minires dst"
-+ dirs=". common minires dst omapip dhcpctl"
-+ if [ x$subsys = x ]; then
-+ dirs="$dirs server omshell client relay"
-+ elif [ x$subsys = xserver ]; then
-+ dirs="$dirs server omshell"
-+ elif [ x$subsys = xclient -o x$subsys = xrelay ]; then
-+ dirs="$dirs $subsys"
-+ fi
- fi
- for foo in $dirs; do
-@@ -253,7 +263,11 @@
- # Make the link tree in which to actually build.
- if [ x$nolinks = x ]; then
-- make links
-+ if [ x$subsys = x ]; then
-+ make links
-+ else
-+ make links.$subsys
-+ fi
- fi
- exit 0
diff --git a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-dhcpctl::Makefile.dist b/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-dhcpctl::Makefile.dist
deleted file mode 100644
index f840cfba6278..000000000000
--- a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-dhcpctl::Makefile.dist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
---- dhcpctl/Makefile.dist.orig Thu Mar 3 17:55:23 2005
-+++ dhcpctl/Makefile.dist Mon Jul 25 08:33:33 2005
-@@ -22,11 +22,11 @@
- # http://www.isc.org/
- #
--CATMANPAGES = dhcpctl.cat3 omshell.cat1
--SEDMANPAGES = dhcpctl.man3 omshell.man1
-+CATMANPAGES = dhcpctl.cat3
-+SEDMANPAGES = dhcpctl.man3
- SRC = dhcpctl.c callback.c remote.c
- OBJ = dhcpctl.o callback.o remote.o
--MAN = dhcpctl.3 omshell.1
-+MAN = dhcpctl.3
- HDRS = dhcpctl.h
- INCLUDES = $(BINDINC) -I$(TOP)/includes
-@@ -34,10 +34,7 @@
- DHCPCTLLIBS = libdhcpctl.a ../common/libdhcp.a $(BINDLIB) \
- ../omapip/libomapi.a ../dst/libdst.a
--all: libdhcpctl.a omshell cltest $(CATMANPAGES)
--omshell: omshell.o $(DHCPCTLLIBS)
-- $(CC) $(DEBUG) $(LFLAGS) -o omshell omshell.o $(DHCPCTLLIBS) $(LIBS)
-+all: libdhcpctl.a cltest $(CATMANPAGES)
- cltest: cltest.o $(DHCPCTLLIBS)
- $(CC) $(DEBUG) $(LFLAGS) -o cltest cltest.o $(DHCPCTLLIBS) $(LIBS)
-@@ -48,8 +45,7 @@
- $(RANLIB) libdhcpctl.a
- install: all $(CATMANPAGES)
-- for dir in $(LIBDIR) $(LIBMANDIR) $(INCDIR) $(USRMANDIR) \
-- $(USERBINDIR); do \
-+ for dir in $(LIBDIR) $(LIBMANDIR) $(INCDIR); do \
- foo=""; \
- for bar in `echo $(DESTDIR)$${dir} |tr / ' '`; do \
- foo=$${foo}/$$bar; \
-@@ -69,16 +65,12 @@
- $(MANINSTALL) $(MANFROM) $${prefix}.$(MANCAT)$${suffix} $(MANTO) \
- $(DESTDIR)$(LIBMANDIR)/$${prefix}$(LIBMANEXT); \
- done
-- $(CHMOD) 755 $(DESTDIR)$(USERBINDIR)/omshell
-- $(MANINSTALL) $(MANFROM) omshell.$(MANCAT)1 $(MANTO) \
- depend:
- clean:
-- -rm -f $(OBJ) omshell.o omshell cltest.o cltest
-+ -rm -f $(OBJ) cltest.o cltest
- realclean: clean
- -rm -f libdhcpctl.a *~ $(CATMANPAGES) $(SEDMANPAGES)
-@@ -87,7 +79,7 @@
- -rm -f Makefile
- links:
-- @for foo in $(SRC) $(MAN) omshell.c cltest.c $(HDRS); do \
-+ @for foo in $(SRC) $(MAN) cltest.c $(HDRS); do \
- if [ ! -b $$foo ]; then \
- rm -f $$foo; \
- fi; \
-@@ -100,12 +92,5 @@
- dhcpctl.man3: dhcpctl.3
- sed -e "s#ETCDIR#$(ETC)#g" -e "s#DBDIR#$(VARDB)#g" \
- -e "s#RUNDIR#$(VARRUN)#g" < dhcpctl.3 >dhcpctl.man3
--omshell.cat1: omshell.man1
-- nroff -man omshell.man1 >omshell.cat1
--omshell.man1: omshell.1
-- sed -e "s#ETCDIR#$(ETC)#g" -e "s#DBDIR#$(VARDB)#g" \
-- -e "s#RUNDIR#$(VARRUN)#g" < omshell.1 >omshell.man1
- # Dependencies (semi-automatically-generated)
diff --git a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-dhcpd.conf b/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-dhcpd.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 030e89874d8d..000000000000
--- a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-dhcpd.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
---- server/dhcpd.conf.orig Thu Jan 25 03:33:11 2001
-+++ server/dhcpd.conf Wed Jan 30 22:06:52 2002
-@@ -14,6 +14,9 @@
- # network, the authoritative directive should be uncommented.
- #authoritative;
-+# ad-hoc DNS update scheme - set to "none" to disable dynamic DNS updates.
-+ddns-update-style ad-hoc;
- # Use this to send dhcp log messages to a different log file (you also
- # have to hack syslog.conf to complete the redirection).
- log-facility local7;
diff --git a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-dst::Makefile.dist b/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-dst::Makefile.dist
deleted file mode 100644
index ad45436b1629..000000000000
--- a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-dst::Makefile.dist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
---- dst/Makefile.dist.orig Sun Nov 17 03:27:43 2002
-+++ dst/Makefile.dist Fri Mar 5 23:40:45 2004
-@@ -26,12 +26,24 @@
- all: libdst.a
- libdst.a: $(OBJ)
- rm -f dst.a
- ar cruv libdst.a $(OBJ)
- $(RANLIB) libdst.a
-+install: all
-+ for dir in $(LIBDIR);\
-+ do \
-+ foo=""; \
-+ for bar in `echo $(DESTDIR)$${dir} |tr / ' '`; do \
-+ foo=$${foo}/$$bar; \
-+ if [ ! -d $$foo ]; then \
-+ mkdir $$foo; \
-+ chmod 755 $$foo; \
-+ fi; \
-+ done; \
-+ done
-+ $(INSTALL) libdst.a $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)
- depend:
diff --git a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-includes::cf::freebsd.h b/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-includes::cf::freebsd.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 071ac6ca5a29..000000000000
--- a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-includes::cf::freebsd.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
---- includes/cf/freebsd.h.orig Wed Sep 1 19:06:36 2004
-+++ includes/cf/freebsd.h Mon May 15 09:13:18 2006
-@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
- */
- #include <syslog.h>
--#include <sys/types.h>
-+#include <sys/param.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <paths.h>
- #include <errno.h>
-@@ -97,6 +97,10 @@
- #define SOCKLEN_T int
- #endif
-+#ifdef RESCUE
-+#define _PATH_DHCLIENT_SCRIPT "/rescue/dhclient-script"
- #if defined (USE_DEFAULT_NETWORK)
- # define USE_BPF
- #endif
-@@ -107,6 +111,9 @@
- #endif /* HAVE_DEV_RANDOM */
- const char *cmds[] = {
-+#ifndef RESCUE
-+ /* rescue environment can't rely on these ... */
-+ /* Actually, /sbin/dhclient shouldn't use these, either. */
- "/bin/ps -axlw 2>&1",
- "/usr/sbin/arp -an 2>&1",
- "/usr/bin/netstat -an 2>&1",
-@@ -117,10 +124,12 @@
- "/usr/sbin/iostat 2>&1",
- "/usr/bin/vmstat 2>&1",
- "/usr/bin/w 2>&1",
- };
- const char *dirs[] = {
-+#ifndef RESCUE
- "/tmp",
- "/usr/tmp",
- ".",
-@@ -130,13 +139,16 @@
- "/var/mail",
- "/home",
- "/usr/home",
- };
- const char *files[] = {
-+#ifndef RESCUE
- "/var/log/messages",
- "/var/log/wtmp",
- "/var/log/lastlog",
- };
- #endif /* NEED_PRAND_CONF */
diff --git a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-includes::dhcpd.h b/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-includes::dhcpd.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1933e0b4037a..000000000000
--- a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-includes::dhcpd.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
---- includes/dhcpd.h.orig Mon Feb 10 02:22:46 2003
-+++ includes/dhcpd.h Wed Mar 3 16:20:09 2004
-@@ -99,6 +99,9 @@
- (((x) >> OPTION_HASH_EXP) & \
-+#define NOLINK 0
-+#define HAVELINK 1
- enum dhcp_shutdown_state {
- shutdown_listeners,
- shutdown_omapi_connections,
-@@ -783,6 +786,11 @@
- unsigned remote_id_len; /* Length of Remote ID. */
- char name [IFNAMSIZ]; /* Its name... */
-+ int ieee80211; /* True if media is ieee802.11 */
-+ int havemedia; /* True if we have a media table */
-+ int linkstate; /* True if we have link */
-+ int polling; /* True if polling is enabled */
-+ int forcediscover; /* True if a discover is needed */
- int index; /* Its index. */
- int rfdesc; /* Its read file descriptor. */
- int wfdesc; /* Its write file descriptor, if
-@@ -1845,6 +1853,9 @@
- extern const char *path_dhclient_pid;
- extern char *path_dhclient_script;
- extern int interfaces_requested;
-+extern int polling_interval;
- extern struct client_config top_level_config;
-@@ -1858,12 +1869,21 @@
- void send_decline PROTO ((void *));
- void state_reboot PROTO ((void *));
-+void state_background PROTO ((void *));
-+void state_polling PROTO ((void *));
- void state_init PROTO ((void *));
- void state_selecting PROTO ((void *));
- void state_requesting PROTO ((void *));
- void state_bound PROTO ((void *));
- void state_stop PROTO ((void *));
- void state_panic PROTO ((void *));
-+#if __FreeBSD_version > 502010
-+void set_ieee80211 PROTO ((struct interface_info *));
-+int interface_active PROTO ((struct interface_info *));
- void bind_lease PROTO ((struct client_state *));
diff --git a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-server::dhcpd.c b/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-server::dhcpd.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c45ed9214792..000000000000
--- a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-server::dhcpd.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,288 +0,0 @@
---- server/dhcpd.c.orig Thu Jun 10 19:59:52 2004
-+++ server/dhcpd.c Fri Jun 25 15:49:09 2004
-@@ -47,6 +47,22 @@
- #include "version.h"
- #include <omapip/omapip_p.h>
-+#if defined (PARANOIA)
-+#include <sys/types.h>
-+#include <unistd.h>
-+#include <pwd.h>
-+/* get around the ISC declaration of group */
-+#define group real_group
-+#include <grp.h>
-+#undef group
-+#endif /* PARANOIA */
-+#if defined (JAIL)
-+#include <sys/param.h>
-+#include <sys/jail.h>
-+#include <netinet/in.h>
-+#include <arpa/inet.h>
-+#endif /* JAIL */
- static void usage PROTO ((void));
- TIME cur_time;
-@@ -195,6 +211,35 @@
- omapi_object_dereference (&listener, MDL);
- }
-+#if defined (PARANOIA)
-+/* to be used in one of two possible scenarios */
-+static void setup_chroot (char *chroot_dir)
-+ if (geteuid ())
-+ log_fatal ("you must be root to use chroot");
-+ if (chroot (chroot_dir))
-+ log_fatal ("chroot(\"%s\"): %m", chroot_dir);
-+ if (chdir ("/"))
-+ /* probably permission denied */
-+ log_fatal ("chdir(\"/\"): %m");
-+#endif /* PARANOIA */
-+#if defined (JAIL)
-+static void setup_jail (char *chroot_dir, char *hostname, u_int32_t ip_number)
-+ struct jail j;
-+ j.version = 0;
-+ j.path = chroot_dir;
-+ j.hostname = hostname;
-+ j.ip_number = ip_number;
-+ if (jail (&j) < 0)
-+ log_fatal ("jail(%s, %s): %m", chroot_dir, hostname);
-+#endif /* JAIL */
- int main (argc, argv, envp)
- int argc;
- char **argv, **envp;
-@@ -227,6 +272,25 @@
- char *traceinfile = (char *)0;
- char *traceoutfile = (char *)0;
- #endif
-+#if defined (PARANOIA)
-+ char *set_user = 0;
-+ char *set_group = 0;
-+ uid_t set_uid = 0;
-+ gid_t set_gid = 0;
-+ int early_chroot = 0;
-+ int no_dhcpd_user = 0;
-+ int no_dhcpd_group = 0;
-+#endif /* PARANOIA */
-+#if defined (PARANOIA) || defined (JAIL)
-+ char *set_chroot = 0;
-+ int no_dhcpd_chroot = 0;
-+#endif /* PARANOIA || JAIL */
-+#if defined (JAIL)
-+ char *set_jail = 0;
-+ u_int32_t jail_ip_address = 0; /* Good as long as it's IPv4 ... */
-+ int no_dhcpd_jail = 0;
-+ char *s2;
-+#endif /* JAIL */
- /* Make sure we have stdin, stdout and stderr. */
- status = open ("/dev/null", O_RDWR);
-@@ -289,6 +353,39 @@
- if (++i == argc)
- usage ();
- server = argv [i];
-+#if defined (PARANOIA)
-+ } else if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-user")) {
-+ if (++i == argc)
-+ usage ();
-+ set_user = argv [i];
-+ no_dhcpd_user = 1;
-+ } else if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-group")) {
-+ if (++i == argc)
-+ usage ();
-+ set_group = argv [i];
-+ no_dhcpd_group = 1;
-+ } else if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-early_chroot")) {
-+ early_chroot = 1;
-+#endif /* PARANOIA */
-+#if defined (PARANOIA) || defined (JAIL)
-+ } else if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-chroot")) {
-+ if (++i == argc)
-+ usage ();
-+ set_chroot = argv [i];
-+ no_dhcpd_chroot = 1;
-+#endif /* PARANOIA || JAIL */
-+#if defined (JAIL)
-+ } else if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-jail")) {
-+ if (++i == argc)
-+ usage ();
-+ set_jail = argv [i];
-+ if (++i == argc)
-+ usage ();
-+ if (inet_pton (AF_INET, argv[i], &jail_ip_address) < 0)
-+ log_fatal ("invalid ip address: %s", argv[i]);
-+ jail_ip_address = ntohl (jail_ip_address);
-+ no_dhcpd_jail = 1;
-+#endif /* JAIL */
- } else if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-cf")) {
- if (++i == argc)
- usage ();
-@@ -366,6 +463,28 @@
- if (!no_dhcpd_pid && (s = getenv ("PATH_DHCPD_PID"))) {
- path_dhcpd_pid = s;
- }
-+#if defined (PARANOIA)
-+ if (!no_dhcpd_user && (s = getenv ("DHCPD_USER"))) {
-+ set_user = s;
-+ }
-+ if (!no_dhcpd_group && (s = getenv ("DHCPD_GROUP"))) {
-+ set_group = s;
-+ }
-+#endif /* PARANOIA */
-+#if defined (PARANOIA) || defined (JAIL)
-+ if (!no_dhcpd_chroot && (s = getenv ("PATH_DHCPD_CHROOT"))) {
-+ set_chroot = s;
-+ }
-+#endif /* PARANOIA || JAIL */
-+#if defined (JAIL)
-+ if (!no_dhcpd_jail && (s = getenv ("DHCPD_JAIL_HOSTNAME")) &&
-+ (s2 = getenv ("DHCPD_JAIL_IPADDRESS"))) {
-+ set_jail = s;
-+ if (inet_pton (AF_INET, s2, &jail_ip_address) < 0)
-+ log_fatal ("invalid ip address: %s", s2);
-+ jail_ip_address = ntohl (jail_ip_address);
-+ }
-+#endif /* JAIL */
- if (!quiet) {
- log_info ("%s %s", message, DHCP_VERSION);
-@@ -388,6 +507,57 @@
- trace_seed_stop, MDL);
- #endif
-+#if defined (PARANOIA)
-+ /* get user and group info if those options were given */
-+ if (set_user) {
-+ struct passwd *tmp_pwd;
-+ if (geteuid ())
-+ log_fatal ("you must be root to set user");
-+ if (!(tmp_pwd = getpwnam (set_user)))
-+ log_fatal ("no such user: %s", set_user);
-+ set_uid = tmp_pwd->pw_uid;
-+ /* use the user's group as the default gid */
-+ if (!set_group)
-+ set_gid = tmp_pwd->pw_gid;
-+ }
-+ if (set_group) {
-+/* get around the ISC declaration of group */
-+#define group real_group
-+ struct group *tmp_grp;
-+ if (geteuid ())
-+ log_fatal ("you must be root to set group");
-+ if (!(tmp_grp = getgrnam (set_group)))
-+ log_fatal ("no such group: %s", set_group);
-+ set_gid = tmp_grp->gr_gid;
-+#undef group
-+ }
-+#endif /* PARANOIA */
-+#if defined (JAIL)
-+ if (set_jail) {
-+ /* Initialize icmp support... */
-+ if (!cftest && !lftest)
-+ icmp_startup (1, lease_pinged);
-+ if(!set_chroot)
-+ set_chroot = "/";
-+ setup_jail (set_chroot, set_jail, jail_ip_address);
-+ }
-+#endif /* JAIL */
-+#if defined (PARANOIA) && defined (JAIL)
-+ else
-+#endif /* PARANOIA && JAIL */
-+#if defined (PARANOIA)
-+ if (early_chroot && set_chroot)
-+ setup_chroot (set_chroot);
-+#endif /* PARANOIA */
- /* Default to the DHCP/BOOTP port. */
- if (!local_port)
- {
-@@ -462,6 +632,9 @@
- #endif
- /* Initialize icmp support... */
-+#if defined (JAIL)
-+ if (!set_jail)
-+#endif /* JAIL */
- if (!cftest && !lftest)
- icmp_startup (1, lease_pinged);
-@@ -491,6 +664,14 @@
- postconf_initialization (quiet);
-+#if defined (PARANOIA)
-+#if defined (JAIL)
-+ if (!set_jail)
-+#endif /* JAIL */
-+ if (!early_chroot && set_chroot)
-+ setup_chroot (set_chroot);
-+#endif /* PARANOIA */
- /* test option should cause an early exit */
- if (cftest && !lftest)
- exit(0);
-@@ -533,7 +714,22 @@
- else if (pid)
- exit (0);
- }
-+#if defined (PARANOIA)
-+ /* change uid to the specified one */
-+ if (set_gid) {
-+ if (setgroups (0, (void *)0))
-+ log_fatal ("setgroups: %m");
-+ if (setgid (set_gid))
-+ log_fatal ("setgid(%d): %m", (int) set_gid);
-+ }
-+ if (set_uid) {
-+ if (setuid (set_uid))
-+ log_fatal ("setuid(%d): %m", (int) set_uid);
-+ }
-+#endif /* PARANOIA */
- /* Read previous pid file. */
- if ((i = open (path_dhcpd_pid, O_RDONLY)) >= 0) {
- status = read (i, pbuf, (sizeof pbuf) - 1);
-@@ -877,8 +1073,24 @@
- log_info (copyright);
- log_info (arr);
-- log_fatal ("Usage: dhcpd [-p <UDP port #>] [-d] [-f]%s%s%s%s",
-+ log_fatal ("Usage: dhcpd [-p <UDP port #>] [-d] [-f]%s%s%s%s%s%s%s",
- "\n [-cf config-file] [-lf lease-file]",
-+#if defined (PARANOIA)
-+ /* meld into the following string */
-+ "\n [-user user] [-group group]",
-+ "\n [-chroot dir] [-early_chroot]",
-+#else /* PARANOIA */
-+ "", "",
-+#endif /* PARANOIA */
-+#if defined (JAIL)
-+ /* then also these ones */
-+ "\n [-jail name ip]",
-+#else /* JAIL */
-+ "",
-+#endif /* JAIL */
- #if defined (TRACING)
- "\n [-tf trace-output-file]",
- "\n [-play trace-input-file]",
diff --git a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-site.conf b/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-site.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 1149e0c7925c..000000000000
--- a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/files/patch-site.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
---- site.conf.orig Wed Jul 7 17:20:10 1999
-+++ site.conf Wed Mar 3 14:00:14 2004
-@@ -1,2 +1,39 @@
- # Put local site configuration stuff here to override the default
- # settings in Makefile.conf
-+PREFIX ?= /usr/local
-+BINDIR = $(PREFIX)/sbin
-+ADMMANDIR = $(PREFIX)/man/man8
-+FFMANDIR = $(PREFIX)/man/man5
-+LIBMANDIR = $(PREFIX)/man/man3
-+USRMANDIR = $(PREFIX)/man/man1
-+MANCAT = man
-+ETC = $(PREFIX)/etc
-+LIBDIR = ${PREFIX}/lib
-+INCDIR = ${PREFIX}/include
-+CLIENT_PATH = \"PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:${PREFIX}/sbin:${PREFIX}/bin\"
-+DEBUG ?= #none
-+CFLAGS += -D_PATH_DHCPD_CONF=\"$(ETC)/dhcpd.conf\"
-+CFLAGS += -D_PATH_DHCPD_DB=\"$(VARDB)/dhcpd.leases\"
-+CFLAGS += -D_PATH_DHCPD_PID=\"$(VARRUN)/dhcpd.pid\"
-+CFLAGS += -D_PATH_DHCRELAY_PID=\"$(VARRUN)/dhcrelay.pid\"
-+CFLAGS += -D_PATH_DHCLIENT_CONF=\"$(ETC)/dhclient.conf\"
-+CFLAGS += -D_PATH_DHCLIENT_DB=\"$(VARDB)/dhclient.leases\"
-+CFLAGS += -D_PATH_DHCLIENT_PID=\"$(VARRUN)/dhclient.pid\"
-+CFLAGS += -Dwarn=dhcp_warn
diff --git a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/pkg-descr b/net/isc-dhcp30-server/pkg-descr
deleted file mode 100644
index 86bbb3cc62f0..000000000000
--- a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/pkg-descr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-The ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Distribution provides a
-freely redistributable reference implementation of all aspects of the
-DHCP protocol, through a suite of DHCP tools:
- * A DHCP server (this port)
- * A DHCP client
- * A DHCP relay agent
-Version 3 of the ISC DHCP Distribution includes the following features
-that are new since version 2.0:
- * DHCP Failover Protocol support
- * OMAPI, an API for accessing and modifying the DHCP server and client state
- * Conditional behaviour
- * Storing arbitrary information on leases
- * Address pools with access control
- * Client classing
- * Address allocation restriction by class
- * Relay agent information option support
- * Dynamic DNS updates
- * Many bug fixes, performance enhancements, and minor new DHCP protocol
- features.
-WWW: http://www.isc.org/products/DHCP/
diff --git a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/pkg-install b/net/isc-dhcp30-server/pkg-install
deleted file mode 100644
index 547e94efc046..000000000000
--- a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/pkg-install
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# $FreeBSD$
-[ $# != 2 ] && exit 1
-[ -z "${PKG_PREFIX}" ] && exit 1
-[ -n "${BATCH}" ] && exit 0
-case $2 in
- if [ -x ${PKG_PREFIX}/etc/rc.d/isc-dhcpd ]; then
- ${PKG_PREFIX}/etc/rc.d/isc-dhcpd forceinstall
- else
- ${PKG_PREFIX}/etc/rc.d/isc-dhcpd.sh forceinstall
- fi
- ;;
- if [ -x ${PKG_PREFIX}/etc/rc.d/isc-dhcpd ]; then
- ${PKG_PREFIX}/etc/rc.d/isc-dhcpd forceuninstall
- else
- ${PKG_PREFIX}/etc/rc.d/isc-dhcpd.sh forceuninstall
- fi
- ;;
- ;;
- exit 1
- ;;
diff --git a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/pkg-message b/net/isc-dhcp30-server/pkg-message
deleted file mode 100644
index 754d49ae331f..000000000000
--- a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/pkg-message
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-**** To setup dhcpd, you may have to copy %%PREFIX%%/etc/dhcpd.conf.sample
- to %%PREFIX%%/etc/dhcpd.conf for editing.
-**** This port installs dhcp daemon, but don't invokes dhcpd by default. If
- you want to invoke dhcpd at startup, put these lines into /etc/rc.conf.
- dhcpd_enable="YES" # dhcpd enabled?
- dhcpd_flags="-q" # command option(s)
- dhcpd_conf="%%PREFIX%%/etc/dhcpd.conf" # configuration file
- dhcpd_ifaces="" # ethernet interface(s)
- dhcpd_withumask="022" # file creation mask
-**** If compiled with paranoia support (the default), the following lines
- are also supported:
- dhcpd_chuser_enable="YES" # runs w/o privileges?
- dhcpd_withuser="dhcpd" # user name to run as
- dhcpd_withgroup="dhcpd" # group name to run as
- dhcpd_chroot_enable="YES" # runs chrooted?
- dhcpd_devfs_enable="YES" # use devfs if available?
- dhcpd_makedev_enable="YES" # use MAKEDEV instead?
- dhcpd_rootdir="/var/db/dhcpd" # directory to run in
- dhcpd_includedir="<some_dir>" # directory with config-
- files to include
- dhcpd_flags="-early_chroot" # needs full root
- WARNING: -early_chroot requires a jail(8) like environment to work.
- WARNING: dhcpd_devfs_enable and dhcpd_makedev_enable are mutually
- exclusive
- dhcpd_makedev_enable make NO sense on FreeBSD 5.x and up!
-**** If compiled with jail support (the default), the following lines are
- also supported (-early_chroot and dhcpd_chroot_enable=YES are implied):
- dhcpd_jail_enable="YES" # runs imprisoned?
- dhcpd_hostname="<hostname>" # jail hostname
- dhcpd_ipaddress="<ip address>" # jail ip address
- WARNING: dhcpd_rootdir needs to point to a full jail(8) environment.
-**** WARNING: never edit the chrooted or jailed dhcpd.conf file but
- %%PREFIX%%/etc/dhcpd.conf instead which is always copied where
- needed upon startup.
-**** WARNING: %%PREFIX%%/etc/rc.isc-dhcpd.conf is obsolete. rc.conf like
- variables are still read there but should be moved /etc/rc.conf or
- /etc/rc.conf.d/dhcpd instead. Also, the dhcpd_options variable must
- be renamed dhcpd_flags if any.
-%%LDAP%%**** You have requested support for the LDAP configuration backend.
-%%LDAP%% The OpenLDAP schema file is installed as %%SCHEMA_DIR%%/dhcp.schema.
-%%LDAP%% See %%DOCSDIR%%/README.ldap for further LDAP configuration details.
diff --git a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/pkg-plist b/net/isc-dhcp30-server/pkg-plist
deleted file mode 100644
index e1028012ff4e..000000000000
--- a/net/isc-dhcp30-server/pkg-plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-@comment $FreeBSD$
-@unexec %D/etc/rc.d/isc-dhcpd.sh forcestop 2>/dev/null || true
-@unexec %D/etc/rc.d/isc-dhcpd forcestop 2>/dev/null || true
-%%LDAP%%@dirrm %%SCHEMA_DIR%%